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Enterprise SOAP API > Tutorials > API Test Tools > SoapUI
Please Note
These steps below presume that a consumer has downloaded and installed a version of SoapUI software. These steps were written for software version 5.7.1.

Using SoapUI to Perform SOAP API Testing

Initial Incorporation of a class of jXchange APIs

  1. Download a copy of the XSD/WSDL contracts from the SOAP Documentation portion of this portal. The filename will be similar to
  2. Extract the files within the .zip file to an appropriate file location.
  3. Open SoapUI.
  4. Click on the SOAP icon in the upper left portion of the screen.
  5. SoapUI works with project names. Within the Project Name field, give the set of requests an appropriate name. Such as Test, jXchange, JackHenry, etc.
  6. In the Initial WSDL field, click the Browse button and navigate to the location you extracted the .zip file earlier.
  7. Select the WSDL grouping of your choosing and click the Open button. (For example: TPG_Customer.wsdl)
WSDL Grouping
Each jXchange API is classified into a WSDL group name to align similar function APIs, such as Deposit, Customer, ACH, BillPay, etc. To know what group name a particular API belongs, you may review the Developer Resources link within each API listing. Here is the link to the AcctAdd’s Developer Resources as an example.
  1. Make sure the Create Requests check box is checked and click the Ok button.
  2. This should create a list of available APIs within the left-hand menu that are contained within the selected WSDL grouping.

Setting Up An API For Test Use

SoapUI Configuration Note
There is not a method within SoapUI to setup all APIs within a grouping for testing. The following steps will need to be performed for each API that a consumer wishes to test.
  1. In the left-hand menu. Select which API to test by clicking the + sign beside the API name.
  2. Double click the Request 1 that appears below the API name selected.
  3. Within the Request 1 window that opens do the following:
    1. In the top of the window will appear a https:// link. Click the arrow to the right of the link and select edit current. Modify the link in the pop up box to and click the Ok button.
    2. In the lower left-hand portion of the window click Auth.
      1. Within the Auth window dropdown, select Add New Authorization.
      2. In the Add Authorization pop up, select NTLM and click the OK button.
      3. In the Authorization windown, enter your Username, Password and set the domain to eisdmz*.
      4. Click the Auth button again in the lower left-hand corner of the main window.
    3. There should be two main windows shown; in the left-hand window, right click and select Add WSS Username Token. Ensure the value Password Text is displayed and press the OK button.
  4. At this point, the API is ready for you to populate with the appropriate data. This can vary depending on the API selected and your organization. Once the XML is fully populated with desired data, press the green arrow button in the upper left-hand portion of the SoapUI window. This will run the API and the output will appear in the right most main window in raw format. To see the output in XML, select the XML tab for that window.

Video Review of SOAPUI SOAP API Setup

Using SoapUI To Perform REST-Legacy API Testing

Please Note
A traditional REST application usually provides a YAML file for a test tool to incorporate. Since REST-Legacy is a translator service sitting on top of our standard SOAP environment, it does not provide YAML file service. The steps below are intended to instruct a consumer on how to utilize REST-Legacy within the SoapUI interface.
  1. Within the main SoapUI window, in the upper left-hand side, click the REST button.
  2. In the New REST Project popup type in the full endpoint for the API to be consumed and press the OK button. (i.e.
  3. In the Request 1 window, change the Method drop down in the upper left to Post.
  4. In the lower left-hand corner, click the Auth button.
    1. Within the Authorization drop down, select Add New Authorization.
    2. Within the Add Authorization popup, select OAuth2.0 and press the OK button.
    3. The lower left-hand window will change, click the Get Token link.
    4. In the Get Access Token from the authorization server window:
      1. Change the OAuth 2 Flow drop down to Client Credentials Grant.
      2. Type in your Client ID, Client Secret, Access Token URL, and Scope, then click the Get Access Token button.
      3. The window should change and the Access Token field should be populated. If an error message is seen, please check the settings by performing above steps again.
      4. Click the Auth button in the lower left-hand of the main window again to close the Auth settings.
  5. Inside the box below the Media Type drop down, type the REST-Legacy request that corresponds to the endpoint selected.
  6. On the upper left of the main window, click the green arrow button to make the request.
  7. The output of the request will appear in the right-hand window. Select the JSON or RAW tabs to see the output.
Creating New REST-Legacy Test Within Same SoapUI Project
To create multiple tests within the same SoapUI project, simply right click the project name in the left-hand menu, select New REST Service From URI and repeat the above steps forgoing the first step stating to click the REST button at the top of the window.

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Last updated Thu Jul 14 2022