Commonly Used APIs
Enterprise SOAP API
Getting Started
Commonly Used APIs
Commonly used operations
Below is a list of some commonly used operations when integrating with jXchange. The full list of APIs can be found within the API by Provider or API by Reference sections of this portal.
I want to… | Operation Name | XSD/WSDL Container |
Inquire on existing customer information | CustInq | Customer |
Search for an existing customer(s) | CustSrch | Customer |
Create a new customer record | CustAdd | Customer |
Modify an existing customer record | CustMod | Customer |
Attach identity information to a customer record | IdVerifyAdd | Customer |
Add an informational message to an account or customer record | CustMsgAdd | Customer |
Add additional addresses to an account or customer | AddrAdd | Customer |
Search for existing additional addresses | AddrSrch | Customer |
Modify existing additional addresses | AddrMod | Customer |
Create a relationship between customers | CustRelAdd | Customer |
Modify a relationship between customers | CustRelMod | Customer |
Request an account number to be used for a new Loan account | AcctIdGen | Customer |
Retrieve new account input defaults | SvcDft | Customer |
Retrieve provider parameter information | SvcDictSrch | Customer |
Parameter value search | ParmValSrch | Customer |
Create a new account record | AcctAdd | Deposit |
Modify an existing account record | AcctMod | Deposit |
Inquire on an existing account | AcctInq | Inquiry |
Search for an existing account | AcctSrch | Inquiry |
Search historical transactions | AcctHistSrch | Inquiry |
Verify transfer rights between accounts | XferSrcDestSrch | Inquiry |
Search for existing transfer(s) | XferSrch | Inquiry |
Inquire on an existing Line of Credit | LOCAcctInq | Inquiry |
Search for an existing FASB91 record | FASB91Srch | Inquiry |
Inquire on an existing loan escrow record | EscrwInq | Inquiry |
Search for existing loan registration records | LnAppRgtrSrch | Inquiry |
Perform an Office of Foreign Assets (OFAC) search on a name | OFACSrch | Inquiry |
Search for existing relationships between accounts | AcctRelSrch | Inquiry |
Add a new Line of Credit record | LOCAdd | Loan |
Validate a new Line of Credit prior to creation | LOCAddValidate | Loan |
Modify an existing Line of Credit | LOCMod | Loan |
Add a new FASB91 record | FASB91Add | Loan |
Validate a new FASB91 record prior to creation | FASB91AddValidate | Loan |
Modify an existing FASB91 record | FASB91Mod | Loan |
Add a new loan escrow record | EscrwAdd | Loan |
Validate a new escrow record prior to creation | EscrwAddValidate | Loan |
Modify an existing escrow record | EscrwMod | Loan |
Add a new loan registration record | LnAppRgtrAdd | Loan |
Validate a new loan registration record prior to creaction | LnAppRgtrAddValidate | Loan |
Modify an existing loan registration record | LnAppRgtrMod | Loan |
Transfer funds between two existing accounts (cannot be used for GL transfers) | XferAdd | Transaction |
Validate a transfer prior to moving funds | XferAddValidate | Transaction |
Modify an existing transfer | XferMod | Transaction |
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Last updated Thu Jul 14 2022