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Enterprise SOAP API > API by Reference > Core Services > Loan Payoff Inquiry > Providers > CIF2020 > Mappings
Request LNMAST ACCTNO Account Number AccountId.AcctId 16 Integer ACTYPE Account Type AccountId.AcctType 1 NA String PODATE7 EFFECTIVE PAYOFF DATE EffDt 7 Response LNFREF PDIEM Daily Accrual DailyAccrAmt 13 5 CBAL PAYOFF AMOUNT PayoffAmt 2 Current Balance CurBal ACCRUED INTEREST AccrInt SECONDARY INTEREST SecdAccr INTEREST REBATE IntRebate DEALER REBATE DlrRebate LATE CHG DUE AMOUNT LateChgDueAmt OTHER CHG AMOUNT OthChgAmt PARTIAL PMT AMOUNT PartPmtAmt MINIMUM INT AMOUNT MinInt PRE PAYMENT PENALTY PrePmtPenAmt INSURANCE AMOUNT InsurAmt ESCROW AMOUNT EscrwAmt INSURANCE TYPE InsurPayoffArray.InsurPayoffInfo.InsurType 6 LNPARC PCBALD Balance group description InsurPayoffArray.InsurPayoffInfo.InsurDesc 20 INSUR PLCY PREMIUM InsurPayoffArray.InsurPayoffInfo.InsurPlcyPremium INSUR REBATE InsurPayoffArray.InsurPayoffInfo.InsurRebate ACCINT INSUR ACCR AMT InsurPayoffArray.InsurPayoffInfo.InsurAccrAmt 15 PCPOFF EXCLUDE INSUR AMT TYPE InsurPayoffArray.InsurPayoffInfo.ExclInsurAmtType PCTYPE Type code EscrwPayoffArray.EscrwPayoffInfo.EscrwTypeCode EscrwPayoffArray.EscrwPayoffInfo.EscrwTypeDesc ESCROW CUR BAL EscrwPayoffArray.EscrwPayoffInfo.EscrwCurBal ESCROW ACCR AMT EscrwPayoffArray.EscrwPayoffInfo.EscrwAccrInt PCCODE Type Code PCDESC 40 EXCLUDE ESCRW AMT TYPE EscrwPayoffArray.EscrwPayoffInfo.ExclEscrwAmtType PMI Current Balance 11 PMI Interest Accrual Amount ESCROW INT W/H AMT EscrwPayoffArray.EscrwPayoffInfo.EscrwIntWithAmt PCPINT EXCL ESCRW INT AMT TYPE EscrwPayoffArray.EscrwPayoffInfo.ExclEscrwIntAmtType ECPOFF1 Exclude PMI amount type PMI interest in payoff ECPINT3 Exclude PMI interest amount INSURANCE DAILY ACCR AMT InsDailyAccrAmt EscrwIntWithAmt

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Last updated Fri Dec 13 2024