Loan Rate Schedule Search Behavior
The LnRateSchedSrchRq_MType
message request requires
the InAcctId_CType
The LnRateSchedSrchRq_MType
message request includes an optional documented
key for the RateRevStat element. The default value is to return all
statuses. The LnRateSchedSrchRq_MType
message request includes documented
filters that may be submitted with the documented key. These filters include date ranges.
A request with a RateRevStartDt and without a RateRevEndDt returns all the qualified Loan Rate Schedule entries with a date equal to and greater than the RateRevStartDt.
A request with a RateRevEndDt and without a RateRevStartDt returns all the qualified Loan Rate Schedule entries with a date equal to and less than the RateRevEndDt.
A consumer request without a RateRevStartDt or a RateRevEndDt returns all the qualified Loan Rate Schedule entries for the keys requested.
The service provider's date value being used for the RateRevDt is used for the rate review date range comparisons.
A request with a RateChngEffStartDt and without a RateChngEffEndDt returns all the qualified Loan Rate Schedule entries with a date equal to and greater than the RateChngEffStartDt.
A request with a RateChngEffEndDt and without a RateChngEffStartDt returns all the qualified Loan Rate Schedule entries with a date equal to and less than the RateChngEffEndDt.
A request without a RateChngEffStartDt or a RateChngEffEndDt returns all the qualified Loan Rate Schedule entries for the keys requested.
The service provider's date value being used for the NewRateEffDt is used for the rate change effective date range comparisons.
The elements in the LnRateSchedSrchRq_MType
message request are echoed in
the LnRateSchedSrchRs_MType
message response, even if the same elements exist
in the repeating complex.