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Validate Transaction Before Posting

Enterprise SOAP API > Tutorials > Transaction > Validate Transaction Before Posting

The bank or other transaction performing process needs to validate a transaction’s data before actually posting the transaction to an account. The TrnAddValidate operation will allow the requestor to perform the transaction to the system and get a response to determine if the transaction will be successful. When this operation is used, no posting to the account ledger occurs and no direct action against the account is taken.


  1. The requestor provides the information about the requested transaction. (i.e. Account number, type of account, transaction amount, type of transaction)
  2. The performing application collects the information from the request and parses it into the TrnAddValidate operation passing in the correct TranCode, ProdCode and applicable information.
  3. The banking core responds with relevant information about the TrnAdd action without actually updating the account.

*TranCode and ProdCode values can be obtained using the ParmValSrch operation.

Referenced and Associated Operations

Operation NameDescriptionXSD/WSDL Container
TrnAddCreate a new monetary transaction recordTransaction
ParmValSrchRetrieve default canonical values for a parameterCustomer
TrnAddValidateValidate a transaction prior to creationCustomer
TrnModModify a previously entered transactionTransaction

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Last updated Thu Jul 14 2022