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Enterprise SOAP API > API by Reference > Core Services > Transaction Modification > Providers > SilverLake > Errors
3 Error Account is closed 8 Amount cannot be zero or negative 29 Effective date format is not valid 92 Transaction code is not valid 100 Effective date is greater than the business date 103 Fault Account not found 123 Account number or type does not match transaction entry 124 Transaction record not found 1010 Element value must be Y or N 300015 Cannot redeem a certificate of deposit with hold amount against entire balance 300037 Source of Funds code is not valid 300043 New certificate of deposit credit must equal original balance 300068 Redemption amount is not valid 300072 Effective date cannot be today 300073 Effective date is less than the issue date 300075 Transaction code cannot be greater than 599 300079 Transaction code is required 300196 Balance or interest transaction for a redeemed CD 4 Account is not in a valid state to post transactions 5056 Invalid Available Balance table. 11006 Transaction ID not found in Real Time transaction file 11007 Error retrieving transaction from Real Time transaction file 11008 Transaction status in Real Time file not eligible for modification 11010 Error creating the Real Time reversal transactions. Deletion failed. 100018 EFT transaction must have a description 100035 Check number cannot be less than zero 100060 Effective date cannot be past posting date, or before last statement date 100088 Transaction Code with an EFT description is required 100165 Transaction violates positive pay requirements 100166 Transaction will result in a negative balance 100388 Effective date is less than the last Service charge date. Interest adjustments, 100416 Invalid transaction code 500090 Must have valid license to Faster Payments 500092 GL Interface Code submitted must be a Credit Transaction Code 500093 GL Interface Code submitted must be a Debit Transaction Code 500097 GL Interface Code is invalid 500108 Must have valid license to Third Party Intl Wire 43 Date is not valid 120 Warning Memo post record was not added, requires a manual add 1005 Date field has an invalid format 200000 Effective date cannot be in the future 200001 Effective date cannot be prior to the origination date 200002 200003 Payment amount cannot be zero or negative 200004 Payments are stopped 200005 Payments have been stopped for this account 200006 Prepayments are stopped 200007 Prepayments have been stopped for this account 200008 Unit Priced Loan are not supported at this time 200010 LIP interest reserve not found 200011 Cannot assess Late Charge on a partial charge-off loan 200012 Transaction is not valid, loan does not have Debt Protection 200013 Fee parameters are not set up for this loan type 200014 Transaction is an effective payoff 200015 Cannot charge off more than the current balance 200016 Cannot pay more than the charge off amount 200017 Manual assessed fees are stopped 200018 200019 Non-monetary transactions allowed for contract collection loans 200020 Restricted account, status is not valid 200021 Transaction credit on an unfunded loan 200022 Transaction advance is over the credit limit 200023 Transaction advance is restricted 200024 Bills exist, CQ transaction must be used 200025 Transaction is not valid for bills 200026 Capitalized fees, CQ transaction must be used 200027 Transaction advance to a close end loan 200028 Transaction advance less than minimum check amount 200029 Credit line available is less than the minimum check amount 200030 Credit line available is more than the minimum check amount 200031 Interest payment is not valid on an add-on loan 200032 Interest adjustment is not valid on an add-on loan 200033 Secondary interest is not valid on an add-on loan 200034 Shadow interest payment is not allowed on an add-on loan 200035 Amount greater than late charges due 200036 Amount greater than total amount for the fee number 200037 Amount greater than other charges due 200038 Pay-off pending loan status 200039 Amount greater than payment suspense 200040 Escrow is not set up for this loan 200041 Amount greater than Federal W/H 200042 Amount greater than State W/H 200043 200044 Shadow processing flag is not valid 200045 Amount greater than the charge-off 200047 Stop/Hit suspect 200048 Fee assessment is not valid 200158 200484 No credit line record with credit line adjustment transaction 200485 Credit line adjustment only valid with straight lines of credit 200486 Credit line adjustment would raise available credit over the line amt 200487 Credit line adjustment would lower available credit to a negative amt 200488 Credit line adjustment is only valid for active credit lines 200491 Transaction code with affects code "O" is not valid 200492 Transaction code with Fee Number 807 is not valid 200771 Loan is not sold, cannot use action code 200772 Invalid action code 200785 Loan will ream. Tran greater than % of balance to ream. 200786 Advances have been stopped for this account 200787 Advances are stopped 200790 Specialty Lending loan but no units have been entered 200791 Accrual fees are not valid for MPLOC accounts 200792 Prepayment penalty fees are not valid for MPLOC accounts 200793 Effective date is not valid on transactions to unit '00000' 200794 Payoff amount will unpost 200795 Invalid Unit Priced Loan Master 200796 Invalid Debt Protection Plan 200797 Shadow processing flag is not 'Y' 200798 Amount more than charge off principal 200799 Amount more than charge off interest 200820 Unit Priced Loan - must use Unit Priced transaction entry 200875 Unit not allowed 200979 The main and sold piece of the loan are not in sync. 200981 Debit to Interest Transaction will not pass to servicing 201106 Principal transaction exceeds current balance

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Last updated Fri Dec 13 2024