Retrieve Client Relationship Management (CRM) Service Events
I would like to retrieve contact notes by member number.
With the customer identification you can perform any of the four depending on what particular information you are seeking. However, the main operations for notes are CRMActSrch and CRMActInq.
Referenced and Associated Operations
It is highly recommended that as part of referencing this use case that a user becomes familiar with the following jXchange operations and their function. While the user may elect to not use the listed operation as part of their programming or workflow, knowledge of the operations listed below is essential to understanding the process set forth with this use case.
Detailed information about the operation, the request structure/response, error messages and other useful information can be obtained by clicking the operation name below.
Operation Name | Description | XSD/WSDL Container |
CRMActInq | CRM Activity Inquiry | Customer |
CRMActSrch | CRM Activity Search | Customer |
CRMEventInq | CRM Event Inquiry | Customer |
CRMEventSrch | Search for a CRM Event | Customer |
ParmValSrch | Retrieve default canonical values for a parameter | Customer |