Validate Transaction Before Posting
Enterprise SOAP API
Validate Transaction Before Posting
The bank or other transaction performing process needs to validate a transaction’s data before actually posting the transaction to an account. The TrnAddValidate operation will allow the requestor to perform the transaction to the system and get a response to determine if the transaction will be successful. When this operation is used, no posting to the account ledger occurs and no direct action against the account is taken.
- The requestor provides the information about the requested transaction. (i.e. Account number, type of account, transaction amount, type of transaction)
- The performing application collects the information from the request and parses it into the TrnAddValidate operation passing in the correct TranCode, ProdCode and applicable information.
- The banking core responds with relevant information about the TrnAdd action without actually updating the account.
*TranCode and ProdCode values can be obtained using the ParmValSrch operation.
Referenced and Associated Operations
Operation Name | Description | XSD/WSDL Container |
TrnAdd | Create a new monetary transaction record | Transaction |
ParmValSrch | Retrieve default canonical values for a parameter | Customer |
TrnAddValidate | Validate a transaction prior to creation | Customer |
TrnMod | Modify a previously entered transaction | Transaction |
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Last updated Thu Jul 14 2022