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Account Inquiry Overview

Enterprise SOAP API > Getting Started > Core Reference Information > Account Inquiry Overview

Account Inquiry (AcctInq)

This operation allows you to obtain account information associated with a specific account.


This operation supports the following search criteria:

  • AccountId - A complex element containing the incoming account identification information. The simple elements within this complex are:
    • AcctId - Account ID
    • AcctType - Account Type

The AcctInq response provides the Current (Ledger), the Collected, and the Available balance amounts in the response along with a significant number of account details. The XtendElem element uses the “x_” feature to limit that response payload and increase operation performance. Along with account details, the account description is returned in the response.

If the customer’s AcctId and AcctType elements are unknown or unavailable, then you can use the Account Search (AcctSrch) operation to search for a matching customer record by passing in one of the following filters:

  • PersonName - A complex element containing name information. The simple elements within this complex are:
    • ComName - Common name (full text name, like John Doe)
    • FirstName
    • LastName
    • MIddleName
  • TaxId - The tax identifier
  • CustId- The identifier attached to a customer

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Last updated Tue Dec 26 2023