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Add Alert Recipient to a Subscription

Enterprise SOAP API > Tutorials > Enterprise Notification System (ENS) > Add Alert Recipient to a Subscription

We have a customer that would like to receive an email or text for transactions.


  1. The user collects the information including the mobile phone number and/or email address from the customer.
  2. The information is passed into the NotRecipAdd operation.
  3. In the response from the NotRecipAdd, the <RecipConId> and <RecipConType> are used in the NotRecipSubAdd along with other pertinent information for the operation.
  • Note: ConsumerProd and ValidConsmProd must be the same.

Referenced and Associated Operations

Detailed information about the operation, the request structure/response, error messages and other useful information can be obtained by clicking the operation name below.

Operation NameDescriptionXSD/WSDL Container
NotRecipAddAdd an Alert RecipientENS
NotRecipSubAddAdd an Alert Recipient to subscription(s)ENS

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Last updated Thu Jul 14 2022