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Memo Posted Transactions

Enterprise SOAP API > Tutorials > Transaction > Memo Posted Transactions

Standard behavior

In the JH cores (SilverLake, CIF 2020 and Core Director) all transactions are handed as memo posted until the end of day (EOD) processing occurs. This is not considered a real-time process, though the transaction is recorded in the temporary tables and can affect the available balance of an account depending on how an FI decides to calculate available balance.

Transactions that are in the memo posted state may be modified with the TrnMod API. This means that during the time-period from when the TrnAdd request is received until the EOD processing occurs the transaction can be modified or cancelled.

Modification After Hard Posting
Once the transaction is hard posted after EOD processing the only method to modify the transaction is to perform a second TrnAdd to reverse the transaction.

MemoPostOnly Behavior

Within the TrnAdd API there is an element named MemoPostOnly. Passing in a value of “Y” within the MemoPostOnly element allows the consumer to notate that the transaction is only to be considered a memo posted transaction and tells the system to not hard post the transaction at the EOD process. Transactions that are marked as MemoPostOnly, will disappear from the systems tables and not post when the EOD processing occurs.

Remove MemoPostOnly Flag
To remove the MemoPostOnly flag to allow it to hard post at the end of the day, a TrnMod API with the MemoPostOnly element changed to a value of “N” and must be received by the system before EOD processing occurs.

MemoPostHldOvr Behavior

MemoPostOnly is only supported by SilverLake and CIF2020.

In some use cases, there may be a need to hold a memo posted transaction over to the next day due to a waiting period or other action. This can be accomplished by using the MemoPostHldOvr element in conjunction with the MemoPostOnly element. Passing in MemoPostOnly and MemoPostHldOvr elements with a value of “Y” will tell the system to mark the transaction as a memo posted item and to retain it during the next EOD processing.

The MemoPostHldOvr flag is only activated for one EOD processing. After the transaction has been carried over to the next processing period, the transaction will be marked as a MemoPostOnly transaction and will be discarded at the next EOD processing.

Multiple MemoPostHldOvr
If a transaction needs to be held over a second time, a TrnMod API will need to be used passing the TrnRcptId of the held over transaction, along with MemoPostHldOvr element with a value of “Y”. This can be performed two times before the system will no longer accept the MemoPostHldOver request.

Transaction Flow

SilverLake and CIF2020

Transaction flow diagram

Core Director

Transaction flow diagram
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Last updated Mon Oct 21 2024