Time Deposit
AcctHistSrch Time Deposit
This operation allows you to obtain account transaction history associated with a specific time deposit account.
Use the AcctHistSrch
operation to find an amount, check number, or date number range of transaction history, as well as a specific transaction type for a given account, by sending in the following elements on the request:
A complex element containing the incoming account identification information. The simple elements within this complex are:AcctId
(Account ID)AcctType
(Account Type)
(Starting point for amount selections)HighAmt
(Ending point for amount selections)ChkNumEnd
(Ending point for check number selections)ChkNumStart
(Starting point for check number selections)EndDt
(Ending point for date selections)StartDt
(Starting point for date selections)TrnType
(monetary transaction code)
Within the request, the MemoPostInc
element determines the behavior
searching history for memo-posted items. Canonical values are Excl
and Only. The default value is Excl (Exclude).
Consider the use of the two values, meaning that the AcctHistSrch
could have to be used twice. Using the operation twice depends on if the business rules call
for the functionality to either exclude, or include memo-posted items in the account
transaction history.
XPath Elements
XPath Elements
For this business service, certain template fields, or XPath elements, are sent in on the request and corresponding elements are returned in the response.
The following tables list the elements that you send on the request and what is sent back in the response. Each table also includes any pertinent notes, such as element values or whether it is required for input.
XPath Element | File/Field | Description | Notes |
| JHFREFAPI.MAXREC | Maximum Records | N/A |
| JHFREFAPI.BEGREC | Beginning Record | N/A |
| CDHIST.CHACCT | Account Number | N/A |
| CDHIST.CHATYP | Account Type | N/A |
| CDHIST.CHSERL | Check Number | N/A |
| CDHIST.CHSERL | Check Number | N/A |
| CDHIST.CHPSTD | Transaction date | N/A |
| CDHIST.CHPSTD | Transaction Date | N/A |
| CDHIST.CHAMT | Transaction Amount | N/A |
| CDHIST.CHAMT | Transaction Amount | N/A |
| N/A | Sort Method | Canonical
| CDHIST.CHDORC | Debit/Credit Code | N/A |
| N/A | Electronic Funds Transfer Only | N/A |
| Include Memo-Post Records | Canonical
XPath Element | File/Field | Description | Notes |
SentRec | JHFREFAPI.SENTREC | Number Sent Records | N/A |
MoreRec | JHFREFAPI.MOREREC | More Records | N/A |
Cursor | JHFREFAPI.NEXTREC | Next Record | N/A |
TotRec | JHFREFAPI.TOTRECS | Total # Records Exist | N/A |
AcctId | CDHIST.CHACCT | Account Number | N/A |
AcctType | CDHIST.CHATYP | Account Type | N/A |
TrnCodeCode | CDHIST.CHTRAN | Transaction Code | N/A |
TrnCodeDesc | CDPAR3.C3DESC | Transaction Code Description | N/A |
PostDt | CDHIST.CHPSTD | Date Posted | N/A |
Amt | CDHIST.CHAMT | Transaction Amount | N/A |
BatchNum | CDHIST.CHBAT# | Batch Number | N/A |
SeqNum | CDHIST.CHSEQ# | Sequence Number | N/A |
SrcCodeDesc | N/A | Source Code Description | N/A |
TrnType | CDHIST.CHDORC | Debit/Credit Code | N/A |
AffCode | CDHIST.CHAFFT | Affects Code | N/A |
ImgNum | CDHIST.IMAGE# | Image Item Number | N/A |
EffDt | CDHIST.CHEFDT | Effective Date | N/A |
ChkNum | CDHIST.CHSERL | Check Number | N/A |
OldRate | CDHIST.CHORAT | Old Rate | N/A |
NewRate | CDHIST.CHNRAT | New Rate | N/A |
MemoPost | N/A | Memo Post Record | N/A |
JHAConsumer.TrnHistBalAmt | CDHIST.CHAMT | Running Balance | N/A |
AffCodeDesc | N/A | Affects Code Description | N/A |
TrnStmt | CDPAR3.C3STMD | Statement Description | N/A |
TrnHistBalAmt | CDHIST.CHAMT | Running Balance | N/A |
HistRecId | N/A | History Record ID | N/A |
Within the response, specific validations can appear in the response if incorrect or different information than what is required is sent in the request.
The following table lists the errors that can be returned and includes what prompts the errors to occur.
Code | Element | System Message | Validation Trigger |
7 | AcctType | Account type is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is not sent as B. |
11 | Cursor | Beginning Record cannot be negative | Presents when the value sent in this element is negative. |
43 | EndDt | Date is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is not greater than zero or an invalid date. |
43 | StartDt | Date is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is not greater than zero or an invalid date. |
45 | MaxRec | Numeric data is not valid | Presents when a numeric value is not entered in this element. |
45 | Cursor | Numeric data is not valid | Presents when a numeric value is not entered in this element. |
45 | AcctId | Numeric data is not valid | Presents when a numeric value is not entered in this element. |
45 | AcctType | Numeric data is not valid | Presents when a numeric value is not entered in this element. |
45 | ChkNumStart | Numeric data is not valid | Presents when a numeric value is not entered in this element. |
45 | ChkNumEnd | Numeric data is not valid | Presents when a numeric value is not entered in this element. |
45 | EndDt | Numeric data is not valid | Presents when a numeric value is not entered in this element. |
45 | StartDt | Numeric data is not valid | Presents when a numeric value is not entered in this element. |
45 | LowAmt | Numeric data is not valid | Presents when a numeric value is not entered in this element. |
45 | HighAmt | Numeric data is not valid | Presents when a numeric value is not entered in this element. |
48 | MaxRec | Maximum records must be greater than zero and less than or equal to 4000 | Presents when the value entered in this element is less than 0 or greater than 4000. |
700000 | AcctId | Box does not exist | Presents when the account number/type combination is not found in CIF Account File (CFACCT). |
700000 | AcctType | Box does not exist | Presents when the account number/type combination is not found in CIF Account File (CFACCT). |
The following table lists the warnings that can be returned and includes what prompts the warnings to occur.
Code | Element | System Message | Validation Trigger |
49 | AcctType | No Records Match Selection Criteria | Presents when a valid account number/type is sent on the request but no time deposit records are returned. |
AcctId |
Service Dictionary
Service Dictionary
Service Dictionary Search provides consumers a service that can convey a service provider's element XSD path, requirements, default values, open enumerated canonical values, help/knowledge content, and fault codes per operation.
Within the SvcDictSrch
operation, you can send AcctHistSrch in the SvcDictName
element and Rq or Rs in the SvcDictType
element. Within the response, SvcDictSrch
returns all mapped elements, including any newly mapped elements, and any elements that have specific allowed values. The following table lists the response information for elements with specified allowed values.
and T in SvcDictFilterVal
to get values specific for the time deposit application.Element Name | Field Value (ElemCanocVal) | Field Description (ElemCanocValDesc) |
SrtMthd | Amt | N/A |
SrtMthd | ChkNum | N/A |
SrtMthd | EfftDt | N/A |
SrtMthd | PostDt | N/A |
MemoPostInc | Blank | N/A |
MemoPostInc | true | N/A |
MemoPostInc | Excl | N/A |
MemoPostInc | Only | N/A |