Safe Deposit Box
AcctAdd (Safe Deposit Box)
This operation allows you to create a deposit, loan, time deposit, safe deposit, or non-JH account.
Within the request, submit the account ID and type along with the complex and simple elements containing the values you are using to create of the account.
The response contains a RsStat
element that indicates the
result of the operation, with a value of Success
when completed normally or
a value of HdrFault
if the provider is unable to complete the request.
operation available that allows you to run a test request
to the host system to see if it is valid. No changes are made in the host system if you send
the request in the AcctAddValidate
operation for a safe deposit
account.XPath Elements
XPath Elements
For this business service, certain template fields, or XPath elements, are sent in on the request and corresponding elements are returned in the response.
The following tables list the elements that you send on the request and what is sent back in the response. Each table also includes any pertinent notes, such as element values or whether it is required for input.
XPath Element | File/Field | Description | Notes |
| JHFREFAPI.ERROVRRD | Error Override? | N/A |
| SDTNEW.ACCTNO | Box Number | N/A |
| SDTNEW.ACTYPE | Account Type | N/A |
| SDTNEW.RENT | Rent | N/A |
| SDTNEW.BRANCH | Branch | N/A |
| SDTNEW.DUEDT7 | Due Date | N/A |
| SDMAST.ARGPRDCOD | Argo Product Type | N/A |
| SDTNEW.CIFNO | CIF Number | N/A |
| CFALTN.CFAAL1 | Additional Name #1 | N/A |
| CFALTN.CFAAL2 | Additional Name #2 | N/A |
| CFALTN.CFNA1 | Alias Name | N/A |
| CFALTN.CFNA1 | Alias First Name | N/A |
| CFALTN.CFNA1 | Alias Middle Name | N/A |
| CFALTN.CFNA1 | Alias Last Name | N/A |
| CFALTN.CFNA1 | Alias Short Name | N/A |
| SDTNEW.KEYDEP | Key Deposit | N/A |
| SDTNEW.DSCAMT | Discount Amount | N/A |
| SDTNEW.DTOPN7 | Date Opened | N/A |
| SDTNEW.GLCOST | GL Cost Center | N/A |
| SDTNEW.GLPROD | GL Product Code | N/A |
| SDTNEW.XCLUD | Include on Statement | N/A |
| SDTNEW.HOLDM | Hold Mail | N/A |
| SDTNEW.DSCPCT | Discount Percentage | N/A |
| SDTNEW.PRIME | Prime | N/A |
| SDTNEW.CHGCOD | Charge Codes | N/A |
| SDTNEW.CHGACT | Account to Charge | N/A |
| SDTNEW.CHGTYP | Account Type | N/A |
| SDTNEW.LCTYPE | Late Charge Type | N/A |
| SDTNEW.SIGVER | Verify Enter Sign | N/A |
| SDTNEW.RSTENT | Entry Restricted | N/A |
| CFARB.CBFDSC | Field Description 1-39 | There are a total of 39 total elements available to enter information into. |
| CFPARB.CBFDFT | Field Default Value 1-39 | There are a total of 39 total elements available to enter information into. |
| SDTNEW.SECURE | Account Level Security | N/A |
| SDTNEW.SALSAC | Sales Associate | N/A |
| SDTNEW.SDLANG | Language Identifier | Canonical
| SDTNEW.SDEXEM | Tax Exempt | N/A |
| CFFOPI.CFFACNAME | Name of Person Opening Account | N/A |
| CFFOPI.CFFACTITLE | Title of Person Opening Account | N/A |
XPath Element | File/Field | Description | Notes |
RsStat | JHFREFAPI.PASSFAIL | Pass/Fail Status | N/A |
Field/Field | Maintenance Description | Field Label |
SDTNEW.ACCTNO | Box Number | Box Number |
SDTNEW.ACTYPE | Acct Type | Account Type |
SDTNEW.CIFNO | CIF Number | CIF Number |
Within the response, specific validations can appear in the response if incorrect or different information than what is required is sent in the request.
The following table lists the errors that can be returned and includes what prompts the validation to occur.
Code | Element | System Message | Validation Trigger |
2 | AcctType | Account already exists | Presents when the account number/type combination exists in the Safe Deposit Master File (SDMAST). |
2 | AcctId | Account already exists | Presents when the account number/type combination exists in the Safe Deposit Master File (SDMAST). |
6 | AcctId | Account number must be greater than zero | Presents when this element is less than or equal to zero. |
7 | AcctType | Account type is not valid | Presents when this element is not set to B. |
13 | BrCode | Branch number is not valid | Presents when the value in this field is not found in the Bank/Branch Information File (JHDATA). |
36 | GLCostCtr | GL Interface is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is not a valid value in the GL Standard Application Interface (GLINT1). |
40 | IncCombStmt | Include on combined statement flag must be Y or N | Presents when this element is not sent with a value of Y or N. |
43 | N/A | Date is not valid | Presents when the value of the date is not valid, such as fewer than six digits or all zeros. |
45 | N/A | Numeric data is not valid | Presents when a numeric value is not entered in this element. |
46 | HldMailCode | Mailing Instruction code is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is not blank of is not found in the Hold Mail Code Parameter File (JHMAIL). |
53 | CustId | Primary Customer cannot be found | Presents when the customer cannot be found in the CIF Master File (CFMAST). |
68 | N/A | Special information code 1 must be Y or N | Presents when the value in this element is not sent as Y or N. |
69 | N/A | Special information code 2 must be Y or N | Presents when the value in this element is not sent as Y or N. |
70 | N/A | Special information code 3 must be Y or N | Presents when the value in this element is not sent as Y or N. |
71 | N/A | Special information code 4 must be Y or N | Presents when the value in this element is not sent as Y or N. |
112 | N/A | Description is invalid | Presents when there is no user description sent when the user code is sent. |
130 | N/A | The value entered is longer than the field length | Presents when the value sent is longer than the length allowed for the element. |
131 | N/A | Incorrect number of decimal places | Presents when the value sent does not have the correct decimal positions for the element. |
400 | LangType | Language code is not a valid code | Presents when this element is not blank or is not found in the Preferred Language Parameter File (JHPARL). |
1005 | N/A | Date Field has an invalid format | Presents when the date is not in a valid format, such as XX/XX/XXX or XX-XX-XXXX. |
202010 | EstbPersonName.ComName | Cannot be blank | Presents when this element is sent as blank. |
202010 | EstbPersonTitle | Cannot be blank | Presents when this element is sent as blank. |
410080 | SalePerson | Invalid Sales Associate Code | Presents when the value in this element is not blank or is not found in the JHPARJ file. |
600012 | AbbName | Short name is required | Presents when Individual field is not set to Y and this element is blank. |
600013 | ComName | Alternate name is required | Presents when the FirstName and
LastName elements are not blank and the
Individual field is set to Y. |
600014 | FirstName | First, Middle, and Last Name information required to build Alternate Short Name | Presents when the Individual field is set to Y and these elements are sent as blank. |
600014 | LastName | First, Middle, and Last Name information required to build Alternate Short Name | Presents when the Individual field is set to Y and these elements are sent as blank. |
600014 | MiddleName | First, Middle, and Last Name information required to build Alternate Short Name | Presents when the Individual field is set to Y and these elements are sent as blank. |
700000 | AcctId | Box does not exist | Presents when the account number/type combination is not found in the Safe Deposit Master File (SDMAST). |
700000 | AcctType | Box does not exist | Presents when the account number/type combination is not found in the Safe Deposit Master File (SDMAST). |
700005 | RentalRateIdx | Invalid rental rate number | Presents when the value in this element is not equal to zero or does not match records found in the Safe Deposit Rental Rate File (SDPRIM). |
700007 | GLCostCtr | Invalid cost center | Presents when the value in this element is not found in the Cost Center Parameter File (GLPAR7). |
700008 | GLProdCode | Invalid product code | Presents when the value in this element is not found in the Product Code Parameter File (GLPAR9). |
700009 | NxtPayDt | Invalid due date | Presents when the date is equal to zero. |
700010 | OpenDt | Invalid date opened | Presents when the date is equal to zero. |
700011 | OpenDt | Date opened cannot be in the future | Presents when the date in this element is greater than the current date. |
700013 | DiscAmt | Discount amount and discount percentage cannot both be populated | Presents when the DiscAmt element and DiscPct element are both not equal to zero. |
700013 | DiscPct | Discount amount and discount percentage cannot both be populated | Presents when the DiscAmt element and DiscPct element are both not equal to zero. |
700014 | DiscPct | Discount percentage cannot exceed 100 percent | Presents when this element has a value greater than 100. |
700015 | ChgMthd | Charge code must be C, M, or N | Presents when the value in this element is not C, M, or N. |
700016 | ChgAcctType | Charge account and type must be entered when charge code is C | Presents when the charge code is equal to C and the ChgAcctId and ChgMthd elements are sent as zero or blank. |
700016 | ChgMthd | Charge account and type must be entered when charge code is C | Presents when the charge code is equal to C and the ChgAcctId and ChgMthd elements are sent as zero or blank. |
700017 | ChgAcctType | If charge account or charge type are entered, then charge code must be C | Presents when the ChgAcctType and ChgMthd elements are populated and the charge code is not equal to C. |
700017 | ChgMthd | If charge account or charge type are entered, then charge code must be C | Presents when the ChgAcctType and ChgMthd elements are populated and the charge code is not equal to C. |
700018 | ChgAcctId | Account to charge is invalid | Presents when the charge code is equal to C and the ChgAcctId /ChgAcctType combination is not found in the Deposit Master File (DDMAST) or the Deposit New Accounts Today (DDTNEW) file. |
700018 | ChgAcctType | Account to charge is invalid | Presents when the charge code is equal to C and the ChgAcctId /ChgAcctType combination is not found in the Deposit Master File (DDMAST) or the Deposit New Accounts Today (DDTNEW) file. |
700019 | SalesTaxExmp | Sales tax exempt code must be Y or N | Presents when this element is not sent as Y or N. |
700020 | RstrEntryCode | Restricted entry code must be D, H, O, P, R or blank | Presents when this element is not set to D, H, O, P, R, or blank. |
700021 | LateChgCode | Late charge type is invalid | Presents when this element is populated but the value is not found in the Safe Deposit Late Charge Parameter File (SDPAR6). |
700022 | AcctLvlSecCode | Security override must be B, A, N, E or blank | Presents when this element is not equal to B, A, N, E, or blank. |
700023 | DiscAmt | Discount amount cannot be greater than the rental amount | Presents when the value in the DiscAmt element is greater then the value in the RentAmt element. |
700023 | RentAmt | Discount amount cannot be greater than the rental amount | Presents when the value in the DiscAmt element is greater then the value in the RentAmt element. |
700028 | SigVerifyCode | Signature verification must be Y or N | Presents when this element is not equal to Y or N. |
700029 | ChgAcctType | Account type to charge must be D, S, or blank | Presents when this element is not equal to D, S, or blank. |
The following table lists the warnings that can be returned and includes what prompts the validation to occur.
Code | Element | System Message | Validation Trigger |
90 | CustId | CIF account record was not added, requires a manual add | Presents when adding the account to the CIF Account File (CFACCT) fails. |
202009 | EstbPersonName.ComName | Primary CIF's FinCen Legal Entity is set to "Include", Name and Title of person | Presents when the FinCEN Legal Entity field is set to I and the name and title are blank. |
202009 | EstbPersonTitle | Primary CIF's FinCen Legal Entity is set to "Include", Name and Title of person | Presents when the FinCEN Legal Entity field is set to I and the name and title are blank. |
400027 | N/A | Customer name closely matches OFAC suspect | Presents when the OFAC search has a match or one that closely matches. |
402500 | N/A | No OFAC match found | Presents when the OFAC search does not have a match. |
402527 | N/A | OFAC matching word | Presents when checking for OFAC keywords and gets a match. |
The following table lists the faults that can be returned and includes what prompts the validation to occur.
Code | Element | System Message | Validation Trigger |
700006 | RentAmt | Rental amount is not equal to the rental rate number amount | Presents when the value in this element is not equal to the rental rate. |
700047 | RentAmt | Rent amount has changed by discount amount | Presents when the DiscAmt element is not equal to
zeros and decreases the rent. |
700048 | RentAmt | Rent amount has changed by discount percent | Presents when the DiscAmt element is zero and the
DiscPct element is populated, and then the rent is decreased by the
discount percent. |
Service Dictionary
Service Dictionary
Service Dictionary Search provides consumers a service that can convey a service provider's element XSD path, requirements, default values, open enumerated canonical values, help/knowledge content, and fault codes per operation.
Within the SvcDictSrch
operation, you can send
AcctAdd in the SvcDictName
element and
Rq or Rs in the SvcDictType
element. Within the response, SvcDictSrch
returns all mapped elements,
including any newly mapped elements, and any elements that have specific allowed values. The
following table lists the response information for elements with specified allowed values.
B in SvcDictFilterVal
to get values specific for the
loan account application.Element Name | Field Value (ElemCanocVal) | Field Description (ElemCanocValDesc) |
RentAmt | Pulls from SDTNEW.RENT | Rent |
BrCode | Pulls from SDTNEW.BRANCH | Branch |
SafeDepBoxRef | Pulls from SDTNEW.BOXID | Box ID |
GLCostCtr | Pulls from SDTNEW.GLCOST | GL Cost Center |
GLProdCode | Pulls from SDTNEW.GLPROD | GL Product Code |
HldMailCode | A | Address Not on File |
HldMailCode | B | Forward to Deposit Operations |
HldMailCode | C | Forward to CD/IRA Team |
HldMailCode | D | Forward to Drive In |
HldMailCode | E | Employee - Do Not Mail |
HldMailCode | L | Forward to Loan Operations |
HldMailCode | O | Forward to Bus. Dev. Officer |
HldMailCode | P | POD Only - Non-Customer |
HldMailCode | S | Forward to Branch |
HldMailCode | X | Forward to Collections |
HldMailCode | Y | Hold Mail |
RentalRateIdx | Pulls from SDTNEW.PRIME | Prime |
ChgMthd | C | Charge DDA or Savings Account |
ChgMthd | M | Generate a Mail Notice |
ChgMthd | N | No Charge |
ChgAcctType | D | Demand Deposit Account |
ChgAcctType | S | Savings Account |
LateChgCode | 1 | SD Box Late Fee |
SigVerifyCode | N | No Charge |
SigVerifyCode | Y | Yes |
RstrEntryCode | D | The Box Renter is Deceased |
RstrEntryCode | H | Entry Restricted or Held by Box Renter |
RstrEntryCode | O | Entry Restricted or Held by Court Order |
RstrEntryCode | P | Entry Restricted: Rent Pymt is Past Due |
RstrEntryCode | R | Entry Restricted for Some Other Reason |
AcctLvlSecCode | A | All Access |
AcctLvlSecCode | B | Balance Only Access |
AcctLvlSecCode | E | Existence Only |
AcctLvlSecCode | N | No Access Including Existence |
SalesPerson | Pulls from SDTNEW.SALESAC | Sales Associate |
LangType | Blank | English (default) |
LangType | ENG | English |
LangType | FRE | French |
LangType | GER | German |
LangType | POL | Polish |
LangType | SPA | Spanish |
LangType | SWE | Swedish |
UserDefCode | N | No |
UserDefCode | Y | Yes |