Looking Up Core Defaults
Enterprise SOAP API
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SilverLake Core
Looking Up Core Defaults
The SvcDft API is used to by a consumer to see the core system defaults setup by a bank. The API requires some specific values to be passed in within <CriteriaArray>
of the request for the API to return the appropriate data. Below is a capture of what can be returned by the lookup and the request values needed.
Core: SilverLake
Legend: CN = Criteria Name, CV = Criteria Value, NU = Not Used, (blank) = leave blank
API (SvcName) | CN1 | CV1 | CN2 | CV2 | CN3 | CV3 | CN4 | CV4 | CN5 | CV5 |
ACHXferAdd | application | (blank) | n/a | n/a | NU | NU | NU | NU | NU | NU |
CollatTrackDocAdd | application | (blank) | accounttype | valid account/type | account | valid account/type | constumerid | valid customerid | document | lncpr1.lcdtyp |
CollatTrackItemAdd | application | (blank) | accounttype | valid account/type | account | valid account/type | itemtype | lncpr3.lcityp | NU | NU |
CustAdd | application | (blank) | n/a | n/a | NU | NU | NU | NU | NU | NU |
CustRelAdd | application | (blank) | n/a | n/a | NU | NU | NU | NU | NU | NU |
EscrwAdd | application | (blank) | loantype | lnpar2.ptype | escrowtype | lnparc.pctype | NU | NU | NU | NU |
FutXferAdd | application | (blank) | n/a | n/a | NU | NU | NU | NU | NU | NU |
FASB91Add | application | (blank) | accounttype | valid account/type | account | valid account/type | NU | NU | NU | NU |
LOCAdd | application | (blank) | n/a | n/a | NU | NU | NU | NU | NU | NU |
TaxPlnAdd | application | (blank) | plan | cdpar6.p6plan | NU | NU | NU | NU | NU | NU |
XferAdd | application | (blank) | fromactype | valid account/type | fromacctno | valid account/type | toaccttype | valid account/type | toacctno | valid account/type |
AcctAdd | application | D, S, X | sccode | valid combination in ddpar2 | branch | valid combination in ddpar2 | region | valid combination in ddpar2 | NU | NU |
AcctAdd | application | T | sccode | valid combination in cdpar2 | branch | valid combination in cdpar2 | region | valid combination in cdpar2 | NU | NU |
StopChkAdd | application | T | n/a | n/a | NU | NU | NU | NU | NU | NU |
StopChkAdd | application | D, S, X, L, O | acctno | valid account/type | actype | valid account/type | stoptype | SP, HD, SI, AT | NU | NU |
TrnAdd | application | D, S, X, L, T | n/a | n/a | NU | NU | NU | NU | NU | NU |
LnAcctAdd | application | L | loantype | lnpar2.ptype | userstatuscode | lnprus.lpsucd | NU | NU | NU | NU |
AcctSweepAdd | application | (blank) | sccode | valid value in ddpar2 | NU | NU | NU | NU | NU | NU |
LnStopInfo | application | L | n/a | n/a | NU | NU | NU | NU | NU | NU |
Core: CIF 20/20
Legend: CN = Criteria Name, CV = Criteria Value, NU = Not Used, (blank) = leave blank
API (SvcName) | CN1 | CV1 | CN2 | CV2 | CN3 | CV3 | CN4 | CV4 | CN5 | CV5 |
ACHXferAdd | application | (blank) | n/a | n/a | NU | NU | NU | NU | NU | NU |
CollatTrackDocAdd | application | (blank) | accounttype | valid account/type | account | valid account/type | constumerid | valid customerid | document | lncpr1.lcdtyp |
CollatTrackItemAdd | application | (blank) | accounttype | valid account/type | account | valid account/type | itemtype | lnpar8.colcod | NU | NU |
CustAdd | application | (blank) | n/a | n/a | NU | NU | NU | NU | NU | NU |
FASB91Add | application | (blank) | account | valid account | category | fee or cost | NU | NU | NU | NU |
FutXferAdd | application | (blank) | fromactype | valid account/type | fromacctno | valid account/type | toaccttype | valid account/type | toacctno | Valid account/type |
XferAdd | application | (blank) | fromactype | valid account/type | fromacctno | valid account/type | toaccttype | valid account/type | toacctno | valid account/type |
AcctAdd | application | D, S, X | sccode | valid value in ddpar2 | NU | NU | NU | NU | NU | NU |
AcctAdd | application | T | sccode | valid value in cdpar2 | NU | NU | NU | NU | NU | NU |
LnAcctAdd | application | L | loantype | valid value in lnpar2 | NU | NU | NU | NU | NU | NU |
LnAcctAdd | application | O | odtyp | valid value in odpar2 | NU | NU | NU | NU | NU | NU |
StopChkAdd | application | (blank) | actype | valid account/type | acctno | valid account/type | stoptype | SP, HD, AT, SI | NU | NU |
EscrwAdd | application | (blank) | n/a | n/a | NU | NU | NU | NU | NU | NU |
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Last updated Tue Jun 11 2024