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Enterprise SOAP API > API by Reference > Core Services > Transfer Modification > Providers > CIF2020 > Errors
121 Error Invalid value 100184 Available balance table is not set up in general parameters 100185 Balance for Transfer must be (A)vailable or (L)edger 100186 Interest only loan at maturity must be (P)ayoff or (I)nterest 100188 Individual name cannot be blank 100189 Transit/routing number is not valid 100190 Account number cannot be zero or is not valid 100191 GL interface group cannot be greater than 999. 100193 Account type must be D, S, X, L, or G 100194 Tran code is not defined 100196 Transaction code allowed for returns or corrections only. 100197 Transaction code must be 'D=Debit' 100198 Transaction code must be 'C=Credit' 100199 Transfer amount cannot be zero 100200 Send prenotice must be Y or N 100201 Auto recurring entry must be Y or N 100202 Debit if not available must be Y or N 100203 Use auto transfer date must be A or L 100204 Use auto transfer amount must be A or L 100205 Transfer frequency must be 0 100206 Transfer frequency cannot be 0 100207 Transfer frequency code must be M, D, or S 100208 Transfer frequency code must be blank 100213 Origination date is invalid 100214 Last transfer date is invalid 100215 Next transfer day must be 00, 29, 30, or 31 100216 Next transfer date is invalid 100217 Expiration date is invalid 100218 Company entry description cannot be blank 100219 SEC code not allowed through ACH auto transfer 100220 Standard entry code is not valid 100221 Company name cannot be blank 100222 Company ID cannot be blank 100223 Mismatch with transaction code and account type 100224 Inhouse company name cannot be blank 100225 Fault Semi-monthly loan should use loan for payment amount 100226 Semi-monthly loan should use loan for date roll 100227 Must use tran code 27 for in house GL items 100228 Must use tran code 22 for inhouse GL items 100229 Can only use A/A counters for on-us debits 100230 The A/A counter does not exist 100231 Value must be A or I 100232 Account status must be 1 or 2 100233 Account number not found 100234 Individual credit name cannot be blank 100258 ON-US Routing Number is required 6 Invalid account type 7 Value cannot be zero or negative 10 Value must be Y or N 13 Invalid branch number 30 Account not found 43 Date is not valid 234 Value cannot be zero 100062 Take payment at maturity must be C, R, P, or N 100063 Take payment at maturity must be blank if using AFT for transfer amount 100064 Take payment at maturity only valid for credit type L 100065 Single pay loan requires take payment at maturity to be C or P 100066 Take payment at maturity of R not valid for equicheck 100067 Non-CQ T/C not recommended when using loan amount for payment 100235 Credit account cannot be a floor plan loan account 100236 Date is in the past 100237 Transfer day is greater than 28 and day of month is 0 100238 Transfer day of month is greater than 31 100240 If taking late charge, tran code must be credit to Q 100241 Invalid loan tran code, must be credit to P, I, or Q 100242 Tran code can only be used with a credit to account type of L 100243 Only A or L is available or L can only be used if the credit is a loan 100244 Loan payment amount of L must be used if taking late charge 100245 If taking late charge, tran code 141 must be a credit to Q 100246 100247 100248 100249 Print notices must be Yes, No, From, or To 100252 Transfer day cannot be used with day of month occurrence. 100253 Day of week can only be used with monthly frequency. 100254 Invalid day of week. Must be 1-7. 100255 Occurrence of month cannot be used when using loan for next transfer date. 100256 Day occurrence of month can only be used with monthly frequency. 100257 Invalid week of month. Must be 1-5. 100260 Only valid for semi-monthly frequency 100261 Invalid day of month for semi-monthly term 100262 Day 1 must be less than day 2 100263 Must be 0 for semi-monthly frequency code 100264 Transfer day cannot be used with semi-monthly frequency 500035 Transfer record not found 3 Value cannot be blank 21 Value cannot be negative 90 Value must be Y, N or A 120 Warning Memo post record was not added, requires a manual add 5056 Invalid Available Balance table. 200662 Decision Officer is required and can not be blank 200663 Decision Officer is not valid 300140 Tran code must affect debit to balance 410043 Officer Code required, may be overridden 500000 A loan to loan transfer is not allowed 500001 The from account is not a line of credit 500002 The transfer from account cannot be an IBASE 9 loan 500003 The transfer from account is closed 500004 Transfer from ODP account must equal the to account number 500005 Credit line is expired or loan is matured 500006 This transfer will exceed the max number of MMDA debits 500007 Invalid code. Must be Y, N, T, or F 500009 Invalid tran code. Only affects codes of P, I, or Q are allowed 500010 Must be a credit transaction code 500015 Transaction will unpost due to status of one or more accounts 500043 Tran code must affect credit to balance

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Last updated Fri Dec 13 2024