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Customer Walk-ins

Enterprise SOAP API > Tutorials > Customer > Customer Walk-ins

A current customer needs an appointment.


  1. Members will enter lobby and add themselves to the queue via the iPad or Online Queue through QR code
  2. Members select service they want to be seen for, provide their phone number of email and then “Join Queue”
  3. Service event connected to that Member that would be surfaced in the queue for staff
  4. Email or notification triggered to branch staff to notify new walk in is waiting or if walk in has been waiting too long.
  5. Service Event will be tracked and logged
  6. Members will book appointments online, contact center or branch staff will help to schedule meetings on behalf of members.

Referenced and Associated Operations

It is highly recommended that as part of referencing this use case that a user becomes familiar with the following jXchange operations and their function. While the user may elect to not use the listed operation as part of their programming or workflow, knowledge of the operations listed below is essential to understanding the process set forth with this use case. The messages are mainly dealing with Customer Relationship Management (CRM).

Detailed information about the operation, the request structure/response, error messages and other useful information can be obtained by clicking the operation name below.

Operation NameDescriptionXSD/WSDL Container
CRMActAddAdd CRM ActivityCustomer
CRMActInqCRM Activity InquiryCustomer
CRMActModModify CRM ActivityCustomer
CRMActSrchCRM Activity SearchCustomer
CRMCustInqCustomer Information InquiryCustomer
CRMCustSrchSearch for Customer InformationCustomer
CRMEventAddAdd CRM EventCustomer
CRMEventInqCRM Event InquiryCustomer
CRMEventModModify a CRM EventCustomer
CRMEventSrchSearch for a CRM EventCustomer
CRMProspAddAdd CRM ProspectCustomer
CRMProspInqCRM Prospect InquiryCustomer
CRMProspModModify CRM ProspectCustomer
CRMProspSrchSearch for a CRM ProspectCustomer
LobbyQueAddAdd a person to the queueCustomer
LobbyQueInqInquire about a person in the queueCustomer
LobbyQueModModify the person's queueCustomer
LobbyQueSrchSearch the queueCustomer
ParmValSrchRetrieve default canonical values for a parameterCustomer
SvcDftRetrieve new account input defaultsCustomer
SvcDictSrchRetrieve provider parameter informationCustomer

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Last updated Thu Jul 14 2022