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Institution Defined Fields

Enterprise SOAP API > Tutorials > Defined Fields - Institution and User > Institution Defined Fields

API’s available for use with Institution Defined Fields

There are three API’s that handle the search/modification/inquiry of the Institution Defined Fields.

  • InstDefFldInq Inquire on the value of a single institution defined field that has been defined.

  • InstDefFldMod Modify the value of a single institution defined field.

  • InstDefFldSrch Search for institution defined fields

Implementation of the Institution Defined Field API’s

There are currently six types of Institution Defined Fields available. As this list is likely to expand, a SvcDictSrch passing in InstDefFldSrch will list the Canonical Values that would be available under the <AppCode> Element path. A sample of this SvcDictSrch request may be found here.

The current six <AppCode>’s are listed below.

AppCodeAppCode DescriptionElement/s used in Search
CICollateral Tracking ItemsInstDefKey
COCollateral Tracking OwnersInstDefKey
CTCollateral Tracking DocumentsInstDefKey
LELoan Escrow EndpointInstDefKey
SDSafe Deposit BoxAcctId/AcctType

The InstDefFld API’s return information base on the AppCode used.

Example:  If the **InstDefFldSrch** is used with an <AppCode>CF</AppCode> it would expect the <CustId> element to be populated.  If there are other elements populated, such as AcctID/AcctType, these will be ignored and only <CustId> will be used. 

Keeping the requests clear of unneeded search criteria will make usage and research more concise when required.

The <InstDefKey> is the key value that is assigned to each Collateral Item/Owner/Document. This can be found using the CollatTrackSrch and CollatTrackItemInq API’s.

  • To use <AppCode>CI</AppCode> the <InstDefKey> needed for search is returned in a CollatTrackSrch in the <CollatItemKey> element.
  • To use <AppCode>CT</AppCode> the <InstDefKey> needed for search is returned in a CollatTrackSrch or CollatTrackItemInq in the <CollatDocInstDefKey> element.
  • To use <AppCode>CO</AppCode> the <InstDefKey> needed for search is returned in a CollatTrackItemInq in the <CollatDocInstDefKey> element within the <CustIdCollatRecArray> .
  • To use <AppCode>LE</AppCode> the <InstDefKey> needed for search is returned in a EscrowInq in the <InstDefKey> element within the <x_EscrwPayeeArray>


The search for institution defined fields will return the fields tied to the current search criteria and the values associated. If there is no value in the <FldVal> element there is not currently a value assigned.

When using the InstDefFldSrch an <AppCode> will always need to be passed. This is what drives the search and using the <AppCode> table listed above will define what fields are required for the search to take place.

Example:  When searching for an <AppCode>CF</AppCode> the <CustId> element will be required for the search to complete.  

Example:  When searching for an <AppCode>CI</AppCode> the <InstDefKey> element will be required for the search to complete.


The inquiry on an institution defined field will return the value of only the field that is passed. This will also need to be used before a modification to get an <ActIntentKey> which is used to check against the current data to make sure it has not changed between the inquiry and the modification.

Example:  The person requesting the change went to modify the field and did not send in the changes before leaving for lunch.  Upon return the request is submitted, but a change was made by another person in the interim.  

When using the InstDefFldInq the <AppCode> and <FldId> are required along with the elements used in the search. This would be the <CustId> if this was used with a CF <AppCode> in the search. The <FldId> is returned in the InstDefFldSrch and identifies the correct field.

If the intent is to get an <ActIntentKey> for use with a modification request, then the <ActIntent> element will need to be passed. If the <ActIntentKey> is not passed a warning, will we issued in the response but will not stop processing of the request. It will be treated as a ReadOnly and no <ActIntentKey> will be returned in the response.

ActIntent ValueMeaning
ReadOnlyNo Modification
DltModification with Intent to Delete
UpdModification Intent to Update


The modification of an institution defined field will change the value of only the field it is passed. This request will need to be preceded by a InstDefFldInq to get an <ActIntentKey>.

When using the InstDefFldMod the combination of fields used on the inquiry will need to be included here along with the <ActIntentKey>. This will identify the correct institution defined field for modification.

The value to be placed in the field will need to be in <FldVal> in the request.

If the field is to be removed, no value, then the element <Dlt> will need to be passed with a Y. The exclusion of this element or no value is the assumption that the field is not to be deleted.

Errors for each Operation

InstDefFldSrch Error Listing

ServiceCodeTemplate FieldCategoryDescription
InstDefFldSrch1ACCTNOErrorAccount Not Found
InstDefFldSrch1ACTYPEErrorAccount Not Found
InstDefFldSrch5004ACTYPEErrorInvalid Account Type
InstDefFldSrch800001APPLErrorInvalid Application
InstDefFldSrch202010APPLErrorCannot be blank
InstDefFldSrch11BEGRECErrorBeginning Record cannot be negative
InstDefFldSrchMAXRECErrorMaximum records must be greater than zero of less than 4000
InstDefFldSrch49WarningNo Records Match Selection Criteria
InstDefFldSrch45ErrorNumeric data is not valid
InstDefFldSrch235ErrorField required for input

InstDefFldInq Error Listing

ServiceCodeTemplate FieldCategoryDescription
InstDefFldInq45ACCTNOErrorNumeric data is not valid
InstDefFldInq235ACCTNO/ACTYPEErrorField required for input
InstDefFldInq5004ACTYPEErrorInvalid Account Type.
InstDefFldInq235APPLErrorField required for input
InstDefFldInq800001APPLErrorInvalid application
InstDefFldInq235FLDNAMEErrorField required for input
InstDefFldInq49WarningNo Records Match Selection Criteria

InstDefFldMod Error Listing

ServiceCodeTemplate FieldCategoryDescription
InstDefFldMod235ACCTNOErrorField required for input
InstDefFldMod235ACTYPEErrorField required for input
InstDefFldMod5004ACTYPEErrorInvalid Account Type.
InstDefFldMod235APPLErrorField required for input
InstDefFldMod800001APPLErrorInvalid Application
InstDefFldMod235CIFNOErrorField required for input
InstDefFldMod235FLDNAMEErrorField required for input
InstDefFldMod100409FLDNAMEErrorField name is not found
InstDefFldMod235FLDVALUEErrorField required for input
InstDefFldMod9001FLDVALUEErrorInvalid field value
InstDefFldMod100400FLDVALUEErrorValue not allowed with data type
InstDefFldMod103FLDVALUEErrorThe value entered is longer than the field length
InstDefFldMod101002FLDVALUEErrorInvalid date
InstDefFldMod235IFSPATHErrorField required for input
InstDefFldMod16ErrorCannot open files
InstDefFldMod45ErrorNumeric data is not valid
InstDefFldMod49ErrorNo Records Match Selection Criteria
InstDefFldMod1002ErrorError occurred while attempting to add, mod or delete a field value
InstDefFldMod2000ErrorMaintenance denied due to data not being current

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Last updated Thu Jun 29 2023