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jXchange and SilverLake

Enterprise SOAP API > jXchange Environment > jXchange and SilverLake

Some behaviors are not easily discoverable nor exposed but are pertinent to consumers for understanding not only the contracts but unique behavior from providers. This page begins to document these specifics to ensure a smoother development process for consumers. It is not an inclusive description of all behaviors, but it answers common questions regarding the information.

Additional information about API specific behaviors may be found within Developer Resources page located with each API reference.


SilverLake supports adding two email addresses to a customer record. They must be defined as either primary or secondary, using the exact text in the EmailType element.

Example Email Array
        <EmailType>Primary E-Mail</EmailType>
        <EmailType>Secondary E-Mail</EmailType>

Phone Types

SilverLake supports the following phone number types, up to six entries.

Type ValuesDescription
HPHome Phone
BPBusiness Phone
HCHome Cell Phone
BCBusiness Cell Phone
HFHome Fax
BFHome Fax
Example Phone Array

Loan Collateral Documents

SilverLake supports up to six item descriptions and six document descriptions for the Loan Collateral services. The CollatDocInfoText and CollatItemDescText elements require exact text for the operation to function correctly.

Example Loan Collateral Array
        <CollatDocInfoText>Doc Description #1</CollatDocInfoText>
        <CollatDocInfoText>Doc Description #2</CollatDocInfoText>
...Through Document Description 6
Example Loan Collateral Array
        <CollatItemInfoText>Item Description #1</CollatItInfoText>
        <CollatItemInfoText>Item Description #2</CollatItemInfoText>
...Through Item Description 6

Account Types

SilverLake Account Types

DDemand Deposit
TTime Deposit
GGeneral Ledger
BSafe Deposit Box

Account Status Codes

Here are the current account statuses used by the SilverLake core broken out by account type.

Deposit - Account Type D / Savings - Account Type S / Club - Account Type X

This code identifies the status of the account. The system uses this code to determine how activity and accruals are handled. Valid codes are:

Account StatusCode
New Today4
Pending Close5
No Post7
Charged Off8
No Credits9

General Ledger - Account Type G

Account StatusCode
Debits Only3
Credits Only4
Force Pay Required5
Active - No POD6

Loans - Account Type L

The default status code will be obtained from the type code parameter file. In new loan entry, in most cases, this code should be 4 to indicate a new loan today. Other valid codes are:

Account StatusCode
Loan is active, Transactions accepted1
Loan closed, Transactions not accepted2
Loan matured, System will not allow advn3
New loan today, transactions accepted4
Open not accruing, transactions accepted5
Accruing but frozen, trans not accepted6
Frozen not accruing, trans not accepted7
Charged off not accruing, trans accepted8

The status code should be left at 4 for all new loans. The ability to enter status codes 5, 6, 7, and 8 is provided primarily for the purpose of adding charged off loans to the system after conversion. Some servicing companies do not carry charged off loans in their database, and they are not converted to the JH system.

Overdraft Account - Type O

Account StatusCode
Loan is active, Transactions accepted1
Loan closed, Transactions not accepted2
Loan matured, System will not allow advn3
New loan today, transactions accepted4
Open not accruing, transactions accepted5
Accruing but frozen, trans not accepted6
Frozen not accruing, trans not accepted7
Charged off not accruing, trans accepted8

Safe Deposit Box - Type B

Account StatusCode
Not AvailableN

Time Deposits - Account Type T

This code identifies active, redeemed, matured but not redeemed, and new accounts. The system uses this code to determine how activity and accruals are to be handled. Valid status codes are:

Account StatusCode
Mature, not redeemed3
New Today4

Optional CIF Field Validation

SilverLake allows each institution to determine certain non-critical customer-level information to be required during the creation or modification of customer-level records. The behavior and error response may vary from site to site. Allowing for this variable will help eliminate future problems. The table below lists the items that a financial institution may flag using one of the three following values. This list may change in newer releases of SilverLake.

  • Required – Values have to be provided
  • Override – Required but allowed to be overridden
  • Not Required – Values do not have to be provided
NameDescriptionXML Path
CFADT6Last Alien CertificationTaxDetail.Alien.AlienLastW8Dt
CFAFLECD6Affiliate Opt-out Exception DateRegDetail.AflOptOutExcptDt
CFAFLEXCDAffiliate Opt-out Exception CodeRegDetail.AflOptOutExcptCode
CFAFLEXD6Affiliate Opt-out Expiration DateRegDetail.AflOptOutExpDt
CFAFLGAlien FlagTaxDetail.Alien.AlienTypeCode
CFBIR6Date of BirthCustDetail.BirthDt
CFBND6Last IRS NotificationTaxDetail.TINInfo.BNotIRSDt
CFBPHOBusiness PhoneCustDetail.PhoneArray.PhoneInfo.PhoneNum and CustDetail.PhoneArray.PhoneInfo.PhoneType
CFBRNNBranch NumberBusDetail.BrCode
CFBUSTStandard Industrial CodeCustDetail.StdIndustCode
CFCCYCCIF Combined CycleBusDetail.CustCycleCode
CFCEL1Cell Phone NumberCustDetail.PhoneArray.PhoneInfo.PhoneNum and CustDetail.PhoneArray.PhoneInfo.PhoneType
CFCEL2Other Cell Phone NumberCustDetail.PhoneArray.PhoneInfo.PhoneNum and CustDetail.PhoneArray.PhoneInfo.PhoneType
CFCENSCensus TractRegDetail.CRARec.CRACenTract
CFCFS6Most Recent Financial Statement DateBusDetail.LastFinStmtDt
CFCRALCRA LocationRegDetail.CRARec.CRALoc
CFDLAC6Date last contactNot available through jXchange
CFEML1Email AddressCustDetail.EmailArray.EmailInfo.EmailAddr and CustDetail.EmailArray.EmailInfo.EmailType
CFEML2Other email AddressCustDetail.EmailArray.EmailInfo.EmailAddr and CustDetail.EmailArray.EmailInfo.EmailType
CFEMPLEmployer NameCustDetail.EmplName
CFFAX1Fax NumberCustDetail.PhoneArray.PhoneInfo.PhoneNum and CustDetail.PhoneArray.PhoneInfo.PhoneType
CFFAX2Other Fax NumberCustDetail.PhoneArray.PhoneInfo.PhoneNum and CustDetail.PhoneArray.PhoneInfo.PhoneType
CFFSD6Financial Statement DateBusDetail.FinStmtExpDt
CFGRP#Related Group NumberBusDetail.GroupCode
CFHLDMHold Mail CodeBusDetail.MailDirCode
CFHPHOHome PhoneCustDetail.PhoneArray.PhoneInfo.PhoneNum and CustDetail.PhoneArray.PhoneInfo.PhoneType
CFINCLIncome LevelRegDetail.CRARec.CRAIncmLvl
CFINQCInquiry CodeBusDetail.AbbrCustDesc
CFINSCInsider CodeBusDetail.InsiderCode
CFLEASLease Security FlagBusDetail.LeaseSecCode
CFLTD6Last Letter Send DateBusDetail.LastFinStmtLtrDt
CFNA3Address Line 2CustDetail.Addr.StreetAddr2
CFNCLEX6No Call Customer Expiration DateRegDetail.DoNotCallExpDt
CFOCPCDOccupation - Nature of BusinessCustDetail.OccType
CFOFFROfficer CodeBusDetail.OffCode
CFPFA1Physical Address Line 1Use jXchange operation AddrAdd
CFPFA2Physical Address Line 2Use jXchange operation AddrAdd
CFPFCYPhysical Address CityUse jXchange operation AddrAdd
CFPFDPPhysical Address Deliv PtUse jXchange operation AddrAdd
CFPFSTPhysical Address StateUse jXchange operation AddrAdd
CFPFZCPhysical Address ZipUse jXchange operation AddrAdd
CFRSKBYCIF Risk Rated ByRegDetail.RiskRateByCode
CFRSKD6CIF Risk Rating DateRegDetail.RiskRateDt
CFRSKRTCIF Risk Rating CodeRegDetail.RiskRateCode
CFSEXSex CodeCustDetail.Gender
CFSSFXTax ID SuffixTaxDetail.TINInfo.TaxIdMod
CFTINSTIN StatusTaxDetail.TINInfo.CertCode
CFTND6Status Changed DateTaxDetail.TINInfo.CertCodeDt
CFTXE6Tax Extension DateTaxDetail.TaxExtDt
CFTXR6Tax Return DateTaxDetail.TaxRetDt
CFUIC1User Information Code 1BusDetail.UserDefInfoArray.UserDefInfo.UserDefTxt and BusDetail.UserDefInfoArray.UserDefInfo.UserDefCode
CFUIC2User Information Code 2BusDetail.UserDefInfoArray.UserDefInfo.UserDefTxt and BusDetail.UserDefInfoArray.UserDefInfo.UserDefCode
CFUIC3User Information Code 3BusDetail.UserDefInfoArray.UserDefInfo.UserDefTxt and BusDetail.UserDefInfoArray.UserDefInfo.UserDefCode
CFUIC4User Information Code 4BusDetail.UserDefInfoArray.UserDefInfo.UserDefTxt and BusDetail.UserDefInfoArray.UserDefInfo.UserDefCode
CFUIC5User Information Code 5BusDetail.UserDefInfoArray.UserDefInfo.UserDefTxt and BusDetail.UserDefInfoArray.UserDefInfo.UserDefCode
CFUIC6User Information Code 6BusDetail.UserDefInfoArray.UserDefInfo.UserDefTxt and BusDetail.UserDefInfoArray.UserDefInfo.UserDefCode
CFUIC7User Information Code 7BusDetail.UserDefInfoArray.UserDefInfo.UserDefTxt and BusDetail.UserDefInfoArray.UserDefInfo.UserDefCode
CFUIC8User Information Code 8BusDetail.UserDefInfoArray.UserDefInfo.UserDefTxt and BusDetail.UserDefInfoArray.UserDefInfo.UserDefCode
CFWRTHNet WorthBusDetail.NetWorth
CFWVCDFinancial Statement Waive CodeBusDetail.FinStmtWavCode
CFWVD6Financial Statement Waive DateBusDetail.FinStmtWavDt
CFZIPDZIP code delivery pointCustDetail.Addr.DlvryPt
SALESCFSales AssociateBusDetail.SalesPerson

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Last updated Thu Jul 14 2022