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MyCardRules/Debit Cards/Credit Cards

Enterprise SOAP API > Tutorials > MyCardRules/Debit Cards/Credit Cards


This section of Use Cases is intended to provide information on the use of the CPS and PSCU MyCardRules and Full Service Credit solution.

Important Note

While the MyCardRules solution is primarily a jXchange solution the actual card alerts are delivered through Enterprise Event System. Please visit that section of the portal to familiarize yourself with the product and learn how to integrate as a push subscriber for full end-to-end integration with the PSCU suite of MyCardRules services.

To be notified of MyCardRules alert and control messages you will need to subscribe to the following event:

  • 20030: Card Alert Notifications

Credit Cards versus Electronic Fund Transfer (ATM/Debit) cards

There is a difference in how Jack Henry manages credit cards versus ATM/debit cards. Credit cards are managed by the Full Service Credit suite of services through the PSCU CDE Translator and CPS RTP providers, whereas ATM/debit cards are managed by the CPS Host suite of services that reside on the core providers (CIF2020, Core Director and SilverLake). The APIs are labeled differently as well. For credit card APIs, the naming starts with CrCard*, while for ATM/debit card APIs, the naming uses EFTCard*.

Minimal Required Reading

It is strongly suggested that a consumer of the Credit card and/or Debit card API familiarize themselves with the following documents:

Testing on the DMZ Sandbox Environment

For testing the CardAlrt and CrCard suite of services on the DMZ Sandbox Environment you need to pass in InstRtId = 012343210 and InstEnv = TEST, all other calls will need to target the appropriate core InstRtId and InstEnv. Consumers will be provided specific card numbers, customer CIF record identifier and account number when testing the MyCardRules solution.

MyCardRules CustId

A MyCardRules CustId simply represents a unique ID given to a user during registration with MyCardRules. It can be the customer CIF number associated with the user on the core, or some other relational value. Consumers may map it to whatever format of their choosing. Once a value is determined, it must be used from that point forward to associate cards with their subscriptions. It cannot be modified after a MyCardRules CustId/Card number value pair has been created. If a consumer is not using the CIF number to create the MyCardRules CustId, then the consumer is responsible for maintaining the MyCardRules CustId.

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Last updated Thu Jul 14 2022