AcctInq Non-JH Account
This operation allows you to obtain account information associated with a specific account.
The operation supports the following search criteria:
- A complex element containing the incoming account identification information. The simple elements within this complex are:AcctId
(Account ID)AcctType
(Account Type)
The AcctInq
response provides the current (ledger),
collected, and available balance amounts in the response along with a significant number of
account details. The XtendElem
element uses the x_
to limit the response payload and increase operation performance. Along with account
details, the account description is returned in the response.
If the customer's AcctID and AcctType elements are unknown or available, then you can use the AcctSrch (Account Search) operation to search for a matching customer record by passing in one of the following filters:
- A complex element containing name information. The simple elements within the complex are as follows:ComName
(Common name, full text name like John Doe)FirstName
(Tax ID)CustId
(Customer ID)
XPath Elements
XPath Elements
For this business service, certain template fields, or XPath elements, are sent in on the request and corresponding elements are returned in the response.
The following tables list the elements that you send on the request and what is sent back in the response. Each table also includes any pertinent notes, such as element values or whether it is required for input.
XPath Element | File/Field | Description | Notes |
AcctId | JHMAST.ACCTNO | Account Number | N/A |
AcctType | JHMAST.ACTYPE | Account Type | N/A |
XtendElem | N/A | Inquiry Filters | N/A |
XPath Element | File/Field | Description | Notes |
| N/A | User Access Level | Canonical:
| JHTNEW.CIFNO | CIF Number | N/A |
| JHTNEW.BRANCH | Branch Number | N/A |
| JHTNEW.MALHLD | Mailing Instructions | N/A |
| JHTNEW.COMBIN | Include Combined Statement | N/A |
| CFALTN.CFAAL1 | Additional Name #1 | N/A |
| CFALTN.CFAAL2 | Additional Name #2 | N/A |
| JHTNEW.SECURE | Account Level Security | N/A |
| CFPARB.CBFDSC | Field Description 1-35 | There are 35 elements available to enter values into. |
| CFPARD.APPDT1 | Date #1 Description | N/A |
| CFPARD.APPDT2 | Date #2 Description | N/A |
| CFPARD.APPDT3 | Date #3 Description | N/A |
| CFPARD.APPDT4 | Date #4 Description | N/A |
| CFPARD.APPDS5 | Date #5 Description | N/A |
| CFPARD.APPDS6 | Date #6 Description | N/A |
| CFPARD.APPAM1 | Amount #1 Description | N/A |
| CFPARD.APPAM2 | Amount #2 Description | N/A |
| CFPARD.APPAM3 | Amount #3 Description | N/A |
| CFPARD.APPAM4 | Amount #4 Description | N/A |
| CFPARD.APPAM5 | Amount #5 Description | N/A |
| CFPARD.APPAM6 | Amount #6 Description | N/A |
| CFPARD.APPUS1 | User Field #1 Description | N/A |
| CFPARD.APPUS2 | User Field #2 Description | N/A |
| CFPARD.APPUS3 | User Field #3 Description | N/A |
| CFPARD.APPUS4 | User Field #4 Description | N/A |
| CFPARD.APPUS5 | User Field #5 Description | N/A |
| CFPARD.APPUS6 | User Field #6 Description | N/A |
| SDUSRFLDS.USFVAL | Field Value 1-35 | There are 35 elements available to enter values into. |
| JHTNEW.JHBDT1 | Date #1 | N/A |
| JHTNEW.JHBDT2 | Date #2 | N/A |
| JHTNEW.JHBDT3 | Date #3 | N/A |
| JHTNEW.JHBDT4 | Date #4 | N/A |
| JHTNEW.JHBDT5 | Date #5 | N/A |
| JHTNEW.JHBDT6 | Date #6 | N/A |
| JHTNEW.JHBAM1 | Amount #1 | N/A |
| JHTNEW.JHBAM2 | Amount #2 | N/A |
| JHTNEW.JHBAM3 | Amount #3 | N/A |
| JHTNEW.JHBAM4 | Amount #4 | N/A |
| JHTNEW.JHBAM5 | Amount #5 | N/A |
| JHTNEW.JHBAM6 | Amount #6 | N/A |
| JHTNEW.JHBDS1 | Description #1 | N/A |
| JHTNEW.JHBDS2 | Description #2 | N/A |
| JHTNEW.JHBDS3 | Description #3 | N/A |
| JHTNEW.JHBDS4 | Description #4 | N/A |
| JHTNEW.JHBDS5 | Description #5 | N/A |
| JHTNEW.JHBDS6 | Description #6 | N/A |
| JHTNEW.CBAL | Current Balance | N/A |
| N/A | User Access Cur Bal Lvl | Canonical:
| CFMAST.CFNA2 | Address Line 1-6 | There are six elements available to enter values into. |
| CFMAST.CFNA2 | Street Address Line 1 | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFNA3 | Street Address Line 2 | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFCITY | City | N/A |
| N/A | State | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFSTAT | State Code | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFZIPD | ZIP Code Delivery Point | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFCNTY | County | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFFORC | Foreign Country | N/A |
| N/A | Country Code | N/A |
| N/A | Business Address | N/A |
| N/A | Foreign Address | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFBADA | Insufficient Address | N/A |
| JHTNEW.ACTYPE | Product ID | N/A |
| CFALTN.CFNA1 | Alias Name | N/A |
| CFALTN.CFSNME | Alias Short Name | N/A |
| JHBRAND.MBCODE | Brand Code | N/A |
| N/A | User Access Acct Level | Canonical:
| JHTNEW.ACCTNO | Account Number | N/A |
| JHTNEW.ACTYPE | Account Type | N/A |
| JHDATA.JDNAME | Bank/Branch Name | N/A |
| CFPARD.APPDES | Description | N/A |
| JHBRAND.MBNAME | Brand Name | N/A |
Within the response, specific validations can appear in the response if incorrect or different information than what is required is sent in the request.
The following table lists the validations that can be returned and includes what prompts the validation to occur.
Code | Element | System Message | Validation Trigger |
1 | AcctId | Account Not Found | Presents when the account number/type combination is not found in the Non-JHA Master File (JHMAST). |
1 | AcctType | Account Not Found | Presents when the account number/type combination is not found in the Non-JHA Master File (JHMAST). |
7 | AcctType | Account type is not valid | Presents when the value sent in this element is not a valid account type. |
34 | N/A | Function is not available during Nightly Updates | Presents when end-of-day (EOD) is running on the core system and the function is determined to be unavailable during EOD. |
45 | N/A | Numeric data is not valid | Presents when the value sent is not numeric. |
721 | AuthUsr | User not enrolled with Provider | Presents when the user sending the request is not authorized to use the process/procedure. |
722 | AuthUsr | Error Occurred checking User Accessibility | Presents when the user sending the request is not authorized to use the process/procedure. |
10000 | N/A | Unknown error with selected inquiry filter | Presents when the system cannot process the value in the
XtendElem element. |
400162 | N/A | Function not available during Store Forward mode | Presents when end-of-day (EOD) is running on the core system and the function is determined to be unavailable during EOD. |
Service Dictionary
Service Dictionary
Service Dictionary Search provides consumers a service that can convey a service provider's element XSD path, requirements, default values, open enumerated canonical values, help/knowledge content, and fault codes per operation.
Within the SvcDictSrch
operation, you can send
AcctInq in the SvcDictName
element and
Rq or Rs in the SvcDictType
element. Within the response, SvcDictSrch
returns all mapped elements,
including any newly mapped elements, and any elements that have specific allowed values. The
following table lists the response information for elements with specified allowed values.
** in SvcDictFilterVal
to get values specific for
the loan account application.Element Name | Field Value (ElemCanocVal) | Field Description (ElemCanocValDesc) |
XtendElem | x_AcctBenf | N/A |
XtendElem | x_ACHHistSrchRec | N/A |
XtendElem | x_BusDetail | N/A |
XtendElem | x_CondNotInfoRec | N/A |
XtendElem | x_DepAcctInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_DepBalDtInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_DepInfoRec | N/A |
XtendElem | x_DepNSFODInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_DepRateIntInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_DepRegRptInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_DepStmtInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_DepTaxInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_EscrwAnlys | N/A |
XtendElem | x_EscrwFldInsurArray | N/A |
XtendElem | x_EscrwPayeeArray | N/A |
XtendElem | x_EscrwPmtBal | N/A |
XtendElem | x_EFTCardBlkTrnArray | N/A |
XtendElem | x_EFTCardCntryArray | N/A |
XtendElem | x_EFTCardHist | N/A |
XtendElem | x_EFTCardHistSrchRec | N/A |
XtendElem | x_EFTCardMailAddrInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_EFTCardTrvInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_FinInstInfoProcRec | N/A |
XtendElem | x_IdVerify | N/A |
XtendElem | x_IntnetAccessInfoRec | N/A |
XtendElem | x_IntnetCashMgmtInfoRec | N/A |
XtendElem | x_IntnetInfoRec | N/A |
XtendElem | x_IntnetValidXferInfoRec | N/A |
XtendElem | x_IntnetXferInfoRec | N/A |
XtendElem | x_LnAcctInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_LnBalDtInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_LnDlrInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_LnInfoRec | N/A |
XtendElem | x_LnMtgInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_LnPastDueInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_LnPmtInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_LnProtInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_LnRateInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_LnRealEstateInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_LnRegRptInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_LnRenExtInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_LnStopInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_LnUnitAcctInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_LnUnitBalDtInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_LnUnitInfoRec | N/A |
XtendElem | x_LnUnitPmtInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_LnUnitProtInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_LnUnitRateInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_LnUnitRenExtInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_PersonName | N/A |
XtendElem | x_PlnTaxInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_RegDetail | N/A |
XtendElem | x_SafeDepAcctInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_SafeDepInfoRec | N/A |
XtendElem | x_StmtDataHistSrchRec | N/A |
XtendElem | x_TaxDetail | N/A |
XtendElem | x_TaxPlnDist | N/A |
XtendElem | x_TimeDepAcctInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_TimeDepBalDtInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_TimeDepInfoRec | N/A |
XtendElem | x_TimeDepRateIntInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_TimeDepRegRptInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_TimeDepRenInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_TimeDepStmtInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_TimeDepTaxInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_TrckAcctInfoRec | N/A |
XtendElem | x_TrnTotArray | N/A |
XtendElem | x_UserDefInfoArray | N/A |
BrCode | Pulls from JHMAST.BRANCH | Branch |
IncCombStmt | N | No |
IncCombStmt | Y | Yes |
AcctLvlSecCode | A | All Access |
AcctLvlSecCode | B | Balance Only Access |
AcctLvlSecCode | E | Existence Only |
AcctLvlSecCode | N | No Access Including Existence |
AcctType | C | Masterard® |
AcctType | E | Loan External |
AcctType | I | Investment |
AcctType | M | Mastercard® |
AcctType | N | Mortgage Account |
AcctType | P | ATM Account |
AcctType | Q | Wealth Management |
AcctType | V | Visa ® Card |
AcctType | Z | Business Visa® Card |
Rstr | Clear | N/A |
Rstr | Hid | N/A |
Rstr | No | N/A |
Rstr | NoAccess | N/A |
Rstr | NoAccessPart | N/A |
Rstr | ReadOnly | N/A |
Rstr | ReadOnlyPart | N/A |
Rstr | ReadWrite | N/A |
Rstr | ReadWritePart | N/A |
Rstr | Yes | N/A |
CurBal.Rstr | Clear | N/A |
CurBal.Rstr | Hid | N/A |
CurBal.Rstr | No | N/A |
CurBal.Rstr | NoAccess | N/A |
CurBal.Rstr | NoAccessPart | N/A |
CurBal.Rstr | ReadOnly | N/A |
CurBal.Rstr | ReadOnlyPart | N/A |
CurBal.Rstr | ReadWrite | N/A |
CurBal.Rstr | ReadWritePart | N/A |
CurBal.Rstr | Yes | N/A |
TrackAcctId.Rstr | Clear | N/A |
TrackAcctId.Rstr | Hid | N/A |
TrackAcctId.Rstr | No | N/A |
TrackAcctId.Rstr | NoAccess | N/A |
TrackAcctId.Rstr | NoAccessPart | N/A |
TrackAcctId.Rstr | ReadOnly | N/A |
TrackAcctId.Rstr | ReadOnlyPart | N/A |
TrackAcctId.Rstr | ReadWrite | N/A |
TrackAcctId.Rstr | ReadWritePart | N/A |
TrackAcctId.Rstr | Yes | N/A |