Service Default
Service Default
In many of the jXchange services used for addition of consumers, transactions and/or accounts, defaults are supplied by Service Providers for certain element values. The default values are not supplied in the XSD contract, but can be obtained from the Service Provider by use of the jXchange Service Default Request (SrvDftRq) service.
With the jXchange Service Default Request service, a Third Party Consumer may request a list of default values associated with an add service, such as Customer Add, Account Add, etc. the Third Party Consumer supplies the type of account to be added, a template of information pertinent to identifying the type of product to be added, and the type and/or variation of template that applies to the product.
Service Default Updates
This topic explains the updates to this service.
2007.0 Updates
Updates for the Service Default Request message consist of the following canonical values added as options for the Service Name element value in the Service Default Request complex of the request message:
- ACHXferAdd
- CollatTrackAdd
- EscrwAdd
- FASB91Add
- IdVerifyAdd
- LnAcctAdd
- LOCAdd
- RealEstatePropAdd
The added canonical values represent message services that were added to jXchange for release 2007.0.
2008.0 Updates
The following new arrays were created:
- LnFeeArray_AType
- LnGuarArray_AType
- LnTierRateArray_AType
- OthInsurArray_AType
The following new complexes were created:
- FutXferRec_CType
- FutXferSrchRec_CType
- LnFeeInfoRec_CType
- LnGuarInfoRec_CType
- LnTierRateInfoRec_CType
- OthInsurInfoRec_CType
- PrePmtPenInfoRec_CType
The following new simple elements were created:
- AHInsurStartDt
- ChgYrFeeCode
- CouponStartDt
- CrBureauRptCode
- CrLifeInsurStartDt
- CrScoreId
- EndorNum
- FirstStmtDt
- FirstStmtFeeCode
- FloodInsurExpDt
- FutXferAmtLTD
- FutXferDayOfMonth
- FutXferExpDt
- FutXferFirstDt
- FutXferFreq
- FutXferFreqUnits
- FutXferLateChgCode
- FutXferLateChgDesc
- FutXferNextDt
- FutXferNSFCode
- FutXferNSFDesc
- FutXferSuspEndDt
- FutXferSuspStartDt
- FutXferUseLnAmtCode
- FutXferUseLnAmtDesc
- FutXferUseLnDtCode
- FutXferUseLnDtDesc
- IntPmtPostCode
- LnAppId
- LnFeeAmt
- LnFeeAssmntDt
- LnFeeChgCode
- LnFeeChgDesc
- LnFeeCode
- LnFeeDayOfMonth
- LnFeeFreq
- LnFeeFreqUnits
- LnFeeText
- LnGuarId
- LnGuarText
- LnTierRate
- LnTierRateIdxNum
- LnTierRateBal
- LnTierRateText
- OthInsurAccrBase
- OthInsurIdxNum
- OthInsurStartDt
- OthInsurText
- PmtGraceDays
- PmtReAmrtzDayOfMonth
- PmtReAmrtzFreq
- PmtReAmtrzFreqCode
- PrePmtPenBillCode
- PrePmtPenBillDesc
- PrePmtPenExpDt
- PrePmtPenStartDt
- RateRevDayOfMonth
- SBAApprvDt
- SCRANotCode
- SCRANotDesc
- XferType
- YrFeeChgDt
The following complexes were updated:
- EscrwInfoRec_CType
- LnAcctInfo_CType
- LnBalDtInfo_CType
- LnInfoRec_CType
- LnPmtInfo_CType
- LnRateInfo_CType
- LnRealEstateInfo_CType
- LnRegRptInfo_CType
The following elements/complexes were scheduled for deprecation:
- OffCode_Type from BusDetail_CType
- OffCode_Type from LnInfoRec_CType
2008.1 Updates
The following new array was created:
- DenialRsnArray_AType
The following new complexes were created:
- AcctTitleInfo_CType
- CrBurInfo_CType
- CustMsgInfoRec_CType
- DenialRsnInfo_CType
- EftDescInfo_CType
- LnPmtSchedInfo_CType
- ResLnAppRgtrInfo_CType
- RmkInfo_CType
The following new simple elements were created:
- AnnPctRate
- AppDecDt
- AppDt
- AppEffDt
- AppStatCode
- ConvFixRateExpDt
- CRADelinCode
- CrBurAcctClsfCode
- CrBurActnCode
- CrBurAddrRptCode
- CrBurCplCode
- CrBurId
- CrBurSpecCmntCode
- CrBurStatCode
- CrBurTranCode
- CrClsfCode
- DecOffc
- DenialRsnCode
- DenialRsnDesc
- DenialRsnText
- DlqDt
- ECOACode
- HMDANoRptRsn
- LienStatCode
- LnAcctId
- MsgExpDt
- OrigAcctId
- PmtSchedNum
- PostAdvCode
- PreApprvAppCode
- PropSMSALoc
- PrtcpCompName
- SuspPmtSchedCode
The following message was updated:
- SvcDftRs_MType
The following arrays were updated:
- AcctTitle_AType
- EftDescArray_AType
- FldZoneIdArray_AType
- FreeFormAddr_AType
- Rmk_AType
The following complexes were updated:
- LnRateInfo_CType
- LOCRec_CType
- MsgRsHdr_CType
- StopChkInfo_CType
2009.0 Updates
The following new complexes were created:
- AcctBenf_CType
- TrckAcctInfo_CType
The following message was updated:
- SvcDftRs_MType
2009.1 Updates
The following new complexes were created:
- AcctCombStmtInfo_CType
- AcctProdOvrrdInfoRec_CType
- SweepAcctInfo_CType
The following message was updated:
- SvcDftRs_MType
2010.0 Updates
The following new arrays were created:
- ACHIntlAddendaArray_AType
- ODPrvlgOptInfoArray_AType
The following new complexes were created:
- ACHIntlAddendaInfoRec_CType
- ODPrvlgOptInfoRec_CType
The following complexes were updated:
- ACHIntlInfoRec_CType
- Benf_CType
- DepInfoRec_CType
- LnRateInfo_CType
2011.0 Updates
The following new complexes were created:
- EmplAppInfoRec_CType
- SafeDepAcctInfo_CType
- SafeDepInfoRec_CType
The following message was updated:
- SvcDftRs_MType
The following complex was updated:
- x_SafeDepInfoRec_CType
The following array was scheduled for deprecation:
- AcctTitle_AType
2011.1 Updates
The following message was updated:
- SvcDftRq_MType
- CustRelRec_CType
- DepNSFODInfo_CType
- DepRateIntInfo_CType
- LnAcctInfo_CType
- LnBalDtInfo_CType
- LnPmtInfo_CType
- LnRateInfo_CType
- LnRealEstateInfo_CType
- TimeDepBalDtInfo_CType
- TimeDepRateIntInfo_CType
- x_BusDetail_CType
- x_LnAcctInfo_CType
- x_LnRealEstateInfo_CType
2012.0 Updates
The following new array was created:
- LnRiskRateArray_AType
The following new complex was created:
- LnRiskRateInfoRec_CType
The following new simple elements and their canonical values were created:
- MTDAccrDays
- MTDAccrInt
- NegAmrtzOrignBal
- RiskRateAmt
- RiskRateCalcAmt
- RiskRatePct
- RiskRateTxt
The following complexes were updated:
- DepRateIntInfo_CType
- LnPmtInfo_CType
- TimeDepRateIntInfo_CType
2012.0.03 Updates
The following new array was created:
- MultiDepRateArray_AType
The following new complex was created:
- MultiDepRateRec_CType
The following complex was updated:
- TimeDepRateIntInfo_CType
2012.1.02 Updates
The following new simple elements were created:
- ODHighBal
- ODLmt
- PastDueAmt
- SecdCrScoreId
The following complexes were updated:
- DepNSFODInfo_CType
- CrBurInfo_CType
- LcAcctInfo_CType
Deprecation Details
The following is a list of the deprecation items, comments, and dates.
AcctTitle_AType Deprecation Details
This complex was deprecated effective 01-01-2014. AcctTitleArray_AType was added to the SafeDepInfoRec_CType in support of the addition and modification services.
BusDetail_CType Deprecation Details
- OffCode
- This element has been moved to the OffInfoArray located within this complex. Effective date: 2011-01-01.
LnInfoRec_CType Deprecation Details
- OffCode
- This element has been moved to the OffInfoArray located within this complex. Effective date: 2011-01-01.
Service Default Request
In the Service Default Request, there are three elements. Two simple elements are used for service name and service call level, and a third array element for enumerating the criterion needed by the Service Provider to determine what service product defaults are being requested.
Message Flow
The Service Default message flow is initiated by the Third Party Consumer by use of Service Default request message.
Primary Request
The primary request for service defaults is initiated by the Third Party Consumer forwarding the SrvDftRq message containing Service Name, Call Level and Criteria Array elements. The Service Name element will contain one canonical value indicating the service for which default values are being requested, such as Account Add, Customer Add, etc. The Call Level will contain a Service Provider created value designating the template to be used in populating the Criteria Array complex. The Criteria Array Name elements will be populated with categories designated by the Service Provider, such as Account Type, Branch, etc. The criteria array may contain multiple Name and Value elements containing various categories used to describe a specific service product. Each Value element of the Criteria Array will contain a value designating a choice pertaining to the category listed in the Name element listed prior to the Value element. It is the prerogative of the Service Provider to designate which Name and Value elements are required. Both Name and Value elements must be paired in consecutive order, and the order of the Name elements contained in the Criteria Array is mandatory, detailed as a template preset by the Service Provider.
Primary Response
Once the Service Provider has received a completed SrvDftRq, it will respond with a complete list of elements required for the addition of the type service for which the defaults have been requested. The list will contain values for the elements containing defaults. The remaining elements without default values will need to be filled by the Third Party Consumer to complete the instance. The list will be returned in the form of a record that would normally be submitted in an add request, such as the CustDetail, RegDetail, and DepInfoRec for an Account Add request, with the default values supplied.
SvcDftRq_MType is a message MType element.
- CriteriaArray_AType
- Custom_CType
- MsgRqHdr_CType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this message.
- SvcCallLvl
- Service call level. If a service needs to be called multiple times this element allows the consumer to specify which call they are performing. A value of 1 conveys to the service provider that element defaults are being requested. A value of 2 conveys to the service provider that element requirements are being requested. The default value is 1.
- SvcOperName
- The name of the service operation used for routing for the service
default message. Canonical values are:
- AcctAdd
- CollatTrackAdd
- CrBurInfoAdd
- CustAdd
- CustMsgAdd
- CustRelAdd
- EmplAppAdd
- EscrwAdd
- FASB91Add
- IdVerifyAdd
- LnAcctAdd
- LnAppRgtrAdd
- LnPmtSchedAdd
- LOCAdd
- RealEstatePropAdd
- StopChkAdd
- TaxPlnAdd
- TaxPlnBenfAdd
- TrnAdd
- XferAdd
- SvcName
- Service name. Jx Services by name. Canonical values are:
- AcctAdd
- ACHXferAdd
- CollatTrackDocAdd
- CollatTrackItemAdd
- CrBurInfoAdd
- CustAdd
- CustMsgAdd
- CustRelAdd
- EmplAppAdd
- EscrwAdd
- FASB91Add
- IdVerifyAdd
- LOCAdd
- LnAcctAdd
- LnAppRgtrAdd
- LnPmtSchedAdd
- RealEstatePropAdd
- StopChkAdd
- TaxPlnAdd
- TaxPlnBenfAdd
- TrnAdd
- XferAdd
CriteriaArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of criteria information.
- CriteriaInfo_CType
CriteriaInfo_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- CriteriaName
- The element, column, parameter, or field name to be used for a decision.
- CriteriaVal
- The element, column, parameter, or field name value to be used for a decision.
Custom_CType is a complex CType element.
This element is optional.
MsgRqHdr_CType is a complex CType element. This is the default message request header.
- AuthenUsrCred_CType
- jXchangeHdr_CType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- AuthenProdCred
- Authentication of the Consumer Product Credentials in the form of a WS Security element that contains a single SAML V2.0 Assertion.
AuthenUsrCred_CType is a complex CType element. This element represents authentication of the end-user credentials in the form of a WS Security element that contains a single SAML V2.0 Assertion.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- Security
- Defines the wsse:Security SOAP header element per section 4.
jXchangeHdr_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- AuditUsrId
- The user ID that the consumer would like written in the audit as performing the requested service. It varies, but it could be the same as the user ID. It is not used to authenticate. It is used to audit the Soap Header Fault.
- AuditWsId
- The workstation ID that the consumer would like written in the audit as performing the requested service for the Soap Header Fault. It varies, but it could be the same as the user ID.
- AuthenUsrId
- The user ID which the consumer would like the service provider to authenticate with
for the Soap Header Fault. It is a user ID that the provider understands.
This element deprecates in accordance with XSD contract tenets. Effective date: 2017–01–01. The new complex element for user authentication credentials was added to both the Search Message Request Header SrchMsgRqHdr_CType and the Message Request Header MsgRqHdr_CType. AuthenUsrId is ignored by the service providers when the authentication user credentials AuthenUsrCred_CType package is delivered. The expectation is that the password credentials and the user name token are provided in the authentication user credential complex element in accordance with the standards established by WS-Security.
- BusCorrelId
- The correlation identification as related to business functions and activities.
- ConsumerName
- The name of the service consumer (business name) for the Soap Header Fault.
- ConsumerProd
- The name of the product which is consuming the service (business product name) for the Soap Header Fault.
- InstEnv
- An identification provided by the consumer that defines the environment in which the
institution is operating. Canonical values are:
- Prod
- InstRtId
- The identification of the entity of the submitted message. A
financial institution entity uses the routing transit or nine-digit number assigned to
financial institutions for routing as assigned by the American Bankers Association. Any
leading zeros must be provided for a complete routing and transit number. A
non-financial institution entity should use a mutually agreed upon identification that
must contain at least one non-integer character. The canonical value is
The element is required in all message requests.
- jXLogTrackingId
- An identification provided by jXchange to be able to trace the request and response of a message from the third-party gateway, internal gateway, and service provider for the Soap Header Fault.
- JxVer
- Contains the version jXchange is running for the Soap Header Fault.
- ValidConsmName
- The consumer name that can be validated by enterprise governance. The canonical values are managed in a consumer/product enterprise table. The canonical value is: JHA.
- ValidConsmProd
- The consumer product name that can be validated by enterprise governance. The canonical values are managed in a consumer/product enterprise table.
- WorkflowCorrelId
- The correlation identification as related to workflow functions and activities.
jXchangeHdr_CType Deprecation Details
- AuthenUserId
- This element deprecates in three years in accordance with XSD contract tenets. Effective date: 2012–01–01. The new complex element for user authentication credentials was added to the Search Message Request Header, SrchMsgRqHdr_CType, and the Message Request Header, MsgRqHdr_CType. AuthenUsrId is ignored by the service providers when the authentication user credentials AuthenUsrCred_CType package is delivered. The expectation is that the password credentials and the user name token are provided in the authentication user credential complex element in accordance with the standards established by WS-Security.
SvcDftRs_MType is a message MType element.
- AcctBenf_CType
- AcctCombStmtInfo_CType
- AcctProdOvrrdInfoRec_CType
- ACHPmtInfo_CType
- ACHXferRec_CType
- Benf_CType
- BusDetail_CType
- CollatDocRec_CType
- CollatItemRec_CType
- CrBurInfo_CType
- CustDetail_CType
- CustMsgInfoRec_CType
- Custom_CType
- CustRelRec_CType
- DepAcctInfo_CType
- DepBalDtInfo_CType
- DepInfoRec_CType
- DepNSFODInfo_CType
- DepRateIntInfo_CType
- DepRegRptInfo_CType
- DepStmtInfo_CType
- DepTaxInfo_CType
- EmplAppInfoRec_CType
- EscrwAnlysInfoRec_CType
- EscrwFedWith references FedWith_CType
- EscrwInfoRec_CType
- EscrwPmtBalInfoRec_CType
- EscrwStateWith references StateWith_CType
- FASB91InfoRec_CType
- FldInsurInfoRec_CType
- FutXferRec_CType
- LnAcctInfo_CType
- LnBalDtInfo_CType
- LnDlrInfo_CType
- LnInfoRec_CType
- LnMtgInfo_CType
- LnPastDueInfo_CType
- LnPmtInfo_CType
- LnPmtSchedInfo_CType
- LnProtInfo_CType
- LnRateInfo_CType
- LnRealEstateInfo_CType
- LnRegRptInfo_CType
- LnRenExtInfo_CType
- LnStopInfo_CType
- LOCRec_CType
- MsgRsHdr_CType
- PlnCust_CType
- RealEstatePropRec_CType
- RegDetail_CType
- ResLnAppRgtrInfo_CType
- SafeDepAcctInfo_CType
- SafeDepInfoRec_CType
- StopChkInfo_CType
- SweepAcctInfo_CType
- TaxDetail_CType
- TaxPlnDist_CType
- TaxPlnTaxInfo_CType
- TimeDepAcctInfo_CType
- TimeDepBalDtInfo_CType
- TimeDepInfoRec_CType
- TimeDepRateIntInfo_CType
- TimeDepRegRptInfo_CType
- TimeDepRenInfo_CType
- TimeDepStmtInfo_CType
- TimeDepTaxInfo_CType
- TrckAcctInfo_CType
- TrnInfo_CType
- XferRec_CType
AcctBenf_CType is a complex CType element. This element is optional.
Simple Elements
- BenfName references PersonName_CType
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- BenfDesigId
- An identification provided to each beneficiary that designates primary and contingent beneficiaries.
- BenfId
- An identification (i.e., Tax Identification, Drivers License) provided to identify the beneficiary.
- BenfPctDist
- The percentage of the proceeds the beneficiary is entitled to.
- BenfRel
- The relationship the beneficiary has to the account holder.
PersonName_CType is a complex CType element. It contains name information. This complex is optional.
BenfNameComplex references PersonName_CType.
- X_PersonName
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- ComName
- The common name. This is the full text line name like John Doe.
- FirstName
- The first name.
- LastName
- The last name.
- MiddleName
- The middle name.
PersonName_CType is a complex CType element. It contains name information. This complex is optional.
- X_PersonName
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- ComName
- The common name. This is the full text line name like John Doe.
- FirstName
- The first name.
- LastName
- The last name.
- MiddleName
- The middle name.
x_PersonName_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- AbbName
- An abbreviated individual's or entity's name.
- LegalName
- Used by entities like trusts, or businesses in the case where an individual is doing business as a company, or when the legal name is different than the ComName.
- NameSuffix
- The name suffix. For examples, Jr. or MD.
- SalName
- A full text line name which is used in mailings. For example, Mr. and Mrs. John Doe.
- TitlePrefix
- The title prefix. Examples: Mr. or Mrs.
AcctCombStmtInfo_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
- CombAccountId references AccountId_CType
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- ForceComb
- Always force the combined account to print with the lead account regardless of any
other settings. Canonical values are:
- false
- true
- IncEFTStmt
- Include on EFT statement. Indicates if this combined account is to be included if an
EFT statement is created under the rules of Reg E. Canonical Values are:
- false
- true
- StmtCrInt
- Statement credit interest. Canonical values are:
- CrInt
- NA
- NoCrInt
- StmtSerChg
- The statement service charge.
AccountId_CType is a complex CType element. This element contains the incoming account identification information and any restrictions.
CombAccountId references AccountId_CType.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- AcctId
- The number or character that identifies an account record.
- AcctType
- The number or character that categorizes the AcctId.
- Rstr
- The level of restrictions that can exist at a parent and/or child node. Canonical
values are:
- Hid
- NoAccess
- NoAccessPart
- ReadOnly
- ReadOnlyPart
- ReadWrite
- ReadWritePart
AcctProdOvrrdInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element.
- EFTChgInfoArray_AType
- FDICInsurInfoRec_CType
- ODInfoRec_CType
- ProdBaseInfoRec_CType
- RedSerChgInfoRec_CType
- SerChgRelInfoRec_CType
- SerChgTierInfoArray_AType
- TrnActTierInfoArray_AType
- XferInfoRec_CType
- XsDrChgInfoArray_AType
EFTChgInfoArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of charges for EFT activity.
- EFTChgInfoRec_CType
EFTChgInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this message.
- EFTChgAmt
- The amount of charge for EFT type transactions.
- EFTChgPctRed
- The percentage that a service charge is reduced based on EFT transaction activity.
- EFTTrnActType
- The activity type of the EFT transaction. Canonical values are:
- All
- Forn
- OnUs
- EFTTrnType
- The type of EFT transaction. Canonical values are:
- Cr
- Dr
- EFTWavTolrCnt
- The tolerance number of EFT transactions that result in the waiving of EFT charges.
FDICInsurInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- FDICInsurChgCalcType
- The balance to use for FDIC charge calculations. Canonical values
- AvgLdger
- Col
- Ldgr
- MinLdgr
- FDICInsurChgRate
- The rate to charge an account for FDIC insurance charges.
ODInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- ChgODFeeBal
- The threshold balance of an account before charging an account for maintaining a negative balance position.
- ODChgCalcType
- The balance to use for overdraft accrual calculations. Canonical
values are:
- Col
- Ldgr
- ODIdxNum
- Overdraft index number charged to accounts that are in an overdraft state.
ProdBaseInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- SerChgAmt
- The amount of service charge assessed to an account.
- TrnHistRtnDays
- The number of days an account should retain transactional history.
- TrnHistRtnDaysType
- The type of retention days for transactional data behavior.
Canonical values are:
- Bus
- Cal
- ZeroBalAllwDays
- The number of days an account can maintain a zero balance without closing.
RedSerChgInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element.
- RedSerChgMthdArray_AType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- MinSerChgRedAmt
- The minimum amount a service charge can be reduced.
- SerChgTolrAmt
- The tolerance that triggers the behavior to waive the service charge when it falls below a predetermined amount.
- SerChgWavDrType
- The service charge is waived if the account has no debit activity.
Canonical values are:
- false
- true
- SerChgWavTrnType
- The service charge is waived if the account has no activity.
Canonical values are:
- false
- true
RedSerChgMthdArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of methods used to reduce service charge amounts.
- RedSerChgMthdInfoRec_CType
RedSerChgMthdInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- RedSerChgAmt
- The service charge reduction amount.
- RedSerChgCalcType
- The balance to use for service charge reduction calculations.
Canonical values are:
- AvgCol
- AvgLdgr
- Ldgr
- MinLdgr
- RedSerChgIdxNum
- The reduced service charge index number that is used to calculate the amount to reduce the service charge amount.
- RedSerChgIncrAmt
- The incremental amount to use for service charge reduction calculations.
- RedSerChgMinBal
- The minimum balance amount maintained by an account to be considered for service charge reductions.
- RedSerChgMthdType
- The method to be used for service charge reductions. Canonical
values are:
- Amt
- Rate
- RedSerChgResrvPct
- The percentage to be used to reserve the balance amount prior to any service charge reduction behavioral calculations.
SerChgRelInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element.
- SerChgLvlArray_AType
- SerChgLvlRelArray_AType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- RedSerChgAmt
- The service charge reduction amount.
- RedSerChgMthdType
- The method to be used for service charge reductions. Canonical
values are:
- Amt
- Rate
- RedSerChgPct
- The percentage to be used for any service charge reduction behavioral calculations.
- SerChgLvlIncClub
- Include club accounts for relationship level service charging.
Canonical values are:
- false
- true
- SerChgLvlLgclOprnd
- The logical operand that determines if all the service charge level relationships
should be used in accessing qualifications for waiving service charges. Canonical values
- And
- Or
- WavSerChgType
- The type values that determine the behavior
for waiving a service charge. Canonical values are:
- false
- true
SerChgLvlArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of levels with qualifications for account relationship service charges.
- SerChgLvlInfoRec_CType
SerChgLvlInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element.
- SerChgLvlAppAmtArray_AType
- SerChgLvlAppCntArray_AType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- SerChgLvlLgclOprnd
- The logical operand that determines if all the service charge level relationships
should be used in accessing qualifications for waiving service charges. Canonical values
- And
- Or
- SerChgLvlOrder
- The order for service charge level relationships in accessing qualifications for waiving service charges.
SerChgLvlAppAmtArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of applications used to determine balance qualifications for waiving service charges.
- SerChgLvlAppAmtInfoRec_CType
SerChgLvlAppAmtInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element.
- SerChgLvlAppDetArray_AType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- SerChgLvlAlgSymb
- The algebraic symbol for the total of application balances.
Canonical values are:
- EQ
- GE
- GT
- LE
- LT
- NE
- SerChgLvlAppOrder
- The application order for service charge level relationships in accessing qualifications for waiving service charges.
- SerChgLvlTolrAmt
- The tolerance that triggers the behavior to waive the service charge when it falls below this amount for service charge levels.
SerChgLvlAppDetArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of detail applications used to determine balance qualifications for waiving service charges.
- SerChgLvlAppDetInfoRec_CType
SerChgLvlAppDetInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- SerChgLvlApp
- The application for service charge level relationships in
accessing qualifications for waiving service charges. Canonical values are:
- Dep
- Ln
- ODProt
- Savings
- TimeDep
- SerChgLvlCalcType
- The balance to use for service charge application level
calculations. Canonical values are:
- AvgCol
- AvgLdgr
- Ldgr
- MinLdgr
SerChgLvlAppCntArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of applications used to determine count qualifications for waiving service charges.
- SerChgLvlAppCntInfoRec_CType
SerChgLvlAppCntInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element.
- SerChgLvlAppDetArray_AType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- SerChgLvlAlgSymb
- The algebraic symbol for the total of application balances.
Canonical values are:
- EQ
- GE
- GT
- LE
- LT
- NE
- SerChgLvlAppOrder
- The application order for service charge level relationships in accessing qualifications for waiving service charges.
- SerChgLvlTolrCnt
- The tolerance that triggers the behavior to waive the service charge when it falls below this count for service charge levels.
SerChgLvlAppDetArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of detail applications used to determine balance qualifications for waiving service charges.
- SerChgLvlAppDetInfoRec_CType
SerChgLvlAppDetInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- SerChgLvlApp
- The application for service charge level relationships in
accessing qualifications for waiving service charges. Canonical values are:
- Dep
- Ln
- ODProt
- Savings
- TimeDep
- SerChgLvlCalcType
- The balance to use for service charge application level
calculations. Canonical values are:
- AvgCol
- AvgLdgr
- Ldgr
- MinLdgr
SerChgLvlRelArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of account relationships that is considered for account override service charges.
- SerChgLvlRelInfoRec_CType
SerChgLvlRelInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- AcctRelCode
- The code that describes the relationship a customer has to an account.
SerChgTierInfoArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of tier service charges.
- SerChgTierInfoRec_CType
SerChgTierInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element.
- SerChgTierBalInfoArray_AType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
SerChgTierBalInfoArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of balances for tier service charges.
- SerChgTierBalInfoRec_CType
SerChgTierBalInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- SerChgLvlAlgSymb
- The algebraic symbol for the total of application balances.
Canonical values are:
- EQ
- GE
- GT
- LE
- LT
- NE
- TierBalAmt
- The balance amount for a specific tier to determine tier charge qualifications.
- TierChgCalcType
- The balance to use for tier charge calculations. Canonical values
- AvgCol
- AvgLdg
- Ldgr
- MinLdgr
- TierChgOrder
- The sequential order of charges in a tier charge arrangement.
TranActTierInfoArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of tier charges based on transactional activity.
- TrnActTierInfoRec_CType
TrnActTierInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element.
- TierActBalInfoArray_AType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- TierChgAmt
- The amount of a service charge for a specific tier assessed to an account.
- TierTolrXsCnt
- The tolerance number of transactions that results in the charging of transaction item charges.
- TierTrnActType
- The transactional type of activity for tier charges. Canonical
values are:
- All
- Cash
- Forn
- Local
- OnUs
- TierTrnType
- The transactional type of activity for tier charges. Canonical
values are:
- Cr
- Dr
- All
TierActBalInfoArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of balances for transactional activity tier charges.
- TierActBalInfoRec_CType
TierActBalInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- SerChgLvlAlgSymb
- The algebraic symbol for the total of application balances.
Canonical values are:
- EQ
- GE
- GT
- LE
- LT
- NE
- TierBalAmt
- The balance amount for a specific tier to determine tier charge qualifications.
- TierChgCalcType
- The balance to use for tier charge calculations. Canonical values
- AvgCol
- AvgLdg
- Ldgr
- MinLdgr
- TierChgOrder
- The sequential order of charges in a tier charge arrangement.
XferInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element.
- XferEFTDescArray references EFTDesc_AType.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- XferFee
- The fee amount.
- XferPrtRcpt
- Print receipt. Canonical values are:
- false
- FirstRcptOnly
- FromAcct
- ToAcct
- true
XsDrChgInfoArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of charges for excess debit activity.
- XsDrChgInfoRec_CType
XsDrChgInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- XsDrChgAmt
- The amount of charge for excess debit transactions.
- XsDrChgMthd
- The behavioral method for charging accounts excess debit charges.
Canonical values are:
- Dly
- false
- Stmt
- true
- XsDrChgWav
- The excess debit should be charged regardless of other account
settings. The canonical values are:
- Chg
- NA
- Wav
- XsDrTrnType
- The type of EFT transaction. Canonical values are:
- Any
- MMDAOnly
- XsDrWavTolrCnt
- The tolerance number of debit transactions that results in the waiving of excess debit charges.
ACHPmtInfo_CType is a complex CType element. This element is optional.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- ACHCompDiscrData
- The ACH company discretionary data, as governed by NACHA rules.
- ACHCompEntryDesc
- The ACH company entry description, as governed by NACHA rules.
- ACHCompId
- The ACH company ID.
- ACHCompName
- The ACH company name, as governed by NACHA rules.
- ACHCrAcctId
- The account ID of the credit account for the ACH item.
- ACHCrName
- The account holder's name of the credit account for the ACH item.
- ACHCrRtNum
- The routing and transit number of the credit account's bank for the ACH item.
- ACHDrAcctId
- The account ID of the debit account for the ACH item.
- ACHDrName
- The account holder's name of the debit account for the ACH item.
- ACHDrRtNum
- The routing and transit number of the debit account's bank for the ACH item.
- ACHSendPreNoteCode
- The code that determines if an ACH prenotification should be generated, as governed by NACHA rules.
- ACHStdEntryClass
- The ACH standard entry class.
- ACHTrnCode
- The transaction code to be used for the ACH item, as governed by NACHA rules.
ACHXferRec_CType is a complex CType element. This complex defines a transfer through an ACH transaction (bank to bank transfer). This is not included if the XferType is Xfer.
- ACHAddendaArray_AType
- ACHIntlInfoRec_CType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- AcctStat
- The account status.
- ACHAltCompName
- The alternate company name that can be used for EFT description requirements.
- ACHCompDiscrData
- The ACH company discretionary data, as governed by NACHA rules.
- ACHCompEntryDesc
- The ACH company entry description, as governed by NACHA rules.
- ACHCompId
- The ACH company ID.
- ACHCompName
- The ACH company name, as governed by NACHA rules.
- ACHCrAcctId
- The account ID of the credit account for the ACH item.
- ACHCrAcctType
- The account type of the ACH credit account ID.
- ACHCrName
- The account holder's name of the credit account for the ACH item.
- ACHCrTrnCodeCode
- The transaction code for the ACH credit account.
- ACHDayAdv
- The number of days in advance to create the ACH transfer request.
- ACHDrAcctId
- The account ID of the debit account for the ACH item.
- ACHDrAcctType
- The account type of the ACH debit account ID.
- ACHDrBrCode
- The branch code for the ACH debit account.
- ACHDrName
- The account holder's name of the debit account for the ACH item.
- ACHDrRtNum
- The routing and transit number of the debit account's bank for the ACH item.
- ACHDrTrnCodeCode
- The transaction code for the ACH debit account.
- ACHFeeAmt
- The fee amount to be collected for each ACH transaction created.
- The life-to-date fee amount that has been collected for each ACH transaction created.
- ACHFeeCrAcctId
- The account ID of the fee credit account for the ACH transfer request.
- ACHFeeCrAcctType
- The account type of the fee credit account for the ACH transfer request.
- ACHFeeCrBrCode
- The branch code of the fee credit account for the ACH transfer request.
- ACHFeeCrRtNum
- The routing and transit number of the fee credit account's bank for the ACH transfer request.
- ACHFeeCrTrnCodeCode
- The transaction code of the fee credit account for the ACH transfer request.
- ACHFeeDrAcctId
- The account ID of the fee debit account for the ACH transfer request.
- ACHFeeDrAcctType
- The account type of the fee debit account for the ACH transfer request.
- ACHFeeDrBrCode
- The branch code of the fee debit account for the ACH transfer request.
- ACHFeeDrRtNum
- The routing and transit number of the fee debit account's bank for the ACH transfer request.
- ACHFeeDrTrnCodeCode
- The transaction code of the fee debit account for the ACH transfer request.
- ACHIndvId
- The ID entered by the originator provides additional identification for the ACH receiver and may be helpful in identifying the consumer.
- ACHLastMainDt
- The last maintenance date.
- ACHLastXferDt
- The date of the last ACH transfer request.
- ACHNextXferDay
- The specific day of the month of each ACH transfer request.
- ACHNextXferDt
- The date of the next ACH transfer request.
- The code that references how the ACH transfer should behave if the debit AcctId does not have sufficient funds to cover the transfer request.
- ACHOneTime
- Indicates if the ACH transfer should only occur one time and then expire.
- ACHOpenDt
- The date opened.
- ACHSemiDay1
- The day of month for first semi-monthly payment.
- ACHSemiDay2
- The day of month for second semi-monthly payment.
- ACHSendPreNoteCode
- The code that determines if an ACH prenotification should be generated, as governed by NACHA rules.
- ACHStdEntryClass
- The ACH standard entry class.
- ACHTermCnt
- The integer length of the term.
- ACHTermUnits
- The term units: years, months, days, indefinite. Canonical values are:
- Days
- Indefinite
- Months
- NA
- SemiMonthly
- Years
- ACHUseLnAmtCode
- The code that references how the ACH transfer amount should behave if the credit AcctId is a loan.
- ACHUseLnDtCode
- The code that references how the ACH transfer date should behave if the credit AcctId is a loan.
- ACHXferAmt
- The transfer amount for the ACH transaction.
- The life-to-date transfer amount for the ACH transactions.
- ACHXferExpireDt
- The expiration date of the ACH transfer request.
- ACHXferMatPmtCode
- The code that describes the behavior for loan payments at maturity for ACH transfers.
- RedPrinc
- Canonical values are:
- false
- true
- XferBalType
- Answers the question: What balances should be considered for transfer requests?
Canonical values are:
- Avl
- Col
- Ldgr
ACHAddendaArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array containing ACH addenda records.
- ACHAddendaInfoRec_CType
ACHAddendaInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- ACHAddenda
- An ACH record type carrying the supplemental data needed to completely identify an account holder or provide information concerning a payment to the RDFI and the receiver.
ACHIntlInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element.
- ACHIntlAddendaArray_AType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- ACHIntlType
- Defines which side of the ACH transfer belongs to an international
entity. Canonical values are:
- Credit
- Debit
- ACHRecvId
- An originator trace number provided to the receiver of the ACH transactions.
- ACHStdEntryClass
- The ACH standard entry class.
- FornExchRef
- The foreign exchange rate used to execute the foreign exchange conversion for international items in accord with NACHA standards.
- FornExchRefType
- The code used to indicate the content of the Foreign Exchange
reference for international items in accord with NACHA standards. Canonical values
- FornExchRate
- FornExchRef
- NA
- FornExchType
- The code used to indicate the foreign exchange conversion
methodology applied to international items in accord with NACHA standards. Canonical
values are:
- Fix
- FixVar
- VarFix
- FornPmtAmt
- The amount of foreign payment as expressed in the destination currency code.
- ISODestCntry
- The code as approved by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) used to identify the destination country for international items in accordance with NACHA standards.
- ISODestCur
- The code as approved by the ISO used to identify the currency denomination of the destination country for international items in accordance with NACHA standards.
- ISOOrigCur
- The code as approved by the ISO used to identify the currency denomination of the origination country for international items in accordance with NACHA standards.
ACHIntlAddendaArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of ACH international addenda records.
- ACHIntlAddendaInfoRec_CType
ACHIntlAddendaInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- ACHCompName
- The ACH company name, as governed by NACHA rules.
- ACHIntlAddendaType
- The type that defines the classification of the ACH international
addenda. Canonical values are:
- Orign
- Recv
- City
- The city name.
- Cntry
- The country name.
- CntryType
- The country abbreviation from ISO 3166.
- FinInstName
- The depository financial institution name.
- FinInstQualId
- Identifies the numbering scheme used in the depository financial
institution identification element. Canonical values are:
- InstRtId
- The identification of the entity of the submitted message. A
financial institution entity uses the routing transit or nine-digit number assigned to
financial institutions for routing as assigned by the American Bankers Association. Any
leading zeros must be provided for a complete routing and transit number. A
non-financial institution entity should use a mutually agreed upon identification that
must contain at least one non-integer character. The canonical value is
The element is required in all message requests.
- PostalCode
- The postal code or ZIP code.
- StateProv
- The state or province or region.
- StreetAddr1
- The street address.
Benf_CType is a complex CType element.
- BenfAddr references Addr_CType
- BenfName references PersonName_CType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- BenfAge
- The age of the beneficiary.
- BenfBirthDt
- The beneficiary date of birth.
- BenfCustId
- The customer ID for the beneficiary.
- BenfDeceasedDt
- The beneficiary date of death.
- BenfDesigId
- An identification provided to each beneficiary that designates primary and contingent beneficiaries.
- BenfDistAmt
- The amount distributed to the beneficiary.
- BenfFedWith
- The amount of federal taxes withheld from the distribution.
- BenfGender
- The gender of the beneficiary. Canonical values are:
- Female
- Male
- Other
- BenfIncMail
- Answers the question: Should the beneficiary name appear on any tax plan mailings?
- BenfPctDist
- The percentage of the proceeds the beneficiary is entitled to.
- BenfSpousCode
- The beneficiary spousal code.
- BenfStateWith
- The amount of state taxes withheld from the distribution.
- BenfTaxId
- The beneficiary tax identifier (numeric, 9 digits).
Addr_CType is a complex CType element containing address information. This element is optional.
BenfAddr references Addr_CType.
- FreeFormAddr_AType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- BusAddr
- Answers the question: Is this a business address? Y states it is a business address.
- City
- The city name.
- Cntry
- The country name.
- CntryType
- The country abbreviation from ISO 3166.
- County
- The county name.
- DlvryPt
- The delivery point added to the zip.
- FornAddr
- Is this a foreign address? Y states it is a foreign address.
- InvAddr
- Is this address invalid? Y states mail has been returned from this address.
- PostalCode
- The postal code or ZIP code.
- StateCode
- The 2 alpha long code which represents a state. For example, MO.
- StateProv
- The state or province or region.
- StreetAddr1
- The street address.
- StreetAddr2
- The second line of street address.
- StreetAddr3
- The third line of street address.
FreeFormAddr_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of free form address lines 1–11 in a printable/usable form.
- AddrLineInfo_CType
AddrLineInfo_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- AddrLine
- Free form element of address lines 1 - 11 in a printable/usable form, generally not separated.
PersonName_CType is a complex CType element. It contains name information. This complex is optional.
BenfName references PersonName_CType.
- X_PersonName
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- ComName
- The common name. This is the full text line name like John Doe.
- FirstName
- The first name.
- LastName
- The last name.
- MiddleName
- The middle name.
x_PersonName_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- AbbName
- An abbreviated individual's or entity's name.
- LegalName
- Used by entities like trusts, or businesses in the case where an individual is doing business as a company, or when the legal name is different than the ComName.
- NameSuffix
- The name suffix. For examples, Jr. or MD.
- SalName
- A full text line name which is used in mailings. For example, Mr. and Mrs. John Doe.
- TitlePrefix
- The title prefix. Examples: Mr. or Mrs.
BusDetail_CType is a complex CType element containing customer, statement, bank officer, and branch codes. This element is optional.
- BnkRptcyInfoRec_CType
- Custom_CType
- OffInfoArray_AType
- UserDefInfoArray_AType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- AbbrCustDesc
- An abbreviated customer description.
- BrCode
- The branch code.
- CustCode
- The code that further defines the customer.
- CustCycleCode
- The customer cycle code.
- CustImporCode
- The customer importance code. Example, VIP.
- FinStmtExpDt
- Financial statement expiration date.
- FinStmtWavCode
- F/S waive code.
- FinStmtWavDt
- F/S waive date.
- GroupCode
- Used to group loans of different types for general ledger reporting purposes. It may also be used to group customer accounts together.
- InsiderCode
- Insider code.
- LangType
- The language as defined by ISO 639–2 Language code list. Canonical values are:
- eng
- fre
- ger
- pol
- spa
- swe
- LastConDt
- The date of last contact.
- LastFinStmtDt
- The last financial statement date.
- LastFinStmtLtrDt
- The last financial statement letter sent date.
- LeaseSecCode
- For lease security accounts, this flag represents the category that this record falls
under. Valid entries are:
- B - building
- L - landlord
- T - tenant
- MailDirCode
- The code for the mail directive, such as Hold.
- NetWorth
- Represents the net worth.
This element is scheduled for deprecation. Effective date: 2018-01-01. The NetWorthAmt element should be used due to size limitations of the NetWorth element.
- NetWorthAmt
- The net worth of an entity.
- OffCode
- The code that designates the financial institution officer.
- ProfAnlys
- For profit analysis.
- SalesPerson
- The code value that represents the sales person. This element was changed from a string to an open enumerated type in 4/2011. This element resides as an exception and is not to be suffixed with code rather than deprecate the element. The element does have a description.
BusDetail_CType Deprecation Details
- OffCode
- This element has been moved to the OffInfoArray located within this complex. Effective date: 2011-01-01.
CollatDocRec_CType is a complex CType element.
- CollatDocInfoArray_AType
- Custom_CType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- AcctId
- The number or character that identifies an account record.
- AcctType
- The number or character that categorizes the AcctId.
- CollatDocBrCode
- The branch code.
- CollatDocCode
- A code that references the type of collateral document.
- CollatDocDt
- A date that references the collateral document.
- CollatDocExcDay
- The number of days the collateral document should delay before being considered an exception.
- CollatDocExcDt
- The date an exception letter was sent for the collateral item.
- CollatDocExcLtrId
- The ID of the exception letter sent for collateral document.
- CollatDocExcLtrNoSent
- The number of exception letters sent for collateral document.
- CollatDocExpDt
- The expiration date of the collateral document.
- CollatDocLocCode
- A code that references the filed location of the collateral document.
- CollatDocOffCode
- The code that designates the financial institution officer.
- CollatDocPrvStat
- The previous status of a collateral document.
- CollatDocPrtRcpt
- Determines if the receipt letter or notice should be printed for the collateral document.
- CollatDocRcptLtrId
- The ID of the letter sent when the collateral document was received.
- CollatDocRecvDt
- The date the collateral document was received.
- CollatDocStat
- The status of a collateral document.
- CollatDocStatDt
- The date the status of the collateral document was entered or changed.
- CollatDocWavDt
- The date the collateral document was waived.
- CustId
- The identifier attached to a customer.
CollatDocInfoArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of the collateral documentation free form descriptions.
- CollatDocInfoRec_CType
CollatDocInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- CollatDocDetInfo
- A free form description/information about the collateral document.
- CollatDocDetInfoText
- The text that represents the free form description/information about the collateral document.
- CollatDocInfo
- A free form description/information about the collateral
document.Note: This element deprecates in accordance with XSD contract tenets. Effective date: 2017–01–01.
- CollatDocInfoText
- The text that represents the free form description/information
about the collateral document.Note: This element deprecates in accordance with XSD contract tenets. Effective date: 2017–01–01.
Custom_CType is a complex CType element.
This element is optional.
CollatItemRec_CType is a complex CType element.
- CollatItemDescArray_AType
- Custom_CType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- BrCode
- The branch code.
- CollatCode
- The collateral code. This code is bank-defined and is used to define the type of collateral used to secure the loan.
- CollatCustRelCode
- The code that describes the relationship a customer is to an account.
- CollatItemDocDt
- A date that references the collateral item.
- CollatMatDt
- The maturity date of the collateral item.
- CollatOffCode
- The code that designates the financial institution officer.
- CollatOrigValAmt
- The original value of the collateral item.
- CollatOwnCustId
- The identifier attached to a customer.
- CollatPrvStat
- The previous status of a collateral item.
- CollatRecCode
- The code that references the location the collateral item was recorded.
- CollatRecDt
- The recording date of the collateral item.
- CollatRecId
- The recorded identification assigned to the collateral item.
- CollatRcptId
- An identification of the receipt provided for the collateral item.
- CollatRcptDt
- The date a receipt was provided to the consumer for the collateral item.
- CollatRegstCode
- The code that references the registration of the collateral item.
- CollatShareType
- Answers the question: Can the collateral item be shared to other
customers? Canonical values are:
- false
- true
- CollatSrcValCode
- The code that references the source used to obtain the value of the collateral item.
- CollatStat
- The status of a collateral item.
- CollatStatDt
- The date the status of the collateral item was entered or changed.
- CollatToLnPct
- The loan to collateral value represented as a percentage.
- CollatToLnRelCode
- The code that references the relationship the collateral is to the loan. For example, is the collateral the primary item?
- CollatUnit
- The number of units of the collateral item.
- CollatValAmt
- The current value of the collateral item.
- CollatValDt
- The date the current value of the collateral item was obtained.
- CollatWavDt
- The date the transfer of the collateral item was waived.
- CusipBankId
- A bank identification assigned to all stocks and registered bonds by the Committee on Uniform Security Identification Procedures.
- CusipId
- An identification assigned to all stocks and registered bonds by the Committee on Uniform Security Identification Procedures.
- DocLocCode
- The code that references the location of the collateral item.
- PriceDt
- The original date the collateral item was priced.
CollatItemDescArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of collateral item descriptions.
- CollatItemDescInfo_CType
CollatItemDescInfo_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- CollatItemDetDesc
- The text that represents the description of the collateral item.
- CollatItemDetDescText
- The text that represents the description of the collateral item.
- CollatItemDesc
- The description of the collateral item.Note: This element deprecates in accordance with XSD contract tenets. Effective date: 2017–01–01.
- CollatItemDescText
- The text that represents the description of the collateral
item.Note: This element deprecates in accordance with XSD contract tenets. Effective date: 2017–01–01.
Custom_CType is a complex CType element.
This element is optional.
CrBurInfo_CType is a complex CType element.
- EmplAddr references Addr_CType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- BnkRptcyFileCode
- The code that describes the type of filing for a bankruptcy claim.
- ChgdOffAmt
- The amount charged off.
- CntryType
- The country abbreviation from ISO 3166.
- CrBurAcctClsfCode
- Identifies the account classification.
- CrBurActnCode
- The code indicating the action that should be taken for an upload account to the credit bureau.
- CrBurAddrRptCode
- The code that describes the borrower's primary or business address.
- CrBurCplCode
- The code that allows the reporting of the compliance condition that is required for legal compliance with the FCRA and FCBA (Fair Credit Billing Act).
- CrBurId
- The credit bureau identification provided by credit bureau agencies.
- CrBurOccupCode
- The code that references the occupancy of the property.
- CrBurPrtcpCode
- The code that references the participation position of the loan.
- CrBurSpecCmntCode
- The code that references special information about the consumers classification for the account being reported to the credit bureau.
- CrBurStatCode
- The status code that properly identifies the current condition of the credit bureau account.
- CrBurTranCode
- The code that describes the type of credit bureau activity to report to an agency.
- CrClsfCode
- The code indicating a general type of business for the creditor.
- DlqDt
- The date a loan became delinquent.
- ECOACode
- The ECOA Code describes the borrower's relationship to the trade line. ECOA codes identify a trade as belonging to an individual, Joint, Co-Signer, etc.
- EmplName
- The employer name.
- LiabInstName
- The name of the institution that is obligated the funds owed for an individual.
- NameSuffix
- The name suffix. For examples, Jr. or MD.
- OccType
- The occupation description of the customer. Retail or bus.
- ODHighBal
- The highest overdraft balance amount.
- ODLmt
- The overdraft limit.
- OrigAcctId
- The original numbers or characters that identify an account record.
- OrigCrBurId
- The credit bureau identification provided by credit bureau agencies.
- PastDueAmt
- The past due amount.
- PrtcpCompName
- The name of the company or creditor that a loan was participated or purchased by.
This complex contains employee address information.
EmplAddr references Addr_CType.
- FreeFormAddr_AType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- BusAddr
- Answers the question: Is this a business address? Y states it is a business address.
- City
- The city name.
- Cntry
- The country name.
- CntryType
- The country abbreviation from ISO 3166.
- County
- The county name.
- DlvryPt
- The delivery point added to the zip.
- FornAddr
- Is this a foreign address? Y states it is a foreign address.
- InvAddr
- Is this address invalid? Y states mail has been returned from this address.
- PostalCode
- The postal code or ZIP code.
- StateCode
- The 2 alpha long code which represents a state. For example, MO.
- StateProv
- The state or province or region.
- StreetAddr1
- The street address.
- StreetAddr2
- The second line of street address.
- StreetAddr3
- The third line of street address.
FreeFormAddr_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of free form address lines 1–11 in a printable/usable form.
- AddrLineInfo_CType
AddrLineInfo_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- AddrLine
- Free form element of address lines 1 - 11 in a printable/usable form, generally not separated.
CustDetail_CType is a complex CType element. This element is optional.
- Addr_CType
- Custom_CType
- EmailArray_AType
- HouseHoldMbrArray_AType
- PersonName_CType
- PhoneArray_AType
- SpousName references PersonName_CType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- AnnIncmAmt
- The annual income amount. This field is used for reporting purposes for the bank.
- AssetTotAmt
- The total number of assets owned by a customer.
- BirthDt
- The date of birth.
- CustOrgDt
- The original customer date.
- CustCrtRsnCode
- The code that conveys the reason the customer was created.
- CustType
- The customer type.
- Deceased
- The deceased customer flag. Canonical values are:
- false
- true
- DeceasedDt
- The date deceased.
- EducLvl
- The level of completed accredited education for a customer. Canonical values are:
- AssocDegree
- BachelorDegree
- Doctorate
- Elementary
- HighSchool
- MastersDegree
- EmplName
- The employer name.
- EmplTitle
- The title an employee holds in a corporation or business.
- Gender
- The customer's gender. Canonical values are:
- Female
- Male
- Other
- HouseHoldName
- The name provided to a customer household. For example, this could be their last name followed by household.
- HouseHoldNum
- The number of persons that resides in the customer's household.
- LastConDt
- The date of last contact.
- LastMainDt
- The last maintenance date.
- A valid NAICS (Northern American Industry Classification System) code. Value is passed from the service of record during the pilot phase.
- OccType
- The occupation description of the customer. Retail or bus.
- StdIndustCode
- The standard industry code.
Addr_CType is a complex CType element containing address information. This element is optional.
- FreeFormAddr_AType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- BusAddr
- Answers the question: Is this a business address? Y states it is a business address.
- City
- The city name.
- Cntry
- The country name.
- CntryType
- The country abbreviation from ISO 3166.
- County
- The county name.
- DlvryPt
- The delivery point added to the zip.
- FornAddr
- Is this a foreign address? Y states it is a foreign address.
- InvAddr
- Is this address invalid? Y states mail has been returned from this address.
- PostalCode
- The postal code or ZIP code.
- StateCode
- The 2 alpha long code which represents a state. For example, MO.
- StateProv
- The state or province or region.
- StreetAddr1
- The street address.
- StreetAddr2
- The second line of street address.
- StreetAddr3
- The third line of street address.
FreeFormAddr_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of free form address lines 1–11 in a printable/usable form.
- AddrLineInfo_CType
AddrLineInfo_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- AddrLine
- Free form element of address lines 1 - 11 in a printable/usable form, generally not separated.
Custom_CType is a complex CType element.
This element is optional.
EmailArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array used to define email contact information.
- EmailInfo_CType
EmailInfo_Ctype is a complex CType element. This element is optional.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- EmailAddr
- Email address.
- E-mailType
- Email type. Examples: Home, Work, Statement, Notice.
HouseHoldMbrArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of household members.
- HouseHoldMbrInfo_CType
HouseholdMbrInfo_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- HouseHoldMbrBirthDt
- The date of birth.
- HouseHoldMbrRel
- The relationship of the household member to the customer. Canonical values are:
- Daughter
- Father
- GrandFather
- GrandMother
- Guard
- Husband
- Mother
- Oth
- Son
- Wife
- HouseHoldMbrText
- The text that describes the house hold member element details that proceeds it in the HouseHoldMbrArray.
PersonName_CType is a complex CType element. It contains name information. This complex is optional.
HouseholdMbrName references PersonName_CType.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- ComName
- The common name. This is the full text line name like John Doe.
- FirstName
- The first name.
- LastName
- The last name.
- MiddleName
- The middle name.
PersonName_CType is a complex CType element. It contains name information. This complex is optional.
- X_PersonName
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- ComName
- The common name. This is the full text line name like John Doe.
- FirstName
- The first name.
- LastName
- The last name.
- MiddleName
- The middle name.
x_PersonName_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- AbbName
- An abbreviated individual's or entity's name.
- LegalName
- Used by entities like trusts, or businesses in the case where an individual is doing business as a company, or when the legal name is different than the ComName.
- NameSuffix
- The name suffix. For examples, Jr. or MD.
- SalName
- A full text line name which is used in mailings. For example, Mr. and Mrs. John Doe.
- TitlePrefix
- The title prefix. Examples: Mr. or Mrs.
PhoneArray_AType is an array AType element. This array contains one or more PhoneInfo_CType complexes to define phone contact information. This array is optional.
- PhoneInfo_CType
PhoneInfo_CType is a complex CType element. It contains basic phone contact information. This complex is optional.
- MobPhoneInfo_CType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- ConEndTime
- The Greenwich Mean time when contact availability ends.
- ConStartTime
- The Greenwich Mean time when contact availability starts.
- PhoneExt
- The phone extension.
- PhoneNum
- The phone number.
- PhoneTime
- Best phone usage time, day, or evening.
- PhoneType
- Phone type examples are: home, work, fax, cell.
PersonName_CType is a complex CType element. It contains name information. This complex is optional.
This element references the PersonName_CType.
- X_PersonName
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- ComName
- The common name. This is the full text line name like John Doe.
- FirstName
- The first name.
- LastName
- The last name.
- MiddleName
- The middle name.
x_PersonName_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- AbbName
- An abbreviated individual's or entity's name.
- LegalName
- Used by entities like trusts, or businesses in the case where an individual is doing business as a company, or when the legal name is different than the ComName.
- NameSuffix
- The name suffix. For examples, Jr. or MD.
- SalName
- A full text line name which is used in mailings. For example, Mr. and Mrs. John Doe.
- TitlePrefix
- The title prefix. Examples: Mr. or Mrs.
CustMsgInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element.
- Custom_CType
- OffInfoArray_AType
- UserDefInfoArray_AType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- Msg
- Displays messages that have been entered about a customer.
- MsgExpDt
- The expiration date assigned to a message.
- MsgImpor
- Message importance. Ranking system on the level of importance of the message.
- MsgNxtRevDt
- The next date a message should be reviewed.
- MsgPrtNotCode
- The code that determines the behavior for message notices.
Custom_CType is a complex CType element.
This element is optional.
OffInfoArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of officers.
- OffInfoRec_CType
OffInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element. This element is optional.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- OffCode
- The code that designates the financial institution officer.
- OffCodeText
- The text that describes the preceding elements for the OffInfoArry.
- OffDesc
- The officer short name.
- OffRmk
- Application or user remarks free form text.
UserDefInfoArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of UserDefInfo simple elements used to describe user-defined information.
- UserDefInfo_CType
UserDefInfo_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- UserDefCode
- The code that represents the answer to the UserDefTxt.
- UserDefDesc
- The description of what the UserDefCode represents.
- UserDefDt
- A date field that has a relationship with the UserDefTxt or UserDefCode.
- UserDefInfo1
- Additional information that may accompany any of the user supplied codes.
- UserDefInfo2
- Additional information that may accompany any of the user supplied codes.
- UserDefInfo3
- Additional information that may accompany any of the user supplied codes.
- UserDefTxt
- User Defined Text is part of a matched pair array that describes the proceeding elements.
Custom_CType is a complex CType element.
This element is optional.
CustRelRec_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- AcctRelCode
- The code that describes the relationship a customer has to an account.
- AmtOwned
- The amount that is owned.
- CopyRelCustMail
- Answers the question: Would you like a copy of all related customer mailings? This
element is optional and defaults to N when absent. Canonical
values are:
- N
- Y
- FDIC Category where:
- CP - Corporate/Partnership
- EB - Employee Benefits
- IR - Retirement
- IT - Irrevocable Trust
- JO - Joint
- PU - Public Unit
- RT - Revocable trust
- SO - Single
Canonical values are:
- CP
- EB
- IR
- IT
- JO
- PU
- RT
- SO
- FDICMrgAcct
- Old account number prior to merger of financial institution.
- Date the merger of the account took place.
- OvrFDICInsurLmt
- Over FDIC insurance limit. There are three canonical values:
- Exmp - exempt from coverage
- false - FDIC insured because they were under the limit
- true - not covered because they are over the limit
false is the default.
- PctOwned
- The percentage that is owned.
- PrtPastDueNotCode
- Print past due notice.
- StopACHItems
- Stop ACH items. Canonical values are:
- false
- true
DepAcctInfo_CType is a complex CType element. This complex contains basic deposit account information, such as related account ID, club plan, and check guaranty information.
- AllowTrnAcctArray_AType
- EFTCardInfo_CType
- UserDefInfoArray_AType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- AcctLvlSecCode
- The code that references the special handling security processes/accesses at the account level.
- AcctReOpenCode
- The code that dictates the behavior when reopening an already closed account.
- ATMCard
- The ATM card canonical values of:
- false
- true
- ChkGuar
- The check guaranty canonical values of:
- false
- true
- ClsOnZeroBal
- Indicates if the account should be closed automatically when the balance is at zero
for the required number of days. Canonical values are:
- false
- true
- ClubPln
- If the account is a club type account, a plan number may be entered in this field to determine the type of plan. Valid entries are 1–9. This element is required for account type X.
- ClubPlnAcctId
- The numbers or characters that identify an account record that receives payment from club account distributions.
- ClubPlnAcctType
- The numbers or characters that categorize the ClubPlnAcct ID that receives payment from club account distributions.
- CrBureauRptCode
- The code that identifies the behavior for credit bureau reporting.
- FltSchedCode
- Represents the float schedule to be used by the service provider.
- HighVolAcctCode
- The code that indicates the type of high volume deposit account.
- HldMailCode
- Includes the mailing instructions. Valid values are 1–9 or blank.
- LangType
- The language as defined by ISO 639–2 Language code list. Canonical values are:
- eng
- fre
- ger
- pol
- spa
- swe
- LstPostAcctCode
- The code that indicates the type of handling for summarizing daily debit items for account posting.
- PrtACHNotCode
- The code that dictates the behavior when creating notices for ACH activity.
- RelAcctId
- The related account ID or number.
- RelAcctType
- The related account type.
- RepoBlkId
- The repurchase agreements block identification.
AllowTrnActArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of permissible transaction activity for an account.
- AllowTrnActInfo_CType
AllowTrnActInfo_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- AllowTrnAct
- Allowable account transaction activity permitted for a specific account. Canonical
values are:
- All
- Dep
- Distr
- None
- Pmt
- Wthdwl
- XferFrom
- XferTo
EFTCardInfo_CType is a complex CType element.
- EFTCardInfoArray_AType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- The code that designates the behavior for charging for EFT activity.
- The description of the code that designates the behavior for charging for EFT activity.
EFTCardInfoArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of EFT cards issued to an account.
- EFTCardInfoRec_CType
EFTCardInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element. This element is optional.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- ATMCardIssuedNum
- The number of ATM cards issued. Do not deliver the element if the number or EFTCardNum represents the number of cards issued.
- CustId
- The identifier attached to a customer.
- EFTCardNum
- The number that is assigned to an EFT card. The card number includes the ISO number.
- EFTCardStat
- The status of an issued EFT card. Canonical values are:
- Act
- Cls
- CardLmtExist
- Del
- DepOnly
- Exp
- HotCard
- Iss
- ManActReq
- OrderCard
- OrderInProc
- PINMail
- PINXsTries
- ReOrderCard
- ReOrderDeny
- WarmCard
Note: This element deprecates in accordance with XSD contract tenets. Effective date: 2017–01–01. The new element for EFT statuses is EFTCardStatType, in which the status values are represented by closed canonical values. - EFTCardStatType
- The status of an issued EFT card. Canonical values are:
- Act
- CardLmtExist
- Cls
- Del
- DepOnly
- Exp
- HotCard
- Iss
- ManActReq
- OrderCard
- OrderInProc
- PINMail
- PINXsTries
- ReOrderCard
- ReOrderDeny
- WarmCard
- EFTCardSufxNum
- The number that is the suffix to the card number. Can represent the card holder when multiple cards are issued with the same card number.
- EFTCardText
- The text that relates information about the EFTCardNum within the array.
- EFTCardType
- The classification of the EFT card. Canonical values are:
- Credit
- Debit
- POSCardIssuedNum
- The number of POS cards issued. The element does not need to be delivered if the number or EFTCardNum represents the number of cards issued.
UserDefInfoArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of UserDefInfo simple elements used to describe user-defined information.
- UserDefInfo_CType
UserDefInfo_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- UserDefCode
- The code that represents the answer to the UserDefTxt.
- UserDefDesc
- The description of what the UserDefCode represents.
- UserDefDt
- A date field that has a relationship with the UserDefTxt or UserDefCode.
- UserDefInfo1
- Additional information that may accompany any of the user supplied codes.
- UserDefInfo2
- Additional information that may accompany any of the user supplied codes.
- UserDefInfo3
- Additional information that may accompany any of the user supplied codes.
- UserDefTxt
- User Defined Text is part of a matched pair array that describes the proceeding elements.
DepBalDtInfo_CType is a complex CType element. This complex contains either general balance date information or specific information for deposit accounts.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- AvlSweepAmt
- The amount of available sweep that could be used to cover this account.
- CashInExmp
- The cash-in exemption.
- CashOutExmp
- The cash-out exemption.
- ChgdOffAmt
- The amount charged off.
- ChgdOffDt
- The charge off date.
- CurQtrMaxBal
- The current calendar quarter's account maximum balance.
- CurQtrMinBal
- The current calendar quarter's account minimum balance.
- FltAmt
- The amount of float outstanding against this account.
- HldAmt
- The hold amount.
- LastDepAmt
- The last deposit amount.
- LastDepDt
- The date of last deposit.
- LastMainDt
- The last maintenance date.
- LastTrnActDt
- The date an account last had monetary activity.
- MinBal
- The balance established for an account that triggers some business activity.
- NetMemoPostAmt
- The sum of the current memo posted items against this account.
- ODProtAmt
- The amount of overdraft protection (credit line) this account has.
- RegCCAmt
- The amount of Reg CC against this account.
DepInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element. This element contains basic deposit account information, such as branch and product codes and account status.
- AcctTitle_AType
- ApprvOffInfoArray_AType
- ODPrvlgOptInfoArray_AType
- OffInfoArray_AType
- TINInfo_CType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- AcctClsfCode
- The allowed account classification values that are bank-defined.
- AcctStat
- The account status.
- AliasAcctName
- An alias name provided to an account that is often used for GUI representation that is understandable to an end consumer.
- BrCode
- The branch code.
- ClsDt
- The closing date.
- CustId
- The identifier attached to a customer.
- DormantChgWav
- A list of values that designate the behavior for charging or waiving dormant charges.
Canonical values are:
- Chg
- NA
- Wav
- LastConDt
- The date of last contact.
- MICRAcctId
- The magnetic ink character recognition account identification that could differ from the account identification.
- OffCode
- The code that designates the financial institution officer.
- OpenDt
- The date opened.
- ProdCode
- The code that identifies a product type of account within an application.
- SalesPerson
- The code value that represents the sales person. This element was changed from a string to an open enumerated type in 4/2011. This element resides as an exception and is not to be suffixed with code rather than deprecate the element. The element does have a description.
- SerChgWav
- The field that defines when an institution debits the account for service charges.
Canonical values are:
- Chg
- NA
- Wav
- SerChgWavRsnCode
- The code that indicates the reason an account is not being charged any fees.
- SigVerifyCode
- The signature verification code. Canonical values are:
- false
- true
- TellerSICCode
- The code that designates special instructions to the teller.
AcctTitle_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of account titles used to define the customer and additional names. This element is optional.
- AcctTitleInfo_CType
AcctTitleInfo_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
- AddlName references PersonName_CType
- AddlPhoneArray references PhoneArray_AType
- AddlTIN references TINInfo_CType
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- AcctTitle
- The account title including customer name and additional names.Note: This element deprecates in accordance with XSD contract tenets. Effective date: 2017–01–01.
- AddlBirthDt
- The date of birth.
- AddlNameStat
- The additional person status. Canonical values are:
- Act - active
- NotAct - not active
The ComName element is contained by the AddlName complex and replaces the AcctTitle element. The depreciation effective date for AcctTitle is 2012-01-01.
PersonName_CType is a complex CType element. It contains name information. This complex is optional.
AddlName references PersonName_CType.
- X_PersonName
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- ComName
- The common name. This is the full text line name like John Doe.
- FirstName
- The first name.
- LastName
- The last name.
- MiddleName
- The middle name.
x_PersonName_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- AbbName
- An abbreviated individual's or entity's name.
- LegalName
- Used by entities like trusts, or businesses in the case where an individual is doing business as a company, or when the legal name is different than the ComName.
- NameSuffix
- The name suffix. For examples, Jr. or MD.
- SalName
- A full text line name which is used in mailings. For example, Mr. and Mrs. John Doe.
- TitlePrefix
- The title prefix. Examples: Mr. or Mrs.
PhoneArray_AType is an array AType element. This array contains one or more PhoneInfo_CType complexes to define phone contact information. This array is optional.
AddlPhoneArray references PhoneArray_AType.
- PhoneInfo_CType
PhoneInfo_CType is a complex CType element. It contains basic phone contact information. This complex is optional.
- MobPhoneInfo_CType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- ConEndTime
- The Greenwich Mean time when contact availability ends.
- ConStartTime
- The Greenwich Mean time when contact availability starts.
- PhoneExt
- The phone extension.
- PhoneNum
- The phone number.
- PhoneTime
- Best phone usage time, day, or evening.
- PhoneType
- Phone type examples are: home, work, fax, cell.
TINInfo_CType is a complex CType element. This element contains tax information number codes and descriptions. This element is optional.
AddlTIN references TINInfo_CType.
- TaxIdOwnerName references PersonName_CType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- The last IRS notification.
- BNotStat
- The B notice flag.
- CertCode
- The code that represents the certification behavior for a tax ID.
- CertCodeDesc
- The description of the code that represents the certification behavior for a tax ID.
- CertCodeDt
- The certification code date.
- TaxId
- The tax identifier. It includes the MaskVal, Rstr, and SrchType attributes.
- TaxIdMod
- A tax ID modifier assigned by the SSA to some individuals.
- TINCode
- The code that designates the type of tax identification number.
- TINDesc
- The description of the code that designates the type of tax identification number.
PersonName_CType is a complex CType element. It contains name information. This complex is optional.
This element references PersonName_CType.
The TaxIdOwnerName is optional and is only required when the customer level tax ID is different than the account level.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- ComName
- The common name. This is the full text line name like John Doe.
- FirstName
- The first name.
- LastName
- The last name.
- MiddleName
- The middle name.
x_PersonName_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- AbbName
- An abbreviated individual's or entity's name.
- LegalName
- Used by entities like trusts, or businesses in the case where an individual is doing business as a company, or when the legal name is different than the ComName.
- NameSuffix
- The name suffix. For examples, Jr. or MD.
- SalName
- A full text line name which is used in mailings. For example, Mr. and Mrs. John Doe.
- TitlePrefix
- The title prefix. Examples: Mr. or Mrs.
ApprvOffInfoArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of approval officers.
- ApprvOffInfoRec_CType
ApprvOffInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- ApprvOffCode
- The approving officer code.
- ApprvOffDesc
- The approving officer description.
- ApprvType
- The optional element contains the element name as defined in the enterprise dictionary and published as enterprise variables, which requires an officer approval. The service provider would convey the elements that could need approval by the Service Dictionary Search.
ODPrvlgOptInfoArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of overdraft privilege option settings.
- ODPrvlgOptInfoRec_CType
ODPrvlgOptInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- ODPrvlgOptDt
- Identifies the date the value of the overdraft privilege option type was last updated.
- ODPrvlgOptType
- Identifies the type of overdraft privilege option. Canonical values are:
- Elec
- ODPrvlgOptVal
- Identifies the value of the overdraft privilege option type.
Canonical values are:
- Accept
- Decline
- Exmp
- Inelgb
- NoRs
- Revo
OffInfoArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of officers.
- OffInfoRec_CType
OffInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element. This element is optional.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- OffCode
- The code that designates the financial institution officer.
- OffCodeText
- The text that describes the preceding elements for the OffInfoArry.
- OffDesc
- The officer short name.
- OffRmk
- Application or user remarks free form text.
TINInfo_CType is a complex CType element. This element contains tax information number codes and descriptions. This element is optional.
- TaxIdOwnerName references PersonName_CType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- The last IRS notification.
- BNotStat
- The B notice flag.
- CertCode
- The code that represents the certification behavior for a tax ID.
- CertCodeDesc
- The description of the code that represents the certification behavior for a tax ID.
- CertCodeDt
- The certification code date.
- TaxId
- The tax identifier. It includes the MaskVal, Rstr, and SrchType attributes.
- TaxIdMod
- A tax ID modifier assigned by the SSA to some individuals.
- TINCode
- The code that designates the type of tax identification number.
- TINDesc
- The description of the code that designates the type of tax identification number.
PersonName_CType is a complex CType element. It contains name information. This complex is optional.
This element references PersonName_CType.
The TaxIdOwnerName is optional and is only required when the customer level tax ID is different than the account level.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- ComName
- The common name. This is the full text line name like John Doe.
- FirstName
- The first name.
- LastName
- The last name.
- MiddleName
- The middle name.
x_PersonName_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- AbbName
- An abbreviated individual's or entity's name.
- LegalName
- Used by entities like trusts, or businesses in the case where an individual is doing business as a company, or when the legal name is different than the ComName.
- NameSuffix
- The name suffix. For examples, Jr. or MD.
- SalName
- A full text line name which is used in mailings. For example, Mr. and Mrs. John Doe.
- TitlePrefix
- The title prefix. Examples: Mr. or Mrs.
DepNSFODInfo_CType is a complex CType element. This complex contains deposit account information concerning non-sufficient funds and overdrafts. This element is optional.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- AllowReDepCode
- The code that indicates how to redeposit foreign return items.
- AutoNSFFee
- Automatic NSF fee. Canonical values are:
- Chg
- NA
- Wav
- ChgODCode
- A code that indicates the business logic to be used for charging a continuous charge while an account is maintained in a negative balance position.
- ChgODFeeBal
- The threshold balance of an account before charging an account for maintaining a negative balance position.
- ChgODFeeDays
- The number of days that can elapse before charging an account for maintaining a negative balance position.
- ChgODFeeDaysType
- The type of days that should be used to determine the charging of overdraft fees.
Canonical values are:
- BusDays
- CalDays
- ChgODFeeMax
- The maximum amount an account should be charged for maintaining a negative balance position.
- ChgODFeeMin
- The minimum amount an account should be charged for maintaining a negative balance position.
- ChgODFeePct
- The percentage to be used to determine the charge for an account for maintaining a negative balance position.
- ChgdOffAutoCode
- The code that designates the activity to automatically charge off an account.
- ConsDaysCntType
- The type of days that should be used to determine the counting of consecutive days for
an overdraft position. Canonical values are:
- BusDays
- CalDays
- ConsDaysNSF
- The number of consecutive days NSF.
- ConsDaysOD
- The number of consecutive days overdrawn.
- ConsDaysRet
- The number of consecutive days returned.
- DlyNSFMaxChg
- The maximum amount an account can be charged for NSF items daily.
- DlyODMaxChg
- The maximum amount an account can be charged for OD items daily.
- DlyUCFMaxChg
- The maximum amount an account can be charged for items paid on uncollected funds daily.
- LastNSFDt
- Last NSF Date.
- LastODDt
- The last overdrawn date.
- The number of items that were NSF (non-sufficient funds), year-to-date.
- The number of times the account was NSF year-to-date.
- NumAllowReDepItems
- The allowable number of redeposit foreign return items.
- ODChgAccr
- Overdraft Charges Accrued.
- ODHighBal
- The highest overdraft balance amount.
- ODItemsYTD
- The number of overdraft items, year-to-date.
- ODLmt
- The overdraft limit.
- ODNot1Days
- The number of days to lapse, prior to sending the first overdraft notice.
- ODNot2Days
- The number of days to lapse, prior to sending the second overdraft notice.
- ODNot3Days
- The number of days to lapse, prior to sending the third overdraft notice.
- ODNot4Days
- The number of days to lapse, prior to sending the fourth overdraft notice.
- ODNot5Days
- The number of days to lapse, prior to sending the fifth overdraft notice.
- ODNot6Days
- The number of days to lapse, prior to sending the sixth overdraft notice.
- ODPrvlgAmt
- The amount of overdraft privilege (bounce protection) this account has.
- ODStat
- The OD status (third party).
- ODTimesYTD
- The number of times the account has been overdrawn, year-to-date.
- PostAFTNSFCode
- A code that indicates how to handle automatic funds transfers for accounts that are in or that could go into a negative balance position.
- ReDepNotCode
- The code that indicates the business logic for redeposit notices.
DepRateIntInfo_CType is a complex CType element. This complex contains deposit account or general interest rate information.
- VarIntRateInfo_CType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- AccrMeth
- The accrual method.
- AltAccrInt
- The alternate accrued interest.
- AmtLastIntPd
- The amount of last interest paid.
- IntBasis
- The interest base method used for the loan. Canonical values are:
- AddOn
- Amrtz
- Act/360
- Act/365
- 30/360
- 360/360
- IntDisp
- Designates the disposition of interest. Canonical values are:
- AddBackToAcct
- DepToAcct
- NA
- PayByACH
- PayByChk
- IntDispAcctId
- The interest disposition account number.
- IntDispAcctType
- The interest disposition account type.
- IntRate
- The interest rate.
- MTDAccrDays
- The number of days represented for the month-to-date accrued interest. This number could differ from the actual number of days in a month due to an applications method for accrual of interest.
- MTDAccrInt
- The amount of interest that has accrued for an account.
- LastPayDt
- The last pay date.
- PayIntEOMCode
- The code that indicates the business logic for handling of interest payments through the end of the month.
- PrevYTDIntPaid
- The previous year-to-date interest paid.
- PrtIntChkCode
- The code that indicates the business logic for printing interest checks for deposit accounts.
- TeaserRate
- A rate that is paid specific to an account for a period of time.
- TeaserRateCode
- The code that indicates the type of teaser rate.
- TeaserRateEffDt
- The effective start date for a rate that is paid specific to an account for a period of time.
- TeaserRateExpDt
- The expiration date for a rate that is paid specific to an account for a period of time.
- TeaserRateVar
- The rate variance. The amount of variance from the prime rate allowed for the account.
- TeaserRateVarCode
- The rate variance code. This code tells the system if the variance from prime is
above, below, or is of a percentage. Canonical values are:
- NA
- Negative
- Pct
- Positive
- YTDInt
- The year-to-date interest.
VarIntRateInfo_CType is a complex CType element. This element contains variable interest rate information. This element is optional.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- PrimeRateIdx
- The prime rate index.
- RateCeil
- The rate ceiling entry that sets a top rate above which the rate of the loan never rises.
- RateFlr
- The rate floor entry that sets a base rate below which the rate of the loan never falls.
- RateRevDt
- The date used to determine if a rate should be changed.
- RateRevTerm
- The rate review term. The system checks the prime rate for change at the interval specified in this field. Entries may be in number of days or number of months.
- RateRevTermUnits
- The rate review term code. This code determines whether the prime review term is in
months or days. Canonical values are:
- Days
- Month
- NA
- RateVar
- The rate variance. The amount of variance from the prime rate allowed for the account.
- RateVarCode
- The rate variance code. This code tells the system if the variance
from prime is above, below, or is of a percentage. Canonical values are:
- NA
- Negative
- Pct
- Positive
DepRegRptInfo_CType is a complex CType element. This complex contains deposit account or general regulatory reporting information. This element is optional.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- ARGOProdCode
- The code used to interface to the JHA Argo product.
- CallRptCode
- The call report code.
- FraudSusType
- Is the entity subject a possible fraud suspect? Canonical values are:
- True
- False
- GLCostCtr
- The GL cost center provided for bank use in reporting the account to a specific GL cost center.
- GLProdCode
- The GL product code provided for bank use in reporting the account to a specific GL product code.
- GroupCode
- Used to group loans of different types for general ledger reporting purposes. It may also be used to group customer accounts together.
- ODRegRptCode
- The code used to determine how overdraft plans should be reported to regulatory agencies.
- StdIndustCode
- The standard industry code.
DepStmtInfo_CType is a complex CType element. This complex contains deposit account statement information.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- ElecStmtType
- The type of electronic statement. Canonical values are:
- Both
- NA
- Paper
- ElecStmtChgWav
- The service charging method for electronic statement. Canonical values are:
- Chg
- NA
- Wav
- ImgIncCrCode
- The code used to determine if credit image items should be included on the deposit periodic statement.
- ImgItemsFrntBackCode
- The code used to determine how the front and back of the image items should print on the deposit periodic statement.
- ImgItemsPerPgCode
- The code used to determine how many image items should print per page on the deposit periodic statement.
- ImgPrtChkOrderCode
- The code used to determine the order the checks print on the deposit periodic statement.
- IncCombStmt
- Include on combined statement. Indicates if this account is to be included in combined
statement information. Canonical values are:
- false
- true
- IntCycle
- The interest cycle.
- ItmTrunc
- Item truncation/safekeeping with canonical values of:
- Img
- ImgAndTrunc
- NA
- NoTrunc
- Trunc
- LastStmtDt
- The last statement date.
- NxtStmtDt
- The next statement date.
- SerChgCycle
- The service charge cycle used when an institution debits the account for service charges.
- SerChgLvl
- The service charge level.
- SerChgWavExpDt
- Service charge waived expiration date.
- StmtCrInt
- Statement credit interest. Canonical values are:
- CrInt
- NA
- NoCrInt
- StmtCycle
- The statement cycle.
- StmtCycResetFreqCode
- The code used to determine the frequency of resetting the counters that track the number of statements cycled/printed over time.
- StmtDay
- The statement day.
- StmtFormatCode
- The code that determines the format of the deposit periodic statement.
- StmtFreq
- The statement frequency.
- StmtFreqCode
- The statement frequency code.
- StmtPasCode
- The code that designates if the account holder has a passbook for transaction posting.
Canonical values are:
- NA
- Pas
- Stmt
- StmtPrtCode
- The statement print code.
- StmtSerChg
- The statement service charge.
DepTaxInfo_CType is a complex CType element.
- FedWith_CType
- StateWith_CType
EmplAppInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element.
- Addr_CType
- Custom_CType
- EmailArray_AType
- GenEducArray_AType
- JobExpcArray_AType
- JobRefArray_AType
- PersonName_CType
- PhoneArray_AType
- ProfesCertifArray_AType
- SkillsArray_AType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- AppAvlDt
- The date an application is available for employment.
- AppBackGrndChk
- Answers the question: Did the applicant submit to a background check? Canonical values are:
- false
- true
- AppCrChk
- Answers the question: Did the applicant submit to a credit check? Canonical values are:
- false
- true
- AppDisabled
- Answers the question: Is the individual physically disabled? Canonical values are:
- false
- true
- AppDrugTest
- Answers the question: Did the applicant submit to a drug test? Canonical values are:
- false
- true
- AppEducLvlCode
- The code that describes the level of education of an individual.
- AppFelony
- Answers the question: Does the applicant have any previous or existing felony charges?
Canonical values are:
- false
- true
- AppRecvDt
- The date an application was received.
- AppRecvTime
- The time an application was received.
- AppVetCode
- The code that describes an individual type of veteran.
- BnkRptcyFiled
- Answers the question: Has the individual or corporation ever filed for bankruptcy?
Canonical values are:
- false
- true
- BondRefused
- Answers the question: Has the applicant ever been denied bond or had a bond canceled?
Canonical values are:
- false
- true
- BrCode
- The branch code.
- CallCurEmpl
- Answers the question: Can the applicant's current employer be called for a reference?
Canonical values are:
- false
- true
- ElecSigRecv
- Answers the question: Was an electronic signature captured for the request? Canonical
values are:
- false
- true
- EmplFamMbr
- Does the applicant have any family members employed with the
organization? Canonical values are:
- false
- true
- EmpRefCode
- A code that describes the employee of an organization.
- Gender
- The customer's gender. Canonical values are:
- Female
- Male
- Other
- MltryCmpgnCode
- The code identifying the campaign a military person served in.
- NonUSCitizen
- Is the applicant not a U.S. citizen? Canonical values are:
- false
- true
- PartTimePos
- Indicates whether a job description is for part time. Canonical
values are:
- false
- true
- PayHighAmt
- The maximum pay amount for the posted job position.
- PayLowAmt
- The minimum pay amount for the posted job position.
- RaceCode
- The code that describes the race/ethnicity of an individual.
- TaxId
- The tax identifier. It includes the MaskVal, Rstr, and SrchType attributes.
- WorkPermitReq
- Answers the question: Does the applicant require a work permit? Canonical values are:
- false
- true
Addr_CType is a complex CType element containing address information. This element is optional.
- FreeFormAddr_AType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- BusAddr
- Answers the question: Is this a business address? Y states it is a business address.
- City
- The city name.
- Cntry
- The country name.
- CntryType
- The country abbreviation from ISO 3166.
- County
- The county name.
- DlvryPt
- The delivery point added to the zip.
- FornAddr
- Is this a foreign address? Y states it is a foreign address.
- InvAddr
- Is this address invalid? Y states mail has been returned from this address.
- PostalCode
- The postal code or ZIP code.
- StateCode
- The 2 alpha long code which represents a state. For example, MO.
- StateProv
- The state or province or region.
- StreetAddr1
- The street address.
- StreetAddr2
- The second line of street address.
- StreetAddr3
- The third line of street address.
FreeFormAddr_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of free form address lines 1–11 in a printable/usable form.
- AddrLineInfo_CType
AddrLineInfo_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- AddrLine
- Free form element of address lines 1 - 11 in a printable/usable form, generally not separated.
Custom_CType is a complex CType element.
This element is optional.
EmailArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array used to define email contact information.
- EmailInfo_CType
EmailInfo_Ctype is a complex CType element. This element is optional.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- EmailAddr
- Email address.
- E-mailType
- Email type. Examples: Home, Work, Statement, Notice.
GenEducArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of pertinent general education information.
- GenEducInfoRec_CType
GenEducInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- City
- The city name.
- EducGrade
- Information identifying the grade submitted. For example, Grade Point Average (GPA), Pass, Fail.
- EducLvl
- The level of completed accredited education for a customer. Canonical values are:
- AssocDegree
- BachelorDegree
- Doctorate
- Elementary
- HighSchool
- MastersDegree
- SchoolName
- The school name associated with a job applicant submission.
- State
- Corresponding abbreviation for the state.
- StudentStat
- Identification of a student's status. Canonical values are:
- Enroll
- Grad
- NotEnroll
- YrEduc
- The number of years of education for a person.
JobExpcArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of job experience for a job applicant.
- JobExpcInfoRec_CType
JobExpcInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element.
- PhoneInfo_CType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- CallEmpl
- Answers the question: Can the listed employer be contacted? Canonical values are:
- false
- true
- City
- The city name.
- EmailAddr
- Email address.
- EmplEndDt
- The ending date of employment for an employee.
- EmplName
- The employer name.
- EmplStartDt
- The starting date of employment for an employee.
- EmplTitle
- The title an employee holds in a corporation or business.
- JobDesc
- The detail description of the posted job position.
- JobExpcCode
- A code that describes the type of job experience of an individual.
- JobExpcDesc
- The description of the code that describes the type of job experience of an individual.
- RsnDepartCode
- The code that indicates the reason for departing from a job position.
- RsnDepartDesc
- The description of the code that indicates the reason for departing from a job position.
- SalaryAmt
- The amount of salary for an employee.
- SalaryTermType
- The term of salary paid. Canonical values are:
- Ann
- Hour
- Month
- State
- The 2 alpha long code which represents a state. For example, MO.
- SupvName
- The name of the supervisor.
PhoneInfo_CType is a complex CType element. It contains basic phone contact information. This complex is optional.
- MobPhoneInfo_CType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- ConEndTime
- The Greenwich Mean time when contact availability ends.
- ConStartTime
- The Greenwich Mean time when contact availability starts.
- PhoneExt
- The phone extension.
- PhoneNum
- The phone number.
- PhoneTime
- Best phone usage time, day, or evening.
- PhoneType
- Phone type examples are: home, work, fax, cell.
JobRefArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of job references for a job applicant.
- JobRefInfoRec_CType
JobRefInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element.
- JobRefPhoneArray references PhoneArray_AType.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- JobRefEmailAddr
- Email address.
- JobRefName
- The name of the job reference provided by the applicant.
- JobRefRelType
- The relationship of the reference provided for a job position.
- JobRefType
- The type of job references provided by an applicant. Canonical
values are:
- Emp
- Per
- Prof
PhoneArray_AType is an array AType element. This array contains one or more PhoneInfo_CType complexes to define phone contact information. This array is optional.
JobRefPhoneArray references PhoneArray_AType.
- PhoneInfo_CType
PhoneInfo_CType is a complex CType element. It contains basic phone contact information. This complex is optional.
- MobPhoneInfo_CType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- ConEndTime
- The Greenwich Mean time when contact availability ends.
- ConStartTime
- The Greenwich Mean time when contact availability starts.
- PhoneExt
- The phone extension.
- PhoneNum
- The phone number.
- PhoneTime
- Best phone usage time, day, or evening.
- PhoneType
- Phone type examples are: home, work, fax, cell.
PersonName_CType is a complex CType element. It contains name information. This complex is optional.
- X_PersonName
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- ComName
- The common name. This is the full text line name like John Doe.
- FirstName
- The first name.
- LastName
- The last name.
- MiddleName
- The middle name.
x_PersonName_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- AbbName
- An abbreviated individual's or entity's name.
- LegalName
- Used by entities like trusts, or businesses in the case where an individual is doing business as a company, or when the legal name is different than the ComName.
- NameSuffix
- The name suffix. For examples, Jr. or MD.
- SalName
- A full text line name which is used in mailings. For example, Mr. and Mrs. John Doe.
- TitlePrefix
- The title prefix. Examples: Mr. or Mrs.
PhoneArray_AType is an array AType element. This array contains one or more PhoneInfo_CType complexes to define phone contact information. This array is optional.
- PhoneInfo_CType
PhoneInfo_CType is a complex CType element. It contains basic phone contact information. This complex is optional.
- MobPhoneInfo_CType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- ConEndTime
- The Greenwich Mean time when contact availability ends.
- ConStartTime
- The Greenwich Mean time when contact availability starts.
- PhoneExt
- The phone extension.
- PhoneNum
- The phone number.
- PhoneTime
- Best phone usage time, day, or evening.
- PhoneType
- Phone type examples are: home, work, fax, cell.
ProfesCertifArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of professional certificates received.
- ProfesCertifInfoRec_CType
ProfesCertifInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- ProfesCertifCode
- The code that indicates the type of professional certificates awarded.
- ProfesCertifDesc
- The description of the code that indicates the type of professional certificates awarded.
SkillsArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of pertinent job skills.
- SkillsInfoRec_CType
SkillsInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- SkillsCode
- The code identifying applicable skills.
- SkillsDesc
- The description of the code identifying applicable skills.
EscrwAnlysInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element.
- EscrwAnlysArray_AType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- EscrwAnlysCusCode
- The code that describes if the allowable cushion should be used for escrow analysis.
- EscrwARMNotCode
- The code that determines if the escrow analysis statement should print with the ARM rate change notice.
- EscrwBegStmtTerm
- The time to wait before producing the initial escrow statement.
- EscrwBegStmtTermUnit
- The time unit to wait before producing the initial escrow
statement. Canonical values are:
- Days
- Months
- NA
- Years
- EscrwChgPmtAmt
- The escrow payment amount threshold amount to determine if the payment amount should be changed.
- EscrwCushMos
- The number of cushion months to provide for escrow analysis.
- EscrwDefcGEPmtCode
- The code that decides the action to be taken when the escrow account deficiency is greater than or equal to one escrow payment.
- EscrwDefcLTPmtCode
- The code that decides the action to be taken when the escrow account deficiency is less than one escrow payment.
- EscrwNonAccrCode
- The code that describes the action to be taken on non-accrual loans for escrow analysis.
- EscrwNxtAnlysDt
- The next escrow analysis date.
- EscrwPrtChkAmt
- The threshold amount to determine if an escrow overage check should be produced.
- EscrwPrtChkPct
- The percentage to determine if an escrow overage check should be produced.
- EscrwRoundMthd
- The new payment rounding method. The method to round newly calculated escrow payments.
Canonical values are:
- (*) - Blank
- (D) - Down
- (N) - Nearest
- (U) - Up
- EscrwShtGEPmtCode
- The code that decides the action to be taken when the escrow account shortage is greater than or equal to one escrow payment.
- EscrwShtLTPmtCode
- The code that decides the action to be taken when the escrow account shortage is less than one escrow payment.
EscrwAnlysArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of escrow analysis settings.
- EscrwAnlysInfo_CType
EscrwAnlysInfo_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- EscrwDefcGEPmtAmt
- The threshold deficiency amount when the deficiency is greater than or equal to one escrow payment.
- EscrwDefcGEPmtTerm
- The amount of time to spread any escrow deficiency when the deficiency is greater than or equal to one escrow payment.
- EscrwDefcGEPmtTermUnit
- The time unit to spread any escrow deficiency when the deficiency
is greater than or equal to one escrow payment. Canonical values are:
- Days
- Months
- NA
- Years
- EscrwDefcLTPmtAmt
- The threshold deficiency amount when the deficiency is less than one escrow payment.
- EscrwDefcLTPmtTerm
- The amount of time to spread any escrow deficiency when the deficiency is less than one escrow payment.
- EscrwDefcLTPmtTermUnit
- The time unit to spread any escrow deficiency when the deficiency
is less than one escrow payment. Canonical values are:
- Days
- Months
- NA
- Years
- EscrwShtGEPmtTerm
- The amount of time to spread any escrow shortage when the shortage is greater than or equal to one escrow payment.
- EscrwShtGEPmtTermUnit
- The time unit to spread any escrow shortage when the shortage is
greater than or equal to one escrow payment. Canonical values are:
- Days
- Months
- NA
- Years
- EscrwShtLTPmtAmt
- The threshold shortage amount when the shortage is less than one escrow payment.
- EscrwShtLTPmtTerm
- The amount of time to spread any escrow shortage when the shortage is less than one escrow payment.
- EscrwShtLTPmtTermUnit
- The time unit to spread any escrow shortage when the shortage is
less than one escrow payment. Canonical values are:
- Days
- Months
- NA
- Years
FedWith_CType is a complex CType element. This element contains federal tax withholding information. This element is optional.
This element references FedWith_CType.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- FedWithAltAcctId
- The federal withholding alternate account number.
- FedWithAltAcctType
- The federal withholding alternate account type.
- FedWithAltRate
- The federal withholding alternate rate.
- FedWithCode
- The federal withholding code passed from the service of record during the pilot phase.
- FedWithCycleAmt
- The federal withholding current cycle amount.
- FedWithDesc
- The federal withholding code description.
- FedWithEffDt
- The federal withholding effective date.
- FedWithFixAmt
- The federal withholding fixed holding amount.
- FedWithLastYR
- The federal withholding last year.
- FedWithMTD
- The federal withholding month-to-date.
- FedWithQTD
- The federal withholding quarter-to-date.
- FedWithYTD
- The federal withholding year-to-date.
EscrwInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- CurPMILTVRatio
- The current loan to value ratio used for Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI).
- EscrwDistrAmt
- The amount of the next distribution for a specific escrow fund.
- EscrwDistrDOM
- The day of the month the escrow funds are distributed.
- EscrwDistrDt
- The date of the next distribution for a specific escrow fund.
- EscrwDistrRate
- The rate of the next distribution for a specific escrow fund.
- EscrwDistrStartDt
- The date of the initial distribution for a specific escrow fund.
- EscrwDistrTaxAmt
- The amount of the next distribution for a specific escrow tax fund.
- EscrwDistrTaxRate
- The rate of the next distribution for a specific escrow tax fund.
- EscrwDistrTerm
- The term (frequency) the escrow funds are distributed.
- EscrwDistrTermUnit
- Term units: Years, Months, Days, Indefinite. Canonical values are:
- Days
- Indefinite
- Months
- NA
- SemiMonthly
- Years
- EscrwLastDistrAmt
- The last amount of the escrow funds distributed.
- EscrwLastDistrDt
- The last date of the escrow funds distributed.
- EscrwLastDistrRate
- The last amount rate of the escrow funds distributed.
- EscrwLastDistrTaxAmt
- The last tax amount of the escrow funds distributed.
- EscrwLastDistrTaxRate
- The last tax amount rate of the escrow funds distributed.
- EscrwPayeeCode
- The code that designates the payee for the escrow funds that are distributed.
- EscrwPmtAgentCode
- The code that represents the agent who should receive payment from the escrow funds.
- EscrwPmtCompCode
- The code that represents the company who should receive payment from the escrow funds.
- EscrwPmtStartDt
- The date of the initial payment for a specific escrow fund.
- EscrwPrtNotCode
- The code that designates the behavior of escrow distribution notices.
- EscrwPrvdPropType
- Provide the property description for the escrow payee. Canonical
values are:
- false
- true
- EscrwStat
- The status of the escrow record.
- EscrwTaxRefId
- The tax reference ID for the property.
- ForcedPlaceInsur
- The forced place insurance.
- InsurPlcyAmt
- The amount of insurance for a specific policy.
- InsurPlcyExpDt
- The insurance policy's expiration date.
- InsurPlcyId
- The identification of the insurance policy.
- InsurPlcyOrigDt
- The insurance policy's origination date.
- InsurPlcyPremium
- The premium amount for the insurance.
- InsurPlcyRenDt
- The renewal date of the insurance policy.
- InsurPlcyTerm
- The insurance policy's term.
- InsurPlcyTermUnit
- Term units:
- Days
- Indefinite
- Months
- Years
Canonical values are:
- Days
- Indefinite
- Months
- NA
- SemiMonthly
- Years
- OpenBal
- The amount of funds used to establish an account.
- PMICancelCode
- The code that designates why the PMI insurance was cancelled.
- PMICancelDt
- The date private mortgage insurance was cancelled.
- PMICancelNotCode
- The code that designates the behavior of notices created when private mortgage insurance is cancelled.
- PMIExpDt
- The date private mortgage insurance expires.
- PMIHighRiskType
- Is the escrow private mortgage insurance provided to a high risk
loan? Canonical values are:
- false
- true
- The code that represents the behavior for creating PMI notices under the HOEPA regulation.
- The code that designates the behavior of notices created for private mortgage insurance at certain loan to value ratios.
- PropLegalInfo
- The legal description of the property.
- PropParcelId
- The parcel identification of the property.
EscrwPmtBalInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element.
- EscrwPmtBalArray_AType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- EscrwCouponReOrder
- Determines if a loan payment coupon book should be reordered.
Canonical values are:
- false
- true
- EscrwPaidPYTD
- The escrow paid prior year-to-date.
- EscrwPaidYTD
- The escrow paid year-to-date.
- EscrwPmtEffDt
- The effective date of the new escrow payment amount.
- EscrwShtPmtEffDt
- The effective date after the shortage spread new payment amount.
- EscrwYTDIntPaid
- The amount of paid interest for a specific escrow record.
EscrwPmtBalArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of escrow payments, balances, and related elements.
- EscrwPmtBalInfo_CType
EscrwPmtBalInfo_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- EscrwAccrInt
- The unpaid interest for a specific escrow record.
- EscrwCurBal
- The current balance for a specific escrow record.
- EscrwNewPmtAmt
- The new payment amount for a specific escrow record.
- EscrwNewShtPmtAmt
- The new payment amount after the shortage spread for a specific escrow record.
- EscrwPayoffExclBalType
- The escrow payoff type that describes the business rules to
exclude escrow balances in the payoff quote. Canonical values are:
- false
- NegOnly
- true
- EscrwPayoffExclIntType
- The escrow payoff type that describes the business rules inclusion to exclude escrow
interest in the payoff quote. Canonical values are:
- false
- NegOnly
- true
- EscrwPmtAmt
- The amount of the escrow payment for a specific escrow recipient.
- EscrwPmtBalDesc
- The description that defines which payment and/or balance elements are exposed in the EscwPmtBalInfo complex array.
- EscrwPrevYRBal
- The previous years current balance for a specific escrow record.
- EscrwRate
- The rate for a specific escrow balance.
- EscrwRateIdx
- The rate index for a specific escrow balance.
StateWith_CType is a complex CType element. This element contains state tax withholding information. This element is optional.
This element references the StateWith_CType.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- StateWithAltAcctId
- The state withholding alternate account number.
- StateWithAltAcctType
- The state withholding alternate account type D.
- StateWithAltRate
- The state withholding alternate rate.
- StateWithCode
- The state withholding code.
- StateWithCycleAmt
- The state withholding current cycle amount.
- StateWithDesc
- The state withholding code description.
- StateWithEffDt
- The state withholding effective date.
- StateWithFixAmt
- The state withholding fixed holding amount.
- StateWithLastYR
- The state withholding last year.
- StateWithMTD
- The state withholding month-to-date.
- StateWithQTD
- The state federal withholding quarter-to-date.
- StateWithStateCode
- The state withholding state code.
- StateWithStateDesc
- The state withholding state code.
- StateWithYTD
- The state withholding year-to-date.
FASB91InfoRec_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- FASB91AmrtzCode
- The code that identifies the type of amortization method to be used.
- FASB91AmrtzSoldCode
- The code that identifies if the FASB record should continue to be amortized after the sale of the loan on the secondary market.
- FASB91AmrtzTerm
- The amount of time the FASB record should be amortized.
- FASB91AmrtzTermUnit
- The time unit to amortize the FASB record. Canonical values are:
- Days
- Months
- NA
- SemiMonthly
- Years
- FASB91AutoChg
- The FASB record should automatically be aligned with the corresponding loan account record.
- FASB91BrCode
- The branch code.
- FASB91CustId
- The identifier attached to a customer.
- FASB91Fee
- The gross amount of fees collected.
- FASB91FirstPmtDt
- The first payment date.
- FASB91GLCostCtr
- The GL cost center provided for bank use in reporting the account to a specific GL cost center.
- FASB91GLProdCode
- The GL product code provided for bank use in reporting the account to a specific GL product code.
- FASB91GroupCode
- Used to group loans of different types for general ledger reporting purposes. It may also be used to group customer accounts together.
- FASB91IntRate
- The interest rate.
- FASB91LastMainDt
- The last maintenance date.
- The FASB91 record for a line of credit.
- FASB91MatDt
- The amortization maturity date which can differ from the loan maturity date.
- FASB91NxtProcDt
- The date that references when the FASB record should be processed.
- FASB91OddDayCode
- The code that defines the behavior of the first payment odd days accrual.
- FASB91OrigDt
- The original loan date for FASB calculations.
- FASB91PmtDayOfMonth
- The day of month for payment. This code is only required if the payment due date is the 29th of the month.
- FASB91Proceed
- The original amount of the FASB record.
- FASB91RptFee
- The amount of fees reported for the FASB record.
- FASB91SemiDay1
- The day of month for first semi-monthly payment.
- FASB91SemiDay2
- The day of month for second semi-monthly payment.
- FASB91TypeCode
- The code that identifies the type of FASB record.
- FASB91Yield
- The FASB yield for interest yield calculations.
FldInsurInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element.
- FldZoneIdArray_AType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- CoastalBaraDt
- The coastal bara area resource date.
- CmntyId
- The ID given to a community for flood insurance.
- CmntyName
- The name of the community for flood insurance.
- CmntyPgmDt
- The date of the community building project date for flood insurance.
- ComplCompId
- The ID of the compliance company used for flood insurance.
- FldInsurCode
- The code that designates the type of flood insurance.
- FldZoneDtrCompId
- The company ID that corresponds to the official determination of the flood zone.
- FldZoneDtrContractCode
- The code used for the official determination of the flood zone.
- FldZoneDtrDt
- The date of the official determination of the flood zone.
- FldZoneDtrId
- The determination ID that corresponds to the official determination of the flood zone.
- FldZoneMapDt
- The date the map ID was assigned to a flood zone.
- FldZoneMapId
- The map ID assigned to a flood zone.
- FldZoneMapRevDt
- The date of the letter of the mapped revision for a flood zone.
- FldZonePanelDt
- The date the panel ID was assigned to a flood zone.
FldZoneIdArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of identification of flood zones.
- FldZoneIdInfo_CType
FldZoneIdInfo_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- FldZoneId
- The ID of the area for the flood zone.
FutXferRec_CType is complex CType element.
- EFTDescArray_AType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- Amt
- The amount or quantity.
- FutXferAmtLTD
- The life-to-date transfer amount for the transfer transactions.
- FutXferDayOfMonth
- The day of the month for transfer transaction. This day is only required if the transfer date is the 29th of the month.
- FutXferDayOfWeek
- The day of the week. Canonical values are:
- Mon
- Tues
- Wed
- Thur
- Fri
- Sat
- Sun
- FutXferDayOfWeekOccur
- The day of week occurrence. Canonical values are:
- First
- Secd
- Third
- Fourth
- Last
- FutXferExpDt
- The expiration date of the transfer request.
- FutXferFirstDt
- The first date to start a future transfer request.
- FutXferFreq
- The frequency of the transfer.
- FutXferFreqUnits
- The units of frequency for the transfer request. Canonical values
- BiWeekSkipFirst
- BiWeekSkipLast
- Days
- Indefinite
- Months
- NA
- SemiMonthly
- WeekSkipFirst
- WeekSkipLast
- Years
- FutXferLateChgCode
- The code that references how the transfer amount should behave if the ToAcctId is a loan and the loan has late charges due.
- FutXferMatPmtCode
- The code that describes the behavior for loan payments at maturity for future transfers.
- FutXferNextDt
- The next scheduled transfer date.
- FutXferNSFCode
- The code that references how the transfer should behave if the FromAcctId does not have sufficient funds to cover the transfer request.
- FutXferOccr
- The number of occurrences for future dated transfer requests.
- FutXferSuspEndDt
- The end date to suspend the transfer request.
- FutXferSuspStartDt
- The begin date to suspend the transfer request.
- FutXferUseLnAmtCode
- The code that references how the transfer amount should behave if the ToAcctId is a loan.
- FutXferUseLnDtCode
- The code that references how the transfer date should behave if the ToAcctId is a loan.
- PrtPartRcpt
- Answers the question: Should a receipt be printed for partial
transactions? Canonical values are:
- false
- true
- PrtRcpt
- Print receipt. Canonical values are:
- false
- FirstRcptOnly
- FromAcct
- ToAcct
- true
- RcptDlvryMthd
- The method used to deliver receipts to customers. Canonical values
- RedPrinc
- Canonical values are:
- false
- true
- SemiDay1
- The day of month for first semi-monthly payment.
- SemiDay2
- The day of month for second semi-monthly payment.
- TrnCodeCode
- The code that identifies the behavior of a monetary transaction.
EFTDescArray_AType is an array AType element.
- EftDescInfo_CType
EftDescInfo_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- EftDesc
- A free format description that further defines pertinent information about the transactions. Often associated with electronic transaction types.
LnAcctInfo_CType is a complex CType element. It contains one or more optional complex elements used to define the loan account identified in the account inquiry request.
- AllowTrnActArray_AType
- BorwInfoArray_AType
- LnClsInfoArray_AType
- LnGuarArray_AType
- PrePmtPenInfoRec_CType
- UserDefInfoArray_AType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- AcctClsfCode
- The allowed account classification values that are bank-defined.
- AnnIncmAmt
- The annual income amount. This field is used for reporting purposes for the bank.
- ATMCard
- The ATM card canonical values of:
- false
- true
- BadChkRecv
- The number of bad checks received.
- BorwDebtIncmPct
- The ratio of the borrower's debt to income.
- BorwLiqAssetAmt
- The borrower's liquid asset amount.
- CalcPartPct
- The calculated participation percentage.
- ClsOnZeroBal
- Indicates if the account should be closed automatically when the balance is at zero
for the required number of days. Canonical values are:
- false
- true
- CoBorwDebtIncmPct
- The ratio of the co-borrower's debt to income.
- CollatCode
- The collateral code. This code is bank-defined and is used to define the type of collateral used to secure the loan.
- CombLTV
- The combined LTV ratio. This might include second mortgages.
- CouponBookTerm
- Shows the term of the coupon book or how many coupons should be ordered.
- CrBureauRptCode
- The code that identifies the behavior for credit bureau reporting.
- CrRatingCode
- Determines the credit rating reported for this account.
- CrScoreCode
- The code that identifies the borrower's credit code used to score the credit rating.
- CrScoreId
- Identifies the borrower's credit score.
- CurApprLTVRatio
- The current loan to value ratio used derived from the appraisal.
- CurLnToValRatio
- The current loan to value ratio.
- CurrencyCode
- The code that references the type of currency used for the loan.
- DeptCode
- The department code is provided for bank use in assigning department responsibility for the loan.
- EndorNum
- The number of endorsers that exist for a loan.
- ExclAutoNonAccr
- Exclude from auto non-accrual controls whether this loan can automatically change to
non-accrual status. Canonical values are:
- false
- true
- ExcLndPlcyCode
- The code that references that the loan was made as an exception to the institutions normal lending policy.
- ExmnrClsfCode
- An examiner's classification code. Any entry is valid.
- FirstStmtDt
- The date the first statement should be created.
- FirstStmtFeeCode
- The code that describes the behavior for charging a fee on the first statement.
- ForcedPlaceInsur
- The forced place insurance.
- HighRiskCust
- High risk customer. Canonical values are:
- false
- true
- HldAcctId
- Hold account deposit or CD account to automatically hold for this account.
- HldAcctType
- Hold account type D to place holds on a deposit account. S to place holds on a savings account. T to place holds on a CD account.
- HldMailCode
- Includes the mailing instructions. Valid values are 1–9 or blank.
- IncCombStmt
- Include on combined statement. Indicates if this account is to be included in combined
statement information. Canonical values are:
- false
- true
- InvrInsurCode
- The code that references the investors who have vested interest in the loan.
- InvrPropType
- The code that references the investor's property type associated to the loan.
- InvrPurpCode
- The code that references the investor's interest purpose in the loan.
- LangType
- The language as defined by ISO 639–2 Language code list. Canonical values are:
- eng
- fre
- ger
- pol
- spa
- swe
- LateChgCode
- Late charge code types that are bank-defined.
- LnPmtToIncmPct
- The loan payment to household income ratio.
- LOCAcctId
- The account identification that is charged for fees from line of credit services.
- LOCCustId
- The customer identification for lines of credit.
- MinBilAmt
- The minimum amount due on a loan before a billing notice is created.
- MoDebtAmt
- The borrower's monthly debt expense.
- MoIncmAmt
- The monthly income of all borrowers.
- NetWorth
- Represents the net worth.
This element is scheduled for deprecation. Effective date: 2018-01-01. The NetWorthAmt element should be used due to size limitations of the NetWorth element.
- NetWorthAmt
- The net worth of an entity.
- NumBorw
- The number of borrowers.
- NumProp
- The number of properties securing a mortgage.
- OrigLnToValRatio
- The original loan to value ratio.
- OrigPartPct
- The original participation percentage.
- PartIdNum
- The participation identification number.
- PayoffPend
- Payoff pending canonical values are:
- false
- true
- PrePmtPenBillDt
- The date that the prepayment penalty bill is created.
- PrePmtPenCode
- Pre-payment penalty code. If the loan is to assess a prepayment penalty on payoff, then enter the corresponding prepayment penalty parameter code.
- PrePmtPenBillDt
- The date that the prepayment penalty bill is created.
- PrePmtPenDueDt
- The date that the prepayment penalty is due.
- PrevStat
- The previous status.
- PrtBilNotCode
- Print billing notice indicates if the loan is to receive a billing notice.
- PrtCouponBook
- Determines if a coupon book should be generated for the account. Canonical values are:
- false
- true
- PrtcpAcctId
- The account ID of the master loan linked to the referenced loan.
- PrtcpAcctType
- The account type of the master loan linked to the referenced loan.
- PrtcpCode
- The code that references the participation position of the loan.
- PrtPastDueNotCode
- Print past due notice.
- PrtRcpt
- Print receipt. Canonical values are:
- false
- FirstRcptOnly
- FromAcct
- ToAcct
- true
- PtPaid
- The points paid. The number of points paid on the loan.
- PurpCode
- Bank-defined and is used to define the purpose of the loan.
- RelAcctId
- The related account ID or number.
- RelAcctType
- The related account type.
- RestructuredDr
- Restructured debt valid indicates that this loan is for restructuring of debt.
Canonical values are:
- false
- true
- RewriteToLnAcctId
- Rewrite to loan account number.
- RstrAdva
- Restrict advances. Canonical values are:
- Auto
- AutoAndManual
- NA
- RstrAdvaOvrLmt
- Restrict advances over limit. Canonical values are:
- false
- true
- SecdCrScoreId
- Identifies the borrower's secondary credit score.
- State
- Corresponding abbreviation for the state.
- StressRateCode
- A stress rating given to loans to determine the loan's exposure to interest rate changes.
- StressRateDt
- A date a stress rating code was given to a loan.
- StudentLnCode
- Designates if the loan is a demand type loan or a student loan.
- SubPrimeLnCode
- The subprime lending code.
- TitleNeeded
- Answers the question: Is the title still needed? This code is provided for bank use in
tracking those loans for which a title to the collateral used for security is still
needed. Canonical values are:
- false
- true
- TotDebtPct
- The ratio of the total monthly housing expenses plus the total of other debts to the borrower's monthly income.
- TotDownPmtAmt
- The total down payment amount used for the loan.
- TotOtherDebtAmt
- The total amount of other debts excluding housing expense.
- VehicleId
- The Vehicle Identification Number.
- WatchListCode
- Watch list code indicates if the loan is placed on a watch list.
BusDetail_CType Deprecation Details
- OffCode
- This element has been moved to the OffInfoArray located within this complex. Effective date: 2011-01-01.
AllowTrnActArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of permissible transaction activity for an account.
- AllowTrnActInfo_CType
AllowTrnActInfo_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- AllowTrnAct
- Allowable account transaction activity permitted for a specific account. Canonical
values are:
- All
- Dep
- Distr
- None
- Pmt
- Wthdwl
- XferFrom
- XferTo
BorwInfoArray_AType is an array AType element.
- BorwInfo_CType
BorwInfo_CType is a complex CType element.
- AddlBorwRaceArray references BorwRaceArray_AType.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- BorwAdviceCode
- The code that represents the type of counseling/advice given to the borrower.
- BorwAdviceDesc
- The description of the code that represents the type of counseling/advice given to the borrower.
- BorwAdviceFormatCode
- The code that represents the format used for counseling/advice for the borrower.
- BorwAdviceFormatDesc
- The description of the code that represents the format used for counseling/advice for the borrower.
- BorwAge
- The borrower's age.
- BorwBirthDt
- The borrower's birth date.
- BorwCrScoreCode
- The code that identifies the borrower's credit code used to score the credit rating.
- BorwCrScoreDesc
- The description of the code that identifies the borrower's credit code used to score the credit rating.
- BorwCrScoreId
- Identifies the borrower's credit score.
- BorwEthnicCode
- The code that references the borrower's ethnicity.
- BorwEthnicDesc
- The description of the code that references the borrower's ethnicity.
- BorwFICOId
- The borrower's Fair Isaac credit rating identification.
- BorwGender
- The borrower's gender. Valid options are:
- Female
- Male
- Other
- BorwIncmAmt
- The borrower's income.
- BorwInfoTxt
- The text description of the borrower referenced for the array.
- BorwRaceCode
- The code that references the borrower's race.
- BorwRaceDesc
- The description of the code that references the borrower's race.
- BorwSelfEmpl
- Answers the question: Is the borrower self-employed? Values are:
- false
- true
LnClsInfoArray_AType is an array AType element.
- LnClsInfo_CType
LnClsInfo_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- ClsCost
- The costs associated with the closing of a loan.
- ClsCostSrcCode
- The code that represents the source of funds used for the closing of a loan.
- ClsCostSrcDesc
- The description of the code that represents the source of funds used for the closing of a loan.
- DownPmtAmt
- The amount of the borrower's down payment attributable to the DownPmtSrcCode.
- DownPmtSrcCode
- The code that represents the source of the borrower's down payment.
- DownPmtSrcDesc
- The description of the code that represents the source of the borrower's down payment.
- LnClsInfoTxt
- The text description of elements associated with a loan closing for the array.
- LnClsPmtAmt
- The amount of payment collected at the loan closing.
- SecdLnAmt
- The amount of the secondary financing attributable to the SecdLnCode.
- SecdLnCode
- The code that represents the source of the borrower's secondary financing.
- SecdLnDesc
- The description of the code that represents the source of the borrower's secondary financing.
LnGuarArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of guarantors for a loan.
- LnGuarInfoRec_CType
LnGuarInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element.
- LnGuarName references PersonName_CType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- LnGuarId
- An ID that relates to a guarantor for a loan.
- LnGuarText
- The text that describes the guarantor element detail that proceeds it in the LnGuarArray.
PersonName_CType is a complex CType element. It contains name information. This complex is optional.
This element references the PersonName_CType.
- X_PersonName
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- ComName
- The common name. This is the full text line name like John Doe.
- FirstName
- The first name.
- LastName
- The last name.
- MiddleName
- The middle name.
x_PersonName_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- AbbName
- An abbreviated individual's or entity's name.
- LegalName
- Used by entities like trusts, or businesses in the case where an individual is doing business as a company, or when the legal name is different than the ComName.
- NameSuffix
- The name suffix. For examples, Jr. or MD.
- SalName
- A full text line name which is used in mailings. For example, Mr. and Mrs. John Doe.
- TitlePrefix
- The title prefix. Examples: Mr. or Mrs.
PrePmtPenInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- CurtPenAffPrtcp
- Answers the question: Should the curtailment penalty affect the sold portion of a
loan? Canonical Values are:
- false
- true
- CurtPenCode
- The code used to determine the behavior for curtailment penalty.
- CurtPenDesc
- The description of the code used to determine the behavior for curtailment penalty.
- PrePmtPenBillCode
- The code that describes the behavior for billing for prepayment penalties.
- PrePmtPenBillDesc
- The description of the code that describes the behavior for billing for prepayment penalties.
- PrePmtPenBillTerm
- The integer length of the term.
- PrePmtPenBillTermUnits
- The term units: years, months, days, indefinite. Canonical values are:
- Days
- Indefinite
- Months
- NA
- SemiMonthly
- Years
- PrePmtPenExpDt
- The date that the prepayment penalty policy expires.
- PrePmtPenRenDt
- The prepayment penalty renewal date.
- PrePmtPenRenTerm
- The integer length of the term.
- PrePmtPenRenTermUnits
- The term units: years, months, days, indefinite. Canonical values are:
- Days
- Indefinite
- Months
- NA
- SemiMonthly
- Years
- PrePmtPenStartDt
- The date that the prepayment penalty policy becomes effective.
- RecoupPenAffPrtcp
- Answers the question: Should the recoupment penalty affect the sold portion of a loan?
Canonical values are:
- false
- true
- RecoupPenAffPrtcpPct
- The percentage of the recoupment penalty that should affect the sold portion of a loan.
UserDefInfoArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of UserDefInfo simple elements used to describe user-defined information.
- UserDefInfo_CType
UserDefInfo_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- UserDefCode
- The code that represents the answer to the UserDefTxt.
- UserDefDesc
- The description of what the UserDefCode represents.
- UserDefDt
- A date field that has a relationship with the UserDefTxt or UserDefCode.
- UserDefInfo1
- Additional information that may accompany any of the user supplied codes.
- UserDefInfo2
- Additional information that may accompany any of the user supplied codes.
- UserDefInfo3
- Additional information that may accompany any of the user supplied codes.
- UserDefTxt
- User Defined Text is part of a matched pair array that describes the proceeding elements.
LnBalDtInfo_CType is a complex CType element. It contains loan account balance information. This element is optional.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- AdvaMTDAmt
- The monthly amount advanced for a loan.
- AdvaYTDAmt
- The yearly amount advanced for a loan.
- AHInsurMatDt
- The AH insurance maturity date.
- BalDueAtMat
- The balance due at maturity. Canonical values are:
- false
- true
- BallCallDt
- The date the balloon note is due.
- ChgdOffAmt
- The amount charged off.
- ChgdOffDt
- The charge off date.
- ClsDt
- The closing date.
- CollatInsurExpDt
- The collateral insurance expiration date.
- CouponReOrderDt
- The date a coupon book is to be reordered.
- CouponReOrderTerm
- The integer length of the term.
- CouponReOrderTermUnits
- The term units: years, months, days, indefinite. Canonical values are:
- Days
- Indefinite
- Months
- NA
- SemiMonthly
- Years
- CouponStartDt
- The beginning date for loan coupons.
- CrLifeMatDt
- The credit life insurance maturity date.
- EstClsDt
- The estimated closing date of the loan.
- ExmnrClsfDt
- The classification date. The date of examiner classification.
- FeeChgdYTD
- The fees charged year-to-date.
- FeeChgdPYTD
- The fees charged previous year-to-date.
- FeePaidLTD
- The fees paid life-to-date.
- FeePaidMTD
- The fees paid month-to-date.
- FeePaidPYTD
- The fees paid prior year-to-date.
- FeePaidYTD
- The fees paid year-to-date.
- FirstPmtDt
- The first payment date.
- ForeClosureDt
- The date a lender foreclosed on a property.
- FundLmt
- The funding limit of a loan. The maximum amount that can be advanced on a loan.
- IntChgdPYTD
- The interest charged previous year-to-date.
- IntChgdYTD
- The interest charged year-to-date.
- IntOnlyExpDt
- The date that the loan expires for interest only payments.
- IntPaidAtAssumLastYr
- The interest paid at assumption last year.
- IntPaidAtAssumYTD
- The interest paid at assumption year-to-date.
- IntPaidLTD
- The interest paid life-to-date.
- IntPaidPYTD
- The interest paid previous year-to-date.
- IntPaidToDt
- The interest paid to date.
- IntPaidYTD
- The interest paid year-to-date.
- IntResrvBal
- The interest reserve balance.
- LastCouponReOrderDt
- The last coupon reorder date.
- LastMainDt
- The last maintenance date.
- LateChgPaidLTD
- The late charges paid life to date.
- LateChgPaidMTD
- The late charges were paid month-to-date.
- LateChgPaidPrevYTD
- The late charges paid previous year-to-date.
- LateChgPaidYTD
- The late charges paid year-to-date.
- LnApprvDt
- The date a loan was approved which differs from the date the loan closed.
- LnConvDt
- The date the loan was converted from one loan product to another loan product.
- LnSetupDt
- The date of loan setup.
- MinInt
- The minimum interest.
- MTDAccrInt
- The amount of interest that has accrued for an account.
- NetMemoPostAmt
- The sum of the current memo posted items against this account.
- NewLnFundAmt
- The amount of any new money added to or borrowed along with the original amount of the Senior Lien Loan.
- NonAccrDt
- The non-accrual date.
- NxtRvwDt
- The next review date.
- OrigFeesLTD
- The origination fees life to date.
- OrigFeesPYTD
- The origination fees previous year-to-date.
- OrigFeesYTD
- The origination fees year-to-date.
- OrigMatDt
- The original maturity date.
- PrincPaidPYTD
- The principal paid prior year-to-date.
- PrincPaidYTD
- The principal paid year-to-date.
- ProceedAmt
- The first advance amount for the new loan.
- PtPaidByOwner
- The points paid by owner. Canonical values are:
- false
- true
- ReAmrtzDOM
- The day of the month the payment re-amortizes.
- ReAmrtzPmtDt
- The date the payment re-amortizes.
- ReAmrtzThruDt
- The re-amortize through date.
- RightToCureDt
- The right-to-cure date.
- SoldBal
- The sold balance.
- TotIntAmt
- The total amount of interest anticipated to be paid over the life of the loan.
- UCCExpDt
- The UCC expiration date.
- UEInsurMatDt
- The unemployment insurance maturity date.
- WatchListDt
- The watch list date.
- YrFeeChgDt
- The date the yearly fee should be charged to an account.
LnDlrInfo_CType is a complex CType element. This element is optional.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- BankDisc
- Bank discount is the amount of unearned interest on the loan. This field is only active on add-on type loans.
- BankIncmFrft
- The bank income forfeited.
- DaysToFrft
- The number of days to forfeit discount/rebate.
- DaysToFrftOnChgoff
- The number of days to forfeit discount/rebate if charged off.
- DlrAccr
- The dealer accrual.
- DlrCode
- The dealer code.
- DlrDisc
- The amount of dealer discount.
- DlrEarnings
- The dealer earnings.
- DlrId
- The dealer identification.
- DlrLocId
- The dealer location identification.
- DlrName
- The dealer name.
- DlrRate
- The current dealer rate.
- DlrRebate
- The dealer rebate.
- DlrResrvAmt
- The dealer reserve amount.
- DlrUpfrntEarned
- The dealer up front earned.
- FrftDiscAtPayoff
- The forfeit discount/rebate at payoff forfeit dealer discount or rebate if early
payoff within specified number of days or payments. Canonical values are:
- Disc
- NA
- Rebate
- FrftRebateAfterChgoff
- Forfeit dealer rebate after charge off. Canonical values are:
- Bank
- Dlr
- NA
- FrftRebateIfChgoff
- Forfeit dealer rebate/discount if charged-off.
- FrftRebateOnPayoff
- Forfeit discount/rebate at payoff. Canonical values are:
- Bank
- Dlr
- NA
- IntRebate
- The interest rebate.
- PctRebateToChgoff
- The percent of discount/rebate to charge off.
- PmtsToFrft
- Number of payments to forfeit rebate/discount.
- PmtsToFrftOnChgoff
- Number of payments to forfeit discount/rebate if charge off.
- RebateToBankDlr
- Up front remaining rebate goes to bank or dealer. Canonical values are:
- Bank
- Dlr
- NA
- RecourseCode
- The code that describes the recourse action to be taken with a dealer when a loan is past due.
- RecoursePct
- The percent of the dealer's liability for each loan.
- RecourseTerm
- The recourse term the dealer's liability expires.
- RecourseTermUnit
- The recourse frequency units the dealer's liability expires. Canonical values are:
- Days
- Months
- NA
- SemiMonthly
- Years
- RemResrvAmt
- The remaining reserve amount.
- RemResrvEarn
- The remaining reserve earned.
- RemResrvPct
- The remaining reserve percentage.
- UpfrntPct
- Up front percent dealer's upfront reserve percentage.
LnInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element.
- AcctTitleArray_AType
- OffInfoArray_AType
- Term_CType
- TINInfo_CType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- AccrBal
- The accrual balance.
- AcctLvlSecCode
- The code that references the special handling security processes/accesses at the account level.
- AcctStat
- The account status.
- AHInsurAccr
- The AH insurance accrual.
- AliasAcctName
- An alias name provided to an account that is often used for GUI representation that is understandable to an end consumer.
- AvailCr
- The available credit.
- BatchNum
- The integer that groups transactions together. The batch number is often used to trace the origins of transactions.
- BrCode
- The branch code.
- CrLifeInsurAccr
- The credit life insurance accrual.
- CustId
- The identifier attached to a customer.
- IntBasis
- The interest base method used for the loan. Canonical values are:
- AddOn
- Amrtz
- Act/360
- Act/365
- 30/360
- 360/360
- IntRate
- The interest rate.
- LastPmtDt
- The last payment date.
- LateChgAmt
- The late charge amount.
- MatDt
- The maturity date.
- MICRAcctId
- The magnetic ink character recognition account identification that could differ from the account identification.
- NxtPayDt
- The next payment date.
- NxtSchedPmtDt
- The next scheduled payment date.
- OddDaysIntBasis
- The interest base to be used at the account's origination if it differs from the IntBasis.
- OffCode
- The code that designates the financial institution officer.
- OpenDt
- The date opened.
- OrigBal
- The original balance.
- PartPmtAmt
- The partial payment amount.
- PastDueAmt
- The past due amount.
- PayoffGoodThruDt
- The payoff good through date.
- PIAmt
- The principal and interest payment amount.
- PmtAmt
- The payment amount.
- PmtAmtDue
- The payment amount due.
- PmtCode
- The payment code. The payment code determines how the payment is applied to the loan.
- PmtDayOfMonth
- The day of month for payment. This code is only required if the payment due date is the 29th of the month.
- PmtTerm
- The payment frequency.
- PmtTermUnits
- The payment frequency units: months, days. Canonical values are:
- AtMat
- Days
- Months
- NA
- SemiMonthly
- Years
- ProdCode
- The code that identifies a product type of account within an application.
- RemPmtCnt
- The number of payments remaining.
- SalesPerson
- The code value that represents the sales person. This element was changed from a string to an open enumerated type in 4/2011. This element resides as an exception and is not to be suffixed with code rather than deprecate the element. The element does have a description.
- SemiDay1
- The day of month for first semi-monthly payment.
- SemiDay2
- The day of month for second semi-monthly payment.
- ShortPmtCode
- The code that defines the behavior for advancing due dates when less than a full payment is accepted.
- Term
- The term of the loan.
- UEInsurAccr
- The unemployment insurance accrual.
- UnusedCrAccr
- The unused credit accrued.
LnInfoRec_CType Deprecation Details
- OffCode
- This element has been moved to the OffInfoArray located within this complex. Effective date: 2011-01-01.
AcctTitle_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of account titles used to define the customer and additional names. This element is optional.
- AcctTitleInfo_CType
AcctTitleInfo_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
- AddlName references PersonName_CType
- AddlPhoneArray references PhoneArray_AType
- AddlTIN references TINInfo_CType
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- AcctTitle
- The account title including customer name and additional names.Note: This element deprecates in accordance with XSD contract tenets. Effective date: 2017–01–01.
- AddlBirthDt
- The date of birth.
- AddlNameStat
- The additional person status. Canonical values are:
- Act - active
- NotAct - not active
The ComName element is contained by the AddlName complex and replaces the AcctTitle element. The depreciation effective date for AcctTitle is 2012-01-01.
PersonName_CType is a complex CType element. It contains name information. This complex is optional.
AddlName references PersonName_CType.
- X_PersonName
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- ComName
- The common name. This is the full text line name like John Doe.
- FirstName
- The first name.
- LastName
- The last name.
- MiddleName
- The middle name.
x_PersonName_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- AbbName
- An abbreviated individual's or entity's name.
- LegalName
- Used by entities like trusts, or businesses in the case where an individual is doing business as a company, or when the legal name is different than the ComName.
- NameSuffix
- The name suffix. For examples, Jr. or MD.
- SalName
- A full text line name which is used in mailings. For example, Mr. and Mrs. John Doe.
- TitlePrefix
- The title prefix. Examples: Mr. or Mrs.
PhoneArray_AType is an array AType element. This array contains one or more PhoneInfo_CType complexes to define phone contact information. This array is optional.
AddlPhoneArray references PhoneArray_AType.
- PhoneInfo_CType
PhoneInfo_CType is a complex CType element. It contains basic phone contact information. This complex is optional.
- MobPhoneInfo_CType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- ConEndTime
- The Greenwich Mean time when contact availability ends.
- ConStartTime
- The Greenwich Mean time when contact availability starts.
- PhoneExt
- The phone extension.
- PhoneNum
- The phone number.
- PhoneTime
- Best phone usage time, day, or evening.
- PhoneType
- Phone type examples are: home, work, fax, cell.
TINInfo_CType is a complex CType element. This element contains tax information number codes and descriptions. This element is optional.
AddlTIN references TINInfo_CType.
- TaxIdOwnerName references PersonName_CType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- The last IRS notification.
- BNotStat
- The B notice flag.
- CertCode
- The code that represents the certification behavior for a tax ID.
- CertCodeDesc
- The description of the code that represents the certification behavior for a tax ID.
- CertCodeDt
- The certification code date.
- TaxId
- The tax identifier. It includes the MaskVal, Rstr, and SrchType attributes.
- TaxIdMod
- A tax ID modifier assigned by the SSA to some individuals.
- TINCode
- The code that designates the type of tax identification number.
- TINDesc
- The description of the code that designates the type of tax identification number.
PersonName_CType is a complex CType element. It contains name information. This complex is optional.
This element references PersonName_CType.
The TaxIdOwnerName is optional and is only required when the customer level tax ID is different than the account level.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- ComName
- The common name. This is the full text line name like John Doe.
- FirstName
- The first name.
- LastName
- The last name.
- MiddleName
- The middle name.
x_PersonName_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- AbbName
- An abbreviated individual's or entity's name.
- LegalName
- Used by entities like trusts, or businesses in the case where an individual is doing business as a company, or when the legal name is different than the ComName.
- NameSuffix
- The name suffix. For examples, Jr. or MD.
- SalName
- A full text line name which is used in mailings. For example, Mr. and Mrs. John Doe.
- TitlePrefix
- The title prefix. Examples: Mr. or Mrs.
OffInfoArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of officers.
- OffInfoRec_CType
OffInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element. This element is optional.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- OffCode
- The code that designates the financial institution officer.
- OffCodeText
- The text that describes the preceding elements for the OffInfoArry.
- OffDesc
- The officer short name.
- OffRmk
- Application or user remarks free form text.
Term_CType is a complex CType element. This complex contains loan account term information. This element is optional.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- DaysCall
- The notice and number of business days required for withdrawal. Required if TermUnits is set to Indefinite.
- Desc
- The generic description.
- TermCnt
- The integer length of the term.
- TermUnits
- The term units: years, months, days, indefinite. Canonical values
- Days
- Indefinite
- Months
- NA
- SemiMonthly
- Years
TINInfo_CType is a complex CType element. This element contains tax information number codes and descriptions. This element is optional.
- TaxIdOwnerName references PersonName_CType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- The last IRS notification.
- BNotStat
- The B notice flag.
- CertCode
- The code that represents the certification behavior for a tax ID.
- CertCodeDesc
- The description of the code that represents the certification behavior for a tax ID.
- CertCodeDt
- The certification code date.
- TaxId
- The tax identifier. It includes the MaskVal, Rstr, and SrchType attributes.
- TaxIdMod
- A tax ID modifier assigned by the SSA to some individuals.
- TINCode
- The code that designates the type of tax identification number.
- TINDesc
- The description of the code that designates the type of tax identification number.
PersonName_CType is a complex CType element. It contains name information. This complex is optional.
This element references PersonName_CType.
The TaxIdOwnerName is optional and is only required when the customer level tax ID is different than the account level.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- ComName
- The common name. This is the full text line name like John Doe.
- FirstName
- The first name.
- LastName
- The last name.
- MiddleName
- The middle name.
x_PersonName_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- AbbName
- An abbreviated individual's or entity's name.
- LegalName
- Used by entities like trusts, or businesses in the case where an individual is doing business as a company, or when the legal name is different than the ComName.
- NameSuffix
- The name suffix. For examples, Jr. or MD.
- SalName
- A full text line name which is used in mailings. For example, Mr. and Mrs. John Doe.
- TitlePrefix
- The title prefix. Examples: Mr. or Mrs.
LnMtgInfo_CType is a complex CType element. This element is optional.
- FHLBSICInfoArray_AType
- HousingInfoArray_AType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- AgencyCaseId
- The ID assigned to an FHA or VA loan for tracking purposes by HUD or the VA.
- ApprDocId
- The appraisal document identifier for electronic delivery of the appraisal.
- AvlSecdMktgCode
- The code that references the availability of a loan for sale on the secondary market.
- The code that describes the type of FHA or VA loan.
- FHLBApprCode
- The code that describes the appraisal form or inspection type used to compile the FHLB Appraisal report.
- FHLBDocCode
- The code that references the level of documentation used to qualify a borrower on a loan.
- FHLBProdCode
- The code that designates the FHLB product for the loan.
- FHLBPurpCode
- The code that designates the FHLB purpose that the loan proceeds are to be used.
- FirstHomePur
- Answers the question: Is the borrower a first-time home buyer?
- HighPriceMtg
- Answers the question: Does the mortgage loan qualify as a high priced mortgage (HMPL)?
Canonical values are:
- false
- true
- HighPriceMtgRateVar
- The rate variance between the borrowers APR and the index published by the Federal Reserve Board (APOR).
- The status of the Home Ownership and Equity Protection Act loan.
- LnFeatureCode
- The code that describes features associated with the loan.
- LnOrignCompId
- The Loan Originator's company unique identifier as assigned by the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System and Registry (NMLSR).
- LnOrignId
- The Loan Originator's unique identifier as assigned by the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System and Registry (NMLSR).
- LnOrigSrcCode
- The code that describes the business source that wholly or partially originated the mortgage loan.
- LnProspectId
- The ID assigned by Loan Prospector for the loan processed through Loan Prospector.
- The identification that is used for the Mortgage Electronic Registration System (MERS).
- MHNumUnit
- The number of sections or units that make up the manufactured home.
- MHOccupCode
- The code that designates the occupancy of the manufactured home, prior to transfer of ownership of the borrowers.
- MHPriceToOrigPct
- The ratio of the original loan amount and the manufactured home dealer's invoice price of the manufactured housing unit.
- MHYrBuilt
- The year the manufactured home was built.
- MoHouseAmt
- The borrower's monthly household debt expense.
- MPFCommId
- The commitment ID assigned to the institution under the mortgage partnership finance program.
- MtgInsurCertifId
- The certificate ID for the mortgage insurance.
- MtgInsurCode
- The code that defines the mortgage insurance company.
- MtgInsurPct
- The percentage of the loan insured for mortgage insurance.
- NumUnit
- The number of units in the mortgaged property.
- PledgeLnCode
- The code that references the institution the loan is pledged to.
- PredatoryLnCode
- The code that designates the type of loan for Anti-Predatory lending in accord with Freddie Mac® guidelines.
- QualMtgCode
- The code that describes the type of qualified mortgage as mandated by Dodd-Frank Act.
- QualResMtgCode
- The code that describes the type of residential qualified mortgage as mandated by Dodd-Frank Act.
- RedDocCode
- The code that indicates whether a loan was underwritten using reduced documentation.
- SecdMtgCode
- The code that represents the type of secondary mortgage activity.
- ShareNatCrLn
- Does the loan participate as part of the Shared National Credit Program.
- StateApprLicId
- The field appraiser's state license number or state certification number issued by the state of the related property.
- StateSupvApprLicId
- The supervisory appraiser's or appraisal firm state license number of the related property.
- SubDebtCode
- The code that describes if a mortgaged property has a lower priority than that of the first mortgage.
- SynAgentId
- The ID of the syndicated agent responsible for the servicing of the loan.
- SynMemberId
- The ID of the syndicated member responsible for the servicing of the loan.
FHLBSICInfoArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of FHLBSICInfo simple elements used to define information for FHLB special feature codes. This element is optional.
FHLBSICInfo_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- The FHLB special feature codes related to mortgage characteristics as required by the master commitment.
- The text that describes the FHLB special feature codes related to mortgage characteristics as required by the master commitment.
HousingInfoArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of simple elements used to define information pertinent to the units for mortgage property.
- HousingInfo_CType
HousingInfo_CType is a complex CType element. This element is optional.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- HousingInfoTxt
- The text description of the housing unit referenced for the array.
- NumBdrm
- The number of bedrooms in a housing unit.
- NumRentalUnit
- The number of rental units for each property.
- RentUtlAmt
- The unit's rent plus utilities.
- UnitOwnerCode
- The code that references the borrower's position for the mortgage property. For example, owner occupied.
- UnitOwnerDesc
- The description of the code that references the borrower's position for the mortgage property. For example, owner occupied.
LnPastDueInfo_CType is a complex CType element. This element is optional.
Simple Elements
- PastDueArray_AType
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- DlqConDt
- The date a customer was contacted about a delinquent situation.
- PastDue10LastYr
- The number of times past due 10–29 days during the previous year.
- PastDue10LTD
- The number of times past due 10–29 days life-to-date.
- PastDue10YTD
- The number of times past due 10–29 days year-to-date.
- PastDue30LastYr
- The number of times past due 30–59 days last year.
- PastDue30LTD
- The number of times past due 30–59 days life-to-date.
- PastDue30YTD
- The number of times past due 30–59 days year-to-date.
- PastDue60LastYr
- The number of times past due 60–89 days last year.
- PastDue60LTD
- The number of times past due 60–89 days life-to-date.
- PastDue60YTD
- The number of times past due 60–89 days year-to-date.
- PastDue90LastYr
- The number of times past due 90–119 days last year.
- PastDue90LTD
- The number of times past due 90–119 days life-to-date.
- PastDue90YTD
- The number of times past due 90–119 days year-to-date.
- PastDue120LastYr
- The number of times past due 120–149 days last year.
- PastDue120LTD
- The number of times past due 120–149 days life-to-date.
- PastDue120YTD
- The number of times past due 120–149 days year-to-date.
- PastDue150LastYr
- The number of times past due 150–179 days last year.
- PastDue150LTD
- The number of times past due 150–179 days life-to-date.
- PastDue150YTD
- The number of times past due 150–179 days year-to-date.
- PastDue180LastYr
- The number of times past due 180+ days last year.
- PastDue180LTD
- The number of times past due 180+ days life to date.
- PastDue180YTD
- The number of times past due 180+ days year-to-date.
LnPmtInfo_CType is a complex CType element. This element is optional.
- LnFeeArray_AType
- OthInsurArray_AType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- AHInsurAccrBase
- The AH insurance accrual base.
- AHInsurAccrRate
- The AH insurance accrual rate.
- AHInsurCompCode
- The code that references the AH insurance company.
- AHInsurIdxNum
- The AH insurance index number.
- AHInsurPerDiem
- The AH insurance per diem.
- AHInsurStartDt
- The date the accident and health insurance begins to accrue.
- AHInsurTerm
- The integer length of the term.
- AHInsurTermUnits
- The term units: years, months, days, indefinite. Canonical values are:
- Days
- Indefinite
- Months
- NA
- SemiMonthly
- Years
- AmrtzInt
- The amortized interest.
- AmrtzPmtSusp
- The amortized payment suspense.
- AnnDebtPmt
- The amount of money on a total yearly basis required for the payment of interest and principal on a long-term debt.
- BallPmtAmt
- The balloon payment amount.
- BilAHAmt
- The billed credit life insurance amount.
- BilCrLifeAmt
- The billed credit life insurance amount.
- BilEscrwAmt
- The billed escrow amount.
- BilIntAmt
- The billed interest amount.
- BilLateChgAmt
- The billed late charge.
- BilLeadDays
- The number of days before due date to print bills.
- BilOtherChgAmt
- The billed other charge amount.
- BilPrincAmt
- The billed principle.
- ChgYrFeeCode
- The code that describes the behavior of how a yearly fee should be charged. For example, skip the first year.
- CrLifeCompCode
- The code that references the credit life insurance company.
- CrLifeInsurAccrBase
- The credit life insurance accrual base.
- CrLifeInsurAccrRate
- The credit life insurance accrual rate.
- CrLifeInsurIdxNum
- The credit life insurance index number.
- CrLifeInsurPerDiem
- The credit life insurance per diem.
- CrLifeInsurStartDt
- The date the credit life insurance begins to accrue.
- CrLifeInsurTerm
- The integer length of the term.
- CrLifeInsurTermUnits
- The term units: years, months, days, indefinite. Canonical values are:
- Days
- Indefinite
- Months
- NA
- SemiMonthly
- Years
- CrtBilDOM
- The specific day of the month to create a loan bill/statement (rather than number of days before due date to print bills - BilLeadDays).
- DefrInt
- The deferred interest. This field must be 0 filled.
- DefrIntPaidTo
- The deferred interest paid to. This field must be 0 filled.
- FundPct
- The percentage of a loan advance that should be split to the sold portion of a loan.
- FundSeqId
- The order in which advances on LOC are passed to participation sold loans.
- GradPmtCode
- The code that references the graduated/ascending payment option.
- IgnrLateChgMulti
- The late charge sequence on multiple bills should be ignored. Canonical values are:
- LateChg
- LateChgAndOther
- Neither
- Other
- IntPmtPostCode
- The code that describes the behavior for the posting of the interest portion of a regular payment.
- LastIntPmtDt
- The date of the last interest payment.
- LastPmtAmt
- The last payment amount.
- MinChkAdva
- The minimum check advance.
- MinChkTolr
- The minimum check tolerance for charging an NSF fee. This field must be zero filled if not used.
- NegAmrtzCapPct
- The Negative amortization cap percentage. Must be 0 or greater than 100.
- NegAmrtzOrignBal
- The highest principal balance due to negative amortization as the Original Balance for loans.
- NewPmtAmt
- The new payment amount.
- NewPrinIntPmt
- The new principle interest payment.
- NewPrinIntPmtEffDt
- The new principle interest payment effective date.
- NSFFeeAmt
- The NSF fee amount.
- OthChgAmt
- Other charges.
- OvrLineFeeAddNxtBil
- Add over line amount to next bill.
- OvrLineFeeAmt
- The over line fee amount.
- PctBalReAmrtz
- The percentage of balance to reamortize.
- PmtGraceDays
- The number of grace days a payment is due from the time they are billed for the payment amount.
- PmtReAmrtzCap
- The payment reamortization cap.
- PmtReAmrtzDayOfMonth
- The day of month for payment reamortization. This code is required only if the payment reamortization date is the 29th of the month.
- PmtReAmrtzDt
- The payment reamortization date. For loans whose payments reamortize on a different schedule than their rates change. Date the loan payment is supposed to be reamortized.
- PmtReAmrtzFreq
- The day of month for payment reamortization. This code is required only if the payment reamortization date is the 29th of the month.
- PmtReAmrtzFreqCode
- The code used to determine the frequency of reamortizing a loan payment over time.
- PmtReAmrtzPeriod
- The payment reamortization period.
- PmtReAmrtzPeriodCode
- The payment reamortization period code. Canonical values are:
- Days
- Months
- SemiMonthly
- Years
- PmtSuspPostCode
- The code that references how to post payment suspense.
- PmtTotAmt
- The total number of payments.
- PostPmtPastDueCode
- The code that describes the action to be taken for payments on past due loans.
- PostPmtPastDueDay
- The number of days a loan can be past due before payments will not post.
- PostPmtPrePaidCode
- The code that describes the action to be taken for payments on loans that are pre-paid.
- PostPrincCurtCode
- The code describes the action to be taken when an excess amount above the regular payment is received.
- PostSeq1Code
- The regular payment posting sequence #1 code.
- PostSeq2Code
- The regular payment posting sequence #2 code.
- PostSeq3Code
- The regular payment posting sequence #3 code.
- PostSeq4Code
- The regular payment posting sequence #4 code.
- PostSeq5Code
- The regular payment posting sequence #5 code.
- PostShortPmts
- Indicates if short payments should be posted. Canonical values are:
- false
- true
- PrePaidAmt
- The permissible amount that a loan can be pre-paid per payment.
- PrePaidAmtCode
- The code that describes the action to be taken for pre-paid loans.
- PrePaidNum
- The permissible number of payments that a loan can be pre-paid.
- PrePaidPct
- The permissible percent that a loan can be pre-paid per payment.
- PrePmtPenLTD
- The pre-payment penalty life-to-date.
- PrePmtPenPYTD
- The pre-payment penalty previous year-to-date.
- PrePmtPenYTD
- The pre-payment penalty year-to-date.
- PrevPmtAmt
- The previous payment amount.
- PrtcpFirstPmtCode
- The code that describes the action to be taken when the first payment is received on a sold loan.
- PrtcpIntPmtPct
- The percentage of the interest payment that should be split to the sold portion of the loan.
- PrtcpPmtSplitCode
- The code that describes the action to be taken when extracting payments to the sold portion of a loan.
- PrtcpPrincPmtPct
- The percentage of the principal payment that should be split to the sold portion of the loan.
- PrtcpSeqId
- The ID assigned to sold loans that control the order of splitting payments for the sold portion.
- ReAmrtzPmt
- Determines if the system is to re-amortize the payment amount automatically. Canonical
values are:
- false
- true
- OnDemand
- Info
- RstrAutoPmt
- Indicates whether automatic payments should be restricted. Canonical values are:
- false
- true
- SecdAccr
- The secondary accrual.
- SplitPmtAsBil
- Indicates if payments should be split as billed. Canonical values are:
- false
- true
- UEInsurAccrBase
- The unemployment insurance accrual base.
- UEInsurAccrRate
- The unemployment insurance accrual rate.
- UEInsurCompCode
- The code that references the unemployment insurance company.
- UEInsurIdxRate
- The unemployment insurance index rate.
- UEInsurPerDiem
- The unemployment insurance per diem.
- UnpaidChgs
- The unpaid charges.
- UnusedCrAccrIdxNum
- The unused credit accrual index number.
- UnusedCrAccrRate
- The unused credit accrual rate.
- UnusedCrIntBase
- The unused credit interest base.
- UnusedCrPerDiem
- The unused credit per diem.
- UsePmtSusp
- Indicates if payment suspense should be used. Canonical values are:
- false
- true
- YrFeeAmt
- The yearly fee amount.
- YrPmtIncrPct
- The yearly payment increase for graduated payment loans.
LnFeeArray_AType is an array AType element.
- LnFeeInfoRec_CType
LnFeeInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- LnFeeAmt
- The amount of specific loan fees collected.
- LnFeeAssmntDt
- The date the loan fee assessment should occur.
- LnFeeChgCode
- The code that describes the behavior for charging a fee. Canonical values are:
- Chg
- NA
- Wav
- LnFeeCode
- The code that describes the details of charging a loan fee.
- LnFeeDayOfMonth
- The day of month for loan fee assessment. This day is only required if the loan fee assessment date is the 29th of the month.
- LnFeeFreq
- The frequency of the loan fee assessment.
- LnFeeFreqUnits
- The units of frequency for the loan fee assessment. Canonical values are:
- Days
- Indefinite
- Months
- NA
- SemiMonthly
- Years
- LnFeeText
- The text that describes the loan fee element that precedes it in the LnFeeArray.
OthInsurArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of insurance classifications not addressed as an individual element. For example: Credit life, A and H, Unemployment.
- OthInsurInfoRec_CType
OthInsurInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element. This element is optional.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- OthInsurAccrBase
- The other insurance accrual base.
- OthInsurCompCode
- The code that references insurance companies.
- OthInsurCompDesc
- The description of the code that references insurance companies.
- OthInsurIdxNum
- The other insurance index number.
- OthInsurStartDt
- The date that some other type of insurance begins to accrue.
- OthInsurTerm
- The integer length of the term.
- OthInsurTermUnits
- The term units: years, months, days, indefinite. Canonical values are:
- Days
- Indefinite
- Months
- NA
- SemiMonthly
- Years
- OthInsurText
- The text that describes other insurance classifications that precedes it in the OthInsurArray.
LnPmtSchedInfo_CType is a complex CType element.
- RepPmtSchedTerm references Term_CType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- EscrwPmtAmt
- The amount of the escrow payment for a specific escrow recipient.
- NumPmtsPaid
- The number of payments paid on a loan.
- PIAmt
- The principal and interest payment amount.
- PmtAmt
- The payment amount.
- PmtCode
- The payment code. The payment code determines how the payment is applied to the loan.
- PmtEndDt
- The date that designates the ending point for date selections.
- PmtSchedNum
- The number of times a specific payment schedule occurs.
- PmtStartDt
- The date that designates the starting point for date selections.
- PmtTerm
- The payment frequency.
- PmtTermUnits
- The payment frequency units: months, days. Canonical values are:
- AtMat
- Days
- Months
- NA
- SemiMonthly
- Years
- RepPmtSchedNum
- The number of times a specific payment schedule should be repeated.
- SemiDay1
- The day of month for first semi-monthly payment.
- SemiDay2
- The day of month for second semi-monthly payment.
- SuspPmtSchedCode
- The code that describes the method to suspend payment schedules.
Term_CType is a complex CType element. This complex contains loan account term information. This element is optional.
This element references Term_CType.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- DaysCall
- The notice and number of business days required for withdrawal. Required if TermUnits is set to Indefinite.
- Desc
- The generic description.
- TermCnt
- The integer length of the term.
- TermUnits
- The term units: years, months, days, indefinite. Canonical values
- Days
- Indefinite
- Months
- NA
- SemiMonthly
- Years
LnProtInfo_CType is a complex CType element. It contains loan protection information. This element is optional.
- ProtAcctArray_AType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- AdvaCnt
- The number of advances.
- AdvaTot
- The total number of advances.
- DDAMinBalAdv
- The DDA minimum balance for advance.
- DrAcctExpDt
- The debit account expiration date.
- DrAcctHldDt
- The debit account hold date.
- DrAcctId
- The debit account number.
- DrAcctType
- The debit account type.
- ExclHldXferCode
- The code that conveys if account holds should be considered for transfer requests.
- FrzPmtPastDue
- Freeze if payment is past due. Canonical values are:
- false
- true
- LastAdvaDt
- The last advance date
- LastStmtDt
- The last statement date.
- LastStmtBal
- The last statement balance.
- LOCAvg
- The credit line average usage.
- LOCCycleAcctId
- The account ID that is used to cycle the credit line whenever that account ID is cycled.
- LOCCycleAcctType
- The account type that is used to cycle the credit line whenever that account ID is cycled.
- LOCDaysAtZero
- The credit line number of days at balance zero.
- LOCExpDt
- The line of credit expiration date.
- LOCHighAmt
- The credit line high usage.
- LOCHighAmtPrevYTD
- The credit line's high usage previous year-to-date.
- The high balance of the credit line year-to-date.
- LOCLmt
- The line of credit limit.
- LOCLowAmt
- The line of credit low usage.
- LOCTaxRefId
- The credit line tax reference number. Tax reference number for credit line. For informational purposes.
- LOCTotAdvaAmt
- The credit line total advances.
- MaxPmtAmt
- The maximum payment amount.
- MinPmtAmt
- The minimum payment amount.
- ODProtPmtCode
- The code for the payment calculation method.
- PmtCnt
- The number of payments.
- The code for take payment if DDA is NSF.
- PmtPct
- The payment percentage.
- ProtAcctId
- The protection account number.
- ProtAcctType
- The protection account type.
- ProtBalZero
- Keep protection balance at zero. Canonical values are:
- false
- true
- StmtCycle
- The statement cycle.
LnRateInfo_CType is a complex CType element. It contains loan interest rate information. This element is optional.
- LnTierRateArray_AType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- ConvARMCode
- A convertible ARM indicator.
- ConvARMExpDt
- The convertible ARM expiration date.
- ConvFixRateExpDt
- The expiration date for a loan to convert from a fixed rate loan to an adjustable rate loan.
- ConvIdxNum
- The convertible index number. This code must match a valid index set up by the bank if not zero.
- ConvVar
- The convertible variance.
- ConvVarCode
- The convertible variance code.
- CurCarryOvr
- The current carryover.
- CurCarryOvrSign
- The rate carryover sign.
- CurIdx
- The current index.
- DaysBeforeRateChg
- The number of days before rate change.
- DaysInitARMNot
- The number of days before the initial adjustable rate mortgage rate change notice should be sent.
- DlqRate
- The delinquent flat rate the loan accrues at if delinquent.
- DlqRateDays
- The delinquent rate number of days. Number of days delinquent the loan must become before it begins to accrue at the delinquent rate.
- DlqRateIdxNum
- The delinquent rate index number. Master rate index number that the loan accrues at if delinquent.
- DlqRateMargin
- The delinquent rate margin.
- DlqRateMarginSign
- The delinquent rate margin sign.
- InitARMNotType
- The status of the initial adjustable rate mortgage notice. Canonical values are:
- NA
- NotSent
- Sent
The default is NA.
- LastRePriceDt
- The date that the loan rate was reviewed or changed.
- LnCapRate
- The life time cap for a loan's rate.
- MatGraceDays
- The maturity grace days. The number of grace days allowed after the loan maturity before the maturity rate is used, if it is entered.
- MatRate
- The maturity rate. The rate of the loan at maturity.
- NewCarryOvr
- The new carryover.
- NewCarryOvrSign
- The rate carryover sign.
- NewIdxVal
- The future (new) index value.
- NewPrevRate
- The new previous rate.
- NewPrevRateChgDt
- The new previous rate change date.
- OrigIdxVal
- The original index value. This index is used to calculate the original rate for ARM.
- OrigRate
- The original rate.
- PenAnnPctIdxNum
- The Rate Index Number for penalty APR.
- PenAnnPctRate
- The penalty APR interest rate.
- PenEffDays
- The number of effective days after the notice is generated to apply the penalty APR.
- PenNotDays
- The number of days a loan is past due to trigger a penalty notice.
- PenRevTerm
- The penalty APR Review Term. The amount of time lapse to review a loan for continued penalty APR application.
- PenRevTermUnits
- The Penalty APR Review Term Code. This code determines when the loan should be
reviewed for continue penalty APR application based in days or months. Canonical values are:
- Day
- Month
- NA
- PrevCarryOvr
- The previous carryover.
- PrevCarryOvrSign
- The rate carryover sign.
- PrevIdxVal
- The previous index value.
- PrtRateChgNotCode
- The code that designates the behavior for print rate change notices.
- RateBeforeDlq
- The rate before delinquency.
- RateBegCapPeriod
- The rate at beginning of cap period.
- RateCapDown
- The rate cap downward. The maximum downward change in the rate allowed during any rate cap term.
- RateCapRevDt
- The rate cap review date.
- RateCapRevTerm
- The rate cape review term. The system checks the prime rate for change at the interval specified in this field. Entries may be in number of days or number of months.
- RateCapRevTermUnits
- The rate cap review term code. This field determines if the rate cap period is to be
figured in months or days.
Canonical values are:
- Days
- Months
- NA
- SemiMonthly
- Years
- RateCapUp
- The rate cap upward. The maximum upward change in the rate allowed during any rate cap term.
- RateCeil
- The rate ceiling entry that sets a top rate above which the rate of the loan never rises.
- RateFlr
- The rate floor entry that sets a base rate below which the rate of the loan never falls.
- RateIdxNum
- The rate index number to which the loan is tied.
- RateRevDayOfMonth
- The day of month for rate reviews. This code is only required if the rate review date is the 29th of the month.
- RateRevDt
- The date used to determine if a rate should be changed.
- RateRevTerm
- The rate review term. The system checks the prime rate for change at the interval specified in this field. Entries may be in number of days or number of months.
- RateRevTermUnits
- The rate review term code. This code determines whether the prime review term is in
months or days. Canonical values are:
- Days
- Month
- NA
- RateRoundMthd
- Rate rounding method. Method to round newly calculated rates.
- RateRoundToPct
- The rate rounded to percentage. Increment to round newly calculated rates.
- RateSpread
- The spread between the APR on the mortgage and the rate on Treasury securities.
- RateVar
- The rate variance. The amount of variance from the prime rate allowed for the account.
- RateVarCode
- The rate variance code. This code tells the system if the variance
from prime is above, below, or is of a percentage. Canonical values are:
- NA
- Negative
- Pct
- Positive
- TeaserRateCode
- The code that indicates the type of teaser rate.
- UseRateCarryOvrs
- Use rate carryovers. Canonical values are:
- false
- true
LnTierRateArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of loan tiered rates.
- LnTierRateInfoRec_CType
LnTierRateInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- AccrMeth
- The accrual method.
- LnTierRate
- The loan tier rate.
- LnTierRateBal
- The threshold balance used to initiate a tiered rate.
- LnTierRateIdxNum
- The loan tier rate index number that references a rate.
- LnTierRateText
- The text used to describe the proceeding elements in the LnTierRateArray.
LnRealEstateInfo_CType is a complex CType element. It contains the loan real estate information. This element is optional.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- ApprDt
- The last appraisal date of the account.
- ApprVal
- Used for bank informational purposes in tracking appraised value of collateral.
- AvgLeaseRate
- The average rate received for the lease account.
- CollatSrcValCode
- The code that references the source used to obtain the value of the collateral item.
- CommPropSqFt
- The square footage of the commercial property land.
- CondoPUDInfo
- The condominium project name.
- ConstLnCode
- The code that describes the type of construction loan.
- CorrBankCode
- The code that references the correspondent bank for the loan.
- FloodInsurCode
- Indicates if flood insurance is required.
- FloodInsurExpDt
- The date that a flood insurance policy expires.
- NetOperIncm
- The borrower's net operating income.
- OccupCode
- The code that references the occupancy of the property.
- ProjectCode
- The code describes the type of project for the loan funding.
- PropCity
- The city where the property is located.
- PropCounty
- The name of the county in which the property is located.
- PropListAmt
- The amount the property was listed for sale.
- PropListDt
- The date the property was listed for sale.
- PropMultiListId
- The property's multiple listing identification.
- PropPostalCode
- The ZIP code where the property is located.
- PropPurchaseAmt
- The purchase price of the property.
- PropRelDt
- The date of the property's last real estate release.
- PropRentSqFt
- The property's available square footage available for rent.
- PropSqFt
- The square footage of the residential property.
- PropState
- The state where the property is located.
- PropStreet
- The property street.
- PropSubDivName
- The name of the subdivision where the property is located.
- PropVacRate
- The vacancy percentage of the property available for rent.
- RemNumUnit
- The remaining number of units available for rent.
- RemUnitVal
- The value of the remaining number of units available for rent.
- REOType
- The type of real estate owned included on a loan application. Canonical values are:
- COM - commercial
- RES - residential
- SEC - secondary residence
- VAC - vacation
- YrBuilt
- The year the property was built.
LnRegRptInfo_CType is a complex CType element. It contains loan regulatory reporting information. This element is optional.
- CRARec_CType
- LnRiskRateArray_AType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- ARGOProdCode
- The code used to interface to the JHA Argo product.
- CallRptCode
- The call report code.
- ExclRealEstateRptCode
- The code that references that a loan is excluded from supervisory LTV limits.
- FraudSusType
- Is the entity subject a possible fraud suspect? Canonical values are:
- True
- False
- GLCostCtr
- The GL cost center provided for bank use in reporting the account to a specific GL cost center.
- GLProdCode
- The GL product code provided for bank use in reporting the account to a specific GL product code.
- GroupCode
- Used to group loans of different types for general ledger reporting purposes. It may also be used to group customer accounts together.
- Does the loan qualify for HMDA reporting?
- LienPositCode
- The lien position for a loan. For example, first lien position, second lien position, etc.
- LnAppId
- An identification given to a loan application.
- MltryApp
- Military applicant. Canonical values are:
- false
- true
- MltryLnActType
- Specifies if the loan qualify under Military Lending Act Regulation. Canonical values
- true
- false
- A valid NAICS (Northern American Industry Classification System) code. Value is passed from the service of record during the pilot phase.
- RegLTVCode
- The code that describes the regulatory supervisory loan to value category.
- RegRiskId
- The ID that weighs the risk of an institution's assets.
- RegRptConvARMCode
- The code used to report to regulatory agencies for convertible adjustable rate mortgages.
- RegSeniorLienCode
- The code that references the regulatory reporting for senior liens on a loan.
- Req1098
- Requires 1098 determines whether this loan needs a form 1098 generated at end-of-year.
Canonical values are:
- 1098
- 1098E
- NotReq
- RiskRateCalcAmt
- The risk rating calculated amount based on the risk rating codes, percents, and amounts.
- RiskRateDt
- Date risk rating is assigned.
- RightToCureNotCnt
- The number of Right to Cure notices that have been sent.
- SBAApprvDt
- The date a loan was approved by SBA.
- SBABasisPts
- The basis points used on SBA loans to calculate the SBA administration fee on the guaranteed portion of the loan.
- SBACycleStat
- The code that designates the SBA status for current cycle. Canonical values are:
- Defr
- FullyUnDisb
- InLiq
- PdInFull
- PurchBySBA
- Xfer
- SBAGuarId
- The ID provided by SBA for SBA guaranteed loans.
- SBAGuarPct
- The percentage of the loan guaranteed by SBA.
- SBAPrevStat
- The code that designates the SBA status for previous cycle. Canonical values are:
- Defr
- FullyUnDisb
- InLiq
- PdInFull
- PurchBySBA
- Xfer
- The beginning date that an individual should be considered for Service Members Civil Service Relief.
- The ending date that an individual should be considered for Service Members Civil Service Relief.
- SCRANotCode
- The code that describes the behavior for HUD notices for qualified members of active military service.
- SrLienAmt
- The amount of the loan that is held by another institution as required for Federal Reserve reporting for thrift institutions.
- SrLienOrigAmt
- The original amount held by the senior lien holder.
- StdIndustCode
- The standard industry code.
CRARec_CType is a complex CType element. This complex contains CRA information. This element is optional.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- CRAAnnIncmAboveMil
- Is the borrower's income above $1,000,000?
- CRAAnnIncmAmt
- The annual income of the borrower.
- CRACenTract
- Census tract information for Community Reinvestment Act reporting.
- CRACode
- The code that designates the type of loan predetermined by CRA.
- CRACountyCode
- County code for Community Reinvestment Act reporting.
- CRACountyDesc
- County for Community Reinvestment Act reporting.
- CRADesc
- The description of the code that designates the type of loan predetermined by CRA.
- An ID for the CRA account record.
- CRAIncmLvl
- Income level for Community Reinvestment Act reporting.
- CRALoc
- Location information for Community Reinvestment Act reporting.
- CRAMilitaryCode
- Military code for Community Reinvestment Act reporting.
- CRAMilitaryDesc
- Military description for Community Reinvestment Act reporting.
- CRAOrigBal
- The original or renewal amount to be reported under the rules of CRA.
- CRAOrigLocCode
- Designates where the loan was originated.
- CRAOrigLocDesc
- The description of the code that designates where the loan was originated.
- CRAOrigRenDt
- The original or renewal date, in accord with CRA reporting.
- CRAPurchaseLn
- Determines if the loan was purchased or originated by the bank.
- Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area information for Community Reinvestment Act reporting.
- Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area information for Community Reinvestment Act reporting.
- CRAStateCode
- The state code for Community Reinvestment Act reporting.
- CRAStateDesc
- The state for Community Reinvestment Act reporting.
LnRiskRateArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of loan risk ratings.
- LnRiskRateInfoRec_CType
LnRiskRateInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- RiskRateAmt
- The risk rating amount applied to the loan.
- RiskRateCode
- Risk rating code assigned by bank.
- RiskRateDesc
- Describe risk rating code assigned by bank.
- RiskRatePct
- The risk rating percent applied to the loan.
- RiskRateText
- The textual data that describes the risk rating codes in the array.
LnRenExtInfo_CType is a complex CType element. This element is optional.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- ExtFeesLTD
- The extension fees life to date.
- ExtFeesMTD
- The extension fees month-to-date.
- ExtFeesYTD
- The extension fees year-to-date.
- ExtMonthsLTD
- The number of months extended life to date.
- LastExtDt
- The last extension date.
- LastRenBal
- The last renewal balance.
- LastRenDt
- The date of last renewal.
- LastRenExtDt
- The last renewed/extended date.
- NumPmtsExtLastYr
- The number of payments extended last year.
- NumPmtsExtLTD
- The number of payments extended life-to-date.
- NumPmtsExtYTD
- The number of payments extended year-to-date.
- PrevExtDt
- The date of previous extension.
- PrevRenDt
- The date of previous renewal.
- RenCntLTD
- The number of times renewed life to date.
- TimesExtLTD
- The number of extensions life to date.
- TimesRenPrevYr
- The number of times renewed last year.
- TimesRenYTD
- The number of times renewed this year.
LnStopInfo_CType is a complex CType element. This element is optional.
- LnStopInfoArray_AType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- LnStopCode
- The code that references the loan stop functions.
LnStopInfoArray_AType is an array AType element.
- LnStopFuncInfo_CType
LnStopFuncInfo_CType is a complex CType element. This element is optional.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- LnStopFuncCode
- The code that references the loan stop function. Canonical values are:
- Accr
- Adva
- BilNot
- Corr
- CrRpt
- EscrwAnlys
- EscrwDistr
- HazDistr
- IRSRpt
- LnSale
- Not
- OptInsurDistr
- PastDueRpt
- Pmt
- PrePmt
- Stmt
- TaxDistr
- LnStopFuncDesc
- The description of the code that references the loan stop function.
- LnStopFuncExpDt
- The expiration date for a specific loan stop function.
- LnStopFuncStat
- The status of the loan stop function that controls the behavior for a specific
function. Canonical values are:
- NoAction
- Stop
- Warn
LOCRec_CType is a complex CType element.
- ConstInProcArray_AType
- LOCFeeArray references LnFeeArray_AType
- LOCQtrAmtInfoArray_AType
- UserDefInfoArray_AType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- LOCAmt
- The amount of the credit line.
- LOCAvg
- The credit line average usage.
- The average balance of the credit line over the life of the line.
- LOCAvlBal
- The outstanding available balance of the line of credit.
- LOCBankNetTot
- The lead account credit line value amount.
- LOCBrCode
- The branch code.
- LOCCallRptCode
- The call report code.
- LOCClsCode
- The code that designates the reason the line of credit was closed.
- LOCCode
- The code that defines the type of line of credit.
- LOCCollatCode
- The collateral code. This code is bank-defined and is used to define the type of collateral used to secure the loan.
- LOCCommBal
- The outstanding committed funds of the line of credit.
- LOCCurBal
- The outstanding balance of the line of credit.
- The threshold balance of the deposit account before the line of credit creates any advance.
- LOCExpDt
- The line of credit expiration date.
- LOCFeeAcctId
- The account identification that is charged for fees from line of credit services.
- LOCFeeAcctType
- The account type that is charged for fees from line of credit services.
- LOCFrzAmt
- The amount of the credit line that should be frozen, disallowing advances.
- LOCGdnceBorwAck
- Answers the question: Has the Line of Credit borrower acknowledge
the guidance? Canonical values are:
- false
- true
The default value is false.
- LOCGdnceRedType
- Answers the question: What balance is used for the reduction to
the Line of Credit level balance? Canonical values are:
- AvlBal
- LOCAmt
The default value is LOCAmt.
- LOCGdnceType
- Answers the question: Does the Line of credit subject to guidance?
Canonical values are:
- false
- true
The default value is false.
- LOCHighAmt
- The credit line high usage.
- LOCHighAmtDt
- The date the high credit line balance was obtained.
- The high balance of the credit line over the life of the line.
- LOCInfo
- Any information pertinent to the line of credit.
- LOCLastMainDt
- The last maintenance date.
- LOCLastRedDt
- The last line of credit reduction date.
- LOCLastStmtDt
- The last statement date.
- LOCLowAmt
- The line of credit low usage.
- LOCLowAmtDt
- The date the low credit line balance was obtained.
- The low balance of the credit line over the life of the line.
- The sub line of credit main credit line account.
- LOCNxtRedDt
- The next schedule line of credit reduction date.
- LOCOffCode
- The code that designates the financial institution officer.
- LOCOrigAmt
- The original amount of the credit line.
- LOCOrigTerm
- The original integer value of the term of the credit line.
- LOCOrigTermUnit
- The original credit line term. Canonical values are:
- Days
- Months
- SemiMonthly
- Years
- LOCPrtCnsldtStmt
- Should a consolidated statement be printed?
- LOCPrtcpCode
- The code that defines the line of credits participation activity.
- LOCRedPct
- The percentage amount that a line of credit should be reduced.
- LOCRedRvwFreq
- The frequency the line of credit is reviewed for reduction activity.
- LOCRedRvwFreqUnits
- The units of frequency for the line of credit review frequency.
Canonical values are:
- Days
- Indefinite
- Months
- NA
- SemiMonthly
- Years
- LOCRegAvlBal
- The available balance of the line of credit for regulatory reporting.
- LOCRiskCode
- The code that defines the risk associated with this line of credit for accurate regulatory reporting schedules.
- LOCSchedRedAmt
- The scheduled amount for a line of credit reduction.
- LOCSemiDay1
- The day of month for first semi-monthly payment.
- LOCSemiDay2
- The day of month for second semi-monthly payment.
- LOCStat
- The status of the line of credit.
- LOCStmtDay
- The statement day.
- LOCStmtFreq
- The statement frequency.
- LOCStmtFreqCode
- The statement frequency code.
- LOCTaxRefId
- The credit line tax reference number. Tax reference number for credit line. For informational purposes.
- LOCTotAdvaAmt
- The credit line total advances.
LnFeeArray_AType is an array AType element.
LOCFeeArray references LnFeeArray_AType.
- LnFeeInfoRec_CType
LnFeeInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- LnFeeAmt
- The amount of specific loan fees collected.
- LnFeeAssmntDt
- The date the loan fee assessment should occur.
- LnFeeChgCode
- The code that describes the behavior for charging a fee. Canonical values are:
- Chg
- NA
- Wav
- LnFeeCode
- The code that describes the details of charging a loan fee.
- LnFeeDayOfMonth
- The day of month for loan fee assessment. This day is only required if the loan fee assessment date is the 29th of the month.
- LnFeeFreq
- The frequency of the loan fee assessment.
- LnFeeFreqUnits
- The units of frequency for the loan fee assessment. Canonical values are:
- Days
- Indefinite
- Months
- NA
- SemiMonthly
- Years
- LnFeeText
- The text that describes the loan fee element that precedes it in the LnFeeArray.
ConstInProcArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of the distribution line items for a construction loan.
- ConstInProcRec_CType
ConstInProcRec_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- BdgCode
- A code that designates the type of budget line item.
- BdgDesc
- The description of the code that designates the type of budget line item.
- BdgDisbAmt
- The amount of disbursed funds for a budget item.
- BdgRtnAmt
- The amount that should be retained for a budget line item.
- BdgRtnPct
- The percentage that should be retained for a budget line item.
- CurBdgAmt
- The current budget amount allocated to a budget line item.
- DisbCmpltPct
- The percentage of completion for a specific distribution amount for a budget line item.
- DisbDftBdgAmt
- The default budget amount based on the budget line item.
- InspLastDt
- The last property inspection date.
- OrigBdgAmt
- The original budget amount before any budget adjustments.
LOCQtrAmtInfoArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of calendar quarter amounts as related to line of credit accounts.
- LOCQtrAmtInfoRec_CType
LOCQtrAmtInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- QtrAdvaAmt
- The quarterly advance amount.
- QtrAvgBalAmt
- The quarterly average balance amount.
- QtrBegDt
- The beginning date that equates to the start of the quarter.
- QtrEndDt
- The ending date that equates to the start of the quarter.
UserDefInfoArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of UserDefInfo simple elements used to describe user-defined information.
- UserDefInfo_CType
UserDefInfo_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- UserDefCode
- The code that represents the answer to the UserDefTxt.
- UserDefDesc
- The description of what the UserDefCode represents.
- UserDefDt
- A date field that has a relationship with the UserDefTxt or UserDefCode.
- UserDefInfo1
- Additional information that may accompany any of the user supplied codes.
- UserDefInfo2
- Additional information that may accompany any of the user supplied codes.
- UserDefInfo3
- Additional information that may accompany any of the user supplied codes.
- UserDefTxt
- User Defined Text is part of a matched pair array that describes the proceeding elements.
MsgRsHdr_CType is a complex CType element. This is the default message response header.
- jXchangeHdr_CType
- MsgRecInfoArray_AType
jXchangeHdr_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- AuditUsrId
- The user ID that the consumer would like written in the audit as performing the requested service. It varies, but it could be the same as the user ID. It is not used to authenticate. It is used to audit the Soap Header Fault.
- AuditWsId
- The workstation ID that the consumer would like written in the audit as performing the requested service for the Soap Header Fault. It varies, but it could be the same as the user ID.
- AuthenUsrId
- The user ID which the consumer would like the service provider to authenticate with
for the Soap Header Fault. It is a user ID that the provider understands.
This element deprecates in accordance with XSD contract tenets. Effective date: 2017–01–01. The new complex element for user authentication credentials was added to both the Search Message Request Header SrchMsgRqHdr_CType and the Message Request Header MsgRqHdr_CType. AuthenUsrId is ignored by the service providers when the authentication user credentials AuthenUsrCred_CType package is delivered. The expectation is that the password credentials and the user name token are provided in the authentication user credential complex element in accordance with the standards established by WS-Security.
- BusCorrelId
- The correlation identification as related to business functions and activities.
- ConsumerName
- The name of the service consumer (business name) for the Soap Header Fault.
- ConsumerProd
- The name of the product which is consuming the service (business product name) for the Soap Header Fault.
- InstEnv
- An identification provided by the consumer that defines the environment in which the
institution is operating. Canonical values are:
- Prod
- InstRtId
- The identification of the entity of the submitted message. A
financial institution entity uses the routing transit or nine-digit number assigned to
financial institutions for routing as assigned by the American Bankers Association. Any
leading zeros must be provided for a complete routing and transit number. A
non-financial institution entity should use a mutually agreed upon identification that
must contain at least one non-integer character. The canonical value is
The element is required in all message requests.
- jXLogTrackingId
- An identification provided by jXchange to be able to trace the request and response of a message from the third-party gateway, internal gateway, and service provider for the Soap Header Fault.
- JxVer
- Contains the version jXchange is running for the Soap Header Fault.
- ValidConsmName
- The consumer name that can be validated by enterprise governance. The canonical values are managed in a consumer/product enterprise table. The canonical value is: JHA.
- ValidConsmProd
- The consumer product name that can be validated by enterprise governance. The canonical values are managed in a consumer/product enterprise table.
- WorkflowCorrelId
- The correlation identification as related to workflow functions and activities.
jXchangeHdr_CType Deprecation Details
- AuthenUserId
- This element deprecates in three years in accordance with XSD contract tenets. Effective date: 2012–01–01. The new complex element for user authentication credentials was added to the Search Message Request Header, SrchMsgRqHdr_CType, and the Message Request Header, MsgRqHdr_CType. AuthenUsrId is ignored by the service providers when the authentication user credentials AuthenUsrCred_CType package is delivered. The expectation is that the password credentials and the user name token are provided in the authentication user credential complex element in accordance with the standards established by WS-Security.
MsgRecInfoArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of messages that can be returned in a response.
- MsgRec_CType
MsgRec_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- ErrCat
- The Soap Header Fault error category.
- ErrCode
- The Soap Header Fault error code.
- ErrDesc
- The Soap Header Fault error description.
- ErrElem
- The Soap Header Fault when an error or fault occurs. This optional element contains the element which is causing the error condition.
- ErrElemVal
- The Soap Header Fault when an error or fault occurs. This optional element contains the value of the element which is causing the error condition.
- ErrLoc
- The Soap Header Fault error location. This is typically the program that generated the error condition.
PlnCust_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- BenfDistCode
- The code for the method of the distribution.
- CntrbAmtPriorYTD
- The prior tax year-to-date contribution amounts for a tax plan.
- CntrbAmtYTD
- The current tax year-to-date contribution amounts for a tax plan.
- DeathDist
- The proceeds of the tax plan were distributed due to the death of the plan owner.
- DeathDistDt
- The date the tax plan proceeds were distributed to the beneficiary.
- FirstContrbDt
- The date of the first tax plan contribution.
- OrigOwnBirthDt
- The original owners of the tax plan's birth date.
- OrigOwnCustId
- The original owners of the tax plan's customer ID.
- OrigOwnDeceaseDt
- The original owners of the tax plan's date of death.
- OrigOwnName
- The name of the original owner of the tax plan.
- PlnEstbDt
- The date the tax plan was established.
- PlnFeeAmt
- The fee charge for maintaining the tax plan.
- PlnFeeCode
- The code for the fees charged to the tax plan.
- QRPCustId
- The customer ID of the administrator for a qualified retirement (Keogh) tax plan.
- QRPPlnId
- The plan ID of the employer for a qualified retirement (Keogh) tax plan.
- SoleSpousBenf
- A code that references if the tax plan is taking advantage of the sole spousal distribution.
- SpousPlnCode
- The code to determine if the tax plan qualifies as a spousal retirement plan in accord with IRS Regulations.
- SpousSingleOwn
- References if the tax plan will be using the spousal single life election rule.
RealEstatePropRec_CType is a complex CType element.
- PropAddr references Addr_CType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- ApprDt
- The last appraisal date of the account.
- ApprVal
- Used for bank informational purposes in tracking appraised value of collateral.
- CrossCollatLnCode
- The code that signifies if the property is collateral for other loans.
- LeadLnAcctId
- The account Id of the loan if the property (collateral) is used on another loan.
- LeadLnAcctType
- The account type of the loan if the property (collateral) is used on another loan.
- LnRecourseAmt
- The amount of a recourse loan, if the loan has been sold with recourse.
- PriorLienAmt
- The amount of a prior lien on the property.
- PropInfo
- Any information pertinent to loan for compliance with Inter-agency Guidelines to Real Estate Lending Standards.
- PropPurchaseAmt
- The purchase price of the property.
Addr_CType is a complex CType element containing address information. This element is optional.
This element references the Addr_CType.
- FreeFormAddr_AType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- BusAddr
- Answers the question: Is this a business address? Y states it is a business address.
- City
- The city name.
- Cntry
- The country name.
- CntryType
- The country abbreviation from ISO 3166.
- County
- The county name.
- DlvryPt
- The delivery point added to the zip.
- FornAddr
- Is this a foreign address? Y states it is a foreign address.
- InvAddr
- Is this address invalid? Y states mail has been returned from this address.
- PostalCode
- The postal code or ZIP code.
- StateCode
- The 2 alpha long code which represents a state. For example, MO.
- StateProv
- The state or province or region.
- StreetAddr1
- The street address.
- StreetAddr2
- The second line of street address.
- StreetAddr3
- The third line of street address.
FreeFormAddr_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of free form address lines 1–11 in a printable/usable form.
- AddrLineInfo_CType
AddrLineInfo_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- AddrLine
- Free form element of address lines 1 - 11 in a printable/usable form, generally not separated.
RegDetail_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- AflOptOutCode
- The affiliate opt-out code.
- AflOptOutExcptCode
- The affiliate opt-out exception code.
- AflOptOutExcptDt
- The affiliate opt-out exception date.
- AflOptOutExpDt
- The affiliate opt-out expiration date.
- CustDataRtnPeriod
- The time that designates when a customer's information should be removed from the service providers data repository when the customer does not have any account relationships.
- DoNotCallCode
- The code that designates the behavior for calling a customer.
- DoNotCallExpDt
- The date the Do Not Call Code expires.
- RegPOptOutCode
- Privacy Act opt-out internal use for Reg P compliance.
- RegPSentDt
- Privacy Act last notice sent date.
- RiskRateByCode
- Code for person doing the rating.
- RiskRateCode
- Risk rating code assigned by bank.
- RiskRateDt
- Date risk rating is assigned.
ResLnAppRgtrInfo_CType is a complex CType element.
- DenialRsnArray_AType
- LnFeeArray_AType
- LnTerm references Term_CType
- OffInfoArray_AType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- AnnPctRate
- The annual percentage rate (APR).
- AppDecDt
- The date the application status or disposition was made.
- AppDt
- The date the application was accepted.
- AppEffDt
- The effective date of the application. The date can be a future or past date.
- ApprDt
- The last appraisal date of the account.
- ApprVal
- Used for bank informational purposes in tracking appraised value of collateral.
- AppStatCode
- The status or disposition of an application.
- ClsCost
- The costs associated with the closing of a loan.
- CRACenTract
- Census tract information for Community Reinvestment Act reporting.
- CrAppCode
- The code that further defines the type of loan credit application.
- CRACountyCode
- County code for Community Reinvestment Act reporting.
- CRADelinCode
- The code that references the property's location within the delineated community in the lending association's CRA statement.
- Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area information for Community Reinvestment Act reporting.
- CurLnToValRatio
- The current loan to value ratio.
- DecOffc
- The office/center where an application was processed.
- EstClsDt
- The estimated closing date of the loan.
- FHLBPropCode
- The code that references the type of property in accord with FHLB reporting requirements.
- HMDANoRptRsn
- The reason a loan applicant is not to be included in HMDA regulatory reporting.
- Does the loan qualify for HMDA reporting?
- The status of the Home Ownership and Equity Protection Act loan.
- IntRate
- The interest rate.
- LienStatCode
- The code that references the status of the lien for a loan application.
- LnAcctId
- The numbers or characters that identify a loan account record.
- LnPurpCode
- Bank-defined and is used to define the purpose of the loan.
- OccupCode
- The code that references the occupancy of the property.
- PIAmt
- The principal and interest payment amount.
- PreApprvAppCode
- The code that references the pre-approval process for a loan application.
- ProceedAmt
- The first advance amount for the new loan.
- PropCode
- The code that identifies the type of loan for compliance with Inter-agency Guidelines to Real Estate Lending Standards (
- PropLegalInfo
- The legal description of the property.
- PropPostalCode
- The ZIP code where the property is located.
- PropPurchaseAmt
- The purchase price of the property.
- PropSMSALoc
- The applicant's property is located within the lending institution's Metropolitan
Statistical Area. Canonical values are:
- false
- true
- PropState
- The state where the property is located.
- PurpCode
- Bank-defined and is used to define the purpose of the loan.
- RateSpread
- The spread between the APR on the mortgage and the rate on Treasury securities.
- RateLockInDt
- Rate Lock In Date
If an interest rate is set after a lock-in agreement is executed between the lender and the borrower, then the date on which the agreement fixes the interest rate is the date the rate was set. If a rate is reset after a lock-in agreement is executed (for example, because the borrower exercises a float-down option or the agreement expires), then the relevant date is the date the rate is reset for the final time before closing. If no lock-in agreement is executed, then the relevant date is the date on which the institution sets the rate for the final time before closing.
- SecdMtgCode
- The code that represents the type of secondary mortgage activity.
- YrBuilt
- The year the property was built.
DenialRsnArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of elements that convey the reason for a loan application denial.
- DenialRsnInfo_CType
DenialRsnInfo_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- DenialRsnCode
- The code that references the reason a loan application was not approved or denied.
- DenialRsnDesc
- The description of the code that references the reason a loan application was not approved or denied.
- DenialRsnText
- The description denial reason code that describes the proceeding elements in the array.
LnFeeArray_AType is an array AType element.
- LnFeeInfoRec_CType
LnFeeInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- LnFeeAmt
- The amount of specific loan fees collected.
- LnFeeAssmntDt
- The date the loan fee assessment should occur.
- LnFeeChgCode
- The code that describes the behavior for charging a fee. Canonical values are:
- Chg
- NA
- Wav
- LnFeeCode
- The code that describes the details of charging a loan fee.
- LnFeeDayOfMonth
- The day of month for loan fee assessment. This day is only required if the loan fee assessment date is the 29th of the month.
- LnFeeFreq
- The frequency of the loan fee assessment.
- LnFeeFreqUnits
- The units of frequency for the loan fee assessment. Canonical values are:
- Days
- Indefinite
- Months
- NA
- SemiMonthly
- Years
- LnFeeText
- The text that describes the loan fee element that precedes it in the LnFeeArray.
Term_CType is a complex CType element. This complex contains loan account term information. This element is optional.
This element references Term_CType.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- DaysCall
- The notice and number of business days required for withdrawal. Required if TermUnits is set to Indefinite.
- Desc
- The generic description.
- TermCnt
- The integer length of the term.
- TermUnits
- The term units: years, months, days, indefinite. Canonical values
- Days
- Indefinite
- Months
- NA
- SemiMonthly
- Years
OffInfoArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of officers.
- OffInfoRec_CType
OffInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element. This element is optional.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- OffCode
- The code that designates the financial institution officer.
- OffCodeText
- The text that describes the preceding elements for the OffInfoArry.
- OffDesc
- The officer short name.
- OffRmk
- Application or user remarks free form text.
SafeDepAcctInfo_CType is a complex CType element. This element is optional.
- SvcPrvdInfo
- UserDefInfoArray_AType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- AcctLvlSecCode
- The code that references the special handling security processes/accesses at the account level.
- AutoChgRateIdx
- The rental rate number for auto charge boxes.
- ChgAcctId
- The account to charge.
- ChgAcctType
- The account type to charge.
- ChgMthd
- The charge method. Canonical values are:
- Charge Acct
- Mail notice
- No charge
- ClsDt
- The closing date.
- DiscAmt
- The discount amount.
- DiscPct
- The discount percentage.
- GLCostCtr
- The GL cost center provided for bank use in reporting the account to a specific GL cost center.
- GLProdCode
- The GL product code provided for bank use in reporting the account to a specific GL product code.
- HldMailCode
- Includes the mailing instructions. Valid values are 1–9 or blank.
- IncCombStmt
- Include on combined statement. Indicates if this account is to be included in combined
statement information. Canonical values are:
- false
- true
- KeyDepAmt
- The key deposit amount.
- LangType
- The language as defined by ISO 639–2 Language code list. Canonical values are:
- eng
- fre
- ger
- pol
- spa
- swe
- LastMainDt
- The last maintenance date.
- LateChgCode
- Late charge code types that are bank-defined.
- OpenDt
- The date opened.
- RentPdToDt
- The rent paid to date.
- RentalRateIdx
- The rate number.
- RentalTerm
- The rental term.
- RentalTermUnits
- The term units: years, months, days, indefinite. Canonical values are:
- Days
- Indefinite
- Months
- NA
- SemiMonthly
- Years
- RstrEntryCode
- The restricted entry code. Canonical values are:
- Restricted because past due
- Renter deceased
- Restricted by court order
- Restricted by Owner
- Restricted for other reason
- SalesPerson
- The code value that represents the sales person. This element was changed from a string to an open enumerated type in 4/2011. This element resides as an exception and is not to be suffixed with code rather than deprecate the element. The element does have a description.
- SalesTaxExmp
- Answers the question: Is the safe deposit box holder exempt for taxes? Canonical
values are:
- false
- true
- SigVerifyCode
- The signature verification code. Canonical values are:
- false
- true
SvcPrvdInfo is available only for JHA Consumers.
SvcPrvdInfo references SafeDepAcctInfo_EType.
UserDefInfoArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of UserDefInfo simple elements used to describe user-defined information.
- UserDefInfo_CType
UserDefInfo_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- UserDefCode
- The code that represents the answer to the UserDefTxt.
- UserDefDesc
- The description of what the UserDefCode represents.
- UserDefDt
- A date field that has a relationship with the UserDefTxt or UserDefCode.
- UserDefInfo1
- Additional information that may accompany any of the user supplied codes.
- UserDefInfo2
- Additional information that may accompany any of the user supplied codes.
- UserDefInfo3
- Additional information that may accompany any of the user supplied codes.
- UserDefTxt
- User Defined Text is part of a matched pair array that describes the proceeding elements.
SafeDepInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element. This element is optional.
- AcctTitle_AType
- SvcPrvdInfo
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- AcctClsfCode
- The allowed account classification values that are bank-defined.
- AcctStat
- The account status.
- ARGOProdCode
- The code used to interface to the JHA Argo product.
- BrCode
- The branch code.
- CurDueAmt
- The current due amount.
- CustId
- The identifier attached to a customer.
- LastPayDt
- The last pay date.
- LateChgDueAmt
- The late charge due amount.
- NxtPayDt
- The next payment date.
- OffCode
- The code that designates the financial institution officer.
- PastDueAmt
- The past due amount.
- ProdCode
- The code that identifies a product type of account within an application.
- RentAmt
- The rent amount.
- SafeDepBoxRef
- A free form description that references the type of safe deposit box.
- SalesTaxDueAmt
- The amount of sales tax due.
AcctTitle_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of account titles used to define the customer and additional names. This element is optional.
- AcctTitleInfo_CType
AcctTitleInfo_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
- AddlName references PersonName_CType
- AddlPhoneArray references PhoneArray_AType
- AddlTIN references TINInfo_CType
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- AcctTitle
- The account title including customer name and additional names.Note: This element deprecates in accordance with XSD contract tenets. Effective date: 2017–01–01.
- AddlBirthDt
- The date of birth.
- AddlNameStat
- The additional person status. Canonical values are:
- Act - active
- NotAct - not active
The ComName element is contained by the AddlName complex and replaces the AcctTitle element. The depreciation effective date for AcctTitle is 2012-01-01.
PersonName_CType is a complex CType element. It contains name information. This complex is optional.
AddlName references PersonName_CType.
- X_PersonName
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- ComName
- The common name. This is the full text line name like John Doe.
- FirstName
- The first name.
- LastName
- The last name.
- MiddleName
- The middle name.
x_PersonName_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- AbbName
- An abbreviated individual's or entity's name.
- LegalName
- Used by entities like trusts, or businesses in the case where an individual is doing business as a company, or when the legal name is different than the ComName.
- NameSuffix
- The name suffix. For examples, Jr. or MD.
- SalName
- A full text line name which is used in mailings. For example, Mr. and Mrs. John Doe.
- TitlePrefix
- The title prefix. Examples: Mr. or Mrs.
PhoneArray_AType is an array AType element. This array contains one or more PhoneInfo_CType complexes to define phone contact information. This array is optional.
AddlPhoneArray references PhoneArray_AType.
- PhoneInfo_CType
PhoneInfo_CType is a complex CType element. It contains basic phone contact information. This complex is optional.
- MobPhoneInfo_CType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- ConEndTime
- The Greenwich Mean time when contact availability ends.
- ConStartTime
- The Greenwich Mean time when contact availability starts.
- PhoneExt
- The phone extension.
- PhoneNum
- The phone number.
- PhoneTime
- Best phone usage time, day, or evening.
- PhoneType
- Phone type examples are: home, work, fax, cell.
TINInfo_CType is a complex CType element. This element contains tax information number codes and descriptions. This element is optional.
AddlTIN references TINInfo_CType.
- TaxIdOwnerName references PersonName_CType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- The last IRS notification.
- BNotStat
- The B notice flag.
- CertCode
- The code that represents the certification behavior for a tax ID.
- CertCodeDesc
- The description of the code that represents the certification behavior for a tax ID.
- CertCodeDt
- The certification code date.
- TaxId
- The tax identifier. It includes the MaskVal, Rstr, and SrchType attributes.
- TaxIdMod
- A tax ID modifier assigned by the SSA to some individuals.
- TINCode
- The code that designates the type of tax identification number.
- TINDesc
- The description of the code that designates the type of tax identification number.
PersonName_CType is a complex CType element. It contains name information. This complex is optional.
This element references PersonName_CType.
The TaxIdOwnerName is optional and is only required when the customer level tax ID is different than the account level.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- ComName
- The common name. This is the full text line name like John Doe.
- FirstName
- The first name.
- LastName
- The last name.
- MiddleName
- The middle name.
x_PersonName_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- AbbName
- An abbreviated individual's or entity's name.
- LegalName
- Used by entities like trusts, or businesses in the case where an individual is doing business as a company, or when the legal name is different than the ComName.
- NameSuffix
- The name suffix. For examples, Jr. or MD.
- SalName
- A full text line name which is used in mailings. For example, Mr. and Mrs. John Doe.
- TitlePrefix
- The title prefix. Examples: Mr. or Mrs.
SvcPrvdInfo is available only for JHA Consumers.
SvcPrvdInfo references SafeDepInfoRec_EType.
StopChkInfo_CType is a complex CType element.
- Rmk_AType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- ACHCompId
- The ACH company ID.
- ACH debit only, credit only, all.
- ACHStdEntryClass
- The ACH standard entry class.
- AvlBalEffDt
- The effective date when a stop hold should impact the available balance.
- ChkDt
- The check date.
- ChkNumEnd
- The numbers or characters that designate an ending point for check number selections.
- ChkNumStart
- The numbers or characters that designate a starting point for check number selections.
- EffDt
- The date assigned to transactions when it is different from the posting date.
- ExpDt
- The expiration date.
- HighAmt
- The value that designates an ending point for amount selections. Optional filter designating the amount to be used as the highest search criteria.
- HldEntireBal
- Determines if the entire account balance should be held.
- LowAmt
- The value that designates a starting point for amount selections. Optional filter designating the amount to be used as the lowest search criteria.
- OffCode
- The code that designates the financial institution officer.
- PayeeName
- The name of the payee.
- PostAdvCode
- The code that identifies the behavior for posting account transactions to the stop hold system.
- RelAcctId
- The related account ID or number.
- RelAcctType
- The related account type.
- StopChg
- Stop Charge. The fee to be charged for the stop payment.
- StopNotCode
- The code that defines the behavior for mailing stop hold notices.
Rmk_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of application or user remarks in free form text.
- RmkInfo_CType
RmkInfo_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- Rmk
- Application or user remarks free form text.
SweepAcctInfo_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- SweepAcctId
- The sweep account identification for the account that sweeps from and to the master account.
- SweepAcctType
- The sweep account type for the account that sweeps from and to the master account.
- SweepBalType
- The type of balance that should be used in determining if the sweep account can meet
the sweep transaction request. Canonical values are:
- Avl
- Col
- Ldgr
- SweepCeilBal
- The maximum amount that should be maintained in the sweep account. The amount that is swept from the master account does not exceed the sweep balance above the ceiling.
- SweepChgAmt
- The service charge amount that would be created for each sweep transaction created.
- SweepChgCode
- The code that describes the behavior for charging for sweep transactions.
- SweepClassCode
- The code that determines the classification of the sweep account.
- SweepFlrBal
- The minimum amount that should be maintained in the sweep account. The amount that is swept to the master account does not drop the balance of the sweep below the floor.
- SweepFlrTgtBal
- The balance that should be targeted for the sweep account when creating sweep transactions. Establishing a target balance reduces the number of sweep transactions that might need to occur under the sweep agreement.
- SweepFltXferCode
- The code that describes the behavior of transfer float values from the sweep to/from the master account.
- SweepFromMasterIncrBal
- The incremental amount that should be used when creating sweep transactions to the sweep account from the master account.
- SweepFromMasterLvl
- The processing order level assigned to the sweep account when the request is to sweep from the master account.
- SweepNotCode
- The code that describes the behavior for printing sweep transaction notices.
- SweepPartType
- The behavior when the sweep account can only transfer a partial amount to/from the
master account. Canonical values are:
- Both
- From
- To
- SweepPayoffCode
- The code that describes the behavior when the sweep account could be paid off by a sweep transaction.
- SweepResetCode
- The code that describes the behavior of resetting counts and values for the sweep account.
- SweepRstrCode
- The code that describes any sweep restrictions placed on the sweep account.
- SweepToMasterIncrBal
- The incremental amount that should be used when creating sweep transactions from the sweep account to the master account.
- SweepToMasterLvl
- The processing order level assigned to the sweep account when the request is to sweep to the master account.
TaxDetail_CType is a complex CType element.
- Alien_CType
- Custom_CType
- IRSPostAddr references Addr_CType
- TINInfo_CType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- IRSNameCntl
- The IRS name control.
- TaxExtDt
- The tax extension date.
- TaxRetDt
- The tax return date.
Alien_CType is a complex CType element.
- RptChapArray_AType
Simple Elements
The following are the simple elements contained within this complex.
- AlienLastW8Dt
- The last alien certification date.
- AlienTypeCode
- The code that describes the type of alien applied to a customer.
- AlienTypeDesc
- The description of the code that describes the type of alien applied to a customer.
- AlienW8ExpDt
- The expiration date of the W8 Alien Tax form.
- AlienW8Stat
- The status of the filing of the W8 Alien Tax forms.
- AlienW8StatDesc
- The description of the status of the filing of the W8 Alien Tax forms.
- AlienW8Type
- The type that identifies the IRS classification that grants a foreigner an exemption
from certain U.S. information return reporting and backup withholding regulations.
Canonical values are:
- BEN-E - beneficial owner
- ECI - income connected with the conduct of a trade
- EXP - foreign government or other foreign organization
- IMY - foreign intermediary or foreign flow through entity
- CitzCntryType
- Citizen Country - These are predefined by the IRS for an alien customer.
- FornTaxId
- Foreign Tax Identifier
- GIINCertDt
- Alien Global Intermediary Identification Number Certification Date.
- The date the Alien Global Intermediary Identification Number was provided.
- Alien Global Intermediary Identification Number that is assigned by IRS to a participating FFI or registered deemed-compliant FFI. Reference IRS Rev. Proc. 2014-38
- IRSExmpCode
- The exemption code must be entered as defined by the IRS and setup in the bank
parameter file when the ALL of the following apply:
- Alien Customer is flagged as Y.
- The TAX ID type code is set up in the bank parameters as Alien reportable.
- This customer is exempt from withholding for IRS form 1042S.
- IRSExmpDesc
- The description of the exemption code must be entered as defined by the IRS and setup
in the bank parameter file when the ALL of the following apply:
- Alien Customer is flagged as Y.
- The TAX ID type code is set up in the bank parameters as Alien reportable.
- This customer is exempt from withholding for IRS form 1042S.
- IRSRecipCode
- If Alien Customer is flagged as Y and the TAX ID type code is set up in the bank parameters as Alien reportable, then the recipient code must be entered as defined by the IRS and setup in the bank parameter file.
- IRSRecipDesc
- The description of the Alien Customer is flagged as Y and the TAX ID type code is set up in the bank parameters as Alien reportable, then the recipient code must be entered as defined by the IRS and setup in the bank parameter file.
- ResCity
- The alien residence foreign city.
- ResCntry
- Predefined by the IRS and setup in the banks parameter file when the Alien customer is flagged as Y and the TAX ID type code is set up in the bank parameters as Alien reportable.
- ResCntryType
- Predefined by the IRS and setup in the banks parameter file when the Alien customer is flagged as Y and the TAX ID type code is set up in the bank parameters as Alien reportable.
- ResPostalCode
- The alien residence foreign postal code.
- ResStateProv
- The alien residence foreign state or province.
- ResStrAddr1
- The alien residence foreign address 1.
- ResStrAddr2
- The alien residence foreign address 2.
RptChapArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of reporting chapters.
- RptChapInfoRec_CType
RptChapInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element.
- Custom_CType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- IRSExmpCode
- The exemption code must be entered as defined by the IRS and setup in the bank
parameter file when the ALL of the following apply:
- Alien Customer is flagged as Y.
- The TAX ID type code is set up in the bank parameters as Alien reportable.
- This customer is exempt from withholding for IRS form 1042S.
- IRSExmpDesc
- The description of the exemption code must be entered as defined by the IRS and setup
in the bank parameter file when the ALL of the following apply:
- Alien Customer is flagged as Y.
- The TAX ID type code is set up in the bank parameters as Alien reportable.
- This customer is exempt from withholding for IRS form 1042S.
- IRSRecipCode
- If Alien Customer is flagged as Y and the TAX ID type code is set up in the bank parameters as Alien reportable, then the recipient code must be entered as defined by the IRS and setup in the bank parameter file.
- IRSRecipDesc
- The description of the Alien Customer is flagged as Y and the TAX ID type code is set up in the bank parameters as Alien reportable, then the recipient code must be entered as defined by the IRS and setup in the bank parameter file.
- RptChapExst
- Represents which chapter is being reported. Canonical values are:
- false
- true
- RptChapType
- The code that designates the reporting chapter as defined by the IRS. Canonical values
- 3
- 4
Custom_CType is a complex CType element.
This element is optional.
Custom_CType is a complex CType element.
This element is optional.
Addr_CType is a complex CType element containing address information. This element is optional.
IRSPostAddr references Addr_CType.
- FreeFormAddr_AType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- BusAddr
- Answers the question: Is this a business address? Y states it is a business address.
- City
- The city name.
- Cntry
- The country name.
- CntryType
- The country abbreviation from ISO 3166.
- County
- The county name.
- DlvryPt
- The delivery point added to the zip.
- FornAddr
- Is this a foreign address? Y states it is a foreign address.
- InvAddr
- Is this address invalid? Y states mail has been returned from this address.
- PostalCode
- The postal code or ZIP code.
- StateCode
- The 2 alpha long code which represents a state. For example, MO.
- StateProv
- The state or province or region.
- StreetAddr1
- The street address.
- StreetAddr2
- The second line of street address.
- StreetAddr3
- The third line of street address.
FreeFormAddr_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of free form address lines 1–11 in a printable/usable form.
- AddrLineInfo_CType
AddrLineInfo_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- AddrLine
- Free form element of address lines 1 - 11 in a printable/usable form, generally not separated.
TINInfo_CType is a complex CType element. This element contains tax information number codes and descriptions. This element is optional.
- TaxIdOwnerName references PersonName_CType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- The last IRS notification.
- BNotStat
- The B notice flag.
- CertCode
- The code that represents the certification behavior for a tax ID.
- CertCodeDesc
- The description of the code that represents the certification behavior for a tax ID.
- CertCodeDt
- The certification code date.
- TaxId
- The tax identifier. It includes the MaskVal, Rstr, and SrchType attributes.
- TaxIdMod
- A tax ID modifier assigned by the SSA to some individuals.
- TINCode
- The code that designates the type of tax identification number.
- TINDesc
- The description of the code that designates the type of tax identification number.
PersonName_CType is a complex CType element. It contains name information. This complex is optional.
This element references PersonName_CType.
The TaxIdOwnerName is optional and is only required when the customer level tax ID is different than the account level.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- ComName
- The common name. This is the full text line name like John Doe.
- FirstName
- The first name.
- LastName
- The last name.
- MiddleName
- The middle name.
x_PersonName_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- AbbName
- An abbreviated individual's or entity's name.
- LegalName
- Used by entities like trusts, or businesses in the case where an individual is doing business as a company, or when the legal name is different than the ComName.
- NameSuffix
- The name suffix. For examples, Jr. or MD.
- SalName
- A full text line name which is used in mailings. For example, Mr. and Mrs. John Doe.
- TitlePrefix
- The title prefix. Examples: Mr. or Mrs.
TaxPlnDist_CType is a complex CType element.
- ACHPmtInfo_CType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- AutoStartDistCode
- The code that references if the tax plan should automatically start distributions.
- CalcBenfAge
- The calculated age of the beneficiary to be used for the RMD amount. This could differ from the beneficiary age.
- DistAcctId
- The account identification for the tax plan distribution for direct deposit.
- DistAcctType
- The account type for the tax plan distribution for direct deposit.
- DistAmt
- The amount of the scheduled distribution from the tax plan.
- DistAmtRem
- The description of the remaining amount of the tax plan distribution.
- DistAmtRemCode
- The code that references the remaining amount of the tax plan distribution.
- DistCalcMthdCode
- The code that references the method that should be used for distributions from the tax plan.
- DistDayofMonth
- The specific day of the month the distribution should be created from the tax plan.
- DistFactor
- The distribution factor to be used in the RMD amount for the tax plan.
- DistFrq
- The frequency of the distribution should be created from the tax plan.
- DistFrqCode
- The code that references the frequency of the distributions from the tax plan.
- DistIncIntCode
- The code that references if the tax plan distributions should include accrued but unpaid interest.
- DistSeqOrderCode
- The code that references the order the funds should be debited from the interments for the tax plan distributions.
- DistStatCode
- The status of the scheduled distribution from the tax plan.
- DistTrnCode
- The transaction code that is used when making distributions from the tax plan.
- DlyFirstDistCode
- The code that references if the tax play should delay the first mandatory distribution until the following tax year.
- ElecDistAmt
- The elected distribution amount from the tax plan.
- LastDistAmt
- The amount of the last distribution from the tax plan.
- LastDistDt
- The date of the last distribution from the tax plan.
- MinRDAAgeOvrrdCode
- The election taken by the account owner to use the minimum RDA age override, as allowed by the tax plan.
- MndtryDistDt
- The date mandatory distributions must start from the tax plan.
- NxtDistDt
- The next scheduled distribution date from the tax plan.
- OwnDistCalcMthdCode
- The code to determine the method to be used when calculating the RMD amount if the plan still belongs to the original owner.
- RecalcDistAmtCode
- The code that references if the tax plan elected distribution amount should be recalculated automatically on a periodic basis.
- RedLastAnnDistCode
- The code that determines if the last distribution in the year should be reduced so only the minimum distribution required is distributed as governed by the tax plan.
- ReqMinDistAmt
- The required minimum distribution from the tax plan as required by IRS statues.
- SoleSpousDistCode
- The code that references if the sole beneficiary is the spouse.
- StartDistDt
- The date the scheduled distributions started from the tax plan.
- WavMndtryDistCode
- The code that references the reason the mandatory distribution amount is being waived.
ACHPmtInfo_CType is a complex CType element. This element is optional.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- ACHCompDiscrData
- The ACH company discretionary data, as governed by NACHA rules.
- ACHCompEntryDesc
- The ACH company entry description, as governed by NACHA rules.
- ACHCompId
- The ACH company ID.
- ACHCompName
- The ACH company name, as governed by NACHA rules.
- ACHCrAcctId
- The account ID of the credit account for the ACH item.
- ACHCrName
- The account holder's name of the credit account for the ACH item.
- ACHCrRtNum
- The routing and transit number of the credit account's bank for the ACH item.
- ACHDrAcctId
- The account ID of the debit account for the ACH item.
- ACHDrName
- The account holder's name of the debit account for the ACH item.
- ACHDrRtNum
- The routing and transit number of the debit account's bank for the ACH item.
- ACHSendPreNoteCode
- The code that determines if an ACH prenotification should be generated, as governed by NACHA rules.
- ACHStdEntryClass
- The ACH standard entry class.
- ACHTrnCode
- The transaction code to be used for the ACH item, as governed by NACHA rules.
TaxPlnTaxInfo_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- PlnFedWithCode
- Fed W/H code. Value is passed from the service of record during the pilot phase.
- PlnFedWithAltAcctId
- Withholding alternate account number.
- PlnFedWithAltAcctType
- Withholding alternate account type.
- PlnFedWithAltRate
- Withholding alternate rate.
- PlnStateWithCode
- State W/H code. Value is passed from the service of record during the pilot phase.
- PlnFedWithEffDt
- Fed W/H effective date.
- PlnFedWithFixAmt
- Federal withholding fixed holding amount.
- PlnFedWithLastYR
- Federal withholding last year.
- PlnFedWithMTD
- Federal withholding month-to-date.
- PlnFedWithQTD
- Federal withholding quarter-to-date.
- PlnFedWithYTD
- Federal withholding year-to-date.
- PlnStateWithAltAcctId
- State withholding alternate account number.
- PlnStateWithAltAcctType
- State withholding alternate account type D.
- PlnStateWithAltRate
- State withholding alternate rate.
- PlnStateWithEffDt
- State W/H effective date.
- PlnStateWithFixAmt
- State withholding fixed holding amount.
- PlnStateWithLastYR
- State withholding last year.
- PlnStateWithMTD
- State withholding month-to-date.
- PlnStateWithQTD
- State withholding quarter-to-date.
- PlnStateWithYTD
- State withholding year-to-date.
TimeDepAcctInfo_CType is a complex CType element. This element contains time deposit account information. This element is optional.
- UserDefInfoArray_AType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- AcctLvlSecCode
- The code that references the special handling security processes/accesses at the account level.
- HldMailCode
- Includes the mailing instructions. Valid values are 1–9 or blank.
- LangType
- The language as defined by ISO 639–2 Language code list. Canonical values are:
- eng
- fre
- ger
- pol
- spa
- swe
- PaperLessCode
- The code that references if the deposit instrument was not issued a paper certification at account opening.
- PenCode
- The code that references the penalty for early withdrawals of a deposit instrument.
- PrtIntNotCode
- The code that designates the behavior for print interest paid notices.
- RepoBlkId
- The repurchase agreements block identification.
- SrcFundsCode
- A code that represents the source of funds for credit transactions and the outgoing source for debit transactions.
UserDefInfoArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of UserDefInfo simple elements used to describe user-defined information.
- UserDefInfo_CType
UserDefInfo_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- UserDefCode
- The code that represents the answer to the UserDefTxt.
- UserDefDesc
- The description of what the UserDefCode represents.
- UserDefDt
- A date field that has a relationship with the UserDefTxt or UserDefCode.
- UserDefInfo1
- Additional information that may accompany any of the user supplied codes.
- UserDefInfo2
- Additional information that may accompany any of the user supplied codes.
- UserDefInfo3
- Additional information that may accompany any of the user supplied codes.
- UserDefTxt
- User Defined Text is part of a matched pair array that describes the proceeding elements.
TimeDepBalDtInfo_CType is a complex CType element. This element contains time deposit balance date information. This element is optional.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- CurQtrMaxBal
- The current calendar quarter's account maximum balance.
- CurQtrMinBal
- The current calendar quarter's account minimum balance.
- HldAmt
- The hold amount.
- LastDepAmt
- The last deposit amount.
- LastDepDt
- The date of last deposit.
- LastMainDt
- The last maintenance date.
- LastTrnActDt
- The date an account last had monetary activity.
- MinBal
- The balance established for an account that triggers some business activity.
- NetMemoPostAmt
- The sum of the current memo posted items against this account.
- ProjCurBal
- The projected current balance after next interest payment.
TimeDepInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element. This element contains basic time deposit account information. This element is optional.
- AcctTitleArray_AType
- OffInfoArray_AType
- TINInfo_CType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- AcctClsfCode
- The allowed account classification values that are bank-defined.
- AcctStat
- The account status.
- AliasAcctName
- An alias name provided to an account that is often used for GUI representation that is understandable to an end consumer.
- BrCode
- The branch code.
- CDTerm
- The CD term.
- CDTermUnits
- The CD term units. Canonical values are:
- Days
- Months
- NA
- SemiMonthly
- Years
- CertifId
- The identification assigned to a deposit instrument.
- ClsDt
- The closing date.
- CustId
- The identifier attached to a customer.
- LastConDt
- The date of last contact.
- MatDt
- The maturity date.
- OffCode
- The code that designates the financial institution officer.
- OpenDt
- The date opened.
- OrigBal
- The original balance.
- PlnCode
- The service provider code that represents plan products for different plan types.
- ProdCode
- The code that identifies a product type of account within an application.
- SalesPerson
- The code value that represents the sales person. This element was changed from a string to an open enumerated type in 4/2011. This element resides as an exception and is not to be suffixed with code rather than deprecate the element. The element does have a description.
AcctTitle_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of account titles used to define the customer and additional names. This element is optional.
- AcctTitleInfo_CType
AcctTitleInfo_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
- AddlName references PersonName_CType
- AddlPhoneArray references PhoneArray_AType
- AddlTIN references TINInfo_CType
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- AcctTitle
- The account title including customer name and additional names.Note: This element deprecates in accordance with XSD contract tenets. Effective date: 2017–01–01.
- AddlBirthDt
- The date of birth.
- AddlNameStat
- The additional person status. Canonical values are:
- Act - active
- NotAct - not active
The ComName element is contained by the AddlName complex and replaces the AcctTitle element. The depreciation effective date for AcctTitle is 2012-01-01.
PersonName_CType is a complex CType element. It contains name information. This complex is optional.
AddlName references PersonName_CType.
- X_PersonName
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- ComName
- The common name. This is the full text line name like John Doe.
- FirstName
- The first name.
- LastName
- The last name.
- MiddleName
- The middle name.
x_PersonName_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- AbbName
- An abbreviated individual's or entity's name.
- LegalName
- Used by entities like trusts, or businesses in the case where an individual is doing business as a company, or when the legal name is different than the ComName.
- NameSuffix
- The name suffix. For examples, Jr. or MD.
- SalName
- A full text line name which is used in mailings. For example, Mr. and Mrs. John Doe.
- TitlePrefix
- The title prefix. Examples: Mr. or Mrs.
PhoneArray_AType is an array AType element. This array contains one or more PhoneInfo_CType complexes to define phone contact information. This array is optional.
AddlPhoneArray references PhoneArray_AType.
- PhoneInfo_CType
PhoneInfo_CType is a complex CType element. It contains basic phone contact information. This complex is optional.
- MobPhoneInfo_CType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- ConEndTime
- The Greenwich Mean time when contact availability ends.
- ConStartTime
- The Greenwich Mean time when contact availability starts.
- PhoneExt
- The phone extension.
- PhoneNum
- The phone number.
- PhoneTime
- Best phone usage time, day, or evening.
- PhoneType
- Phone type examples are: home, work, fax, cell.
TINInfo_CType is a complex CType element. This element contains tax information number codes and descriptions. This element is optional.
AddlTIN references TINInfo_CType.
- TaxIdOwnerName references PersonName_CType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- The last IRS notification.
- BNotStat
- The B notice flag.
- CertCode
- The code that represents the certification behavior for a tax ID.
- CertCodeDesc
- The description of the code that represents the certification behavior for a tax ID.
- CertCodeDt
- The certification code date.
- TaxId
- The tax identifier. It includes the MaskVal, Rstr, and SrchType attributes.
- TaxIdMod
- A tax ID modifier assigned by the SSA to some individuals.
- TINCode
- The code that designates the type of tax identification number.
- TINDesc
- The description of the code that designates the type of tax identification number.
PersonName_CType is a complex CType element. It contains name information. This complex is optional.
This element references PersonName_CType.
The TaxIdOwnerName is optional and is only required when the customer level tax ID is different than the account level.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- ComName
- The common name. This is the full text line name like John Doe.
- FirstName
- The first name.
- LastName
- The last name.
- MiddleName
- The middle name.
x_PersonName_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- AbbName
- An abbreviated individual's or entity's name.
- LegalName
- Used by entities like trusts, or businesses in the case where an individual is doing business as a company, or when the legal name is different than the ComName.
- NameSuffix
- The name suffix. For examples, Jr. or MD.
- SalName
- A full text line name which is used in mailings. For example, Mr. and Mrs. John Doe.
- TitlePrefix
- The title prefix. Examples: Mr. or Mrs.
OffInfoArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of officers.
- OffInfoRec_CType
OffInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element. This element is optional.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- OffCode
- The code that designates the financial institution officer.
- OffCodeText
- The text that describes the preceding elements for the OffInfoArry.
- OffDesc
- The officer short name.
- OffRmk
- Application or user remarks free form text.
TINInfo_CType is a complex CType element. This element contains tax information number codes and descriptions. This element is optional.
- TaxIdOwnerName references PersonName_CType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- The last IRS notification.
- BNotStat
- The B notice flag.
- CertCode
- The code that represents the certification behavior for a tax ID.
- CertCodeDesc
- The description of the code that represents the certification behavior for a tax ID.
- CertCodeDt
- The certification code date.
- TaxId
- The tax identifier. It includes the MaskVal, Rstr, and SrchType attributes.
- TaxIdMod
- A tax ID modifier assigned by the SSA to some individuals.
- TINCode
- The code that designates the type of tax identification number.
- TINDesc
- The description of the code that designates the type of tax identification number.
PersonName_CType is a complex CType element. It contains name information. This complex is optional.
This element references PersonName_CType.
The TaxIdOwnerName is optional and is only required when the customer level tax ID is different than the account level.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- ComName
- The common name. This is the full text line name like John Doe.
- FirstName
- The first name.
- LastName
- The last name.
- MiddleName
- The middle name.
x_PersonName_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- AbbName
- An abbreviated individual's or entity's name.
- LegalName
- Used by entities like trusts, or businesses in the case where an individual is doing business as a company, or when the legal name is different than the ComName.
- NameSuffix
- The name suffix. For examples, Jr. or MD.
- SalName
- A full text line name which is used in mailings. For example, Mr. and Mrs. John Doe.
- TitlePrefix
- The title prefix. Examples: Mr. or Mrs.
TimeDepRateIntInfo_CType is a complex CType element. This element contains interest rate information for a specific time deposit account and is optional.
- MultiDepRateArray_AType
- StepUpIntRateInfoArray_AType
- VarIntRateInfo_CType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- CombIntChkCode
- The code that references the combining of interest payments from a group of deposit instruments.
- CombIntChkCustId
- The customer identification to be used to combine interest payments from a group of deposit instruments.
- DlyDayFinalIntPmt
- The number of days a final interest payment should be delayed.
- EvenPayCode
- Even payment code.
- IntCalcCode
- The interest calculation method.
- IntDayMonth
- The day of month that interest payments should always be generated.
- IntDisp
- Designates the disposition of interest. Canonical values are:
- AddBackToAcct
- DepToAcct
- NA
- PayByACH
- PayByChk
- IntDispAcctId
- The interest disposition account number.
- IntDispAcctType
- The interest disposition account type.
- IntPmtDtCode
- The code that references the action to be taken on interest payment date exceptions.
- IntRate
- The interest rate.
- IntTerm
- The interest term.
- IntTermUnits
- Interest term units canonical values are:
- Days
- Months
- NA
- SemiMonthly
- Years
- IntYrBaseCode
- The code for the Year Base.
- LastInt
- The last interest amount.
- LastPayDt
- The last pay date.
- LastYrInt
- Last year's interest amount.
- MTDAccrDays
- The number of days represented for the month-to-date accrued interest. This number could differ from the actual number of days in a month due to an applications method for accrual of interest.
- MTDAccrInt
- The amount of interest that has accrued for an account.
- MultiDrCode
- The code that indicates which deposit set withdrawals should be posted to when multi-rate exists.
- MultiRateCode
- The code that references the action to be taken on interest payment date exceptions.
- NxtInt
- The next interest amount.
- NxtPayDt
- The next payment date.
- PayAllIntCode
- The code that references how to handle the final interest payment.
- RateSchedCode
- The code that references the rate schedule to be used.
- TeaserRate
- A rate that is paid specific to an account for a period of time.
- TeaserRateEffDt
- The effective start date for a rate that is paid specific to an account for a period of time.
- TeaserRateExpDt
- The expiration date for a rate that is paid specific to an account for a period of time.
- YTDInt
- The year-to-date interest.
MultiDepRateArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of multiple deposits with different rates and tracking.
- MultiDepRateRec_CType
MultiDepRateRec_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- AccrBal
- The accrual balance.
- AccrInt
- The accrued interest.
- DepEffDt
- The date assigned to transactions when it is different from the posting date.
- IntRate
- The interest rate.
StepUpIntRateInfoArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of step up interest rates.
- StepUpIntRateInfo_CType
StepUpIntRateInfo_CType is a complex CType element. This element is optional.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- PrimeRateIdx
- The prime rate index.
- RateRevDt
- The date used to determine if a rate should be changed.
- RateVar
- The rate variance. The amount of variance from the prime rate allowed for the account.
- RateVarCode
- The rate variance code. This code tells the system if the variance
from prime is above, below, or is of a percentage. Canonical values are:
- NA
- Negative
- Pct
- Positive
- StepUpIntRate
- The incremental rate increases usually cycled by a period of time or event.
- StepUpIntRateText
- The text that represents the rate values in the StepUpIntRate element.
VarIntRateInfo_CType is a complex CType element. This element contains variable interest rate information. This element is optional.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- PrimeRateIdx
- The prime rate index.
- RateCeil
- The rate ceiling entry that sets a top rate above which the rate of the loan never rises.
- RateFlr
- The rate floor entry that sets a base rate below which the rate of the loan never falls.
- RateRevDt
- The date used to determine if a rate should be changed.
- RateRevTerm
- The rate review term. The system checks the prime rate for change at the interval specified in this field. Entries may be in number of days or number of months.
- RateRevTermUnits
- The rate review term code. This code determines whether the prime review term is in
months or days. Canonical values are:
- Days
- Month
- NA
- RateVar
- The rate variance. The amount of variance from the prime rate allowed for the account.
- RateVarCode
- The rate variance code. This code tells the system if the variance
from prime is above, below, or is of a percentage. Canonical values are:
- NA
- Negative
- Pct
- Positive
TimeDepRegRptInfo_CType is a complex CType element. This complex contains regulatory reporting information for a time deposit account. This element is optional.
- CRARec_CType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- ARGOProdCode
- The code used to interface to the JHA Argo product.
- CallRptCode
- The call report code.
- GLCostCtr
- The GL cost center provided for bank use in reporting the account to a specific GL cost center.
- GLProdCode
- The GL product code provided for bank use in reporting the account to a specific GL product code.
- GroupCode
- Used to group loans of different types for general ledger reporting purposes. It may also be used to group customer accounts together.
- OIDCode
- The code that describes the deposit account qualifications as Original Issue Discount.
- StdIndustCode
- The standard industry code.
CRARec_CType is a complex CType element. This complex contains CRA information. This element is optional.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- CRAAnnIncmAboveMil
- Is the borrower's income above $1,000,000?
- CRAAnnIncmAmt
- The annual income of the borrower.
- CRACenTract
- Census tract information for Community Reinvestment Act reporting.
- CRACode
- The code that designates the type of loan predetermined by CRA.
- CRACountyCode
- County code for Community Reinvestment Act reporting.
- CRACountyDesc
- County for Community Reinvestment Act reporting.
- CRADesc
- The description of the code that designates the type of loan predetermined by CRA.
- An ID for the CRA account record.
- CRAIncmLvl
- Income level for Community Reinvestment Act reporting.
- CRALoc
- Location information for Community Reinvestment Act reporting.
- CRAMilitaryCode
- Military code for Community Reinvestment Act reporting.
- CRAMilitaryDesc
- Military description for Community Reinvestment Act reporting.
- CRAOrigBal
- The original or renewal amount to be reported under the rules of CRA.
- CRAOrigLocCode
- Designates where the loan was originated.
- CRAOrigLocDesc
- The description of the code that designates where the loan was originated.
- CRAOrigRenDt
- The original or renewal date, in accord with CRA reporting.
- CRAPurchaseLn
- Determines if the loan was purchased or originated by the bank.
- Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area information for Community Reinvestment Act reporting.
- Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area information for Community Reinvestment Act reporting.
- CRAStateCode
- The state code for Community Reinvestment Act reporting.
- CRAStateDesc
- The state for Community Reinvestment Act reporting.
TimeDepRenInfo_CType is a complex CType element. This element contains renewal information for a time deposit account. This element is optional.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- LastRenDt
- The date of last renewal.
- OvrrdRenCode
- The code that indicates if overrides exist when renewing a deposit instrument.
- OvrrdRenRate
- The renewal of the deposit instrument is at this rate.
- OvrrdRenRateNum
- The renewal of the deposit instrument is at this rate number.
- RenCode
- The code that details the action for renewal on a timed instrument.
- RenTermFreq
- The integer length of the term.
- RenTermUnits
- The term units: years, months, days, indefinite. Canonical values are:
- Days
- Indefinite
- Months
- NA
- SemiMonthly
- Years
- RenToProdCode
- The renewal of the deposit instrument is this product.
TimeDepStmtInfo_CType is a complex CType element. This element contains statement information for a time deposit account. This element is optional.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- IncCombStmt
- Include on combined statement. Indicates if this account is to be included in combined
statement information. Canonical values are:
- false
- true
- LastStmtDt
- The last statement date.
- StmtCycle
- The statement cycle.
- StmtFreqCode
- The statement frequency code.
- StmtPasCode
- The code that designates if the account holder has a passbook for transaction posting.
Canonical values are:
- NA
- Pas
- Stmt
TimeDepTaxInfo_CType is a complex CType element.
- FedWith_CType
- StateWith_CType
FedWith_CType is a complex CType element. This element contains federal tax withholding information. This element is optional.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- FedWithAltAcctId
- The federal withholding alternate account number.
- FedWithAltAcctType
- The federal withholding alternate account type.
- FedWithAltRate
- The federal withholding alternate rate.
- FedWithCode
- The federal withholding code passed from the service of record during the pilot phase.
- FedWithCycleAmt
- The federal withholding current cycle amount.
- FedWithDesc
- The federal withholding code description.
- FedWithEffDt
- The federal withholding effective date.
- FedWithFixAmt
- The federal withholding fixed holding amount.
- FedWithLastYR
- The federal withholding last year.
- FedWithMTD
- The federal withholding month-to-date.
- FedWithQTD
- The federal withholding quarter-to-date.
- FedWithYTD
- The federal withholding year-to-date.
StateWith_CType is a complex CType element. This element contains state tax withholding information. This element is optional.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- StateWithAltAcctId
- The state withholding alternate account number.
- StateWithAltAcctType
- The state withholding alternate account type D.
- StateWithAltRate
- The state withholding alternate rate.
- StateWithCode
- The state withholding code.
- StateWithCycleAmt
- The state withholding current cycle amount.
- StateWithDesc
- The state withholding code description.
- StateWithEffDt
- The state withholding effective date.
- StateWithFixAmt
- The state withholding fixed holding amount.
- StateWithLastYR
- The state withholding last year.
- StateWithMTD
- The state withholding month-to-date.
- StateWithQTD
- The state federal withholding quarter-to-date.
- StateWithStateCode
- The state withholding state code.
- StateWithStateDesc
- The state withholding state code.
- StateWithYTD
- The state withholding year-to-date.
TrckAcctInfo_CType is a complex CType element. This element is optional.
- AcctTitleArray_AType
- OffInfoArray_AType
- PropAddr references Addr_CType element
- Term_CType
- UserDefInfoArray_AType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- AcctLvlSecCode
- The code that references the special handling security processes/accesses at the account level.
- AvailCr
- The available credit.
- BrCode
- The branch code.
- CurBal
- The current balance.
- CurLnToValRatio
- The current loan to value ratio.
- CustId
- The identifier attached to a customer.
- EscrwCurBal
- The current balance for a specific escrow record.
- EscrwPmtAmt
- The amount of the escrow payment for a specific escrow recipient.
- IncCombStmt
- Include on combined statement. Indicates if this account is to be included in combined
statement information. Canonical values are:
- false
- true
- IntRate
- The interest rate.
- LastPmtAmt
- The last payment amount.
- LastPmtDt
- The last payment date.
- LateChgDueAmt
- The late charge due amount.
- LOCLmt
- The line of credit limit.
- MailDirCode
- The code for the mail directive, such as Hold.
- MatDt
- The maturity date.
- NxtPayDt
- The next payment date.
- OpenDt
- The date opened.
- OrigBal
- The original balance.
- PIAmt
- The principal and interest payment amount.
- PmtAmt
- The payment amount.
- PmtAmtDue
- The payment amount due.
- ProdCode
- The code that identifies a product type of account within an application.
- PurpCode
- Bank-defined and is used to define the purpose of the loan.
- SalesPerson
- The code value that represents the sales person. This element was changed from a string to an open enumerated type in 4/2011. This element resides as an exception and is not to be suffixed with code rather than deprecate the element. The element does have a description.
AcctTitle_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of account titles used to define the customer and additional names. This element is optional.
- AcctTitleInfo_CType
AcctTitleInfo_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
- AddlName references PersonName_CType
- AddlPhoneArray references PhoneArray_AType
- AddlTIN references TINInfo_CType
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- AcctTitle
- The account title including customer name and additional names.Note: This element deprecates in accordance with XSD contract tenets. Effective date: 2017–01–01.
- AddlBirthDt
- The date of birth.
- AddlNameStat
- The additional person status. Canonical values are:
- Act - active
- NotAct - not active
The ComName element is contained by the AddlName complex and replaces the AcctTitle element. The depreciation effective date for AcctTitle is 2012-01-01.
PersonName_CType is a complex CType element. It contains name information. This complex is optional.
AddlName references PersonName_CType.
- X_PersonName
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- ComName
- The common name. This is the full text line name like John Doe.
- FirstName
- The first name.
- LastName
- The last name.
- MiddleName
- The middle name.
x_PersonName_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- AbbName
- An abbreviated individual's or entity's name.
- LegalName
- Used by entities like trusts, or businesses in the case where an individual is doing business as a company, or when the legal name is different than the ComName.
- NameSuffix
- The name suffix. For examples, Jr. or MD.
- SalName
- A full text line name which is used in mailings. For example, Mr. and Mrs. John Doe.
- TitlePrefix
- The title prefix. Examples: Mr. or Mrs.
PhoneArray_AType is an array AType element. This array contains one or more PhoneInfo_CType complexes to define phone contact information. This array is optional.
AddlPhoneArray references PhoneArray_AType.
- PhoneInfo_CType
PhoneInfo_CType is a complex CType element. It contains basic phone contact information. This complex is optional.
- MobPhoneInfo_CType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- ConEndTime
- The Greenwich Mean time when contact availability ends.
- ConStartTime
- The Greenwich Mean time when contact availability starts.
- PhoneExt
- The phone extension.
- PhoneNum
- The phone number.
- PhoneTime
- Best phone usage time, day, or evening.
- PhoneType
- Phone type examples are: home, work, fax, cell.
TINInfo_CType is a complex CType element. This element contains tax information number codes and descriptions. This element is optional.
AddlTIN references TINInfo_CType.
- TaxIdOwnerName references PersonName_CType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- The last IRS notification.
- BNotStat
- The B notice flag.
- CertCode
- The code that represents the certification behavior for a tax ID.
- CertCodeDesc
- The description of the code that represents the certification behavior for a tax ID.
- CertCodeDt
- The certification code date.
- TaxId
- The tax identifier. It includes the MaskVal, Rstr, and SrchType attributes.
- TaxIdMod
- A tax ID modifier assigned by the SSA to some individuals.
- TINCode
- The code that designates the type of tax identification number.
- TINDesc
- The description of the code that designates the type of tax identification number.
PersonName_CType is a complex CType element. It contains name information. This complex is optional.
This element references PersonName_CType.
The TaxIdOwnerName is optional and is only required when the customer level tax ID is different than the account level.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- ComName
- The common name. This is the full text line name like John Doe.
- FirstName
- The first name.
- LastName
- The last name.
- MiddleName
- The middle name.
x_PersonName_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- AbbName
- An abbreviated individual's or entity's name.
- LegalName
- Used by entities like trusts, or businesses in the case where an individual is doing business as a company, or when the legal name is different than the ComName.
- NameSuffix
- The name suffix. For examples, Jr. or MD.
- SalName
- A full text line name which is used in mailings. For example, Mr. and Mrs. John Doe.
- TitlePrefix
- The title prefix. Examples: Mr. or Mrs.
OffInfoArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of officers.
- OffInfoRec_CType
OffInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element. This element is optional.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- OffCode
- The code that designates the financial institution officer.
- OffCodeText
- The text that describes the preceding elements for the OffInfoArry.
- OffDesc
- The officer short name.
- OffRmk
- Application or user remarks free form text.
Addr_CType is a complex CType element containing address information. This element is optional.
This element references the Addr_CType.
- FreeFormAddr_AType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- BusAddr
- Answers the question: Is this a business address? Y states it is a business address.
- City
- The city name.
- Cntry
- The country name.
- CntryType
- The country abbreviation from ISO 3166.
- County
- The county name.
- DlvryPt
- The delivery point added to the zip.
- FornAddr
- Is this a foreign address? Y states it is a foreign address.
- InvAddr
- Is this address invalid? Y states mail has been returned from this address.
- PostalCode
- The postal code or ZIP code.
- StateCode
- The 2 alpha long code which represents a state. For example, MO.
- StateProv
- The state or province or region.
- StreetAddr1
- The street address.
- StreetAddr2
- The second line of street address.
- StreetAddr3
- The third line of street address.
FreeFormAddr_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of free form address lines 1–11 in a printable/usable form.
- AddrLineInfo_CType
AddrLineInfo_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- AddrLine
- Free form element of address lines 1 - 11 in a printable/usable form, generally not separated.
Term_CType is a complex CType element. This complex contains loan account term information. This element is optional.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- DaysCall
- The notice and number of business days required for withdrawal. Required if TermUnits is set to Indefinite.
- Desc
- The generic description.
- TermCnt
- The integer length of the term.
- TermUnits
- The term units: years, months, days, indefinite. Canonical values
- Days
- Indefinite
- Months
- NA
- SemiMonthly
- Years
UserDefInfoArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of UserDefInfo simple elements used to describe user-defined information.
- UserDefInfo_CType
UserDefInfo_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- UserDefCode
- The code that represents the answer to the UserDefTxt.
- UserDefDesc
- The description of what the UserDefCode represents.
- UserDefDt
- A date field that has a relationship with the UserDefTxt or UserDefCode.
- UserDefInfo1
- Additional information that may accompany any of the user supplied codes.
- UserDefInfo2
- Additional information that may accompany any of the user supplied codes.
- UserDefInfo3
- Additional information that may accompany any of the user supplied codes.
- UserDefTxt
- User Defined Text is part of a matched pair array that describes the proceeding elements.
TrnInfo_CType is a complex CType element.
- TrnDescArray references Rmk_AType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- Amt
- The amount or quantity.
- AvlBalAmt
- The amount that should be applied to the available balance of the account.
- BatchNum
- The integer that groups transactions together. The batch number is often used to trace the origins of transactions.
- BrCode
- The branch code.
- ChkDlvryMthd
- The method to deliver a check disbursement. Canonical values are:
- Interoffice
- NA
- Pickup
- ChkNum
- The numbers or characters assigned to monetary drafts, often times referred to as the serial number.
- ColBalAmt
- Amount that should be applied to the collected balance of the account.
- DrCr
- Either debit or credit.
- EffDt
- The date assigned to transactions when it is different from the posting date.
- EftType
- The type of electronic transaction.
- FltDays
- Represents the float schedule to be used by the service provider.
- FltSchedCode
- Represents the float schedule to be used by the service provider.
- GLCostCtr
- The GL cost center provided for bank use in reporting the account to a specific GL cost center.
- GLInterfaceCode
- A code that describes the GL account number which this transaction's interface applies.
- GLProdCode
- The GL product code provided for bank use in reporting the account to a specific GL product code.
- ImgNum
- The numbers or characters that identify the key of the transaction's stored image.
- LdgrBalAmt
- Amount that should be applied to the ledger balance of the account.
- LnSvcTrnCode
- The transaction code for serviced loans to designate the type of transaction.
- MemoPostHldOvr
- Answers the question: Should the memo post routed transaction be
held over into the Service Provider's next business day? Canonical values are:
- false
- true
- MemoPostOnly
- If a Y is sent, then the transaction is only to be memo posted.
- OffCode
- The code that designates the financial institution officer.
- RefDescCode
- A code that references a longer description. Used mostly in GL applications where a standard description is used so often that a code replacement is preferable.
- RtNum
- Routing number.
- RunNum
- The run number. A way of grouping items together. Typical series is Run/Batch/Seq.
- SrcCode
- Source code. The source of a transaction, or where it was generated from.
- SrcFundsCode
- A code that represents the source of funds for credit transactions and the outgoing source for debit transactions.
- TrnCodeCode
- The code that identifies the behavior of a monetary transaction.
Rmk_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of application or user remarks in free form text.
TrnDescArray references Rmk_AType.
- RmkInfo_CType
RmkInfo_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- Rmk
- Application or user remarks free form text.
XferRec_CType is a complex CType element. This is the complex that details the transfer. It is not included if the XferType is ACH.
- EftDescArray_AType
- XferSrcDestRstrArray_AType
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- Amt
- The amount or quantity.
- AvlBalCalcCode
- A code that would convey to the service provider the method to use for the calculation of the available balance.
- DrTrnCodeCode
- The code that identifies the behavior of a monetary transaction.
- Fee
- The fee amount.
- OffCode
- The code that designates the financial institution officer.
- PrtRcpt
- Print receipt. Canonical values are:
- false
- FirstRcptOnly
- FromAcct
- ToAcct
- true
- RedPrinc
- Canonical values are:
- false
- true
- TrnCodeCode
- The code that identifies the behavior of a monetary transaction.
- XferSrcType
- The source of the transfer request. Canonical values are:
- InPerson
- Intnet
- Tele
EFTDescArray_AType is an array AType element.
- EftDescInfo_CType
EftDescInfo_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- EftDesc
- A free format description that further defines pertinent information about the transactions. Often associated with electronic transaction types.
XferSrcDestRstrArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of elements that indicates the restrictions that could exist on the transfer account.
- XferSrcDestRstrInfo_CType
XferSrcDestRstrInfo_CType is a complex CType element.
Simple Elements
The following simple elements are contained within this complex.
- RstrExcType
- The type of restrictions to be excluded from a response set.
Canonical values are:
- ChgdOff
- Cls
- Dormant
- Escheat
- Frz
- LmtTrn
- NoCr
- NoPost
- RstrTrn
- XferSrcDestType
- Indicates the role of the transfer request as the source or destination. Canonical
values are:
- Both
- Dest
- Src
Service Default Business Case
In this business case, an Internet Bank wishes to create an account add for a Consumer at a Jack Henry bank with SilverLake as its Service Provider. To reduce the amount of element fill it must do, it requests from the Jack Henry bank that a list of defaults be returned for the account add service.
Primary Request
In the primary request, the Internet bank sends a request message containing the following elements and values:
Complex | Simple Element | Value | Explanation |
SrvDftRq | Service Name | AcctAdd | Denotes that the Internet bank is requesting default values for an Account Add. |
Service Call Level | 0 (Default Value) | Defines a template of specific Criteria Array Name and Value elements required to define a service product by the Service Provider. This Call Level defined template will include the Name/Value pairs listed below. | |
Criteria Array | Array of Name and Value elements | List of multiple Name/Value pairs defining a service product to be added. | |
Criteria Array | Criteria Name | Actype | Defines the first criteria for service product as account type. |
Criteria Value | D | Defines the value of the Account Type as a Deposit account. The value T would have been used if the desired account type for which values were requested was a Time Deposit account. | |
Criteria Name | Region | Defines the second criteria for the service product as the Region in which the account will be added. | |
Criteria Value | MO | Defines the value for the Region criteria as the state of Missouri. | |
Criteria Name | Branch | Defines the third criteria for service product as the bank branch to which the account will be added. | |
Criteria Value | 132 | Defines the specific branch at which the account will be added. | |
Criteria Name | ScCode | Defines the fourth criteria to define the service product as Service Charge Code | |
Criteria Value | P | Defines the value of the Service Charge Code for the template as P for Personal Account charges to be applied for the addition, versus C for a commercial or business account. |
Primary Response
The Service Provider returns a response message containing all the complex and simple elements required to submit a request message for an account add. The simple elements having default values are pre-filled with the defaults.
Secondary Request
The Internet bank fills in the values for the required elements without default values and returns all the elements to the Jack Henry bank in a request to add an account.
Secondary Response
The Service Provider adds the requested account and returns a response containing the RsStat message with a value of Successful to denote that the requested account has been successfully added.
SilverLake Canonical and Enumerated Values
This table shows the SilverLake Canonical and Enumerated Values for Account Add Service Default Request.
Element | Value | Description |
SrvName | AcctAdd ACHXferAdd CollatTrackAdd CustRelAdd EscrwAdd FASB91Add IdVerifyAdd LnAcctAdd LOCAdd RealEstatePropAdd StopChkAdd TaxPlnAdd TaxPlnBenfAdd TrnAdd XferAdd CustAdd | Account Add ACH Transfer Add Collateral Tracking Add Customer Relationship Add Escrow Add FASB91 Add ID Verify Add Loan Account Add Line of Credit Add Real Estate Property Add Stop Check Add Tax Plan Add Tax Plan Beneficiary Add Transaction Add Transfer Add Customer Add |
SrvCallLvl | 0 1 to n | Default value for first call for service. Used to request defaults using primary, default template. Second to tertiary calls for service for subsequent templates. Currently designated for future use. |
CriteriaName | ActType | Account type is determined by the service provider. |
CriteriaVal | D-Deposit, T-Time Deposit, S-Savings Deposit. | ID to designate a specific account type, such as deposit, time deposit, or savings deposit account. |
CriteriaName | State, such as MO, TX, etc. | Region is defined by the service provider. |
CriteriaName | Branch | Bank branch |
CriteriaVal | Specific bank branch number defined by the service provider bank. | Identifier for specific bank branch determined by the service provider bank. |
CriteriaName | ScCode | Service charge code |
CriteriaVal | Service Charge Code determined by the service provider bank. | Defines the specific type of service charge to be applied. |