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Enterprise SOAP API > API by Reference > Core Services > Loan Unit Priced Addition > Providers > SilverLake > Errors
1 Error Account not found 3 Account is closed 6 Account number must be greater than zero 7 Account type is not valid 43 Date is not valid 112 Description is invalid 113 Term code must be M or D 122 Invalid calculation code 100109 Open date cannot be in the future 100154 Status code is not valid 100209 Semi-monthly days valid for semi-monthly frequency code only 100210 Semi-monthly days must be valid for semi-monthly frequency code 100211 Frequency must be zeros for semi-monthly frequency code 100212 1st day of month must be less than 2nd day of month 200003 Payment amount cannot be zero or negative 200008 Unit Priced Loan are not supported at this time 200148 Rounding method must be D=Down, N=Nearest, U=Up, or blank 200171 Loan term can not be zero 200174 Payment frequency must be Days, Months, or Semi-monthly 200175 Not valid for loan payment code 200186 Frequency code is not valid for interest base 200187 Payment frequency is not valid 200188 Fault Days backdated exceeds tolerance 200190 P & I amount must contain a value when a scheduled payment is used 200191 Scheduled payment amount must contain a value when using P & I amount 200192 Maturity date cannot be more than 999 months after origination date 200193 First Payment Date must match maturity date on single pay 200194 Original amount cannot be zero 200200 Payment code is not valid 200201 Payment code 3 or 6 not allowed with negative bill days 200203 Day of month for payment is not valid 200213 Debit account number is not valid 200231 Prepayment penalty code is not valid 200238 Send payment billings is not valid 200241 Close on zero balance must be Y or N 200243 Is title still needed code must be Y or N 200277 Margin must be less than 100% for + or - And less than 900% for % 200278 Rate index number is not valid 200284 Rate review code must be D or M 200285 Rate review date must have a value when rate review term has a value 200286 Rate cap term code code must be M or D 200339 Number of days Billing Notice must be 3 or greater when Accrual Billing Method i 200366 Number of days for billing notices must be 3 or greater, 0 or -1 200367 Number of days must be less than 15 for semi-monthly 200371 Minimum amount to create bill cannot be negative 200372 Minimum amount due to create a bill must be less than payment amount 200418 200445 Rate rounding method must be D, N or U when using round to amount 200449 Next due day of month is not same as day portion of next due date 200481 First payment date cannot be less than the origination date 200493 Invalid calc code, no credit line for percent of line calculation 200526 Escrow payments and P & I amount do not agree with scheduled payment amount 200619 Payment code must be zero on an amortized loan 200731 Review day must be 29, 30, 31, or zero 200894 Payment amount must be 0 200922 No statement records exists for this account 201127 Rate review date cannot be in the past 202051 Field must be zero when send notice is N 202055 Day of month must be 0 thru 31 202056 Day of month must be zero for frequency code S or D loans 202057 Day of month must be 0 if using number of days before pay date to print bill 202224 Rate is greater than 100%. 202228 Rate Floor is greater than 100%. 202229 Rate Ceiling is greater than 100%. 202231 Original Index is greater than 100%. 202233 Round To Amount is greater than 100%. 202234 Rate Cap Upward is greater than 100%. 202235 Rate Cap Downward is greater than 100%. 202300 Account is not a MPLOC, Unit Priced, Dealer Floor, or Specialty Lending Loan 202301 Unit ID already exists 202302 Unit ID cannot be blank 202303 Warning Unit ID ignored on MPLOC and Specialty Lending Loans; assigned by system 202304 Unit description cannot be blank 202305 Unit loan date cannot be less than Master loan date 202306 Original loan date cannot be zero. 202307 Maturity Date cannot be greater than Maturity date on Master 202309 Master Unit already exists 202310 Not valid for Dealer Floor Plan, Specialty Lending or Unit Priced. Input ignored 202311 Not valid for MPLOC Units. Input ignored 202312 Not valid for Dealer Floor Plan or Unit Priced. Input ignored 202313 Not valid for MPLOC or Dealer Floor Plan. Input ignored 202314 Not valid for MPLOC, Dealer Floor Plan or Specialty Lending. Input ignored 202315 Not valid for MPLOC and Specialty Lending loans. Input ignored 202316 Master Unit must be N if reporting method is D 202317 Negative bill days not allowed on Ibase 4, 5, 7, 9; Payment Code 3 or 6 202318 Rate Cap Review fields must be populated with Cap Date, Term, and Code 202319 Rate review term and code must have a value when entering a rate review date. 202320 Rate review code must have a value when using the rate review term 202321 Rate Cap Review date cannot be in the past 202322 If using rate cap up or down and no rate cap review date, the rate at beginning 202323 Semi Monthly Day must be less than or equal to 31 202326 Number of days for rate notice must be at least 3 days less than number of days 202327 Number of days for rate notice must be zero or greater 290464 Rate Review Term must be entered when using Rate Review Date and Term Code 290465 Rate Review Date and Term must be entered when using Rate Review Term Code 300058 Rate is greater than the maximum rate 300059 Rate is less than minimum rate 300065 Rate variance code is not valid 300245 Semi Monthly Day cannot be negative 901015 Invalid value. Must be Y or N.

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Last updated Fri Dec 13 2024