EFT Card Inquiry
This operation allows you to retrieve additional information for an individual card.
The EFTCardNum
(Card Number) element is the minimum required
in the request. This element represents the card number of the ATM/debit card that you want
to inquire on. If the EFTCardNum
element is unknown, you can use the
operation to help identify a specific card number.
The EFTCardSrch
operation supports the following search criteria:
Element | Wildcard Support | Description |
| Yes | Card number (partial) |
| No | The identifier attached to a customer |
| Yes | A complex element containing an account associated with the card:
| Yes | Common name, Embossed name (first or second) |
| Yes | Tax ID associated with the card |
The following search type can be specified if the search field supports wildcard searches:
Search Type | Description |
Exact | The database value must be an exact match with the search value (default). |
StartsWith | The database value must begin with the search value. |
EndsWith | The database value must end with the search value. |
Contains | The database value must contain the search value. |
The EFTCardSrch
response contains an array of results that match the
specified search criteria. Each record in the array has an EFTCardNum
element that contains the ATM/debit card number. If no match is found, an array is not
returned, and the response contains the warning message No Records Match
Selection Criteria.
XPath Elements
XPath Elements
For this business service, certain template fields, or XPath elements, are sent in on the request and corresponding elements are returned in the response.
The following tables list the elements that you send on the request and what is sent back in the response. Each table also includes any pertinent notes, such as element values or whether it is required for input.
XPath Element | File/Field | Description | Notes |
EFTCardNum | ATCARD.ATPAN | PAN (ISO + Card Number) | Required element |
EFTCardSufxNum | ATCARD.ATMEM# | Member Number | N/A |
XtendElem | N/A | Card Inquiry Filter 1-8 | There are eight total elements available for you to enter information into. |
XPath Element | File/Field | Description | Notes |
| ATCARD.ATPAN | Card Number | N/A |
| ATCRAD.ATPAN | Card Number Masked Value | N/A |
| ATCARD.ATCIF# | Customer Number | N/A |
| ATCDTBL.ATCRDS | Card Status Description | N/A |
| ATCARDUPD.ATDTL7 | Last Used Date | N/A |
| ATCARD.ATEMNM | Embossed Name 1 | N/A |
| ATCARD.ATEMB2 | Embossed Name 2 | N/A |
| ATCARD.ATCDIS | Card Issued | N/A |
| ATCARD.ATPNIS | PIN Issued | N/A |
| ATCARD.ATSC | Service Charge Code | N/A |
| ATCARD.ATMEM# | Member Number | N/A |
| ATCARD.ATSCWV | Service Charge Waived | N/A |
| ATCARD.ATMIP | Invalid PIN Attempts Limit | N/A |
| ATCARDUPD.ATINVP | Invalid PIN Attempts | N/A |
| ATCARDUPD.ATINVP | Memo Posted Deposit Amount | N/A |
| ATCARD.TTMEDP | Memo-Post Deposit Allowed | N/A |
| ATCARD.TTMEDL | Memo-Post Amount Limited | N/A |
| ATCARD.TTMEDE | Memo-Post Deposit Percent | N/A |
| ATCARD.TTMED$ | Memo-Post Deposit Maximum Per Day | N/A |
| ATCARD.ATFGNT | Non-US Transactions Accepted | N/A |
| ATCARD.ATNUSE7 | Non-US Transaction Expiration | N/A |
| ATCARD.ATGLEX | Global Change Exempt | N/A |
| ATCARD.ATWSC# | Surcharge Waived Count | N/A |
| ATCARD.ATWSC$ | Surcharge Waived Amount | N/A |
| ATCARD.ATCRDSTK | Card Stock Number | N/A |
| ATCARD.ATTELPIN | Telepin Number | N/A |
| ATISO.ATISO# | Product Code | N/A |
| ATISO.ATISODESC | Product Description | N/A |
| ATCRDADR.ATAAD1 | Address Line 1 | N/A |
| ATCRDADR.ATAAD2 | Address Line 2 | N/A |
| ATCRDADR.ATAAD3 | Address Line 3 | N/A |
| N/A | Address Type | N/A |
| ATCARD.ATCDTX | Text Line 1 | N/A |
| ATCARD.ATCTX2 | Text Line 2 | N/A |
| ATCRDACT.ACPNACT# | Checking Account 1-8 | There are eight total elements available for you to return information for. |
| ATCRDACT.ATPNACT# | Loan Account 1-8 | There are eight total elements available for you to return information for. |
| ATCRDACT.ATPNACTT | Savings Account 1-8 | There are eight total elements available for you to return information for. |
| ATCRDACT.ATPNACTT | Checking Type 1-8 | There are eight total elements available for you to return information for. |
| ATCRDACT.ATPNACTT | Loan Type 1-8 | There are eight total elements available for you to return information for. |
| ATCRDACT.ATPNACTT | Savings Type 1-8 | There are eight total elements available for you to return information for. |
| ATCRDACT.ATACTFUND | DD Funding Acct #1-#8 | There are eight total elements available for you to return information for. |
| ATCRDACT.ATACTFUND | LN Funding Acct #1-#8 | There are eight total elements available for you to return information for. |
| ATCRDACT.ATACTFUND | SV Funding Acct #1-#8 | There are eight total elements available for you to return information for. |
| N/A | Dr Card 1-2 | There are two total elements available for you to return information for - one for foreign and one for local. |
| N/A | Pos 1-2 | There are two total elements available for you to return information for - one for foreign and one for local. |
| N/A | Withdrawal 1-2 | There are two total elements available for you to return information for - one for foreign and one for local. |
| N/A | Deposit 1-2 | There are two total elements available for you to return information for - one for foreign and one for local. |
| N/A | Inquiry 1-2 | There are two total elements available for you to return information for - one for foreign and one for local. |
| N/A | Transfer 1-2 | There are two total elements available for you to return information for - one for foreign and one for local. |
| N/A | Foreign 1-6 | There are six total elements available for you to return information
for - one element for each |
| N/A | Local 1-6 | There are six total elements available for you to return information
for - one element for each |
| ATCARDUPD.ATFDC | Debit Card Transactions Foreign | There are 12 elements returned - one for each of the types. |
| ATCARDUPD.ATFDC | Debit Card Transactions At-Us | There are 12 elements returned - one for each of the types. |
| ATCARDUPD.ATFDC | POS Transactions At-Us | There are 12 elements returned - one for each of the types. |
| ATCARDUPD.ATFDC | Withdrawals Foreign | There are 12 elements returned - one for each of the types. |
| ATCARDUPD.ATFDC | Withdrawals At-Us | There are 12 elements returned - one for each of the types. |
| ATCARDUPD.ATFDC | Deposits Foreign | There are 12 elements returned - one for each of the types. |
| ATCARDUPD.ATFDC | Deposits At-Us | There are 12 elements returned - one for each of the types. |
| ATCARDUPD.ATFDC | Inquiries Foreign | There are 12 elements returned - one for each of the types. |
| ATCARDUPD.ATFDC | Inquiries At-Us | There are 12 elements returned - one for each of the types. |
| ATCARDUPD.ATFDC | Transfers Foreign | There are 12 elements returned - one for each of the types. |
| ATCARDUPD.ATFDC | Transfers At-Us | There are 12 elements returned - one for each of the types. |
| ATCARDUPD.ATFDC | POS Transactions Foreign | There are 12 elements returned - one for each of the types. |
| ATCARD.ICTTMEDP | Image Memo-Post Deposit | N/A |
| ATCARD.ICTTMEDE | Image Percent of Deposit to Memo-Post | N/A |
| ATCARD.ICTTMEDL | Image Limit Memo Amount of Deposits | N/A |
| ATCARD.ICTTMED$ | Image Maximum Deposit Memo Amount | N/A |
| ATCARD.ATCMPCRD | Compromised Card | N/A |
| ATCDTBL.ATCDST | Card Status | Canonical
| ATCARDUPD.ATOFST | Card PIN Offset | N/A |
| ATCARDUPD.ATD7HCA | Hot Card Date/Time | N/A |
| ATCARD.ATDTI7 | Original Issue Date | N/A |
| ATCARD.ATD7LIS | Last Issue Date | N/A |
| ATCARDUPD.ATD7LAC | Last Activation Date | N/A |
| ATCARDUPD.ATD7LMNT | Last Maintenance Date | N/A |
| ATCARDUPD.ATDTST7 | Last Status Change Date | N/A |
| ATCARDUPD.ATALTEXDT | Alternate Card Expiration Date | N/A |
| ATCARD.ATLMT | Withdrawal Limit | The daily withdrawal limit. |
| ATCARDUPD.ATLMTU | Withdrawal Limit Used | The amount of the withdrawals used daily. Nightly limit programs and jobs clear daily withdrawal limit amounts. |
| ATCARD.ATLMTP | POS Limit | The daily POS limit. |
| ATCARDUPD.ATLMUP | POS Limit Used | The amount of the POS used daily. Nightly limit programs and jobs clear daily withdrawal limit amounts. |
| ATCARD.ATTRL | Transaction Limit | The daily transaction limit. |
| ATCARDUPD.ATTRLU | Transaction Limit Used | The amount of transactions used daily. Nightly limit programs and jobs clear daily withdrawal limit amounts. |
| ATCRDTLMT.ATTMPWLMT | Temporary Withdrawal Limit | Use this field to override the withdrawal limit temporarily. When using the field, you must set the Temporary Withdrawal Limit Start Date and Temporary Withdrawal Limit End Date fields. |
| ATCRDTLMT.ATBGWLMTD7 | Temporary Withdrawal Limit Start Date | The date that the Temporary Withdrawal Limit starts. |
| ATCRDTLMT.ATEXWLMTD7 | Temporary Withdrawal Limit End Date | The date that the Temporary Withdrawal Limit ends. |
| ATCRDTLMT.ATTMPPSLMT | Temporary POS Limit | Use this element to override the POS Limit temporarily. When using the element, you must set the Temporary POS Limit Start Date and Temporary POS Limit End Date fields. |
| ATCRDTLMT.ATBGPSLD7 | Temporary POS Limit Start Date | The date that the temporary POS limit starts. |
| ATCRDTLMT.ATEXPSLD7 | Temporary POS Limit End Date | The date that the POS limit ends. |
| N/A | Travel Note Type | N/A |
| ATPPPCF1.ATPTRVBG | Travel Begin Date | N/A |
| ATPPPCF1.ATPTRVEN | Travel End Date | N/A |
| ATPPPCF1.ATPTHVCM | Travel Comment | N/A |
| N/A | Phone Type | Up to one element is returned for each type:
| ATCARD.ATHPH1 | Phone Number 1-6 | There are six total elements available for you to return information for. |
| N/A | Phone Priority Sequence 1-6 | There are six total elements available for you to return information for. |
| ATPPPCF1.ATPVACBG | Vacation Begin Date | N/A |
| ATPPPCF1.ATPVACEN | Vacation End Date | N/A |
| ATPPPCF1.ATPVACCM | Vacation End Comment | N/A |
| ATPPPCF1.ATPFRDFLG | Contact if Fraud Suspected | N/A |
| ATCRDFEX.ACCQCOUN | Country Code 1-10 | There are 10 total elements available for you to return information for. Note: Your financial
institution could have more than 10 blocks on the system, but only 10 are sent in
due to limitations on the business service. |
| ATCRDFEX.ATCPCNTRY | Country Name 1-10 | There are 10 total elements available for you to return information for. Note: Your financial institution could have more than 10 blocks on the
system, but only 10 are sent in due to limitations on the business service. |
| ATCRDFEX.ATCSTD7 | Country Start Date 1-10 | There are 10 total elements available for you to return information for. Note: Your financial institution could have more than 10 blocks on the
system, but only 10 are sent in due to limitations on the business service. |
| ATCRDFEX.ATCEXD7 | Country Expiration Date 1-10 | There are 10 total elements available for you to return information for. Note: Your financial institution could have more than 10 blocks on the
system, but only 10 are sent in due to limitations on the business service. |
| ATBLKRULE.ATBLRULE | Blocking Rule Number 1-20 | There are 20 total elements available for you to return information for. Note: Your financial
institution could have more than 20 blocks on the system, but only 20 are sent in
due to limitations on the business service. |
| ATCRDOVR.ATOVBDATE | Ovr Block Start Date 1-20 | There are 20 total elements available for you to return information for. Note: Your financial institution could have more than 20 blocks on the
system, but only 20 are sent in due to limitations on the business service. |
| ATCRDOVR.ATOVEDATE | Ovr Block End Date 1-20 | There are 20 total elements available for you to return information for. Note: Your financial institution could have more than 20 blocks on the
system, but only 20 are sent in due to limitations on the business service. |
| ATBLKRULE.ATBLNAME | Blocking Rule Name 1-20 | There are 20 total elements available for you to return information for. Note: Your financial institution could have more than 20 blocks on the
system, but only 20 are sent in due to limitations on the business service. |
| ATBLKRULE.ATBLBDATE | Blocking Start Date 1-20 | There are 20 total elements available for you to return information for. Note: Your financial institution could have more than 20 blocks on the
system, but only 20 are sent in due to limitations on the business service. |
| ATBLKRULE.ATBLEDATE | Blocking End Date 1-20 | There are 20 total elements available for you to return information for. Note: Your financial institution could have more than 20 blocks on the
system, but only 20 are sent in due to limitations on the business service. |
| N/A | Blocking Rule Exp True/False | There are 20 total elements available for you to return information for. Note: Your financial institution could have more than 20 blocks on the
system, but only 20 are sent in due to limitations on the business service. |
| ATBLKRULE.ATBLISO | Blocking ISO Number | There are 20 total elements available for you to return information for. Note: Your financial institution could have more than 20 blocks on the
system, but only 20 are sent in due to limitations on the business service. |
| ATCRDBNK.ATUSRX1 | Alpha User 1 | N/A |
| ATCRDBNK.ATUSRX2 | Alpha User 2 | N/A |
| ATCRDBNK.ATUSRX3 | Alpha User 3 | N/A |
| ATCRDBNK.ATUSRA1 | Amount User 1 | N/A |
| ATCRDBNK.ATUSRA2 | Amount User 2 | N/A |
| ATCRDBNK.ATUSRA3 | Amount User 3 | N/A |
| ATCRDBNK.ATUSRJD1 | Date User 1 | N/A |
| ATCRDBNK.ATUSRJD2 | Date User 2 | N/A |
| ATCRDBNK.ATUSRJD3 | Date User 3 | N/A |
| ATCRDARD.ATADRACT# | Account Number | N/A |
| ATCRDADR.ATADRACTT | Account Type | N/A |
| ATCARDUPD.ATEXD7 | Card Expiration Date | N/A |
| ATCARDUPD.ATDI$ME | Amount of Img Deps Memo Posted | N/A |
| N/A | Country Exc Type Blk/Acpt 1-10 | Canonical
There are 10 total elements available for you to return information for. |
| ATCARDUPD.ATUPDOPT | Opt-In Opt Code - Y/N | Canonical
| ATCARDUPD.AFRCUPD | Force Update at Switch | Canonical
| N/A | Restriction for ATCARD/ATFRCUPD | Canonical
| ATCARD.ATSHIPTYP | Ship Type | Canonical
| ATCARD.ATRUSHCD | Rush Code | Canonical
Note: This element is only valid when the CardRushOpt
element has a value as 1. |
| N/A | Restriction for ATCARD/ATRUSHCD | Canonical
| N/A | Rush Code Description | Note: This element is only valid when the CardRushOpt
element has a value as 1. |
| N/A | Restriction for ATCARD/ATRUSHCD | Canonical
| ATNEGRESP.ATNGRSP | Negative Response Code | Canonical
| ATCARDUPD.ATOFST | Card PIN Offset | N/A |
| ATIMGAVL.ATIMGID | Card Image ID | N/A |
| N/A | Restriction for ATCARD/ATIMGID | Canonical
| ATIMGAVL.ATIMGID | Card Image Description | N/A |
| N/A | Restriction for ATIMGAVL/ATIMGDSC | Canonical
| N/A | Restriction for ATCARD/ATCRDCAT | Canonical
| ATISO.ATALWDOCD | Allow Digital Only Cards | This element only functions if your financial institution participates in CPS Digital Issuance. |
| N/A | Restriction for ATISO/ATALWDOCD | Canonical
| ATISO.ATALWDGPI | Allow Digital Provisioning w/ Inactive | This element only functions if your financial institution participates in CPS Digital Issuance. |
| N/A | Restriction for ATISO/ATALWDGPI | N/A |
| ATCARDUPD.ATEXD7TMP | Temporary Expiration Date | This element only functions if your financial institution participates in CPS Digital Issuance. |
| N/A | Restriction for ATCARD/ATEXD7TMP | Canonical
| ATCRDTLMT.ATTMPALMT | Temporary AFT DR Limit | Use this field to override the AFT limit temporarily. When using the field, you must set the Temporary AFT DR Limit Start Date and Temporary AFT DR Limit End Date fields. |
| N/A | Restriction for ATCARD/ATTMPALMT | Canonical
| ATCRDTLMT.ATBGALMTD7 | Temp AFT DR Limit Begin Date | The date that the temporary AFT DR limit starts. |
| N/A | Restriction for ATCARD/ATBGALMTDT | Canonical
| ATCRDTLMT.ATEXALMTD7 | Temp AFT DR Limit Exp Date | That date that the temporary AFT DR limit ends. |
| N/A | Restriction for ATCARD/ATEXALMTDT | Canonical
| ATCARD.ATLMTAFT | Limit AFT | The daily AFT limit. The Merchant Category Code transactions with the following values are identified as AFT transactions:
| N/A | Restriction for ATCARD/ATLMTAFT | Canonical
| ATCARDUPD.ATLMUAFT | Limit Used AFT | The amount of the AFT used daily. Nightly limit programs and jobs clear daily AFT limit amounts. |
| N/A | Restriction for ATCARDUPD/ATLMUAFT | Canonical
Within the response, specific validations can appear in the response if incorrect or different information than what is required is sent in the request.
The following table lists the errors that can be returned and includes what prompts the validation to occur.
Code | Element | System Message | Validation Trigger |
16 | N/A | Cannot open files | Presents when any of the files needed by the service cannot be opened. |
34 | N/A | Function is not available during Nightly Updates | Presents when end-of-day (EOD) is running on the core system and the function is determined to be unavailable during EOD. |
9003 | N/A | Invalid institution number, institution not found in ATBANK/ATBANKUPD | Presents when the bank number associated with the card is not found in the ATBANK file. This message requires technical support as it indicates a configuration or data issue. |
9014 | EFTCardNum | Invalid card number, card number not found in ATCARD/ATCARDUPD | Presents when the requested card number does not exist in the CPS database. |
9014 | EFTCardSufxNum | Invalid card number, card number not found in ATCARD/ATCARDUPD | Presents when the requested card number does not exist in the CPS database. |
Service Dictionary
Service Dictionary
Service Dictionary Search provides consumers a service that can convey a service provider's elements XSD path, requirements, default values, open enumerated canonical values, help/knowledge content, and fault codes per operation.
Within the SvcDictSrch
operation, you can send
EFTCardInq in the SvcDictName
element and
or Rs
in the SvcDictType
Within the response, SvcDictSrch
returns all mapped elements, including any
newly mapped elements, and any elements that have specific allowed values. The following table
lists the response information for elements with specified allowed values.
Element Name | Field Value (ElemCanocVal) | Field Description (ElemCanocValDesc) |
| Act | Active |
| CardLmtExist | Limits |
| Cls | Closed |
| Del | Delete Card |
| DepOnly | Securomatic® Deposits Only |
| Exp | Expired |
| HotCard | Hot Card |
| InstantIss | Instant Issue |
| InstantIssMail | Instant Issue Mailed |
| ManAcctReq | Manually Active |
| OrderCard | Order New Card |
| OrderInProc | In Process Card Order |
| PINMail | PIN Mailer |
| PINXsTries | PIN Retries Exceeded |
| ReOrderCard | Reorder Card |
| ReOrderDeny | Do Not Reorder |
| WarmCard | Warm Card - Deposits Only |
| 5 | Warm Card - Do not Honor |
| 33 | Hot Card - Expired Card, Pick-Up |
| 34 | Hot Card - Suspected Fraud, Pick-Up |
| 41 | Hot Card - Lost Card, Pick-Up |
| 43 | Hot Card - Stolen Card, Pick-Up |
| 59 | Warm Card - Suspected Fraud |
| Pulls from the following fields in ATPAR2:
| Service Charge Code |
| Chg | N/A |
| Wav | N/A |
| Pulls from the following fields from the ATTBLCNTRY file:
| Country Type |
| Acpt | Include |
| Blk | Exclude |
| true | Yes |
| false | No |
| Blank | N/A |
| ForceAdd | N/A |
| ForceBatch | N/A |
| ForceUpd | N/A |
| Ovrngt | Overnight |
| Std | Standard |
| AU | Mail Plastics to Financial Institution via UPS® Next Day AIR® Shipment |
| BA | Mail Plastics to Financial Institution via DHL |
| BC | Mail Plastics to Financial Institution via Certified Mail |
| BF | Mail Plastics to Financial Institution via FedEx |
| BP | Mail Plastics to Financial Institution via Postal Express |
| BR | Mail Plastics to Financial Institution via Registered Mail |
| BU | Mail Plastics to Financial Institution via UPS® Next Day AIR Saver® Shipment |
| B1 | Mail Plastics to Financial Institution via First Class Mail |
| CA | Mail Plastics to Cardholder via DHL |
| CC | Mail Plastics to Cardholder via Certified Mail |
| CF | Mail Plastics to Cardholder via FedEx |
| CP | Mail Plastics to Cardholder via Postal Express |
| CR | Mail Plastics to Cardholder via Registered Mail |
| CU | Mail Plastics to Cardholder via UPS® Next Day AIR Saver® Shipment |
| C1 | Mail Plastics to Cardholder via First Class Mail |
| DU | Mail Plastics to Cardholder via UPS® Next Day AIR® Shipment |
| XA | Mail Plastics to Cardholder for Saturday Delivery via Airborne |
| XF | Mail Plastics to Cardholder for Saturday Delivery via FedEx |
| XU | Mail Plastics to Cardholder for Saturday Delivery via UPS® Next Day AIR® Shipment |
| ZA | Mail Plastics to Financial Institution for Saturday Delivery via Airborne |
| ZF | Mail Plastics to Financial Institution for Saturday Delivery via FedEx |
| Pulls from the following fields in the ATIMGAVL file:
| Card Image ID |
| MAG | Magstripe |
| EMV | Europay, Mastercard®, and Visa® |
| DIC | Dual Interface Card |
| DGT | Digital Only |
| false | No |
| Blank | N/A |
| ReadWrite | N/A |
| Clear | N/A |
| NoAccessPart | N/A |
| Hid | N/A |
| NoAccess | N/A |
| ReadWritePart | N/A |
| ReadOnly | N/A |
| ReadOnlyPart | N/A |
| No | N/A |
| Yes | N/A |
| Blank | N/A |
| ReadWrite | N/A |
| Clear | N/A |
| NoAccessPart | N/A |
| Hid | N/A |
| NoAccess | N/A |
| ReadWritePart | N/A |
| ReadOnly | N/A |
| ReadOnlyPart | N/A |
| No | N/A |
| Yes | N/A |
| Blank | N/A |
| ReadWrite | N/A |
| Clear | N/A |
| NoAccessPart | N/A |
| Hid | N/A |
| NoAccess | N/A |
| ReadWritePart | N/A |
| ReadOnly | N/A |
| ReadOnlyPart | N/A |
| No | N/A |
| Yes | N/A |