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Add a Customer ID Verification

Enterprise SOAP API > Tutorials > Customer > Add a Customer ID Verification

A bank employee wants to submit information on customer identification verification used by the bank.


  1. To add the id verification code to a CIF record, a consumer must make a separate IdVerifyAdd API call for each ID verification code they wish to add.
  2. To obtain the IDVerifyCodes available within the bank parameters, the ParmValSrch API may be used passing in ParmName = IdVerifyCode.
  3. If the consumer needs to add additional information beyond the available IdVerifyVal element length, they may use the IDVerifyQueryArray. With the IdVerifyQuery element providing a name for the data and the IdVerifyQueryVal element allows for free text of the additional information.
Important note
Their are only certain values that may be used for the IdVerifyQuery element within the IDVerifyQueryArray. To look up the available values, a consumer may use the SvcDictSrch API passing in SvcDictName = IdVerifyAdd
  1. Once the IdVerifyAdd API is responds with a success, a consumer my see the added information by using the CustInq API passing in the XtendElem = X_Verify.

Referenced and Associated Operations

It is highly recommended that as part of referencing this use case that a user becomes familiar with the following jXchange operations and their function. While the user may elect to not use the listed operation as part of their programming or workflow, knowledge of the operations listed below is essential to understanding the process set forth with this use case.

Detailed information about the operation, the request structure/response, error messages and other useful information can be obtained by clicking the operation name below.

Operation NameDescriptionXSD/WSDL Container
IdVerifyAddAttach identity information to a customer recordCustomer
IdVerifyModModify identity information on a customer recordCustomer
ParmValSrchRetrieve default canonical values for a parameterCustomer
SvcDictSrchRetrieve provider parameter informationCustomer

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Last updated Mon Jan 1 0001