Check Risk Inquiry Behavior
The ChkRiskInqRq_MType
request message requires the TrnInstRtId,
TrnAcctId, and TrnChanType simple
The TrnChanType element has the following canonical values:
- RDC - Remote Deposit Capture
- ConsmRDC - Consumer Remote Deposit Capture
- MobRDC - Mobile Remote Deposit Capture
- BusRDC - Business Remote Deposit Capture
- BrTellerId - Branch/Teller Deposit Item
- ATM - ATM Deposit Item
- Mail - Mail/Lockbox Deposit Item
- ACH - ACH Electronic Deposit
- CorrReDep - Correspondent Redeposited Item
The ChkRiskInqRq_MType
request message includes the
BrCode, TellerNum, Amt,
ChkNum, and ProcCntlId as optional elements.
The ChkRiskInqRq_MType
request message includes elements designated to
provide the item's account holder demographic information. Identity-to-account matching is
performed using these elements. The item's account owner information enables consumers to
confirm an account owner or authorized user by inquiring against account owner data
contributed to a National Shared Database.
The ChkRiskInqRq_MType
request message account owner's demographic
information includes the PersonName_CType
, Addr_CType
, and
complexes and the HomePhoneNum,
WorkPhoneNum, TaxId, and
BirthDt elements.
The ChkRiskInqRs_MType
response message echoes the requested elements and
encapsulates the ChkRiskInqRsRec_CType
complex, which contains the elements
to convey the risk as related to an item.
The TrnRiskStatArray_AType
array encapsulates the elements specific to the
risk related to the item. The array is a matched pair array with the
TrnRiskStatType element behaving as a key for the matched pair array.
The TrnRiskStatType element's canonical values are:
- Prim - Primary
- Secd - Secondary
- Addl - Additional
- Score
The TrnRiskStatRsnArray_AType
array is encapsulated by the
complex and provides the reasons that a risk
score/status was returned. The TrnRiskStatRsnArray_AType
array is a matched
pair array with the TrnRiskStatRsnCode element, which behaves as a key
for the matched pair array.
The IdRiskMatchArray_AType
array encapsulates the elements specific to the
status of matching the account holder's demographic information. The array is a matched pair
array with the IdRiskMatchType element, which behaves as a key for the
matched pair array. The IdRiskMatchType element's canonical values
- FullName - Full Name
- LastName - Last Name
- MiddleName - Middle Name
- TitlePrefix - Title
- NameSuffix - Name Suffix
- ComName - Common Name
- FullAddr - Full Address (all address components)
- Addr - Address
- City - City
- StateCode - State Abbreviation
- PostalCode - Zip/Postal Code
- HomePhoneNum - Home Phone Number
- WorkPhoneNum - Work Phone Number
- TaxId - Tax Identification or Social Security Number
- BirthDt - Birth Date
- IdVerifyCode - Identification Verification Code
- IdVerifyVal - Identification Verification Value
- IdIssueBy - Identification Issuer
The IdRiskMatchStatType element provides the status of the match for the canonical values of the IdRiskMatchType. The IdRiskMatchStatType element's canonical values are:
- Match
- NoMatch
- PartMatch - Partial Match
- Unknown