CondNotfArray Values
Enterprise SOAP API
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SilverLake Core
Account Inquiry
CondNotfArray Values
The table below offers additional details related to the values retrieved in the AcctInq CondNotfArray for different account types.
CondNotf | File or Field | Description |
Msg | CFMESG | Customer Message exists |
Alert | ATCODE = ‘Y’ | Alert Code = ‘Y’ on account |
StopSpecInstr | SICODE = ‘Y’ | Special inst code ‘Y’ on account |
MemoPost | DDMEMO | Transaction exists in DDMEMO file for memo-posted transaction |
AddrPmts | CFCKAD | Record exists in “check address to mail checks to other institutions file” |
AddrStmt | DDSTAD | Record exists in Deposit Statement Address file |
FraudAlert | FRDALRT = ‘Y’ | Fraud Alert code ‘Y’ on account |
AddrSeasonal | CFSADD | Record exists for customer in the CIF seasonal address file |
AddrNot | EPNTAD | Record exists for account in EIP Notice Address file |
ODProt | ODProt = ‘Y’ | Account is backed by overdraft protection |
ODPrvlgHist | DDODHS | Record exists for account in the DDA OD Guidance History file |
AddrAcct | ALTADD = ‘Y’ | Alternate address flag is ‘Y’ on account |
AcctSweep | SWSMAST | Record exists in sweep master file |
AcctRecon | ARMAST | Record exists in ARP master file |
ACHEDI | ACEDIM | Record exists in ACH EDI data file |
AcctAnlys | DDAMST | Record exists in Account analysis master file |
EnhAcctAnlys | AACODE = ‘Y’ | A/A Code is ‘Y’ on account - Enhanced account analysis |
CondNotf | File or Field | Description |
Msg | CFMESG | Customer Message exists |
AlertMsg | CFALRT | Account Alert exists |
CollatMsg | CFMESG-Collateral | Customer Message for Collateral exists |
ColMsg | LNXMSG | Loan Collection Message exists |
Stops | DDSTOP | Record exists in DDSTOP file |
MemoPost | LNMEMO | Transaction exists in LNMEMO file for memo-posted transaction |
FraudAlert | FRDALRT = ‘Y’ | Fraud Alert code ‘Y’ on account |
AddrSeasonal | CFSADD | Record exists for customer in the CIF seasonal address file |
LineOfCr | LNLINE | Record exists in the line of credit file |
CollatTrack | LNCMACT | Record exists in the collateral tracking file |
FASB91 | LNFMST | Record exists in FASB91 master file |
Escrw | LNEDST | Record exists in Escrow/Insurance Distribution file |
RealEstateProp | LNSLTV | Record exists in Supervisory LTV File - meaning this is tied to real estate |
AddrAcct | ALTADD = ‘Y’ | Alternate address flag is ‘Y’ on account |
AcctSweep | SWSMAST | Record exists in sweep master file |
RateSwap | LRSINFO | Record exists in Loan Rate Swap Info file |
LnShdw | SHADOW = ‘Y’ | Shadow flag is ‘Y’ on account |
LnUnit | UNTPDLRFP <> blank | Unit Priced Reporting Method is any value except for blank on account |
Time Deposit
CondNotf | File or Field | Description |
Msg | CFMESG | Customer Message exists |
AlertMsg | CFALRT | Account Alert exists |
CollatMsg | CFMESG-Collateral | Customer Message for Collateral exists |
StopHld | HOLD > 0 | Has a Hold Amount present on account |
MemoPost | CDMEMO | Transaction exists in CDMEMO file for memo-posted transaction |
AddrAcct | ALTADD = ‘Y’ | Alternate address flag is ‘Y’ on account |
AddrStmt | CDSTAD | Record exists in Time Deposit Statement Address file |
AddrPmts | CFCKAD | Record exists in “check address to mail checks to other institutions file” |
AddrSeasonal | CFSADD | Record exists for customer in the CIF seasonal address file |
AcctSweep | SWSMAST | Record exists in sweep master file |
Safe Deposit Box
CondNotf | File or Field | Description |
Msg | CFMESG | Customer Message exists |
AlertMsg | CFALRT | Account Alert exists |
CollatMsg | CFMESG-Collateral | Customer Message for Collateral exists |
MemoPost | SDTRAN | Memo post exists |
AddrSeasonal | CFSADD | Record exists for customer in the CIF seasonal address file |
AddrAcct | ALTADD = ‘Y’ | Alternate address flag is ‘Y’ on account |
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Last updated Thu Jun 13 2024