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Enterprise SOAP API > API by Reference > Core Services > Loan Application Register Modification > Providers > SilverLake > Errors
43 Error Date is not valid 200615 Warning This application contains no Co-Application information 200621 When Auto Assign is on, Application Number must be zero 200622 A Manually entered Application Number already exists 200623 A Manually entered Application Number can not be zero 200624 Input API Action must be ADD, UPDATE, or DELETE 200625 Application not found for requested UPDATE or DELETE 200630 Type Financing Code not valid 200631 Loan Purpose Code not valid 200632 Occupancy Code not valid 200633 Action to Take Code not valid 200634 A Denial Reason Code is not valid 200635 A Denial Reason Code matches an existing denial code 200636 Type of Purchaser Code not valid 200637 A Race Code is not valid 200638 A Gender Code is not valid 200639 A Marital Status Code is not valid 200640 Property Type is not valid 200641 Request for Approval Code not valid 200642 An Ethnicity Code is not valid 200643 HOEPA Status Code is not valid 200644 Lien Status Code is not valid 200645 Within MSA value must be (Y)es or (N)o 200646 CRA Delineated value must be (Y)es, (N)o, or Blank 200647 Race Array Number must be >= 1 and <= 5 200648 Race Array Code value not valid 200649 Denial Reason Number must be >= 1 and <= 3 200660 Decision Center(Branch) is required and can not be zero 200661 Decision Center(Branch) is not valid 200662 Decision Officer is required and can not be blank 200663 Decision Officer is not valid 200664 Applicants name is required 200665 Co-Applicants name is required 200666 CRA Delineated not valid for an Institution not subject to CRA 200667 CRA Delineated can not be blank when Institution is subject to CRA 200680 Disposition Date can not be zero when Action <> 0 200681 Year Built required when Action Taken <> 4 200682 Within MSA = Y, Therefore MSA/MD,Census Tract,State,County may not all be 0 200683 Purchase Price is required when Purpose is Home Purchase 200684 Appraisal Amount is required when Action Taken = 1,2,6,or 8 200685 Appraisal Date Required when Action Taken = 1,2,6,or 8 200686 Loan Term required when Action Taken <> 4 200687 Loan/Value Ratio required when Action Taken <> 4 200963 Action date will cause the application to not report in the correct format per r 270000 Report to HMDA must be (Y)es or (N)o 270215 Loan was Purchased; Therefore Application Date must equal 0 270220 Loan Type is missing or is not in range 1-4 270225 Loan Purpose is missing or is not in range 1-3 270230 Occupancy is missing or does not equal 1, 2, or 3 270250 Loan Amount must be > 0 270255 Action Type is missing or not in range 1-8 270260 Application or Preapproval not denied, but denial reasons given 270262 Date Application Received = 0; Therefore Action Type must = 6 270275 Action Date is earlier than Application Date 270280 MSA/MD <> a valid Metropolitan Statistical Area/Metropolitan Division Code 270290 MSA/MD, State, and County codes do not = a valid combination 270310 Applicant Race1 is missing or is not in range 1-7 270317 If no Co-Applicant, Co-Applicant race/sex/ethnicity combination invalid 270320 Applicant Sex is missing or is not in range 1-4 270325 Co-Applicant Sex is missing or not in range 1-5 270326 If no Co-Applicant, Co-Applicant sex/ethnicity/race combination invalid 270335 Property Type = 3; Therefore Income must = 0 270340 Type of Purchaser must be in the 0-9 range 270347 Type of Purchaser in range 1-9; Therefore Action should equal 1 or 6 270355 Reasons for Denial are not blank or in range 1-9 270360 Reasons for Denial are the same as other Reasons 270375 Purchaser Type = 2 & Loan Type does not equal 2, 3, or 4 270385 For Action = 3 or 7, one Reason for Denial not given or not in range 1-9 270400 Property Type is missing or is not in range 1-3 270410 Lien Status = 3; Therefore Loan Purpose must = 2 270415 Preapproval is missing or is not in range 1-3 270425 Loan Purpose = 1 and Action Type = 6; Therefore Preapproval must = 3 270430 Loan Purpose = 2 or 3 and Preapproval is missing or does not = 3 270435 Action Type = 7 or 8 and Preapproval is missing or does not = 1 270440 Preapproval = 1 and Action Type is missing or does not = 1-5, 7 or 8 270445 Preapproval = 2 and Action Type is missing or does not = 1-5 270447 Preapproval = 3 and Action Type is missing or does not = 1-6 270450 Applicant Ethnicity is missing or not in range 1-4 270452 Applicant Race = 1,2,3, or 5 and App Date < 20040101, Ethnicity must = 4 270455 App Eth = 2 or 3, or App Eth = 1 and App Date > 2004, App Race must !=7,8 270460 Co-Applicant Ethnicity is missing or not in range 1-5 270462 Co-Applicant Eth must = 4 if first Co-Applicant Race = 1-3,5 & yr < 2004 270463 If no Co-Applicant, Co-Applicant ethnicity/race/sex combination invalid 270465 CoApp Eth = 2 or 3, or CoApp Eth = 1 and CoApp Dt > 2004,CoApp Race !=7,8 270470 Applicant Race 2 - 5 are not blank or in range 1-5 270475 Applicant Race1 = 6 or 7; Therefore all other Race fields must = blank 270480 Applicant Race is the same as other race field 270485 Co-Applicant Race 2-5 are not blank or in range 1-5 270490 Co-Applicant Race1 = 6, 7, or 8; Therefore Race 2-5 must = blank 270495 Co-Applicant race is the same as other race field 270525 HOEPA Status is missing or does not = 1 or 2 270530 Loan Purpose = 1; Therefore HOEPA status must = 2 270540 Action Type = 2-5, 7, or 8; Therefore HOEPA status must = 2 270545 Lien Status = 3; Therefore HOEPA status must = 2 270550 Lien Status is missing or not in range 1-4 270555 Loan Purpose = 1 or 3; Therefore Lien Status must = 1, 2, or 4 270560 Action Type = 1-5, 7 or 8; Therefore Lien Status must = 1, 2, or 3 270565 Action Type = 6; Therefore Lien Status must = 4 280001 Loan Amount >= 1,000,000, then Loan Amount should be < 5 times Income 280002 Property Type = 1, then Loan Amount should be < $2 million 280003 Loan Type = 2 & Property Type = 1,2, then Loan Amount should be <= $350,000 280004 Loan Type = 3 & Property Type = 1,2, then Loan Amount should be <= $350,000 280005 Purchaser Type=1-4 & Property Type=1,2, then Loan amt should be <= $480,000 280013 Property Type = 3, then Loan Amount should be >= $100,000 and <=$10,000,000 280014 Income should be < $2,000,000 280024 Income should be > $9,000 280025 Loan Purpose = 1 & Property Type = 1, then loan amount should be > $10,000 280026 Applicant Ethnicity, Race and/or Sex = 4, 7, or 4, respectively 280027 Action Type <> 0,6 & Property Type = 1,2, then Income should not = 0 280032 Action Type = 1 & Disposition Date = Date Application Received 280035 Purchaser Type = 1 or 3, Then Loan Type should = 1 280036 Property Type = 2, then Loan Amount should be <= $150,000 280037 Lien Status = 2, then Loan Amount should be <= $250,000 280038 Lien Status = 3, then Loan Amount should be <= $100,000 280044 Agcy=1-3,7or9,Action=1,Purp=2,3,Lien Sts=1,Rate Sprd>8%,then HOEPA shld=1 280045 Agcy=1-3,7or9,Action=1,Purp=2,3,Lien Sts=2,Rate Sprd>10%,then HOEPA shld=1 280049 Action Type=7,8, then MSA/MD, state, county, census tract should equal 0 280050 Agency = 5, HOEPA Status should not = 1 280051 App Ethnicity,Race & Sex = 4,7,4, respectively, HOEPA status should not = 1 280052 Property Type = 3, HOEPA status should not = 1 280059 Loan Type = 3 or 4, then Property Type should not = 3 280062 Action=1,Lien Status=1 & Purchaser Type=1,3, then HOEPA status should not=1 280064 Purchaser Type = 1 or 3, HOEPA status should not = 1 200928 Error creating Universal Loan Identifier 200930 Invalid applicant ethnicity sequence 200932 Invalid co-applicant ethnicity sequence 200933 Value defined without a valid code or description 200934 Borrower sex obtained visually is not valid 200936 Race description is invalid 200937 Interest only payments invalid 200938 Negative amortizing loan invalid 200939 Other non-amortizing features invalid 200941 Borrower credit score model invalid 200942 Co-Borrower credit score model invalid 200944 Initially payable to your institution invalid 200945 Submission of application invalid 200946 Manufactured home secured property type invalid 200947 Manufactured home land property interest invalid 200948 Reverse mortgage invalid 200949 Open-end line of credit invalid 200954 Universal Loan Identifier is currently in use on a loan 200955 Fault Universal Loan Identifier has been used previously 200956 Balloon payment invalid 200957 Co-borrower sex obtained visually invalid 200959 Business or commercial purpose invalid 200961 Action Date will cause this application to not report in the correct format per 200962 Auto underwriting system sequence invalid 200964 Race obtained visually must be the same value 200965 Auto underwriting system code sent more than once 200966 Ethnicity code has been defined more than once or already exists for borrower 200972 Ethnicity code has been defined more than once or already exists for co-borrower 200973 Invalid Entry, Universal Loan Identifier already exists 200974 Invalid Check Digit 202281 Denial Code already in use. New value was ignored. 202282 Auto underwriting system code already in use. New value was ignored.

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Last updated Fri Dec 13 2024