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jXchange Connector Technical Reference Doc

Enterprise SOAP API > jXchange Environment > jXchange Connector > jXchange Connector Technical Reference Doc

This is the main class of an extension, is the entry point from which configurations, connection providers, operations and sources are going to be declared.



The fundamental values within this configuration class for the extension are utilized in various operations.


NameTypeDescriptionDefault ValueRequired
NameStringThe name for this configuration. Connectors reference the configuration with this name.x
ConnectionConnectionThe connection types that can be provided to this configuration.x
NameStringThe identifier of this element used to reference it in other componentsx
Expiration PolicyExpiration PolicyConfigures the minimum amount of time that a dynamic configuration instance can remain idle before the runtime considers it eligible for expiration. This does not mean that the platform will expire the instance at the exact moment that it becomes eligible. The runtime will actually purge the instances when it sees it fit.x

Connection Types


The Connection Provider class for the JHA extension.

NameTypeDescriptionDefault ValueRequired
Service Gateway URLStringx
Proxy configurationProxyx
TLS ConfigurationTLSx
ReconnectionReconnectionWhen the application is deployed, a connectivity test is performed on all connectors. If set to true, deployment will fail if the test doesn’t pass after exhausting the associated reconnection strategyx

Associated Operations


Consume SOAP Service


Documentation | Jack Henry Enterprise Solutions | Jack Henry Docs Getting Started: Where do I get credentials? Sandbox - These would be sent via the Quick Start Guide upon joining the Vendor Integration Program. If you are not a member of the VIP, you can request temporary credentials from Enterprise. SOAP API | Jack Henry Enterprise Solutions | Jack Henry Docs Production - The Financial Institution must submit a case via the For Clients portal to request the jXchange credentials. Production credentials will only be granted to products that are an active member of the Vendor Integration Program (VIP).


NameTypeDescriptionDefault ValueRequired
ConfigurationStringThe name of the configuration to use.x
Config RefConfigurationProviderThe name of the configuration to be used to execute this componentx
Streaming StrategyRepeatable In memory streamRepeatable File Store Streamnon-repeatable-streamConfigure if repeatable streams should be used and their behaviourx
Force MTOMBooleanx
Target VariableStringx
Target ValueStringx
Reconnection StrategyReconnectReconnect Foreverx


Type - Any

For Configurations





FieldTypeDescriptionDefault ValueRequired
Non Proxy HostsStringx


FieldTypeDescriptionDefault ValueRequired
Enabled ProtocolsStringA comma separated list of protocols enabled for this context.x
Enabled Cipher SuitesStringA comma separated list of cipher suites enabled for this context.x
Trust StoreTrust Storex
Key StoreKey Storex
Revocation CheckNumberStandard Revocation CheckCustom Ocsp ResponderCrl Filex

Trust Store

FieldTypeDescriptionDefault ValueRequired
PathStringA comma separated list of protocols enabled for this context.x
TypeStringThe type of store used.x
AliasStringWhen the key store contains many private keys, this attribute indicates the alias of the key that should be used. If not defined, the first key in the file will be used by default.x
Key PasswordStringThe password used to protect the private key.x
PasswordStringThe password used to protect the key store.x
AlgorithmStringThe algorithm used by the key store.x

Key Store

FieldTypeDescriptionDefault ValueRequired
PathStringThe location (which will be resolved relative to the current classpath and file system, if possible) of the key store.
TypeStringThe type of store used.
AliasStringWhen the key store contains many private keys, this attribute indicates the alias of the key that should be used. If not defined, the first key in the file will be used by default.
Key PasswordStringThe password used to protect the private key.
PasswordStringThe password used to protect the key store.
AlgorithmStringThe algorithm used by the key store.

Standard Revocation Check

FieldTypeDescriptionDefault ValueRequired
Only End EntitiesBooleanOnly verify the last element of the certificate chain.
Prefer CrlsBooleanTry CRL instead of OCSP first.
No FallbackBooleanDo not use the secondary checking method (the one not selected before).
Soft FailBooleanAvoid verification failure when the revocation server can not be reached or is busy.

Custom Ocsp Responder

FieldTypeDescriptionDefault ValueRequired
UrlStringThe URL of the OCSP responder.
Cert AliasStringAlias of the signing certificate for the OCSP response (must be in the trust store), if present.

Crl File

FieldTypeDescriptionDefault ValueRequired
PathStringThe path to the CRL file.


FieldTypeDescriptionDefault ValueRequired
Fails DeploymentBooleanWhen the application is deployed, a connectivity test is performed on all connectors. If set to true, deployment will fail if the test doesn’t pass after exhausting the associated reconnection strategy.
Reconnection StrategyReconnectReconnnect Forever


FieldTypeDescriptionDefault ValueRequired
FrequencyNumberHow often (in ms) to reconnect
BlockingBooleanIf false, the reconnection strategy will run in a separate, non-blocking thread
CountNumberHow many reconnection attempts to make

Reconnect Forever

FieldTypeDescriptionDefault ValueRequired
FrequencyNumberHow often (in ms) to reconnect
BlockingBooleanIf false, the reconnection strategy will run in a separate, non-blocking thread

Expriation Policy

FieldTypeDescriptionDefault ValueRequired
Max Idle TimeNumberA scalar time value for the maximum amount of time a dynamic configuration instance should be allowed to be idle before it’s considered eligible for expiration.
Time UnitEnumeration, one of: NANOSECONDS, MICROSECONDS, MILLISECONDS, SECONDS, MINUTES, HOURS, DAYSA time unit that qualifies the maxIdleTime attribute

Repeatable In Memory Stream

FieldTypeDescriptionDefault ValueRequired
Initial Buffer SizeNumberThis is the amount of memory that will be allocated in order to consume the stream and provide random access to it. If the stream contains more data than can be fit into this buffer, then it will be expanded by according to the bufferSizeIncrement attribute, with an upper limit of maxInMemorySize.
Buffer Size IncrementNumberThis is by how much will be buffer size by expanded if it exceeds its initial size. Setting a value of zero or lower will mean that the buffer should not expand, meaning that a STREAM_MAXIMUM_SIZE_EXCEEDED error will be raised when the buffer gets full.
Max Buffer SizeNumberThis is the maximum amount of memory that will be used. If more than that is used then a STREAM_MAXIMUM_SIZE_EXCEEDED error will be raised. A value lower or equal to zero means no limit.
Buffer UnitEnumeration, one of: BYTEKBMBGBThe unit in which all these attributes are expressed

Repeatable File Store Stream

FieldTypeDescriptionDefault ValueRequired
In Memory SizeNumberDefines the maximum memory that the stream should use to keep data in memory. If more than that is consumed then it will start to buffer the content on disk.
Buffer UnitEnumeration, one of: BYTEKBMBGBThe unit in which maxInMemorySize is expressed.

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Last updated Wed Nov 8 2023