Time Deposit
AcctMod (Time Deposit Account)
This operation allows you to modify or delete a deposit, loan, time deposit, safe deposit, or non-JH account.
Within the request, enter the account ID and account type, along with the other elements containing values to be changed.
The response contains an RsStat
element, which indicates the
result of the operation, with a value of Success
when completed or with an
if the provider is unable to complete the request.
The AcctInq
operation provides you with the ability to
determine an account’s Card Opt In/Out status by passing in the
following filter:
Element Name | Description |
AccountId | A complex element containing the incoming account identification information.
The simple elements within this complex are:
XPath Elements
XPath Elements
For this business service, certain template fields, or XPath elements, are sent in on the request and corresponding elements are returned in the response.
The following tables list the elements that you send on the request and what is sent back in the response. Each table also includes any pertinent notes, such as element values or whether it is required for input.
XPath Element | File/Field | Description | Notes |
ErrCode | JHFREFAPI.ERROVRRD | Error Override? | N/A |
AcctId | CDMAST.ACCTNO | Account Number | N/A |
AcctType | CDMAST.ACTYPE | Account Type | N/A |
BrCode | CDMAST.BR# | Branch | N/A |
AddlName.ComName | CFALTN.CFAAL1 | Additional Name #1 | N/A |
AddlName.ComName | CFALTN.CFAAL2 | Additional Name #2 | N/A |
ProdCode | CDMAST.TYPE | Type Code | N/A |
AcctStat | CDMAST.STATUS | Status | N/A |
OpenDt | CDMAST.ISSDT | Date Issued | N/A |
OffCode | CDMAST.OFFCR | Officer | N/A |
AcctClsfCode | CDMAST.CLASS | Class | N/A |
LastConDt | CDMAST.CONTDT | Date Last Contact | N/A |
MatDt | CDMAST.MATDT | Maturity Date | N/A |
CDTerm | CDMAST.CDTERM | Term | N/A |
CDTermUnits | CDMAST.CDTCOD | Term Code | Canonical
OrigBal | CDMAST.ORGBAL | Original Amount | N/A |
PlnCode | CDMAST.PLAN | IRA Plan Code | N/A |
CertifId | CDMAST.CDNUM | CD Number | N/A |
SalesPerson | CDMAST.SALESAC | Sales Associate | N/A |
OffCodeText | CFOFFL.CFOFFR | Officer Text 1-5 | There are 5 total elements available for you to enter information into. |
OffCode | CFOFFL.CFOFFR | Officer Code (Officer List) 1-5 | There are 5 total elements available for you to enter information into. |
OffRmk | CFOFFL.CFOCOM | Officer List Comments 1-5 | There are 5 total elements available for you to enter information into. |
ComName | CFALTN.CFNA1 | Alias Name | N/A |
FirstName | CFALTN.CFNA1 | Alias First Name | N/A |
MiddleName | CFALTN.CFNA1 | Alias Middle Name | N/A |
LastName | CFALTN.CFNA1 | Alias Last Name | N/A |
AbbName | CFALTN.CFNA1 | Alias Short Name | N/A |
ClsRsnCode | CDMAST.CDCLOSEDRS | Closed Reason Code | N/A |
HldMailCode | CDMAST.HMAIL | Hold Mail Code | N/A |
RepoBlkId | CDMAST.BLOCK# | Repo Block Number | N/A |
AcctLvlSecCode | CDMAST.SECURE | Account Level Security | N/A |
SrcFundsCode | CDMAST.ORGSRC | Original Src Of Funds | N/A |
PenCode | CDMAST.PENTYP | Penalty Type | N/A |
PaperLessCode | CDMAST.PAPLES | Paperless CD Code | N/A |
UserDefTxt | CFPAR3.CP3UID | UIC Description 1-40 | There are 40 total elements available for you to enter information into. |
UserDefCode | CFPARB.CBFDFT | Field Default Value 1-40 | There are 40 total elements available for you to enter information into. |
LangType | CDMAST.CDLANG | Language Identifier | Canonical
EstbPersonName.ComName | CFFOPI.CFFACNAME | Name of Person Opening Account | N/A |
EstbPersonTitle | CFFOPI.CFFACTITLE | Title of Person Opening Account | N/A |
LastRenDt | CDMAST.RENDT | Last Renewal Date | N/A |
RenCode | CDMAST.RENEW | Renewal Code | N/A |
OvrrdRenCode | CDTNEW.OVRNYN | Override Renewal Rate | N/A |
OvrrdRenRate | CDMAST.OVRNRT | Override to Rate | N/A |
OvrrdRenRateNum | CDMAST.OVRNR# | Override Using Rate Number | N/A |
RenToProdCode | CDMAST.RNTYPE | Renew to Type | N/A |
IntRate | CDMAST.RATE | Interest Rate | N/A |
NxtPayDt | CDMAST.NPDAT | Next Pay Date | N/A |
IntDisp | CDMAST.DISP | Disposition | Canonical
IntDispAcctId | CDMAST.DACT# | Deposit Account Number | N/A |
IntDispAcctType | CDMAST.DACTYP | Deposit Account Type | N/A |
IntYrBaseCode | CDMAST.YRBASE | Year Base | N/A |
IntCalcCode | CDMAST.METHOD | Interest Method | N/A |
IntTerm | CDMAST.INTERM | Interest Term | N/A |
IntTermUnits | CDMAST.ITCODE | Interest Term Code | Canonical
EvenPayCode | CDMAST.EVENCD | Even Payment Code | N/A |
PrimeRateIdx | CDMAST.RATE# | Variable Rate Number | N/A |
RateVarCode | CDMAST.VARYCD | Rate Variance Code | Canonical
RateVar | CDMAST.VARY | Rate Variance | N/A |
RateFlr | CDMAST.FLOOR | Rate Floor | N/A |
RateCeil | CDMAST.CEIL | Rate Ceiling | N/A |
RateRevDt | CDMAST.REVDT | Rate Review Date | N/A |
RateRevTerm | CDMAST.REVTRM | Rate Review Term | N/A |
RateRevTermUnits | CDMAST.RTCODE | Rate Review Term Code | Canonical
IntDayMonth | CDMAST.DAYMO | For Check | N/A |
CombIntChkCode | CDMAST.COMCHK | Combined Int Checks | N/A |
CombIntChkCustId | CDMAST.CKPCIF | CIF Number for Checks | N/A |
PayAllIntCode | CDMAST.PALAST | Pay Accrued Last Payment | N/A |
IntPmtDtCode | CDMAST.ALNXTI | Allow Int Date Past Mat | N/A |
MultiRateCode | CDMAST.MLTDRT | Use Multi Deposit Rates | N/A |
MultiDrCode | CDMAST.FLCODE | First-Last Rate On W/D | N/A |
RateSchedCode | CDMAST.RATSCH | Rate Schedule Code | N/A |
StepUpIntRate | CDRSCH.SCHRAT | New Rate 1-10 | There are 10 total elements available for you to enter information into. |
RateRevDt | CDRSCH.SCHDT | Rate Change Date 1-10 | There are 10 total elements available for you to enter information into. |
PrimeRateIdx | CDRSCH.SCHRT# | New Rate Base Number 1-10 | There are 10 total elements available for you to enter information into. |
RateVar | CDRSCH.SCHVAR | Variance from Base Rate 1-10 | There are 10 total elements available for you to enter information into. |
RateVarCode | CDRSCH.SCHVCD | Variance Code 1-10 | Canonical
There are 10 total elements available for you to enter information into. |
DlyDayFinalIntPmt | CDMAST.OVRDYS | Override Int # Days | N/A |
DepEffDt | CDMRAT.DEPDT | Deposit Effective Date 1-25 | There are 25 total elements available for you to enter information into. |
IntRate | CDMRAT.DPRATE | Deposit Rate 1-25 | There are 25 total elements available for you to enter information into. |
AccrInt | CDMRAT.DPACRU | Deposit Accrued Interest 1-25 | There are 25 total elements available for you to enter information into. |
AccrBal | CDMRAT.DPACBL | Accrual Balance 1-25 | There are 25 total elements available for you to enter information into. |
GLCostCtr | CDMAST.GLCOST | GL Cost Center | N/A |
GLProdCode | CDMAST.GLPROD | GL Product Code | N/A |
CRAStateCode | CDMAST.CRASTA | CRA State Code | N/A |
CRACountyCode | CDMAST.COUNTY | County Code | N/A |
CRACenTract | LNPAR5.L5CENS | Census Tract | N/A |
CRALoc | CDMAST.CRALOC | CRA Location | N/A |
StdIndustCode | CDMAST.INDCOD | SIC Code | N/A |
CallRptCode | CDMAST.CALREPT | Call Report Code | N/A |
ARGOProdCode | CDMAST.ARGPRDCOD | Argo Product Type | N/A |
OIDCode | CDMAST.OIDFLG | OID Change Flag | N/A |
IncCombStmt | CDMAST.INCLUD | Include on Combined Stm | N/A |
StmtPasCode | CDMAST.STMPAS | Stmt/Passbook Code | Canonical
StmtFreqCode | CDMAST.STMTCD | Statement Code | N/A |
FedWithCode | CDMAST.WHCODE | Withholding Code | N/A |
FedWithEffDt | CDMAST.WDATE7 | Date W/H Code Changed | N/A |
FedWithAltAcctId | CDMAST.WALTAC | Alternate WH Acct # | N/A |
FedWithAltAcctType | CDMAST.WALTTP | Alternate WH Acct Type | N/A |
FedWithAltRate | CDMAST.WALTRT | WH Alternate Rate | N/A |
StateWithCode | CDMAST.WHSCOD | State WH Code | N/A |
StateWithAltRate | CDMAST.WALTSR | State WH Alt Rate | N/A |
StateWithStateCode | CDMAST.STATE | State | N/A |
ACHCompDiscrData | CDTNEW.ACTCDD | Company Discretionary | N/A |
ACHCompEntryDesc | CDTNEW.ACTCED | Company Entry Desc | N/A |
ACHCompId | CDTNEW.ACTCID | Company ID | N/A |
ACHCompName | CDTNEW.ACTCOM | Company Name | N/A |
ACHCrAcctId | CDTNEW.ACCACT | Credit Account Number | N/A |
ACHCrName | CDTNEW.ACTINM | Individual Name | N/A |
ACHCrRtNum | CDTNEW.ACCBNK | Credit Bank Number | N/A |
ACHSendPreNoteCode | CDTNEW.ACTPNS | Send Prenotice | N/A |
ACHStdEntryClass | CDTNEW.ACTSEC | Standard Entry Class | N/A |
ACHTrnCode | CDTNEW.ACCTC | Credit Tran Code | N/A |
XPath Element | File/Field | Description | Notes |
RsStat | JHFREFAPI.PASSFAIL | Pass/Fail Status | N/A |
Field/Field | Maintenance Description | Field Label |
CDMAST.ACCTNO | Account Number | Account Number |
CDMAST.ACTYPE | Account Type | Account Type |
All elements are evaluated, and if the value sent in is different from the core file value and the process is completed successfully, then a maintenance record for that field with the field changes is written out.
Within the response, specific validations can appear in the response if incorrect or different information than what is required is sent in the request.
The following table lists the errors that can be returned and includes what prompts the validation to occur.
Code | Element | System Message | Validation Trigger |
1 | AcctId | Account not found | Presents when the account number/type combination is not found in the CD New Account File (CDTNEW). |
1 | AcctType | Account not found | Presents when the account number/type combination is not found in the CD New Account File (CDTNEW). |
5 | N/A | Cannot allocate files | Presents when the files used within the procedure are not available at the time of the request. |
5 | EstbPersonName.ComName | Cannot allocate files | Presents when the files used within the procedure are not available at the time of the request. |
6 | AcctId | Account number must be greater than zero | Presents when this element is less than or equal to zero. |
7 | AcctType | Account type is not valid | Presents when this element is not equal to T. |
13 | BrCode | Branch number is not valid | Presents when this element is populated but the value is not found in the Bank/Branch Information File (JHDATA). |
14 | CallRptCode | Call report code is not valid | Presents when this element is populated but the value is not found in the Call Report Code Parameter File (CDPARC). |
15 | ARGOProdCode | Cannot accept Argo Code when Argo is not installed | Presents when this element is populated and Argo is not turned on within the bank parameters. |
18 | CRACenTract | Census Tract cannot be negative | Presents when the value is less than zero. |
24 | AcctClsfCode | Class is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is not found in the Class Parameter File (JHCLAS). |
26 | CRACountyCode | County code is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is less than zero. |
27 | CRALoc | CRA Location code is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is less than zero. |
28 | CRAStateCode | CRA State code is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is not equal to zero or does not exist in the State Code File (JHSTAT). |
35 | GLCostCtr | GL cost center is not valid | Presents when this element is populated and the value is not found in the Cost Center Parameter File (GLPAR7). |
36 | GLCostCtr | GL Interface is not valid | Presents when this element is populated and the value is not found in the GL Standard Application Interface (GLINT1). |
37 | GLProdCode | GL product code is not valid | Presents when this element is populated and the value is not found in the Product Code Parameter File (GLPAR9). |
40 | IncCombStmt | Include on combined statements flag must be Y or N | Presents when the value in this element is not Y or N. |
42 | IntDisp | Interest disposition code must be A, C, D, or H | Presents when the value in this element is not A, C, D, or H. |
43 | DepEffDt | Date is not valid | Presents when the date is less than or equal to zero, or does not have at least six digits. |
43 | RateRevDt | Date is not valid | Presents when the date is less than or equal to zero, or does not have at least six digits. |
43 | NxtPayDt | Date is not valid | Presents when the date is less than or equal to zero, or does not have at least six digits. |
43 | LastConDt | Date is not valid | Presents when the date is less than or equal to zero, or does not have at least six digits. |
43 | FedWithEffDt | Date is not valid | Presents when the date is less than or equal to zero, or does not have at least six digits. |
43 | LastRenDt | Date is not valid | Presents when the date is less than or equal to zero, or does not have at least six digits. |
43 | MatDt | Date is not valid | Presents when the date is less than or equal to zero, or does not have at least six digits. |
45 | N/A | Numeric data is not valid | Presents when the value sent is not numeric. |
46 | HldMailCode | Mailing Instruction code is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is not found in the Hold Mail Code Parameter File (JHMAIL). |
50 | OffCode | Officer code is not valid | Presents when the value is not found in the Officer File (JHOFFR). |
51 | OpenDt | Open date is not valid | Presents when the value is less than or equal to zero. |
56 | RateCeil | Rate ceiling cannot be negative | Presents when the value is less than or equal to zero. |
57 | RateFlr | Rate floor cannot be negative | Presents when the value is less than or equal to zero. |
60 | RateCeil | Rate floor cannot exceed the rate ceiling | Presents when the rate floor value is greater than the rate ceiling value. |
60 | RateFlr | Rate floor cannot exceed the rate ceiling | Presents when the rate floor value is greater than the rate ceiling value. |
61 | RateRevDt | Rate review date is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is equal to zero. |
62 | RateRevTermUnits | Rate review term code is not valid | Presents when this element does not have a value of D, M, or blank. |
63 | RateVar | Rate variance cannot be negative | Presents when the value is less than zero. |
64 | RepoBlkId | REPO block number is not valid | Presents when the value is populated and is not found in the CD Repo Master File (CDRMST). |
65 | AcctLvlSecCode | Security override code is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is not equal to B, A, N, E, or blank. |
66 | CRASMSACode | SMSA number cannot be negative | Presents when the value in this element is less than zero. |
76 | StdIndustCode | Standard industry class code is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is populated and is not found in the CIF Standard Industry Classification (CFSICC) file. |
77 | StateWithCode | State code for withholding cannot be blank if state W/H reason code has a value | Presents when this element is equal to blank and the withholding code is not equal to zero. |
77 | StateWithStateCode | State code for withholding cannot be blank if state W/H reason code has a value | Presents when this element is equal to blank and the withholding code is not equal to zero. |
78 | StateWithStateCode | State code for withholding is not valid | Presents when this element is not equal to blank and the value cannot be found in the State Code File (JHSTAT). |
80 | StateWithAltRate | State W/H alternate rate cannot be negative | Presents when the value in this element is less than zero. |
82 | StateWithAltRate | State W/H alternate rate is greater than 40% | Occurs when the value in this element is greater than 0.40. |
83 | StateWithCode | State W/H reason code is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is not equal to zero and is not found within the Federal Withholding Reason Codes (JHWITH) file. |
94 | FedWithAltAcctType | W/H alternate account not found | Presents when the account is not found in the CD Master File (CDMAST) or the CD New Account File (CDTNEW). |
94 | FedWithAltAcctId | W/H alternate account not found | Presents when the account is not found in the CD Master File (CDMAST) or the CD New Account File (CDTNEW). |
95 | FedWithAltRate | W/H alternate rate cannot be negative | Presents when the value is less than zero. |
97 | FedWithCode | W/H reason code is not valid | Presents when the value is not found in the Federal Withholding Reason Codes (JHWITH) file. |
98 | IntYrBaseCode | Year base code is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is not equal to zero or 2. |
106 | FedWithAltAcctType | W/H alternate account type is not valid | Presents when the withholding account is equal to zero and the withholding account type is not equal to blanks, or the withholding type is not equal to D or S. |
107 | FedWithAltRate | W/H alternate rate is greater than 40% | Presents when the value in this element is greater than 0.40. |
112 | UserDefCode | Description is invalid | Presents when there is no user description with the user code. |
112 | UserDefTxt | Description is invalid | Presents when there is no user description with the user code. |
130 | N/A | The value entered is longer than the field length | Presents when the value is larger than the allowed field length. |
400 | LangType | Language code is not a valid code | Presents when the value in this element is not found in the Preferred Language Parameter File (JHPARL). |
1001 | N/A | Error occurred while attempting to delete the record | Presents when the record cannot be deleted in the Alternate YTD Interest File (TNAYTD). |
1002 | N/A | Error occurred while attempting to add the record | Presents when writing a record to the Alternate YTD Interest File (TNAYTD) and there is a failure. |
1003 | N/A | Error occurred while attempting to add the record | Presents when writing a record to the Alternate YTD Interest File (TNAYTD) and there is a failure. |
1005 | N/A | Date field has an invalid format | Presents when the date is not in the expected format, such as 01/01/0001 or 01-01-0001. |
2000 | N/A | Maintenance denied due to data not being current | Presents when maintenance is trying to be written and has the current information. |
100038 | ClsRsnCode | Closed reason code is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is not found in Closed Reason Code Parameter File (CDPAR5). |
100071 | IntDispAcctId | Interest disposition account cannot be zero when interest disposition is D | Presents when the Disposition field is equal
to D, the IntDispAcctId element is equal to
zero, and the IntDispAcctType element is equal to blank. |
100071 | IntDispAcctType | Interest disposition account cannot be zero when interest disposition is D | Presents when the Disposition field is equal
to D, the IntDispAcctId element is equal to
zero, and the IntDispAcctType element is equal to blank. |
100072 | IntDispAcctId | Interest disposition account must be zero when interest disposition is not D | Presents when the Disposition field is not
equal to D, the IntDispAcctId element is not
equal to zero, and the IntDispAcctType element is not equal to
blank. |
100072 | IntDispAcctType | Interest disposition account must be zero when interest disposition is not D | Presents when the Disposition field is not
equal to D, the IntDispAcctId element is not
equal to zero, and the IntDispAcctType element is not equal to
blank. |
100072 | IntDisp | Interest disposition account must be zero when interest disposition is not D | Presents when the Disposition field is not
equal to D, the IntDispAcctId element is not
equal to zero, and the IntDispAcctType element is not equal to
blank. |
100154 | AcctStat | Status code is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is not 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6. |
100176 | AcctStat | Account cannot be closed, current balance is not zero | Presents when the value in this element is 2 and the current balance is greater than zero. |
100352 | ClsRsnCode | Closed Reason Code only valid for Closed Accounts | Presents when the value in this element is not equal to blank and the status is not equal to 2. |
200074 | NxtPayDt | Next roll date must be less than the maturity date | Presents when the value in this element is greater than the maturity
date and the IntPmtDtCode element is not equal to
Y. |
200081 | IntRate | Rate cannot be zero | Presents when the value in this element is equal to zero. |
202010 | EstbPersonTitle | Cannot be blank | Presents when the value in this element is equal to blank. |
202010 | EstbPersonName.ComName | Cannot be blank | Presents when the value in this element is equal to blank. |
300000 | IntCalcCode | Accrual method is not valid | Presents when the value in the accrual method is not sent as C or S. |
300001 | ACHCrName | ACH account name cannot be blank when distribution is H | Presents when the value in this element is blank. |
300002 | ACHCompId | ACH company ID is required | Presents when the value in this element is blank. |
300003 | ACHCompName | ACH company name is required | Presents when the value in this element is blank. |
300004 | ACHCrAcctId | ACH Credit account number required when distribution is H | Presents when the value in this element is equal to zero or blank. |
300005 | ACHCrRtNum | ACH Credit Bank routing number is not valid | Presents when the value is not in the correct format, such as not enough numeric values or not using digits. |
300006 | ACHCrRtNum | ACH Credit Tran Code is not valid | Presents when the transaction code is found in the ACH Transaction Code Parameter File (ACPARI), the Return or Change Code field is Y, the Prenotification Code field is Y, or the Debit/Credit Code field is D. |
300007 | ACHCompEntryDesc | ACH entry description required | Presents when the value in this element is blank. |
300008 | ACHSendPreNoteCode | ACH send prenotice flag is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is not Y or N. |
300009 | ACHStdEntryClass | ACH standard entry class code is not valid | Presents when the value in this field is not found in the Standard Entry Class Code (ACPARA) file. |
300010 | IntPmtDtCode | Allow interest date past renewal flag is not valid | Presents when the value in this field is Y or N. |
300011 | FedWithAltAcctType | Alternate account is escheat, closed dormant or charged off | Presents when the status is 2, 3, 8, or zero. |
300011 | FedWithAltAcctId | Alternate account is escheat, closed dormant or charged off | Presents when the status is 2, 3, 8, or zero. |
300012 | RenCode | Automatically renewable flag is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is not Y or N. |
300013 | PlnCode | Cannot change from or to IRA type | Presents when the IRA type is Y and the plan is blank, or if the IRA type is N and the plan is not blank. |
300014 | OvrrdRenRate | Cannot enter an override renewal rate number and an override renewal rate | Presents when this element is Y, the rate is not zero, and the renewal rate number is not zero. |
300014 | OvrrdRenRateNum | Cannot enter an override renewal rate number and an override renewal rate | Presents when this element is Y, the rate is not zero, and the renewal rate number is not zero. |
300016 | OpenDt | CD cannot be backdated more than one interest period | Presents when the value in this element is less than the roll date. |
300018 | CDTerm | CD term cannot be zero when Maturity Date Required flag is Y | Presents when this element is sent as zero and the maturity date required is equal to Y. |
300019 | CDTermUnits | CD term code must be M or D when Maturity Date Required flag is Y | Presents when this element is not equal to M or D and the Maturity Date Rate Required field is Y. |
300021 | CombIntChkCustId | CIF number for checks is not valid | Presents when the CIF number is not found in the CIF Master File (CFMAST). |
300023 | IntDisp | Combined interest checks flag cannot be Y when interest disposition not C | Presents when the Combined Interest Check field is Y and this element is not C. |
300023 | CombIntChkCode | Combined interest checks flag cannot be Y when interest disposition not C | Presents when the Combined Interest Check field is Y and this element is not C. |
300024 | CombIntChkCode | Combined interest checks flag is not valid | Presents when this element is not sent as Y or N. |
300025 | IntIntDayMonth | Day of month to pay interest must be zero, 29, 30, or 31 | Presents when the value in this element is not sent as zero, 29, 30, or 31. |
300026 | EvenPayCode | Even payments code is Y but CD term is not evenly divisible by interest term | Presents when this element is Y and the CD term is not equal to zero. |
300031 | IntTerm | Interest payment term cannot be zero | Presents when this element is equal to zero. |
300032 | IntTermUnits | Interest term code is not valid | Presents when the value in this field is not M or D. |
300034 | PrimeRateIdx | Interest variable rate number is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is not found in the Master Rate Physical File (JHRATE). |
300036 | RenToProdCode | Renewal type override is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is not blank or is not found in the CD Type Parameter File (CDPAR2) and an override is not allowed. |
300038 | PlnCode | IRA plan code is blank but the CD type is an IRA | Presents when this element is sent as blank and the IRA Type field is Y. |
300039 | StmtPasCode | Statement/passbook savings code is not valid | Presents when the value in this field is not B, S, or blank. |
300040 | PlnCode | IRA plan code is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is not blank or is not found in the IRA Plan Code Maintenance (CDPAR6). |
300041 | PlnCode | IRA plan code is not blank but CD type is not IRA | Presents when the plan is not blank and the IRA Type is equal to N. |
300044 | OIDCode | OID flag is not valid | Presents when this element is not blank and is not equal to Y or N. |
300045 | OrigBal | Original balance cannot be negative | Presents when the value in this element is less than zero. |
300046 | SrcFundsCode | Original source of funds code is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is not blank or is not found in the Source of Funds Parameter File (CDPAR4). |
300047 | OvrrdRenRateNum | Override renewal rate number cannot be negative | Presents when the value in this field is less than zero. |
300048 | OvrrdRenRateNum | Override renewal rate number is not valid | Presents when the value in this field is not zero or is not found in the Master Rate Physical File (JHRATE). |
300049 | OvrrdRenRate | Override renewal to rate cannot be negative when renewal is Y | Presents when the value in this field is less than zero. |
300050 | OvrrdRenCode | Override type renewal flag is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is not Y or N. |
300051 | PaperLessCode | Paperless CD code is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is not Y or N. |
300052 | PayAllIntCode | Pay accrued interest on last payment flag is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is not Y or N. |
300053 | EvenPayCode | Payments in even amounts flag is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is not Y or N. |
300055 | PenCode | Penalty type is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is not blank and is not found in the CD Penalty Type Parameter File (CDPARP). |
300056 | StmtFreqCode | Print statement code is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is not M, Q, S, A, or N. |
300057 | ProdCode | Time Deposit Type Code is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is not found in the CD Type Parameter File (CDPAR2). |
300061 | RateRevDt | Rate review date not allowed on fixed CD | Presents when the value in the RateRevDt element is
greater than zero, the PrimeRateIdx element is equal to zero, and the
RateSchedCode element is N. |
300061 | PrimeRateIdx | Rate review date not allowed on fixed CD | Presents when the value in the RateRevDt element is
greater than zero, the PrimeRateIdx element is equal to zero, and the
RateSchedCode element is N. |
300061 | RateSchedCode | Rate review date not allowed on fixed CD | Presents when the value in the RateRevDt element is
greater than zero, the PrimeRateIdx element is equal to zero, and the
RateSchedCode element is N. |
300062 | RateRevTerm | Rate review term cannot be negative | Presents when the value in this element is less than zero. |
300063 | RateRevTerm | Rate review term cannot be zero when term code has a value | Presents when this element is not blank and the rate review term is equal to zero. |
300063 | RateRevTermUnits | Rate review term cannot be zero when term code has a value | Presents when this element is not blank and the rate review term is equal to zero. |
300064 | RateRevTerm | Rate review term code cannot be blanks when review term has a value | Presents when this element is blank and the rate review term is equal to zero. |
300064 | RateRevTermUnits | Rate review term code cannot be blanks when review term has a value | Presents when this element is blank and the rate review term is equal to zero. |
300065 | RateVarCD | Rate variance code is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is not + or -. |
300066 | RateVarCD | Rate variance code must be + or - when rate variance is greater than zero | Presents when this element is blank and the rate variance is greater than zero. |
300066 | RateVar | Rate variance code must be + or - when rate variance is greater than zero | Presents when this element is blank and the rate variance is greater than zero. |
300067 | RateVarCD | Rate variance code must be blank when rate variance is zero | Presents when this element is not blank and the rate variance is zero. |
300067 | RateVar | Rate variance code must be blank when rate variance is zero | Presents when this element is not blank and the rate variance is zero. |
300069 | RateSchedCode | Separate rate schedule code is not valid | Presents when the value is not Y or N. |
300070 | RateSchedCode | Step rate code not valid for even payment CD's | Presents when this element is sent as Y and the Step Rate Code is Y. |
300070 | EvenPayCode | Step rate code not valid for even payment CD's | Presents when this element is sent as Y and the Step Rate Code is Y. |
300071 | RateSchedCode | Step rate code not valid for even payment CD's | Presents when this element is sent as Y and the Step Rate Code is Y. |
300071 | PrimeRateIdx | Step rate code not valid for even payment CD's | Presents when this element is sent as Y and the Step Rate Code is Y. |
300074 | IntDispAcctId | Deposit to account is in an invalid state | Presents when the account type is T and the account does not have a status equal to 2 or 3. Also presents when the account type is D or S and the status is 0, 2, 3, or 8. |
300074 | IntDispAcctType | Deposit to account is in an invalid state | Presents when the account type is T and the account does not have a status equal to 2 or 3. Also presents when the account type is D or S and the status is 0, 2, 3, or 8. |
300077 | MultiRateCode | Use multiple deposit rates flag is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is not Y or N. |
300078 | MultiRateCode | Withdrawal sequence code must be F or L if multiple deposit rates flag is Y | Presents when this element is Y and the Sequence Code is not set to F or L. |
300078 | MultiDrCode | Withdrawal sequence code must be F or L if multiple deposit rates flag is Y | Presents when this element is Y and the Sequence Code is not set to F or L. |
300082 | OpenDt | Check waiting to be issued, cannot change issue date | Presents when the Check Code is equal to
Y and the issue date in the core system is not equal to the
value sent in the OpenDt element, or the disposition in the core
system is not equal to the value sent in the IntDisp element. |
300083 | IntDisp | Check waiting to be issued, cannot change issue date | Presents when the Check Code is equal to
Y and the issue date in the core system is not equal to the
value sent in the OpenDt element, or the disposition in the core
system is not equal to the value sent in the IntDisp element. |
300084 | CombIntChkCode | Combined interest check cannot be Y when a check address exists | Presents when the value in this element is equal to Y and the address exists in the Check Address to Mail Checks to Other Institutions' (CFCKAD). |
300085 | CombIntChkCustId | Alternate CIF for interest check is not valid | Presents when this element is not equal to blank or the value in this element with the account number/type combination is not found in the CIF Account File (CFACCT). |
300087 | IntDispAcctType | Deposit to account number is not valid | Presents when the account number/type combination is not valid within the core files. |
300087 | IntDispAcctId | Deposit to account number is not valid | Presents when the account number/type combination is not valid within the core files. |
300088 | IntDispAcctId | Deposit to account type must be D or S | Presents when the value in this element is not equal to D or S. |
300089 | PrimeRateIdx | Rate change is not valid when using multiple deposit rates | Presents when multiple deposit rates are equal to Y the value in this element is not equal to the value in the core file. |
300090 | MultiRateCode | Check waiting to be issued, cannot change to multi deposit | Presents when this element is equal to Y and the core file check code is equal to Y. |
300091 | NxtPayDt | Next pay date is less than issue date | Presents when the Issue Date is greater than this element. |
300092 | NxtPayDt | Check waiting to be issued, cannot change the next pay date | Presents when the Check Code is equal to Y and the value of this element does not equal the value of the Next Pay Date in the core file. |
300093 | NxtPayDt | Next payment date must be greater than last payment date | Presents when the value sent in for the NxtPayDt
element is less than or equal to the Last Payment Date in the
core file, less that or equal to the MatDt element, and the
Status is equal to 1. |
300093 | MatDt | Next payment date must be greater than last payment date | Presents when the value sent in for the NxtPayDt
element is less than or equal to the Last Payment Date in the
core file, less that or equal to the MatDt element, and the
Status is equal to 1. |
300094 | MultiDrCode | Withdrawal sequence code must be blank if multiple deposit rates flag is N | Presents when the MultiRateCode element is equal to
N and the MultiDrCode element is not equal
to blank. |
300094 | MultiRateCode | Withdrawal sequence code must be blank if multiple deposit rates flag is N | Presents when the MultiRateCode element is equal to
N and the MultiDrCode element is not equal
to blank. |
300175 | AcctStat | Maturity date must be in the future to reactivate a CD | Presents when the value of this element is not equal to the value in the core file, the Status field in the core file is equal to 2, the Maturity Code field is not equal to N, and the processing date is greater then the sent in maturity date. |
300176 | AcctStat | Dormant accounts can only be changed to 1(active), 3(mature), or 6(escheat) | Presents when the value in this element is not equal to the value in the core file, the Status field in the core file is equal to 5, and the value sent in this element is not 1, 3, or 6. |
300177 | AcctStat | Escheat accounts can only be changed to 1(active), 3(mature), or 5(dormant) | Presents when the value in this element is not equal to the value in the core file, the Status field in the core file is equal to 6, and the value sent in this element is not 1, 3, or 5. |
300178 | AcctStat | Status 2 or 4 accounts cannot be changed to status 5 or 6 | Presents when the Status in the core file is equal to 2 and the value sent in this element is greater than or equal to 5, or the Status in the core file is equal to 4 and the value in this element is greater than or equal to 5. |
300179 | AcctStat | Status cannot be changed to 5 or 6 unless account meets dormant criteria | Presents when the value in this element is not equal to the value in the core file and greater than or equal to 5, and the Number of Days until Dormant is equal to zero. |
300181 | NxtPayDt | Next payment date must be greater than last payment date to reactivate | Presents when the value in the AcctStat element is
equal to 1, the Status in the core file
is equal to 3, and the value in the NxtPayDt
is less than or equal to the value in the Last Payment Date in
the core file. |
300181 | AcctStat | Next payment date must be greater than last payment date to reactivate | Presents when the value in the AcctStat element is
equal to 1, the Status in the core file
is equal to 3, and the value in the NxtPayDt
is less than or equal to the value in the Last Payment Date in
the core file. |
300182 | OpenDt | Renewal date is less than issued date | Presents when the value in the OpenDt element is
greater than the value in the LastRenDt . |
300182 | LastRenDt | Renewal date is less than issued date | Presents when the value in the OpenDt element is
greater than the value in the LastRenDt . |
300183 | NxtPayDt | Renewal date is less than next payment date | Presents when the value in the LastRenDt element is
greater than the value in the NxtPayDt . |
300183 | LastRenDt | Renewal date is less than next payment date | Presents when the value in the LastRenDt element is
greater than the value in the NxtPayDt . |
300184 | MatDt | Maturity date is less than issued date | Presents when the value in the OpenDt element is
greater than the value in the MatDt element. |
300184 | OpenDt | Maturity date is less than issued date | Presents when the value in the OpenDt element is
greater than the value in the MatDt element. |
300185 | MatDt | Maturity date is less than renewal date | Presents when the value in the LastRenDt element is
greater than the value in the MatDt element. |
300185 | LastRenDt | Maturity date is less than renewal date | Presents when the value in the LastRenDt element is
greater than the value in the MatDt element. |
300186 | IntPmtDtCode | Maturity date is less than next payment date | Presents when the value in the NxtPayDt element is
greater than the value in the MatDt element and the
IntPmtDtCode element is sent as Y. |
300186 | MatDt | Maturity date is less than next payment date | Presents when the value in the NxtPayDt element is
greater than the value in the MatDt element and the
IntPmtDtCode element is sent as Y. |
300186 | NxtPayDt | Maturity date is less than next payment date | Presents when the value in the NxtPayDt element is
greater than the value in the MatDt element and the
IntPmtDtCode element is sent as Y. |
300187 | NxtPayDt | Next payment date is less than last payment date | Presents when the value in the LastRenDt element is
greater than the value in the NxtPayDt element. |
300197 | N/A | Duplicate officers exist | Presents when the value entered in this element is a duplicate within the Officer File (JHOFFR). |
300198 | N/A | Officer does not exist for account | Presents when the value entered in this element is not found in the Account Level Officer List Logical by Account/Type (CFOFFLL3) file. |
300199 | N/A | Must be input to modify existing officer | Presents when the value entered in this element is evaluated within the Account Level Officer List Logical by Account/Type (CFOFFLL3) file and the officer text is equal to blank. |
300200 | N/A | Officer can only be deleted | Presents when officer codes are evaluated and the request to change is REPLACE, in which the array within the procedure is evaluated within Officer File (JHOFFR) and found that the value can only be deleted to replace it. |
300207 | DepEffDt | Date of change may not be duplicated in schedule | Presents when the system checks the value in this element within the CD Rate Schedule File (CDSRCH) and duplicates are found. |
300207 | RateRevDt | Date of change may not be duplicated in schedule | Presents when the system checks the value in this element within the CD Rate Schedule File (CDSRCH) and duplicates are found. |
300208 | StepUpIntRate | Rate entered is outside the range for this type CD | Presents when the value entered in this element is less than the minimum interest rate and greater than the maximum interest rate. |
300209 | StepUpIntRate | You must enter Rate or Rate Number, but not both | Presents when both the scheduled rate and scheduled rate number are sent as zero, or when both are sent with a value. |
300209 | PrimeRateIdx | You must enter Rate or Rate Number, but not both | Presents when both the scheduled rate and scheduled rate number are sent as zero, or when both are sent with a value. |
300210 | RateVar | Variance may not exceed 10% | Presents when the value in this element is greater than
10 and the RateVarCode is not sent as
%. |
300211 | PrimeRateIdx | Variance is not valid with fixed rates, only with rate number entries | Presents when this element is equal to zero and the
RateVar element is not equal to zero. |
300212 | RateVarCode | Variance code must be +, -, OR % | Presents when the RateVar element is greater than
zero and the RateVarCode element is not +,
-, or %. |
300213 | RateSchedCode | Rate Schedule not allowed | Presents when this element is not Y and the schedule date, schedule rate, schedule rate number, and schedule variance are not equal to zero and the schedule variance is not equal to blank. |
300215 | RateRevDt | Date required for adding or updating a rate schedule | Presents when this element is not zero and the schedule rate, schedule rate number, and schedule variance are not equal to zero and the schedule variance is not equal to blank. |
300218 | AccrInt | Accrued interest amounts do not crossfoot to total accrued interest | Presents when the accrued interest is not equal to cross foot with the evaluation of the total accrued interest. |
300219 | AccrInt | Accrual balances do not crossfoot to total current balance | Presents when the current balance is not equal to the cross foot of the accrual balances. |
300220 | AccrBal | Accrual balance cannot be less than or equal to zero | Presents when the value in this element is less than or equal to zero. |
300222 | N/A | Officer already exists for account | Presents when the officer is found in the Account Level Officer List Logical by Account/Type (CFOFFLL3) file. |
402525 | LastConDt | Date last contact is invalid | Presents when the value in this element is less than 1940001 or greater than 2039365. |
410080 | SalesPerson | Invalid Sales Associate Code | Presents when the value in this element is not found in the JHPARJ file. |
600012 | AbbName | Short name is required | Presents when this element is not blank, the Individual field is not Y, and this element is blank. |
600013 | ComName | Alternate name is required | Presents when the FirstName and
LastName elements are not blank and the
Individual field is Y. |
600014 | FirstName | First, Middle, and Last Name information required to build Alternate Short Name | Presents when the Individual field is Y and these elements are sent as blank. |
600014 | MiddleName | First, Middle, and Last Name information required to build Alternate Short Name | Presents when the Individual field is Y and these elements are sent as blank. |
600014 | LastName | First, Middle, and Last Name information required to build Alternate Short Name | Presents when the Individual field is Y and these elements are sent as blank. |
The following table lists the warnings that can be returned and includes what prompts the validation to occur.
Code | Element | System Message | Validation Trigger |
202009 | EstbPersonTitle | Primary CIF's FinCen Legal Entity is set to "Include", Name and Title of person | Presents when the FinCEN Legal Entity field is set to I and the name and title are blank. |
202009 | EstbPersonName.ComName | Primary CIF's FinCen Legal Entity is set to "Include", Name and Title of person | Presents when the FinCEN Legal Entity field is set to I and the name and title are blank. |
300203 | CDTermUnits | CD term/term code has changed; suggested date not projected for maturity date | Presents when the Maturity Changed field is equal to Y and these elements do not equal a projected maturity date. |
300203 | CDTerm | CD term/term code has changed; suggested date not projected for maturity date | Presents when the Maturity Changed field is equal to Y and these elements do not equal a projected maturity date. |
300204 | IntTermUnits | Int term/term code has changed; suggested date not projected for next pay date | Presents when the Next Changed field is equal to Y and these elements do not equal a projected next pay date. |
300204 | IntTerm | Int term/term code has changed; suggested date not projected for next pay date | Presents when the Next Changed field is equal to Y and these elements do not equal a projected next pay date. |
300205 | CDTermUnits | CD term/term code has changed; manual maintenance is required for maturity date | Presents when the Maturity Changed field is equal to Y and these elements do not equal a projected maturity date. |
300205 | CDTerm | CD term/term code has changed; manual maintenance is required for maturity date | Presents when the Maturity Changed field is equal to Y and these elements do not equal a projected maturity date. |
300206 | IntTermUnits | Int term/term code has changed; manual maintenance is required for next pay date | Presents when the Next Changed field is equal to Y and these elements do not equal a projected next pay date. |
300206 | IntTerm | Int term/term code has changed; manual maintenance is required for next pay date | Presents when the Next Changed field is equal to Y and these elements do not equal a projected next pay date. |
400027 | N/A | Customer name closely matches OFAC suspect | Presents when the OFAC search has a match or one that closely matches. |
402500 | N/A | No OFAC match found | Presents when the OFAC search does not have a match. |
402527 | N/A | OFAC matching word | Presents when checking for OFAC keywords and gets a match. |
The following table lists the faults that can be returned and includes what prompts the validation to occur.
Code | Element | System Message | Validation Trigger |
67 | CRAStateCode | SMSA, Census Tract, State, County combination is not valid | Presents when the CRACountyCode element is not zero
or the CRASMSACode element is not zero or the
CRACenTract element is not zero and the
CRAStateCode is not zero and the CRACenTract is
greater than 9999.99. |
67 | CRASMSACode | SMSA, Census Tract, State, County combination is not valid | Presents when the CRACountyCode element is not zero
or the CRASMSACode element is not zero or the
CRACenTract element is not zero and the
CRAStateCode is not zero and the CRACenTract is
greater than 9999.99. |
67 | CRACenTract | SMSA, Census Tract, State, County combination is not valid | Presents when the CRACountyCode element is not zero
or the CRASMSACode element is not zero or the
CRACenTract element is not zero and the
CRAStateCode is not zero and the CRACenTract is
greater than 9999.99. |
67 | CRACountyCode | SMSA, Census Tract, State, County combination is not valid | Presents when the CRACountyCode element is not zero
or the CRASMSACode element is not zero or the
CRACenTract element is not zero and the
CRAStateCode is not zero and the CRACenTract is
greater than 9999.99. |
100002 | IncCombStmt | Account has a combined statement relationship that will be deleted | Presents when this element is equal to N and the account number/type combination is not found in the Combined Statement File (DDCOMB). |
100351 | FedWithEffDt | W/H Code change but Effective Date not changed | Presents when the values sent in these elements are not equal to the core file values. |
100351 | FedWithCode | W/H Code change but Effective Date not changed | Presents when the values sent in these elements are not equal to the core file values. |
300042 | OpenDt | Issue date cannot be in the future | Presents when the value in this element is greater than the next business date. |
300058 | IntRate | Rate is greater than the maximum rate | Presents when the value in this element is greater than the maximum rate. |
300059 | IntRate | Rate is less than minimum rate | Presents when the value in this element is less than the minimum rate. |
300081 | ProdCode | Cannot change from or to IRA type | Presents when the IRA Type is not equal to Y and this element is not equal to blank. |
300180 | AcctStat | Account does not meet escheat days parms | Presents when escheat is evaluated for the account and does not meet the criteria. |
300201 | CDTermUnits | CD term or term code has changed; override to update term change only | Presents when the Maturity Changed is equal to Y and the Maturity Error is not equal to Y, and the override is allowed with these elements and the projected maturity date. |
300201 | CDTerm | CD term or term code has changed; override to update term change only | Presents when the Maturity Changed is equal to Y and the Maturity Error is not equal to Y, and the override is allowed with these elements and the projected maturity date. |
300202 | IntTermUnits | Interest term or term code has changed; override to update the next pay date | Presents when the Next Changed is equal to Y and the Next Error is not equal to Y, and the override is allowed with these elements and the projected next date. |
300202 | IntTerm | Interest term or term code has changed; override to update the next pay date | Presents when the Next Changed is equal to Y and the Next Error is not equal to Y, and the override is allowed with these elements and the projected next date. |
300214 | RateRevDt | Attempt to delete Rate Schedule entry. Override to delete | Presents when the action is set to DLT. |
600015 | ComName | Account has an Alternate name record that will be deleted | Presents when the Alternate Name Delete is set to *on and the Alternate Name Change is set to *on. |
Service Dictionary
Service Dictionary
Service Dictionary Search provides consumers a service that can convey a service provider's element XSD path, requirements, default values, open enumerated canonical values, help/knowledge content, and fault codes per operation.
Within the SvcDictSrch
operation, you can send
AcctMod in the SvcDictName
element and
Rq or Rs in the SvcDictType
element. Within the response, SvcDictSrch
returns all mapped elements,
including any newly mapped elements, and any elements that have specific allowed values. The
following table lists the response information for elements with specified allowed values.
element and
T in the SvcDictFilterVal
element to get values
specific for the loan account application.Element Name | Field Value (ElemCanocVal) | Field Description (ElemCanocValDesc) |
BrCode | Pulls from CDMAST.BR# | Branch |
ProdCode | Pulls from CDMAST.TYPE | CD Type Code |
OffCode | Pulls from CDMAST.OFFCR | Officer |
AcctClsfCode | B | Business |
AcctClsfCode | C | Corporation |
AcctClsfCode | D | Director |
AcctClsfCode | E | Employee |
AcctClsfCode | F | Foreign |
AcctClsfCode | G | DBA |
AcctClsfCode | H | Sole Prop |
AcctClsfCode | I | Individual |
AcctClsfCode | J | County Govt |
AcctClsfCode | K | Estate |
AcctClsfCode | L | Lawyer Trust |
AcctClsfCode | M | Conversion |
AcctClsfCode | N | Non-Profit |
AcctClsfCode | O | Officer |
AcctClsfCode | P | Personal |
AcctClsfCode | Q | Partnerships |
AcctClsfCode | R | Church |
AcctClsfCode | S | State and Pol S/D |
AcctClsfCode | T | Trust |
AcctClsfCode | U | U.S. Government |
AcctClsfCode | V | Service Prov |
AcctClsfCode | W | Fiduciary Org |
AcctClsfCode | X | Official Checks |
AcctClsfCode | Y | Other FI |
AcctClsfCode | Z | Public Funds |
CDTermUnits | Days | Day |
CDTermUnits | Months | Month |
PlnCode | BEN | Beneficiary IRA |
PlnCode | EDU | Educational IRA |
PlnCode | HSA | Health Savings Account |
PlnCode | IRA | Traditional IRA |
PlnCode | QRP | Qualified Retirement Plan |
PlnCode | RCV | Roth Conversion IRA |
PlnCode | RTH | Roth IRA |
PlnCode | SEP | SEP IRA |
PlnCode | SIM | Simple IRA |
SalesPerson | Pulls from CDMAST.SALESAC | Sales Associate |
HldMailCode | A | Address Not on File |
HldMailCode | B | Forward to Deposit Operations |
HldMailCode | C | Forward to CD/IRA Team |
HldMailCode | D | Forward to Drive In |
HldMailCode | E | Employee - Do Not Mail |
HldMailCode | L | Forward to Loan Operations |
HldMailCode | O | Forward to Bus. Dev. Officer |
HldMailCode | P | POD Only - Non-Customer |
HldMailCode | S | Forward to Branch |
HldMailCode | X | Forward to Collections |
HldMailCode | Y | Hold Mail |
AcctLvlSecCode | A | All Access |
AcctLvlSecCode | B | Balance Only Access |
AcctLvlSecCode | E | Existence Only |
AcctLvlSecCode | N | No Access Including Existence |
SrcFundsCode | 1 | Renewal of Existing CD |
SrcFundsCode | 2 | On-Us Funds |
SrcFundsCode | 3 | Cash |
SrcFundsCode | 4 | Local Check |
SrcFundsCode | 5 | Non-Local Check |
SrcFundsCode | 6 | Cashiers Check |
SrcFundsCode | 7 | Other |
SrcFundsCode | 8 | Wire Transfer |
SrcFundsCode | 9 | Multiple Sources |
PenCode | 3M | 3 Month Penalty |
PenCode | 30 | 30 Day Penalty |
PenCode | 6M | 6 Month Penalty |
PenCode | 7D | 7 Day Penalty |
PaperLessCode | N | No |
PaperLessCode | Y | Yes |
RenCode | N | No |
RenCode | Y | Yes |
OvrrdRenCode | N | No |
OvrrdRenCode | Y | Yes |
OvrrdRenRateNum | Pulls from CDMAST.OVRNR# | Override using Rate Number |
RenToProdCode | Pulls from CDMAST.RNTYPE | Renew to Type |
IntDisp | AddBackToAcct | Add Back to the Current Balance |
IntDisp | PayByChk | Paid by Check |
IntDisp | DepToAcct | Deposit to a Demand or Savings Account |
IntDisp | PayByACH | ACH |
IntDispAcctType | D | Demand Deposit Account |
IntDispAcctType | S | Savings Account |
IntYrBaseCode | 0 | 365 Day Base |
IntYrBaseCode | 2 | 360 Day Base |
IntCalcCode | C | Compound |
IntCalcCode | S | Simple |
IntTermUnits | Days | Day |
IntTermUnits | Months | Month |
EvenPayCode | N | No |
EvenPayCode | Y | Yes |
PrimeRateIdx | Pulls from CDMAST.RATE# | Variable Rate Number |
RateVarCode | N/A | Blank |
RateVarCode | Positive | Added to the Master Rate |
RateVarCode | Negative | Subtracted from the Master Rate |
RateRevTermUnits | Day | Day |
RateRevTermUnits | Month | Month |
RateRevTermUnits | N/A | Blank |
CombIntChkCode | N | No |
CombIntChkCode | Y | Yes |
PayAllIntCode | N | No |
PayAllIntCode | Y | Yes |
IntPmtDtCode | N | No |
IntPmtDtCode | Y | Yes |
MultiRateCode | N | No |
MultiRateCode | Y | Yes |
MultiDrCode | F | First |
MultiDrCode | L | Last |
GLCostCtr | Pulls from CDMAST.GLCOST | GL Cost Center |
GLProdCode | Pulls from CDMAST.GLPROD | GL Product Code |
StdIndustCode | Pulls from CDMAST.INDCOD | Standard Industry Code |
OIDCode | N | No |
OIDCode | Y | Yes |
StmtPasCode | Pas | Passbook |
StmtPasCode | Stmt | Statement |
StmtFreqCode | A | Annual Statement |
StmtFreqCode | M | Monthly Statement |
StmtFreqCode | N | No Statement |
StmtFreqCode | Q | Quarterly Statement |
StmtFreqCode | S | Semi-Annual Statement |
FedWithCode | 0 | Do Not Withhold |
FedWithCode | 1 | Missing TIN |
FedWithCode | 2 | Invalid TIN |
FedWithCode | 3 | IRS RQST |
FedWithCode | 4 | Customer RQST |
FedWithCode | 5 | Foreign Report |
FedWithCode | 6 | Foreign Non Rep |
FedWithCode | 9 | W/H by System |
FedWithAltAcctType | D | Demand Deposit Account |
FedWithAltAcctType | S | Savings Account |
StateWithCode | 0 | Do Not Withhold |
StateWithCode | 1 | Missing TIN |
StateWithCode | 2 | Invalid TIN |
StateWithCode | 3 | IRS RQST |
StateWithCode | 4 | Customer RQST |
StateWithCode | 5 | Foreign Report |
StateWithCode | 6 | Foreign Non Rep |
StateWithCode | 9 | W/H by System |
ACHSendPreNoteCode | N | No |
ACHSendPreNoteCode | Y | Yes |
ACHStdEntryClass | ACK | Acknowledgment for CCD |
ACHStdEntryClass | ADV | Automated Accounting Advices |
ACHStdEntryClass | ARC | Accounts Receivable Entry |
ACHStdEntryClass | ATX | Acknowledgment for CTX |
ACHStdEntryClass | BOC | Back Office Conversion |
ACHStdEntryClass | CCD | Cash Concentration or Disbursement |
ACHStdEntryClass | CIE | Customer Initiated Entries |
ACHStdEntryClass | COR | Automated Notification of Change |
ACHStdEntryClass | CTX | Corporate Trade Exchanges |
ACHStdEntryClass | DNE | Death Notification Entries |
ACHStdEntryClass | ENR | Automated Enrollment |
ACHStdEntryClass | IAT | International ACH Transaction |
ACHStdEntryClass | MTE | Machine Transfer Entries |
ACHStdEntryClass | POP | Point-of-Purchase Entry |
ACHStdEntryClass | POS | Point of Sale |
ACHStdEntryClass | PPD | Prearranged Payments and Deposits |
ACHStdEntryClass | RCK | Re-presented Check Entry |
ACHStdEntryClass | SHR | Shared Network Transactions |
ACHStdEntryClass | TEL | Telephone-Initiated Entries |
ACHStdEntryClass | TRC | Truncated Entries |
ACHStdEntryClass | TRX | Truncated Entries Exchange |
ACHStdEntryClass | WEB | Internet-Initiated Entries |
ACHStdEntryClass | XCK | Destroyed Check Entry |
ACHTrnCode | Pulls from CDTNEW.ACCTC | Credit Transaction Code |
LangType | Blank | English (default) |
LangType | ENG | English |
LangType | FRE | French |
LangType | GER | German |
LangType | POL | Polish |
LangType | SPA | Spanish |
LangType | SWE | Swedish |