Customer Modification
This operation allows you to modify or delete customer information that exists in the core.
In the request, only include the elements with values requiring change, such
as addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses. After a modification is attempted, the
response returns a value of Success in the
element if the requested modification is completed
It is recommended that you use the SvcDictSrch
operation prior to calling
an Add or Mod operation. SvcDictSrch
returns the elements that are
supported by the provider and returns information and values for most elements. The use of
this operation reduces repeated attempts to complete the operation if errors are returned
from the provider.
When specifying a foreign address in SilverLake:
- The
element must be set to Y to indicate a non-U.S. address. - The foreign address must be sent using the
. - The
, andPostalCode
elements must be omitted or left blank.
XPath Elements
XPath Elements
For this business service, certain template fields, or XPath elements, are sent in on the request and corresponding elements are returned in the response.
The following tables list the elements that you send on the request and what is sent back in the response. Each table also includes any pertinent notes, such as element values or whether it is required for input.
XPath Element | File/Field | Description | Notes |
| JHFREFAPI.ERROVRRD | Error Override? | N/A |
| N/A | Data Validation | Canonical
| CFMAST.CFCIF# | Customer Number | N/A |
| N/A | Delete Flag | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFNA1 | Customer Alias | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFFNA | Customer First Name | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFMNA | Customer Middle Name | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFLNA | Customer Last Name | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFSFX | Customer Name Suffix | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFEXTTL | CIF Expanded Title | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFNA4 | Foreign Address | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFNA2 | Address Line 1 | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFNA3 | Address Line 2 | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFCITY | City | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFSTAT | State | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFZIPD | ZIP Code Delivery Point | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFFORC | Foreign Country | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFBADA | Insufficient Address | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFBUST | Business Type | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFSEX | Sex | Canonical
| CFMAST.CFBIRD | Date of Birth (YYYYDDD) | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFEMPL | Employer Name | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFOCPCD | CIF Occupation Code | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFORGD | Original Customer Date (YYYYDD) | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFDEAD | Deceased Customer Flag | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFDDEA | Date Deceased | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFEML1 | Email Address | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFEML2 | Other Email Address | N/A |
| JHEMNT.ENOTFLG | Email Notice Flag | N/A |
| N/A | Email Description 1 | N/A |
| N/A | Email Description 2 | N/A |
| N/A | Phone Number 1 | N/A |
| N/A | Phone Number 2 | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFHPHO (1-6) CFPHONE.PHNUMBER (7-8) | Home Phone 1-8 | There are eight total elements available for you to enter information into. |
| N/A | Phone Type 1-8 | There are 8 total elements available for you to enter information into. |
| N/A | Phone Ext 1 | N/A |
| N/A | Phone Ext 2 | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFBPHX (1-6) CFPHONE.PHEXT (7-8) | Business Phone Extension 1-8 | There are eight total elements available for you to enter information into. |
| N/A | Phone Number Display 1-8 | There are 8 total elements available for you to enter information into. |
| CFMASTV4.CFFICO | Current FICO® Score | N/A |
| N/A | Withhold Notice | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFSSCD | Tax ID Type Code | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFSSNO | Tax ID Number | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFSSFX | Tax ID Suffix | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFTINS | TIN Status | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFTNDT | Status Changed Date | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFBNOT | B Notice Flag | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFBNDT | Last IRS Notification | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFTINMATCH | IRS TIN Match Flag | Canonical
| CFMAST.CFTXET | Tax Extension Date | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFTXRT | Tax Return Date | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFIRSF | IRS Foreign Delivery Point | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFIRSA | IRS Address | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFIRSD | IRS Delivery Point | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFIRSFC | IRS Foreign Country | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFADAT | Last Alien Certification | N/A |
| CFORGN.FPCITY | Postal City | N/A |
| CFORGN.FPPROV | Postal Province | N/A |
| CFORGN.FPCODE | Postal Code | N/A |
| CFORGN.FPCNTR | Postal Country | N/A |
| CFORGN.FCNTRY | Residency Country | N/A |
| CFORGN.FEXMPT | Exemption Code | N/A |
| CFORGN.FRECIP | Recipient Code | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFAFLG | Alien Flag | N/A |
| CFMAST.W8TYPE | W8 Type Code | Canonical
| CFMAST.W8STAT | W8 Status Code | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFAEDAT | Alien Cert. Expiration | N/A |
| CFORGN.FFORTIN | Foreign TIN | N/A |
| CFORGN.FCITZN | Citizenship Country | N/A |
| CFORGN.FRGIIN | Recipient GIIN | N/A |
| CFORGN.FGIINDP7 | GIIN Provided Date | N/A |
| CFORGN.FGIINDC7 | GIIN Certified Date | N/A |
| N/A | Chapter Exists 1 | N/A |
| N/A | Chapter Exists 2 | N/A |
| CFORGN.FCHAPTER | Reporting Chapter 1 | Canonical
| CFORGN.FCHAPTER | Reporting Chapter 2 | Canonical
| CFORGN.FEXMPT | Exemption Code 1 | N/A |
| CFORGN.FEXMPT | Exemption Code 2 | N/A |
| CFORGN.FRECIP | Recipient Code 1 | N/A |
| CFORGN.FRECIP | Recipient Code 2 | N/A |
| CFPARB.CFWHCD | Fed Withholding Code | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFWHPR | State Withholding Code | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFOFFR | Officer Code | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFBRNN | Branch Number | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFCLAS | Class | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFGRP# | Related Group Number | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFINQC | Inquiry Code | N/A |
| CFPAR3.CP3UID | UID Description 1–51 | There are 51 total elements available for you to enter information. |
| CFPARB.CBFDFT | User Code 1–16 | There are 16 total elements available for you to enter information. |
| CFPARB.CBFDFT | Field Default Value 1–35 | There are 35 total elements available for you to enter information. |
| CFMAST.CFINSC | Insider Code | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFVIPC | VIP Customer | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFLEAS | Lease Security Flag | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFWRTH | Net Worth | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFCCYC | CIF Combined Cycle | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFHLDM | Hold Mail Code | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFPROA | Profit Analysis | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFWVCD | F/S Waive Code | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFWVDT | F/S Waive Date | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFFSDT | Financial Statement Date | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFCFSD | Most Recent F/S Date | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFLTDT | Last Letter Sent Date | N/A |
| CFMAST.SALESAC | Sales Associate | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFLANG | Language Identifier | Canonical
| CFMAST.CFDLAC7 | Last Contact Date | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFWRTH | Net Worth Amount | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFNCLEX7 | CIF Do Not Call Flag Expiration Date 7 | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFNOCALL | CIF Do Not Call Flag | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFREGP | Privacy Act Opt Out | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFRPD7 | Tax Return Date | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFCRAS | CRA State Code | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFCNTY | County | N/A |
| LNPAR5.L5CENS | Census Tract | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFCRAL | CRA Location | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFINCL | CRA Income Level | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFAFLOPT | Affiliate Opt Out | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFAFLEXCD | Affiliate Opt Out Exception Code | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFAFLECD7 | Affiliate Opt Out Exception Date | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFAFLEXD7 | Affiliate Opt Out Expiration Date | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFRETN | Retention | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFRSKRT | CIF Risk Rating | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFRSKD7 | CIF Risk Rating Date | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFRSKBY | CIF Risk Rated by Code | N/A |
| CFFBENIN.FINCENLE | FinCEN Legal Entity | Canonical
| CFFBENIN.OVRPCT | Override Ownership Percentage | N/A |
| CFFBENIN.PCTREASON | Override Percentage Reason | N/A |
| CFFBENIN.EXCLCODE | Exclusion Code | N/A |
XPath Element | File.Field | Description | Notes |
RsStat | JHFREFAPI.PASSFAIL | Pass/Fail Status | N/A |
Field/Field | Maintenance Description | Field Label |
CFMAST.CFCIF# | Customer Number | Customer Number |
All elements are evaluated, and if the value sent in is different from the core file value and the process is completed successfully, then a maintenance record for that field with the field changes is written out.
Within the response, specific validations can appear in the response if incorrect or different information than what is required is sent in the request.
The following table lists the errors that can be returned and includes what prompts the errors to occur.
Code | Element | System Message | Validation Trigger |
5 | ReqLegalEntityType | Cannot allocate files | Presents when the system cannot open files to validate the request. |
12 | Addr1 | Both address lines cannot be blank | Presents when at least one address line is not populated. |
12 | Addr2 | Both address lines cannot be blank | Presents when at least one address line is not populated. |
13 | BrCode | Branch Number is not valid | Presents when the branch is checked within the bank parameters and the branch does not exist. |
23 | City | City cannot be blank | Presents when a value is not sent in this element or is sent as blank. |
23 | Addr.City | City cannot be blank | Presents when a value is not sent in this element or is sent as blank. |
28 | CRAStateCode | CRA State code is not valid | Presents when the value sent is not found within the core State Code File (JHSTATL1). |
31 | StreetAddr1 | Foreign address and City/State cannot both have values | Presents when validating the city, state, and ZIP code. If the foreign address is populated, then the city and state cannot be populated. |
38 | GroupCode | Group number is not valid | Presents when this element is populated and the value is not found in the CIF Related Customer Group parameter file (CFPARG). |
43 | GIINDt | Date is not valid | Presents when the value sent in this element is not in a valid format. |
43 | AlienW8ExpDt | Date is not valid | Presents when the value sent in this element is not in a valid format. |
43 | GIINCertDt | Date is not valid | Presents when the value sent in this element is not in a valid format. |
43 | RegPSentDt | Date is not valid | Presents when the value sent in this element is not in a valid format. |
43 | AlienW8ExpDt | Date is not valid | Presents when the value sent in this element is not in a valid format. |
45 | N/A | Numeric data is not valid | Presents when a numeric value is not sent on the request. |
46 | MailDirCode | Mailing Instruction code is not valid | Presents when the value in this element does not exist in the Hold Mail Code Parameter File (JHMAIL). |
50 | OffCode | Officer code is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is not valid in the Officer File (JHOFFR). |
68 | UserDefCode | Special information code 1 must be Y or N | Presents when the value in this element is not Y or N. |
76 | StdIndustCode | Standard industry class code is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is not equal to zero and not found in the CIF Standard Industry Classification (CFSICC) file. |
78 | StateWithCode | State code for withholding is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is not found in the Federal Withholding Reason Codes (JHWITH) file. |
79 | StateCode | State code is not valid | Presents when a value is not sent for this element. This element cannot be left empty or sent as blank. |
79 | Addr.StateCode | State code is not valid | Presents when a value is not sent for this element. This element cannot be left empty or sent as blank. |
99 | PostalCode | ZIP code is required | Presents when a value is not sent for this element. This element cannot be left empty or sent as blank. |
99 | Addr.PostalCode | ZIP code is required | Presents when a value is not sent for this element. This element cannot be left empty or sent as blank. |
129 | N/A | Invalid code | Presents when the phone format code is not blank or is not found in the Program/Field Help File (JHPARHV). |
130 | N/A | The value entered is longer than the field length | Presents when the value is larger than the field length. |
131 | N/A | Incorrect number of decimal places | Presents when the incorrect places after the decimal point are sent in. |
235 | BirthDt | Field required for input | Presents when no value is sent in this required element. These elements are checked to see if they are required. |
235 | AlienTypeCode | Field required for input | Presents when the Individual field is set to N and this element is blank. |
235 | AflOptOutExpDt | Field required for input | Presents when the Individual field is set to N, the Field Control Personal field is set to R, and this element is blank. |
235 | AflOptOutExcptCode | Field required for input | Presents when no value is sent in this required element. These elements are checked to see if they are required. |
235 | AflOptOutExcptDt | Field required for input | Presents when no value is sent in this required element. These elements are checked to see if they are required. |
235 | AlienLastW8Dt | Field required for input | Presents when the value in this element is zero, the Field Control Personal field is R, and the Alien Flag field is Y. |
235 | CRASMSACode | Field required for input | Presents when no value is sent in this required element. These elements are checked to see if they are required. |
235 | TaxIdMod | Field required for input | Presents when no value is sent in this required element. These elements are checked to see if they are required. |
235 | CertCode | Field required for input | Presents when no value is sent in this required element. These elements are checked to see if they are required. |
235 | FinStmtWavCode | Field required for input | Presents when no value is sent in this required element. These elements are checked to see if they are required. |
235 | OffCode | Field required for input | Presents when no value is sent in this required element. These elements are checked to see if they are required. |
235 | OccType | Field required for input | Presents when no value is sent in this required element. These elements are checked to see if they are required. |
235 | DoNotCallExpDt | Field required for input | Presents when no value is sent in this required element. These elements are checked to see if they are required. |
235 | Addr2 | Field required for input | Presents when no value is sent in this required element. These elements are checked to see if they are required. |
235 | NAICSCode | Field required for input | Presents when no value is sent in this required element. These elements are checked to see if they are required. |
235 | LastFinStmtLtrDt | Field required for input | Presents when no value is sent in this required element. These elements are checked to see if they are required. |
235 | LeaseSecCode | Field required for input | Presents when no value is sent in this required element. These elements are checked to see if they are required. |
235 | CertCodeDt | Field required for input | Presents when no value is sent in this required element. These elements are checked to see if they are required. |
235 | RiskRateByCode | Field required for input | Presents when no value is sent in this required element. These elements are checked to see if they are required. |
235 | RiskRateDt | Field required for input | Presents when no value is sent in this required element. These elements are checked to see if they are required. |
235 | RiskRateCode | Field required for input | Presents when no value is sent in this required element. These elements are checked to see if they are required. |
235 | TaxExtDt | Field required for input | Presents when no value is sent in this required element. These elements are checked to see if they are required. |
235 | TaxRetDt | Field required for input | Presents when no value is sent in this required element. These elements are checked to see if they are required. |
235 | UserDefCode | Field required for input | Presents when no value is sent in this required element. These elements are checked to see if they are required. |
235 | InsiderCode | Field required for input | Presents when no value is sent in this required element. These elements are checked to see if they are required. |
235 | AbbrCustDesc | Field required for input | Presents when no value is sent in this required element. These elements are checked to see if they are required. |
235 | CRAIncmLvl | Field required for input | Presents when no value is sent in this required element. These elements are checked to see if they are required. |
235 | MailDirCode | Field required for input | Presents when no value is sent in this required element. These elements are checked to see if they are required. |
235 | GroupCode | Field required for input | Presents when no value is sent in this required element. These elements are checked to see if they are required. |
235 | FinStmtExpDt | Field required for input | Presents when no value is sent in this required element. These elements are checked to see if they are required. |
235 | LastConDt | Field required for input | Presents when no value is sent in this required element. These elements are checked to see if they are required. |
235 | EmplName | Field required for input | Presents when no value is sent in this required element. These elements are checked to see if they are required. |
235 | EmailAddr | Field required for input | Presents when no value is sent in this required element. These elements are checked to see if they are required. |
235 | CRALoc | Field required for input | Presents when no value is sent in this required element. These elements are checked to see if they are required. |
235 | LastFinStmtDt | Field required for input | Presents when no value is sent in this required element. These elements are checked to see if they are required. |
235 | CRACenTract | Field required for input | Presents when no value is sent in this required element. These elements are checked to see if they are required. |
235 | NetWorthAmt | Field required for input | Presents when no value is sent in this required element. These elements are checked to see if they are required. |
235 | Gender | Field required for input | Presents when no value is sent in this required element. These elements are checked to see if they are required. |
235 | CustCycleCode | Field required for input | Presents when no value is sent in this required element. These elements are checked to see if they are required. |
235 | StdIndustCode | Field required for input | Presents when no value is sent in this required element. These elements are checked to see if they are required. |
235 | BrCode | Field required for input | Presents when no value is sent in this required element. These elements are checked to see if they are required. |
235 | BNotIRSDt | Field required for input | Presents when no value is sent in this required element. These elements are checked to see if they are required. |
235 | Addr.DlvryPt | Field required for input | Presents when no value is sent in this required element. These elements are checked to see if they are required. |
235 | Addr.PostalCode | Field required for input | Presents when no value is sent in this required element. These elements are checked to see if they are required. |
235 | Addr.StateCode | Field required for input | Presents when no value is sent in this required element. These elements are checked to see if they are required. |
235 | Addr.City | Field required for input | Presents when no value is sent in this required element. These elements are checked to see if they are required. |
235 | StreetAddr1 | Field required for input | Presents when no value is sent in this required element. These elements are checked to see if they are required. |
235 | SalesPerson | Field required for input | Presents when no value is sent in this required element. These elements are checked to see if they are required. |
235 | FinStmtWavDt | Field required for input | Presents when no value is sent in this required element. These elements are checked to see if they are required. |
235 | StreetAddr2 | Field required for input | Presents when no value is sent in this required element. These elements are checked to see if they are required. |
400 | LangType | Language Code is not a valid code | Presents when this element is not equal to blank or the value is not found in the Preferred Language Parameter File (JHPARL). |
402 | TINMatchType | TIN Name match must be Y, N, or U | Presents when the value in this element is not Y, N, or U. |
723 | AuthUsr | User does not have sufficient access to the requested operation | Presents when the user does not have access to the requested operation. |
1005 | N/A | Date field has an invalid format | Presents when the data entered cannot be formatted into the date field. |
1010 | WithNot | Element value must be Y or N | Presents when the value in this element is not Y or N. |
2000 | N/A | Maintenance denied due to data not being current | Presents when maintenance has been done and the data is no longer current. |
100348 | FedWithCode | Federal W/H Code must be 0, CIF is subject to pending C Notice withholding | Presents when this element is not equal to zero, the Mode field is equal to A, the Applied Flag field is zero, and the Release Flag field is zero. |
200135 | StateWithCode | Invalid withholding code | Presents when this element is populated with a value that is not found in the Federal Withholding Reason Codes (JHWITH) file. |
200135 | FedWithCode | Invalid withholding code | Presents when this element is populated with a value that is not found in the Federal Withholding Reason Codes (JHWITH) file. |
400001 | AflOptOutCode | Aff Exception Code not valid when Aff Opt-Out is N | Presents when the Affiliate Opt-Out field is set to N and this element is not blank. |
400002 | AflOptOutExpDt | Affiliate Opt-Out Exception Date is not valid | Presents when the value in this field is less than or equal to zero, or is not a valid future date. |
400003 | AflOptOutCode | Affiliate Opt-Out must be Y or N | Presents when the value in this element is not Y or N. |
400004 | AlienLastW8Dt | Alien Certification Date is required when Alien Customer flag is Y | Presents when the AlienTypeCode element is
Y and the AlienLastW8Dt element is
zero. |
400004 | AlienTypeCode | Alien Certification Date is required when Alien Customer flag is Y | Presents when the AlienTypeCode element is
Y and the AlienLastW8Dt element is
zero. |
400005 | ResCntryType | Alien country of residency is not valid | Presents when the value sent in this element is not found in the CIF Foreign Customer Country File (CFOPR1). |
400006 | AlienTypeCode | Alien Customer flag is not valid for this Tax ID type | Presents when this element is sent with a value of
N and the TaxID element is set to
A. |
400007 | AlienTypeCode | Alien Customer flag must be Y or N | Presents when the value sent in this element is not Y or N. |
400008 | AlienLastW8Dt | Alien Customer flag must be Y when W8 Certification Date has a value | Presents when the AlienTypeCode element is
N and the AlienLastW8Dt is not equal to
zero. |
400009 | ResCity | Alien Postal City cannot be blank | Presents when this element is sent as blank. |
400010 | ResPostalCode | Alien Postal Code is required | Presents when this element is sent as blank. |
400011 | ResCntry | Alien Postal Country Code is required | Presents when this element is sent as blank or the value is not found in the CIF Foreign Customer Country File (CFOPR1). |
400012 | ResStateProv | Alien Postal Province is required | Presents when the ResCntry element is sent as
CA and this element is sent as blank. |
400013 | IRSRecipCode | Alien Recipient Code is not valid | Presents when the value sent in this element is not found in the CIF Foreign Customer Recipient Codes (CFOPR2) file or the CIF Foreign Customer Chapter 4 Status Codes (CFOPR24) file. |
400014 | IRSExmpCode | Alien Tax Exemption Code is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is an invalid chapter 3 or chapter 4 code or the value is equal to zero. |
400015 | AlienLastW8Dt | Alien W8 Certification Date is not valid | Presents when this element is equal to zero. |
400016 | BirthDt | Birth Date is not valid or in the future | Presents when the value sent in this element is less than or equal to zero. |
400019 | PhoneType | Business Cell Phone Number is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is sent as C2. |
400020 | PhoneType | Business Fax Number is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is sent as F2. |
400022 | PhoneType | Business Phone Number is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is sent as B1. |
400023 | ResStateProv | Canadian Province must be valid as defined by the IRS | Presents when the country is sent as CA and the province is not found within the CIF Foreign Customer Province File (CFOPR4). |
400024 | PhoneType | Cell Phone Number is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is sent as C1. |
400025 | CustCycleCode | Combined Cycle is not valid | Presents when the value sent in this element is not found in the Deposit Cycle Code Parameter File (DDPAR7). |
400026 | CustCode | Customer Class is not valid | Presents when the value sent in this element is blank or not found in the Class Parameter File (JHCLAS). |
400028 | CustId | Customer not found | Presents when the value in this element is not valid in the CIF Master File (CFMAST). |
400029 | N/A | Individual Code must be Y or N | Presents when the field CUSTTYPE is not set to Y or N. |
400030 | DoNotCallExpDt | Do not call Expiration Date is not valid | Presents when the value sent in this element is less than or equal to zero. |
400031 | DoNotCallCode | Do Not Call flag is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is not set to blank or is not a Y or N. |
400032 | PhoneType | Fax Number is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is sent as F1. |
400033 | FinStmtExpDt | Financial Statement Date is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is less than or equal to zero. |
400034 | FinStmtWavCode | Financial Statement Waive Code is not valid | Presents when the value sent in this element is blank or is not found in the CIF Financial Statement Waive Code Parameter File (CFPAR9). |
400036 | ComName | First character of Customer Name cannot be blank on non-individual account | Presents when the first position of the value in this element is blank. |
400039 | PhoneType | Home Phone Number is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is sent as H1. |
400040 | CRAIncmLvl | Income Level is not valid | Presents when the value sent in this element is not blank or is not found in the CIF CRA Income Level Parameter File (CFPARI). |
400041 | InsiderCode | Insider Code is not valid | Presents when the value sent in this element is not valid in the CIF Insider Code File (CFPAR5). |
400043 | AflOptOutExcptCode | Affiliate Opt-Out Exception Code is not valid | Presents when the value sent in this element is not blank or is not found in the CIF Affiliate Opt Out Exception Code Parameters (CFPARE) file. |
400044 | AflOptOutExcptDt | Affiliate Opt-Out Exception Date is not valid | Presents when the date entered in this element is less than or equal to zero. |
400045 | LeaseSecCode | Lease Security Code is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is not equal to L, T, B, or blank. |
400046 | LastName | Last Name cannot be blank on an individual account | Presents when the value in this element is blank. |
400047 | LastFinStmtDt | Most recent Financial Statement Date is not valid | Presents when the value for the data is less than or equal to zero. |
400048 | NAICSCode | NAICS Code is not valid | Presents when the value sent in this element is populated and is not found in the LNNAIC file. |
400049 | PhoneType | Phone Extension only valid for Phone Type B | Presents when the business phone extension is not equal to zero and this element is not equal to B1 and B2. |
400050 | RegPOptOutCode | Privacy Act Opt Out flag must be Y or N | Presents when the value in this element is not Y or N. |
400051 | ProfAnlys | Profit Analysis Code must be Y or N | Presents when the value in this element is not set to Y or N. |
400052 | CustDataRtnPeriod | Retention Years must be 1 thru 9 | Presents when the value in this element is not within the 1 to 9 years to retain. |
400053 | RiskRateByCode | Risk Rated By Code does not match officer list | Presents when the value sent in this element is not blank or is not found in the Officer File (JHOFFR). |
400054 | RiskRateCode | Risk Rating Code is not valid | Presents when the value sent in this element is not blank or is not found in the CIF Risk Rating Parameter File (CFPARRT). |
400055 | RiskRateDt | Risk Rating Date is not valid | Presents when the value entered for the date is less than or equal to zero. |
400056 | Gender | Sex Code must be M or F | Presents when the value in this element is not blank or set to M or F. |
400057 | CustImporCode | Special Customer flag must be Y or N | Presents when the value in this element is not set to Y or N. |
400059 | TaxExtDt | Tax Extension Date is not valid | Presents when the value of the data is less than or equal to zero. |
400061 | TaxId | Tax ID number cannot be zeros or all 9s | Presents when the value in this element is validated and it contains all zeros or all nines. |
400062 | TINCode | Tax ID Type is not valid | Presents when this element is not equal to zero or is not found in the CIF Tax ID Type Parameter File (CFPART). |
400063 | FinStmtWavDt | Tax Return Date is not valid | Presents when the date value is less than or equal to zero. |
400063 | TaxRetDt | Tax Return Date is not valid | Presents when the date value is less than or equal to zero. |
400064 | CertCode | TIN Certification Date is not valid | Presents when the TIN status is not equal to blank and the date value is equal to zero. |
400065 | CertCode | TIN Status is not valid | Presents when the TIN status is not equal to blank and is not set to a value of C, S, or B. |
400066 | UserDefTxt | User Information Code 1 is not valid | Presents when the user information entered is not valid within the CIF User Information Code (UIC) File (CFPAR3). |
400066 | UserDefCode | User Information Code 1 is not valid | Presents when the user information entered is not valid within the CIF User Information Code (UIC) File (CFPAR3). |
400067 | UserDefCode | User Information Code 2 is not valid | Presents when the user information entered is not valid within the CIF User Information Code (UIC) File (CFPAR3). |
400067 | UserDefTxt | User Information Code 2 is not valid | Presents when the user information entered is not valid within the CIF User Information Code (UIC) File (CFPAR3). |
400068 | UserDefTxt | User Information Code 3 is not valid | Presents when the user information entered is not valid within the CIF User Information Code (UIC) File (CFPAR3). |
400068 | UserDefCode | User Information Code 3 is not valid | Presents when the user information entered is not valid within the CIF User Information Code (UIC) File (CFPAR3). |
400069 | UserDefCode | User Information Code 4 is not valid | Presents when the user information entered is not valid within the CIF User Information Code (UIC) File (CFPAR3). |
400069 | UserDefTxt | User Information Code 4 is not valid | Presents when the user information entered is not valid within the CIF User Information Code (UIC) File (CFPAR3). |
400070 | UserDefCode | User Information Code 5 is not valid | Presents when the user information entered is not valid within the CIF User Information Code (UIC) File (CFPAR3). |
400070 | UserDefTxt | User Information Code 5 is not valid | Presents when the user information entered is not valid within the CIF User Information Code (UIC) File (CFPAR3). |
400071 | UserDefCode | User Information Code 6 is not valid | Presents when the user information entered is not valid within the CIF User Information Code (UIC) File (CFPAR3). |
400071 | UserDefTxt | User Information Code 6 is not valid | Presents when the user information entered is not valid within the CIF User Information Code (UIC) File (CFPAR3). |
400072 | UserDefTxt | User Information Code 7 is not valid | Presents when the user information entered is not valid within the CIF User Information Code (UIC) File (CFPAR3). |
400072 | UserDefCode | User Information Code 7 is not valid | Presents when the user information entered is not valid within the CIF User Information Code (UIC) File (CFPAR3). |
400073 | UserDefTxt | User Information Code 8 is not valid | Presents when the user information entered is not valid within the CIF User Information Code (UIC) File (CFPAR3). |
400073 | UserDefCode | User Information Code 8 is not valid | Presents when the user information entered is not valid within the CIF User Information Code (UIC) File (CFPAR3). |
400084 | ComName | Customer Name cannot be blank | Presents when the value in this element is sent as blank. |
400084 | LastName | Customer Name cannot be blank | Presents when the value in this element is sent as blank. |
400090 | BNotStat | Number of B Notices must be 0, 1, or 2 | Presents when the value in this element is not set to 0, 1, or 2. |
400091 | LastFinStmtLtrDt | Last Financial Statement Letter Date is not valid | Presents when the date is less than or equal to zero, making it invalid. |
400092 | BNotIRSDt | B Notice Date is not valid | Presents when the date is less than or equal to zero, making it invalid. |
400093 | AlienW8Type | W8 Type must be BEN, BNE, ECI, EXP, or IMY | Presents when this element is not sent as BEN, BNE, ECI, EXP, or IMY. |
400094 | AlienW8Stat | W8 Status must be 0=On File, E=Expired, or M=Manual | Presents when this element is not equal to O, E, or M. |
400095 | Addr.DlvryPt | Delivery point requires ZIP4 | Presents when this element is not equal to blank and is equal to 0000. |
400095 | Addr.PostalCode | Delivery point requires ZIP4 | Presents when this element is not equal to blank and is equal to 0000. |
400096 | PhoneType | Phone Type required when Phone Number is entered | Presents when this element is blank and the
PhoneNum element is not equal to blank. |
400097 | AflOptOutCode | Not valid if Affiliate Opt Out is N | Presents when this element is sent as N and
the AflOptOutExpDt element is not equal to zero. |
400105 | RptChapType | Invalid Chapter Code | Presents when the value in this element is not 3 or 4. |
400106 | CitzCntryType | Invalid Country of Citizenship | Presents when this element is not blank or is not found in the CIF Foreign Customer Country File (CFORP1). |
400107 | GIINId | Invalid GIIN | Presents when this element is not blank or is not sent in the correct format. |
400110 | RptChapType | Chapter 4 Exemption Code required when reporting Chapter 3 | Presents when the Chapter 4 exemption code is equal to zero and the value in this element is 3. |
400125 | NameSuffix | Invalid Customer Name Suffix | Presents when the value in this element is not populated with the following values: JR, Jr, SR, Sr, I, II, III, IV, V, VI, or VII. |
400128 | ReqLegalEntityType | FinCEN Legal Entity must be I=Include or E=Exclude | Presents when the value in this element is not set to I or E. |
400129 | ReqLegalEntityType | Invalid exclusion reason | Presents when the ReqLegalEntityType element is
E and the BenflOwnExclCode element is blank
or not equal to a value in the Beneficial Owner Exclusion
Reason Parameter (CFPARN) file. |
400129 | BenflOwnExclCode | Invalid exclusion reason | Presents when the ReqLegalEntityType element is
E and the BenflOwnExclCode element is blank
or not equal to a value in the Beneficial Owner Exclusion
Reason Parameter (CFPARN) file. |
400130 | ReqLegalEntityType | Exclusion Reason not valid for Code = I | Presents when the ReqLegalEntityType element is
I and the BenflOwnExclCode element is not
blank. |
400130 | BenflOwnExclCode | Exclusion Reason not valid for Code = I | Presents when the ReqLegalEntityType element is
I and the BenflOwnExclCode element is not
blank. |
400131 | ReqLegalEntityType | Entity Identifier not valid for Code = E | Presents when the ReqLegalEntityType element is
E and the Legal Entity ID is not
blank. |
400132 | ReqLegalEntityType | Override Percentage not valid for Code = E | Presents when the ReqLegalEntityType element is
E and the ExcOwnPct element is not equal to
zero. |
400132 | ExcOwnPct | Override Percentage not valid for Code = E | Presents when the ReqLegalEntityType element is
E and the ExcOwnPct element is not equal to
zero. |
400133 | ReqLegalEntityType | Percent Range must be from 00 to 25 | Presents when the ExcPctRsnCode is less than
0 and greater than 25. |
400133 | ExcOwnPct | Percent Range must be from 00 to 25 | Presents when the ExcPctRsnCode is less than
0 and greater than 25. |
400134 | ReqLegalEntityType | Percentage Reason not valid for Code = E | Presents when the ReqLegalEntityType element is set
to E and the ExcPctRsnCode is not equal to
blank. |
400134 | ExcOwnPct | Percentage Reason not valid for Code = E | Presents when the ReqLegalEntityType element is set
to E and the ExcPctRsnCode is not equal to
blank. |
400134 | ExcPctRsnCode | Percentage Reason not valid for Code = E | Presents when the ReqLegalEntityType element is set
to E and the ExcPctRsnCode is not equal to
blank. |
400135 | ExcPctRsnCode | Invalid Percentage Reason | Presents when the ExcPctRsnCode element is equal to
blank. |
400135 | ReqLegalEntityType | Invalid Percentage Reason | Presents when the ExcPctRsnCode element is equal to
blank. |
400136 | ReqLegalEntityType | Percentage Reason not valid if Override Percentage = 0 | Presents when the ExcPctRsnCode is populated but is
not needed because the percentage is sent as zero. |
400136 | ExcPctRsnCode | Percentage Reason not valid if Override Percentage = 0 | Presents when the ExcPctRsnCode is populated but is
not needed because the percentage is sent as zero. |
400140 | PhoneType | Business Phone Number 2 is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is sent as B2. |
400141 | PhoneType | Home Phone Number 2 is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is sent as H2. |
402091 | StreetAddr1 | Physical Address cannot be a P.O. Box | Presents when the address sent in this element is formatted as a P.O. Box. |
402402 | StateWithCode | State must be blank with a Foreign Address | Presents when the state is blank and the
StateWithCode element is greater than zero. |
402502 | DeceasedDt | Date Deceased is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is zero. |
402503 | CustOrgDt | Customer Origination Date is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is zero. |
402504 | Addr.PostalCode | Foreign Address and City, State, ZIP cannot both be populated | Presents when the value in this element is not blank or zero. |
402504 | Addr.StateCode | Foreign Address and City, State, ZIP cannot both be populated | Presents when the value in this element is not blank or zero. |
402504 | Addr.City | Foreign Address and City, State, ZIP cannot both be populated | Presents when the value in this element is not blank or zero. |
402505 | DoNotCallExpDt | Expiration Date cannot be less than the Next Processing Date | Presents when the value in this element is not in the future and is not greater than the next processing date. |
402525 | LastConDt | Date Last Contact is invalid | Presents when the value in this element is less than or equal to zero, less than 01011940, or greater than 12312039. |
402526 | N/A | Invalid IRS Name control | Presents when the value for the IRS name control is not valid. |
410080 | SalesPerson | Invalid Sales Associate Code | Presents when the value in this element is not valid in the JHPARJ file. |
The following table lists the faults that can be returned and includes what prompts the faults to occur.
Code | Element | System Message | Validation Trigger |
67 | CRAStateCode | SMSA, Census Tract, State, County combination is not valid | Presents when the combination is not valid in the Census Tract Parameter File (LNPAR5). |
67 | CRACenTract | SMSA, Census Tract, State, County combination is not valid | Presents when the combination is not valid in the Census Tract Parameter File (LNPAR5). |
67 | CRASMSACode | SMSA, Census Tract, State, County combination is not valid | Presents when the combination is not valid in the Census Tract Parameter File (LNPAR5). |
67 | OffCodeCRACountyCode | SMSA, Census Tract, State, County combination is not valid | Presents when the combination is not valid in the Census Tract Parameter File (LNPAR5). |
401 | TINMatchType | TIN/Name match value of N notes the IRS has confirmed the TIN/Name as a mismatch | Presents when the value in this element is N and the value of the IRS TIN Match Flag (CFTINMATCH) field in the CIF Master File (CFMAST) is equal to N. |
400021 | PhoneExt | Business Phone Ext must be zero when Business Phone is zero | Presents when the business phone number is blank or zero but this element is populated. |
400060 | TaxId | Tax ID already exists | Presents when this element exists in the CIF Master File (CFMAST). |
400098 | N/A | Review Customer Name. If correct, override to change all | Presents when the customer name is evaluated, including the first, middle, last, and short name, and any differences appear. |
400100 | Addr.PostalCode | The address information has changed for this customer | Presents when the address is evaluated and the information entered does not match the core file. |
400100 | Addr.Cntry | The address information has changed for this customer | Presents when the address is evaluated and the information entered does not match the core file. |
400100 | AddrLine | The address information has changed for this customer | Presents when the address is evaluated and the information entered does not match the core file. |
400100 | Addr.City | The address information has changed for this customer | Presents when the address is evaluated and the information entered does not match the core file. |
400100 | Addr.StateCode | The address information has changed for this customer | Presents when the address is evaluated and the information entered does not match the core file. |
400100 | Addr2 | The address information has changed for this customer | Presents when the address is evaluated and the information entered does not match the core file. |
400101 | Addr1 | A change of address notice will not be automatically created | Presents when the address has changed. A notice is generated. |
400101 | Addr2 | A change of address notice will not be automatically created | Presents when the address has changed. A notice is generated. |
400101 | Addr.StateCode | A change of address notice will not be automatically created | Presents when the address has changed. A notice is generated. |
400101 | AddrLine | A change of address notice will not be automatically created | Presents when the address has changed. A notice is generated. |
400101 | Addr.Cntry | A change of address notice will not be automatically created | Presents when the address has changed. A notice is generated. |
400101 | Addr.PostalCode | A change of address notice will not be automatically created | Presents when the address has changed. A notice is generated. |
402090 | Addr1 | Physical Address required on P.O. Box Address | Presents when the address is checked and a P.O. Box is found. |
402090 | Addr2 | Physical Address required on P.O. Box Address | Presents when the address is checked and a P.O. Box is found. |
410001 | AlienLastW8Dt | Last Alien Certification required, may be overridden | Presents when a field is required but can be overridden. |
410002 | AflOptOutExcptDt | Affiliate Opt-Out Exception Date required, may be overridden | Presents when a field is required but can be overridden. |
410002 | AflOptOutExcptCode | Affiliate Opt-Out Exception Date required, may be overridden | Presents when a field is required but can be overridden. |
410002 | AflOptOutExpDt | Affiliate Opt-Out Exception Date required, may be overridden | Presents when a field is required but can be overridden. |
410005 | AlienTypeCode | Alien Flag required, may be overridden | Presents when a field is required but can be overridden. |
410007 | BirthDt | Date of Birth required, may be overridden | Presents when a field is required but can be overridden. |
410008 | BNotIRSDt | Last IRS Notification required, may be overridden | Presents when a field is required but can be overridden. |
410010 | PhoneNum | Business Phone required, may be overridden | Presents when a field is required but can be overridden. |
410011 | PhoneExt | Business Phone Extension required, may be overridden | Presents when a field is required but can be overridden. |
410012 | BrCode | BrCode required, may be overridden | Presents when a field is required but can be overridden. |
410013 | StdIndustCode | Standard Industrial Code required, may be overridden | Presents when a field is required but can be overridden. |
410014 | CustCycleCode | CIF Combined Cycle required, may be overridden | Presents when a field is required but can be overridden. |
410015 | PhoneType | Cell Phone Number required, may be overridden | Presents when a field is required but can be overridden. |
410016 | PhoneType | Other Cell Phone Number required, may be overridden | Presents when a field is required but can be overridden. |
410017 | CRACenTract | Census Tract required, may be overridden | Presents when a field is required but can be overridden. |
410018 | LastFinStmtDt | Most Recent Financial Stmt Date required, may be overridden | Presents when a field is required but can be overridden. |
410020 | CRALoc | CRA Location required, may be overridden | Presents when a field is required but can be overridden. |
410021 | EmailAddr | Email Address required, may be overridden | Presents when a field is required but can be overridden. |
410022 | EmailAddr | Other Email Address required, may be overridden | Presents when a field is required but can be overridden. |
410023 | EmplName | Employer Name required, may be overridden | Presents when a field is required but can be overridden. |
410024 | PhoneType | Fax Number required, may be overridden | Presents when a field is required but can be overridden. |
410025 | PhoneType | Other Fax Number required, may be overridden | Presents when a field is required but can be overridden. |
410026 | FinStmtExpDt | Financial Statement Date required, may be overridden | Presents when a field is required but can be overridden. |
410027 | GroupCode | Related Group Number required, may be overridden | Presents when a field is required but can be overridden. |
410028 | MailDirCode | Hold Mail Code required, may be overridden | Presents when a field is required but can be overridden. |
410029 | PhoneType | Home Phone required, may be overridden | Presents when a field is required but can be overridden. |
410030 | CRAIncmLvl | Income Level required, may be overridden | Presents when a field is required but can be overridden. |
410031 | AbbrCustDesc | Inquiry Code required, may be overridden | Presents when a field is required but can be overridden. |
410032 | InsiderCode | Insider Code required, may be overridden | Presents when a field is required but can be overridden. |
410033 | LeaseSecCode | Lease Security Flag required, may be overridden | Presents when a field is required but can be overridden. |
410034 | LastFinStmtLtrDt | Last Letter Send Date required, may be overridden | Presents when a field is required but can be overridden. |
410035 | NAICSCode | NAICS code required, may be overridden | Presents when a field is required but can be overridden. |
410037 | StreetAddr1 | Address Line 1 required, may be overridden | Presents when a field is required but can be overridden. |
410038 | Addr2 | Address Line 2 required, may be overridden | Presents when a field is required but can be overridden. |
410038 | StreetAddr2 | Address Line 2 required, may be overridden | Presents when a field is required but can be overridden. |
410039 | Addr.StateCode | City, State, and ZIP required, may be overridden | Presents when a field is required but can be overridden. |
410039 | Addr.PostalCode | City, State, and ZIP required, may be overridden | Presents when a field is required but can be overridden. |
410039 | Addr.City | City, State, and ZIP required, may be overridden | Presents when a field is required but can be overridden. |
410040 | DoNotCallExpDt | No Call Customer Expiration Date required, may be overridden | Presents when a field is required but can be overridden. |
410042 | OccType | Occupation/Nature of Business required, may be overridden | Presents when a field is required but can be overridden. |
410043 | OffCode | Officer Code required, may be overridden | Presents when a field is required but can be overridden. |
410047 | RiskRateByCode | CIF Risk Rated By required, may be overridden | Presents when a field is required but can be overridden. |
410048 | RiskRateDt | CIF Risk Rating Date required, may be overridden | Presents when a field is required but can be overridden. |
410049 | RiskRateCode | CIF Risk Rating Code required, may be overridden | Presents when a field is required but can be overridden. |
410050 | Gender | Sex Code required, may be overridden | Presents when a field is required but can be overridden. |
410059 | CRASMSACode | SMSA Code required, may be overridden | Presents when a field is required but can be overridden. |
410061 | TaxIdMod | Tax ID Suffix required, may be overridden | Presents when a field is required but can be overridden. |
410062 | CertCode | TIN Status required, may be overridden | Presents when a field is required but can be overridden. |
410063 | CertCodeDt | Status Changed Date required, may be overridden | Presents when a field is required but can be overridden. |
410064 | TaxExtDt | Tax Extension Date required, may be overridden | Presents when a field is required but can be overridden. |
410065 | TaxRetId | Tax Return Date required, may be overridden | Presents when a field is required but can be overridden. |
410066 | UserDefCode | User Information Code 1 required, may be overridden | Presents when a field is required but can be overridden. |
410067 | UserDefCode | User Information Code 2 required, may be overridden | Presents when a field is required but can be overridden. |
410068 | UserDefCode | User Information Code 3 required, may be overridden | Presents when a field is required but can be overridden. |
410069 | UserDefCode | User Information Code 4 required, may be overridden | Presents when a field is required but can be overridden. |
410070 | UserDefCode | User Information Code 5 required, may be overridden | Presents when a field is required but can be overridden. |
410071 | UserDefCode | Information Code 6 required, may be overridden | Presents when a field is required but can be overridden. |
410072 | UserDefCode | Information Code 7 required, may be overridden | Presents when a field is required but can be overridden. |
410073 | UserDefCode | Information Code 8 required, may be overridden | Presents when a field is required but can be overridden. |
410075 | NetWorthAmt | Net Worth required, may be overridden | Presents when a field is required but can be overridden. |
410076 | FinStmtWavCode | Financial Stmt Waive Code required, may be overridden | Presents when a field is required but can be overridden. |
410077 | FinStmtWavDt | Financial Stmt Waive Date required, may be overridden | Presents when a field is required but can be overridden. |
410078 | Addr.DlvryPt | ZIP Code Delivery Point required, may be overridden | Presents when a field is required but can be overridden. |
410079 | SalesPerson | Sales Associate required, may be overridden | Presents when a field is required but can be overridden. |
410081 | CustId | Customer Identification Number required, may be overridden | Presents when a field is required but can be overridden. |
410085 | LastConDt | Last Contact Date is required, may be overridden | Presents when a field is required but can be overridden. |
The following table lists the warnings that can be returned and includes what prompts the warnings to occur.
Code | Element | System Message | Validation Trigger |
202008 | ReqLegalEntityType | You have set your FinCEN Legal Entity to Exclude, however you have Beneficial Owner | Presents when this element is set to E and the Beneficial Owner Information (CFFBENINX1) file is set to I. |
290472 | N/A | Review request, data not updated for table | Presents when the core system cannot update the Current FICO Score (CFFICO) field in the View of CIF with FICO Values (CFMASTV4) file. |
400027 | ComName | Customer Name closely matches OFAC suspect | Presents when the OFAC search has a match or one that closely matches. |
400102 | FirstName | Change to: | Presents when the value sent in is different from what is in the core file. |
400102 | ComName | Change to: | Presents when the value sent in is different from what is in the core file. |
400102 | MiddleName | Change to: | Presents when the value sent in is different from what is in the core file. |
400102 | LastName | Change to: | Presents when the value sent in is different from what is in the core file. |
400103 | FirstName | Existing information: | Presents when the value sent in is different from what is in the core file. |
400103 | ComName | Existing information: | Presents when the value sent in is different from what is in the core file. |
400103 | LastName | Existing information: | Presents when the value sent in is different from what is in the core file. |
400103 | MiddleName | Existing information: | Presents when the value sent in is different from what is in the core file. |
400124 | TaxId | Large Cash Exemption information not updated, requires a manual update | Presents when the user attempts to update this element in the Exempt or Special Account (IPPARLCE) file and the system is unable to locate the record for the update. |
400163 | WithNot | Withhold Change of Address Notice cannot be Y when Require Change of Address = Y | Presents when the address, city, state, and ZIP code does not match what is in the core file. |
402082 | CustId | Do you wish to verify Beneficial Owner Information | Presents when the ReqLegalEntityType element is
I and there are no errors when checking the validation within
the core file. |
402500 | FirstName | No OFAC match found | Presents when the OFAC search does not have a match. |
402500 | ComName | No OFAC match found | Presents when the OFAC search does not have a match. |
402527 | FirstName | OFAC matching word | Presents when checking for OFAC keywords and gets a match. |
402527 | ComName | OFAC matching word | Presents when checking for OFAC keywords and gets a match. |
Service Dictionary
Service Dictionary
Service Dictionary Search provides consumers a service that can convey a service provider's element XSD path, requirements, default values, open enumerated canonical values, help/knowledge content, and fault codes per operation.
Within the SvcDictSrch
operation, you can send
Operation Name in the SvcDictName
element and
Rq or Rs in the SvcDictType
element. Within the response, SvcDictSrch
returns all mapped elements,
including any newly mapped elements, and any elements that have specific allowed values. The
following table lists the response information for elements with specified allowed values.
Element Name | Field Value (ElemCanocVal) | Field Description (ElemCanocValDesc) |
InvAddr | N | No |
InvAddr | Y | Yes |
NAICSCode | Pulls from CFMAST.CFNAICS | NAICS Code |
StdIndustCode | Pulls from CFMAST.CFBUST | Business Type |
Gender | Female | Female |
Gender | Male | Male |
PhoneType | Home Phone | N/A |
PhoneType | Home Phone 2 | N/A |
PhoneType | Business Phone | N/A |
PhoneType | Business Phone 2 | N/A |
PhoneType | Home Cell Phone | N/A |
PhoneType | Business Cell Phone | N/A |
PhoneType | Home Fax Number | N/A |
PhoneType | Business Fax Number | N/A |
TINCode | A | Applied For |
TINCode | B | Business |
TINCode | C | Canadian Reportable |
TINCode | F | Foreign Reportable |
TINCode | G | Foreign Non-Report |
TINCode | I | Individual |
TINCode | N | Non-Reporting Bus |
TINCode | T | Business |
TINCode | X | TIN Not Required |
CertCode | B | "B" notice has been generated by the IRS |
CertCode | C | Customer has certified the TIN provided |
CertCode | S | You have sent the customer a TIN certificate |
BNotStat | 0 | Zero |
BNotStat | 1 | One |
BNotStat | 2 | Two |
TINMatchType | NoMatch | No |
TINMatchType | U | Unknown |
TINMatchType | Match | Yes |
IRSExmpCode | 1 | Effectively connected income |
IRSExmpCode | 2 | Exempt under IRC |
IRSExmpCode | 3 | Income is not from U.S. sources |
IRSExmpCode | 4 | Exempt under tax treaty |
IRSExmpCode | 5 | Portfolio interest exempt under an IRC |
IRSExmpCode | 6 | Qualified intermediary assumes primary |
IRSExmpCode | 7 | Withholding foreign partnership or trust |
IRSExmpCode | 8 | U.S. branch treated as a U.S. person |
IRSExmpCode | 9 | Territory FI treated as U.S. person |
IRSExmpCode | 10 | QI represents that income is exempt |
IRSExmpCode | 11 | QJ represents that income is exempt |
IRSExmpCode | 12 | Payee subjected to Chapter 4 withholding |
IRSExmpCode | 22 | QDD assumes primary withholding responsibility. |
IRSExmpCode | 23 | Exempt under Section 897(I) |
IRSExmpCode | 24 | Exempt under Section 892 |
IRSRecipCode | 3 | TFI treated as U.S. person |
IRSRecipCode | 4 | TFI not treated as U.S. person |
IRSRecipCode | 5 | U.S. branch treated as U.S. person |
IRSRecipCode | 6 | U.S. branch not treated as U.S. person |
IRSRecipCode | 7 | U.S. branch ECI presumption applied |
IRSRecipCode | 8 | Partnership other than withholding foreign partner |
IRSRecipCode | 9 | Withholding foreign partnership |
IRSRecipCode | 10 | Trust other than withholding foreign trust |
IRSRecipCode | 11 | Withholding foreign trust |
IRSRecipCode | 12 | Qualified intermediary |
IRSRecipCode | 13 | Qualified securities lender - QJ |
IRSRecipCode | 14 | Qualified securities lender - Other |
IRSRecipCode | 15 | Corporation |
IRSRecipCode | 16 | Individual |
IRSRecipCode | 17 | Estate |
IRSRecipCode | 18 | Private Foundation |
IRSRecipCode | 19 | International Organization |
IRSRecipCode | 20 | Tax Exempt Organization (Section 501(c)) |
IRSRecipCode | 21 | Unknown Recipient |
IRSRecipCode | 22 | Artist or Athlete |
IRSRecipCode | 23 | Pension |
IRSRecipCode | 24 | Foreign Central Bank of Issue |
IRSRecipCode | 25 | Nonqualified Intermediary |
IRSRecipCode | 26 | Hybrid entity making Treaty Claim |
IRSRecipCode | 27 | Withholding Rate Pool - General |
IRSRecipCode | 28 | Withholding Rate Pool - Exempt Organization |
IRSRecipCode | 29 | PAI Withholding Rate Pool - General |
IRSRecipCode | 30 | PAI Withholding Rate Pool - Exempt Organization |
IRSRecipCode | 31 | Agency Withholding Rate Pool - General |
IRSRecipCode | 32 | Agency Withholding Rate Pool - Exempt Organization |
IRSRecipCode | 35 | Qualified Derivatives Dealer |
IRSRecipCode | 36 | Foreign Government - Integral Part |
IRSRecipCode | 37 | Foreign Government - Controlled Entity |
IRSRecipCode | 38 | Publicly Traded Partnership |
AlienTypeCode | N | No |
AlienTypeCode | Y | Yes |
AlienW8Type | BEN | Certificate Foreign Status Individual |
AlienW8Type | BEN-E | Certificate Foreign Status Entities |
AlienW8Type | ECI | Certificate Foreign Person's (Business) |
AlienW8Type | EXP | Certificate Foreign Government Organization |
AlienW8Type | IMY | Certificate Foreign Intermediary |
AlienW8stat | E | Expired W8 |
AlienW8stat | M | Manual bypass automatic W8 functionality |
AlienW8stat | O | On File/Current W8 |
RptChapType | 3 | N/A |
RptChapType | 4 | N/A |
OffCode | Pulls from CFMAST.CFOFFR | Officer Code |
BrCode | Pulls from CFMAST.CFBRNN | Branch Number |
CustCode | B | Business |
CustCode | C | Corporation |
CustCode | D | Director |
CustCode | E | Employee |
CustCode | F | Foreign |
CustCode | G | DBA |
CustCode | H | Sole Prop |
CustCode | I | Individual |
CustCode | J | County Government |
CustCode | K | Estate |
CustCode | L | Lawyer Trust |
CustCode | M | Conversion |
CustCode | N | Non-Profit |
CustCode | O | Officer |
CustCode | P | Personal |
CustCode | Q | Partnerships |
CustCode | R | Church |
CustCode | S | State and Pol S/D |
CustCode | T | Trust |
CustCode | U | U.S. Government |
CustCode | V | Service Provider |
CustCode | W | Fiduciary Organization |
CustCode | X | Official Checks |
CustCode | Y | Other Financial Institution |
CustCode | Z | Public Funds |
GroupCode | Pulls from CFMAST.CFGRP# | Related Group Number |