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Enterprise SOAP API > API by Reference > Core Services > Tax Plan Add > Providers > SilverLake > Errors
101002 Error Invalid date 300040 IRA plan code is not valid 300096 CIF number not in CIF master file 300102 Plan already exists 300103 Fee code must be Y, N, or C 300104 Employer CIF number not in CIF master 300105 Plan established date is invalid 300106 First deposit date is invalid 300107 Lead account CD number is not in the CD master file 300108 Spousal code must be Y or N 300109 Beneficiary of name required for death distributions 300110 Original owner birth date is not valid 300111 Original owner date of birth and date of death are required 300112 Sole spousal distributions must be Y or N 300113 Original owner date of death is invalid 300114 Distribution 10 year rule override must be Y or N 300115 Distribution order must be AC, LR, HR, LB, HB, DT, or blank 300116 Auto start distribution must be Y or N 300117 Auto recalculate distribution must be Y or N 300118 Delay initial distribution must be Y or N 300119 Reduce final annual distribution must be Y or N 300127 Waive mandatory distribution must be Y or N 300128 Waive mandatory distribution cannot be Y when birth date is zero 300129 If auto recalc is N, minimum distribution amount cannot be zero 300130 Plus interest code must be Y or N 300131 Payment term cannot be zeros 300132 Distribution term cannot be zeros when waived code is Y 300133 Distribution term code must be D OR M 300134 Distribution term code cannot be blank when next pay date is not zero 300135 Distribution term code cannot be blank when waived code is Y 300136 Day of month for distribution must be equal to or less than 31 300137 Deposit account number/type is not valid 300139 Deposit to account type must be D or S 300140 Tran code must affect debit to balance 300141 Both federal withholding fixed amount and fixed percent cannot be selected 300142 Both state withholding fixed amount and fixed percent cannot be selected 300143 First distribution date is invalid 300144 Distribution calculation code must be M, S, or J 300145 Distribution calculation method must be D or R 300146 Last distribution date is invalid 300147 For joint life, beneficiary calulation must be D or R 300148 ACH account name is required 300149 ACH credit bank routing number is invalid 300150 ACH credit tran code is invalid 300151 ACH send prenotice must be Y or N 300152 ACH entry description cannot be blank 300153 ACH entry standard class is invalid 300154 ACH company name cannot be blank 300155 ACH company id cannot be blank 300156 Distribution tran code cannot be changed to 658 if waived is set to Y 300157 ACH credit account number and deposit to account number cannot both be selected 300158 Next distribution date is invalid 300159 Date of next distribution cannot be 0 if waived equals Y 300161 A 658 tran code requires the next distribution date to be prior to 04/01 300162 Next distribution date must be greater than current year 300225 Warning Sole Spousal code cannot be Y if original owner DOB is zero 300246 Beneficiary of information cannot be blank when plan type is RTI.

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Last updated Fri Dec 13 2024