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Modify SMS Keyword

Enterprise SOAP API > Tutorials > Enterprise Notification System (ENS) > Modify SMS Keyword

I need to modify my SMS Alert keyword I just added.


  1. Perform a NotSMSKeyWordInq with the SMSKeyWordId. If you don’t remember the keyword you can use SrchType=“Contains” to help you out.
  2. Utilizing the response, you will need the ConsumerProd, SMSKeyWordId, and the ActIntentKey for the NotSMSKeyWordMod operation.

Referenced and Associated Operations

Detailed information about the operation, the request structure/response, error messages and other useful information can be obtained by clicking the operation name below.

Operation NameDescriptionXSD/WSDL Container
NotSMSKeyWordInqInquire about specified SMS keyword detailsENS
NotSMSKeyWordModModify/delete the SMS KeywordENS

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Last updated Thu Jul 14 2022