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Enterprise SOAP API > API by Reference > Core Services > Transfer Modification > Providers > SilverLake > Errors
118 Error Value is not valid 100061 Expiration date cannot be in the past 100188 Individual name cannot be blank 100189 Bank Routing Number is not valid 100190 Account number cannot be zero or is not valid 100191 GL interface group cannot be greater than 999. 100192 GL interface group is not defined 100193 Account type must be D, S, X, L, O, T, or G 100194 Tran code is zero or not valid 100195 Tran code 55 not allowed as debit tran code 100196 Transaction code allowed for returns or corrections only. 100197 Transaction code must be 'D=Debit' 100198 Transaction code must be 'C=Credit' 100199 Transfer amount cannot be 0 100200 Send prenotice must be Y or N 100201 Auto recurring entry must be Y or N 100202 Debit if not available must be Y or N 100203 Use auto transfer date must be Y or N 100204 Use auto transfer amount must be Y or N 100205 Transfer frequency must be 0 100206 Transfer frequency cannot be 0 100207 Transfer frequency code must be M, D, or S 100208 Transfer frequency code must be blank 100209 Semi-monthly days valid for semi-monthly frequency code only 100210 Semi-monthly days must be valid for semi-monthly frequency code 100211 Frequency must be zeros for semi-monthly frequency code 100212 1st day of month must be less than 2nd day of month 100213 Origination date is invalid 100214 Last transfer date is invalid 100215 Next transfer day must be 00, 29, 30, or 31 100216 Next transfer date is invalid 100217 Expiration date is invalid 100218 Company entry description cannot be blank 100220 Standard entry code is not valid 100221 Company name cannot be blank 100222 Company ID cannot be blank 100223 Account status must be 1 or 2 100224 Account number not found 100262 When using the IAT SEC code the offsetting entry must be onus 100263 Account number can only be greater than 17 in length if IAT 100264 IAT cannot be Onus transaction 100265 SEC Code not allowed through ACH Auto Transfer 100267 IAT entries cannot be Effective dated before 3/20/2009 100290 DR and CR SEC code must be the same unless you are using IAT. 100353 Payee name mandatory when using WEB credit 100364 ON-US Routing Number is required 100365 Fault An ON-US Routing Number is recommended 100415 Warning Next Transfer Date is not valid 500081 Code must be Y for Yes or N for No 500082 Principal Reduction Only can only be Y for on-us loans 500083 Tran code should be 52 for principal only on-us loans 500084 Debit account must be trancode 27 or 37 if Principal Only = Y 500085 Use transfer date for loans should be Yes if princ red is Yes 500086 Use transfer amount for loans should be Yes if princ red is Yes 500087 Account type is not valid 1 Account not found 3 Account is closed 43 Date is not valid 117 Amount cannot be negative 1010 Element value must be Y or N 5076 Must be C,R,P or N 5077 Must be N when using AFT amount for transfer 5078 Single pay loan requires flag to be P,C or N 5079 Payment code 6 loan requires flag to be P,C or N 200186 Frequency code is not valid for interest base 200983 Failed to Delete JHFLAG record. Override will delete master record only. 500004 From account type is not valid 500035 Transfer record not found 500037 From account and to account cannot be the same 500040 Branch/Cost/Product for G/L Accounts only 500041 Transfer day is invalid 500042 Invalid frequency type code 8 Amount cannot be zero or negative 9 Officer code is required 50 Officer code is not valid 92 Transaction code is not valid 120 Memo post record was not added, requires a manual add 123 Account number or type does not match transaction entry 5056 Invalid Available Balance table. 200021 Transaction credit on an unfunded loan 200031 Interest payment is not valid on an add-on loan 202286 To Account has Stop Payments enabled, Payment will Unpost. Override to Continue. 300140 Tran code must affect debit to balance 500000 From and To accounts cannot be loan accounts 500003 From account not found 500005 From account has 6 or more debits 500006 From account status is charged off 500007 From account status is closed 500008 From account status is dormant 500009 From account status is no post 500010 From account status is restricted 500011 From account status is escheat 500012 From account does not have a credit line 500013 From account status is frozen 500014 From amount is under the minimum check advance amount 500015 From account will stop advances 500016 Principal reduction code must be Y or N when the to account is a loan 500019 The CIF number for from account and to account are different 500021 To account not found 500022 To account type is not valid 500023 To account status is charged off 500024 To account status is closed 500025 To account status is dormant 500026 To account status is no credits 500027 To account status is no post 500028 To account status is restricted 500029 To account status is escheat 500030 To account status is frozen 500031 Transfer amount greater than available loan amount 500032 Transfer amount exceeds balance 500033 Transfer fee cannot be negative 500034 Transfer receipt code must be Y or N 500036 Principal reduction code must be N when the to account is not a loan 500043 Tran code must affect credit to balance 500044 Tran code must affect credit to principal 500045 Tran code must affect credit to 'Q' or 'I' 500046 Tran code must affect debit to principal 500050 Memo Post delayed during Nightly Updates

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Last updated Fri Dec 13 2024