Loan Fee Inquiry
Enterprise SOAP API
Loan Fee Inquiry
I would like to know about the fees I’ve paid on my loan.
- optional: You may have to perform a customer search and/or inquiry along with an AcctInq to get the proper account.
- Perform a LnFeeSrch to return all of the fees related to the specific account identification.
- Perform a LnFeeInq to return information on a specific fee.
Referenced and Associated Operations
It is highly recommended that as part of referencing this use case that a user becomes familiar with the following jXchange operations and their function. While the user may elect to not use the listed operation as part of their programming or workflow, knowledge of the operations listed below is essential to understanding the process set forth with this use case.
Detailed information about the operation, the request structure/response, error messages and other useful information can be obtained by clicking the operation name below.
Operation Name | Description | XSD/WSDL Container |
CustSrch | Search for an existing customer(s) | Customer |
CustInq | Inquire on existing customer information | Customer |
AcctSrch | Search for an existing account | Inquiry |
LnFeeInq | Inquire information for a specific fee | Inquiry |
LnFeeSrch | Search for all fees related to an account | Inquiry |
ParmValSrch | Retrieve default canonical values for a parameter | Customer |
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Last updated Thu Jul 14 2022