Find Alert Recipient in a Subscription
Enterprise SOAP API
Enterprise Notification System (ENS)
Find Alert Recipient in a Subscription
The customer isn’t sure if they are signed up for our rewards program alerts. How do I find out?
- The user inserts the customers name or part of it and performs a NotRecipSubSrch and can find out the
and whether their alert account is active. - With the
, the user can perform the NotRecipSubInq operation to find out which alerts they are subscribed.
- Note: It is confusing with both NotRecip and NotRecipSub operations. The difference is While both searches return the
, NotRecipSrch returns theAlrtRecipId
whereas NotRecipSubSrch returns whether the recipient is active for subscriptions.
NotRecipInq returns the recipient contact information records (WorkEmail and SMSNative) whereas NotRecipSubInq returns the subscriptions.
Referenced and Associated Operations
Detailed information about the operation, the request structure/response, error messages and other useful information can be obtained by clicking the operation name below.
Operation Name | Description | XSD/WSDL Container |
NotRecipSubSrch | Search for specified recipient subscriptions | ENS |
NotRecipSubInq | Inquire for recipient subscription details | ENS |
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Last updated Thu Jul 14 2022