AcctAdd Loan Account
This operation allows you to create a deposit, loan, time deposit, safe deposit, or non-JH account.
Within the request, submit the account ID and type along with the complex and simple elements containing the values you are using to create of the account.
The response contains an RsStat
element that indicates the result of
the operation, with a value of Success
when completed normally or a value
of HdrFault
if the provider is unable to complete the request.
operation available that allows you to run a test request
to the host system to see if it is valid. No changes are made in the host system if you send
the request in the AcctAddValidate
operation for a loan account.XPath Elements
XPath Elements
For this business service, certain template fields, or XPath elements, are sent in on the request and corresponding elements are returned in the response.
The following tables list the elements that you send on the request and what is sent back in the response. Each table also includes any pertinent notes, such as element values or whether it is required for input.
XPath Element | File/Field | Description | Notes |
| JHFREFAPI.ERROVRRD | Error Override | N/A |
| LNTNEW.ACCTNO | Account Number | N/A |
| LNTNEW.ACTYPE | Account Type | N/A |
| LNTNEW.TERM | Loan Term | N/A |
| LNTNEW.TMCODE | Loan Term Code | Canonical
| LNTNEW.SEMDY2 | Semi Monthly 2nd Day | N/A |
| LNTNEW.SEMDY1 | Semi Monthly 1st Day | N/A |
| LNTNEW.REMTRM | Remaining Term | N/A |
| LNTNEW.FRCODE | Payment Frequency Code | Canonical
| LNTNEW.FREQ | Payment Frequency | N/A |
| LNTNEW.NPDAY | Payment Day of Month | N/A |
| LNTNEW.PMTCOD | Payment Code | N/A |
| LNTNEW.PMTAMT | Payment Amount | N/A |
| LNTNEW.PIAMT | Principal and Interest Payment Amt | N/A |
| LNTNEW.ORGAMT | Original Balance | N/A |
| LNTNEW.ORGDT | Original Loan Date | N/A |
| LNTNEW.OFFCR | Officer | N/A |
| LNTNEW.MATDT | Maturity Date | N/A |
| LNTNEW.RATE | Note Rate | N/A |
| LNMAST.IBASE | Interest Base | N/A |
| LNTNEW.BR# | Branch Number | N/A |
| LNTNEW.TYPE | Loan Type | N/A |
| CFALTN.CFAAL1 | Additional Name #1 | N/A |
| CFALTN.CFAAL2 | Additional Name #2 | N/A |
| LNTNEW.STATUS | Status | N/A |
| LNTNEW.CIFNO | CIF Number | N/A |
| LNTNEW.SALESAC | Sales Associate | N/A |
| LNTNEW.SECURE | Account Level Security | N/A |
| LNTNEW.ODIBAS | Accrue Odd Days at 365 Ibase | N/A |
| LNTNEW.RSHTPC6 | Roll Short on Pcode 6 | N/A |
| CFOFFL.CFOFFR | Officer List #1-#5 | There are five total elements available for you to enter information into. |
| CFOFFL.CFOCOM | Officer List Comment #1-#5 | N/A |
| CFALTN.CFNA1 | Alias Name | N/A |
| CFALTN.CFNA1 | Alias First Name | N/A |
| CFALTN.CFNA1 | Alias Middle Name | N/A |
| CFALTN.CFNA1 | Alias Last Name | N/A |
| CFALTN.CFNA1 | Alias Short Name | N/A |
| LNFPMS.LNFPDC | Unit Number Description | N/A |
| LNMAST.UNTPDLRFP | Unit Priced Reporting Method | Canonical
| LNMAST.SPECLEN | Specialty Lending | N/A |
| LNAEDPAR.ACCDORB | Accrual Billing Method | Canonical
| LNTNEW.WCHCOD | Watch List Code | N/A |
| LNTNEW.VIN# | Vehicle ID Number | N/A |
| N/A | User Code Text 1–136 | There are 136 total elements available for you to enter information into. |
| CFPARB.CBFDFT | Field Default Value 1–98 | There are 98 total elements available for you to enter information into. |
| CFPARB.CBFDFT | User Code Info 1–37 | There are 37 total elements available for you to enter information into. |
| LNTNEW.TITLE | Title Still Needed Code | N/A |
| LNTNEW.SUBPRM | Sub-Prime Lending | N/A |
| LNTNEW.DEMSTU | Demand/Student Loan Code | N/A |
| LNTNEW.STATE | State Code | N/A |
| LNTNEW.UNPADV | Unpost Advances if Over Credit Limit | N/A |
| LNTNEW.RSTADV | Restrict Auto Advances | Canonical
| LNTNEW.RSTRUC | Restructured Flag | N/A |
| LNTNEW.PURCOD | Purpose Code | N/A |
| LNTNEW.PNTPD | Points Paid | N/A |
| LNTNEW.RECEIT | Receipt Y/N | N/A |
| LNTNEW.SENDPD | Send Past Due Notice | N/A |
| LNTNEW.COUPON | Print Coupon Book Flag | N/A |
| LNTNEW.SENDCD | Print Billing Notice | N/A |
| LNTNEW.PPPCOD | Prepayment Penalty Code | N/A |
| LNTNEW.PARTID# | Participation ID Number | N/A |
| LNTNEW.PRTPCT | Participation Percent | N/A |
| LNTNEW.LTVRAT | Loan to value Ratio | N/A |
| LNTNEW.LCTYPE | Late Charge Type | N/A |
| LNTNEW.INCLUD | Include on Statement Code | N/A |
| LNTNEW.HMAIL | Hold Mail Code | N/A |
| LNTNEW.HIRISK | High Risk Customer | N/A |
| LNTNEW.TYPCLS | Classification Type | N/A |
| LNTNEW.XCLSTT | Exclude from Auto Nonaccrual Status | N/A |
| LNTNEW.DEPTCD | Department Code | N/A |
| LNTNEW.LTVRAT | Loan to Value Ratio | N/A |
| LNTNEW.RATCOD | Credit Rating Code | N/A |
| LNTNEW.CPNTRM | Coupon Book Term | N/A |
| LNTNEW.COLCOD | Collateral Code | N/A |
| LNTNEW.CLSZRO | Close On Zero Bal Code | N/A |
| LNTNEW.ANINCM | Annual Income | N/A |
| LNTNEW.CLASS | Class Code | N/A |
| LNTNEW.HDACTP | Hold Account Type | N/A |
| LNTNEW.HDACC# | Hold Account Number | N/A |
| N/A | Borrower Info Text 1 | N/A |
| N/A | Borrower Info Text 2 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.AHIBA1 | AHI-Borrower Education ADM 1 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.AHIBA2 | AHI-Borrower Education ADM 2 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.AHIBF1 | AHI-Borrower Education FMT 1 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.AHIBF2 | AHI-Borrower Education FMT 2 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.BORAGE | Borrower Age 1 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.BORAGE | Borrower Age 2 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.BORRAC | Borrower Race 1 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.BORRAC | Borrower Race 2 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.BORRBD7 | Borrower Birth Date 1 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.BORRBD7 | Borrower Birth Date 2 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.BORRETH | Borrower Ethnicity 1 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.BORRETH | Borrower Ethnicity 2 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.BORRFICO | Borrower FICO 1 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.BORRFICO | Borrower FICO 2 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.BORROWINC | Borrower Income 1 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.BORROWINC | Borrower Income 2 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.BORRSLFEMP | Borrower Self-Employed 1 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.BORRSLFEMP | Borrower Self-Employed 2 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.BORSEX | Borrower Gender 1 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.BORSEX | Borrower Gender 2 | N/A |
| N/A | Borrower Race Number 1-4 | There are four total elements available for you to enter information into. |
| N/A | Co-Borrower Race Number 1-4 | There are four total elements available for you to enter information into. |
| LNSMTG.BORRAC2 | Borrower Race 2 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.BORRAC3 | Borrower Race 3 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.BORRAC4 | Borrower Race 4 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.BORRAC5 | Borrower Race 5 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.COBRAC2 | Co-Borrower Race 2 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.COBRAC3 | Co-Borrower Race 3 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.COBRAC4 | Co-Borrower Race 4 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.COBRAC5 | Co-Borrower Race 5 | N/A |
| N/A | Closing Info Text 1-4 | There are four total elements available for you to enter information into. |
| LNSMTG.AHICA1 | AHI-Closing Cost Amount 1 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.AHICA2 | AHI-Closing Cost Amount 2 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.AHICA3 | AHI-Closing Cost Amount 3 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.AHICA4 | AHI-Closing Cost Amount 4 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.AHICS1 | AHI-Closing Cost Source 1 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.AHICS2 | AHI-Closing Cost Source 2 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.AHICS3 | AHI-Closing Cost Source 4 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.AHICS4 | AHI-Closing Cost Source 5 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.AHIDA1 | AHI-Down payment Amount 1 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.AHIDA2 | AHI-Down Payment Amount 2 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.AHIDA3 | AHI-Down Payment Amount 3 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.AHIDA4 | AHI-Down Payment Amount 4 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.AHIDS1 | AHI-Down Payment Source 1 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.AHIDS2 | AHI-Down Payment Source 2 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.AHIDS3 | AHI-Down Payment Source 3 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.AHIDS4 | AHI-Down Payment Source 4 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.AHISA1 | AHI-Secondary Fin Amount 1 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.AHISA2 | AHI-Secondary Fin Amount 1-3 | There are three total elements available for you to enter information into. |
| LNSMTG.AHISF1 | AHI-Secondary Financin 1 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.AHISF2 | AHI-Secondary Financin 1-3 | There are three total elements available for you to enter information into. |
| LNTNEW.CLACC# | Cr Line Number | N/A |
| LNTNEW.CLCIF# | Credit Line CIF Number | N/A |
| LNSMTG.CLTVRA | Combined LTV Ratio | N/A |
| LNTNEW.CRCYTYPE | Currency Type | N/A |
| LNSMTG.CREDSCR | Credit Score | N/A |
| LNSMTG.CREDTYP | Credit Score Type | N/A |
| LNTNEW.DWNPMT | Down Payment | N/A |
| LNTNEW.EXRELP | Exception to RE Lending Policy | N/A |
| LNSMTG.HSGEXPRAT | Housing Expense Ratio | N/A |
| LNSMTG.INVMIC | Investor MI Code | N/A |
| LNSMTG.INVPUR | Investor Purpose | N/A |
| LNTNEW.LNATMCRD | ATM Card Access | N/A |
| LNSMTG.MDEBEX | Monthly Debt Expense | N/A |
| LNTNEW.MINBIL | Min Amount to Create Bill | N/A |
| LNSMTG.MONINC | Monthly Income | N/A |
| LNSMTG.NUMBOR | Number of Borrowers | N/A |
| LNTNEW.PARTID | Participation Code | N/A |
| LNTNEW.PCACC# | Participation/Charge-Off Account Number | N/A |
| LNTNEW.PCACTP | Participation/Charge-Off Account Type | N/A |
| LNSMTG.TOTDBTRAT | Total Debt Ratio | N/A |
| LNSMTG.TOTOTHDBT | Total Other Debt | N/A |
| N/A | Report to Credit Bureau | N/A |
| LNTNEW.PPSDT7 | Curtailment Start Date | N/A |
| LNTNEW.PPEXP7 | Curtailment Expire Date | N/A |
| LNTNEW.PPSFRQ | Curtailment Start Frequency | N/A |
| LNTNEW.PPSCOD | Curtailment Start Frequency Code | Canonical
| LNTNEW.LPTYPE | Curtailment/ Recoupment Penalty Type | N/A |
| N/A | PP Penalty Type Description | N/A |
| LNTNEW.CPASSLN | Pass Curtailment to Sold Loan | N/A |
| LNTNEW.RPASSLN | Pass Recoupment to Sold Loan | N/A |
| LNTNEW.RPASSPCT | Recoupment Percentage to Pass to Sold Loan | N/A |
| LNMAST.RECPRNDT7 | Recoupment Renewal Date | N/A |
| LNSMSCDTX01.LNDTMSC | Pre-Payment Penalty Start Date | N/A |
| LNSMSCDTX01.LNDTMSC | Pre-Payment Penalty Expiration Date | N/A |
| LNMAST.LNLANG | Language Code | Canonical
| LNSMTG.CBORRDTOI | Current Borrower DTOI | N/A |
| LNSMTG.CCOBRDTOI | Current Co-Borrower DTOI | N/A |
| LNSMTG.LIQASSET | Borrower Liquid Assets | N/A |
| LNSMTG.NETWORTH | Borrower Net Worth | N/A |
| LNSMTG.STRESSRATE | Stress Test Rating | N/A |
| LNSMTG.STRESSDT | Stress Test Date | N/A |
| LNSMTG.PROPTYPE | FHLB Property Type | N/A |
| LNSMTG.NETWORTH | Borrower Net Worth Amount | N/A |
| N/A | Number of Properties Securing Mortgage | N/A |
| CFFOPI.CFFACNAME | Name of Person Opening Account | N/A |
| CFFOPI.CFFACTITLE | Title of Person Opening Account | N/A |
| LNSMSCDTX01.LNDTMSC | Restructured Date | N/A |
| N/A | Debt Ratio Total | N/A |
| N/A | Housing Expense Ratio | N/A |
| LNTNEW.BRWPD | Borrower Paid Directly | N/A |
| LNTNEW.ORGFEE | Origination Fees YTD | N/A |
| LNTNEW.MINCG | Minimum Charge | N/A |
| LNTNEW.WCHDT | Date on Watch list | N/A |
| LNTNEW.UCEXDT | UCC Expiration Date | N/A |
| LNTNEW.AMRDT7 | Payment Reamortization Date | N/A |
| LNTNEW.NREVDT | Next Review Date | N/A |
| LNTNEW.FPDT | 1st Payment Date | N/A |
| LNTNEW.EXAMDT | Examiner Class Date | N/A |
| LNTNEW.CPNDT | Coupon Book Reorder Date | N/A |
| LNTNEW.COEXDT | Collateral Insurance Expiration | N/A |
| LNCYCL.CYRDUM | Remaining Balance Due at Maturity | N/A |
| LNSMTG.BLNCD7 | Balloon Call Date | N/A |
| LNSMTG.CLOSEDATE7 | Estimated Closing Date | N/A |
| LNTNEW.FNDLMT | Participation Funding Limit | N/A |
| LNTNEW.HECNV7 | Loan Conversion Date | N/A |
| LNSMTG.INOED7 | Int Only End Date | N/A |
| LNFACC.LNFMT7 | Credit Life Maturity Date | N/A |
| LNFACC.LNFMT7 | AH Insurance Maturity Date | N/A |
| LNFACC.LNFMT7 | UE Insurance Maturity Date | N/A |
| LNTNEW.NEWMNY | New Money | N/A |
| LNTNEW.PROC | Amount of Proceeds | N/A |
| LNTNEW.REAMD7 | Payment Reamortization Date | N/A |
| LNTNEW.REAMDAY | Payment Reamortization Day of Month | N/A |
| LNTNEW.TTLINT | Total Interest | N/A |
| LNSMTG.APPROVEDT | Approval Date | N/A |
| LNTNEW.DLRUPC | Upfront Percentage | N/A |
| LNTNEW.DLRRPC | Dealer Reserve Pct | N/A |
| LNTNEW.DLRBRS | Bank Reserve | N/A |
| LNTNEW.CLRBOD | U/F Remainder Bank/Dlr | Canonical
| LNTNEW.CDLRPMT | Number of Payments Forfeit Rebate | N/A |
| LNTNEW.DLRPMT | Number of Payments Forfeit Rebate | N/A |
| LNTNEW.CDLRPDD | Charge-Off Percent | N/A |
| LNTNEW.CLRFDP | Forfeit After Days/Payments | Canonical
| LNTNEW.CDLRFOR | Forfeit U/F Dlr Disc/Reb | N/A |
| LNTNEW.DLRFDPC | Forfeit After Days/Payments Charge-Off | Canonical
| LNTNEW.DLRFOR | Forfeit U/F Dlr Disc/Reb | Canonical
| LNTNEW.DLRATE | Dealer Rate | N/A |
| LNTNEW.DLRLOC | Dealer Location | N/A |
| LNTNEW.DLRNO | Dealer Number | N/A |
| LNTNEW.DLRDSC | Dealer Discount | N/A |
| LNTNEW.DLRTYP | Dealer Type | N/A |
| LNTNEW.CDLRDYS | Number of Days Forfeit Rebate | N/A |
| LNTNEW.DLRDYS | Number of Days Forfeit Rebate | N/A |
| LNTNEW.BKDISC | Bank Discount | N/A |
| LNTNEW.RECDAYP | Days Past Due Recourse | N/A |
| LNTNEW.RECRSCD | Recourse Code | N/A |
| LNTNEW.RECRSPC | Recourse Percent | N/A |
| LNTNEW.RECRSTM | Recourse Term | N/A |
| LNTNEW.RECRSTC | Recourse Term Code | Canonical
| LNTNEW.USEUNA | Use Payment Suspense | N/A |
| LNFACC.LNFBAAS | Unused Credit Accrual Base | N/A |
| LNFACC.LNFRAT | Unused Credit Fee Rate Factor | N/A |
| LNFACC.LNFRT# | Unused Credit Accrual Rate Number | N/A |
| LNFACC.LNFRT# | UE Insurance Accrual Rate Number | N/A |
| LNFACC.LNFBAS | UE Insurance Accrual Base | N/A |
| LNTNEW.USEBIL | Used Bill Amounts | N/A |
| LNTNEW.RSTPMT | Restrict Auto Payments | N/A |
| LNTNEW.REAMOR | Reamortize Payment Amount | Canonical
| LNTNEW.PSTSHR | Post Short Payment | N/A |
| N/A | Posting Sequence 5 | N/A |
| N/A | Posting Sequence 4 | N/A |
| N/A | Posting Sequence 3 | N/A |
| N/A | Posting Sequence 2 | N/A |
| N/A | Posting Sequence 1 | N/A |
| LNTNEW.HOWUNA | How to Post Payment Suspense | N/A |
| LNTNEW.REAMTMCD | Reamortization Term Code | Canonical
| LNTNEW.REAMTRM | Reamortization Term | N/A |
| LNTNEW.AMRDT7 | Amortize Thru Date | N/A |
| LNTNEW.EPMCAP | Payment Amount Cap | N/A |
| LNTNEW.PCTREA | % of Balance to Re-am | N/A |
| LNTNEW.OVLFEE | Default Overline Fee | N/A |
| LNTNEW.ADOTNB | Add Overline Fee to the Next Bill | N/A |
| LNTNEW.NSFEE | Default NSF Fee | N/A |
| LNTNEW.NEGPCT | Negative Amortization Percent Cap | N/A |
| LNTNEW.MEDVFE | Minimum Check Tolerance | N/A |
| LNTNEW.LNMCHK | Minimum Check Advance | N/A |
| LNTNEW.IGNLCP | Ignore L/C - O/C Posting Sequence | Canonical
| LNFACC.LNFRT# | Credit Life Accrual Rate Number | N/A |
| LNFACC.LNFRT# | Credit Life Fate Rate Factor | N/A |
| LNFACC.LNFBAS | Credit Life Accrual Base | N/A |
| LNTNEW.BILNDY | Number of Days for Billing Notice | N/A |
| LNTNEW.BALLON | Balloon Payment | N/A |
| LNFACC.LNFRT# | AH Insurance Accrual Rate Number | N/A |
| LNFACC.LNFRAT | AH Insurance Fee Rate Factor | N/A |
| LNFACC.LNFBAS | AH Insurance Accrual Base | N/A |
| LNTNEW.APPDLNS | Apply Payments to Past Due Loans | N/A |
| LNTNEW.APPPDLNS | Apply Payments to Pre-Paid Loans | N/A |
| LNTNEW.FNDPCT | Participation Funding Percentage | N/A |
| LNTNEW.FNDSQ# | Participation Funding Sequence | N/A |
| LNSMTG.GRADPO | Graduated Payment Option | N/A |
| LNTNEW.NBRPDPMT | Number of Payments Past Due to Trigger | N/A |
| LNTNEW.NPDAPPLT | Number, Percent, or Dollar Amount to Trigger | N/A |
| LNTNEW.NPDAPPLT | Number, Percent, or Dollar Amount to Trigger | N/A |
| LNTNEW.NPDAPPLT | Number, Percent, or Dollar Amount to Trigger | N/A |
| LNTNEW.NPDPPLTR | Number, Percent, or Dollar to Trigger | N/A |
| LNTNEW.POSTEXPC | Post Excess as a Principal Curtailment | N/A |
| LNTNEW.PRT1PM | Participation 1st Payment Interest Option | N/A |
| LNTNEW.PRTPMS | Participation Payment Split Option | N/A |
| LNTNEW.PRTSQ# | Participation Sequence Number | N/A |
| LNSMTG.YRLYPI | % Yearly Payment Increase | N/A |
| LNFACC.LNFCMP | Credit Life Company Location Number | N/A |
| LNFACC.LNFCMP | AH Insurance Company Location Number | N/A |
| LNFACC.LNFCMP | UE Insurance Company Location Number | N/A |
| LNMAST.PRPRPC | Participation Principal Payment Split Percentage | N/A |
| LNMAST.PRINPC | Participation Interest Payment Split Percentage | N/A |
| LNACCTV09.LDFSTMT | Assess Fee on First Statement | Canonical
| N/A | Fee Information Text 1-3 | There are three total elements available for you to enter information into. |
| LNMAST.LOCCALC | LOC Fee Calc Code 1–3 | There are three total elements available for you to enter information into. |
| LNMAST.LOCFDT7 | Fee Assessment Date | N/A |
| LNMAST.LOCFDT7 | LOC Fee Date 7 | N/A |
| LNMAST.LOCFDT7 | LOC Fee Date 7 | N/A |
| LNMAST.LOCFREQ | LOC Fee Frequency 1–3 | There are three total elements available for you to enter information into. |
| LNMAST.LOCFRCD | LOC Fee Freq Code 1–3 | Canonical
There are three total elements available for you to enter information into. |
| LNMAST.LOCFDY | LOC Fee Freq Day 1–3 | There are three total elements available for you to enter information into. |
| LNMAST.LOCFDT7 | Fee Expiration Date 1-3 | There are three total elements available for you to enter information into. |
| LNSMTG.CANLDSV | Curr Debt Serv | N/A |
| LNBSTMTX.STMTDAY | Day of Month to Create Bill | N/A |
| LNACCTV06.LNPENINC | Loan Penalty Income | N/A |
| LNACCTV06.LNNONPINC | Loan Non-Penalty Income | N/A |
| LNCYCL.CYCYCL | Statement Cycle | N/A |
| LNCYCL.CYZERO | Keep Balance Zero? | N/A |
| LNPRCT.ACTYPE | Protection Account Type | N/A |
| LNPRCT.ACCTNO | Protection Account Number | N/A |
| LNCYCL.CYPMTP | Payment Percentage | N/A |
| LNCYCL.CYTKPT | Take Payment if NSF? | N/A |
| LNCYCL.CYPTCD | Payment Calc Routine | N/A |
| LNCYCL.CYMPMT | Minimum Payment | N/A |
| LNCYCL.CYMXPT | Maximum Payment | N/A |
| LNTNEW.TAXREF | CR Line Tax Reference Number | N/A |
| LNCYCL.CYFREZ | Freeze Past Due | N/A |
| LNCYCL.CYDRTP | Debit Acct Type | N/A |
| LNCYCL.CYDRAC | Debit Acct Number | N/A |
| LNCYCL.CYBHDT7 | Beginning Hold Date | N/A |
| LNCYCL.CYEHDT7 | Ending Hold Date | N/A |
| LNCYCL.CYCYAC | Cycle Acct Number | N/A |
| LNCYCL.CYCYTP | Cycle Acct Type | N/A |
| LNPRCT.ACCTNO | Account Number 1–31 | There are 31 total elements available for you to enter information into. |
| LNPRCT.ACTYPE | Account Type 1–30 | There are 30 total elements available for you to enter information into. |
| LNTNEW.ECRYOU | Use Rate Carryover | N/A |
| LNTNEW.PVCODE | Rate Variance Code | Canonical
| LNTNEW.PVARI | Rate Variance | N/A |
| LNTNEW.ERAMT | Round to Amount | N/A |
| LNTNEW.ERMETH | Rounding Method | N/A |
| LNTNEW.PRCODE | Rate Review Term Code | Canonical
| LNTNEW.PRTERM | Rate Review Term | N/A |
| LNTNEW.PREVDT | Rate Review Date | N/A |
| LNTNEW.PRATE# | Rate Number | N/A |
| LNTNEW.PFLOOR | Rate Floor | N/A |
| LNTNEW.PCEIL | Rate Ceiling | N/A |
| LNTNEW.ECAPUP | Rate Cap Upwards | N/A |
| LNTNEW.ECRTCD | Rate Cap Period Code | Canonical
| LNTNEW.ECRTRM | Rate Cap Period | N/A |
| LNTNEW.ECRDT | Rate Cap Review Date | N/A |
| LNTNEW.ECAPDN | Rate Cap Downwards | N/A |
| LNTNEW.ORGIDX | Original Index | N/A |
| LNTNEW.MATRAT | Maturity Rate | N/A |
| LNTNEW.MATGRC | Maturity Grace Days | N/A |
| LNTNEW.DLQVCODE | Delinquent Rate Variance Code | N/A |
| LNTNEW.DLQVARI | Delinquent Rate Variance | N/A |
| LNTNEW.DLQRATE# | Delinquent Rate Number | N/A |
| LNTNEW.DLQRTDYS | Delinquent Rate Days | N/A |
| LNTNEW.DLQRATE | Delinquent Rate | N/A |
| LNTNEW.ENPDYS | Number of Days for Rate Change Notice | N/A |
| LNTNEW.CVVARC | Convertible Variance Code | N/A |
| LNTNEW.CVVARI | Convertible Variance | N/A |
| LNTNEW.CINDX# | Convertible Index Number | N/A |
| LNTNEW.CVEXP7 | Convertible Expiration Date | N/A |
| LNTNEW.CVRTAB | Convertible ARM | N/A |
| LNSMTG.RATESPRD | Rate Spread | N/A |
| LNTNEW.PRVDAY | Rate Review Day | N/A |
| LNTNEW.TEASER | Regulatory Teaser Rate Applies | N/A |
| LNTNEW.LQRT#2 | Rate Number Tier 2 | N/A |
| LNTNEW.LQRT#3 | Rate Number Tier 3 | N/A |
| LNTNEW.LQRT#4 | Rate Number Tier 4 | N/A |
| LNTNEW.LQRT#5 | Rate Number Tier 5 | N/A |
| LNTNEW.LQRT#6 | Rate Number Tier 6 | N/A |
| LNTNEW.LQRT#7 | Rate Number Tier 7 | N/A |
| LNTNEW.LQRT#8 | Rate Number Tier 8 | N/A |
| LNTNEW.LQRT#9 | Rate Number Tier 9 | N/A |
| LNTNEW.LQRT#10 | Rate Number Tier 10 | N/A |
| LNTNEW.LQBL#2 | Balance Tier 2 | N/A |
| LNTNEW.LQBL#3 | Balance Tier 3 | N/A |
| LNTNEW.LQBL#4 | Balance Tier 4 | N/A |
| LNTNEW.LQBL#5 | Balance Tier 5 | N/A |
| LNTNEW.LQBL#6 | Balance Tier 6 | N/A |
| LNTNEW.LQBL#7 | Balance Tier 7 | N/A |
| LNTNEW.LQBL#8 | Balance Tier 8 | N/A |
| LNTNEW.LQBL#9 | Balance Tier 9 | N/A |
| LNTNEW.LQBL#10 | Balance Tier 10 | N/A |
| LNTNEW.STEPRDT | Step Rate Expiration Date | N/A |
| LNMAST.PENRAT# | Penalty APR Number | N/A |
| LNMAST.PENRATE | Penalty APR | N/A |
| LNMAST.PENPDAYS | Days Past Due to Send Penalty APR Notice | N/A |
| LNMAST.PENAFTNT | Days After Notice Penalty APR Begins | N/A |
| LNMAST.PENRVTM | Penalty APR Review Term | N/A |
| LNMAST.PENRVTMC | Penalty APR Review Term Code | Canonical
| LNSMTG.CCAPRAT | Current Cap Rate | N/A |
| LNMAST.ARMNTC | ARM/Rate Notice Type | N/A |
| LNCFPB.ARMSNT | Initial ARM notice sent | Canonical
| LNCFPB.INARMD | Days Before Rate Change to Send Initial Notice | N/A |
| N/A | Business/Calendar Days for Rate Lookback | Canonical
| N/A | Non-Business Day Rate Review Code | Canonical
| LNACCTV06.LNRTFXTRM | Adjustable Rate Fixed Period | N/A |
| LNLOOKB.LRLKBKDY | Lookback Days | N/A |
| LNLOOKB.LRBCDYS | Lookback Basis | Canonical
| LNLOOKB.LRBDRC | Back Date Rate Change | Canonical
| LNLOOKB.LRBINDX | Beginning Index | N/A |
| LNLOOKB.LRBDINDX | Beginning Date for Index | N/A |
| LNLOOKB.LRRAINDX | Rate as Index | Canonical
| LNRATCP.PECAPUP | Periodic Rate Cap | N/A |
| LNSMTG.PROPSR | Property Street | N/A |
| LNSMTG.PROPST | Property State | N/A |
| LNSMTG.PROPZP | Property ZIP code | N/A |
| LNSMTG.PROPCT | Property city | N/A |
| LNTNEW.FLINRQ | Flood Insurance Required? | N/A |
| LNTNEW.APRAMT | Appraised Value | N/A |
| LNTNEW.APPDT7 | Last Appraisal Date | N/A |
| LNSMTG.CONDOP | Condo PUD Name | N/A |
| LNTNEW.CONSTR | Construction Loan Tracking | N/A |
| LNTNEW.CORRESBANK | Correspondent Bank | N/A |
| LNSMTG.OCCCOD | Occupancy Code | N/A |
| LNSMTG.PRJTYP | Project Type | N/A |
| LNSMTG.PROPCNTNME | Property County Name | N/A |
| LNSMTG.PURCHP | Purchase Price | N/A |
| LNSMTG.YRBULT | Year Built | N/A |
| LNSMTG.CAVGLSRT | Current Average Lease Rate | N/A |
| LNSMTG.SRCVALUE | Source of Value | N/A |
| LNSMTG.CACTNOI | Curr Actual NOI | N/A |
| LNSMTG.LISTAMT | Listing Amount | N/A |
| LNSMTG.MLSNUM | MLS Number | N/A |
| LNSMTG.RELDATE | Date of Last Release | N/A |
| LNSMTG.PROPSQFT | Resident Prop SQFT | N/A |
| LNSMTG.SUBDIVNM | Subdivision Name | N/A |
| LNSMTG.CVACRATE | Curr Vacancy Rate | N/A |
| LNSMTG.REMUNTNUM | Number of Remaining Units | N/A |
| LNSMTG.REMUNTVAL | Remaining Unit Value | N/A |
| LNCFPB.PRIDWE | Principal Dwelling | Canonical
| N/A | Property Sequence (Array 1) | N/A |
| N/A | Property Sequence (Array 2) | N/A |
| N/A | Property Sequence (Array 3) | N/A |
| N/A | Property Description (Array 1) | N/A |
| N/A | Property Description (Array 2) | N/A |
| N/A | Property Description (Array 3) | N/A |
| LNACCTV06.LNCRPRFAC | CRE Occupancy Fraction | N/A |
| LNACCTV06.LNCRPRDESC | CRE Property Condition | N/A |
| LNTNEW.INDCOD | Standard Industry Code | N/A |
| LNTNEW.CRAMIL | Military Code | Canonical
| LNTNEW.GLPROD | GL Product Code | N/A |
| LNTNEW.GLCOST | GL Cost Center | N/A |
| LNTNEW.CRASTA | CRA State Code | N/A |
| LNTNEW.COUNTY | County Code | N/A |
| LNTNEW.CENSUS | Census Tract 1 | N/A |
| LNTNEW.SMSA | SMSA Number | N/A |
| LNTNEW.CRALOC | CRA Location | N/A |
| LNTNEW.CALREP | Call Report Code | N/A |
| LNTNEW.RQ1098 | Requires 1098 | Canonical
| LNTNEW.EXSLTV | Exclude From Supervisory LTV | N/A |
| LNSMTG.GARPCT | Guaranteed Percentage | N/A |
| LNTNEW.HMDA | HMDA Required Y/N | N/A |
| LNTNEW.ARGPRDCOD | Argo Product Type | N/A |
| LNTNEW.LNREGH | Reg H Code | N/A |
| LNTNEW.LNSENL | Senior Lien | N/A |
| LNTNEW.ODMNY | Old Money | N/A |
| LNTNEW.RGRISK | Regulatory Risk Weight | N/A |
| LNSMTG.SBAGP# | SBA Assigned GP Number | N/A |
| LNSMTG.SBAPNT | SBA Basis Points | N/A |
| LNTNEW.SLOUTS | Senior Lien Outsourced | N/A |
| LNSMTG.CONVRT | Convertible | N/A |
| LNMAST.RSKRATDT7 | Risk Rating Date | N/A |
| N/A | Risk Text 1-4 | There are four total elements available for you to enter information into. |
| LNMAST.PRMRSKRAT | Risk Code 1-4 | There are four total elements available for you to enter information into. |
| LNMAST.SPLRSKPCT2 | Risk Pct 1-4 | There are four total elements available for you to enter information into. |
| LNMAST.SPLRSKAMT1 | Risk Amt 1-4 | There are four total elements available for you to enter information into. |
| LNMAST.LIENPOSN | Lien Position | N/A |
| N/A | Military APR Covered Loan | N/A |
| N/A | Universal Loan Identifier | N/A |
| LNSMTG.AGENCYCASE | Agency Case Number | N/A |
| LNSMTG.ANTIPRD | Anti-Predatory Category | N/A |
| LNSMTG.APRTYP | FHLB Appraisal Type | N/A |
| N/A | Housing Info Text 1-4 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.BEDRM1 | Number of Bedrooms - Unit 1 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.BEDRM2 | Number of Bedrooms - Unit 2 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.BEDRM3 | Number of Bedrooms - Unit 3 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.BEDRM4 | Number of bedrooms - Unit 4 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.ELRNT1 | Eligible Rents Unit 1 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.ELRNT2 | Eligible Rents Unit 2 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.ELRNT3 | Eligible Rents Unit 3 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.ELRNT4 | Eligible Rents Unit 4 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.RENTPUTL1 | Rent Plus Utilities Unit 1 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.RENTPUTL2 | Rent Plus Utilities Unit 2 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.RENTPUTL3 | Rent Plus Utilities Unit 3 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.RENTPUTL4 | Rent Plus Utilities Unit 4 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.UNITOWNO1 | Unit Owner Occupied Unit 1 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.UNITOWNO2 | Unit Owner Occupied Unit 2 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.UNITOWNO3 | Unit Owner Occupied Unit 3 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.UNITOWNO4 | Unit Owner Occupied Unit 4 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.DOCTYPE | Documentation Type | N/A |
| LNSMTG.FEATCD | Feature Code | N/A |
| LNSMTG.FHAVA | FHA/VA flag | N/A |
| LNSMTG.FRSTTM | 1st Time Buyer | N/A |
| LNSMTG.LNORGSRC | Loan Origination Source | N/A |
| LNSMTG.LOANPRDCT | Loan Product | N/A |
| LNSMTG.LOANPURP | Loan Purpose | N/A |
| LNSMTG.MERS# | MERS Number | N/A |
| LNSMTG.MHLTI | MH Loan-to-Invoice | N/A |
| LNSMTG.MHOUEX | Monthly Housing Expense | N/A |
| LNSMTG.MHPROC | MH Prior Occupancy Status | N/A |
| LNSMTG.MHUNITS | MH Number of Units | N/A |
| LNSMTG.MHYEAR | MH Year Built | N/A |
| LNSMTG.MICERT | Mortgage Insurance Certificate Number | N/A |
| LNSMTG.MICODE | JH MI code | N/A |
| LNSMTG.MIPCT | Mortgage Insurance Percent | N/A |
| LNSMTG.MPFMSTRC# | MPF Master Commitment Number | N/A |
| LNSMTG.PLGCOD | FHLB Institution Code | N/A |
| LNSMTG.PROPTY | Investor Property Type | N/A |
| LNSMTG.PROSKEY | Prospector Key | N/A |
| LNSMTG.REDDOC | Reduced Documentation | N/A |
| LNSMTG.SALABL | Saleable Flag | N/A |
| LNSMTG.SECMTG | Second Mortgage Flag | N/A |
| LNTNEW.SHRNTLCRD | Shared National Credit | N/A |
| N/A | FHLB SIC Text 1-6 | There are six total elements available for you to enter information into. |
| LNSMTG.SPCCFE1 | Special Feature #1 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.SPCCFE2 | Special Feature #2 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.SPCCFE3 | Special Feature #3 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.SPCCFE4 | Special Feature #4 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.SPCCFE5 | Special Feature #5 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.SPCCFE6 | Special Feature #6 | N/A |
| LNSMTG.SUBORDFIN | Subordinated Financing | N/A |
| LNTNEW.SYNDAGTNBR | Syndication Agent Number | N/A |
| LNTNEW.SYNDMBRNBR | Syndication Member Number | N/A |
| LNSMTG.UNITS# | Number of Units | N/A |
| LNSMTG.LNORIGID | Loan Originator ID | N/A |
| LNSMTG.LNORGCID | Loan Origination Comp ID | N/A |
| LNSMTG.APSTLIC# | Appraiser State License Number | N/A |
| LNSMTG.SAPSTLI# | Supervise App St License Number | N/A |
| LNSMTG.APDOCFID | Appraisal Document File | N/A |
| LNCFPB.HPMLSPRD | HPML Rate Spread | N/A |
| LNTNEW.USRSTS | Loan User Status Code | N/A |
| N/A | Stop Function Code 1–17 | There are 17 total elements available for you to enter information into. |
| LNTNEW.STPAD7 | Stop Advances Expiration Date 1–17 | There are 17 total elements available for you to enter information into. |
| LNTNEW.STPADV | Stop Advances 1–17 | Canonical
XPath Element | File/Field | Description | Notes |
RsStat | JHFREFAPI.PASSFAIL | Pass/Fail Status | N/A |
XPath Element | File/Field | Description | Notes |
RsStat | JHFREFAPI.PASSFAIL | Pass/Fail Status | N/A |
Field/Field | Maintenance Description | Field Label |
LNTNEW.ACCTNO | Account Number | Account Number |
LNTNEW.ACTYPE | Account Type | Account Type |
LNTNEW.CIFNO | CIF Number | CIF Number |
Within the response, specific validations can appear in the response if incorrect or different information than what is required is sent in the request.
The following table lists the errors that can be returned and includes what prompts the error to occur.
Code | Element | System Message | Validation Trigger |
1 | HldAcctId | Account not found | Presents when the account number/type combination is not found in the Loan New Account File (LNTNEW). |
1 | HldAcctType | Account not found | Presents when the account number/type combination is not found in the Loan New Account File (LNTNEW). |
2 | AcctId | Account already exists | Presents when the account number/account type combination entered exists in the Loan Master File (LNMAST) or the Loan New Account File (LNTNEW). |
2 | AcctType | Account already exists | Presents when the account number/account type combination entered exists in the Loan Master File (LNMAST) or the Loan New Account File (LNTNEW). |
6 | AcctId | Account number must be greater than zero | Presents when the value in this element is zero or less than zero. |
7 | AcctType | Account type is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is not L or O. |
8 | LnTierRateBal | Amount cannot be zero or negative | Presents when the value in this element is less than or equal to zero. |
10 | ATMCard | ATM card flag must be Y or N | Presents when the value in this element is not Y or N. |
13 | BrCode | Branch number is not valid | Presents when this element is populated but the value is not found in the Bank/Branch Information File (JHDATA). |
14 | CallRptCode | Call report code is not valid | Presents when this element is populated but the value is not found in the Call Report Code Parameter File (LNPAR7). |
24 | AcctClsfCode | Class is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is not found in the Class Parameter File (JHCLAS) or is not equal to blank. |
28 | CRAStateCode | CRA State code is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is not equal to zero or does not exist in the State Code File by Numeric State Code (JHSTATL1). |
35 | GLCostCtr | GL cost center is not valid | Presents when this element is populated and the value is not found in the Cost Center Parameter File (GLPAR7). |
36 | GLCostCtr | GL Interface is not valid | Presents when this element is populated and the value is not found in the GL Standard Application Interface (GLINT1). |
37 | GLProdCode | GL product code is not valid | Presents when this element is populated and the value is not found in the Product Code Parameter File (GLPAR9). |
43 | LnConvDt | Date is not valid | Presents when the date is less than or equal to zero, or does not have at least six digits. |
43 | OpenDt | Date is not valid | Presents when the date is less than or equal to zero, or does not have at least six digits. |
43 | OpenDt | Date is not valid | Presents when the date is less than or equal to zero, or does not have at least six digits. |
43 | LnConvDt | Date is not valid | Presents when the date is less than or equal to zero, or does not have at least six digits. |
43 | MatDt | Date is not valid | Presents when the date is less than or equal to zero, or does not have at least six digits. |
43 | BallCallDT | Date is not valid | Presents when the date is less than or equal to zero, or does not have at least six digits. |
43 | ExmnrClsfDt | Date is not valid | Presents when the date is less than or equal to zero, or does not have at least six digits. |
43 | ApprDt | Date is not valid | Presents when the date is less than or equal to zero, or does not have at least six digits. |
43 | IntOnlyExpDt | Date is not valid | Presents when the date is less than or equal to zero, or does not have at least six digits. |
43 | ConvARMExpDt | Date is not valid | Presents when the date is less than or equal to zero, or does not have at least six digits. |
43 | PmtReAmrtzDt | Date is not valid | Presents when the date is less than or equal to zero, or does not have at least six digits. |
43 | ReAmrtzThruDt | Date is not valid | Presents when the date is less than or equal to zero, or does not have at least six digits. |
43 | MatDt | Date is not valid | Presents when the date is less than or equal to zero, or does not have at least six digits. |
43 | RiskRateDt | Date is not valid | Presents when the date is less than or equal to zero, or does not have at least six digits. |
43 | FirstPmtDt | Date is not valid | Presents when the date is less than or equal to zero, or does not have at least six digits. |
43 | FirstPmtDt | Date is not valid | Presents when the date is less than or equal to zero, or does not have at least six digits. |
43 | WatchListDt | Date is not valid | Presents when the date is less than or equal to zero, or does not have at least six digits. |
43 | ReAmrtzPmtDt | Date is not valid | Presents when the date is less than or equal to zero, or does not have at least six digits. |
43 | RateCapRevDt | Date is not valid | Presents when the date is less than or equal to zero, or does not have at least six digits. |
43 | EstClsDt | Date is not valid | Presents when the date is less than or equal to zero, or does not have at least six digits. |
43 | StressRateDt | Date is not valid | Presents when the date is less than or equal to zero, or does not have at least six digits. |
43 | LnApprvDt | Date is not valid | Presents when the date is less than or equal to zero, or does not have at least six digits. |
43 | PropListDt | Date is not valid | Presents when the date is less than or equal to zero, or does not have at least six digits. |
43 | PropRelDt | Date is not valid | Presents when the date is less than or equal to zero, or does not have at least six digits. |
43 | SCRABegDt | Date is not valid | Presents when the date is less than or equal to zero, or does not have at least six digits. |
43 | RestructuredDt | Date is not valid | Presents when the date is less than or equal to zero, or does not have at least six digits. |
43 | SCRAEndDt | Date is not valid | Presents when the date is less than or equal to zero, or does not have at least six digits. |
43 | RateRevDt | Date is not valid | Presents when the date is less than or equal to zero, or does not have at least six digits. |
43 | PayoffPrePmtPenStartDt | Date is not valid | Presents when the date is less than or equal to zero, or does not have at least six digits. |
43 | BegFactorIdxDt | Date is not valid | Presents when the date is less than or equal to zero, or does not have at least six digits. |
43 | CouponReOrderDt | Date is not valid | Presents when the date is less than or equal to zero, or does not have at least six digits. |
43 | NxtRvwDt | Date is not valid | Presents when the date is less than or equal to zero, or does not have at least six digits. |
43 | CollatInsurExpDt | Date is not valid | Presents when the date is less than or equal to zero, or does not have at least six digits. |
43 | UCCExpDt | Date is not valid | Presents when the date is less than or equal to zero, or does not have at least six digits. |
43 | UEInsurMatDt | Date is not valid | Presents when the date is less than or equal to zero, or does not have at least six digits. |
43 | AHInsurMatDt | Date is not valid | Presents when the date is less than or equal to zero, or does not have at least six digits. |
43 | CrLifeMatDt | Date is not valid | Presents when the date is less than or equal to zero, or does not have at least six digits. |
43 | DrAcctExpDt | Date is not valid | Presents when the date is less than or equal to zero, or does not have at least six digits. |
43 | DrAcctHldDt | Date is not valid | Presents when the date is less than or equal to zero, or does not have at least six digits. |
43 | PayoffPrePmtPenExpDt | Date is not valid | Presents when the date is less than or equal to zero, or does not have at least six digits. |
45 | N/A | Numeric data is not valid | Presents when the value sent is not numeric. |
46 | HldMailCode | Mailing Instruction code is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is not found in the Hold Mail Code Parameter File (JHMAIL). |
50 | OffCode | Office code is not valid | Presents when the value is not found in the Officer File (JHOFFR). |
53 | CustId | Primary Customer cannot be found | Presents when the value in this element is not found in the CIF Master File (CFMAST). |
76 | StdIndustCode | Standard industry class code is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is populated and is not found in the CIF Standard Industry Classification (CFSICC) file. |
79 | PropState | State code is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is not blank or is not found in the State Code File (JHSTAT). |
99 | PropPostalCode | ZIP code is required | Presents when the value in this element is less than zero. |
112 | LnFeeText | Description is invalid | Presents when there is no user description with the user code. |
112 | LnClsInfoTxt | Description is invalid | Presents when there is no user description with the user code. |
112 | FHLBSICTxt | Description is invalid | Presents when there is no user description with the user code. |
112 | HousingInfoTxt | Description is invalid | Presents when there is no user description with the user code. |
112 | BorwInfoTxt | Description is invalid | Presents when there is no user description with the user code. |
112 | PostSeq1Code | Description is invalid | Presents when there is no user description with the user code. |
112 | PostSeq2Code | Description is invalid | Presents when there is no user description with the user code. |
112 | PostSeq3Code | Description is invalid | Presents when there is no user description with the user code. |
112 | PostSeq4Code | Description is invalid | Presents when there is no user description with the user code. |
112 | PostSeq5Code | Description is invalid | Presents when there is no user description with the user code. |
113 | TermUnits | Term code must be M or D | Presents when the value in this element is not M or D. |
114 | N/A | Age is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is less than zero. |
115 | DrAcctHldDt | Beginning and ending dates must be defined | Presents when the DrAcctHldDt element is greater than zero and
the DrAcctExpDt is equal to zero. Also presents when the
DrAcctHldDt is equal to zero and the DrAcctExpDt
is greater than zero. |
115 | DrAcctExpDt | Beginning and ending dates must be defined | Presents when the DrAcctHldDt element is greater
than zero and the DrAcctExpDt is equal to zero. Also presents when
the DrAcctHldDt is equal to zero and the DrAcctExpDt
is greater than zero. |
116 | DlqRateMargin | Rate cannot be negative | Presents when one of the three scenarios occurs: the
DlqRateMarginSign element is
+ and the DlqRateMargin
element is greater than or equal to 1.000000, the
DlqRateMarginSign element is
- and the DlqRateMargin
element is greater than or equal to 1.000000, or
the DlqRateMarginSign element is
% and the DlqRateMargin is
greater than or equal to 9.000000. |
116 | DlqRate | Rate cannot be negative | Presents when one of the three scenarios occurs: the
DlqRateMarginSign element is
+ and the DlqRateMargin
element is greater than or equal to 1.000000, the
DlqRateMarginSign element is
- and the DlqRateMargin
element is greater than or equal to 1.000000, or
the DlqRateMarginSign element is
% and the DlqRateMargin is
greater than or equal to 9.000000. |
117 | NonPenIncmAmt | Amount cannot be negative | Presents when the value in this element is less than zero. |
117 | CommOccupPct | Amount cannot be negative | Presents when the value in this element is less than zero. |
117 | InitARMFixPeriodCnt | Amount cannot be negative | Presents when the value in this element is less than zero. |
117 | PenIncmAmt | Amount cannot be negative | Presents when the value in this element is less than zero. |
121 | N/A | Description not allowed during account input | Presents when the New Account Entry field within the CIF Information Definition by Order (CFPARBL1) field is not equal to Y. |
122 | N/A | Invalid calculation code | Presents when the value in this element is not valid in the Index Fee Calculation File (LNPFCL), or the value is valid but is not found in the Loan Fee Type Parameter File (LNPARQ). |
130 | N/A | The value entered is longer than the field length | Presents when the value is larger than the allowed field length. |
131 | N/A | Incorrect number of decimal places | Presents when there are incorrect places after the decimal position. |
150 | HighPriceMtg | Element value must be Y, N, or blank | Presents when the value in this element is not Y, N, or blank. |
400 | LangType | Language code is not a valid code | Presents when the value in this element is not found in the Preferred Language Parameter File (JHPARL). |
1005 | N/A | Date field has an invalid format | Presents when the date is not in the expected format, such as 01/01/0001 or 01-01-0001. |
1010 | LangType | Element value must be Y or N | Presents when the value in this element is not Y or N. |
1010 | CurtPenAffPrtcp | Element value must be Y or N | Presents when the value in this element is not Y or N. |
1010 | RecoupPenAffPrtcp | Element value must be Y or N | Presents when the value in this element is not Y or N. |
100034 | OrigBal | Check hold amount required for type 'HD' | Presents when the OrigBal element is equal to zero and the
HldAcctType element is D,
S, or X. |
100034 | HldAcctId | Check hold amount required for type 'HD' | Presents when the OrigBal element is equal to zero
and the HldAcctType element is D,
S, or X. |
100034 | HldAcctType | Check hold amount required for type 'HD' | Presents when the OrigBal element is equal to zero
and the HldAcctType element is D,
S, or X. |
100109 | OpenDt | Open date cannot be in the future | Presents when the value in this element is greater than the current date. |
100141 | Stmtcycle | Statement cycle code is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is not valid within the Deposit Cycle Code Parameter File (DDPAR7). |
100154 | AcctStat | Status code is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is not 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8. |
100209 | SemiDay1 | Semi-monthly days valid for semi-monthly frequency code only | Presents when the PmtTermUnits element is not
S and the SemiDay1 and
SemiDay2 elements are not equal to zero. |
100209 | SemiDay2 | Semi-monthly days valid for semi-monthly frequency code only | Presents when the PmtTermUnits element is not
S and the SemiDay1 and
SemiDay2 elements are not equal to zero. |
100209 | PmtTermUnits | Semi-monthly days valid for semi-monthly frequency code only | Presents when the PmtTermUnits element is not
S and the SemiDay1 and
SemiDay2 elements are not equal to zero. |
100210 | SemiDay2 | Semi-monthly days must be valid for semi-monthly frequency code | Presents when the PmtTermUnits element is not
S and the SemiDay1 and
SemiDay2 elements are equal to zero. |
100210 | SemiDay1 | Semi-monthly days must be valid for semi-monthly frequency code | Presents when the PmtTermUnits element is not
S and the SemiDay1 and
SemiDay2 elements are equal to zero. |
100210 | PmtTermUnits | Semi-monthly days must be valid for semi-monthly frequency code | Presents when the PmtTermUnits element is not
S and the SemiDay1 and
SemiDay2 elements are equal to zero. |
100211 | PmtTermUnits | Frequency must be zeros for semi-monthly frequency code | Presents when the PmtTermUnits element is
S and the PmtTerm element is not equal to
zero. |
100211 | PmtTerm | Frequency must be zeros for semi-monthly frequency code | Presents when the PmtTermUnits element is
S and the PmtTerm element is not equal to
zero. |
100212 | PmtTermUnits | 1st day of month must be less than 2nd day of month | Presents when the PmtTermUnits element is
S and the value in the SemiDay1 element is
greater than or equal to the value in the SemiDay2 element. |
100212 | SemiDay2 | 1st day of month must be less than 2nd day of month | Presents when the PmtTermUnits element is
S and the value in the SemiDay1 element is
greater than or equal to the value in the SemiDay2 element. |
100212 | SemiDay1 | 1st day of month must be less than 2nd day of month | Presents when the PmtTermUnits element is
S and the value in the SemiDay1 element is
greater than or equal to the value in the SemiDay2 element. |
200003 | PmtAmt | Payment amount cannot be zero or negative | Presents when the PmtCode element is 1,
3, 4, 5, or
7 and the PmtAmt element is zero. |
200049 | ProdCode | Loan type is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is not valid in Loan Miscellaneous Parameter Physical File (LNPAR2). |
200053 | MltryApp | Military value must be 1 or 2 | Presents when the value in this element is not 1 or 2. |
200075 | FirstPmtDt | Next roll date cannot be less than the origination date | Presents when the PmtCode element is not
6 and the FirstPmtDt element is less than
the origination date. |
200099 | CollatCode | Collateral code is invalid | Presents when the value in this element is not found in the Collateral Code Parameter File (LNPAR8). |
200112 | RegRiskId | Regulatory risk weight code must be 100 or less | Presents when the value in this element is less than zero or greater than 100. |
200134 | LnTierRate | Invalid rate number | Presents when the value in this element is not found within the Master Rate Physical File (JHRATE). |
200134 | RateIdxNum | Invalid rate number | Presents when the value in this element is not found within the Master Rate Physical File (JHRATE). |
200148 | RateRoundMthd | Rounding method must be D=Down, N=Nearest, U=Up, or blank | Presents when the value in this element is not D, U, N, or blank. |
200149 | N/A | Loan user code is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is not valid in the Loan User Code Description Parameter File (LNPARU). |
200150 | N/A | Borrower ethnicity must be 1 - 4 | Presents when the value in this element is less than zero or greater than 4. |
200151 | N/A | Co-borrower ethnicity must be 1 - 5 | Presents when the value in this element is less than zero or greater than 5. |
200152 | N/A | FICO must be 1, 2 or from 300 to 900 or blank | Presents when the value in this element is not zero, 1, or 2, less than 300, or greater than 900. |
200153 | N/A | Borrower gender must be 1 - 4 or 8 | Presents when the value in this element is less than zero, greater than 4, or not equal to 8. |
200154 | N/A | Co-borrower gender must be 1 - 5 | Presents when the value in this element is less than zero or greater than 5. |
200155 | N/A | Borrower race must be 1 - 7 | Presents when the value in this element is less than zero or greater than 7. |
200156 | N/A | Co-borrower race must be 1 - 8 | Presents when the value in this element is less than zero or greater than 8. |
200157 | N/A | Borrower self-employed must be Y or blanks | Presents when the value in this element is not Y or blank. |
200164 | N/A | Number of bedrooms is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is less than zero. |
200166 | N/A | Unit must be Y or N | Presents when the value in this element is not Y or N. |
200167 | LnStopFuncCode | Stop function value is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is blank and the
LnStopFuncExpDt element is not zero. |
200168 | N/A | Stop function action value must be S, W, or N | Presents when the value in this element is not S, W, or N. |
200169 | N/A | Stop function value expiration date is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is not in the correct date format. |
200170 | LnStopCode | User status code is not valid | Presents when the value is not equal to blank or is not valid in the User Status Code Parameter File (LNPRUS). |
200171 | TermCnt | Loan term can not be zero | Presents when the value in this element is less than or equal to zero and the Payment Code is not 6. |
200172 | RemPmtCnt | Number of payments is required for loans with mixed terms | Presents when the value in this element is less than or equal to zero, the
PmtTermUnits element is not equal to the TermUnits
element, the MatDt element is not equal to zero, the
PmtCode element is not 6, and the
PmtTermUnits is not S or
M. |
200173 | RemPmtCnt | Number of payments is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is less than zero. |
200174 | PmtTermUnits | Payment frequency must be Days, Months, or Semi-monthly | Presents when the value in this element is not M, D, or S. |
200175 | PmtCode | Not valid for loan payment code | Presents when the PmtCode element is equal to
6 and the PmtTerm element is not
blank. |
200175 | PmtTermUnits | Not valid for loan payment code | Presents when the PmtCode element is equal to
6 and the PmtTerm element is
not blank. |
200176 | PmtTermUnits | Payment frequency/code must match the loan term/code on payment code 5 | Presents when the PmtTermUnits element is
S and the IntBasis element
is 9. |
200186 | PmtTermUnits | Frequency code is not valid for interest base | Presents when the PmtCode element is 5
and the PmtTermUnits element does not equal the long
term code. Also presents when the PmtTermUnits element
is S and the IntBasis element is
9. |
200187 | PmtTerm | Payment frequency is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is equal to zero, the
PmtCode element is not 6,
the PmtTermUnits element is not
S or *all9. Also
presents when the value in the PmtTermUnits element is
not equal to zero and the PmtCode element is not
6. |
200188 | OpenDt | Days backdated exceeds tolerance | Presents when the value in this element is greater than the allowed days to backdate in the Loan Miscellaneous Parameter Physical File (LNPAR2). |
200190 | PIAmt | P & I amount must contain a value when a scheduled payment is used | Presents when the PmtAmt element is greater than zero, the
PIAmt element is less than or equal to zero, the
PmtCode element is not 2 or
6, and the Master Plan Line of
Credit Type field in the Loan Miscellaneous
Parameter Physical File (LNPAR2) is not
Y. |
200191 | PIAmt | Scheduled payment amount must contain a value when using P & I amount | Presents when the payment amount is less than or equal to zero and this element is greater than zero. |
200192 | MatDt | Maturity date cannot be more than 999 months after origination date | Presents when this element is not equal to zero and the origination date is not equal to zero and evaluated for a difference and if that difference is greater than 999. |
200193 | FirstPmtDt | First Payment Date must match maturity date on single pay | Presents when the PmtCode element is 5
and the value in the FirstPmtDt is not equal to the
MatDt element. |
200194 | OrigBal | Original amount cannot be zero | Presents when this element is equal to zero and the PmtCode
element is not equal to 6. |
200195 | LateChgCode | Late charge type must be blank if partial charge-off | Presents when the value in this element is not equal to blank and the
PrtcpCode element is
C. |
200196 | BankDisc | Bank discount is not valid for this type | Presents when the IntBasis element is 9
and the BankDisc element is equal to zero. Also
presents when the IntBasis is not
9 and the BankDisc element
is not equal to zero. |
200197 | DlrId | Dealer number is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is not equal to zero or is not found in the Loan Dealer File (LNDEAL). |
200198 | DlrId | Dealer location is not valid | Presents when the value is in this element is not equal to zero and the dealer number/location combination is not found in the Dealer Location File (LNDLLO). |
200199 | DlrId | Dealer type is not valid | Presents when the value is not equal to zero and the dealer number/location/type combination is not found in the Loan Dealer Location Type File (LNDLOT). |
200200 | PmtCode | Payment code is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is greater than 6. |
200201 | PmtCode | Payment code 3 or 6 not allowed with negative bill days | Presents when the value in this element is 3 or
6 and the BilLeadDays
element is less than zero. |
200203 | PmtDayOfMonth | Day of month for payment is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is less than 29
or greater than 31, or when the
PmtCode element is not equal to
6 and the value in this element is not equal
to zero, 29, 30, or
31. Also presents when the
PmtCode element is 6 and the
value in this element is less than zero or greater than
31. |
200205 | LOCCycleAcctId | Statement account number is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is not found in the Deposit Master File (DDMAST) or the Deposit New Accounts Today (DDTNEW) file. |
200206 | N/A | Protection account is not valid | Presents when the protection account and account type are populated but are not valid in the Deposit Master File (DDMAST), Deposit New Accounts Today (DDTNEW) file, and the DDTNEW Store Forward Used for Update in EOD (AEDDTNEW) file. |
200207 | ODProtPmtCode | Payment calculation method must be 1 - 4 | Presents when the value in this element is less than 1 or greater than 4. |
200208 | ODProtPmtCode | Payment calculation method is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is not valid in the Payment Type "6" Payment Method Parameter File (LNPAR4). |
200209 | PmtDDANSFCode | Take payment if NSF flag must be Y, N, or P | Presents when the value in this element is not Y, N, or P. |
200210 | ProtBalZero | Keep loan balance zero must be Y or N | Presents when the value in this element is not Y or N. |
200211 | FrzPmtPastDue | Freeze past due must be Y or N | Presents when the value in this element is not Y or N. |
200212 | BalDueAtMat | Balance due at maturity must be Y or N | Presents when the value in this element is not Y or N. |
200213 | DrAcctId | Debit account number is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is not valid in the Deposit Master File (DDMAST) or the Deposit New Accounts Today (DDTNEW) file. |
200213 | DrAcctType | Debit account number is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is not valid in the Deposit Master File (DDMAST) or the Deposit New Accounts Today (DDTNEW) file. |
200214 | DrAcctType | Debit account must be defined to use debit account hold dates | Presents when the DrAcctHldDt element is greater than zero and
the DrAcctId is equal to zero. |
200214 | DrAcctId | Debit account must be defined to use debit account hold dates | Presents when the DrAcctHldDt element is greater
than zero and the DrAcctId is equal to zero. |
200215 | MaxPmtAmt | Maximum payment amount cannot be less than minimum payment amount | Presents when the value is this element is greater than zero and less than the minimum payment amount. |
200216 | UnusedCrAccrIdxNum | Unused line rate number is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is greater than zero or is not found in the Master Rate Physical File (JHRATE). |
200217 | UnusedCrIntBase | Unused line interest base must be 0 or 2 | Presents when the value in this element is not equal to zero or 2. |
200218 | CrLifeInsurIdxNum | Credit life rate number is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is greater than zero and not found in the Master Rate Physical File (JHRATE). |
200219 | CrLifeInsurAccrBase | Credit life interest base must be 0 or 2 | Presents when the value in this element is not zero or 2. |
200220 | CrLifeInsurIdxNum | Credit life rate number and factor cannot have values | Presents when the CrLifeInsurIdxNum element is greater than
zero and the CrLifeInsurAccrRate element is not equal to
zero. |
200220 | CrLifeInsurAccrRate | Credit life rate number and factor cannot have values | Presents when the CrLifeInsurIdxNum element is
greater than zero and the CrLifeInsurAccrRate element is not equal to
zero. |
200221 | AHInsurIdxNum | A & H rate number is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is greater than zero and not found in the Master Rate Physical File (JHRATE). |
200222 | AHInsurIdxNum | A & H rate number and factor cannot have values | Presents when the AHInsurIdxNum element is greater than zero
and the AHInsurAccrRate element is not equal to zero. |
200222 | AHInsurAccrRate | A & H rate number and factor cannot have values | Presents when the AHInsurIdxNum element is greater
than zero and the AHInsurAccrRate element is not equal to
zero. |
200223 | AHInsurAccrBase | A & H interest base must be 0 or 2 | Presents when the value in this element is not zero or 2. |
200224 | UEInsurIdxRate | Unemployment rate number is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is greater than zero and not found in the Master Rate Physical File (JHRATE). |
200225 | UnusedCrAccrRate | Unemployment rate number and factor cannot have values | Presents when the UEInsurIdxRate element is greater than zero
and the UnusedCrAccrRate element is not equal to zero. |
200225 | UEInsurIdxRate | Unemployment rate number and factor cannot have values | Presents when the UEInsurIdxRate element is greater
than zero and the UnusedCrAccrRate element is not equal to
zero. |
200226 | UEInsurAccrBase | Unemployment interest base must be 0 or 2 | Presents when the value in this element is not zero or 2. |
200227 | CrLifeCompCode | Credit life insurance company is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is not found in the Escrow/Insurance Distribution Parameter File (LNPARB). |
200228 | AHInsurCompCode | A & H insurance company is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is not found in the Escrow/Insurance Distribution Parameter File (LNPARB). |
200229 | UEInsurCompCode | Unemployment insurance company is not valid | Presents when the PmtCode is 6, or when
the value of this element is greater than zero when the PmtCode
element is 6. |
200230 | IncCombStmt | Include on combined statement must be Y or N | Presents when the value in this element is not Y or N. |
200231 | PrePmtPenCode | Prepayment penalty code is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is not blank and is not valid in the Loan Prepayment Penalty Parameter File (LNPARP). |
200232 | Req1098 | Prepare IRS form 1098 must be Y, N, or E | Presents when the value in this element is not Y, N, or E. |
200233 | FloodInsurCode | Flood insurance required must be Y or N | Presents when the value in this element is not Y or N. |
200234 | PurpCode | Purpose code is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is not in the Loan Purpose Code Parameter File (LNPAR9). |
200235 | PrtCouponBook | Print coupon book must be Y or N | Presents when the value in this element is not Y or N. |
200236 | CouponBookTerm | Print coupon book term cannot be zero if print coupon is Y | Presents when the PrtCouponBook element is
Y, the CouponBookTerm element is zero, and
the CouponReOrderDt element is not zero. |
200237 | CouponBookTerm | Coupon Term cannot exceed Payment Term | Presents when the PrtCouponBook element is
Y and the CouponReOrderDt element is greater
than the maturity date. |
200238 | PrtBilNotCode | Send payment billings is not valid | Presents when the Statement Loan field is not
Y and the PrtBilNotCode element is not
Y, N, S, or
M. Also presents if the PrtBilNotCode
element is not M and the Unit Priced Reporting
Method field is M. |
200240 | HighRiskCust | High risk customer must be Y or N | Presents when the value in this element is not Y or N. |
200241 | ClsOnZeroBal | Close on zero balance must be Y or N | Presents when the value in this element is not Y or N. |
200242 | PrtPastDueNotCode | Send a past due notice code must be Y or N | Presents when the value in this element is not Y or N. |
200243 | TitleNeeded | Is title still needed code must be Y or N | Presents when the value in this element is not Y or N. |
200244 | RestructuredDr | Restructured debt code must be Y or N | Presents when the value in this element is not Y or N. |
200245 | CrRatingCode | Credit rating code is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is greater than zero or not found in the Loan Credit Rating Parameter File (LNPARR). |
200246 | SubPrimeLnCode | Sub-prime lending code must be Y or N | Presents when the value in this element is not Y or N. |
200247 | PrtRcpt | Print receipt must be Y or N | Presents when the value in this element is not Y or N. |
200248 | RegLTVCode | Supervisory LTV Category code is not valid | Presents when the value is evaluated within position 1 or 3 of this element and is not 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, or 06. |
200251 | ConstLnCode | Construction loan tracking must be Y or N | Presents when the value in this element is not Y or N. |
200252 | PostPmtPastDueCode | Apply payments to past due loans must be Y, N, or S | Presents when the value in this element is not Y or N. |
200253 | PostPmtPastDueCode | Apply payments to past due loans can only be N or S for IBASE 5 and 7 loans | Presents when the IntBasis element is not
5 or Y and the
PostPmtPastDueCode element is equal to N or
S. |
200254 | PostPmtPastDueCode | Can only be defined when Apply Payments to Past Due Loans is N or S | Presents when this element is equal to Y or not equal to zero. |
200255 | PostPmtPastDueCode | Use payment suspense must be Y when apply past due is S | Presents when the value in this element is S
and the UsePmtSusp element is not
Y. |
200256 | PostPmtPrePaidCode | Apply payments to pre-paid loans must be Y, N, or S | Presents when the value in this element is not Y, N, or S. |
200257 | PostPmtPrePaidCode | Apply payments to pre-paid loans can only be N or S for IBASE 5 and 7 loans | Presents when the IntBasis element is not
5 or 7 and the value in the
PostPmtPrePaidCode element is N or
S. |
200258 | PostPmtPrePaidCode | Use payment suspense must be Y when apply pre-paid is S | Presents when the value in this element is S and the
UsePmtSusp element is not Y. |
200259 | PostPrincCurtCode | Post excess principal as a curtailment must be Y=Yes, N=No, or F=First | Presents when the value in this element is not Y, N, or F. |
200260 | PostPrincCurtCode | Post excess principal as a curtailment must be Y or F for IBASE 5 and 7 loans | Presents when the IntBasis element is not
5 or 7 and the
PostPrincCurtCode element is Y or
F. |
200261 | PostPrincCurtCode | Post excess can only be Y or F when apply payments to pre-paid is Y | Presents when the value in this element is Y or
F and the PostPmtPrePaidCode element is not
Y. |
200262 | PrePaidAmtCode | Number, Percent, or Dollar Pre-Paid must be defined | Presents when the number, percent, and dollar amounts are not equal to zero and the value in this element is not N, P, or D. Also presents when the number, percent, and dollar amounts are equal to zero and the value in this element is not N, P, D, or blank. |
200263 | PrePaidAmt | Dollar amount pre-paid must be defined | Presents when the value in this element is D and the pre-paid amount is equal to zero. |
200264 | PrePaidPct | Percent amount pre-paid must be defined | Presents when the value in this element is P and the
pre-paid percent is greater than 100 or when the value in the
PctBalReAmrtz element is greater than
1.000000. |
200266 | PctBalReAmrtz | Percent must be less than or equal to 100% | Presents when the value in this element is greater than 100. |
200266 | PrePaidPct | Percent must be less than or equal to 100% | Presents when the value in this element is greater than 100. |
200267 | PrePaidNum | #,%,$ can only be defined when post excess to principal curtailment is Y or F | Presents when the PostPrincCurtCode element is not
Y or F and the
PrePaidNum element is not zero. |
200267 | PrePaidAmt | #,%,$ can only be defined when post excess to principal curtailment is Y or F | Presents when the PostPrincCurtCode element is not
Y or F and the
PrePaidAmt element is not zero. |
200267 | PrePaidPct | #,%,$ can only be defined when post excess to principal curtailment is Y or F | Presents when the PostPrincCurtCode element is not
Y or F and the
PrePaidPct element is not zero. |
200268 | RegSeniorLienCode | Outsourced must be Y or N | Presents when the value in this element is not Y or N. |
200270 | SynAgentId | Syndication agent number is not found | Presents when the value in this element is not zero or is not found in the Loan Syndication Master File (LNSYND). |
200271 | SynMemberId | Syndication member number is not found | Presents when the value in this element is not zero or is not found in the Loan Syndication Master File (LNSYND). |
200272 | CurrencyCode | Currency type is not found | Presents when the value in this element is not blank and is not found in the Loan Currency Parameter File (LNPRCR). |
200273 | ShareNatCrLn | Shared national credit must be Y, N or blank | Presents when the value in this element is not N, Y, or blank. |
200274 | CorrBankCode | Correspondent Bank must be Y, N or blank | Presents when the value in this element is not N, Y, or blank. |
200275 | ExcLndPlcyCode | Exception to Real Estate Lending Policy code is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is not zero or is not found in the Real Estate Lending Policy Exception Code (LNPCXP). |
200276 | ExclRealEstateRptCode | Supervisory LTV code is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is not zero or is not found in the Exclude from Supervisory LTV Reporting Codes (LNXLTV). |
200277 | RateVar | Margin must be less than 100% for + or - And less than 900% for % | Presents in one of the following scenarios: when the
RateVarCode element is + and
the RateVar element is greater than or equal to
1.000000, when the
RateVarCode element is - and
the RateVar element is greater than or equal to
1.000000, or when the
RateVarCode element is % and
the RateVar element is greater than or equal to
9.000000. |
200278 | RateIdxNum | Rate index number is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is not valid in the Master Rate Physical File (JHRATE). |
200278 | DlqRateIdxNum | Rate index number is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is not valid in the Master Rate Physical File (JHRATE). |
200279 | OrigIdxVal | Original index must have a value for an ARM loan | Presents when the value in this element is less than or equal to zero, the
ARM Loan field is Y
and the UseRateCarryOvrs element is
Y. |
200284 | RateRevTermUnits | Rate review code must be D or M | Presents when the PmtReAmrtzPeriodCode element is not blank,
D, or M. Also presents
when the PmtReAmrtzPeriodCode element is blank and the
PmtReAmrtzPeriod element is not zero. |
200284 | PmtReAmrtzPeriodCode | Rate review code must be D or M | Presents when the PmtReAmrtzPeriodCode element is
not blank, D, or M. Also
presents when the PmtReAmrtzPeriodCode element is blank
and the PmtReAmrtzPeriod element is not zero. |
200285 | RateRevDt | Rate review date must have a value when rate review term has a value | Presents when the RateRevTerm element is not zero, the
RateRevTermUnits element is not blank, and the
RateRevDt element is zero. |
200286 | RateCapRevTermUnits | Rate cap term code must be M or D | Presents when the value in this element is not D or
M and the RateCapRevTerm
element is not zero. |
200287 | ReAmrtzPmt | Reamortize payment amount must be Y, N, D, or I | Presents when the value in this element is not Y, N, D, or I. |
200288 | PctBalReAmrtz | Cannot reamortize payment for payment code 6 loans | Presents in the following scenarios: when the ReAmrtzPmt
element is Y and the
PmtCode is 6, when the
ReAmrtzPmt element is D and
the PmtCode is 6, or when
the ReAmrtzPmt element is I and
the PmtCode element is
6. |
200288 | ReAmrtzPmt | Cannot reamortize payment for payment code 6 loans | Presents in the following scenarios: when the
ReAmrtzPmt element is Y and
the PmtCode is 6, when the
ReAmrtzPmt element is D and
the PmtCode is 6, or when
the ReAmrtzPmt element is I and
the PmtCode element is
6. |
200289 | ReAmrtzThruDt | Amortize through date cannot have a value when balloon payments has a value | Presents when the PmtReAmrtzDt element is greater than zero or
the ReAmrtzThruDt element is greater than zero and the
balloon payment is greater than zero. |
200289 | PmtReAmrtzDt | Amortize through date cannot have a value when balloon payments has a value | Presents when the PmtReAmrtzDt element is greater
than zero or the ReAmrtzThruDt element is greater than
zero and the balloon payment is greater than zero. |
200290 | UseRateCarryOvrs | Use ARM carryover tracking must be Y or N | Presents when the value in this element is not Y or N. |
200291 | UseRateCarryOvrs | Rate caps must be defined when using ARM Carryover Tracking | Presents when the value in this element is Y and the
RateCapDown and RateCapUp elements
are both equal to zero. |
200292 | ReAmrtzPmtDt | Reamortize payment date cannot be less than rate review date | Presents when the value in this element is less than the value in the
RateRevDt element. |
200293 | ReAmrtzDOM | Review day must by 29, 30, 31 or zero | Presents when the value in this element is less than 29 or greater than 31. |
200294 | ReAmrtzPmtDt | Must use reamortize payment date when using reamortize term | Presents when the ReAmrtzPmtDt element is zero and the
PmtReAmrtzPeriod element is not zero. |
200295 | PmtReAmrtzPeriod | Reamortize payment term must be entered when reamortize date is used | Presents when the ReAmrtzPmtDt element is not zero and the
PmtReAmrtzPeriod element is zero. |
200296 | PmtReAmrtzPeriod | Payment term is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is less than zero. |
200297 | PmtReAmrtzPeriodCode | Payment term must be divisible by rate review term | Presents when the value in these elements is not zero and the remainder is not equal to zero. |
200297 | PmtReAmrtzPeriod | Payment term must be divisible by rate review term | Presents when the value in these elements is not zero and the remainder is not equal to zero. |
200298 | ReAmrtzPmtDt | Rate review and payment review dates do not correlate | Presents when the value in this element and the value in the
RateRevDt element are not equal to each
other. |
200299 | ReAmrtzDOM | Reamortize payment day must be same as rate review day | Presents when the value in this element is not equal to the Rate Review
Day (PRVDAY) field in the Loan New Account File
(LNTNEW), the ReAmrtzPmt element is
Y, the Rate Review Date
(PREVD6) field in the Loan New Account File
(LNTNEW) is not zero, and the Payment
Reamortization Date (REAMD6) in the Loan New
Account File (LNTNEW) is not zero. |
200300 | ConvARMCode | Convertible ARM must be Y, N, or I | Presents when the value in this element is not Y, N, or I. |
200301 | ConvARMCode | Cannot be Convertible unless this loan is an ARM | Presents when the value in this element is Y or I and the Has ARM field is Y. |
200302 | ConvIdxNum | Convertible index number is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is not zero and not found in the Master Rate Physical File (JHRATE). |
200303 | ConvVarCode | Convertible margin code must be +, -, % or blank | Presents when the value in this element is not +,
-, %, or blank. Also
presents when the ConvVar element is not zero and the
ConvVarCode element is blank, or when the
ConvVar element is zero and the
ConvVarCode element is not blank. |
200305 | LOCCustId | Credit line CIF number must be | Presents when the credit line number is not equal to zero and the value in this element is blank. |
200306 | LOCAcctId | Credit line account number not found | Presents when the LOCCustId /LOCAcctId
combination sent is not found in the Line of Credit Physical
File (LNLINE). |
200307 | LOCAcctId | Credit line participation is not valid | Presents when the value of the Participation Code for this element is not equal to the participation code in the core file. |
200308 | RstrAdvaOvrLmt | Restrict advances over limit must be Y or N | Presents when the value in this element is not Y or N. |
200309 | RstrAdva | Restrict advances to loan must be A, B, or N | Presents when the value in this element is not A, B, or N. |
200310 | RstrAutoPmt | Restrict payments to loan must be Y or N | Presents when the value in this element is not Y or N. |
200311 | PrtcpAcctType | Participation number is not valid | Presents when the PartIdNum element is not zero and not found in
the Loan Participation ID Number (LNPRTI). Also
presents when the PrtcpAcctType element is blank,
O, or B and the
PrtcpAcctId element is not zero. Also presents when
the PrtcpAcctType element is S
or C and the OrigPartPct element
is greater than zero or is not valid in the Loan Master File
(LNMAST) or Loan New Account File
200311 | PrtcpAcctId | Participation number is not valid | Presents when the PartIdNum element is not zero and
not found in the Loan Participation ID Number
(LNPRTI). Also presents when the
PrtcpAcctType element is blank,
O, or B and the
PrtcpAcctId element is not zero. Also presents when
the PrtcpAcctType element is S
or C and the OrigPartPct element
is greater than zero or is not valid in the Loan Master File
(LNMAST) or Loan New Account File
200311 | PartIdNum | Participation number is not valid | Presents when the PartIdNum element is not zero and
not found in the Loan Participation ID Number
(LNPRTI). Also presents when the
PrtcpAcctType element is blank,
O, or B and the
PrtcpAcctId element is not zero. Also presents when
the PrtcpAcctType element is S
or C and the OrigPartPct element
is greater than zero or is not valid in the Loan Master File
(LNMAST) or Loan New Account File
200312 | OrigPartPct | Participation percent is not valid | Presents when the PrtcpAcctType element is blank and the
OrigPartPct is not zero. |
200313 | OrigPartPct | Percent to split payment cannot exceed 100% | Presents when the PrtcpPrincPmtPct element is greater than 100%
or the element value 1.00. |
200313 | PrtcpPrincPmtPct | Percent to split payment cannot exceed 100% | Presents when the PrtcpPrincPmtPct element is
greater than 100% or the element value
1.00. |
200313 | PrtcpIntPmtPct | Percent to split payment cannot exceed 100% | Presents when the PrtcpPrincPmtPct element is
greater than 100% or the element value
1.00. |
200314 | PrtcpCode | Participation code is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is not blank, B, O, S, P, or C. Also presents when the value in this element is S and the Unit Priced Reporting Method field is D. Also presents when the value in this element is no P or O and the Contract Collections Type (P2CCOL) field in the Loan Miscellaneous Parameter Physical File (LNPAR2) is Y. |
200315 | PrtcpCode | Payment code 6 loan cannot be participated | Presents when this element is not blank and the PmtCode element
is 6. |
200316 | PrtcpPrincPmtPct | Payment split percentage valid only with payment split option B | Presents when the value in this element is greater than zero and the
PrtcpPmtSplitCode element is not
B or E. Also presents
when the value in this element is greater than zero and the
PrtcpPmtSplitCode element is not
B. |
200317 | PrtcpFirstPmtCode | Participation 1st payment option must be O or W | Presents when the value in this element is not O,
W, or blank. Also presents when the value in
this element is blank, the PrtcpCode element is
S, and the PrtcpPmtSplitCode
element is not D. |
200318 | PrtcpFirstPmtCode | Participation 1st payment option can only be used with split option A,B,C, or E | Presents when the value in this element is not blank and the
PrtcpPmtSplitCode element is not
A, B,
C, or E. |
200319 | PrtcpFirstPmtCode | Participation 1st payment option can only be used for a sold loan | Presents when this element is not blank and the PrtcpCode
element is not S. |
200320 | PrtcpPmtSplitCode | Participation split option must be A, B, C, D, or E | Presents when this element is not A,
B, C,
D, E, or blanks. Also
presents when the value in this element is equal to blank and the
PrtcpCode is S. |
200321 | PrtcpPmtSplitCode | Participation payment option valid only with sold participation loans | Presents when the value in this element is not blank and the
PrtcpCode is not S. |
200322 | FundLmt | Funding sequence must have a value when the funding limit has a value | Presents when the value in this element is greater than zero and the
FundSeqId element is less than or equal to
zero. |
200323 | FundLmt | Funding limit cannot be negative | Presents when the value in this element is less than zero. |
200324 | FundPct | Funding percentage is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is less than zero. |
200325 | FundPct | Funding percentage must have a funding sequence | Presents when the value in this element is greater than zero, the
FundSeqId element is less than or equal to zero,
and the PrtcpCode element is
S. |
200326 | FundPct | Funding percentage is only valid for sold loans | Presents when the value in this element is greater than zero and the
PrtcpCode element is not
S. |
200327 | DlqRateMargin | Rate index variance is invalid with rate used | Presents when the value in this element is not zero and the
DlqRate is not zero. |
200328 | DlqRateDays | Delinquent rate or rate number cannot be zero if delinquent rate days > zero | Presents when the value in this element is greater than zero, the
DlqRate element is zero, and the
DlqRateIdxNum element is equal. |
200329 | DlqRateDays | Delinquent days must be greater than zero | Presents when the DlqRate element is greater than zero and the
value in this element is zero, or when the
DlqRateIdxNum element is greater than zero and the
value in this element in zero. |
200339 | BilLeadDays | Number of days Billing Notice must be 3 or greater when Accrual Billing Method is set to B | Presents when the value in this element is less than 3,
the PmtCode element is 6, the
AccrBilMthd element B, and
the Statement Day field is zero. |
200340 | DlqRateIdxNum | Delinquent rate or rate number can be greater than zero | Presents when the DlqRate element is greater than zero and the
DlqRateIdxNum element is greater than zero. |
200341 | OvrLineFeeAddNxtBil | Add overline amount to next bill must be Y or N | Presents when the value in this element is not y or N. |
200342 | TeaserRateCode | Regulatory Teaser Rate must be Y, N or blank | Presents when the value in this element is not Y, N, or blank. |
200343 | TeaserRateCode | Regulatory Teaser Rate Y is not valid when rate index is zero | Presents when the value in this element is Y and the
RateIdxNum element is zero. |
200344 | TeaserRateCode | Regulatory Teaser Rate Y is not valid when review term > 12 months | Presents when the value in this element is Y, the
RateRevTermUnits element is
M or D, and the
RateRevTerm element is greater than
12 (months) or 365
(days). |
200345 | RebateToBankDlr | Not valid for dealer rebate method | Presents when the DlrId is not zero, the Rebate
Method - Dealer field in the Dealer Type
Parameter File (LNPRDT) is not U
or P, and the PmtsToFrftOnChgoff
element is not zero. Also presents when the
PmtsToFrftOnChgoff element is not zero, the
FrftDiscAtPayoff element is not
N, or the RebateToBankDlr
element is not blank. |
200345 | FrftDiscAtPayoff | Not valid for dealer rebate method | Presents when the DlrId is not zero, the Rebate Method
- Dealer field in the Dealer Type Parameter
File (LNPRDT) is not U or
P, and the
PmtsToFrftOnChgoff element is not zero. Also
presents when the PmtsToFrftOnChgoff element is not
zero, the FrftDiscAtPayoff element is not
N, or the RebateToBankDlr
element is not blank. |
200345 | DaysToFrftOnChgoff | Not valid for dealer rebate method | Presents when the DlrId is not zero, the Rebate
Method - Dealer field in the Dealer Type
Parameter File (LNPRDT) is not U
or P, and the PmtsToFrftOnChgoff
element is not zero. Also presents when the
PmtsToFrftOnChgoff element is not zero, the
FrftDiscAtPayoff element is not
N, or the RebateToBankDlr
element is not blank. |
200346 | DlrRate | Dealer rate cannot be zero | Presents when the value in this element is zero and the
UpfrntPct element is not zero. |
200347 | DaysToFrft | Number of days or payments must have a value | Presents when the value in this element is zero and the
FrftRebateIfChgoff element is not
N. |
200348 | DaysToFrft | Forfeit discount/rebate must have a value | Presents when the value in this element is not zero, the
FrftRebateIfChgoff element is
N, and the
PmtsToFrftOnChgoff element is not zero. |
200349 | FrftDiscAtPayoff | Forfeit discount/rebate must be D, R, or N | Presents when the value in this element is not D,R, or N. |
200350 | RebateToBankDlr | Remaining bank or dealer must be a B or D | Presents when the UpfrntPct element is greater than zero and
less than 100 and the
RebateToBankDlr element is not
B or D. |
200351 | DlrDisc | Total interest amount must have a value when dealer discount does | Presents when the value in this element is zero, the total interest is zero, and
the UpfrntPct element or RemResrvPct
element is not zero. |
200352 | DlrRate | Dealer rate and reserve rate should not be equal | Presents when the dealer rate is equal to the reserve rate. |
200354 | RecourseCode | Recourse code must be F, L, P, or N | Presents when the value in this element is not F, L, N, P, or blank. |
200355 | RecoursePct | Recource percent must be 100% | Presents when the value in this element is not 100 and
the RecourseCode element is
F. |
200356 | RecourseTerm | Recourse term/code must have a value when Recourse code is L | Presents when the value in this element is zero and the
RecourseCode element is
L. |
200357 | RecoursePct | Recourse percent must have a value | Presents when the value in this element is zero and the
RecourseCode element is
P. |
200358 | RecourseTermUnit | Recourse term code must be D or M | Presents when the value in this element is not D, M, or blank. |
200359 | RecoursePct | Recourse percent is not valid for recourse code N or L | Presents when the value in the RecourseCode element is
N or L and the
RecoursePct element is not zero. |
200360 | RecoursePct | Recourse term code is not valid for recourse code F, P, or N | Presents when the RecourseCode element is
N, F, or
P and the RecourseTerm
element is not zero or the RecourseTermUnit is not
blank. |
200361 | RecourseDay | Past due days must have a value for Recourse code F and P | Presents when the RecourseCode element is
F or P and the
RecourseDay element is zero. |
200362 | RecourseDay | Past due days is not valid for Recourse code N and L | Presents when the value in this element is not zero and the
RecourseCode code is L or
N. |
200363 | FrftRebateOnPayoff | Forfeit dealer discount if early payoff must be defined | Presents when the PmtsToFrft element is not zero, the
DaysToFrft is not equal to zero, and the
FrftRebateOnPayoff element is not
B or D. |
200364 | FrftRebateAfterChgoff | Forfeit Dealer discount if charge-off must be defined | Presents when the PmtsToFrftOnChgoff element is not zero or the
DaysToFrftOnChgoff element is not
B or D. |
200365 | SplitPmtAsBil | Use billed amount when splitting payment must be Y or N | Presents when the value in this element is Y or N. |
200366 | BilLeadDays | Number of days for billing notices must be 3 or greater, 0 or -1 | Presents when the value in this element is less than 3, greater than 0, or less than -1. |
200367 | BilLeadDays | Number of days must be less than 15 for semi-monthly | Presents when the value in this element is greater than or equal to
15 and the PmtTermUnits
element is S. |
200368 | BilLeadDays | Number of days cannot exceed 35 | Presents when the value in this element is greater than 35. |
200369 | BilLeadDays | Number of grace days for payment code 6 must be greater than zero | Presents when the value in this element is less than or equal to zero, when the
PmtCode element is 3 or
6, or when the IntBasis
element is 4, 5,
7, or 9. |
200371 | MinBilAmt | Minimum amount to create bill cannot be negative | Presents when the value in this element is less than zero. |
200372 | MinBilAmt | Minimum amount due to create a bill must be less than payment amount | Presents when the value in this element is greater than or equal to the payment
amount and the PmtCode element is
0, 1, or
3. |
200373 | MinBilAmt | Minimum amount due to create a bill cannot be more than minimum payment amount | Presents when the value in this element is greater than the minimum payment
amount, the minimum payment amount is greater than zero, and the
PmtCode element is
6. |
200374 | MinBilAmt | Minimum amount due to create a bill cannot be more than minimum payment amount | Presents when the value in this element is greater than the maximum payment
amount, the maximum payment amount is greater than zero, and the
PmtCode element is
6. |
200375 | IgnrLateChgMulti | Ignore posting sequence must be L, O, B, or N | Presents when the value in this element is not N,
L, O, or
B and the PmtCode element is
not 6. |
200376 | PostShortPmts | Post short payments must be Y or N | Presents when the value in this is not Y or N. |
200377 | ExclAutoNonAccr | Exclude from auto nonaccrual must be Y or N | Presents when the value in this is not Y or N. |
200378 | LnConvDt | Loan conversion date is less than the next business date | Presents when the value in this element is greater than zero and less than the Next Business Day field in the LNPAR1 file. |
200379 | PtPaidByOwner | Points paid by borrower must be Y or N | Presents when the value in this is not Y or N. |
200380 | DeptCode | Department code is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is not C, I, R, or D. |
200381 | StudentLnCode | Demand/Student loan code is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is not D, S, or blank. |
200382 | UsePmtSusp | Use payment suspense must be Y or N | Presents when the value in this element is not Y or N. |
200383 | UsePmtSusp | Use payment suspense only allowed for payment code 0 and 2 loans | Presents when the value in this element is Y and the
PmtCode element is not 0 or
2. |
200384 | UsePmtSusp | Use payment suspense must be Y when apply payments to past due/pre-paid is S | Presents when the value in this element is not Y and the
PostPmtPrePaidCode element is
S, or when the
PostPmtPastDueCode element is
S. |
200385 | PmtSuspPostCode | Payments to use payment suspense must be L, S, or B | Presents when the value in this element is not L, S, or B. |
200387 | PledgeLnCode | Pledge code is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is not found in the FHLB Transaction Processing (LNPRPL) file. |
200388 | SBABasisPts | SBA basis points must be greater than or equal to zero | Presents when the value in this element is less than zero. |
200389 | NumBorw | Number of borrowers must be 1 - 99 | Presents when the value in this element is less than zero. |
200390 | FirstHomePur | First time home buyer must be Y, N or blank | Presents when the value in this element is not Y, N, or blank. |
200391 | YrBuilt | Year built is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is less than zero. |
200392 | PropPurchaseAmt | Purchase price is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is less than zero. |
200393 | MoIncmAmt | Monthly income is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is less than zero. |
200394 | MoHouseAmt | Housing expense is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is less than zero. |
200395 | MoDebtAmt | Debit expense is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is less than zero. |
200396 | HMDARpt | HMDA status must be Y or N | Presents when the value in this element is not Y or N. |
200397 | SecdMtgCode | Second mortgage code must be Y, N or blank | Presents when the value in this element is not Y, N, or blank. |
200398 | FHAVACode | FHA/VA must F, V, B or blank | Presents when the value in this element is not F, V, B, or blank. |
200399 | MHNumUnit | Number of units must be zero or greater | Presents when the value in this element is less than zero. |
200400 | OccupCode | Occupancy code must be 1, 2, 3 or blank | Presents when the value in this element is not 1, 2, 3, or blank. |
200401 | ProjectCode | Project type is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is not A, B, C, E, F, G, 1, 2, P, Q, R, S, T, U, or blank. |
200402 | AvlSecdMktgCode | Saleable code must be Y, N or blank | Presents when the value in this element is not Y, N, or blank. |
200403 | AvlSecdMktgCode | Saleable code cannot be Y for payment code 6 loans | Presents when the value in this element is Y and the
PmtCode element is
6. |
200404 | InvrPurpCode | Purpose/Property type is not set up in the parameters | Presents when the value in the InvrPurpCode element is not
blank or the value in theFHLBPropCode element is not
blank and is not found in the Investor Purpose/Property Type
Parameter File (LNSPRO). |
200404 | FHLBPropCode | Purpose/Property type is not set up in the parameters | Presents when the value in the InvrPurpCode element is not
blank or the value in the FHLBPropCode element is not
blank and is not found in the Investor
Purpose/Property Type Parameter File (LNSPRO). |
200406 | FHLBPurpCode | Loan purpose code must be 1, 2, 3 or blank | Presents when the value in this element is not 1, 2, or 3. |
200407 | FHLBProdCode | Loan product code must be FX15, FX20, FX30, GL15, GL30 or blank | Presents when the value in this element is not blank, FX15, FX20, FX30, GL15, or GL30. |
200408 | SubDebtCode | Subordinated Financing must be Y or blank | Presents when the value in this element is not blank or Y. |
200409 | FHLBDocCode | Documentation type is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is not blank, 3, 5, 6, 7, or 8. |
200410 | RateSpread | Rate spread must be greater than or equal to zero | Presents when the value in this element is less than zero. |
200410 | HighPriceMtgRateVar | Rate spread must be greater than or equal to zero | Presents when the value in this element is less than zero. |
200411 | HOEPAStat | HOEPA status must be Y, N or blank | Presents when the value in this element is not Y or N. |
200412 | FHLBApprCode | FHLB appraisal type must be 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, or blank | Presents when the value in this element is not blank, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, or 09. |
200413 | LnOrigSrcCode | Loan source must be R, B, C or blank | Presents when the value in this element is not R, B, C, or blank. |
200414 | PredatoryLnCode | Lending Category must be CV, HL, NO or blank | Presents when the value in this element is not CV, HL, NO, or blank. |
200415 | MHOccupCode | Occupancy status must be N, U or blank | Presents when the value in this element is not N, U, or blank. |
200416 | MHMHNumUnit | Number of units must be D, M or blank | Presents when the value in this element is not equal to D, M, or blank. |
200417 | MHPriceToOrigPct | Loan-to-Invoice is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is less than zero. |
200418 | OpenDt | Days backdated exceeds tolerance | Presents when the value in this element is greater than the #Days to Backdate (PBKDAYS) field in the Loan Miscellaneous Parameter Physical File (LNPAR2). |
200457 | MinPmtAmt | Minimum payment amount cannot be less than minimum amount due to create a bill | Presents when the minimum payment amount is less than the minimum bill amount and the minimum payment amount is greater than zero. |
200468 | NegAmrtzCapPct | Cost center cannot be changed when branch & group follow account | Presents when the value in this element is less than 100 and not equal to zero, and the Tranche/Loan heading is not Y. |
200473 | MinChkAdva | Amount different than loan type defaulted value | Presents when the Override Min Check Amount (P2PVMCHK$) field in the Loan Miscellaneous Parameter Physical File (LNPAR2) is N and the value in this element is not equal to the value in the Minimum Check Advance (P2MCHK) field in the LNPAR2 file. |
200474 | ShortPmtCode | Roll Due Date/Short Pmts/Payment code 6 must be L,O,B, or N | Presents when the value in this field is not N,
L, O, or
B and the PmtCode element is
6. |
200475 | OddDaysIntBasis | Accrue odd days 365 ibase must be B for Ibase 0, 4, 7 and 9 | Presents when the value in this element is not B and the
IntBasis element is 0,
4, 7, or
9. |
200476 | OddDaysIntBasis | Accrue odd days 365 ibase must be B, L, M, or N | Presents when the value in this element is not B, L, N, or M. |
200477 | DlqRateDays | Delinquent rate days cannot be negative | Presents when the value in this element is less than zero. |
200478 | RegSeniorLienCode | Senior lien can not be zero if outsourced is Y | Presents when the value in this element is Y and the
SrLienAmt element is zero. |
200489 | SCRANotCode | SCRA send code is invalid | Presents when the value in this element is not equal to A, N, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9. |
200490 | SCRANotCode | Corresponding past due notice days must be less than | Presents when the value in this element is equal to A, N, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 and the corresponding Send Past Due Notice Days field in the Loan Miscellaneous Parameter Physical File (LNPAR2) file is greater than 44. |
200493 | N/A | Invalid calc code, no credit line for percent of line calculation | Presents when the Fee Calculation Method (LNPFCDE) file in the Fee Calculation Parameter File (LNPFCL) is P, the Bal Used for Fee Calc (LNPFBAL) field is L, and the customer ID/account ID combination is not found in the Line of Credit Physical File (LNLINE). |
200494 | N/A | Invalid calc code, no credit line for account | Presents when the customer ID/account ID combination is not found in the Line of Credit Physical File (LNLINE). |
200495 | N/A | Fee must capitalize when billed if assessment date is blank | Presents when the Capitalize (PQCPTL) field in the Loan Fee Type Parameter File (LNPARQ) is Y, the Capitalize when Billed (PQCAPB) field is N, and the date is equal to zero. |
200496 | N/A | Calculation code required with frequency fields | Presents when the Fee Code field is blank and the Fee Date field is not zero, the Fee Frequency field is not zero, the Fee Code field is blank, or the Fee Day Of Month field is not zeros. |
200497 | N/A | LOC fee assessment date required for calculation code | Presents when the Fee Date is zero and the Fee Number is 816, is evaluated in the Fee Calculation Parameter File (LNPFCL), and the Days Paid to Zero for Fee (LNPF#DY) is greater than zero. |
200498 | N/A | Line of Cr freq/code required with assessment date | Presents when the Fee Date and the Fee Frequency fields are not zero, or when the Fee Date is not zero and the Frequency Code is not blank. |
200499 | N/A | Line of Cr frequency is invalid | Presents when the Fee Frequency field is zero and the Fee Frequency Code field is not blank, or the Fee Frequency field is *all'9' or less than zero. |
200500 | N/A | Line of Cr freq code must be M or D | Presents when the value in the LnFeeFreqUnits element is not
M, D, or
blank. |
200501 | N/A | Day of month must be 29, 30, or 31 | Presents when the Line of Credit Fee Assessment Day of Month field is not zero, 29, 30, or 31. |
200502 | N/A | Unused fee assessment date required for calculation code | Presents when the Fee Date is zero and the Fee Number is 802 and evaluated in the Fee Calculation Parameter File (LNPFCL) and the Days Paid to Zero for Fee (LNPF#DY) is greater than zero. |
200504 | N/A | Unused line freq/code required with assessment date | Presents when the Unused Fee Date field is not zero and the Fee Frequency field is zero, or when the Fee Date field is not zero and the Fee Frequency Code field is blank. |
200505 | N/A | Unused line frequency is invalid | Presents when the Fee Frequency field is zero and the Fee Frequency Code field is not blank, or the Fee Frequency field is *all'9' or less than zero. |
200506 | N/A | Unused line freq code must be M or D | Presents when the value in the LnFeeFreqUnits element is not
M, D, or
blank. |
200507 | LnStopCode | User Status Code must exist | Presents when the value in this element is blank. |
200510 | N/A | Frequency fields not allowed with calculation code | Presents when the Fee Frequency field is not zero, the Fee Frequency Code field is not blank, or the Fee Day of Month is not zero. |
200563 | N/A | Must enter type 1 code with established position | Presents when the Split Risk Rating 1 is not zero and the Split Risk Rating 1 Established Position field is blank. |
200564 | N/A | Must enter established position with type 1 code | Presents when the Split Risk Rating 1 is not blank and the Split Risk Rating 1 Established Position field is zero. |
200566 | N/A | Risk percent 2 not allowed with established position | Presents when the Split Risk Rating 1 Established Position field is not blank and the Split Risk Rating 2 Percent field is not zero. |
200567 | N/A | Risk code 3 not allowed with established position | Presents when the Split Risk Rating 1 Established Position field is not blank and the Split Risk Rating 3 field is not blank. |
200568 | N/A | Risk amount 3 not allowed with established position | Presents when the Split Risk Rating 1 Established Position field is not blank and the Split Risk Rating 2 Amount field is not zero. |
200569 | N/A | Risk percent 3 not allowed with established position | Presents when the Split Risk Rating 1 Established Position field is not blank and the Split Risk Rating 3 Percent field is not zero. |
200570 | N/A | Established position cannot be negative | Presents when the Split Risk Rating 1 Established Position field is less than zero. |
200571 | N/A | Must enter type 2 code with established position | Presents when the Split Risk Rating 1 Established Position field is not blank and the Split Risk Rating 2 field is blank. |
200572 | N/A | Must enter type 2 code with amount | Presents when the Split Risk Rating 2 is blank and the Split Risk Rating 2 Amount field is not zero. |
200573 | N/A | Must enter type 2 code with percent | Presents when the Split Risk Rating 2 is blank and the Split Risk Rating 2 Percent field is not zero. |
200574 | N/A | Risk amount 2 or risk percent 2 required with risk code 2 | Presents when the Split Risk Rating 1 Established Position field is zero, the Split Risk Rating 2 field is not blank, the Split Risk Rating 2 Amount field is zero, and the Split Risk Rating 2 Percent field is zero. |
200575 | N/A | Risk percent 2 required with risk percent 3 | Presents when the Split Risk Rating 1 Established Position field is zero, the Split Risk Rating 3 field is not blank, the Split Risk Rating 3 Amount field is zero, and the Split Risk Rating 2 Percent field is zero. |
200576 | N/A | Must enter type 3 code with amount | Presents when the Split Risk Rating 3 field is blank and the Split Risk Rating 3 Amount field is not zero. |
200577 | N/A | Must enter type 3 code with percent | Presents when the Split Risk Rating 3 field is blank and the Split Risk Rating 3 Percent field is not zero. |
200578 | N/A | Risk amount 3 or risk percent 3 required with risk code 3 | Presents when the Split Risk Rating 1 Established Position field is zero, the Split Risk Rating 3 field is not blank, the Split Risk Rating 3 Amount field is zero, and the Split Risk Rating 3 Percent field is zero. |
200579 | N/A | Risk code 3 cannot be entered without risk code 2 | Presents when the Split Risk Rating 1 field is blank, the Split Risk Rating 1 Established Position field is zero, the Split Risk Rating 2 field is blank, and the Split Risk Rating 3 field is not blank. |
200580 | N/A | Risk percent 3 required with risk percent 2 | Presents when the Split Risk Rating 1 Established Position field is zero, the Split Risk Rating 2 field is not blank, the Split Risk Rating 2 Percent field is not zero, and the Split Risk Rating 3 Percent field is zero. |
200582 | N/A | Total risk percent cannot be greater than 100% | Presents when the value in the Split Risk Rating 2 Percent field added to the value in the Split Risk Rating 3 Percent field is less than 100. |
200583 | N/A | Invalid risk code | Presents when the value in the Primary Risk Rating field is not blank and is not found in the Split Risk Rating Parameter File (LNPSRR). |
200584 | RiskRateDt | Risk date cannot be greater than next processing date | Presents when the value in this element is greater than the next business day. |
200585 | N/A | Invalid type 1 risk code | Presents when the Split Risk Rating 1 field is not blank and is not found in the Split Risk Rating Parameter File (LNPSRR). |
200586 | N/A | Invalid type 2 risk code | Presents when the Split Risk Rating 2 field is not blank and is not found in the Split Risk Rating Parameter File (LNPSRR). |
200587 | N/A | Invalid type 3 risk code | Presents when the Split Risk Rating 3 field is not blank and is not found in the Split Risk Rating Parameter File (LNPSRR). |
200600 | PrePmtPenRenTermUnits | Must be D or M | Presents when the value in this element is not equal to D or M. |
200619 | PmtCode | Payment code must be zero on an amortized loan | Presents when the IntBase element is 4,
5, or 7 and the
PmtCode element is not zero. |
200706 | LnUnitRptMthd | Must be U, D, M, or blank | Presents when the value in this element is not U, D, M, or blank. |
200710 | SpecLndType | Reporting method must be a U for specialty lending loan | Presents when the value in the SpecLndType element is
Y and the LnUnitRptMthd
field is not U. |
200710 | LnUnitRptMthd | Reporting method must be a U for specialty lending loan | Presents when the value in the SpecLndType element is
Y and the LnUnitRptMthd
field is not U. |
200731 | RateRevDayOfMonth | Review day must be 29, 30, 31, or zero | Presents when the value in this element is not 29, 30, or 31. |
200753 | PrtRateChgNotCode | ARM/Rate Notice Type must be A, N, P, or R | Presents when the value in this element is not A, N, R, or P. |
200754 | PrtRateChgNotCode | ARM/Rate Notice Type must be N or R when loan is not an ARM | Presents when the value in this element is not N or R and the Has ARM field is Y. |
200755 | InitARMNotType | Initial ARM Notice Sent must be Y, N, or X | Presents when the value in this element is not Y, N, or X. |
200757 | DaysInitARMNot | #Days for Initial ARM notice must be greater than 0 | Presents when the value in this element is less than or equal to zero and the
PrtRateChgNotCode element is
P and InitARMNotType element
is not Y or X. |
200758 | DaysInitARMNot | #Days for Initial ARM notice must be 0 or greater | Presents when the value in this element is less than zero. |
200759 | DaysInitARMNot | Number of days for Initial ARM notice must be zero | Presents when the value in this element is not zero and the Number of Days for Initial ARM Notice field is not P. |
200760 | DaysInitARMNot | Number of days for Initial ARM notice exceeds loan type default | Presents when the value in this element is greater than the value in the Loan Miscellaneous Parameter Physical File (LNPAR2). |
200762 | QualResMtgCode | Value not defined in the Qualified Mortgage Parm File | Presents when the value in this element is not blank and is not valid in the Qualified Mortgage Parameter File (LNPARQM). |
200762 | QualMtgCode | Value not defined in the Qualified Mortgage Parm File | Presents when the value in this element is not blank and is not valid in the Qualified Mortgage Parameter File (LNPARQM). |
200763 | QualMtgCode | Cannot enter a QRM code in the QM field | Presents when the Qualified Residential Mortgage Y/N field in the Qualified Mortgage Parameter File (LNPARQM) is Y. |
200764 | QualResMtgCode | Cannot enter a QM code in the QRM field | Presents when the Qualified Residential Mortgage Y/N field in the Qualified Mortgage Parameter File (LNPARQM) is N. |
200768 | PrtRateChgNotCode | This field not allowed on MPLOC type loans | Presents when the Master Plan Line of Credit Type field
is S or Y and the
LnUnitRptMthd element is blank and the
PrtRateChgNotCode element is not
R. |
200768 | DaysInitARMNot | This field not allowed on MPLOC type loans | Presents when the Master Plan Line of Credit
Type field is S or
Y and the LnUnitRptMthd
element is blank and the PrtRateChgNotCode element is
not R. |
200768 | InitARMNotType | This field not allowed on MPLOC type loans | Presents when the Master Plan Line of Credit
Type field is S or
Y and the LnUnitRptMthd
element is blank and the PrtRateChgNotCode element is
not R. |
200821 | PenAnnPctRate | Cannot participate a loan with penalty APR | Presents when the PrtcpCode element is not blank or
B. |
200821 | PenAnnPctIdxNum | Cannot participate a loan with penalty APR | Presents when the PrtcpCode element is not blank or
B. |
200821 | PrtcpCode | Cannot participate a loan with penalty APR | Presents when the PrtcpCode element is not blank or
B. |
200823 | RateCapUp | Rate caps not valid, loan has a penalty APR | Presents when the value in this element is not zero. |
200823 | PenAnnPctIdxNum | Rate caps not valid, loan has a penalty APR | Presents when the value in this element is not zero. |
200823 | RateCapRevTerm | Rate caps not valid, loan has a penalty APR | Presents when the value in this element is not zero. |
200823 | PenAnnPctRate | Rate caps not valid, loan has a penalty APR | Presents when the value in this element is not zero. |
200823 | PenAnnPctIdxNum | Rate caps not valid, loan has a penalty APR | Presents when the value in this element is not zero. |
200823 | PenAnnPctRate | Rate caps not valid, loan has a penalty APR | Presents when the value in this element is not zero. |
200823 | PenAnnPctRate | Rate caps not valid, loan has a penalty APR | Presents when the value in this element is not zero. |
200823 | PenAnnPctIdxNum | Rate caps not valid, loan has a penalty APR | Presents when the value in this element is not zero. |
200823 | RateCapDown | Rate caps not valid, loan has a penalty APR | Presents when the value in this element is not zero. |
200824 | PenAnnPctRate | Rounding method not valid, loan has a penalty APR | Presents when the value in this element is not zero. |
200824 | PenAnnPctIdxNum | Rounding method not valid, loan has a penalty APR | Presents when the value in this element is not zero. |
200824 | RateRoundToPct | Rounding method not valid, loan has a penalty APR | Presents when the value in this element is not zero. |
200825 | PenAnnPctRate | Payment amount cap not valid, loan has a penalty APR | Presents when the value in this element is not zero. |
200825 | PenAnnPctIdxNum | Payment amount cap not valid, loan has a penalty APR | Presents when the value in this element is not zero. |
200825 | PmtReAmrtzCap | Payment amount cap not valid, loan has a penalty APR | Presents when the value in this element is not zero. |
200826 | PenAnnPctIdxNum | Cannot reamortize, loan has a penalty APR | Presents when the ReAmrtzPmt element is not
N or when the
PmtReAmrtzPeriod element is not zero. |
200826 | ReAmrtzPmt | Cannot reamortize, loan has a penalty APR | Presents when the ReAmrtzPmt element is not
N or when the
PmtReAmrtzPeriod element is not zero. |
200826 | PmtReAmrtzPeriod | Cannot reamortize, loan has a penalty APR | Presents when the ReAmrtzPmt element is not
N or when the
PmtReAmrtzPeriod element is not zero. |
200826 | PenAnnPctIdxNum | Cannot reamortize, loan has a penalty APR | Presents when the ReAmrtzPmt element is not
N or when the
PmtReAmrtzPeriod element is not zero. |
200826 | PenAnnPctRate | Cannot reamortize, loan has a penalty APR | Presents when the ReAmrtzPmt element is not
N or when the
PmtReAmrtzPeriod element is not zero. |
200826 | PenAnnPctRate | Cannot reamortize, loan has a penalty APR | Presents when the ReAmrtzPmt element is not
N or when the
PmtReAmrtzPeriod element is not zero. |
200827 | PenAnnPctRate | Delinquent rate index cannot be used, loan has a penalty APR | Presents when the value in the DlqRateIdxNum element is greater
than zero. |
200827 | PenAnnPctIdxNum | Delinquent rate index cannot be used, loan has a penalty APR | Presents when the value in the DlqRateIdxNum
element is greater than zero. |
200827 | DlqRateIdxNum | Delinquent rate index cannot be used, loan has a penalty APR | Presents when the value in the DlqRateIdxNum
element is greater than zero. |
200828 | PenAnnPctIdxNum | Delinquent rate cannot be used, loan has a penalty APR | Presents when the value in the DlqRate element is greater than
zero. |
200828 | DlqRate | Delinquent rate cannot be used, loan has a penalty APR | Presents when the value in the DlqRate element is
greater than zero. |
200828 | PenAnnPctRate | Delinquent rate cannot be used, loan has a penalty APR | Presents when the value in the DlqRate element is
greater than zero. |
200829 | PenAnnPctIdxNum | # days before rate change must be zero, loan has a penalty APR | Presents when the value in the DaysBeforeRateChg element is
greater than zero. |
200829 | DaysBeforeRateChg | # days before rate change must be zero, loan has a penalty APR | Presents when the value in the DaysBeforeRateChg
element is greater than zero. |
200829 | PenAnnPctRate | # days before rate change must be zero, loan has a penalty APR | Presents when the value in the DaysBeforeRateChg
element is greater than zero. |
200830 | PenAnnPctIdxNum | Penalty APR index number is invalid | Presents when the value in this element is greater than zero and not found in the Master Rate Physical File (JHRATE) |
200831 | PenAnnPctIdxNum | Penalty APR index number cannot be entered when penalty APR is used | Presents when the value in the PenAnnPctRate element is
greater than zero. |
200831 | PenAnnPctRate | Penalty APR index number cannot be entered when penalty APR is used | Presents when the value in this element is greater than zero. |
200832 | PenAnnPctRate | Invalid penalty APR | Presents when the value in this element is less than zero. |
200833 | PenNotDays | Invalid days past due for penalty notice | Presents when the value in this element is less than zero. |
200834 | PenNotDays | Number of days past due for penalty notice must be entered | Presents when the PenAnnPctIdxNum element is greater than zero
or when the PenAnnPctRate element is greater than zero
and the PenNotDays element is zero. |
200835 | PenEffDays | Invalid days after notice to apply penalty APR | Presents when the value in this element is less than zero. |
200836 | PenEffDays | Number of days after notice to apply penalty APR must be entered | Presents when the PenAnnPctIdxNum element is greater than zero
or when the PenAnnPctRate element is greater than zero
and the PenEffDays element is zero. |
200837 | PenRevTerm | Invalid penalty APR review term | Presents when the value in this element is less than zero. |
200838 | PenRevTerm | Penalty APR review term must be entered | Presents when the value in this element is equal to zero and the
PenRevTermUnits element is blank or the
PenAnnPctIdxNum element is greater than zero or the
PenAnnPctRate ir greater than zero. |
200839 | PenRevTerm | Penalty APR review term code must be entered | Presents when PenRevTerm element is greater than zero and the
PenRevTermUnits element is blank. |
200839 | PenRevTermUnits | Penalty APR review term code must be entered | Presents when PenRevTerm element is greater than
zero and the PenRevTermUnits element is blank. |
200840 | PenRevTermUnits | Penalty APR review term code must be D or M | Presents when the value in this element is not D, M, or blank. |
200863 | NonBusDayRateRevType | Not allowed on Specialty Lending loans | Presents when the Master Plan Line of Credit field in the
Loan Miscellaneous Parameter Physical File
(LNPAR2) is S and the value in the
IntBase element does not match the value in the
Interest Base field in the Loan New
Account File (LNTNEW). Also presents when the
NonBusDayRateRevType code is not
N and the Master Plan Line of
Credit field in the LNPAR2 file is
S. Also presents when the
BusDayRateRevType is not N
and the Master Plan Line of Credit field in the
LNPAR2 is S. |
200863 | BusDayRateRevType | Not allowed on Specialty Lending loans | Presents when the Master Plan Line of Credit
field in the Loan Miscellaneous Parameter
Physical File (LNPAR2) is S and
the value in the IntBase element does not match the
value in the Interest Base field in the
Loan New Account File (LNTNEW). Also presents
when the NonBusDayRateRevType code is not
N and the Master Plan Line of
Credit field in the LNPAR2 file is
S. Also presents when the
BusDayRateRevType is not N
and the Master Plan Line of Credit field in the
LNPAR2 is S. |
200863 | IntBasis | Not allowed on Specialty Lending loans | Presents when the Master Plan Line of Credit
field in the Loan Miscellaneous Parameter
Physical File (LNPAR2) is S and
the value in the IntBase element does not match the
value in the Interest Base field in the
Loan New Account File (LNTNEW). Also presents
when the NonBusDayRateRevType code is not
N and the Master Plan Line of
Credit field in the LNPAR2 file is
S. Also presents when the
BusDayRateRevType is not N
and the Master Plan Line of Credit field in the
LNPAR2 is S. |
200973 | LnUnvId | Invalid Entry, Universal Loan Identifier already exists | Presents when the value in this element is evaluated with the account number/type combination in the View of Loan Accounts with Active ULI Records (LNACCTV01) file and already exists. |
200987 | LOCAcctId | Cannot attach loan when line is a commitment | Presents when the Type of Credit Line field in the Line of Credit Physical File (LNLINE) is 7. |
201002 | NonBusDayRateRevType | Not allowed on MPLOC loans | Presents when the value in the NonBusDayRateRevType element is
not N and the Master Plan
Line of Credit field in the Loan
Miscellaneous Parameter Physical File (LNPAR2) is
Y or the Specialty
Lending field is Y. |
201002 | BusDayRateRevType | Not allowed on MPLOC loans | Presents when the value in the NonBusDayRateRevType
element is not N and the Master Plan Line of Credit field in the Loan Miscellaneous Parameter Physical File
(LNPAR2) is Y or the Specialty Lending field is
Y. |
201127 | RateRevDt | Rate review date cannot be in the past | Presents when the value in this element is greater than zero and is less than the next business day. |
202010 | EstbPersonName.ComName | Cannot be blank | Presents when the value in this element is blank. |
202010 | EstbPersonTitle | Cannot be blank | Presents when the value in this element is blank. |
202017 | CrBureauRptCode | Report to Credit Bureau must be Yes or No | Presents when the value in this element is not Y or N. |
202018 | CrBureauRptCode | Report to Credit Bureau must be No. Loan type credit bureau type code invalid | Presents when the value in this element is Y and the Credit Bureau Type field in the Loan Miscellaneous Parameter Physical File (LNPAR2) is not C, I, M, O, or R. |
202025 | LienPositCode | Must be valid value 0-9 | Presents when the value in this element is less than zero or greater than 9. |
202026 | InvrPropType | Must be PT01, PT02, PT04, PT06, PT07, PT09, PT10, PT11, or blank | Presents when the value in this element is not PT01, PT02, PT04, PT06, PT07, PT09, PT10, PT11 or blank. |
202046 | MltryLnActType | Military APR covered loan must be Yes or No | Presents when the value in this element is not Y or N. |
202049 | ChgYrFeeCode | Invalid code must be Yes or No | Presents when the value in this element is not Y or N. |
202051 | CrtBilDOM | Field must be zero when send notice is N | Presents when the value in this element is not zero and the Print Bill Notice field is N. |
202052 | CrtBilDOM | Field must be zero for payment code 6 loans | Presents when the value in this element is not zero and the
PmtCode element is
6. |
202053 | CrtBilDOM | Field must be zero for MPLOC loan | Presents when the value in this element is not zero and the Master Plan Line of Credit field in the Loan Miscellaneous Parameter Physical File (LNPAR2) is Y. |
202054 | CrtBilDOM | Field must be zero when using alternate payment schedule | Presents when the value in this element is not zero and an alternate payment schedule is used. |
202055 | CrtBilDOM | Day of month must be 0 thru 31 | Presents when the value in this element is not zero and the statement day is less than zero or greater than 31. |
202056 | CrtBilDOM | Day of month must be zero for frequency code S or D loans | Presents when the value in this element is not zero and the
PmtTermUnits element is S or
D. |
202057 | CrtBilDOM | Day of month must be 0 if using number of days before pay date to print bill | Presents when the value in this element is not zero and the
BilLeadDays element is not zero. |
202058 | IntBasis | Valid entries are 0, 1, 2, and 3 | Presents when the value in this element is not 0, 1, 2, or 3 and the Interest Base field in the Loan Miscellaneous Parameter Physical File (LNPAR2) is 0, 1, 2, or 3. |
202059 | IntBasis | Entry not allowed for loan type | Presents when the value in this element does not match what is in the
Loan New Account File (LNTNEW) and the
LnUnitRptMthd element is U
or D. |
202060 | IntBasis | Interest Base invalid for Payment Code 6 loan | Presents when the value in this element is 0,
1, 2, or
3 and the PmtCode element is
6. |
202061 | IntBasis | Valid entries are 4, 5 or 7 | Presents when the value in this element is not 4, 5, or 7 and the value in the Loan Miscellaneous Parameter Physical File (LNPAR2) is not 4, 5, or 7. |
202062 | IntBasis | Entry not allowed when loan type calculates interest using ibase 3 method | Presents when the value in this element is not 5, the Use iBase 3 field in the Loan Miscellaneous Parameter Physical File (LNPAR2) is Y and the Interest Base field in the LNPAR2 file is 4, 5, or 7. |
202063 | IntBasis | Interest Base Invalid when Accrual Billing method is Billing Date | Presents when the AccrBilMthd element is not
D, the Interest Base
field in the Loan Miscellaneous Parameter
Physical File (LNPAR2) is 4,
5, or 7, and the value
in the IntBasis element is
5. |
202073 | MinBilAmt | Must be Zero when Send Bill Regardless of Due Date is Yes | Presents when the value in this element is not zero and the Send Bill Regardless of Due Date field is Y. |
202074 | PrtBilNotCode | Send Billing Notice is invalid for Payment Code 6 | Presents when the value in this element is Y and the
PmtCode element is
6. |
202075 | PrtBilNotCode | Send payment billings is not valid for loan | Presents when the value in this element is not S or Y and the Send Bill Regardless of Due Date field is Y. |
202078 | NumProp | Valid values are 0-9999 | Presents when the value in this element is less than zero or greater than 9999. |
202124 | PrioritySeq | Property Description sent without Priority Sequence | Presents when the property description is populated and the value in this element is a null value. |
202125 | PrioritySeq | Property Description Priority Sequence must be between 1 and 3 | Presents when the value in this element is not equal to 1, 2, or 3. |
202126 | PrioritySeq | Same Property Description Priority Sequence sent more than once | Presents when the property description has more than one priority sequence. |
202131 | NonBusDayRateRevType | Must be Yes, No or Override | Presents when the value in this element is evaluated in the Loan Table - General Information (LNACCT) file and a match is not found. |
202132 | BusDayRateRevType | Must be No, Calendar, Before Business Day, or After Business Day | Presents when the value in this element is evaluated in the Loan Table - General Information (LNACCT) file and a match is not found. |
202136 | BusDayRateRevType | Must be No when Open End Non-Real Estate Secured Product is Yes at Loan Type | Presents when the NonBusDayRateRevType or
BusDayRateRevType element is not
N and the Open End Non-RE Secured
Reg Z Loan field in the Loan
Miscellaneous Parameter Physical File (LNPAR2) is
N. |
202136 | NonBusDayRateRevType | Must be No when Open End Non-Real Estate Secured Product is Yes at Loan Type | Presents when the NonBusDayRateRevType or
BusDayRateRevType element is not
N and the Open End Non-RE Secured
Reg Z Loan field in the Loan
Miscellaneous Parameter Physical File (LNPAR2) is
N. |
202137 | PrtRateChgNotCode | Invalid if Non-Business Day Rate Review Code and Business/Calendar Days Rate Look | Presents when the BusDayRateRevType element is
N, the PrtRateChgNotCode
element is R, and the
NonBusDayRateRevType element is
N. |
202139 | PrtRateChgNotCode | Rate Lookback Notice invalid if Open End Non-Real Estate Secured is Yes at Loan | Presents when this element is R and the Open End Non-RE Secured Reg Z Loan field in the Loan Miscellaneous Parameter Physical File (LNPAR2) is not N. |
202140 | BusDayRateRevType | Must be No if Rate Review Date does not exist | Presents when the NonBusDayRateRevType element is not
N and the RateRevDt element
is zero. |
202140 | RateRevDt | Must be No if Rate Review Date does not exist | Presents when the NonBusDayRateRevType element is
not N and the RateRevDt element
is zero. |
202140 | NonBusDayRateRevType | Must be No if Rate Review Date does not exist | Presents when the NonBusDayRateRevType element is
not N and the RateRevDt element
is zero. |
202144 | RestructuredDt | Restructured Debt Flag is No but Restructured Date is not Blank | Presents when the RestructuredDr element is
N and the RestructuredDt
element is not blank or zero. |
202153 | PayoffPrePmtPenStartDt | Pre-Payment Penalty Start Date is greater than Loan Maturity Date | Presents when the value in this element is greater than the maturity date. |
202154 | PayoffPrePmtPenExpDt | Pre-Payment Penalty Expiration Date is less than Loan Origination Date | Presents when the value in this element is greater than the origination date. |
202157 | PayoffPrePmtPenExpDt | Pre_Payment Penalty Expiration Date is less than Prepayment Penalty Start Date | Presents when the value in this element is less than the pre-payment penalty start date. |
202159 | RateLookbackDays | Rate lookback days not supported with Tiered Rates | Presents when the value in this element is not zero and the Loan Tiered field is Y. |
202160 | RateLookbackDays | Rate lookback days not supported with Payment code 6 loans | Presents when the value in this element is not zero and the
PmtCode element is not
6. |
202161 | RateLookbackDays | Rate Lookback Days only valid on Daily Variable or Back Date Rate Change Loans | Presents when the value in this element is not zero, the
RateRevTerm element is not 1
or D, and the RateIdxNum element
is greater than zero, or the RateRevDt element is
greater than zero. |
202162 | RateLookbackDays | Lookback days must be less than 30 calendar days or 20 business days | Presents when the RateLookbackType element is
B and the RateLookbackDays
element is greater than 20, or the
RateLookbackType element is
C and the RateLookbackDays
element is less than zero or greater than
30. |
202165 | RateLookbackType | Lookback basis type must be populated when using lookback days | Presents when the value in this element is blank. |
202166 | RateLookbackType | Lookback basis type must be Business or Calendar days | Presents when the value in this element is not blank, B, or C. |
202167 | BackdateRateChngType | Back Date Rate Change Type must be Yes or No | Presents when the value in this element is Y or N. |
202168 | RateIdxType | Master parameter Rate Index Type value does not match loan value | Presents when the value in this element is not R and the corresponding field in the Secondary Master Rate Index (JHSRAT_X) file does not match. Also presents if the value in this element is I and the corresponding field in the JHSRAT_X file does not match or is not found. |
202169 | TermCnt | Back Date Rate Change Type; Rate Term/Code must match Loan Term/Code | Presents when the PmtCode element is 5
and the RateRevTerm element is not equal to the
AcctType element, or the
RateRevTermUnits element is not equal to the
TermUnits element. |
202169 | RateRevTerm | Back Date Rate Change Type; Rate Term/Code must match Loan Term/Code | Presents when the PmtCode element is
5 and the RateRevTerm
element is not equal to the AcctType element, or the
RateRevTermUnits element is not equal to the
TermUnits element. |
202169 | TermUnits | Back Date Rate Change Type; Rate Term/Code must match Loan Term/Code | Presents when the PmtCode element is
5 and the RateRevTerm
element is not equal to the AcctType element, or the
RateRevTermUnits element is not equal to the
TermUnits element. |
202169 | RateRevTermUnits | Back Date Rate Change Type; Rate Term/Code must match Loan Term/Code | Presents when the PmtCode element is
5 and the RateRevTerm
element is not equal to the AcctType element, or the
RateRevTermUnits element is not equal to the
TermUnits element. |
202170 | RateRevDt | Back Date Rate Change Type cannot be Yes if no rate review date | Presents when the Rate Review Date field in the Loan New Account File (LNTNEW) is zero. |
202170 | BackdateRateChngType | Back Date Rate Change Type cannot be Yes if no rate review date | Presents when the Rate Review Date field in the Loan New Account File (LNTNEW) is zero. |
202171 | BackdateRateChngType | Back Date Rate Change Type; Rate Review Date cannot be greater than Maturity | Presents when the Rate Review Date field in the Loan New Account File (LNTNEW) is greater than the maturity date. |
202171 | RateRevDt | Back Date Rate Change Type; Rate Review Date cannot be greater than Maturity | Presents when the Rate Review Date field in the Loan New Account File (LNTNEW) is greater than the maturity date. |
202172 | RateLookbackDays | Loan must use 1 or greater Lookback Days to use Back Date Rate Change Type | Presents when the value in the RateRevDt element is less than or
equal to zero. |
202172 | BackdateRateChngType | Loan must use 1 or greater Lookback Days to use Back Date Rate Change Type | Presents when the value in the RateRevDt element is
less than or equal to zero. |
202173 | RateLookbackType | Back Date Rate Change Type only valid with Business Day Lookback Basis | Presents when the value in the RateLookbackType element is not
B. |
202173 | BackdateRateChngType | Back Date Rate Change Type only valid with Business Day Lookback Basis | Presents when the value in the RateLookbackType
element is not B. |
202174 | PmtCode | Back Date Rate Change Type only valid with Payment Code 0, 1, 2 or 5 Loans | Presents when the value in the PmtCode element is not
0, 1,
2, or 5. |
202174 | BackdateRateChngType | Back Date Rate Change Type only valid with Payment Code 0, 1, 2 or 5 Loans | Presents when the value in the PmtCode element is
not 0, 1,
2, or 5. |
202175 | BackdateRateChngType | Back Date Rate Change Type only valid with Zero Days for Rate Notice | Presents when the value in the DaysBeforeRateChg element is not
zero. |
202175 | DaysBeforeRateChg | Back Date Rate Change Type only valid with Zero Days for Rate Notice | Presents when the value in the DaysBeforeRateChg
element is not zero. |
202177 | BackdateRateChngType | Back Date Rate Change Type must be Yes to use factor index fields | Presents when the value in this element is not Y, the
RateIdxType element is I,
and the BegFactorIdx element is not zero. |
202178 | RateIdxType | Rate Index Type must be Index or Rate | Presents when the value in this element is not R or I. |
202179 | BegFactorIdx | Beginning Factor Index must be greater than .9 and less than 2 | Presents when the RateIdxType element is
I and the BegFactorIdx
element is less than or equal to 0.90000, greater
than or equal to 2.0000 and not equal to
zero. |
202181 | RateIdxType | Rate Index Type must be Index for loan to have a Beginning Factor Index | Presents when the RateIdxType element is
I and the BegFactorIdx
element is not zero. |
202181 | BegFactorIdx | Rate Index Type must be Index for loan to have a Beginning Factor Index | Presents when the RateIdxType element is
I and the BegFactorIdx
element is not zero. |
202182 | RateIdxType | Loan must have Rate Review Date to use Index as Rate Index Type | Presents when the RateIdxType element is I
and the Rate Review Date field in the
Loan New Account File (LNTNEW) is zero. |
202183 | BegFactorIdx | Beginning Factor Index Date/Value out of sync from rate history file | Presents when the Current Index field in the
Daily Jhrate Chgs by Rate/Regn/Date
(JHRATDCX01) file is not equal to the value in the
BegFactorIdx element. |
202183 | BegFactorIdxDt | Beginning Factor Index Date/Value out of sync from rate history file | Presents when the Current Index field in the
Daily Jhrate Chgs by Rate/Regn/Date
(JHRATDCX01) file is not equal to the value in the
BegFactorIdx element. |
202184 | BegFactorIdxDt | Beginning Factor Index Date must be a business day | Presents when the Business/Calendar Day field in the Daily Jhrate Chgs by Rate/Regn/Date (JHRATDCX01) file is not B. |
202186 | RateIdxType | Rate Index Type is Index, loan must have a Beginning Factor Index Date | Presents when the RateIdxType element is not
I and the BegFactorIdx
element is *loval. |
202187 | BegFactorIdxDt | Beginning Factor Index Date cannot be greater than Maturity | Presents when the RateIdxType element is
I and the BegFactorIdx is
greater than the maturity date. |
202196 | PmtTermUnits | Back Date Rate Change; Rate Term/Code must match Payment Term/Code & be Monthly | Presents when the PmtCode element is not
5 and the RateRevTerm
element is not equal to the PmtTerm element. Also
presents when the RateRevTermUnits element is not equal
to the PmtTermUnits element. Also presents when the
PmtTermUnits or RateRevTermUnits
element is not M. |
202196 | RateRevTerm | Back Date Rate Change; Rate Term/Code must match Payment Term/Code & be Monthly | Presents when the PmtCode element is not
5 and the RateRevTerm
element is not equal to the PmtTerm element. Also
presents when the RateRevTermUnits element is not equal
to the PmtTermUnits element. Also presents when the
PmtTermUnits or RateRevTermUnits
element is not M. |
202196 | RateRevTermUnits | Back Date Rate Change; Rate Term/Code must match Payment Term/Code & be Monthly | Presents when the PmtCode element is not
5 and the RateRevTerm
element is not equal to the PmtTerm element. Also
presents when the RateRevTermUnits element is not equal
to the PmtTermUnits element. Also presents when the
PmtTermUnits or RateRevTermUnits
element is not M. |
202196 | PmtTerm | Back Date Rate Change; Rate Term/Code must match Payment Term/Code & be Monthly | Presents when the PmtCode element is not
5 and the RateRevTerm
element is not equal to the PmtTerm element. Also
presents when the RateRevTermUnits element is not equal
to the PmtTermUnits element. Also presents when the
PmtTermUnits or RateRevTermUnits
element is not M. |
202304 | LnUnitDesc | Unit description cannot be blank | Presents when the value in this element is blank and the
LnUnitRptMthd element is
M. |
202333 | LnUnitDesc | Unit description must be blank | Presents when the value in this element is blank and the
LnUnitRptMthd element is
M. |
202334 | LnUnitRptMthd | Unit Reporting Method not valid for loan type | Presents when the Master Plan Line of Credit field in the
Loan Miscellaneous Parameter Physical File
(LNPAR2) is Y and the
LnUnitRptMthd element is not
M, or when the Master Plan Line of
Credit field is not Y and the
LnUnitRptMthd is M. Also
presents when the Master Plan Line of Credit field
is S, the LnUnitRptMthd element
is not U, and the Specialty
Lending field is Y. |
202334 | SpecLndType | Unit Reporting Method not valid for loan type | Presents when the Master Plan Line of Credit
field in the Loan Miscellaneous Parameter
Physical File (LNPAR2) is Y and
the LnUnitRptMthd element is not
M, or when the Master Plan Line of
Credit field is not Y and the
LnUnitRptMthd is M. Also
presents when the Master Plan Line of Credit field
is S, the LnUnitRptMthd element
is not U, and the Specialty
Lending field is Y. |
202337 | LOCAcctId | Invalid Credit Line. Line type for MPLOC must be 1 or 2. | Presents when this element is checked against the Line of Credit Physical File (LNLINE) and the line type for the account is not 1 or 2. |
202338 | LOCAcctId | Credit Line is attached to another loan and cannot be added to a MPLOC loan | Presents when this element is checked against the Line of Credit Physical File (LNLINE) and the credit line is attached to another loan. |
202339 | PrtRateChgNotCode | Rate Notice Type must be Y or N for MPLOC Accounts | Presents when the value in this element is not Y or N. |
261201 | AccrBilMthd | Accrual billing method is invalid | Presents when the value in this element is evaluated in the Program/Field Help File (JHPARHV) and the file, field, and field values are not found. |
261202 | AccrBilMthd | Payment code 6, Accrual billing method must be Billing Date | Presents when the PmtCode element is 6
and the AccrBilMthd element is not
B. |
261202 | PmtCode | Payment code 6, Accrual billing method must be Billing Date | Presents when the PmtCode element is
6 and the AccrBilMthd
element is not B. |
290054 | RateIdxNum | Prime rate number must be used with tiered rate type | Presents when the value in this element is equal to zero. |
290060 | LnTierRate | At least two tiers required for tiered rate loans | Presents when the value in this element is equal to zero. |
290061 | LnTierRateBal | Invalid balance, must be prior balance | Presents when the balance tier is evaluated with this element and is determined to be invalid. |
290100 | PrePmtPenCode | Prepayment penalty code not allowed with this curtailment/recoupment penalty | Presents when the Assess at Payoff (PPPRAS) field in the Curtailment/Recoupment Penalty Parameter File (LNPPAR) is Y and the value in this element is blank. |
290101 | SynMemberId | Taking accrued interest to date is not valid with syndicated loans | Presents when the SynAgentId or SynMemberId
element is not zero and the Take Accr Int to Dt on Int Only
SBA field in the Loan
Miscellaneous Parameter Physical File (LNPAR2) is
Y. |
290101 | SynAgentId | Taking accrued interest to date is not valid with syndicated loans | Presents when the SynAgentId or
SynMemberId element is not zero and the
Take Accr Int to Dt on Int Only SBA field in
the Loan Miscellaneous Parameter Physical File
(LNPAR2) is Y. |
290102 | CurtPenCode | Invalid curtailment/recoupment code | Presents when the value in this element is not zero, the
PrtcpCode element is not S,
and the value is evaluated in the Curtailment/Recoupment
Penalty Parameter File (LNPPAR) and is not valid. |
290103 | CurtPenCode | Curtailment/recoupment penalty code is invalid for participation code S loans | Presents when the value in this element is not zero and the
PrtcpCode element is
S. |
290104 | CurtPenCode | Curtailment/recoupment penalty code not valid for ibase 9 loans | Presents when the value in this element is not zero and the
IntBase element is
9. |
290105 | CurtPenCode | Curtailment/recoupment penalty code not valid for payment code 6 loans | Presents when the value in this element is not zero and the
PmtCode element is
6. |
290106 | CurtPenCode | This curtailment/recoupment penalty not allowed with prepayment penalty | Presents when the value in this element is not zero, the Assess at
Payoff field in the Curtailment/Recoupment
Penalty Parameter File (LNPPAR) is
Y, and the PrePmtPenCode
element is not blank. |
290107 | CurtPenCode | Curtailment/recoupment penalty code not valid with cycled loans | Presents when the value in this element is not zero and the
StmtCycle element is not zero. |
290108 | CurtPenCode | Curtailment/recoupment penalty code not valid with syndicated loans | Presents when the value in this element is not zero and the
SynAgentId element is not zero. |
290109 | PrePmtPenStartDt | Penalty start date is not valid for participation id S loans | Presents when the Participation Code field is set to S and this element is not equal to zero. |
290110 | PrePmtPenRenDt | Penalty renewal date is not valid for participation id S loans | Presents when the Participation Code field is set to S and this element is not equal to zero. |
290111 | PrePmtPenExpDt | Penalty expiration date is not valid for participation id S loans | Presents when the Participation Code field is set to S and this element is not equal to zero. |
290112 | PrePmtPenRenTermUnits | Penalty renewal code is not valid for participation id S loans | Presents when the Participation Code field is set to S and this element is not equal to zero. |
290114 | RecoupPenAffPrtcp | Recoupment penalty pass to this loan must be blank | Presents when the Curtailment/Recoupment Penalty Type field is not equal to zero and this element is not blank. |
290115 | RecoupPenAffPrtcpPct | Recoupment penalty percentage to pass to this loan must be blank | Presents when the Curtailment/Recoupment Penalty Type field is not equal to zero and this element is not equal to zero. |
290116 | PrePmtPenStartDt | Penalty start date is not valid | Presents when the value in this element does not meet the format criteria. |
290117 | PrePmtPenStartDt | Penalty start date is equal to maturity date | Presents when this element is populated, matches the maturity date, and the Curtailment/Recoupment Penalty Type field is not equal to zero. |
290118 | PrePmtPenStartDt | Penalty start date cannot be before origination date | Presents when this element is populated, is less than the opening date, and the Curtailment/Recoupment Penalty Type field is not equal to zero. |
290119 | PrePmtPenRenDt | Penalty renewal date is not valid | Presents when this element is not equal to zero and does not meet the date format criteria when validated. |
290120 | PrePmtPenRenDt | Penalty renewal date is before penalty start date | Presents when the penalty renewal date is populated and the value is less than
the value in the PrePmtPenStartDt element. |
290121 | PrePmtPenRenDt | Penalty renewal date must have penalty renewal frequency | Presents when the penalty renewal date is greater than zero, the
Curtailment/Recoupment Penalty Type field is
not equal to zero, and the PrePmtPenStartDt element is
equal to zero. |
290122 | PrePmtPenRenTerm | Penalty renewal date must be entered when renewal frequency is entered | Presents when the penalty renewal date is equal to zero and the renewal frequency is not equal to zero. |
290123 | PrePmtPenExpDt | Penalty expiration date is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is not in the expected format or not enough digits. |
290124 | PrePmtPenRenTerm | Penalty renewal frequency must be entered with renewal frequency code | Presents when the value in this element is equal to zero and the renewal frequency code is not equal to blank. |
290125 | PrePmtPenExpDt | Expiration date cannot be less than or equal to start date | Presents when the value in this element is less than or equal to the start date. |
290126 | CurtPenAffPrtcp | Curtailment penalty pass to this loan must be N for this penalty type | Presents when the Pass to Sold Days field is equal to zero and the value in this element is not sent as N. |
290127 | RecoupPenAffPrtcp | Recoupment penalty pass to this loan must be N for this penalty type | Presents when the Pass to Sold Loan field is set to N or blank and this element is not equal to N. |
290128 | RecoupPenAffPrtcpPct | Recoupment penalty percentage to pass to this loan must be zero | Presents when the Pass to Sold Loan field is not set to Y and this element is not equal to zero. |
290129 | RecoupPenAffPrtcpPct | Recoupment penalty percentage only valid with D penalty type | Presents when the Pass to Sold Loan field is not set to D, the Recoupment to Sold Loan is not equal to Y, and the value in this element is not equal to zero. |
290130 | RecoupPenAffPrtcpPct | Invalid recoupment penalty percentage to pass to this loan | Presents when the Pass to Sold Loan field is set to D, the Recoupment to Sold Loan field is equal to Y, and the value in this element is less than or equal to zero. |
290131 | RecoupPenAffPrtcpPct | Recoupment penalty percentage to pass cannot be more than 100% | Presents when the value in this element is greater than 100% or the element value 1.00. |
290133 | PrePmtPenRenTerm | Penalty renewal frequency is not valid for participation id S loans | Presents when the participation code is S and this element is not equal to zero. |
290135 | CurtPenAffPrtcp | Curtailment penalty pass to this loan must be blank | Presents when the Curtailment/Recoupment Penalty Type field is not equal to zero and this element is not equal to blank. |
290453 | NegAmrtzCapPct | Negative Amortization Cap must be zero or greater than 100 percent | Presents when the value in this element is not zero or is less than 100. |
290464 | RateRevTerm | Rate Review Term must be entered when using Rate Review Date and Term Code | Presents when the value in this element is zero, the
RateRevTermUnits element is blank, and the
Rate Review Date field in the Loan
New Account File (LNTNEW) is not zero. |
290465 | RateRevTerm | Rate Review Term must be entered when using Rate Review Date and Term Code | Presents when the value in this element is zero, the
RateRevTermUnits element is blank, and the
Rate Review Date field in the Loan
New Account File (LNTNEW) is not zero. |
300065 | DlqRateMargin | Rate variance code is not valid | Presents when the RateVarCode element is not blank,
+, -, or
%. Also presents when the
RateVar element is zero and the
RateVarCode element is not blank, or when the
DlqRateMargin element is not zero and the
DlqRateMarginSign element is blank. |
300065 | DlqRateMargin | Rate variance code is not valid | Presents when the RateVarCode element is not blank,
+, -, or
%. Also presents when the
RateVar element is zero and the
RateVarCode element is not blank, or when the
DlqRateMargin element is not zero and the
DlqRateMarginSign element is blank. |
300065 | RateVarCode | Rate variance code is not valid | Presents when the RateVarCode element is not blank,
+, -, or
%. Also presents when the
RateVar element is zero and the
RateVarCode element is not blank, or when the
DlqRateMargin element is not zero and the
DlqRateMarginSign element is blank. |
400048 | NAICSCode | NAICS code is not valid | Presents when the value in this element is not blank and is not found in the LNNAIC file. |
410080 | SalesPerson | Invalid Sales Associate Code | Presents when this element is populated but the value is not found in the JHPARJ file. |
500124 | N/A | Date must be greater than Origination date | Presents when the fee expiration date or next fee date is less than the origination date. |
500126 | N/A | Calculation Code required with Fee Fields | Presents when the Fee Code field is blank and the next fee date or fee expiration date is not zero or the Assess Fee on First Statement field is not N. |
500127 | ChgYrFeeCode | Not allowed on Specialty Lending Main loan / Unit number zero. | Presents when the Specialty Lending (P2MPLOC)
field is Y or the Master Plane Line of
Credit field in the Loan Miscellaneous
Parameter Physical File (LNPAR2) is
S and the ChgYrFeeCode
element is not N or blank. Also presents when the
Next Fee Date field is not equal to zero or
when the Fee Expire Date field is not equal to
zero. |
600012 | AbbName | Short name is required | Presents when the Individual field is not set to Y and this element is blank. |
600013 | ComName | Alternate name is required | Presents when the FirstName and LastName
elements are not blank and the Individual field
is set to Y. |
600014 | LastName | First, Middle, and Last Name information required to build Alternate Short Name | Presents when the Individual field is set to Y and these elements are sent as blank. |
600014 | FirstName | First, Middle, and Last Name information required to build Alternate Short Name | Presents when the Individual field is set to Y and these elements are sent as blank. |
600014 | MiddleName | First, Middle, and Last Name information required to build Alternate Short Name | Presents when the Individual field is set to Y and these elements are sent as blank. |
700021 | LateChgCode | Late charge type is invalid | Presents when the value in this element is not blank and is not found in the Late Charge Parameter File (LNPAR6). |
901015 | SpecLndType | Invalid value. Must be Y or N. | Presents when the value in this element is not Y or N. |
The following table lists the warnings that can be returned and includes what prompts the warning to occur.
Code | Element | System Message | Validation Trigger |
90 | CustId | CIF account record was not added, requires a manual add | Presents when the process cannot write the record to the CIF Account File (CFACCT). |
201284 | TotDebtPctV2 | Debt ratio not updated. Value can not exceed 99%. | Presents when the value in this element is greater than or equal to 100. |
201987 | RateRevDt | Rate review term and code must have a value when entering a rate review date | Presents when the value in this element is not equal to zero, the
RateRevTermUnits element is not blank, and the
Rate Review Date (PREVD6) field in the
Loan New Account File (LNTNEW) is zero. |
201988 | RateRevTermUnits | Rate review term must have a value when entering a rate review code. | Presents when the RateRevTerm element is not equal to zero and
the RateRevTermUnits element is blank. |
201990 | RateCapRevDt | Using rate cap information, but no rate cap review date entered | Presents when this element is equal to zero and the rate cap upwards/downwards is greater than zero. |
201993 | RateCapRevDt | Rate Cap Review fields must be populated with Cap Date, Term, and Code | Presents when the RateCapRevTerm element is zero and the
RateCapRevDt element is not zero or the
RateCapRevTermUnits element is not blank. Also
presents when the RateCapRevTermUnits element is blank
and the RateCapRevTerm element is not zero or the
RateCapRevDt element is not zero. |
201993 | RateCapRevTermUnits | Rate Cap Review fields must be populated with Cap Date, Term, and Code | Presents when the RateCapRevTerm element is zero and
the RateCapRevDt element is not zero or the
RateCapRevTermUnits element is not blank. Also
presents when the RateCapRevTermUnits element is blank
and the RateCapRevTerm element is not zero or the
RateCapRevDt element is not zero. |
201993 | RateCapRevTerm | Rate Cap Review fields must be populated with Cap Date, Term, and Code | Presents when the RateCapRevTerm element is zero and
the RateCapRevDt element is not zero or the
RateCapRevTermUnits element is not blank. Also
presents when the RateCapRevTermUnits element is blank
and the RateCapRevTerm element is not zero or the
RateCapRevDt element is not zero. |
201994 | RateCapRevDt | Rate Cap Review Date is in the past | Presents when the value in this element is greater than zero, less than the value in the Next Business Day (LP1NBD) field in the LNPAR1 file, less than or equal to the value in the Processing Date (LP1PDT) field in the LNPAR1 file, and the Account Status is not 2. |
202009 | EstbPersonName.ComName | Primary CIF's FinCen Legal Entity is set to "Include", Name and Title of person | Presents when the FinCEN Legal Entity field is set to I and the name and title are blank. |
202009 | EstbPersonTitle | Primary CIF's FinCen Legal Entity is set to "Include", Name and Title of person | Presents when the FinCEN Legal Entity field is set to I and the name and title are blank. |
200975 | LnUnvId | Universal Loan Identifier is currently tied to a loan application | Presents when the value in this element is evaluated in the Loan Table - ULI Number: Do Not Clear (LNULINBR) file and is tied to a loan application. |
202015 | N/A | Not applicable for Non-Payment code 6 accounts | Presents when the value in this element is not equal to blank. |
202016 | ReAmrtzThruDt | Amortize thru date sent with differing values. Updated with xxxxxxxxxx | Presents when both the ReAmrtzThruDt and
PmtReAmrtzDt elements are sent with values. |
202016 | PmtReAmrtzDt | Amortize thru date sent with differing values. Updated with xxxxxxxxxx | Presents when both the ReAmrtzThruDt and
PmtReAmrtzDt elements are sent with values. |
202019 | ProdCode | Additional input on core required before end of day processing for valid and suc | Presents if the Master Plan Line of Credit Type (P2MPLOC) field in the Loan Miscellaneous Parameter Physical File (LNPAR2) is Y and the Unit Priced Reporting Method field is not set to M. |
202156 | PayoffPrePmtPenExpDt | Pre-Payment Penalty Date exist with no Prepayment Penalty Code | Presents when the value in this element is blank. |
202156 | PayoffPrePmtPenStartDt | Pre-Payment Penalty Date exist with no Prepayment Penalty Code | Presents when the value in this element is blank. |
202176 | BilLeadDays | Back Date Rate Change Type is Yes, Billing Days is Ignored | Presents when the value in the BilLeadDays element is zero when
the BackdateRateChngType element is
Y. |
202176 | BackdateRateChngType | Back Date Rate Change Type is Yes, Billing Days is Ignored | Presents when the value in the BilLeadDays element
is zero when the BackdateRateChngType element is
Y. |
202188 | BegFactorIdx | Unable to set Beginning Factor Index Date and Value; must be entered manually | Presents when the value in the BilLeadDays element is not
zero. |
202188 | BegFactorIdxDt | Unable to set Beginning Factor Index Date and Value; must be entered manually | Presents when the value in the BilLeadDays element
is not zero. |
202213 | ProtBalZero | Keep Protection Balance 0 not applicable for Non-Payment code 6 Loan. | Presents when the value in this element is not equal to N or not null. |
202214 | PmtDDANSFCode | Take payment if NSF not applicable for Non-Payment code 6 Loan. | Presents when the value in this element is not equal to N or not null. |
202328 | N/A | Not valid for MPLOC Master, Unit, Dlr, or Spec Lending loans. Input ignored | Presents when the Unit Priced Reporting Method field is not blank and the Fee Code, Fee Date, Fee Frequency, Fee Frequency Code, and Fee Day of Month fields are not equal to zero to blank. |
202331 | N/A | Not valid for MPLOC Master. Input ignored | Presents when the Unit Priced Reporting Method field is M and the Stop Action Code is set to LnSale, Stmt, BilNot, or is not set to N. |
290436 | LOCCustId | Field not updated. Line is associated with a Multi-Level Lending structure | Presents when the value in this element is evaluated in the Line of Credit Physical File (LNLINE) and cannot attach to a commitment. |
290436 | LOCAcctId | Field not updated. Line is associated with a Multi-Level Lending structure | Presents when the value in this element is evaluated in the Line of Credit Physical File (LNLINE) and cannot attach to a commitment. |
290472 | N/A | Review request, data not updated for Table: | Presents when the system cannot update columns in the View of LNEADPAR Account Columns (LNACCTV11) file. |
400027 | N/A | Customer name closely matches OFAC suspect | Presents when the OFAC search has a match or one that closely matches. |
402500 | N/A | No OFAC match found | Presents when the OFAC search does not have a match. |
402527 | N/A | OFAC matching word | Presents when checking for OFAC keywords and gets a match. |
500123 | N/A | Expire Date not supported for Fee Type. Value not updated. | Presents when the fee expiration date is not zero. |
500125 | PenIncmAmt | Requested data update failed, Contact Jack Henry support. | Presents when the system cannot update the LNACCT View Tied to LNFEED (Fee Dates) (LNACCTV09) file. |
The following table lists the faults that can be returned and includes what prompts the fault to occur.
Code | Element | System Message | Validation Trigger |
67 | CRACountyCode | SMSA, Census Tract, State, County combination is not valid | Presents when the CRACountyCode element is not zero or the
CRASMSACode element is not zero or the
CRACenTract element is not zero and the
CRAStateCode is not zero and the
CRACenTract is greater than
9999.99. |
67 | CRAStateCode | SMSA, Census Tract, State, County combination is not valid | Presents when the CRACountyCode element is not zero
or the CRASMSACode element is not zero or the
CRACenTract element is not zero and the
CRAStateCode is not zero and the CRACenTract is
greater than 9999.99. |
67 | CRACenTract | SMSA, Census Tract, State, County combination is not valid | Presents when the CRACountyCode element is not zero
or the CRASMSACode element is not zero or the
CRACenTract element is not zero and the
CRAStateCode is not zero and the CRACenTract is
greater than 9999.99. |
67 | CRASMSACode | SMSA, Census Tract, State, County combination is not valid | Presents when the CRACountyCode element is not zero
or the CRASMSACode element is not zero or the
CRACenTract element is not zero and the
CRAStateCode is not zero and the CRACenTract is
greater than 9999.99. |
67 | CRACountyCode | SMSA, Census Tract, State, County combination is not valid | Presents when the CRACountyCode element is not zero
or the CRASMSACode element is not zero or the
CRACenTract element is not zero and the
CRAStateCode is not zero and the CRACenTract is
greater than 9999.99. |
67 | CRAStateCode | SMSA, Census Tract, State, County combination is not valid | Presents when the CRACountyCode element is not zero
or the CRASMSACode element is not zero or the
CRACenTract element is not zero and the
CRAStateCode is not zero and the CRACenTract is
greater than 9999.99. |
67 | CRACenTract | SMSA, Census Tract, State, County combination is not valid | Presents when the CRACountyCode element is not zero
or the CRASMSACode element is not zero or the
CRACenTract element is not zero and the
CRAStateCode is not zero and the CRACenTract is
greater than 9999.99. |
67 | CRASMSACode | SMSA, Census Tract, State, County combination is not valid | Presents when the CRACountyCode element is not zero
or the CRASMSACode element is not zero or the
CRACenTract element is not zero and the
CRAStateCode is not zero and the CRACenTract is
greater than 9999.99. |
200202 | PmtAmt | Payment amount or term appears wrong | Presents when the number of payments multiplied by the payment amount subtracted
from the original balance is greater than the number of payments and the
PmtCode is not 6. |
200353 | DlrDisc | Dealer Discount & Upfront % have values, dealer reserve will = Dealer discount | Presents when the value in both of these elements is not zero. |
200353 | UpfrntPct | Dealer Discount & Upfront % have values, dealer reserve will = Dealer discount | Presents when the value in both of these elements is not zero. |
200452 | PrtCouponBook | Coupon book will print for more than the remaining term | Presents when the PrtCouponBook element is
Y and the CouponBookTerm element is equal to
zero. |
200452 | CouponBookTerm | Coupon book will print for more than the remaining term | Presents when the PrtCouponBook element is
Y and the CouponBookTerm element is equal to
zero. |
200581 | N/A | Total risk percent not 100% | Presents when the risk percent 2 plus the risk percent 3 is less than 100%. |
200736 | N/A | CIF or TIN number difference | Presents when the value in this element does not match the value in the Deposit Master File (DDMAST). Also presents when the Tax ID number does not match. |
200738 | N/A | Loan type requires protection account | Presents when the value in this element is zero and the Require Protection Account (P2TRUE) field in the Loan Miscellaneous Parameter Physical File (LNPAR2) is Y. |
200955 | LnUnvId | Universal Loan Identifier has been used previously | Presents when the value in this element is evaluated in the Loan Table - ULI Number: Do Not Clear (LNULINBR) file and found to be used before but not tied to a loan or HMDA. |
200974 | LnUnvId | Invalid Check Digit | Presents when the value in this element has the incorrect number of digits. |
202127 | RecourseCode | Type using Auto Shadow. Recourse code can cause undesirable balancing results | Presents when the value in this element is not blank or N and the Change Status to/from Nonaccrual (P2NAST) field in the Loan Miscellaneous Parameter Physical File (LNPAR2) is S. |
202128 | PrtcpCode | Automatic Shadow at type level does not apply when loan is a participation | Presents when the value in this element is not blank or B and the Change Status to/from Nonaccrual (P2NAST) field in the Loan Miscellaneous Parameter Physical File (LNPAR2) is S. |
202130 | AvlSecdMktgCode | Automatic Shadow at type level does not apply for Saleable Loans | Presents when the value in this element is Y and the Change Status to/from Nonaccrual (P2NAST) field in the Loan Miscellaneous Parameter Physical File (LNPAR2) is S. |
202143 | RestructuredDt | Restructured Debt Flag is Yes but Restructured Date is Blank | Presents when the value in this element is blank or zero and the Restructured Flag field is Y. |
202152 | PayoffPrePmtPenStartDt | Pre-Payment Penalty Start Date is less than Loan Origination Date | Presents when the value in this element is less than the origination date. |
202155 | PayoffPrePmtPenExpDt | Pre-Payment Penalty Expiration Date is greater than Loan Maturity Date | Presents when the value in this element is greater than the maturity date. |
202224 | IntRate | Rate is greater than 100%. | Presents when the value in this element is greater than 100% or the element value 1.00. |
202225 | CrLifeInsurAccrRate | Credit Life Rate Factor is greater than 100%. | Presents when the value in this element is greater than 100% or the element value 1.00. |
202226 | AHInsurAccrRate | A&H Rate Factor is greater than 100%. | Presents when the value in this element is greater than 100% or the element value 1.00. |
202227 | UnusedCrAccrRate | Unemployment Rate Factor is greater than 100%. | Presents when the value in this element is greater than 100% or the element value 1.00. |
202228 | RateFlr | Rate Floor is greater than 100%. | Presents when the value in this element is greater than 100% or the element value 1.00. |
202229 | RateCeil | Rate Ceiling is greater than 100%. | Presents when the value in this element is greater than 100% or the element value 1.00. |
202230 | PctBalReAmrtz | % of Balance to Ream greater than 100%. | Presents when the value in this element is greater than 100% or the element value 1.00. |
202231 | OrigIdxVal | Original Index is greater than 100%. | Presents when the value in this element is greater than 100% or the element value 1.00. |
202232 | FundPct | Funding Split % is greater than 100%. | Presents when the value in this element is greater than 100% or the element value 1.00. |
202233 | RateRoundToPct | Round To Amount is greater than 100%. | Presents when the value in this element is greater than 100% or the element value 1.00. |
202234 | RateCapUp | Rate Cap Upward is greater than 100%. | Presents when the value in this element is greater than 100% or the element value 1.00. |
202235 | RateCapDown | Rate Cap Downward is greater than 100%. | Presents when the value in this element is greater than 100% or the element value 1.00. |
202236 | PmtReAmrtzCap | Payment Amount Cap % is greater than 100%. | Presents when the value in this element is greater than 100% or the element value 1.00. |
202237 | MatRate | Maturity rate is greater than 100%. | Presents when the value in this element is greater than 100% or the element value 1.00. |
202238 | DlqRate | Delinquent rate is greater than 100%. | Presents when the value in this element is greater than 100% or the element value 1.00. |
202239 | DlrRate | Dealer rate is greater than 100%. | Presents when the value in this element is greater than 100% or the element value 1.00. |
202240 | UpfrntPct | Dealer Upfront % is greater than 100%. | Presents when the value in this element is greater than 100% or the element value 1.00. |
202241 | RemResrvPct | Dealer Reserve % is greater than 100%. | Presents when the value in this element is greater than 100% or the element value 1.00. |
202242 | RecoursePct | Recourse Percent is greater than 100%. | Presents when the value in this element is greater than 100% or the element value 1.00. |
202243 | PenAnnPctRate | Penalty APR is greater than 100%. | Presents when the value in this element is greater than 100% or the element value 1.00. |
202251 | OrigLnToValRatio | Loan To Value Ratio is greater than 100%. | Presents when the value in this element is greater than 100% or the element value 1.00. |
202252 | CombLTV | Combined LTV Ratio is greater than 100%. | Presents when the value in this element is greater than 100% or the element value 1.00. |
202253 | MtgInsurPct | Mortgage Insurance % is greater than 100%. | Presents when the value in this element is greater than 100% or the element value 1.00. |
202254 | SBAGuarPct | SBA Guarantee % is greater than 100%. | Presents when the value in this element is greater than 100% or the element value 1.00. |
202255 | YrPmtIncrPct | Yearly Payment increase % greater than 100%. | Presents when the value in this element is greater than 100% or the element value 1.00. |
202256 | MHPriceToOrigPct | Loan to Invoice Ratio is greater than 100%. | Presents when the value in this element is greater than 100% or the element value 1.00. |
202257 | CommOccupPct | CRE Occupation Fraction is greater than 100%. | Presents when the value in this element is greater than 100% or the element value 1.00. |
202258 | LnCapRate | Cap Rate is greater than 100%. | Presents when the value in this element is greater than 100% or the element value 1.00. |
202259 | AvgLeaseRate | Actual Avg Lease Rate greater than 100%. | Presents when the value in this element is greater than 100% or the element value 1.00. |
202260 | PropVacRate | Actual Vacancy Rate greater than 100%. | Presents when the value in this element is greater than 100% or the element value 1.00. |
202288 | N/A | Number of Days for Rate Change Notice must be less than Number of Days in Review | Presents when the value in the DaysBeforeRateChg element is
greater than the value in the RateRevTerm element. |
202290 | N/A | Number of Days for Rate Change Notice cannot be negative. Override to Continue. | Presents when the value in the DaysBeforeRateChg element is less
than zero. |
290134 | PrePmtPenExpDt | Curtailment/recoupment penalty code not defined for other penalty fields | Presents when the value in this element is not equal to blank or zero. |
290134 | RecoupPenAffPrtcp | Curtailment/recoupment penalty code not defined for other penalty fields | Presents when the value in this element is not equal to blank or zero. |
290134 | PrePmtPenRenTermUnits | Curtailment/recoupment penalty code not defined for other penalty fields | Presents when the value in this element is not equal to blank or zero. |
290134 | PrePmtPenRenDt | Curtailment/recoupment penalty code not defined for other penalty fields | Presents when the value in this element is not equal to blank or zero. |
290134 | CurtPenAffPrtcp | Curtailment/recoupment penalty code not defined for other penalty fields | Presents when the value in this element is not equal to blank or zero. |
290134 | RecoupPenAffPrtcp | Curtailment/recoupment penalty code not defined for other penalty fields | Presents when the value in this element is not equal to blank or zero. |
290134 | RecoupPenAffPrtcpPct | Curtailment/recoupment penalty code not defined for other penalty fields | Presents when the value in this element is not equal to blank or zero. |
290134 | PrePmtPenStartDt | Curtailment/recoupment penalty code not defined for other penalty fields | Presents when the value in this element is not equal to blank or zero. |
290134 | PrePmtPenExpDt | Curtailment/recoupment penalty code not defined for other penalty fields | Presents when the value in this element is not equal to blank or zero. |
290134 | PrePmtPenRenTerm | Curtailment/recoupment penalty code not defined for other penalty fields | Presents when the value in this element is not equal to blank or zero. |
290134 | PrePmtPenRenTermUnits | Curtailment/recoupment penalty code not defined for other penalty fields | Presents when the value in this element is not equal to blank or zero. |
290134 | CurtPenAffPrtcp | Curtailment/recoupment penalty code not defined for other penalty fields | Presents when the value in this element is not equal to blank or zero. |
290134 | PrePmtPenRenTerm | Curtailment/recoupment penalty code not defined for other penalty fields | Presents when the value in this element is not equal to blank or zero. |
290134 | RecoupPenAffPrtcpPct | Curtailment/recoupment penalty code not defined for other penalty fields | Presents when the value in this element is not equal to blank or zero. |
290134 | PrePmtPenStartDt | Curtailment/recoupment penalty code not defined for other penalty fields | Presents when the value in this element is not equal to blank or zero. |
290134 | CurtPenAffPrtcp | Curtailment/recoupment penalty code not defined for other penalty fields | Presents when the value in this element is not equal to blank or zero. |
290134 | RecoupPenAffPrtcp | Curtailment/recoupment penalty code not defined for other penalty fields | Presents when the value in this element is not equal to blank or zero. |
290134 | RecoupPenAffPrtcpPct | Curtailment/recoupment penalty code not defined for other penalty fields | Presents when the value in this element is not equal to blank or zero. |
290134 | PrePmtPenRenDt | Curtailment/recoupment penalty code not defined for other penalty fields | Presents when the value in this element is not equal to blank or zero. |
290134 | PrePmtPenExpDt | Curtailment/recoupment penalty code not defined for other penalty fields | Presents when the value in this element is not equal to blank or zero. |
290134 | PrePmtPenStartDt | Curtailment/recoupment penalty code not defined for other penalty fields | Presents when the value in this element is not equal to blank or zero. |
290134 | PrePmtPenRenTermUnits | Curtailment/recoupment penalty code not defined for other penalty fields | Presents when the value in this element is not equal to blank or zero. |
290134 | PrePmtPenRenTerm | Curtailment/recoupment penalty code not defined for other penalty fields | Presents when the value in this element is not equal to blank or zero. |
290134 | PrePmtPenRenDt | Curtailment/recoupment penalty code not defined for other penalty fields | Presents when the value in this element is not equal to blank or zero. |
300058 | IntRate | Rate is greater than the maximum rate | Presents when the value in this element is greater than the maximum allowed by the loan type parameters in the Loan Miscellaneous Parameter Physical File (LNPAR2). |
300059 | IntRate | Rate is less than minimum rate | Presents when the value in this element is greater than the minimum allowed by the loan type parameters in the Loan Miscellaneous Parameter Physical File (LNPAR2). |
Service Dictionary
Service Dictionary
Service Dictionary Search provides consumers a service that can convey a service provider's element XSD path, requirements, default values, open enumerated canonical values, help/knowledge content, and fault codes per operation.
Within the SvcDictSrch
operation, you can send
AcctAdd in the SvcDictName
element and
Rq in the SvcDictType
element. Within the response,
returns all mapped elements, including any newly mapped
elements, and any elements that have specific allowed values. The following table lists the
response information for elements with specified allowed values.
and L in SvcDictFilterVal
to get values specific for the loan account application.Element Name | Field Value (ElemCanocVal) | Field Description (ElemCanocValDesc) |
TermUnits | Days | Days |
TermUnits | Months | Months |
PmtTermUnits | NA | Blank |
PmtTermUnits | Days | Days |
PmtTermUnits | Months | Months |
PmtTermUnits | SemiMonthly | Semi-Monthly |
PmtCode | 0 | Scheduled Payment Includes Accrued Int. |
PmtCode | 1 | Amount is Scheduled Payment Plus Accrued |
PmtCode | 2 | Payment is Accrued Interest Only |
PmtCode | 3 | Scheduled Pmt Apply to Principal Only |
PmtCode | 5 | Loan is Single Payment at Maturity Basis |
PmtCode | 6 | Payment Amt Calc at Statement Cycle Time |
OffCode | Pulls from LNTNEW.OFFCR | Officer |
BrCode | Pulls from LNTNEW.BR# | Branch Number |
ProdCode | Pulls from LNTNEW.TYPE | Loan Type |
AcctStat | 1 | Loan is Active, Transactions Accepted |
AcctStat | 2 | Loan Closed, Transactions Not Accepted |
AcctStat | 3 | Loan Matured, System will Not Allow Advn |
AcctStat | 4 | New Loan Today, Transactions Accepted |
AcctStat | 5 | Open Not Accruing, Transactions Accepted |
AcctStat | 6 | Accruing but Frozen, Trans Not Accepted |
AcctStat | 7 | Frozen Not Accruing, Trans Not Accepted |
AcctStat | 8 | Charged Off Not Accruing, Trans Accepted |
SalesPerson | Pulls from LNTNEW.SALESAC | Sales Associate |
AcctLvlSecCode | A | All Access |
AcctLvlSecCode | B | Balance Only Access |
AcctLvlSecCode | E | Existence Only |
AcctLvlSecCode | N | No Access Including Existence |
OddDaysIntBasis | B | Both - Both More and Less Scenarios |
OddDaysIntBasis | L | Less - Accrue if Odd Days LT 1 Pymt Freq |
OddDaysIntBasis | M | More - Accrue if Odd Days GT 1 Pymt Freq |
OddDaysIntBasis | N | No - Loan will Not Accrue Odd Days Int |
ShortPmtCode | B | Roll to Next Bill if Short L/C and O/C |
ShortPmtCode | L | Roll to Next Bill if Short L/C Only |
ShortPmtCode | N | Roll to Next Bill if Full Pmt Received |
ShortPmtCode | O | Roll to Next Bill if Short O/C Only |
UserDefTxt | Pulls from CFPARBL1.CBFDSC | Field Description |
SubPrimeLnCode | N | No |
SubPrimeLnCode | Y | Yes |
StudentLnCode | D | Demand |
StudentLnCode | S | Student |
RstrAdva | Auto | Auto, Restricts Auto Advances to Account |
RstrAdva | AutoAndManual | Both, Restricts Both Auto and Manual Advance |
RstrAdva | NA | None, Do Not Restrict Any Type of Advance |
PurpCode | 1 | Other Consumer Purpose |
PurpCode | 2 | SBA 7a Guaranteed Loans |
PurpCode | 3 | SBA 504 Program |
PurpCode | 4 | USDA Government Guaranteed Loan |
PurpCode | 11 | Vacation |
PurpCode | 13 | Education |
PurpCode | 15 | Consolidate Bills |
PurpCode | 16 | Purchase Of Stock/Bonds |
PurpCode | 17 | Purchase Other Consumer Goods |
PurpCode | 24 | Floor Plan |
PurpCode | 25 | Purchase Mobile Home |
PurpCode | 28 | Agriculture Purpose |
PurpCode | 31 | Purchase New Automobile |
PurpCode | 33 | Purchase Farm Equipment |
PurpCode | 34 | Purchase Used Automobile |
PurpCode | 35 | Purchase New/Used Recreational Vehicle |
PurpCode | 37 | Purchase New/Used Boat |
PurpCode | 38 | Purchase New/Used Aircraft |
PurpCode | 44 | Real Estate/Other |
PurpCode | 45 | House and Lot |
PurpCode | 50 | Construction Of Primary Dwelling |
PurpCode | 51 | Home Improvement Purpose (Secured By Real Estate) |
PurpCode | 53 | Do Not Use (Previously Was Home Imp. Not Secured Code) |
PurpCode | 62 | 2nd Mortgage Up To 5 Years |
PurpCode | 68 | Purchase Unimproved Land |
PurpCode | 69 | Purch. Money/Refinance Of Purch. 1st Mtg. Non-Owner Occupied |
PurpCode | 70 | Purch. Money/Refinance Of Purch. 1st Mtg. Primary Residence |
PurpCode | 74 | Personal Line Of Credit Loans |
PurpCode | 85 | Other Business Purpose |
PurpCode | 86 | Land Acquisition And Development Business Purpose Loan |
PurpCode | 87 | Permanent Financing (Real Est.) Business Purpose Loan |
PurpCode | 88 | Investment/Rental Property Purchase Business Purpose Loan |
PurpCode | 90 | Short-Term Working Capital (Includes Seasonal Borrowings) |
PurpCode | 91 | Retail Paper/Consumer Contracts |
PurpCode | 92 | Capital Expenditures (Property, plant, equipment) |
PurpCode | 93 | Crop Production |
PurpCode | 94 | Livestock Production (Including Fisheries) |
PurpCode | 95 | Home Equity |
PurpCode | 96 | Tax Advantage Plus |
PurpCode | 97 | Construction Business Purpose |
PurpCode | 98 | Land Acquisition Business Purpose Loan |
PurpCode | 99 | Do Not Use |
PrtPastDueNotCode | N | No |
PrtPastDueNotCode | Y | Yes |
PrtBilNotCode | N | Billing Notices Not Sent, No Auto-Bill |
PrtBilNotCode | NA | Billing Notices not sent, auto-bill |
PrtBilNotCode | NAR | Billing Notices not sent, auto-bill |
PrtBilNotCode | NR | Billing Notices not sent, no auto-bill |
PrtBilNotCode | S | Stmt instead of bill ntc, no auto-bill |
PrtBilNotCode | SA | Stmt instead of bill ntc, auto-bill |
PrtBilNotCode | SAR | Stmt instead of bill ntc, auto-bill |
PrtBilNotCode | SR | Stmt instead of bill ntc, no auto-bill |
PrtBilNotCode | Y | Prior to each payment date, no auto-bill |
PrtBilNotCode | YA | Prior to each payment date, auto-bill |
PrtBilNotCode | YAR | Prior to each payment date, auto-bill |
PrtBilNotCode | YR | Prior to each payment date, no auto-bill |
PrePmtPenCode | Pulls from LNTNEW.PPPCOD | Pre-Payment Penalty Code |
PartIdNum | Pulls from LNTNEW.PARTID# | Participation ID Number |
LateChgCode | Pulls from LNTNEW.LCTYPE | Late Charge Type |
HldMailCode | A | Address Not on File |
HldMailCode | B | Forward to Deposit Operations |
HldMailCode | C | Forward to CD/IRA Team |
HldMailCode | D | Forward to Drive In |
HldMailCode | E | Employee - Do Not Mail |
HldMailCode | L | Forward to Loan Operations |
HldMailCode | O | Forward to Bus. Dev. Officer |
HldMailCode | P | POD Only - Non-Customer |
HldMailCode | S | Forward to Branch |
HldMailCode | X | Forward to Collections |
HldMailCode | Y | Hold Mail |
DeptCode | C | Commercial Loan Department |
DeptCode | D | Demand |
DeptCode | I | Installment Loan Department |
DeptCode | R | Real-Estate or Mortgage Loan Department |
CrRatingCode | 1 | Prime-Minimal Risk |
CrRatingCode | 2 | High Pass-High Quality |
CrRatingCode | 3 | Average |
CrRatingCode | 4 | Low Pass-Acceptable |
CrRatingCode | 5 | Watch-Special Mention |
CrRatingCode | 6 | Substandard |
CrRatingCode | 7 | Doubtful |
CrRatingCode | 8 | Loss |
CrRatingCode | 9 | OREO BOE |
CollatCode | Pulls from LNTNEW.COLCOD | Collateral Code |
AcctClsfCode | B | Business |
AcctClsfCode | C | Corporation |
AcctClsfCode | D | Director |
AcctClsfCode | E | Employee |
AcctClsfCode | F | Foreign |
AcctClsfCode | G | DBA |
AcctClsfCode | H | Sole Prop. |
AcctClsfCode | I | Individual |
AcctClsfCode | J | County Govt. |
AcctClsfCode | K | Estate |
AcctClsfCode | L | Lawyer Trust |
AcctClsfCode | M | Conversion |
AcctClsfCode | N | Non-Profit |
AcctClsfCode | O | Officer |
AcctClsfCode | P | Personal |
AcctClsfCode | Q | Partnerships |
AcctClsfCode | R | Church |
AcctClsfCode | S | State and Pol S/D |
AcctClsfCode | T | Trust |
AcctClsfCode | U | U.S. Government |
AcctClsfCode | V | Service Prov |
AcctClsfCode | W | Fiduciary Org |
AcctClsfCode | X | Official Checks |
AcctClsfCode | Y | Other FI |
AcctClsfCode | Z | Public Funds |
BorwInfoTxt | Borrower | Text Description for Borrower |
BorwInfoTxt | Co Borrower | Text Description for Co-Borrower |
BorwGender | 1 | Male |
BorwGender | 2 | Female |
BorwGender | 3 | Not Provided |
BorwGender | 4 | N/A = Non-Individual/Non-Tribal |
BorwGender | 8 | N/A = Native American Tribe/Org |
ExcLndPlcyCode | 1 | Property Outside of Normal Lending Area |
ExcLndPlcyCode | 2 | High Loan to Value |
ExcLndPlcyCode | 3 | Outside Banks Guidelines |
ExcLndPlcyCode | 4 | Loan Terms Outside Established Policy Terms and Conditions |
ExcLndPlcyCode | 5 | Waiver to Standard Documentation Requirements |
ExcLndPlcyCode | 6 | Insufficient Documentation |
ExcLndPlcyCode | 7 | Executive Officer Approval |
ExcLndPlcyCode | 8 | Per Board of Directors Action |
InvrPurpCode | Pulls from LNSMTG.INVPUR | Investor Purpose |
PrtcpCode | B | Purchased |
PrtcpCode | C | Partial Charge Off Record |
PrtcpCode | O | Fully Participated, Both Have Same Rate |
PrtcpCode | P | Partially Ptcd or Partially Charged-Off |
PrtcpCode | S | Participations Sold |