Time Deposit
AcctInq Time Deposit Account
This operation allows you to obtain account information associated with a specific account.
The operation supports the following search criteria:
Element Name | Description |
| A complex element containing the incoming account identification information. The simple elements within this complex are:
The AcctId
response provides the current (ledger), collected,
and available balance amounts in the response along with a significant amount of account
details. The XtendElem
element uses the x_
feature to
limit the response payload and increase operation performance. Along with account details,
the account description is returned in the response.
If the customer's AcctId
and AcctType
elements are unknown or unavailable, then you can use the AcctSrch
Search) operation to search for a matching customer record by passing in one of the
following filters:
Element Name | Description |
| A complex element containing name information. The simple elements within this complex are as follows:
| The tax identifier. |
| The identifier attached to a customer. |
XPath Elements
XPath Elements
For this business service, certain template fields, or XPath elements, are sent in on the request and corresponding elements are returned in the response.
The following tables list the elements that you send on the request and what is sent back in the response. Each table also includes any pertinent notes, such as element values or whether it is required for input.
XPath Element | File/Field | Description | Notes |
AcctId | CFACCT.CFACC# | Account Number | N/A |
AcctType | CFACCT.CFATYP | Account Type | N/A |
XtendElem | N/A | Inquiry Filter 1-8 | There are eight total elements available for you to enter information into. |
XPath Element | File/Field | Description | Notes |
| N/A | User Access Level | Canonical:
| CDMAST.BR# | Branch Code | N/A |
| CFALTN.CFAAL1 | Additional Name #1 | N/A |
| CFALTN.CFAAL2 | Additional Name #2 | N/A |
| CDPAR2.PTYPE | Product Code | N/A |
| CDMAST.STATUS | Status Code | N/A |
| CDMAST.ISSDT | Issued Date | N/A |
| CDMAST.RDMDT | Redemption Date | N/A |
| CDMAST.OFFCR | Officer Code | N/A |
| CDMAST.CLASS | Class Code | N/A |
LastConDt | CDMAST.CONTDT | Last Contact Date | N/A |
| CDMAST.MATDT | Maturity Date | N/A |
| CDMAST.CDTERM | CD Term (Units) | N/A |
| CDMAST.CDTCOD | CD Term Code | Canonical:
| CDTNEW.CIFNO | Customer Number | N/A |
| CDMAST.ORGBAL | Original Balance | N/A |
| CDTNEW.PLAN | IRA Plan Code | N/A |
| CDTNEW.CDNUM | Certificate Number | N/A |
| CDMAST.SALESAC | Sales Associate | N/A |
| CFOFFL.CFOFFR | Officer Text 1-5 | There are five total elements available for you to enter information into. |
| CFOFFL.CFOFFR | Officer Code (Officer List) 1-5 | There are five total elements available for you to enter information into. |
| JHOFFR.JHOSNA | Officer 1-5 | There are five total elements available for you to enter information into. |
| CFOFFL.CFOCOM | Comments 1-5 | There are five total elements available for you to enter information into. |
| CFALTN.CFNA1 | Alias Name | N/A |
| CFALTN.CFSNME | Alias Short Name | N/A |
| CDMAST.CDCLOSEDRS | Closed Reason Code | N/A |
| JHBRAND.MBCODE | Brand Code | N/A |
| N/A | User Access Account Level | Canonical:
| CFACCT.CFACC# | Account Number | N/A |
| CFACCT.CFATYP | Account Type | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFNA1 | Customer Name | N/A |
| CDMAST.CBAL | Current Balance | N/A |
| N/A | User Access Current Balance Level | Canonical:
| CDMAST.ACCINT | Accrued Interest (Long) | N/A |
| CDMAST.PENAMT | Penalty for Early Redemption | N/A |
| JHDATA.JDNAME | Branch Name | N/A |
| CDPAR2.PDESC | Type Description | N/A |
| N/A | Status | N/A |
| JHOFFR.JHONAM | Officer Name | N/A |
| JHCLAS.JHCDES | Class Code Description | N/A |
| CDMAST.ACTVDT | Last Active Date | N/A |
| CDPAR6.P6DESC | IRA Plan Description | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFNA2 | Address Line #1-#6 | There are six total elements available for you to enter information into. |
| CFMAST.CFNA2 | Street Address Line 1 | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFNA3 | Street Address Line 2 | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFCITY | City | N/A |
| N/A | State | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFSTAT | Customer State | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFZIPD | ZIP Code Delivery Point | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFCNTY | County | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFFORC | Country | N/A |
| N/A | Country Code | N/A |
| N/A | Business Address | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFBADA | Insufficient Address | N/A |
| N/A | Alternate Address Exist | N/A |
| N/A | Sweep Exist | N/A |
| N/A | Messages Exist | N/A |
| N/A | Alert Messages Exist | N/A |
| N/A | Collateral Message Exist | N/A |
| N/A | Hold Exist | N/A |
| N/A | Memo-Post Exist | N/A |
| N/A | Account Address Exist | N/A |
| N/A | Statement Address Exist | N/A |
| N/A | Payment Address Exist | N/A |
| N/A | Seasonal Address Exist | N/A |
| JHPARJ.JJSANAME | Sales Associate Name | N/A |
| N/A | Closed Reason Description | N/A |
| JHBRAND.MBNAME | Brand Name | N/A |
| CDMAST.HMAIL | Mailing Instructions Code | N/A |
| CDTNEW.BLOCK# | Repurchase Block Number | N/A |
| CDTNEW.SECURE | Account Level Security Code | N/A |
| CDTNEW.ORGSRC | Source of Funds Code | N/A |
| CDTNEW.PENTYP | Penalty Type Code | N/A |
| CDTNEW.PAPLES | Paperless CD | N/A |
| CFPARS.SICDES | SIC Description 1-4 | There are four total elements available for you to enter information into. |
| CDPARU.CDUDES | User Code Description | N/A |
| CFPARB.CBFDSC | Field Description 1-35 | There are 35 total elements available for you to enter information into. |
| CDMAST.CDSIC1 | Special Info Code 1 | N/A |
| CDMAST.CDSIC2 | Special Info Code 2 | N/A |
| CDMAST.CDSIC3 | Special Info Code 3 | N/A |
| CDMAST.CDSIC4 | Special Info Code 4 | N/A |
| CDMAST.CDUSER | User Code | N/A |
| SDUSRFLDS.USFVAL | Field Value 1-35 | There are 35 total elements available for you to enter information into. |
| CDMAST.CDLANG | Preferred Language | Canonical:
| CFFOPI.CFFACNAME | Name of Person Opening Account | N/A |
| CFFOPI.CFFACTITLE | Title of Person Opening Account | N/A |
| JHMAIL.JHMDES | Mailing Instructions | N/A |
| CDPARP.C1DESC | Penalty Type Description | N/A |
| N/A | Paperless Description | N/A |
| N/A | Account Level Security | N/A |
| CDPAR4.CP4DSC | Source of Funds | N/A |
| CDMAST.HOLD | Hold Amount | N/A |
| CDMAST.LMDAT | Last Maintenance Date | N/A |
| CDMAST.LDEPDT | Last Deposit Date | N/A |
| CDMAST.LSTDEP | Last Deposit Amount | N/A |
| CDMAST.CBAL | Memo in Available Balance | N/A |
| CDMAST.YTDINT | Interest YTD | N/A |
| CDMAST.PREYTD | Interest Prior Year | N/A |
| CDMAST.AMTLIN | Last Payment Amount | N/A |
| CDCHK.CKINT | Next Payment Amount | N/A |
| CDMAST.RATE | Rate | N/A |
| CDMAST.LPDAT | Last Payment Date | N/A |
| CDMAST.NPDAT | Next Payment Date | N/A |
| CDMAST.DISP | Interest Disposition | Canonical:
| CDMAST.DACT# | Deposit Account | N/A |
| CDMAST.DACTYP | Deposit Account Type | N/A |
| CDMAST.YRBASE | Year Base Code | N/A |
| CDMAST.METHOD | Interest Method Code | N/A |
| CDMAST.INTERM | Interest Accrual Term | N/A |
| CDMAST.ITCODE | Interest Accrual Term Code | Canonical:
| CDMAST.EVENCD | Even Payments | N/A |
| CDMAST.RATE# | Rate Number | N/A |
| CDMAST.VARYCD | Rate Variance Code | Canonical:
| CDMAST.VARY | Rate Variance | N/A |
| CDMAST.FLOOR | Rate Floor | N/A |
| CDMAST.CEIL | Rate Ceiling | N/A |
| CDMAST.REVDT | Rate Review Date | N/A |
| CDMAST.REVTRM | Rate Review Term | N/A |
| CDMAST.RTCODE | Rate Review Term Code | Canonical:
| CDTNEW.DAYMO | Day of Month for Check | N/A |
| CDTNEW.COMCHK | Combine Interest Checks | N/A |
| CDTNEW.CKPCIF | Customer Number for Interest Checks | N/A |
| CDTNEW.PALAST | Pay Accrued Interest on Last Payment | N/A |
| CDTNEW.ALNXTI | Allow Interest Date Past Maturity | N/A |
| CDTNEW.MLTDRT | Use Multiple Deposit Rates | N/A |
| CDTNEW.FLCODE | Multi-Rate Withdrawal Sequence | N/A |
| CDTNEW.RATSCH | Rate Schedule Code | N/A |
| CDMAST.OVRDYS | Payment to Maturity Delayed Days | N/A |
| CDMAST.MTDINTACC | MTD Accrued Interest | N/A |
| CDMAST.MTDAGD | MTD Aggregate Days | N/A |
| N/A | Combine Interest Check Description | N/A |
| N/A | Pay Accrued Interest on Last Payment | N/A |
| N/A | Allow Interest Date Past Maturity | N/A |
| N/A | Multi-Deposit Rate Description | N/A |
| N/A | WD Sequence Description | N/A |
| N/A | Rate Schedule Description | N/A |
| N/A | Interest Method | N/A |
| N/A | Interest Year Base | N/A |
| N/A | Even Pay Description | N/A |
| JHRATE.JRCRAT | Annual PCT Yield | N/A |
| CDMAST.DAYINT | Daily Accrual | N/A |
| CDMAST.GLCOST | Responsibility Center | N/A |
| CDMAST.GLPROD | Product Code | N/A |
| CDMAST.CRASTA | CRA State Code | N/A |
| CDMAST.COUNTY | CRA County Code | N/A |
| CDMAST.CENSUS | CRA Census Tract | N/A |
| CDMAST.CRALOC | CRA Location | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFINCL | CRA Income Level | N/A |
| CDMAST.INDCOD | Standard Industry Code | N/A |
| CDMAST.CALREPT | Call Report Code | N/A |
| CDTNEW.ARGPRDCOD | ARGO Product Code | N/A |
| CDMAST.GROUP | GL Group Code | N/A |
| CDPARC.PCDESC | Call Report Code Description | N/A |
| N/A | OID Flag Description | N/A |
| CDPAR2.PGRPDS | Group Code Description | N/A |
| CDMAST.INCLUD | Include on Combined Statement | N/A |
| CDTNEW.STMPAS | Statement/Passbook Code | Canonical:
| CDTNEW.STMTCD | Statement Frequency | N/A |
| CDMAST.STMDT | Last Statement Date | N/A |
| CDMAST.STMBAL | Last Statement Balance | N/A |
| N/A | Statement Frequency | N/A |
| CDMAST.RENDT | Last Renewal Date | N/A |
| CDTNEW.RENEW | Renewable | N/A |
| CDTNEW.OVRNYN | Override Renewal | N/A |
| CDTNEW.OVRNRT | Override Renewal Rate | N/A |
| CDTNEW.OVRNR# | Override Renewal Rate Number | N/A |
| CDTNEW.RNTYPE | Renew to Type Code | N/A |
| N/A | Renewable | N/A |
| N/A | Override Renewal | N/A |
| CDPAR2.PDESC | Renew to Type Description | N/A |
| CDMAST.WHCODE | Federal Withholding Code | N/A |
| JHWITH.JHWDES | Federal Withholding Reason | N/A |
| CDMAST.WDATE7 | Federal Withholding Effective Date | N/A |
| CDMAST.WALTAC | Federal Withholding Alternate Account | N/A |
| CDMAST.WALTTP | Federal Withholding Alternate Account Type | N/A |
| CDMAST.WALTRT | Federal Withholding Alternate Rate | N/A |
| CDMAST.WHMTD | Federal Withholding MTD | N/A |
| CDMAST.WHQTD | Federal Withholding QTD | N/A |
| CDMAST.WHYTD | Federal Withholding YTD | N/A |
| CDMAST.PREFWH | Federal Withholding Prior Year | N/A |
| CDTNEW.WHSCOD | State Withholding Code | N/A |
| JHWITH.JHWDES | State Withholding State Description | N/A |
| CDTNEW.WALTSR | State Withholding Alternate Rate | N/A |
| CDMAST.WHSMTD | State Withholding MTD | N/A |
| CDMAST.WHSQTD | State Withholding QTD | N/A |
| CDMAST.WHSYTD | State Withholding YTD | N/A |
| CDMAST.PRESWH | State Withholding Prior Year | N/A |
| CDMAST.STATE | Interest Withholding State | N/A |
| JHSTAT.JHSTAN | State Withholding Reason | N/A |
| CDACHM.ACTCDD | ACH Company Discretionary Data | N/A |
| CDACHM.ACTCED | ACH Entry Description | N/A |
| CDACHM.ACTCID | ACH Company ID | N/A |
| CDACHM.ACTCOM | ACH Company Name | N/A |
| CDACHM.ACCACT | ACH Credit Account Number | N/A |
| CDACHM.ACTINM | ACH Account Name | N/A |
| CDACHM.ACCBNK | ACH Credit Bank | N/A |
| CDACHM.ACTPNS | ACH Send Pre-Notice | N/A |
| CDACHM.ACTSEC | ACH Standard Entry Class | N/A |
| CDACHM.ACCTC | ACH Credit Tran Code | N/A |
| CFPARZ.CPZIDS | Identification Description | N/A |
| CFMLID.CFIDCD | Identification Code | N/A |
| CFMLID.CFIDNO | Identification Number | N/A |
| CFMLID.CFVRYCD | Verification Code | N/A |
| CFMLID.CFVTXST | Teller CTR State Code | N/A |
| N/A | Identification Verification 1-4 | Canonical:
There are four total elements available for you to enter information into. |
| CFMLID.CFPLIS | Place of Issuance | N/A |
| CFMLID.CFIISD7 | Date of Issuance | N/A |
| CFMLID.CFIEXD7 | Expiration Date | N/A |
| CFMLID.CFICTD7 | Contact Date | N/A |
| N/A | Beneficiary Key | N/A |
| CDBENE.BENNAME | Beneficiary Name | N/A |
| CDBENE.BENLVL | Beneficiary Level | N/A |
| CDBENE.BENPCT | Beneficiary Percentage | N/A |
| CDBENE.BENREL | Beneficiary Relationship | N/A |
| CDBENE.BENID# | Beneficiary ID Number | N/A |
| CDRSCH.SCHRAT | New Rate | N/A |
| CDRSCH.SCHDT | Rate Change Date | N/A |
| CDRSCH.SCHRT# | New Rate Base Number | N/A |
| CDRSCH.SCHVAR | Variance from Base Rate | N/A |
| CDRSCH.SCHVCD | Variance Code | Canonical:
| CDMRAT.DEPDT | Deposit Effective Date | N/A |
| CDMRAT.DPRATE | Deposit Rate | N/A |
| CDMRAT.DPACRU | Deposit Accrued Interest | N/A |
| CDMRAT.DPACBL | Accrual Balance | N/A |
Within the response, specific validations can appear in the response if incorrect or different information than what is required is sent in the request.
The following table lists the errors that can be returned and includes what prompts the validation to occur.
Code | Element | System Message | Validation Trigger |
1 | AcctId | Account not found | Presents when the account number/type combination is not found. |
1 | AcctType | Account not found | Presents when the account number/type combination is not found. |
7 | AcctType | Account type is not valid | Presents when the value sent in this element is not set to T. |
34 | N/A | Function is not available during Nightly updates | Presents when end-of-day (EOD) is running on the core system and the function is determined to be unavailable during EOD. |
45 | N/A | Numeric data is not valid | Presents when the value sent is not numeric. |
721 | AuthUsr | User not enrolled with provider | Presents when the user sending the request is not authorized to use the process/procedure. |
722 | AuthUsr | Error occurred checking User Accessibility | Presents when the user sending the request is not authorized to use the process/procedure. |
102023 | N/A | Balance Calculations in Process, please try again later | Presents when end-of-day (EOD) is processing and the Memo Post Transactions After Cut-Off (CD1890) program is at processing or accrualrun. |
400162 | N/A | Function not available during Store Forward mode | Presents when end-of-day (EOD) is running on the core system and the function is determined to be unavailable during EOD. |
The following table lists the warnings that can be returned and includes what prompts the validation to occur.
Code | Element | System Message | Validation Trigger |
300054 | PenAmt | Penalty Amount not provided for accounts in Grace Days | Presents when today's date is less than or equal to the grace period and the issue date is not equal to the renewal date. |
300193 | AcctId | Pending Renewal Maintenance, Proceed with Caution! | Presents when the account number/type combination is verified against the CD Ngo Renewal Maint File (CDNREN). If the combination is in this file, the warning is returned. |
300193 | AcctType | Pending Renewal Maintenance, Proceed with Caution! | Presents when the account number/type combination is verified against the CD Ngo Renewal Maint File (CDNREN). If the combination is in this file, the warning is returned. |
Service Dictionary
Service Dictionary
Service Dictionary Search provides consumers a service that can convey a service provider's element XSD path, requirements, default values, open enumerated canonical values, help/knowledge content, and fault codes per operation.
Within the SvcDictSrch
operation, you can send
AcctInq in the SvcDictName
element and
Rq or Rs in the SvcDictType
element. Within the response, SvcDictSrch
returns all mapped elements,
including any newly mapped elements, and any elements that have specific allowed values. The
following table lists the response information for elements with specified allowed values.
in the SvcDicFilterCode
T in SvcDicFilterVal
to get values specific for the
time deposit account application.Element Name | Field Value (ElemCanocVal) | Field Description (ElemCanocValDesc) |
BrCode | Pulls from CDMAST.BR# | Branch |
ProdCode | Pulls from CDPAR2.PTYPE | Product Code |
AcctStat | 1 | Active |
AcctStat | 2 | Redeemed |
AcctStat | 3 | Mature, Not Redeemed |
AcctStat | 4 | New Today |
AcctStat | 5 | Dormant |
AcctStat | 6 | Escheat |
OffCode | Pulls from CDMAST.OFFCR | Officer |
AcctClsfCode | B | Business |
AcctClsfCode | C | Corporation |
AcctClsfCode | D | Director |
AcctClsfCode | E | Employee |
AcctClsfCode | F | Foreign |
AcctClsfCode | G | DBA |
AcctClsfCode | H | Sole Prop. |
AcctClsfCode | I | Individual |
AcctClsfCode | J | County Government |
AcctClsfCode | K | Estate |
AcctClsfCode | L | Lawyer Trust |
AcctClsfCode | M | Conversion |
AcctClsfCode | N | Non-Profit |
AcctClsfCode | O | Officer |
AcctClsfCode | P | Personal |
AcctClsfCode | Q | Partnerships |
AcctClsfCode | R | Church |
AcctClsfCode | S | State and Pol S/D |
AcctClsfCode | T | Trust |
AcctClsfCode | U | U.S. Government |
AcctClsfCode | V | Service Prov |
AcctClsfCode | W | Fiduciary Org |
AcctClsfCode | X | Official Checks |
AcctClsfCode | Y | Other FI |
AcctClsfCode | Z | Public Funds |
CdTermUnits | N/A | Blank |
CdTermUnits | Days | Day |
CdTermUnits | Months | Month |
PlnCode | BEN | Beneficiary IRA |
PlnCode | EDU | Educational IRA |
PlnCode | HSA | Health Savings Account |
PlnCode | IRA | Traditional IRA |
PlnCode | QRP | Qualified Retirement Plan |
PlnCode | RCV | Roth Conversion IRA |
PlnCode | RTH | Roth IRA |
PlnCode | SEP | Separate IRA |
PlnCode | SIM | Simple IRA |
SalesPerson | Pulls from CDMAST.SALESAC | Sales Associate |
InvAddr | N | No |
InvAddr | Y | Yes |
HldMailCode | A | Address Not on File |
HldMailCode | B | Forward to Deposit Operations |
HldMailCode | C | Forward to CD/IRA Team |
HldMailCode | D | Forward to Drive In |
HldMailCode | E | Employee - Do Not Mail |
HldMailCode | L | Forward to Loan Operations |
HldMailCode | O | Forward to Bus. Dev. Officer |
HldMailCode | P | POD Only - Non-Customer |
HldMailCode | S | Forward to Branch |
HldMailCode | X | Forward to Collections |
HldMailCode | Y | Hold Mail |
AcctLvlSecCode | A | All Access |
AcctLvlSecCode | B | Balance Only Access |
AcctLvlSecCode | E | Existence Only |
AcctLvlSecCode | N | No Access Including Existence |
SrcFundsCode | 1 | Renewal of Existing CD |
SrcFundsCode | 2 | On-Us Funds |
SrcFundsCode | 3 | Cash |
SrcFundsCode | 4 | Local Check |
SrcFundsCode | 5 | Non-Local Check |
SrcFundsCode | 6 | Cashiers Check |
SrcFundsCode | 7 | Other FI |
SrcFundsCode | 8 | Wire Transfer |
SrcFundsCode | 9 | Multiple Sources |
PenCode | 3M | 3 Month Penalty |
PenCode | 30 | 30 Day Penalty |
PenCode | 6M | 6 Month Penalty |
PenCode | 7D | 7 Day Penalty |
PaperLessCode | N | No |
PaperLessCode | Y | Yes |
UserDefCode | N | No |
UserDefCode | Y | Yes |
LangType | Eng | English (Default) |
LangType | Fre | French |
LangType | Ger | German |
LangType | Pol | Polish |
LangType | Spa | Spanish |
LangType | Swe | Swedish |
IntDisp | AddBackToAcct | Add back to the current balance |
IntDisp | PayByCheck | Pay by check |
IntDisp | DepToAcct | Deposit to a demand or savings account |
IntDisp | PayByACH | ACH |
IntDispAcctType | D | Demand Deposit Account |
IntDispAcctType | S | Savings Account |
IntYrBaseCode | 0 | 365 Day Base |
IntYrBaseCode | 2 | 365 Day Base |
IntCalcCode | C | Compound |
IntCalcCode | S | Simple |
IntTermUnits | Days | Day |
IntTermUnits | Months | Month |
EvenPayCode | N | No |
EvenPayCode | Y | Yes |
PrimeRateIdx | Pulls from CDMAST.PRIME | Prime |
RateVarCode | Positive | Added to the master rate |
RateVarCode | Negative | Subtracted from the master rate |
RateRevTermUnits | N/A | Blank |
RateRevTermUnits | Day | Day |
RateRevTermUnits | Month | Month |
CombIntChkCode | N | No |
CombIntChkCode | Y | Yes |
PayAllIntCode | N | No |
PayAllIntCode | Y | Yes |
IntPmtDtCode | N | No |
IntPmtDtCode | Y | Yes |
MultiRateCode | N | No |
MultiRateCode | Y | Yes |
MultiDrCode | F | First |
MultiDrCode | L | Last |
RateSchedCode | N | No |
RateSchedCode | Y | Yes |
GLCostCtr | Pulls from CDMAST.GLCOST | GL Cost Center |
GLProdCode | Pulls from CDMAST.GLPROD | GL Product Code |