EFT Card Modification
This operation allows you to modify various attributes of an individual card record.
At a minimum, the request must include the EFTCardNum
element, representing the card number of the ATM card to modify, along with the element
names and values of any other attributes you want to modify. For example, the status of the
card can be modified by passing in the intended status code in the
element on the request.
The EFTCardMod
response returns an RsStat
element with a
value of Success if the card is modified successfully. If any errors
occur, error messages are returned along with a value of Fail in the
Among the types of changes that the services perform, status changes and travel information changes are two common uses. These changes are just two examples of the many types of changes that you can make.
In addition to general card modifications, one of the more common uses of the
operation is to activate a card, deactivate a card, or
otherwise modify the status of an existing card. The status of the card can be modified by
passing in the desired status code in the EFTCardStatType
To activate an existing card, set the EFTCardStat
element to a
value of A (Active). When changing the EFTCardStat
element from W (Warm Card) or H (Hot Card),
clear the CardStatRsnType
value by setting it to an empty value. When
changing the EFTCardStat
element to W (Warm Card) or
(HotCard), you must also include a value in the
element. Review EFTCardStatType
for more detail regarding the use of these elements.
To update the travel information (start date, end date, and remarks) for a specific card, use the following elements in the request:
One important piece of information regarding the travel elements is that your financial institution must use Jack Henry's Fraud Center for this information to be at the switch level. If your financial institution uses a third-party switch, the travel information is only informational and not monitored for fraud.
XPath Elements
XPath Elements
For this business service, certain template fields, or XPath elements, are sent in on the request and corresponding elements are returned in the response.
The following tables list the elements that you send on the request and what is sent back in the response. Each table also includes any pertinent notes, such as element values or whether it is required for input.
XPath Element | File/Field | Description | Notes |
| N/A | Error Override | N/A |
| ATFREF.ATACTPAN | PAN (ISO + Card Number) | Required element |
| ATCARD.ATMEM# | Suffix Number | N/A |
| ATCARD.ATEMNM | Name to Emboss on Card | N/A |
| ATFREF.ATEMB2 | Name to Emboss 2 | N/A |
| ATCRDACT.ATPNACT# | Account Number 1-8 | There are 8 total elements available for you to enter information into. |
| ATCRDACT.ATPNACTT | Account Type 1-8 | There are 8 total elements available for you to enter information into. |
| ATCRDACT.ATACTFUND | Primary Account 1-8 | There are 8 total elements available for you to enter information into. |
| N/A | Account ID Delete 1-8 | There are 8 total elements available for you to enter information into. |
| ATFREF.NCKNAM | Nickname 1-8 | There are 8 total elements available for you to enter information into. |
| N/A | Funding Account Type 1-8 | There are 8 total elements available for you to enter information into. |
| ATCARDUPD.ATOFST | Card PIN Offset | There are 8 total elements available for you to enter information into. |
| ATCARDUPD.ATCDST | Card Status | Canonical
| ATCARDUPD.ATCDST | Card Status Reason Type | Canonical
| N/A | Create Alert - True/False | N/A |
| ATALRT.ATAMSG | Card Status Reason Message | N/A |
| ATISOL.ATISO# | ISO to Issue | N/A |
| N/A | Issue New Card | Canonical
| N/A | Card Acct#/Base Card# | N/A |
| ATISO.ATCRDROF | Card Reorder Fee | N/A |
| ATCARDUPD.ATEXDT | Expiration Date | Formatted as YYYY-MM-DD |
| ATCARD.ATCDIS | Card Issue Flag | N/A |
| ATCARD.ATPNIS | PIN Issue Flag | N/A |
| ATCARD.ATSC | Service Charge Code | N/A |
| ATCARD.ATMIP | Max Consecutive Unauthorized PIN Tries | N/A |
| ATCARD.ATSCWV | Waive Service Charge | Canonical
| ATCARD.TTMEDP | Memo-Post Deposits | N/A |
| ATCARD.TTMEDL | Limit Memo Amount of Deposits | Canonical
| ATCARD.TTMEDE | % Deposit to Memo | N/A |
| ATCARD.TTMED$ | Maximum Deposit Memo Amount | N/A |
| ATCARD.ATFGNT | Accept Non-US Transactions | N/A |
| ATCARD.ATGLEX | Global Chg Exempt | N/A |
| ATCARD.ATCRDSTK | Card Stock | N/A |
EFTCardTelePINId | ATCARD.ATTELPIN | Telepin | N/A |
| ATCARD.ICTTMEDP | Image Memo-Post Deposit | Canonical
| ATCARD.ICTTMEDE | Image % Deposit to Memo | N/A |
| ATCARD.ICTTMEDL | Image Limit Memo Amount of Deposits | N/A |
| ATCARD.ICTTMED$ | Image Maximum Deposit Memo Amount | N/A |
| ATCARD.ATDTIS | Original Issue Date | N/A |
| ATCARD.ATDTLIS | Last Issue Date | N/A |
| ATCARD.ATALTEXDT | Alt Expiration Date | Formatted as YYYY-MM-DD |
| ATCARD.ATLMT | Withdrawal Limit | The daily withdrawal limit. |
| ATCARD.ATLMTP | POS Limit | The daily POS limit. |
| ATCARD.ATLMTAFT | AFT Dr Limit | The daily AFT limit. The Merchant Category Code transactions with the following values are identified as AFT transactions:
| ATCARD.ATTRL | Transaction Limit | The daily transaction limit. |
| ATCRDTLMT.ATTMPWLMT | Temporary W/D Limit | Use this field to override the withdrawal limit temporarily. When using the field, you must set the Temporary Withdrawal Limit Start Date and Temporary Withdrawal Limit End Date fields. |
| ATCRDTLMT.ATBGPSLD7 | Temporary W/D Limit Beginning Date | The date that the Temporary Withdrawal Limit starts. |
| ATCRDTLMT.ATEXPSLD7 | Temporary W/D Limit End Date | The date that the Temporary Withdrawal Limit ends. |
| ATCRDTLMT.ARTMPPSLMT | Temporary POS Limit | Use this element to override the POS Limit temporarily. When using the element, you must set the Temporary POS Limit Start Date and Temporary POS Limit End Date fields. |
| ATCRDTLMT.ATBGWLMTD7 | Temporary POS Limit Beginning Date | The date that the temporary POS limit starts. |
| ATCRDTLMT.ATEXWLMTD7 | Temporary POS Limit End Date | The date that the POS limit ends. |
| ATCRDTLMT.ATTMPALMT | Temporary AFT DR Limit | Use this field to override the AFT limit temporarily. When using the field, you must set the Temporary AFT DR Limit Start Date and Temporary AFT DR Limit End Date fields. |
| ATCRDTLMT.ATBGALMTD7 | Temp AFT DR Limit Begin Date | The date that the temporary AFT DR limit starts. |
| ATCRDTLMT.ATEXALMTD7 | Temp AFT DR Limit End Date | That date that the temporary AFT DR limit ends. |
| N/A | Travel Note Type | Canonical
| ATPPPCF1.ATPTRVBG | Travel Begin Date | Formatted as YYYY-MM-DD |
| ATPPPCF1.ATPTRVEN | Travel End Date | Formatted as YYYY-MM-DD |
| ATPPPCF1.ATPTRVCM | Travel Comment | N/A |
| ATCARD.ATHPH1 | Phone Number 1-6 | There are six total elements available for you to enter information into. |
| N/A | Phone Type | Up to one element is returned for each type:
| ATPPPCF1.TRPHHNXSEQ | Phone Priority Sequence 1-6 | There are six total elements available for you to enter information into. |
| ATPPPCF1.ATPVACBG | Vacation Begin Date | Formatted as YYYY-MM-DD |
| ATPPPCF1.ATPVACEN | Vacation End Date | Formatted as YYYY-MM-DD |
| ATPPPCF1.ATPVACCM | Vacation Comment | N/A |
| ATFREF.ATPFRDFLG | Contact if Fraud Suspected | N/A |
| ATCARD.ATCDTX | Card Miscellaneous Text | N/A |
| ATCARD.ATCTX2 | Card Text 2 | N/A |
| ATCARD.ATEMAL | Email Address | N/A |
| N/A | Country Exc Type Blk/Acpt 1-10 | There are 10 total elements available for you to return information for. Canonical
| ATCRDFEX.ACCQCOUN | Country Code 1-10 | There are 10 total elements available for you to enter information into. Note: Your financial
institution could have more than 10 blocks on the system, but only 10 are sent in
due to limitations on the business service. |
| ATCRDFEX.ATCPCNTRY | Country Name 1-10 | There are 10 total elements available for you to enter information into. Note: Your financial institution could have more than 10 blocks on the
system, but only 10 are sent in due to limitations on the business service. |
| ATCRDFEX.ATCSTD7 | Country Start Date 1-10 | There are 10 total elements available for you to enter information into. Note: Your financial institution could have more than 10 blocks on the
system, but only 10 are sent in due to limitations on the business service. |
| ATCRDFEX.ATCEXD7 | Country Expiration Date 1-10 | There are 10 total elements available for you to enter information into. Note: Your financial institution could have more than 10 blocks on the
system, but only 10 are sent in due to limitations on the business service. |
| N/A | Country Delete 1-10 | There are 10 total elements available for you to enter information into. Note: Your financial institution could have more than 10 blocks on the
system, but only 10 are sent in due to limitations on the business service. |
| ATBLKRULE.ATBLRULE | Blocking Rule Number 1-20 | There are 20 total elements available for you to enter information into Note: Your financial
institution could have more than 20 blocks on the system, but only 20 are sent in
due to limitations on the business service. |
| ATCRDOVR.ATOVBDATE | Ovr Block Start Date 1-20 | There are 20 total elements available for you to enter information into Note: Your financial institution could have more than 20 blocks on the
system, but only 20 are sent in due to limitations on the business service. |
| ATCRDOVR.ATOVEDATE | Ovr Block End Date 1-20 | There are 20 total elements available for you to enter information into Note: Your financial institution could have more than 20 blocks on the
system, but only 20 are sent in due to limitations on the business service. |
| N/A | Ovr Block Delete 1-20 | There are 20 total elements available for you to enter information into Note: Your financial institution could have more than 20 blocks on the
system, but only 20 are sent in due to limitations on the business service. |
| ATFREF.ATCIF# | CIF Info | N/A |
| ATFREF.ATADRACT# | Account Number (Provider) | N/A |
| ATFREF.ATADRACTT | Account Type (Provider) | N/A |
| ATFREF.ATEXD7 | Address Exp Date Jul | N/A |
| ATFREF.ATAAD1 | Card Alt Address 1 | N/A |
| ATFREF.ATAAD2 | Card Alt Address 2 | N/A |
| ATFREF.ATAAD3 | Card Alt Address 3 | N/A |
| ATEREF.ATACTY | Card Alt City | N/A |
| ATFREF.ATASTA | Card Alt State | N/A |
PostalCode | ATFREF.ATAZIP | Card Alt Zip | N/A |
| ATFREF.ATCOUNTRY | Country | N/A |
| ATFREF.ATUSRX1 | Alpha User 1 | N/A |
| ATFREF.ATUSRX2 | Alpha User 2 | N/A |
| ATFREF.ATUSRX3 | Alpha User 3 | N/A |
| ATFREF.ATUSRA1 | Amount User 1 | N/A |
| ATRFER.ATUSRA2 | Amount User 2 | N/A |
| ATFREF.ATUSRA3 | Amount User 3 | N/A |
| ATFREF.ATUSRJD1 | User Date 1 | Formatted as YYYY-MM-DD |
| ATFREF.ATUSRJD2 | User Date 2 | Formatted as YYYY-MM-DD |
| ATFREF.ATUSRJD3 | User Date 3 | Formatted as YYYY-MM-DD |
| N/A | Opt-In Merchant ID | N/A |
| N/A | Opt-In Opt Code | Canonical
| N/A | Opt-In Description | N/A |
| ATFREF.ATOFST | Card PIN Offset | N/A |
| ATIMBAVL.ATIMGID | Card Image ID | N/A |
| ATFREF.ATFRCUPD | Force Update at Switch | Canonical
| ATFREF.ATSHIPTYP | Ship Type | Canonical
Note: This element is only
valid when the CardRushOpt element has a value as
1. |
| ATCARDUPD.ATEXD7TMP | Temporary Expiration Date | This element only functions if your financial institution participates in CPS Digital Issuance. |
| N/A | Delete | N/A |
XPath Element | File/Field | Description | Notes |
RsStat | JHFREFAPI.PASSFAIL | Pass/Fail Status | N/A |
EFTCardNum | ATFREF.ATPAN | Returned Card Number | N/A |
MaskVal | N/A | Display Card Number | N/A |
EFTCardSufxNum | N/A | Returned Member Number | N/A |
Field Label | Notes |
Institution | Bank number |
File Changed | Name of file related to the modified field |
Key to Changed Item | Hash value for PAN |
Changed By | User ID that made the change |
Workstation Used | Workstation used to make the change |
Program Used | Name of the program that made the change |
Timestamp | When the change was made |
Type of Change | New, change, delete |
Field Changed | Name of changed field |
New Value | Field contents after update |
Prior Value | Field contents prior to update |
When a database field is modified by an operation, a maintenance history record is created to log the update. Each record contains the information in the previous table. All elements are evaluated and if the value sent in is different from the core file value and the process is completed successfully, then a maintenance record for that field with the field changes is written out.
Within the response, specific validations can appear in the response if incorrect or different information than what is required is sent in the request.
The following table lists the errors that can be returned and includes what prompts the validation to occur.
Code | Element | System Message | Validation Trigger |
43 | N/A | Date is not valid | Presents when the value provided in this field is not in a valid date format. |
45 | N/A | Numeric data is not valid | Presents when a numeric value is not entered in this element. |
102 | N/A | The requested business service did not return any data responses or messages | Presents when no other information is returned in the response for the operation. |
2000 | N/A | Maintenance denied due to data not being current | Presents when the field modified has not changed since the last inquiry. |
9001 | AFTDrTempPostEndDt | Invalid field value | Presents when this element is populated but there is no start date. |
9001 | AFTDrTempPostStartDt | Invalid field value | Presents when this element is populated but there is no end date. |
9001 | AllowFornTrnType | Invalid field value | Presents when the value in this element is not Y or N. |
9001 | AllowGlobalMain | Invalid field value | Presents when the value in this element is not Y or N. |
9001 | ATMCrPostLmt | Invalid field value | Presents when the value in this element is not Y or N. |
9001 | ATMCrPostType | Invalid field value | Presents when the value in this element is not Y or N. |
9001 | ATMDrTempPostEndDt | Invalid field value | Presents when this element is populated but there is no start date. |
9001 | ATMDrTempPostStartDt | Invalid field value | Presents when this element is populated but there is no end date. |
9001 | CardStatRsnType | Invalid field value | Presents when a value is not entered in this element. |
9001 | CrtEFTCardAlertMsg | Invalid field value | Presents when the value in this field is not true or false. |
9001 | CustId | Invalid field value | Presents when the value in this element is blank. |
9001 | EFTCardAcctIdInfo.Dlt | Invalid field value | Presents when the value in this field is not true or false. |
9001 | EFTCardPrimAcct | Invalid field value | Presents when the value in this field is not true or false. |
9001 | EFTCardAcctNum | Invalid field value | Presents when the incorrect length is entered in this element, or when a duplicate card number is entered. |
9001 | EFTCardCntryInfo.Dlt | Invalid field value | Presents when the value in this field is not true, false, or blank. |
9001 | EFTCardCntryExcType | Invalid field value | Presents when an invalid country block is entered in this element. |
9001 | EFTCardIssue | Invalid field value | Presents when the value in this element is not Y or N. |
9001 | PostalCode | Invalid field value | Presents when the incorrect length is entered in this element. |
9001 | EFTCardPINIssue | Invalid field value | Presents when the value in this element is not Y or N. |
9001 | EFTCardProdCode | Invalid field value | Presents when a value is not entered in this element. |
9001 | CardHolderConFraudType | Invalid field value | Presents when this element is blank when the type is
Travel or Vacation in the
TrvNotType element. |
9001 | TrvEndDt | Invalid field value | Presents when the value in this field is blank based on the value in
the TrvNotType element. |
9001 | TrvRmk | Invalid field value | Presents when the value in this field is blank based on the value in
the TrvNotType element. |
9001 | TrvStartDt | Invalid field value | Presents when the value in this field is blank based on the value in
the TrvNotType element. |
9001 | VacEndDt | Invalid field value | Presents when the value in this field is blank based on the value in
the TrvNotType element. |
9001 | VacRmk | Invalid field value | Presents when the value in this field is blank based on the value in
the TrvNotType element. |
9001 | VacStartDt | Invalid field value | Presents when the value in this field is blank based on the value in
the TrvNotType element. |
9001 | EFTSCChgWav | Invalid field value | Presents when the value in this element is not Chg or Wav. |
9001 | ImgDepMemoLmtType | Invalid field value | Presents when the value in this element is not Y or N. |
9001 | ImgDepMemoPostType | Invalid field value | Presents when the value in this element is not Y or N. |
9001 | OrderEFTCardRepl | Invalid field value | Presents when the value in this element is not true or false. |
9001 | POSDrTempPostEndDt | Invalid field value | Presents when the value in this element is blank and there is a value in the
POSDrTempPostStartDt element. |
9001 | POSDrTempPostStartDt | Invalid field value | Presents when the value in this element is blank and there is a value in the
POSDrTempPostEndDt element. |
9001 | PhoneType | Invalid field value | Presents when the value in this element is not Home Phone, Alt Home Phone, Business Phone, Alt Business Phone, Home Cell Phone, or Business Cell Phone. |
9001 | PrioritySeq | Invalid field value | Presents when the value in this element is greater than 6. |
9002 | CardStatRsnType | Field value is invalid for card in its current status | Presents when the value on this element is not found in the ATM Card File Online Fields (ATCARDUPD) file. |
9002 | EFTCardStat | Field value is invalid for card in its current status | Presents when the value on this element is not found in the ATM Card File Online Fields (ATCARDUPD) file. |
9003 | EFTCardNum | Invalid institution number, institution not found in ATBANK/ATBANKUPD | Presents when the value in this element is not valid in the ATM Institution File Fields (ATBANKUPD) or the ATM Institution File (ATBANK). |
9004 | EFTCardNum | Invalid ISO, ISO not found in ATISO | Presents when the value in this element is not found in the Valid ISOs for Institutions (ATISO) file. |
9004 | EFTCardProdCode | Invalid ISO, ISO not found in ATISO | Presents when the value in this element is not found in the Valid ISOs for Institutions (ATISO) file. |
9005 | EFTCardProdCode | Invalid ISO, designated ISO is not active | Presents when the value in this element is not found in the Valid ISOs for Institutions (ATISO) file. |
9006 | EFTCardNum | Invalid ATM data queue designation | Presents when the value in this field is not valid. |
9014 | EFTCardNum | Invalid card number, card number not found in ATCARD/ATCARDUPD | Presents when the value in this element is not valid in the ATM Institution File Fields (ATBANKUPD) or the ATM Institution File (ATBANK). |
9016 | EFTCardAcctNum | Card number must be greater than zero | Presents when the value in this field is zero. |
9016 | EFTCardNum | Card number must be greater than zero | Presents when the value in this field is zero. |
9017 | EFTCardProdCode | Card number must be 13 to 19 digits in length | Presents when the value in this field is fewer than 13 digits or greater than 19 digits. |
9017 | EFTCardNum | Card number must be 13 to 19 digits in length | Presents when the value in this field is fewer than 13 digits or greater than 19 digits. |
9019 | EmbosName | Emboss name cannot be blank | Presents when the value in this element is blank in the ATM Card File (ATCARD). |
9026 | EFTCardAcctType | Invalid account type, must be equal to D, S, L, or O | Presents when the value in this field is not D, S, L, or O. |
9028 | EFTCardPrimAcct | Primary account value must be either "true" or "false" | Presents when the value in this element is not valid in the ATM Card Account Numbers File (ATCRDACT). |
9033 | EFTCardAcctId | Account not currently associated with given card number | Presents when the account does not match the card number sent on the request. |
9034 | EFTCardStatType | Status change not allowed when current status is Hot | Presents when users attempt to change the status on a card when the current value in this element is Hot. |
9036 | CustId | Address has changed in the last 30 days. Click in box and Okay to override and order a card with this CIF | Presents when the address tied to this element is not found in the ATM Card File (ATCARD). |
9041 | N/A | Error opening ATM files | Presents when users cannot open ATM files. If users receive this error, they must contact CPS Support. |
9042 | EFTCardAcctId | Only one primary account allowed per account type per request | Presents when there is more than one primary account sent in this element. |
9051 | EFTCardStatType | Status not changed, current value and requested value are the same | Presents when the value sent in this element is the same as the current value. |
9061 | EFTSCCode | Invalid service charge code, s/c code not found in ATPAR2 | Presents when the value in this element is not found in the ATM Service Charge Parameter File (ATPAR2). |
9062 | ATMCrPostPct | Invalid percentage, cannot be more than 100 percent | Presents when the value in this element is greater than 100. |
9062 | ImgDepMemoPostPct | Invalid percentage, cannot be more than 100 percent | Presents when the value in this element is greater than 100. |
9063 | ATMCrPostPct | Invalid percentage, must be 0 or memo post deposits must be Y | Presents when the value in the ATMCrPostPct element
is not zero or the value in the ImgDepMemoPostPct element is not
Y. |
9063 | ImgDepMemoPostPct | Invalid percentage, must be 0 or memo post deposits must be Y | Presents when the value in the ATMCrPostPct element
is not zero or the value in the ImgDepMemoPostPct element is not
Y. |
9064 | ATMDrTempPostStartDt | Invalid start date, start date must be less than end date | Presents when the value in this element is greater than the end date. |
9064 | AFTDrTempPostStartDt | Invalid start date, start date must be less than end date | Presents when the value in this element is greater than the end date. |
9064 | EFTOvrrdBlkTrnStartDt | Invalid start date, start date must be less than end date | Presents when the value in this element is greater than the end date. |
9064 | CntryExcStartDt | Invalid start date, start date must be less than end date | Presents when the value in this element is greater than the end date. |
9064 | POSDrTempPostStartDt | Invalid start date, start date must be less than end date | Presents when the value in this element is greater than the end date. |
9064 | TrvStartDt | Invalid start date, start date must be less than end date | Presents when the value in this element is greater than the end date. |
9064 | VacStartDt | Invalid start date, start date must be less than end date | Presents when the value in this element is greater than the end date. |
9065 | AFTDrTempPostEndDt | Invalid end date, end date cannot be less than current date, and has to be a processing date | Presents when the value in this element is less than the current date, not a processing date, or in not a valid date. |
9065 | ATMDrTempPostEndDt | Invalid end date, end date cannot be less than current date, and has to be a processing date | Presents when the value in this element is less than the current date, not a processing date, or in not a valid date. |
9065 | EFTOvrrdBlkTrnEndDt | Invalid end date, end date cannot be less than current date, and has to be a processing date | Presents when the value in this element is less than the current date, not a processing date, or in not a valid date. |
9065 | ExpDt | Invalid end date, end date cannot be less than current date, and has to be a processing date | Presents when the value in this element is less than the current date, not a processing date, or in not a valid date. |
9065 | POSDrTempPostEndDt | Invalid end date, end date cannot be less than current date, and has to be a processing date | Presents when the value in this element is less than the current date, not a processing date, or in not a valid date. |
9065 | TrvEndDt | Invalid end date, end date cannot be less than current date, and has to be a processing date | Presents when the value in this element is less than the current date, not a processing date, or in not a valid date. |
9065 | VacEndDt | Invalid end date, end date cannot be less than current date, and has to be a processing date | Presents when the value in this element is less than the current date, not a processing date, or in not a valid date. |
9066 | AFTDrTempPostEndDt | Invalid date, date cannot be zero | Presents when the value in this element is zero. |
9066 | AFTDrTempPostStartDt | Invalid date, date cannot be zero | Presents when the value in this element is zero. |
9066 | ATMDrTempPostEndDt | Invalid date, date cannot be zero | Presents when the value in this element is zero. |
9066 | ATMDrTempPostStartDt | Invalid date, date cannot be zero | Presents when the value in this element is zero. |
9066 | POSDrTempPostEndDt | Invalid date, date cannot be zero | Presents when the value in this element is zero. |
9066 | POSDrTempPostStartDt | Invalid date, date cannot be zero | Presents when the value in this element is zero. |
9066 | TrvEndDt | Invalid date, date cannot be zero | Presents when the value in this element is zero. |
9066 | TrvStartDt | Invalid date, date cannot be zero | Presents when the value in this element is zero. |
9066 | VacEndDt | Invalid date, date cannot be zero | Presents when the value in this element is zero. |
9066 | VacStartDt | Invalid date, date cannot be zero | Presents when the value in this element is zero. |
9067 | EFTCardStat | Invalid value, value cannot be blank | Presents when the value in this element is blank or is not valid in the ATM Card File Online Fields (ATCARDUPD). |
9067 | EFTSCCode | Invalid value, value cannot be blank | Presents when the value in this element is blank or is not valid in the ATM Card File Online Fields (ATCARDUPD). |
9068 | AllowMaxPIN | Invalid value, value cannot be zero | Presents when the value in this element is blank or is not valid in the ATM Card File (ATCARD). |
9068 | EFTCardExpDt | Invalid value, value cannot be zero | Presents when the value in this element is blank or is not valid in the ATM Card File (ATCARD). |
9068 | LastIssDt | Invalid value, value cannot be zero | Presents when the value in this element is blank or is not valid in the ATM Card File (ATCARD). |
9068 | OrgIssDt | Invalid value, value cannot be zero | Presents when the value in this element is blank or is not valid in the ATM Card File (ATCARD). |
9069 | EFTOvrrdBlkTrnEndDt | Invalid date range, dates do not fall within the valid range | Presents when the value in this element is not a valid value. |
9069 | EFTOvrrdBlkTrnStartDt | Invalid date range, dates do not fall within the valid range | Presents when the value in this element is not a valid value. |
9070 | EFTCardProdCode | Travel/Vacation information not valid for ISO, ISO is not setup for PPCF | Presents when the value in this element is not valid in the PBF at JH Card Standin Parameter File (ATPPAR1). |
9071 | EFTBlkTrnCode | Invalid rule number | Presents when the value in this element is not valid in the ATM Card Rule Overrides (ATCRDOVR) file. |
9072 | EFTCardTempExpDt | Invalid expiration date, date cannot be less than current date | Presents when the value in this element is less than the current date. |
9074 | EFTCardPrvdAcctType | Card Wizard not active | Presents when the value in this element is not valid. |
9075 | EFTCardPrvdAcctType | Unique account number and type required for Card Wizard alternate address | Presents when the account number and type are required when modifying an alternate address. |
9076 | EFTCardPrvdAcctType | Account number and type is in use, enter unique account number and type | Presents when the value in this element is used for the same account number. |
9077 | EmbosName | Special characters not allowed in emboss name - Valid characters: A to Z, 0 to 9, hyphen (-), and blank | Presents when invalid special characters are entered in this element. |
9078 | SecdEmbosName | Special characters not allowed in emboss name 2 - Valid characters: A to Z, 0 to 9, hyphen (-), and blank | Presents when invalid special characters are entered in this element. |
9079 | EFTMerId | Invalid Merchant ID specified for Account Updater, must be blanks | Presents when the value in this element is not blank. |
9080 | UpdaterOptedIn | Invalid Account Updater Opt-In value, must be Y (Opted-In) or N (Opted-Out) | Presents when the value in this element is not Y or N. |
9081 | PrioritySeq | Valid Range for Phone Priority is 1 - 6, No Duplicates or Blanks Allowed | Presents when the value in this element is not 1 through 6 or if duplicate values are entered. |
9082 | EFTSwchActType | Invalid Force Update value, must be A (Add) or U (Update) | Presents if the value in this element is not A or U. |
9083 | EFTSwchActType | Force Update value cannot be changed from/to B (Batch) | Presents when the value in this element is sent as B or users attempt to change the value from B within the ATM Card File (ATCARD). |
9084 | CardRushMthdCode | Ship Type/Rush Code can only be specified if ISO is setup for FD Card Order | Presents when the value in this element is not set up correctly for the ISO. |
9084 | CardRushOpt | Ship Type/Rush Code can only be specified if ISO is setup for FD Card Order | Presents when the value in this element is not set up correctly for the ISO. |
9085 | CardRushOpt | Ship Type must be blank unless card status is O (Order)/R (Reorder) | Presents when the value in this element is not blank and the
EFTCardStatType element is O or
R. |
9086 | CardRushOpt | Invalid Ship Type value, must be 0 (Normal), 1 (Next Day) | Presents when the value in this element is not 0 or 1. |
9087 | CardRushMthdCode | Rush Code must be blank if Ship Type is blank or 0 (Normal) | Presents when the value in this element is not blank when the
CardRushOpt element is sent as blank or
0. |
9088 | CardRushMthdCode | Rush Code must be specified if Ship Type is 1 (Next Day) | Presents when there is not a value in this element when the
CardRushOpt element is sent as 1. |
9089 | CardRushMthdCode | Invalid Rush Code value | Presents when the value in this element is not valid. |
9090 | EmbosName | Invalid 2nd Emboss Name Length - Visa maximum is 21, Mastercard maximum is 22 | Presents when the value in this element is longer than the maximum length - 21 characters for Visa® and 22 characters for Mastercard®. |
9091 | SecdEmbosName | Invalid 2nd Emboss Name Length - Visa maximum is 21, Mastercard maximum is 22 | Presents when the value in this element is longer than the maximum length - 21 characters for Visa® and 22 characters for Mastercard®. |
9105 | EFTCardFundAcctType | Invalid Funding Indicator, must be Y (Yes) or blank (No) | Presents when the value in this element is not Y or N in the ATM Card Account Numbers File (ATCRDACT). |
9106 | EFTCardFundAcctType | No funding account defined. Funding account must be defined | Presents when the value in this element is sent as blank. |
9108 | EFTCardFundAcctType | More than one funding. Only one funding account is allowed | Presents when more than one value is sent in this element. |
9109 | EFTCardFundAcctType | Cannot delete funding account. Change funding account first | Presents when users attempt to delete the value in this element without first modifying it. |
9110 | EFTCardFundAcctType | Funding account must be D or S type for this ISO | Presents when the value in this element is not D or S for the selected ISO. |
9112 | EFTCardCat | The Selected Card Category is NOT Available for this ISO | Presents when the value in this element is not available for the selected ISO. |
9114 | StreetAddr1 | The Address is too long for JH Card Production and Personalization | Presents when the value in this element has too many characters for JH card personalization. |
9114 | StreetAddr2 | The Address is too long for JH Card Production and Personalization | Presents when the value in this element has too many characters for JH card personalization. |
9114 | StreetAddr3 | The Address is too long for JH Card Production and Personalization | Presents when the value in this element has too many characters for JH card personalization. |
9119 | EFTCardImgId | Invalid Image ID | Presents when the value in this element is not valid in the ATM Card File (ATCARD). |
9120 | EFTCardImgId | There Are No Available Images on File | Presents when there is no available value for this element. |
The following table lists the warnings that can be returned and includes what prompts the validation to occur.
Code | Element | System Message | Validation Trigger |
9060 | N/A | Field not changed, current value and requested value are the same | Presents when the value entered is the same as the current value in the element. |
9127 | EFTCardStat | Card status changed from requested value based on AtPar3 and previous status | Presents when the value in this element is changed from the requested value. |
The following table lists the faults that can be returned and includes what prompts the validation to occur.
Code | Element | System Message | Validation Trigger |
9011 | EFTCardStatType | Status changes not allowed when current status is Hot | Presents when users attempt to change the value in this element when the current value is Hot. |
9023 | CustId | No relationship exists between the ss#/account and the CIF nbr on the given card | Presents when a relationship does not exist between the Social Security Number of the account and the CIF number of the card found in the ATM Card File (ATCARD). |
Service Dictionary
Service Dictionary
Service Dictionary Search provides consumers a service that can convey a service provider's element XSD path, requirements, default values, open enumerated canonical values, help/knowledge content, and fault codes per operation.
Within the SvcDictSrch
operation, you can send
EFTCardMod in the SvcDictName
element and
in the SvcDictType
element. Within the response,
returns all mapped elements, including any newly mapped
elements, and any elements that have specific allowed values. The following table lists the
response information for elements with specified allowed values.
Element Name | Field Value (ElemCanocVal) | Field Description (ElemCanocValDesc) |
| 05 | Warm Card - Do not Honor |
| 33 | Hot Card - Expired Card, Pick Up |
| 34 | Hot Card - Suspected Fraud, Pick Up |
| 41 | Hot Card - Lost Card, Pick Up |
| 43 | Hot Card - Stolen Card, Pick Up |
| 59 | Warm Card - Suspected Fraud |
| Act | Active |
| CardLmtExist | Limit |
| Cls | Closed |
| Del | Delete Card |
| DepOnly | Securomatic® Deposits Only |
EFTCardStatType | Exp | Expired |
| HotCard | Hot Card |
| InstantIss | Instant Issue |
| InstantIssMail | Instant Issue Mailed |
| ManActReq | Manually Active |
| OrderCard | Order New Card |
| OrderInProc | In Process Card Order |
| PINMail | PIN Mailer |
| PINXsTries | PIN Retries Exceeded |
| ReOrderCard | Reorder Card |
| ReOrderDeny | Do Not Reorder |
| WarmCard | Warm Card - Deposits Only |
| Pulls from the following fields in ATPAR2:
| Service Charge Code |
| Chg | N/A |
| Wav | N/A |
| Pulls from the following fields from the ATTBLCNTRY file:
| Country Type |
| Acpt | Include |
| Blk | Exclude |
| true | Yes |
| false | No |
| Blank | N/A |
| ForceAdd | N/A |
| ForceBatch | N/A |
| ForceUpd | N/A |
| Ovrngt | Overnight |
| Std | Standard |
| AU | Mail Plastics to Financial Institution via UPS® Next Day Air® Shipment |
| BA | Mail Plastics to Financial Institution via DHL |
| BC | Mail plastics to Financial Institution via Certified Mail |
| BF | Mail Plastics to Financial Institution via FedEx |
| BP | Mail Plastics to Financial Institution via Postal Express |
| BR | Mail Plastics to Financial Institution via Registered Mail |
| BU | Mail Plastics to Financial Institution via UPS® Next Day Air Saver® Shipment |
| B1 | Mail Plastics to Financial Institution via First Class Mail |
| CA | Mail Plastics to Cardholder via DHL |
| CC | Mail Plastics to Cardholder via Certified Mail |
| CF | Mail Plastics to Cardholder via FedEx |
| CP | Mail Plastics to Cardholder via Postal Express |
| CR | Mail Plastics to Cardholder via Registered Mail |
| CU | Mail Plastics to Cardholder via UPS® Next Day Air Saver® Shipment |
| C1 | Mail Plastics to Cardholder via First Class Mail |
| DU | Mail Plastics to Cardholder via UPS® Next Day Air® Shipment |
| XA | Mail Plastics to Cardholder for Saturday Delivery via Airborne |
| XF | Mail Plastics to Cardholder for Saturday Delivery via FedEx |
| XU | Mail Plastics to Cardholder for Saturday Delivery via UPS® Next Day Air® Shipment |
| ZA | Mail Plastics to Financial Institution for Saturday Delivery via Airborne |
| ZF | Mail Plastics to Financial Institution for Saturday Delivery via FedEx |
| Pulls from the following fields in the ATIMGAVL file:
| Card Image ID |
| MAG | Magstripe |
| EMV | Europay, Mastercard®, and Visa® |
| DIC | Dual Interface Card |
| DGT | Digital Only |
| false | No |