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FEDWire ISO 20022 Information > FAQ

Jack Henry recognizes that the FED ISO 20022 Wire Standards change is raising numerous questions within the banking and fintech sectors. To foster transparency and collaboration, we have established this page to share the inquiries we have received along with our responses. We strongly encourage you to visit this page often and to review the questions/answers below before submitting a case related to the ISO 20022 change.

Question: Will the current wire templates (or recurring wires) automatically convert to ISO20022, or will they need to be rebuilt?

Answer: The existing templates and recurring wires will need to be rebuilt.

Question: Shall we send InstrAmt and WireAmt with the same value as both are mandatory?

Answer: The InstructedAmount and InterbankSettlementAmount in the ISO 20022 pacs.008 message can differ due to several reasons:

  1. Currency Conversion - If the payment involves different currencies, the InstructedAmount (the amount specified by the debtor) will be in one currency, while the InterbankSettlementAmount (the amount settled between banks) will be in another. The exchange rate used for this conversion will be specified in the message.
  2. Charges Deduction - When transaction charges are deducted from the payment amount, the InstructedAmount remains the same, but the InterbankSettlementAmount is reduced by the charges. This ensures that the creditor receives the full instructed amount, while the charges are settled between the banks
  3. Intermediary Bank Fees - If intermediary banks are involved in the payment chain, they may deduct their fees from the InterbankSettlementAmount. The InstructedAmount remains unchanged, ensuring the final recipient gets the full amount instructed by the debtor.

CBPR+ Charges Reference Link

Example Scenario In this scenario, the exchange rate and any fees deducted by intermediary banks would be detailed in the message to maintain transparency.

InstructedAmount: USD 1000 (amount instructed by the debtor) InterbankSettlementAmount: EUR 940 (after currency conversion and deduction of intermediary bank fees).

Question: What should be enumeration value of LocalTrfType for different wire types as it is mandatory?

Answer: These values will be returned in the SvcDictSrch API.

Question: Does the WireTrnISOAdd API supporting remittance info?

Answer: Yes, within the WireRemitInfo complex.

Question: For “Bank To Bank Info”, Jack Henry field /WireTrnInfoRec/WireFinInstToFinInstInfoRec/WireFinInstToFinInstRmkArray/RmkInfo/Rmk was mapped before. What will be corresponding field in new ISO message?

Answer: There are party and agent tables/fields where the data may be entered. A consumer/developer will need to understand the ISO specifications and rules to know where to move the data. It is not a simple mapping exercise.

Question: OrignFinInstRtId and DestFinInstRtId are blank in sample file provided.

  1. Is it fine to send the values as blank in those fields?
  2. If we want to send values, can we send OrignFinInstRtId value as the same as SndrFinInstRtId?
  3. Which other Bank field value will be same as DestFinInstRtId?


  1. Yes, it can be blank as it relates to the question.
  2. Yes, the values can be the same, it will not cause an issue. Though, the values being different is also acceptable.
  3. The use case for the values being different, is if the bank is acting a correspondent, then the sending and origin banks would be different.

Question: What are the enuemration values of Debtor AcctType?

Answer: This is sent in the WireAcctType element and corresponds to the account type on the JH banking core. The values can be retrieved with the SvcDictSrch API.

Question: What is the enumeration value of Creditor AcctType? In existing WireTranAdd API, we are sending WireTrnAdd.WireTrnInfoRec.WireBenfInfoRec.WireBenfIdType.

Answer: This maps to WireAgentInfoArray.WireAgentRec.WireFinInstAcctInfo.AcctIdCat.

Question: How will the different bank types be mapped in each host field of the new WireTrnISO APIs?

Answer: There is not an easy mapping between original FAIM and new ISO formats and some data cannot be mapped. The Federal Reserve Board (FRB) has the best mapping data we have seen and would recommend a consumer review the FRB information as Jack Henry cannot provide a decision on where to put the information when the FAIM and ISO fields are not one for one.

Question: On our interface we have Beneficiary Bank, Intermediary Bank, and Receiving Bank. Can you provide guidance on where this information will exist in the new WireTrnISO APIs?

Answer: There is not an easy mapping between original FAIM and new ISO formats and some data cannot be mapped. The Federal Reserve Board (FRB) has the best mapping data we have seen and would recommend a consumer review the FRB information as Jack Henry cannot provide a decision on where to put the information when the FAIM and ISO fields are not one for one.

Question: Will there be any change to WireTrnInq message at field level from for ISO message WireTrnISOAdd versus WireTrnAdd?

Answer: Yes, there will be significant differences in field size, additional fields, and data differences. We strongly suggest a complete review of the mapping pages for each API. e.g. WireTrnISOAdd - Mapping

Question: Can we map:

  • Beneficiary reference number at field /WireTrnISOAdd/WirePmtTypeInfo/InstrId?
  • Unique Payment Identifier at /WireTrnISOAdd/WirePmtTypeInfo/InstrTrnId?
  • Sender Reference ID at /WireTrnISOAdd/WirePmtTypeInfo/WireRefId?

Answer: Please review the ISO 20022 standards and JH ISO Gap Analysis

Question: Can we get Fedtax sample as ISO uses different fields for Fedtax?

Answer: No, it is not currently available.

Question: What is the field/Key to use for Intermediary bank?

Answer: “Intermediary banks will be included in the WireAgentInfoArray, with WireAgentInfoArray.WireAgentRec. WireAgentType = IntmdAgent (A consumer can find all canonical values for WireAgentType in the SvcDictSrch API response).

Question: What are enumeration values of Country ?

Answer: Provided in the SvcDictSrch API response.

Question: What is field to use for District Name?

Answer: The PstlAdr object can be populated with this information.

Question: In schema we see AddrISO/FreeFormAddrArray/AddrLineInfo/AddrLine which could be used for addresses. But, we do not see it in sample provided. Shall we use it for addresses?

Answer: Yes.


  • What are the field lengths for the fields: City/BldgName/Dept/SubDept/BldgId/BldgFloor/BldgRmId/PostOffBoxId/Street1/SubDivName/City/County/StateProv/PostalCode?
  • What are the field lengths for the field: “EntityName” (Debtor/Creditor Name)?
  • What are the field lengths for the field: “FinInstName” (Bank Name)?

Answer: Mappings may be found here: WireTranISOAdd.

Question: What field should we use for Sending Bank Name and Receiving Bank Name?


  • Sending Bank Name (Debtor Agent): WireAgentInfoArray.WireAgentRec.WireFinInstInfo.FinInstName (A consumer must also pass in the WireAgentInfoArray.WireAgentRec.WireAgentType = DrAgent)
  • Receiving Bank Name (Creditor Agent): WireAgentInfoArray.WireAgentRec. WireFinInstInfo.FinInstName (Must also pass in the WireAgentInfoArray.WireAgentRec.WireAgentType = DrAgent)

Question: That is the host field provided for FedTax Form Mapping?

Answer: Tax information will be held within the remittance info - see WireRemitInfo.RemitStructureArray.RemitStructureRec.DocAmtRec.TaxAmtArray

Question: How do I inquire on an ISO20022 pacs.008 wire?

Answer: You will need to utilize the WireTrnInq API and include the TrnRcptId value from a successful WireTrnISOAdd response in your WireTrnInq request. Additionally, set the WireISOType to CustXfer.

<WireTrnInq xmlns="">
                    <JxVer />
                    <AuthenUsrId />
                    <ConsumerName />
                    <ConsumerProd />
                    <Ver_1 />
                    <Ver_2 />
                    <Ver_3 />
                    <Ver_4 />
                    <WorkflowCorrelId />
                    <Ver_5 />
                    <Ver_6 />

Question: Can you change the processing status of an existing wire to send to the Fed?

Answer: While there is an element to support this function (WireProcActType), only the bank’s users can perform this action through the Xperience user interface.

Question: How can we relate Party, Agent, Remittance, Tax Remittance, and Charges files with the WITRAN file?

Answer: A GUID value is assigned and shared across relevant files to enable data correlation between the WITRAN file and other wire 20022 files. Each of the listed files has a field name ending with ‘*GUID’ (e.g., WITRAN.WITRGUID, WITPARTY.WITPGUID, WITPACCT.WITPAGUID, etc.), which will contain the assigned GUID value. The GUID can be obtained through the WireTrnInq operation and will be returned in the response element.

The following representations are in the format FILE.FIELD.

  • Wire 20022 Transaction General Information: WITRAN.WITRGUID

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Last updated Fri Nov 15 2024