AcctInq Loan Account
This operation allows you to obtain account information associated with a specific account.
The operation supports the following search criteria:
- A complex element containing the incoming account identification information. The simple elements within this complex are:AcctId
(Account ID)AcctType
(Account Type)
The AcctInq
response provides the current (ledger), the collected,
and the available balance amounts in the response along with a significant number of account
details. The XtendElem
element uses the ‘x_’ feature to limit the response
payload and increase operation performance. Along with account details, the account
description is returned in the response.
If the customer’s AcctId and AcctType elements are unknown or unavailable, then you can use the Account Search (AcctSrch) operation to search for a matching customer record by passing in one of the following filters:
- A complex element containing name information. The simple elements within the complex are as follows:ComName
(Common name, full text name like John Doe)FirstName
(Tax ID)CustId
(Customer ID)
XPath Elements
XPath Elements
For this business service, certain template fields, or XPath elements, are sent in on the request and corresponding elements are returned in the response.
The following tables list the elements that you send on the request and what is sent back in the response. Each table also includes any pertinent notes, such as element values or whether it is required for input.
XPath Element | File/Field | Description | Notes |
| LNMAST.ACCTNO | Account Number | N/A |
| LNMAST.ACTYPE | Account Type | N/A |
| N/A | Inquiry Filter 1-12 | There are a total of 12 elements available for you to enter information into. |
| N/A | Mod Intent Flag | Canonical
XPath Element | File/Field | Description | Notes |
| N/A | User Access Level | Canonical
| LNFACC.LNFACR | Unused Credit Line Accrual (extended) | N/A |
| LNFACC.LNFACR | Unemployment Insurance Accrual (extended) | N/A |
| LNMAST.TERM | Loan Term | N/A |
| LNMAST.TMCODE | Loan Term (Units) | Canonical
| LNMAST.SEMDY2 | Semi-Monthly Payments 2nd Day | N/A |
| LNMAST.SEMDY1 | Semi-Monthly Payments 1st Day | N/A |
| LNMAST.REMTRM | Payments Remaining | N/A |
| LNMAST.FRCODE | Payment Frequency (Units) | Canonical
| LNMAST.FREQ | Payment Frequency (Term) | N/A |
| LNMAST.NPDAY | Next Payment Day of Month | N/A |
| LNMAST.PMTCOD | Payment Type | N/A |
| LNMAST.PMTAMT | Payment Amount Due | N/A |
| LNMAST.PMTAMT | Payment Amount | N/A |
| LNMAST.PIAMT | Principal and Interest Amount | N/A |
| LNMAST.THRUDT | Payoff Good Thru Date | N/A |
| LNPDUE.PDITOT | Past Due Amount | N/A |
| LNMAST.PRTPMT | Partially Paid Amount | N/A |
| LNMAST.ORGAMT | Original Loan Amount | N/A |
| LNMAST.DATOPN | Original Loan Date | N/A |
| LNMAST.OFFCR | Officer | N/A |
| LNMAST.NSPDT | Next Scheduled Payment Date | N/A |
| LNMAST.NPDT | Payment Due Date | N/A |
| LNMAST.MATDT | Maturity Date | N/A |
| LNMAST.ASSLC | Late Charge Due | N/A |
| LNMAST.LPDT | Last Payment Date | N/A |
| LNMAST.RATE | Interest Rate | N/A |
| LNMAST.IBASE | Interest Base | N/A |
| LNFACC.LNFACR | Credit Life Insurance Accrual (Extended) | N/A |
| LNMAST.BR# | Branch | N/A |
| LNPAR2.PTYPE | Loan Type | N/A |
| N/A | Credit Line Available | N/A |
| LFACC.LNFACR | A & H Insurance Accrual (Extended) | N/A |
| CFALTN.CFAAL1 | Additional Name #1 | N/A |
| CFALTN.CFAAL2 | Additional Name #2 | N/A |
| LNMAST.STATUS | Loan Status | N/A |
| LNMAST.ACBAL | Accrual Balance | N/A |
| LNMAST.CIFNO | Customer Number | N/A |
| LNMAST.SALESAC | Sales Associate | N/A |
| LNMAST.SECURE | Account Level Security | N/A |
| LNMAST.ODIBAS | Accrue Odd Days Int on 36 Day Basis | N/A |
| LNMAST.RSHTPC6 | Roll Due Date on Short Payment for Payment Code 6 | N/A |
| CFALTN.CFNA1 | Alias Name | N/A |
| CFALTN.CFSNME | Alias Short Name | N/A |
| JHBRAND.MBCODE | Brand Code | N/A |
| LNFPMS.LNFPDC | Unit Number Description | N/A |
| LNMAST.UNTPDLRFP | Unit Priced Reporting Method | Canonical
| N/A | Specialty Lending | N/A |
| LNAEDPAR.ACCDORB | Accrual Billing Method | N/A |
| N/A | Restriction for LNAEDPAR/ACCDORB/LN900C | Canonical
| N/A | User Access Acct Level | Canonical
| LNMAST.ACCTNO | Account Number | N/A |
| LNMAST.ACTYPE | Account Type | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFNA1 | Customer Name | N/A |
| JHOFFR.JHONAM | Officer Name | N/A |
| LNMAST.NXTPO | Next Month's Payoff | N/A |
| N/A | Payment Code Description | N/A |
| N/A | INT Base Description | N/A |
| LNMAST.PDIEM | Daily Accrual | N/A |
| LNMAST.CURPO | Current Payoff | N/A |
| LNMAST.CBAL | Current Balance | N/A |
| N/A | User Access Cur Bal Lvl | Canonical
| JHDATA.JDNAME | Bank/Branch Name | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFNA2 | Address Line #1-#6 | There are six total elements available for you to enter information into. |
| CFMAST.CFNA2 | Street Address Line 1 | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFNA3 | Street Address Line 2 | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFCITY | City | N/A |
| N/A | Customer State | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFSTAT | Customer CRA State | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFZIPD | Delivery Point | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFCNTY | County | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFFORC | Foreign Country Name | N/A |
| N/A | Country Code | N/A |
| N/A | Business Address | N/A |
| N/A | Foreign Address | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFBADA | Insufficient Address Flag | N/A |
| N/A | Status Description | N/A |
| LNMAST.ACCINT | Interest Accrued (Extended) | N/A |
| LNPAR2.PTYDSC | Type Description | N/A |
| N/A | Alternate Addresses Exist | N/A |
CondNotf | N/A | Sweeps Exist | N/A |
CondNotf | N/A | Rate Swaps Exist | N/A |
CondNotf | N/A | Shadow Exists | N/A |
CondNotf | N/A | Messages Exist | N/A |
CondNotf | N/A | Alert Messages Exist | N/A |
CondNotf | N/A | Collateral Messages Exist | N/A |
CondNotf | N/A | Collection Messages Exist | N/A |
CondNotf | N/A | Check Stops Exist | N/A |
CondNotf | N/A | Memo-Posts Exist | N/A |
CondNotf | N/A | Fraud Alerts Exist | N/A |
CondNotf | N/A | Seasonal Addresses Exist | N/A |
CondNotf | N/A | Line of Credit Exists | N/A |
CondNotf | N/A | Collateral Tracking | N/A |
CondNotf | N/A | FASB91 | N/A |
CondNotf | N/A | Escrow Distribution | N/A |
CondNotf | N/A | Real Estate Property | N/A |
CondNotf | N/A | Unit Loan | N/A |
CondNotf | N/A | Future... | N/A |
| N/A | Acct Level Security Description | N/A |
| JHPARJ.JJSANAME | Sales Associate Name | N/A |
| JHBRAND.MBNAME | Brand Name | N/A |
| LNMAST.WCHCOD | Watch List Code | N/A |
| LNMAST.VIN# | Vehicle ID Number | N/A |
| LNMAST.TITLE | Title Still Needed | N/A |
| LNMAST.SUBPRM | Sub-Prime Lending | N/A |
| LNMSAT.DEMSTU | Demand/Student Loan | N/A |
| LNMAST.STATE | State | N/A |
| LNMAST.UNPADV | Restrict Advances Over Credit Limit | N/A |
| LNMAST.RSTADV | Restrict Advances | Canonical
| LNMAST.REWLN# | Rewritten to Loan Number | N/A |
| LNMAST.RSTRUC | Restructured Loan | N/A |
| LNMAST.RLACTP | Related Account Number Type | N/A |
| LNMAST.RLACC# | Related Account Number | N/A |
| LNMAST.PURCOD | Loan Purpose | N/A |
| LNMAST.PNTPD | Points Paid | N/A |
| LNMAST.RECEIT | Print Loan Receipt | N/A |
| LNMAST.SENDPD | Send Past Due Notice | N/A |
| LNMAST.COPUPON | Print Coupon Book | N/A |
| LNMAST.SENDCD | Send Billing Notice | N/A |
| LNMAST.PRVSTS | Previous Status | N/A |
| LNMAST.PPPCOD | Pre-Payment Penalty | N/A |
| LNMAST.POPEND | Payoff Pending Flag | N/A |
| LNMAST.PARTID# | Participation ID Number | N/A |
| LNMAST.PRTPCT | Original Participation Percent | N/A |
| LNMAST.LTVRAT | Original LTV Ratio | N/A |
| LNMAST.LCTYPE | Late Charge Type | N/A |
| LNMAST.INCLUD | Include on Combined Deposit Statement | N/A |
| LNMAST.HMAIL | Mailing Instructions | N/A |
| LNMAST.HIRISK | High Risk Customer | N/A |
| LNEDST.EFRCPL | Forced Placed Insurance | N/A |
| LNMAST.TYPCLS | Examiner's Classification Type | N/A |
| LNMAST.XCLSTT | Exclude from Automatic Non-Accrual | N/A |
| LNMAST.DEPTCD | Department Code | N/A |
| LNMAST.CLTVRT | Current PMI LTV Ratio | N/A |
| LNMAST.RATCOD | Credit Rating | N/A |
| LNMAST.CPNTRM | Coupon Book Term | N/A |
| LNMAST.COLCOD | Collateral | N/A |
| LNMAST.CLSZRO | Close on Zero Balance | N/A |
| LNMAST.PARTPC | Calculated Participation Percentage | N/A |
| LNMAST.BADCK# | Number of Bad Checks | N/A |
| LNMAST.ANINCM | Annual Income | N/A |
| LNMAST.CLASS | Class | N/A |
| LNMAST.HDACTP | Holding Account Type | N/A |
HldAcctType | LNMAST.HDACC# | Holding Account Number | N/A |
| N/A | Borrower | N/A |
N/A | Co-Borrower | N/A | |
| LNSMTG.AHIBA1 | AHI - Borrower Education Admin 1 | N/A |
BorwAdviceCode | LNSMTG.AHIBA2 | AHI - Borrower Education Admin 2 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.AHIBF1 | AHI - Borrower Education Format 1 | N/A |
BorwAdviceFormatCode | LNSMTG.AHIBF2 | AHI - Borrower Education Format 2 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.BORAGE | Borrower Age | N/A |
BorwAge | LSNMTG.COBAGE | Co-Borrower Age | N/A |
| LNSMTG.BORRAC | Borrower Race | N/A |
BorwRaceCode | LNSMTG.COBRAC | Co-Borrower Race | N/A |
| N/A | Borrower Race Description | N/A |
BorwRaceDesc | N/A | Co-Borrower Race Description | N/A |
| LNSMTG.BORRBD7 | Borrower Date of Birth | N/A |
BorwBirthDt | LNSMTG.COBORBD7 | Co-Borrower Date of Birth | N/A |
| LNSMTG.BORRETH | Borrower Ethnicity | N/A |
| LNSMTG.COBOETH | Co-Borrower Ethnicity | N/A |
| N/A | Borrower Ethnicity Description | N/A |
| N/A | Co-Borrower Ethnic Description | N/A |
| LNSMTG.BORRFICO | Borrower FICO® | N/A |
| LNSMTG.BORROWINC | Borrower Income | N/A |
BorwIncmAmt | LNSMTG.COBORRINC | Co-Borrower Income | N/A |
| LNSMTG.BORRSLFEMP | Borrower Self-Employed | N/A |
| LNSMTG.BORSEX | Borrower Gender | N/A |
| LNSMTG.COBSEX | Co-Borrower Gender | N/A |
| N/A | Borrower Race Type 2 | There are four total elements available for you to enter information into. |
| N/A | Co-Borrower Race Type 1-4 | There are four total elements available for you to enter information into. |
| LNSMTG.BORRAC2 | Borrower Race 2 | N/A |
BorwRaceCode | LNSMTG.BORRAC3 | Borrower Race 3 | N/A |
BorwRaceCode | LNSMTG.BORRAC4 | Borrower Race 4 | N/A |
BorwRaceCode | LNSMTG.BORRAC5 | Borrower Race 5 | N/A |
BorwRaceCode | LNSMTG.COBRAC2 | Co-Borrower Race 2 | N/A |
BorwRaceCode | LNSMTG.COBRAC3 | Co-Borrower Race 3 | N/A |
BorwRaceCode | LNSMTG.COBRAC4 | Co-Borrower Race 4 | N/A |
BorwRaceCode | LNSMTG.COBRAC5 | Co-Borrower Race 5 | N/A |
| N/A | Borrower Race Description 1-4 | There are four total elements available for you to enter information into. |
BorwRaceDesc | N/A | Co Borrower Race Description 1-4 | There are four total elements available for you to enter information into. |
| N/A | Closing Info Text 1-4 | There are four total elements available for you to enter information into. |
| LNSMTG.AHICA1 | AHI - Closing Cost 1 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.AHICA2 | AHI - Closing Cost 2 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.AHICA3 | AHI - Closing Cost 3 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.AHICA4 | AHI - Closing Cost 4 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.AHICS1 | AHI - Closing Cost Source 1 | N/A |
ClsCostSrcCode | LNSMTG.AHICS2 | AHI - Closing Cost Source 2 | N/A |
ClsCostSrcCode | LNSMTG.AHICS3 | AHI - Closing Cost Source 3 | N/A |
ClsCostSrcCode | LNSMTG.AHICS4 | AHI - Closing Cost Source 4 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.AHIDA1 | AHI - Down Payment 1 | N/A |
DownPmtAmt | LNSMTG.AHIDA2 | AHI - Down Payment 2 | N/A |
DownPmtAmt | LNSMTG.AHIDA3 | AHI - Down Payment 3 | N/A |
DownPmtAmt | LNSMTG.AHIDA4 | AHI - Down Payment 4 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.AHIDS1 | AHI - Down Payment Source 1 | N/A |
DownPmtSrcCode | LNSMTG.AHIDS2 | AHI - Down Payment Source 2 | N/A |
DownPmtSrcCode | LNSMTG.AHIDS3 | AHI - Down Payment Source 3 | N/A |
DownPmtSrcCode | LNSMTG.AHIDS4 | AHI - Down Payment Source 4 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.AHISA1 | AHI - Secondary Financing 1 | N/A |
SecdLnAmt | LNSMTG.AHISA2 | AHI - Secondary Financing 2 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.AHISF1 | AHI - Secondary Financing Code 1 | N/A |
SecdLnCode | LNSMTG.LHISF2 | AHI - Secondary Financing Code 2 | N/A |
| LNMAST.CLACC# | Credit Line Account Number | N/A |
| LNMAST.CLCIF# | Credit Line Customer Number | N/A |
| LNSMTG.CLTVRA | Combined LTV Radio | N/A |
| LNMAST.CRCYTYPE | Currency Type | N/A |
| LNSMTG.CREDSCR | Credit Score | N/A |
| LNSMTG.CREDTYP | Credit Score Type | N/A |
| LNMAST.DWNPMT | Down Payment | N/A |
| LNMAST.EXRELP | Exception to Real Estate Lending Policy | N/A |
| LNSMTG.HSGEXPRAT | Housing Expense Ratio | N/A |
| LNSMTG.INVMIC | Investor Mortgage Insurance Code | N/A |
| LNSMTG.INVPUR | Investor Purpose | N/A |
| LNMAST.LNATMCRD | ATM Card Access | N/A |
| LNSMTG.MDEBEX | Monthly Debt Expense | N/A |
| LNMAST.MINBIL | Minimum Amount to Create Bill | N/A |
| LNSMTG.MONINC | Monthly Income | N/A |
| LNSMTG.NUMBOR | Number of Borrowers | N/A |
| LNMAST.PARTID | Participation ID | N/A |
| LNMAST.PCACC# | Participation/Partial Charge-off Account Number | N/A |
| LNMAST.PCACTP | Participation/Partial Charge-off Type | N/A |
| LNSMTG.TOTDBTRAT | Debt Ratio Total | N/A |
| LNSMTG.TOTOTHDBT | Other Debt Total | N/A |
| N/A | Report to Credit Bureau | N/A |
| LNMAST.PPSDT7 | Curtailment Penalty Start Date | N/A |
| LNMAST.PPEXP7 | Curtailment Penalty Expiration Date | N/A |
| LNMAST.PPSFRQ | Curtailment Penalty Start Frequency | N/A |
| LNMAST.PPSCOD | Curtailment Penalty Start Frequency (Units) | Canonical
| LNMAST.LPTYPE | Curtailment/Recoupment Penalty Type | N/A |
| N/A | PP Penalty Type Description | N/A |
| LNMAST.CPASSLN | Pass Curtailment Penalty to Sold Loan | N/A |
| LNMAST.RPASSLN | Pass Recoupment Penalty to Sold Loan | N/A |
| LNMAST.RPASSPCT | Recoupment Percentage to Pass to Sold Loan | N/A |
| LNMAST.RECPRNDT7 | Recoupment Renewal Date | N/A |
| LNMSCDTX01.LNDTMSC | Pre-Payment Penalty Start Date | N/A |
| LNMSCDTX01.LNDTMSC | Pre-Payment Penalty Expiration Date | N/A |
| LNMAST.LNLANG | Preferred Language | Canonical
| LNSMTG.CBORRDTOI | Current Borrower Debt to Income Ratio | N/A |
| LNSMTG.CCOBRDTOI | Current Co-Borrower Debt to Income Ratio | N/A |
| LNSMTG.LIQASSET | Borrower Liquid Assets | N/A |
| LNSMTG.NETWORTH | Borrower Net Worth | N/A |
| LNSMTG.STRESSRATE | Stress Test Rating | N/A |
| LNSMTG.STRESSDT | Stress Test Date | N/A |
| N/A | Current Appraisal LTV Ratio | N/A |
| LNSMTG.PROPTYPE | FHLB Property Type | N/A |
| LNSMTG.NETWORTH | Borrower Net Worth Amount | N/A |
| N/A | Number of Properties Securing Mortgage | N/A |
| CFFOPI.CFACNAME | Name of Person Opening Account | N/A |
| CFFQPI.CFFACTITLE | Title of Person Opening Account | N/A |
| LNMSCDTX01.LNDTMSC | Restructured Date | N/A |
| N/A | Debt Ratio Total | N/A |
| N/A | Housing Expense Ratio | N/A |
| LNACCTV06.LNRTCDCUR | Credit Rating Code Current | N/A |
| LNSMTG.CDSCRATIO | Current Debt Service Coverage Ratio | N/A |
| N/A | Sub Prime Lending Description | N/A |
| N/A | Student Loan Description | N/A |
| LNPAR9.LP9DES | Purpose Description | N/A |
| N/A | Send Past Due Not Description | N/A |
| N/A | Print Bill Not Description | N/A |
| N/A | Previous Status Description | N/A |
| LNPARP.LPDESC | Penalty Description | N/A |
| JHMAIL.JHMDES | Hold Mail Description | N/A |
| LNPARR.LRDESC | Credit Rating Description | N/A |
| LNPAR8.LP8DES | Collateral Description | N/A |
| JHCLAS.JHCDES | Class Description | N/A |
| LNPRCR.PRCRCYDESC | Currency Type Description | N/A |
| LNPCXP.LNPDSC | Real Estate Lending Policy Description | N/A |
| LNSPRO.PROPUD | Purpose Description | N/A |
| N/A | Report to Credit Bureau Description | N/A |
| N/A | FHLB Property Type Description | N/A |
| LNMAST.SLDBAL | Sold Balance | N/A |
| LNMAST.BRWPD | Points Paid by Borrower | N/A |
| LNMAST.ORGFEE | Origination Fees YTD | N/A |
| LNMAST.ORGPRE | Origination Fees Prior Year | N/A |
| LNMAST.ORGLTD | Origination Fees LTD | N/A |
| LNMAST.MINCG | Minimum Interest Charge | N/A |
| N/A | Budget Line Balance | N/A |
| LNMAST.YTDINT | Interest Paid YTD | N/A |
| LNMAST.INTPRE | Interest Paid Prior Year | N/A |
| LNMAST.INTLTD | Interest Paid LTD | N/A |
| LNASSM.YTDINT | Interest Paid at Assumption YTD | N/A |
| LNASSM.INTPRE | Interest Paid at Assumption Prior Year | N/A |
| LNMAST.CHGOFF | Charged Off Amount | N/A |
| LNMAST.WCHDT | Watch List Date | N/A |
| LNMAST.UCEXDT | UCC Expiration Date | N/A |
| LNMAST.CUREDT | Right to Cure Date | N/A |
| LNMAST.AMRDT7 | Amortize Through Date | N/A |
| LNMAST.ORGMDT | Original Maturity Date | N/A |
| LNMAST.NREVDT | Next Review Date | N/A |
| LNMAST.NACDT | Non-Accrual Date | N/A |
| LNMAST.DATOPN | Date of Loan Setup | N/A |
| LNMAST.LFMDT | Last Maintenance Date | N/A |
| LNMAST.LSTCP7 | Last Coupon Book Order Date | N/A |
| LNMAST.PDTODT | Interest Paid to Date | N/A |
| LNMAST.FPDT | First Payment Date | N/A |
| LNMAST.EXAMDT | Examiner's Classification Date | N/A |
| LNMAST.CPNDT | Coupon Book Reorder Date | N/A |
| LNMAST.COEXDT | Collateral Insurance Expiration Date | N/A |
| LNMAST.DTPDO7 | Paid Off Date | N/A |
| LNMAST.CHGDT | Charged Off Date | N/A |
| LNCYCL.CYRDUM | Remaining Balance Due at Maturity | N/A |
| LNSMTG.BLNCD7 | Balloon Call Date | N/A |
| LNSMTG.CLOSEDATE7 | Estimated Closing Date | N/A |
| LNMAST.FNDLMT | Funding Limit | N/A |
| LNMAST.HECNV7 | Loan Conversion Date | N/A |
| LNSMTG.INOED7 | Interest Only End Date | N/A |
| LNFACC.LNFMT7 | Credit Life Maturity Date | N/A |
| LNFACC.LNFMT7 | A & H Maturity Date | N/A |
| LNFACC.LNFMT7 | Unemployment Insurance Maturity Date | N/A |
| LNMAST.NEWMNY | New Money | N/A |
| LNMAST.REAMD7 | Payment Reamortization Date | N/A |
| LNMAST.REAMDAY | Payment Amortization Day of Month | N/A |
| LNMAST.TTLINT | Interest Total Amount | N/A |
| LNSMTG.APPROVEDT | Approval Date | N/A |
| LNSMTG.CBAL | Memo in Available Balance | N/A |
| LNMAST.YTDPRN | Principal Paid YTD | N/A |
| LNCFPB.PRVPRN | Principal Paid Prior Year | N/A |
| LNCFPB.YTDFEE | Fees Paid YTD | N/A |
| LNCFPB.PRVFEE | Fees Paid Prior Year | N/A |
| LNEANB.EBAL | Current Escrow Balance | N/A |
| LNMASTV4.NETACRINT | Net Loan Accrued Interest Balance | N/A |
| LNMAST.QRYBAL | Net Loan Balance | N/A |
| LNMAST.QRYBAL | Query Balance | N/A |
| LNMAST.DLRUPC | Dealer Upfront Percentage | N/A |
| LNMAST.DLRRPC | Bank Reserve Percentage on Dealer Loan | N/A |
| LNMAST.DLRBER | Bank Earnings on Dealer Loan | N/A |
| LNMAST.DLRBRS | Bank Reserve Amount on Dealer Loan | N/A |
| LNMAST.DLRBOD | Upfront Remainder Bank or Dealer | Canonical
| LNMAST.CDLRPMT | Number of Payments to Forfeit Rebate - Charge off | N/A |
| LNMAST.DLRPMT | Number of Payments to Forfeit Rebate | N/A |
| LNMAST.CDLRPDD | Dealer Charge-Off Percent | N/A |
| LNMAST.INTREB | Interest Rebate | N/A |
| LNMAST.DLRFDP | Forfeit Rebate After Days/Payments | Canonical
| LNMAST.CDLRFOR | Forfeit Upfront Dealer Rebate After Charge Off | N/A |
| LNMAST.DLRFDPC | Forfeit Rebate After Days/Payments Charged Off | Canonical
| LNMAST.DLRFOR | Forfeit Upfront Dealer Disc or Rebate at Payoff | Canonical
| LNMAST.DLRUER | Dealer Upfront Earnings | N/A |
| LNMAST.DLRRSV | Dealer Reserve | N/A |
| LNMAST.DLRREB | Dealer Rebate | N/A |
| LNMAST.DLRATE | Dealer Rate | N/A |
| LNDEAL.LDNAME | Dealer Name | N/A |
| LNMAST.DLRLOC | Dealer Location | N/A |
| LNMAST.DLRNO | Dealer ID | N/A |
| LNMAST.DLRERN | Dealer Earnings | N/A |
| LNMAST.DLRDSC | Dealer Discount | N/A |
| LNMAST.DLRTYP | Dealer Type | N/A |
| LNMAST.DLRACC | Dealer Accrued Interest MTD | N/A |
| LNMAST.CDLRDYS | Number of Days Forfeit Charge Off | N/A |
| LNMSAT.DLRDYS | Number of Days Forfeit Rebate | N/A |
| LNMAST.DLRFER | Bank Forfeited Earnings | N/A |
| LNMAST.BKDISC | Bank Discount | N/A |
| LNMAST.RECDAYP | Recourse Past Due Days | N/A |
| LNMAST.RECRSCD | Recourse Code | N/A |
| LNMAST.RECRSPC | Recourse Percentage | N/A |
| LNMAST.RECRSTM | Recourse Term | N/A |
| LNMAST.RECRSTC | Recourse Term (Units) | Canonical
| LNPRDT.LDTTDSC | Type Description | N/A |
| N/A | Recourse Code Description | N/A |
| LNMAST.CPD90 | Times Past Due 90-119 days YTD | N/A |
| LNMAST.LPD90 | Timers Past Due 90-119 days LTD | N/A |
| LNMAST.PPD90 | Time Past Due 90-119 Days Prior Year | N/A |
| LNMAST.CPD60 | Times Past Due 60-89 Days YTD | N/A |
| LNMAST.LPD60 | Times Past Due 60-89 Days LTD | N/A |
| LNMAST.PPD60 | Times Past Due 60-89 Days Prior Year | N/A |
| LNMAST.CPD30 | Times Past Due 30-59 Days YTD | N/A |
| LNMAST.LPD30 | Times Past Due 30-59 Days LTD | N/A |
| LNMAST.PPD30 | Times Past Due 30-59 Days Prior Year | N/A |
| LNMAST.CPD180 | Times Past Due 180 Days + YTD | N/A |
| LNMAST.LPD180 | Times Past Due 180 Days + LTD | N/A |
| LNMAST.PPD180 | Times Past Due 180 Days + Prior Year | N/A |
| LNMAST.CPD150 | Times Past Due 150-179 Days YTD | N/A |
| LNMAST.LPD150 | Times Past Due 150-179 Days LTD | N/A |
| LNMAST.PPD150 | Times Past Due 150-179 Days Prior Year | N/A |
| LNMAST.CPD120 | Times Past Due 120-149 Days YTD | N/A |
| LNMAST.LPD120 | Times Past Due 120-149 Days LTD | N/A |
| LNMAST.PPD120 | Times Past Due 120-149 Days Prior Year | N/A |
| LNMAST.CPD10 | Times Past Due 10-29 Days YTD | N/A |
| LNMAST.LPD10 | Times Past Due 10-29 Days LTD | N/A |
| LNMAST.PPD10 | Times Past Due 10-29 Days Prior Year | N/A |
| LNPDUE.PDDAYS | Number of Days Past Due | N/A |
| N/A | Days Past Due (Units) | Canonical
| LNCFPB.EINDT7 | Early Intervention Notice Date | N/A |
| LNMAST.YRLFEE | Yearly Fee | N/A |
| LNMAST.USEUNA | Use Payment Suspense | N/A |
| LNMAST.PDIEM | Unused Line Fee Accrual Per Diem | N/A |
| LNFACC.LNFBAS | Unused Line Fee Accrual Interest Base | N/A |
| LNMAST.RATE | Unused Line Fee Accrual Interest Rate | N/A |
| LNFACC.LNFRT# | Unused Line Fee Accrual Interest Rate Number | N/A |
| LNMAST.LNUCHG | Unpaid Charges | N/A |
| LNMAST.PDIEM | Unemployment Insurance Daily Accrual | N/A |
| LNFACC.LNFRT# | Unemployment Insurance Fee Accrual Rate Number | N/A |
| LNMAST.RATE | Unemployment Insurance Fee Accrual Interest Rate | N/A |
| LNFACC.LNFBAS | Unemployment Insurance Fee Accrual Interest Base | N/A |
| LNMAST.USEBIL | Use Billed Amounts When Splitting Payments | N/A |
| LNMAST.ACCIN2 | Secondary Interest Accrued (Extended) | N/A |
| LNMAST.RSTPMT | Restrict Automatic Payments | N/A |
| LNMAST.REAMOR | Reamortize Payment | Canonical
| LNMAST.EOLDPM | Previous Payment Amount | N/A |
| LNMAST.YTDPEN | Pre-Payment Penalties YTD | N/A |
| LNMAST.PREPEN | Pre-Payment Penalties Prior Year | N/A |
| LNMAST.LTDPEN | Pre-Payment Penalties LTD | N/A |
| LNMAST.PSTSHR | Post Short Payments | N/A |
| LNCYCL.CYCPMT | Total Amount Due | N/A |
| LNMAST.HOWUNA | Payment Suspense Posting Method | N/A |
| LNMAST.REAMTMCD | Reamortization Term (Units) | Canonical
| LNMAST.REAMTRM | Reamortization Term (Period) | N/A |
| LNMAST.AMRDT7 | Amortized Through Date | N/A |
| LNMAST.EPMCAP | Payment Amount Cap Percentage | N/A |
| LNMAST.PCTREA | Percentage of Balance to Reamortize | N/A |
| LNMAST.OVLFEE | Overline Fee Amount | N/A |
| LNMAST.ADOTNB | Add Overline Amount to Next Bill | N/A |
| LNMAST.NSFFEE | NSF Fee Amount | N/A |
| LNMAST.NWPMDT | New P&I Effective Date | N/A |
| LNMAST.NEWPI | New Principal and Interest Amount | N/A |
| LNMAST.NEWPMT | New Payment Amount | N/A |
| LNMAST.NEGPCT | Negative Amortization Percentage Cap | N/A |
| LNMAST.MADVFE | Minimum Check Tolerance | N/A |
| LNMAST.LNMCHK | Check Advance Minimum | N/A |
| LNMAST.LSTPMT | Last Payment Amount | N/A |
| LNMAST.IGNLCP | Ignore Late Charge and Other Charge on Multi Payment | Canonical
| LNMAST.PTDINT | Deferred Interest Paid | N/A |
| LNMAST.DEFINT | Deferred Interest | N/A |
| LNMAST.PDIEM | Credit Life Insurance Daily Accrual | N/A |
| LNFACC.LNFRT# | Credit Life Insurance Index Number | N/A |
| LNMAST.RATE | Credit Life Insurance Rate | N/A |
| LNFACC.LNFBAS | Credit Life Accrual Base | N/A |
| LNMAST.BILPRN | Billed Principal | N/A |
| LNMAST.BILOC | Billed Other Charges | N/A |
| LNMAST.BILNDY | Number of Days Before Due Date to Print Bill | N/A |
| LNMAST.BILLC | Billed Late Charges | N/A |
| LNMAST.BILPRN | Billed Interest | N/A |
| LNMAST.BILESC | Billed Escrow | N/A |
| LNMAST.BALLON | Balloon Payment | N/A |
| LNMAST.AMRSUS | Payment Suspense Amount | N/A |
| LNMAST.AMRINT | One Month's Interest | N/A |
| LNMAST.PDIEM | A & H Insurance Daily Accrual | N/A |
| LNFACC.LNFRT# | A & H Insurance Index Number | N/A |
| LNMAST.RATE | A & H Insurance Rate | N/A |
| LNFACC.LNFBAS | A & H Accrual Base | N/A |
| LNMAST.APPDLNS | Apply Payments to Past Due Loans | N/A |
| LNMAST.APPPDLNS | Apply Payments to Pre-Paid Loans | N/A |
| LNMAST.FNDPCT | Participation Funding Percentage | N/A |
| LNMAST.FNDSQ# | Participation Funding Sequence | N/A |
| LNSMTG.GRADPO | Graduated Payment Option | N/A |
| LNMAST.NBRPDPMT | Number of Payments Past Due to Trigger Payment App | N/A |
| LNMAST.NPDAPPLT | Pre-Paid Amount | N/A |
| LNMAST.NPDAPPLT | Pre-Paid Percent | N/A |
| LNMAST.NPDAPPLT | Pre-Paid Number | N/A |
| LNMAST.NPDPPLTR | Number, Percent, or Dollar Pre-Paid Code | N/A |
| LNMAST.POSTEXPC | Post Excess Payment as Principal Curtailment | N/A |
| LNMAST.PRT1PM | Participation 1st Payment Interest Option | N/A |
| LNMAST.PRTPMS | Participation Payment Split Option | N/A |
| LNMAST.PRTSQ# | Participation Sequence Number | N/A |
| LNSMTG.YRLYPI | Yearly Payment Increase Percentage | N/A |
| LNFACC.LNFCMP | Credit Life Company | N/A |
| LNFACC.LNFCMP | A & H Company | N/A |
| LNFACC.LNFCMP | Unemployment Insurance Company | N/A |
| LNMAST.PRPRPC | Participation Principal Payment Split Percentage | N/A |
| LNMAST.PRINPC | Participation Interest Payment Split Percentage | N/A |
| LNACCTV09.LDFSTMT | Assess Yearly Fee on First Statement | Canonical
| LNMAST.LOCCALC | Line of Credit Fee Calculation Code | N/A |
| LNMAST.UNUCALC | Unused Credit Line Fee Calculation Code | N/A |
| LNMAST.YRLCALC | Yearly Fee Calculation Code | N/A |
| LNMAST.LOCFDT7 | Yearly Fee Next Assessment Date | N/A |
| LNMAST.LOCFDT7 | Line of Credit Fee Assessment Date | N/A |
| LNMAST.UNUFDT7 | Unused Credit Line Fee Date | N/A |
| LNMAST.LOCFREQ | Line of Credit Fee Frequency | N/A |
| LNMAST.UNUFREQ | Unused Credit Line Fee Frequency (Units) | N/A |
| LNMAST.LOCFRCD | Line of Credit Fee Frequency (Unit) | Canonical
| LNMAST.UNUFRCD | Unused Credit Line Fee Frequency | |
| LNMAST.LOCFDY | Line of Credit Fee Day of Month | N/A |
| LNMAST.UNUFDY | Unused Credit Line Fee Day of Month | N/A |
| LNMAST.LOCFDT7 | Yearly Fee Expiration Date | N/A |
| N/A | Last Interest Payment Date | N/A |
| LNSMTG.CANLDSV | Current Annual Debt Service | N/A |
| LNBSTMTX.STMTDAY | Day of Month to Create Bill | N/A |
PenIncmAmt | LNACCTV06.LNPENINC | Loan Penalty Income | N/A |
NonLenIncmAmt | LNACCTV06.LNNOPINC | Loan Non-Penalty Income | N/A |
| N/A | Post Sequence Description 5 | N/A |
| N/A | Post Sequence Description 4 | N/A |
| N/A | Post Sequence Description 3 | N/A |
| N/A | Post Sequence Description 2 | N/A |
| N/A | Post Sequence Description 1 | N/A |
| N/A | Payment Suspense Post Description | N/A |
| N/A | Apply Past Due Payments Description | N/A |
| N/A | Apply Pre-Paid Payments Description | N/A |
| N/A | Pre-Paid on Loan | N/A |
| N/A | Participation 1st Payment Option Description | N/A |
| N/A | Participation Split Option Description | N/A |
| LNPARB.PBADD1 | Company Location Number | N/A |
| LNPARB.PBADD1 | Company Location Number | N/A |
| LNPARB.PBADD1 | Company Location Number | N/A |
| N/A | Last Interest Paid Amount | N/A |
| LNCYCL.CYCYCL | Statement Cycle | N/A |
| LNCYCL.CYZERO | Keep Protection Balance Zero | N/A |
| LNPRCT.ACTYPE | OD Protection Account Type | N/A |
| LNPRCT.ACCTNO | OD Protection Account Number | N/A |
| LNCYCLE.CYPMTP | Percentage of Balance for Payment Amount | N/A |
| LNCYCL.CYTKPT | Take Payment from DDA if Account NSF | N/A |
| LNCYCL.CY#PMT | Number of Payments | N/A |
| LNCYCL.CYMPMT | Minimum Payment Amount | N/A |
| LNCYCL.CYMXPT | Maximum Payment Amount | N/A |
| LNLINW.LNLTAD | Credit Line Total Advances LTD | N/A |
| LNMAST.TAXREF | Credit Line Tax Reference | N/A |
| LNLINW.LNLLOW | Credit Line Low Usage | N/A |
| LNMAST.CBAL | Credit Limit | N/A |
| LNLINW.LNLHIG | Credit Line High Usage | N/A |
| LNLINE.LNLDYS | Credit Line Days Paid at Zero | N/A |
| LNLINW.LNLAVG | Credit Line Average Usage | N/A |
| LNMAST.STMDT | Last Statement Date | N/A |
| LNMAST.STMBAL | Last Statement Balance | N/A |
| LNMAST.LSTAD7 | Last Advance Date | N/A |
| LNCYCL.CYFREZ | Freeze if Payment is Past Due | N/A |
| LNCYCL.CYDRTP | Debit Account Type for Payment | N/A |
| LNCYCL.CYDRAC | Debit Account Number for Payment | N/A |
| LNCYCL.CYBHDT7 | Debit Account Beginning Hold Date | N/A |
| LNCYCL.CYEHDT7 | Debit Account Ending Hold Date | N/A |
| LNLINE.LNLMND | DDA Advance Minimum | N/A |
| LNCYCL.CYDADV | Total Amount of Advances | N/A |
| LNCYCL.CY#ADV | Total Number of Advances | N/A |
| LNCYCL.CYCYAC | Cycle Account Number | N/A |
| LNCYCL.CYCYTP | Cycle Account Type | N/A |
| LNPRCT.ACCTNO | Protection Account Number 1-30 | N/A |
| N/A | Protection User Access Level | Canonical
| LNPRCT.ACTYPE | Protection Account Type 1-30 | N/A |
| LNPRCT.DDABAL | Protected DDA Account Current Balance | N/A |
| N/A | Take Payment NSF Description | N/A |
| N/A | Payment Calculation Method | N/A |
| N/A | Dr Balance Description | N/A |
| LNCYCL.CYDBAL | Debit Account Balance | N/A |
| LNMAST.ECRYOU | Use Rate Carryovers | N/A |
| LNMAST.PVCODE | Prime Rate Variance Code | Canonical
| LNMAST.PVARI | Prime Rate Variance | N/A |
| LNMAST.ERAMT | Rounding Percentage | N/A |
| N/A | Rounding Method | N/A |
| LNMAST.PRCODE | Rate Review Frequency (Units) | Canonicals
| LNMAST.PRTERM | Rate Review Frequency | N/A |
| LNMAST.PREVDT | Rate Review Date | N/A |
| LNMAST.PRATE# | Rate Index | N/A |
| LNMAST.PFLOOR | Rate Floor | N/A |
| LNMAST.PCEIL | Rate Ceiling | N/A |
| LNMAST.ECAPUP | Rate Cap Upwards | N/A |
| LNMAST.ECRTCD | Rate Cap Period (Units) | Canonical
| LNMAST.ECRTRM | Rate Cap Period (Term) | N/A |
| LNMAST.ECRDT | Rate Cap Review Date | N/A |
| LNMAST.ECAPDN | Rate Cap Downwards | N/A |
| LNMAST.ECPRT | Rate at the Beginning of Rate Cap Period | N/A |
| LNMAST.DLORAT | Rate Prior to Delinquency Rate | N/A |
| LNMAST.PRVIDX | Previous Rate Index | N/A |
| LNMAST.ECRPOS | Previous Rate Carryover Sign | N/A |
| LNMAST.ECRPOV | Previous Rate Carryover | N/A |
| LNMAST.RATE | Original Rate | N/A |
| LNMAST.ORGIDX | Original Rate Index | N/A |
| LNMAST.ENWRDT | New Rate Effective Date | N/A |
| LNMAST.ENWRT | Previous Rate | N/A |
| LNMAST.FUTIDX | Future Rate Index | N/A |
| LNMAST.ECRNOS | New Rate Carryover Sign | N/A |
| LNMAST.ECRNOV | New Rate Carryover | N/A |
| LNMAST.MATRAT | Maturity Rate | N/A |
| LNMAST.MATGRC | Maturity Rate Grace Days | N/A |
| LNMAST.DLQVCODE | Delinquent Rate Variance Code | N/A |
| LNMAST.DLQVARI | Delinquent Rate Variance | N/A |
| LNMAST.DLQRATE# | Delinquent Rate Number | N/A |
| LNMAST.DLQRTDYS | Delinquent Rate Days | N/A |
| LNMAST.DLQRATE | Delinquent Rate | N/A |
| LNMAST.ENPDYS | Number of Days for Rate Notice | N/A |
| LNMAST.CURIDX | Current Index | N/A |
| LNMAST.ECRYOS | Current Rate Carryover Sign | N/A |
| LNMAST.ECRYOV | Current Rate Carryover | N/A |
| LNMAST.CVVARC | Convertible Variance Code | N/A |
| LNMAST.CVVARI | Convertible Variance Rate | N/A |
| LNMAST.CINDX# | Convertible Index Number | N/A |
| LNMAST.CVEXP7 | Convertible Expiration Date | N/A |
| LNMAST.CVRTAB | Convertible ARM | N/A |
| LNSMTG.RATESPRD | Rate Spread | N/A |
| LNMAST.TEASER | Regulatory Teaser Rate Applies | N/A |
| LNTNEW.LQRT#2 | Rate Number Tier 2 for Tiered Rates | N/A |
| LNTNEW.LQRT#3 | Rate Number Tier 3 for Tiered Rates | N/A |
| LNTNEW.LQRT#4 | Rate Number Tier 4 for Tiered Rates | N/A |
| LNTNEW.LQRT#5 | Rate Number Tier 5 for Tiered Rates | N/A |
| LNTNEW.LQRT#6 | Rate Number Tier 6 for Tiered Rates | N/A |
| LNTNEW.LQRT#7 | Rate Number Tier 7 for Tiered Rates | N/A |
| LNTNEW.LQRT#8 | Rate Number Tier 8 for Tiered Rates | N/A |
| LNTNEW.LQRT#9 | Rate Number Tier 9 for Tiered Rates | N/A |
| LNTNEW.LQRT#10 | Rate Number Tier 10 for Tiered Rates | N/A |
| LNTNEW.LQBL#2 | Balance Tier 2 - Tiered Rates | N/A |
| LNTNEW.LQBL#3 | Balance Tier 3- Tiered Rates | N/A |
| LNTNEW.LQBL#4 | Balance Tier 4 - Tiered Rates | N/A |
| LNTNEW.LQBL#5 | Balance Tier 5 - Tiered Rates | N/A |
| LNTNEW.LQBL#6 | Balance Tier 6 - Tiered Rates | N/A |
| LNTNEW.LQBL#7 | Balance Tier 7 - Tiered Rates | N/A |
| LNTNEW.LQBL#8 | Balance Tier 8 - Tiered Rates | N/A |
| LNTNEW.LQBL#9 | Balance Tier 9 - Tiered Rates | N/A |
| LNTNEW.LQBL#10 | Balance Tier 10 - Tiered Rates | N/A |
| LNMAST.STEPRDT | Step Rate Expiration Date | N/A |
| LNMAST.PENRAT# | Reg Z Penalty APR Number | N/A |
| LNMAST.PENRATE | Reg Z Penalty APR | N/A |
| LNMAST.PENPDAYS | Reg Z Days Past Due to Send Penalty APR Notice | N/A |
| LNMAST.PENAFTNT | Reg Z Days After Notice APR Penalty Begins | N/A |
| LNMAST.PENRVTM | Reg Z Penalty APR Review Frequency | N/A |
| LNMAST.PENRVTMC | Reg Z Penalty APR Review Frequency (Units) | Canonical
| LNSMTG.CCAPRAT | Current Cap Rate | N/A |
| LNCFPN.ARMNTC | ARM/Rate Notice Type | N/A |
| LNCFPB.ARMSNT | Initial ARM Notice Sent | Canonical
| LNCFPB.INARMD | Number of Days for Initial ARM Notice | N/A |
| N/A | Business/Calendar Days for Rate Lookback | Canonical
| N/A | Non-Business Day Rate Review Code | Canonical
| LNACCTV06.LNRTFXTRM | Adjustable Rate Fixed Period | N/A |
| LNACCTV08.LRLKBKDY | Lookback Days | N/A |
| LNACCTV08.LRBCDYS | Lookback Basis | Canonicals
| LNLOOKB.LRBDRC | Back Date Rate Change | Canonicals
| LNLOOKB.LRBINDX | Beginning Index | N/A |
| LNLOOKB.LRBDINDX | Beginning Date for Index | N/A |
| LNLOOKB.LRRAINDX | Rate as Index | Canonical
PermRateCapUp | LNRATCP.PECAPUP | Periodic Rate Cap | N/A |
| N/A | Rate Index Description | N/A |
| N/A | New Rate Effective Date | N/A |
| N/A | New Rate Change Date Description | N/A |
| LNSMTG.PROPSR | Property Street Address | N/A |
| LNSMTG.PROPST | Property State | N/A |
| LNSMTG.PROPZP | Property ZIP Code | N/A |
| LNSMTG.PROPCT | Property City | N/A |
| LNMAST.FLINRQ | Flood Insurance Required | N/A |
| LNMAST.APRAMT | Current Appraisal Amount | N/A |
| LNMAST.APPDT7 | Current Appraisal Date | N/A |
| LNSMTG.CONDOP | Condo/PUD Name | N/A |
| LNMAST.CONSTR | Construction Loan Tracking | N/A |
| LNMAST.CORRESBANK | Correspondent Bank | N/A |
| LNSMTG.OCCCOD | Occupancy | N/A |
| LNSMTG.PRJTYP | Project Type | N/A |
| LNSMTG.PROPCNTNME | Property County | N/A |
| LNSMTG.PURCHP | Property Purchase Price | N/A |
| LNSMTG.YRBULT | Year Built | N/A |
| LNSMTG.CAVGLSRT | Current Actual Average Lease Rate | N/A |
| LNSMTG.SRCVALUE | Source of Value | N/A |
| LNSMTG.LANDSQFT | Commercial Land Square Footage | N/A |
| LNSMTG.CACTNOI | Current Actual Net Operating Income | N/A |
| LNSMTG.LISTAMT | Listing Amount | N/A |
| LNSMTG.LISTDT | Listing Date | N/A |
| LNSMTG.MLSNUM | MLS Number | N/A |
| LNSMTG.RELDATE | Last Release Date | N/A |
| LNSMTG.RENTSQFT | Rentable Square Footage | N/A |
| LNSMTG.PROPSQFT | Residential Property Square Footage | N/A |
| LNSMTG.SUBDIVNM | Subdivision Name | N/A |
| LNSMTG.CVACRATE | Current Actual Vacancy Rate | N/A |
| LNSMTG.REMUNTNUM | Number of Remaining Units | N/A |
| LNSMTG.REMUNTVAL | Remaining Unit Value | N/A |
| LNCFPB.PRIDWE | Principal Dwelling | Canonical
| N/A | Property Sequence (Array 1) | N/A |
PrioritySeq | N/A | Property Sequence (Array 2) | N/A |
PrioritySeq | N/A | Property Sequence (Array 3) | N/A |
| N/A | Property Description (Array 1) | N/A |
TaxRptPropDesc | N/A | Property Description (Array 2) | N/A |
TaxRptPropDesc | N/A | Property Description (Array 3) | N/A |
| LNACCTV06.LNCRPRFAC | CRE Occupancy Fraction | N/A |
| LNACCTV06.LNCRPRDESC | CRE Property Condition | N/A |
| N/A | Occupancy Code Description | N/A |
| N/A | Project Type Description | N/A |
| LNMAST.RENYTD | Times Loan Has Renewed YTD | N/A |
| LNMAST.RENPRE | Times Loan Has Renewed Prior Year | N/A |
| LNMAST.NEXLTD | Times Loan Has Extended LTD | N/A |
| LNMAST.RENLTD | Times Loan Has Renewed LTD | N/A |
| LNMAST.RENPD6 | Previous Renewal Date | N/A |
| LNMAST.EXTPD6 | Previous Extension Date | N/A |
| LNMAST.EXTYTD | Number of Payments Extended YTD | N/A |
| LNMAST.EXTLTD | Number of Payments Extended LTD | N/A |
| LNMAST.EXTPRE | Number of Payments Extended Prior Year | N/A |
| LNMAST.RENDT | Last Renewal Extension Date | N/A |
| LNMAST.RENDT6 | Last Renewal Date | N/A |
| LNMAST.RENBAL | Last Renewed or Extended Balance | N/A |
| LNMAST.EXTDT6 | Last Extension Date | N/A |
| LNMAST.EXTMTH | Number of Months Extended LTD | N/A |
| LNMAST.EXTFEE | Extension Fees YTD | N/A |
| LNMAST.EXTFEL | Extension Fees LTD | N/A |
| LNEXTN.LNEXFEMTD | Extension Fees MTD | N/A |
| LNMAST.INDCOD | Standard Industry Code | N/A |
| LNMAST.CRAMIL | SCRA Military Applicant | Canonical
| LNMAST.GROUP | General Ledger Group Code | N/A |
| LNMAST.GLPROD | Product Code | N/A |
| LNMAST.GLCOST | Responsibility Center | N/A |
| LNMAST.COUNTY | CRA County | N/A |
| LNMAST.CENSUS | CRA Census Tract | N/A |
| LNMAST.CRALOC | CRA Location | N/A |
| CFMAST.CFINCL | CRA Income Level | N/A |
| LNPRC3.P3TYPE | CRA Type of Loan | N/A |
| N/A | CRA Annual Income | N/A |
| LNPRC3.P3OAMT | CRA Original Amount | N/A |
| LNPRC3.P3MILL | CRA Income > Million | N/A |
| LNPRC3.P3AFIL | CRA Taken By Bank | N/A |
| LNPRC3.P3APP# | CRA Report With Account Number | N/A |
| LNPRC3.P3ADT7 | CRA Action Taken Date | N/A |
| LNMAST.CALREP | Call Report | N/A |
| LNMAST.RQ1098 | Requires 1098 | Canonical
| LNMAST.EXSLTV | Exclude From Supervisory Loan to Value | N/A |
| LNSMTG.GARPCT | SBA Guaranteed Percentage | N/A |
| LNMAST.HMDA | HMDA Required | N/A |
| LNMAST.ARGPRDCOD | ARGO Product Type Code | N/A |
| LNMAST.LNREGH | Regulation H Code | N/A |
| LNMAST.LNSENL | Senior Lien Amount | N/A |
| LNMAST.OLDMNY | Old Money | N/A |
| LNMAST.RGRISK | Regulatory Risk Weight | N/A |
| LNSMTG.SBAGP# | SBA GP Number | N/A |
| LNSMTG.SBAPNT | SBA Basis Points | N/A |
| LNMAST.SLOUTS | Senior Lien Outsourced | N/A |
| LNSMTG.CONVRT | Convertible Loan | N/A |
| LNMAST.RSKRATDT7 | Risk Rating Date | N/A |
| LNMAST.SPLRSKCA1 | Split Risk Rating 1 Calculated Position | N/A |
| N/A | Primary Risk Text | N/A |
| N/A | Type 1-3 Risk Text | There are three total elements available for you to enter information into. |
| LNMAST.PRMRSKRAT | Primary Risk Rating | N/A |
| LNMAST.SPLRSKRAT1 | Split Risk Rating 1 | N/A |
| LNMAST.SPLRSKRAT2 | Split Risk Rating 2 | N/A |
| LNMAST.SPLRSKRAT3 | Split Risk Rating 3 | N/A |
| LNPSRR.SRRPDS | Primary risk Description | N/A |
| LNPSRR.SRRPDS | Type 1-3 Risk Description | There are three total elements available for you to enter information into. |
| LNMAST.SPLRSKPCT2 | Primary Risk Percentage | N/A |
| LNMAST.SPLRSKPCT2 | Type 1-3 Risk Percentage | There are three total elements available for you to enter information into. |
| LNMAST.SPLRSKAMT1 | Primary Risk Amount | N/A |
| LNMAST.SPLRSKAMT1 | Split Risk Rating 1 Amount | N/A |
| LNMAST.SPLRSKAM2 | Split Risk Rating 2 Amount | N/A |
| LNMAST.SPLRSKAMT3 | Split Risk Rating 3 Amount | N/A |
| LNMAST.LIENPOSN | Lien Position | N/A |
| N/A | Military APR Covered Loan | N/A |
| N/A | Universal Loan Identifier | N/A |
| LNPNAI.NAIDSC | NAICS Description | N/A |
| LNPAR7.LP7DSC | Call Report Description | N/A |
| LNXLTV.LNXDSC | Exclude From Supervisory LTV Reporting Description | N/A |
| LNSMTG.AGENCYCASE | Agency Case Number | N/A |
| LNSMTG.ANTIPRD | FHLB Anti-Predatory Lending Category | N/A |
| LNSMTG.APRTYP | FHLB Appraisal Type | N/A |
| N/A | Housing Info Text 1-4 | There are four total elements available for you to enter information into. |
| LNSMTG.BEDRM1 | Number of Bedrooms - Units #1 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.BEDRM2 | Number of Bedrooms - Unit #2 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.BEDRM3 | Number of Bedrooms - Unit #3 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.BEDRM4 | Number of Bedrooms - Units #4 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.ELRNT1 | Eligible Rental - Unit #1 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.ELRNT2 | Eligible Rental - Unit #2 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.ELRNT3 | Eligible Rental - Unit #3 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.RLENT4 | Eligible Rental - Unit #4 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.RENTPUTL1 | Rent Plus Utilities - Unit #1 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.RENTPUTL2 | Rent Plus Utilities - Unit #2 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.RENTPUTL3 | Rent Plus Utilities - Unit #3 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.RENTPUTL4 | Rent Plus Utilities - Unit #4 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.UNITOWNO1 | Unit Owner Occupied - Unit #1 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.UNITOWNO2 | Unit Owner Occupied - Unit #2 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.UNITOWNO3 | Unit Owner Occupied - Unit #3 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.UNITOWNO4 | Unit Owner Occupied - Unit #4 | N/A |
| N/A | Unit #1-#4 Owner Description | There are four total elements available for you to enter information into. |
| LNSMTG.DOCTYPE | FHLB Documentation Type | N/A |
| LNSMTG.FEATCD | Feature Code | N/A |
| LNSMTG.FRSTTM | First Time Home Buyer | N/A |
| LNSMTG.LNORGSRC | Origination Source | N/A |
| LNSMTG.LOANPRDCT | FHLB Loan Product | N/A |
| LNSMTG.LOANPURP | FHLB Loan Purpose | N/A |
| LNSMTG.MERS# | MERS Identification Number | N/A |
| LNSMTG.MHLTI | MH Loan to Invoice Ratio | N/A |
| LNSMTG.MHOUEX | Monthly Housing Expense | N/A |
| LNSMTG.MHPROC | MH Prior Occupancy Status | N/A |
| LNSMTG.MHUNITS | MH Number of Units | N/A |
| LNSMTG.MHYEAR | MH Year Built | N/A |
| LNSMTG.MICERT | Mortgage Insurance Certification Number | N/A |
| LNSMTG.MICODE | Bank Mortgage Insurance Code | N/A |
| LNSMTG.MIPCT | Mortgage Insurance Percentage | N/A |
| LNSMTG.MPFMSTR# | MPF® Master Commitment | N/A |
| LNSMTG.PLGCOD | FHLB Institution Pledge Code | N/A |
| LNSMTG.PROPTY | Investor Property Type | N/A |
| LNSMTG.PROSKEY | Prospector Identification Key | N/A |
| LNSMTG.REDDOC | Reduced Documentation Code | N/A |
| LNSMTG.SALABL | Saleable Flag | N/A |
| LNSMTG.SECMTG | Second Mortgage | N/A |
| LNMAST.SHRNTLCRD | Shared National Credit Loan | N/A |
| N/A | FHLB SIC Text 1-6 | There are six total elements available for you to enter information into. |
| LNSMTG.SPCCFE1 | Special Feature #1 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.SPCCFE2 | Special Feature #2 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.SPCCFE3 | Special Feature #3 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.SPCCFE4 | Special Feature #4 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.SPCCFE5 | Special Feature #5 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.SPCCFE6 | Special Feature #6 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.SUBORDFIN | Subordinated Financing | N/A |
| LNMAST.SYNDAGTNBR | Syndication Agent Number | N/A |
| LNMAST.SYNDMBRNBR | Syndication Member Number | N/A |
| LNSMTG.UNITS# | Number of Units | N/A |
| LNSMTG.LNORIGID | Loan Originator ID | N/A |
| LNSMTG.LNORGCID | Loan Origination Company ID | N/A |
| LNSMTG.APSTLIC# | Appraiser State License Number | N/A |
| LNSMTG.SAPSTLI# | Supervisory Appraiser State License Number | N/A |
| LNSMTG.APDOCFID | Appraisal Document File | N/A |
| LNCFPB.HPMLFLAG | High Priced Mortgage Loan | Canonical
| LNCFPB.HPMLSPRD | High Priced Mortgage Loan Spread | N/A |
| LNCFPB.QMCODE | Qualified Mortgage | N/A |
| LNCFPB.QRMCODE | Qualified Residential Mortgage | N/A |
| N/A | Anti-Predatory Description | N/A |
| N/A | FHLB Appraisal Description | N/A |
| N/A | Documentation Description | N/A |
| N/A | FHA/VA Description | N/A |
| N/A | Ln Orig Source Description | N/A |
| N/A | Loan Prod Description | N/A |
| N/A | Ln Purpose Description | N/A |
| N/A | MH Prior Occupancy Description | N/A |
| LNPRPL.PLINAM | FHLB Institution Name | N/A |
| LNSPRO.PROPRD | Investor Property Type Description | N/A |
| N/A | Stop Fee | N/A |
| LNSTFE.LSTDSC | Fee Description | N/A |
| LNSTFE.LSTSTP | Stop/Warning Flag | Canonical
| LNSTFE.LSTST7 | Stop/Warning Expiration Date | N/A |
| CFPARZ.CPZIDS | Identification Description | N/A |
| CFMLID.CFIDCD | Identification Code | N/A |
| CFMLID.CFIDNO | Identification Number | N/A |
| CFMLID.CFVRYCD | Verification Code | N/A |
| CFMLID.CFVTXST | Teller CTR State Code | N/A |
| N/A | Identification Verification 1-4 | Canonical
There are four total elements available for you to enter information into. |
| CFMLID.CFPLIS | Place of Issuance | N/A |
| CFMLID.CFIISD7 | Date of Issuance | N/A |
| CFMLID.CFIEXD7 | Expiration Date | N/A |
| CFMLID.CFICTD7 | Contact Date | N/A |
| CFPARB.CBFDSC | Field Description 1 - 136 | There are a total of 136 elements for you can enter information into. |
| SDUSRFLDS.USFVAL | Field Values 1 - 136 | There are a total of 136 elements for you can enter information into. |
Within the response, specific validations can appear in the response if incorrect or different information than what is required is sent in the request.
The following table lists the errors that can be returned and includes what prompts the errors to occur.
Code | Element | System Message | Validation Trigger |
1 | AcctId | Account not found | Presents when the account number/type combination is not found in the Loan Master File (LNMAST) or the Loan New Account File (LNTNEW). |
1 | AcctType | Account not found | Presents when the account number/type combination is not found in the Loan Master File (LNMAST) or the Loan New Account File (LNTNEW). |
5 | N/A | Cannot allocate files | Presents when the files used within the procedure are not available at the time of the request. |
7 | AcctType | Account type is not valid | Presents when this element is not set to L or O. |
34 | N/A | Function is not available during Nightly Upgrades | Presents when the procedure cannot be used because of end-of-day (EOD) processing. |
45 | N/A | Numeric data is not valid | Presents when the value sent is not numeric. |
721 | AuthUsr | User not enrolled with provider | Presents when the user is not authorized to use the AcctInq
operation. |
722 | AuthUsr | Error occurred checking User Accessibility | Presents when user information cannot be retrieved. |
400162 | N/A | Function not available during Store Forward mode | Presents when the procedure cannot be used because of end-of-day (EOD) processing. |
The following table lists the warnings that can be returned and includes what prompts the warnings to occur.
Code | Element | System Message | Validation Trigger |
49 | AcctId | No Records Match Selection Criteria | Presents when no records are found in the core files for the specified account number/type combination. |
49 | AcctType | No Records Match Selection Criteria | Presents when no records are found in the core files for the specified account number/type combination. |
314 | N/A | Real Time transaction is pending for this account | Presents when Real Time transactions exist that are pending for the account number/type combination. |
200870 | NetWorthAmt | Amount exceeds maximum value defined for field, value returned as zero | Presents when the value sent in this element is larger than the maximum value defined for the field. |
200881 | N/A | Sold shadow sync is available | Presents when the shadow loan is not in sync. |
202209 | N/A | Interest is Amortized 360/30 | Presents when the account number/type combination is amortized at 360/30. |
Service Dictionary
Service Dictionary
Service Dictionary Search provides consumers a service that can convey a service provider's element XSD path, requirements, default values, open enumerated canonical values, help/knowledge content, and fault codes per operation.
Within the SvcDictSrch
operation, you can send
AcctAdd in the SvcDictName
element and
Rq or Rs in the SvcDictType
element. Within the response, SvcDictSrch
returns all mapped elements,
including any newly mapped elements, and any elements that have specific allowed values. The
following table lists the response information for elements with specified allowed values.
Element Name | Field Value (ElemCanocVal) | Field Description (ElemCanocValDesc) |
IdVerifyCode | AI | Article of Inc/By Laws |
IdVerifyCode | AL | Alien Registration Card |
IdVerifyCode | BC | Birth Certificate |
IdVerifyCode | BL | Business License |
IdVerifyCode | CO | Certificate of Org/Opr Agree |
IdVerifyCode | DL | Driver's License |
IdVerifyCode | FD | Foreign Driver License w/ Photo |
IdVerifyCode | FP | Foreign Person |
IdVerifyCode | GC | Green Card |
IdVerifyCode | GI | State ID Card |
IdVerifyCode | GW | Permanent Resident Card |
IdVerifyCode | ID | Native American Tribal ID |
IdVerifyCode | MA | Border Crossing Card |
IdVerifyCode | MI | Military ID with Photo |
IdVerifyCode | NL | Military ID |
IdVerifyCode | MM | Mother's Maiden Name |
IdVerifyCode | NI | Identity Card/National ID |
IdVerifyCode | OG | Other Government Issued ID |
IdVerifyCode | OT | Other ID |
IdVerifyCode | PS | Partnership Agreement |
IdVerifyCode | SI | Canadian Province ID |
IdVerifyCode | SS | Social Security Number |
IdVerifyCode | TB | Recent Tax Bill |
IdVerifyCode | UB | Recent Utility Bill |
IdVerifyCode | US | U.S. Passport |
IdVerifyCode | VR | Voter Registration Photo Card |
IDVerifyQuery | Condt | N/A |
IDVerifyQuery | ExpDt | N/A |
IDVerifyQuery | IssDt | N/A |
IDVerifyQuery | IssLoc | N/A |
TermUnits | NA | Blank |
TermUnits | Days | Days |
TermUnits | Months | Months |
PmtTermUnits | NA | Blank |
PmtTermUnits | Days | Days |
PmtTermUnits | Months | Months |
PmtTermUnits | SemiMonthly | Semi-Monthly |
PmtCode | 0 | Scheduled Payment Includes Accrued Int. |
PmtCode | 1 | Amount is Scheduled Payment Plus Accrued |
PmtCode | 2 | Payment is Accrued Interest Only |
PmtCode | 3 | Scheduled Pmt Apply to Principal Only |
PmtCode | 5 | Loan is Single Payment at Maturity Basis |
PmtCode | 6 | Payment Amt Calc at Statement Cycle Time |
OffCode | Pulls from LNMAST.OFFCR | Officer |
IntBasis | 0 | Interest Accrued on 365/365 |
IntBasis | 1 | Interest Accrued on 360/360 |
IntBasis | 2 | Interest Accrued on 365/360 |
IntBasis | 3 | Interest Accrued on 360/30 |
IntBasis | 4 | Interest Amortized Biweekly |
IntBasis | 5 | Interest Amortized Monthly |
IntBasis | 7 | Interest Accrued on Schedule Bal 365/365 |
IntBasis | 9 | Interest is Add-On |
BrCode | Pulls from LNMAST.BR# | Branch |
AcctStat | 1 | Loan is Active, Transactions Accepted |
AcctStat | 2 | Loan Closed, Transactions Not Accepted |
AcctStat | 3 | Loan Matured, System will Not Allow Advn |
AcctStat | 4 | New Loan Today, Transactions Accepted |
AcctStat | 5 | Open Not Accruing, Transactions Accepted |
AcctStat | 6 | Accruing but Frozen, Transactions Not Accepted |
AcctStat | 7 | Frozen Not Accruing, Transactions Not Accepted |
AcctStat | 8 | Charged Off Not Accruing, Transactions Accepted |
SalesPerson | Pulls from LNMAST.SALESAC | Sales Associate |
AcctLvlSecCode | A | All Access |
AcctLvlSecCode | B | Balance Only Access |
AcctLvlSecCode | E | Existence Only |
AcctLvlSecCode | N | No Access Including Existence |
OddDaysIntBasis | B | Both - Both More and Less Scenarios |
OddDaysIntBasis | L | Less - Accrue if Odd Days LT 1 Pymt Freq |
OddDaysIntBasis | M | More - Accrue if Odd Days GT 1 Pymt Freq |
OddDaysIntBasis | N | No - Loan will Not Accrue Odd Days Int. |
ShortPmtCode | B | Roll to Next Bill if Short L/C & O/C |
ShortPmtCode | L | Roll to Next Bill if Short L/C Only |
ShortPmtCode | N | Roll to Next Bill if Full Pmt Received |
ShortPmtCode | O | Roll to Next Bill if Short O/C Only |
SubPrimeLnCode | N | No |
SubPrimeLnCode | Y | Yes |
StudentLnCode | D | Demand |
StudentLnCode | S | Student |
RstrAdva | Auto | Auto, Restricts Auto Advances to Account |
RstrAdva | AutoAndManual | Both, Restricts Both Auto and Manual Advan |
RstrAdva | NA | None, Do Not Restrict Any Type of Advance |
RelAcctType | L | Loan |
RelAcctType | O | Overdraft Protection |
PurpCode | 1 | Other Consumer Purpose |
PurpCode | 2 | SBA 7a Guaranteed Loans |
PurpCode | 3 | SBA 504 Program |
PurpCode | 4 | USDA Government Guaranteed Loan |
PurpCode | 11 | Vacation |
PurpCode | 13 | Education |
PurpCode | 15 | Consolidate Bills |
PurpCode | 16 | Purchase of Stock/Bonds |
PurpCode | 17 | Purchase Other Consumer Goods |
PurpCode | 24 | Floor Plan |
PurpCode | 25 | Purchase Mobile Home |
PurpCode | 28 | Agriculture Purpose |
PurpCode | 31 | Purchase New Automobile |
PurpCode | 33 | Purchase Farm Equipment |
PurpCode | 34 | Purchase Used Automobile |
PurpCode | 35 | Purchase New/Used Recreational Vehicle |
PurpCode | 37 | Purchase New/Used Boat |
PurpCode | 38 | Purchase New/Used Aircraft |
PurpCode | 44 | Real Estate/Other |
PurpCode | 45 | House and Lot |
PurpCode | 50 | Construction Of Primary Dwelling |
PurpCode | 51 | Home Improvement Purpose (Secured By Real Estate) |
PurpCode | 53 | Do Not Use (Previously Was Home Imp. Not Secured Code) |
PurpCode | 62 | 2nd Mortgage Up To 5 Years |
PurpCode | 68 | Purchase Unimproved Land |
PurpCode | 69 | Purch. Money/Refinance Of Purch. 1st Mtg. Non-Owner Occupied |
PurpCode | 70 | Purch. Money/Refinance Of Purch. 1st Mtg. Primary Residence |
PurpCode | 74 | Personal Line Of Credit Loans |
PurpCode | 85 | Other Business Purpose |
PurpCode | 86 | Land Acquisition And Development Business Purpose Loan |
PurpCode | 87 | Permanent Financing (Real Est.) Business Purpose Loan |
PurpCode | 88 | Investment/Rental Property Purchase Business Purpose Loan |
PurpCode | 90 | Short Term Working Capital (Includes Seasonal Borrowings) |
PurpCode | 91 | Retail Paper/Consumer Contracts |
PurpCode | 92 | Capital Expenditures (Property, Plant, Equipment) |
PurpCode | 93 | Crop Production |
PurpCode | 94 | Livestock Production (Including Fisheries) |
PurpCode | 95 | Home Equity |
PurpCode | 96 | Tax Advantage Plus |
PurpCode | 97 | Construction Business Purpose |
PurpCode | 98 | Land Acquisition Business Purpose Loan |
PurpCode | 99 | Do Not Use |
PrtPastDueNotCode | N | No |
PrtPastDueNotCode | Y | Yes |
PrtBilNotCode | N | Billing Notices Not Sent, No Auto-Bill |
PrtBilNotCode | NA | Billing Notices Not Sent, Auto-Bill |
PrtBilNotCode | NAR | Billing Notices Not Sent, Auto-Bill |
PrtBilNotCode | NR | Billing Notices not sent, no auto-bill |
PrtBilNotCode | S | Stmt Instead of Bill ntc, No Auto-Bill |
PrtBilNotCode | SA | Stmt Instead of Bill ntc, Auto-Bill |
PrtBilNotCode | SAR | Stmt Instead of Bill ntc, Auto-Bill |
PrtBilNotCode | SR | Stmt Instead of Bill ntc, No Auto-Bill |
PrtBilNotCode | Y | Prior to Each Payment Date, No Auto-Bill |
PrtBilNotCode | YA | Prior to Each Payment Date, Auto-Bill |
PrtBilNotCode | YAR | Prior to Each Payment Date, Auto-Bill |
PrtBilNotCode | YR | Prior to Each Payment Date, No Auto-Bill |
PrePmtPenCode | Pulls from LNMAST.PPPCOD | Prepayment Penalty Code |
LateChgCode | Pulls from LNMAST.LCTYPE | Late Charge Type |
HldMailCode | A | Address Not on File |
HldMailCode | B | Forward to Deposit Operations |
HldMailCode | C | Forward to CD/IRA Team |
HldMailCode | D | Forward to Drive In |
HldMailCode | E | Employee - Do Not Mail |
HldMailCode | L | Forward to Loan Operations |
HldMailCode | O | Forward to Bus. Dev. Officer |
HldMailCode | P | POD Only - Non-Customer |
HldMailCode | S | Forward to Branch |
HldMailCode | X | Forward to Collections |
HldMailCode | Y | Hold Mail |
ForcedPlaceInsur | N | No |
ForcedPlaceInsur | Y | Yes |
DeptCode | C | Commercial Loan Department |
DeptCode | D | Demand |
DeptCode | I | Installment loan Department |
DeptCode | R | Real-Estate or Mortgage Loan Department |
CrRatingCode | 1 | Prime-Minimal Risk |
CrRatingCode | 2 | High Pass-High Quality |
CrRatingCode | 3 | Average |
CrRatingCode | 4 | Low Pass-Acceptable |
CrRatingCode | 5 | Watch-Special Mention |
CrRatingCode | 6 | Substandard |
CrRatingCode | 7 | Doubtful |
CrRatingCode | 8 | Loss |
CrRatingCode | 10 | OREO BOE |
CollatCode | Pulls from LNMAST.COLCOD | Collateral Code |
AcctClsCode | B | Business |
AcctClsCode | C | Corporation |
AcctClsCode | D | Director |
AcctClsCode | E | Employee |
AcctClsCode | F | Foreign |
AcctClsCode | G | DBA |
AcctClsCode | H | Sole Prop. |
AcctClsCode | I | Individual |
AcctClsCode | J | County Govt. |
AcctClsCode | K | Estate |
AcctClsCode | L | Lawyer Trust |
AcctClsCode | M | Conversion |
AcctClsCode | N | Non-Profit |
AcctClsCode | O | Officer |
AcctClsCode | P | Personal |
AcctClsCode | Q | Partnerships |
AcctClsCode | R | Church |
AcctClsCode | S | State and Pol S/D |
AcctClsCode | T | Trust |
AcctClsCode | U | U.S. Government |
AcctClsCode | V | Service Prov |
AcctClsCode | W | Fiduciary Org |
AcctClsCode | X | Official Checks |
AcctClsCode | Y | Other FI |
AcctClsCode | Z | Public Funds |
HldAcctType | D | Demand Deposit |
HldAcctType | S | Savings |
HldAcctType | T | Time Deposit |
HldAcctType | X | Club |
BorwInfoTxt | Borrower | Text Description for Borrower |
BorwInfoTxt | Co Borrower | Text Description for Co-Borrower |
BorwRaceCode | 1 | American Indian or Alaskan |
BorwRaceCode | 2 | Asian |
BorwRaceCode | 3 | Blank |
BorwRaceCode | 4 | Hawaiian |
BorwRaceCode | 5 | White |
BorwRaceCode | 6 | Not Provided |
BorwRaceCode | 7 | Not Applicable |
BorwRaceCode | 1 | American Indian or Alaskan |
BorwRaceCode | 2 | Asian |
BorwRaceCode | 3 | Blank |
BorwRaceCode | 4 | Hawaiian |
BorwRaceCode | 5 | White |
BorwRaceCode | 6 | Not Provided |
BorwRaceCode | 7 | Not Applicable |
BorwRaceCode | 8 | No Co-Applicant |
BorwEthnicCode | 1 | Hispanic or Latino |
BorwEthnicCode | 2 | Not Hispanic or Latino |
BorwEthnicCode | 3 | No Info Provided |
BorwEthnicCode | 4 | Not Applicable |
BorwEthnicCode | 1 | Hispanic or Latino |
BorwEthnicCode | 2 | Not Hispanic or Latino |
BorwEthnicCode | 3 | No Info Provided |
BorwEthnicCode | 4 | Not Applicable |
BorwEthnicCode | 5 | No Co Applicant (Co Borrower Only) |
BorwGender | 1 | Male |
BorwGender | 2 | Female |
BorwGender | 3 | Not Provided |
BorwGender | 4 | N/A = Non-Individual/Non-Tribal |
BorwGender | 8 | N/A = Native American Tribal/Org |
BorwGender | 1 | Male |
BorwGender | 2 | Female |
BorwGender | 3 | Not Provided |
BorwGender | 4 | Not Applicable |
BorwGender | 5 | No Co-App |
LnClsInfoTxt | Closing Description 1 | Text Description for Closing Information 1 |
LnClsInfoTxt | Closing Description 2 | Text Description for Closing Information 2 |
LnClsInfoTxt | Closing Description 3 | Text Description for Closing Information 3 |
LnClsInfoTxt | Closing Description 4 | Text Description for Closing Information 4 |
CurrencyCode | AU | Australian Dollar |
CurrencyCode | CA | Canadian Dollar |
CurrencyCode | CH | Swiss Franc |
CurrencyCode | DK | Danish Krone |
CurrencyCode | EU | Euro |
CurrencyCode | GB | British Pound Sterling |
CurrencyCode | JP | Japanese Yen |
CurrencyCode | NZ | New Zealand Dollar |
CurrencyCode | SE | Swedish Krona |
CurrencyCode | US | U.S. Dollar |
ExcLndPlcyCode | 1 | Property Outside of Normal Lending Area |
ExcLndPlcyCode | 2 | High Loan to Value |
ExcLndPlcyCode | 3 | Outside Bank Guidelines |
ExcLndPlcyCode | 4 | Loan Terms Outside Established Policy Terms and Conditions |
ExcLndPlcyCode | 5 | Waiver to Standard Documentation Requirements |
ExcLndPlcyCode | 6 | Insufficient Documentation |
ExcLndPlcyCode | 7 | Executive Officer Approval |
ExcLndPlcyCode | 8 | Per Board of Directors Action |
PrtcpPmtSplitCode | A | Payment Split Based on Participation % |
PrtcpPmtSplitCode | B | Prin. and Int. Split Based on Fixed Indiv. % |
PrtcpPmtSplitCode | C | Calculated Relative P & I Split (Sold v. G) |
PrtcpPmtSplitCode | D | P & I Split Based on the Bills of Sold |
PrtcpPmtSplitCode | E | Prin. Based on Fixed % and Int. on Relative |
XtendElem | x_AcctBenf | N/A |
XtendElem | x_ACHHistSrchRec | N/A |
XtendElem | x_BusDetail | N/A |
XtendElem | x_CondNotfInfoRec | N/A |
XtendElem | x_DepAcctInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_DepBalDtInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_DepInfoRec | N/A |
XtendElem | x_DepNSFODInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_DepRateIntInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_DepRegRptInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_DepStmtInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_DepTaxInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_EscrwAnlys | N/A |
XtendElem | x_EscrwFldInsurArray | N/A |
XtendElem | x_EscrwPayeeArray | N/A |
XtendElem | x_EscrwPmtBal | N/A |
XtendElem | x_EFTCardBlkTrnArray | N/A |
XtendElem | x_EFTCardCntryArray | N/A |
XtendElem | x_EFTCardHist | N/A |
XtendElem | x_EFTCardHistSrchRec | N/A |
XtendElem | x_EFTCardMailAddrInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_EFTCardTrvInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_FinInstInfoProcRec | N/A |
XtendElem | x_IdVerify | N/A |
XtendElem | x_IntnetAccessInfoRec | N/A |
XtendElem | x_IntnetCashMgmtInfoRec | N/A |
XtendElem | x_IntnetInfoRec | N/A |
XtendElem | x_IntnetValidXferInfoRec | N/A |
XtendElem | x_IntnetXferInfoRec | N/A |
XtendElem | x_LnAcctInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_LnBalDtInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_LnDlrInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_LnInfoRec | N/A |
XtendElem | x_LnMtgInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_LnPastDueInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_LnPmtInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_LnProtInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_LnRateInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_LnRealEstateInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_LnRegRptInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_LnRenExtInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_LnStopInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_LnUnitAcctInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_LnUnitBalDtInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_LnUnitInfoRec | N/A |
XtendElem | x_LnUnitPmtInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_LnUnitProtInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_LnUnitRateInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_LnUnitRenExtInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_PersonName | N/A |
XtendElem | x_PlnTaxInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_RegDetail | N/A |
XtendElem | x_SafeDepAcctInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_SafeDepInfoRec | N/A |
XtendElem | x_StmtDataHistSrchRec | N/A |
XtendElem | x_TaxDetail | N/A |
XtendElem | x_TaxPlnDist | N/A |
XtendElem | x_TimeDepAcctInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_TimeDepBalDtInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_TimeDepInfoRec | N/A |
XtendElem | x_TimeDepRateIntInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_TimeDepRegRptInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_TimeDepRenInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_TimeDepStmtInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_TimeDepTaxInfo | N/A |
XtendElem | x_TrckAcctInfoRec | N/A |
XtendElem | x_TrnTotArray | N/A |
XtendElem | x_UserDefInfoArray | N/A |