Overdraft Privilege History Search Behavior
The Overdraft Privilege History Search service provides consumers with the historical activity that tracked the number of occasions of overdraft activity.
In order to do this, the InAcctId
element is required
in the request from the Third Party Consumer. The StartDt
and EndDt
elements are optional, but the qualified
Overdraft Privilege History items returned varies depending on what is or
is not entered.
The response is returned in last-in-first-out order. The response
contains information related to the ODPrvlgAcctInfo_CType
complex. The ODPrvlgCalArray_AType
array provides the
historical occurrence counters per each calendar month. The Service
Provider should return every month, if known, even if the count is zero.
This lets the Third Party Consumer know that a month did not have any
occurrence counters but was being tracked.
The ExclOdPrvlgRpt
element defaults to false.
The ODPrvlgCntReset
element defaults to false.
The ODPrvlgCntRevo
element defaults to false.
The CalMonth
element has no default value.