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Enterprise SOAP API > API by Reference > Core Services > Loan Account Add > Providers > SilverLake > Errors
1 Error Account not found 2 Account already exists 6 Account number must be greater than zero 7 Account type is not valid 8 Amount cannot be zero or negative 10 ATM card flag must be Y or N 13 Branch number is not valid 14 Call report code is not valid 24 Class is not valid 28 CRA State code is not valid 35 GL cost center is not valid 36 GL Interface is not valid 37 GL product code is not valid 43 Date is not valid 46 Mailing Instruction code is not valid 50 Officer code is not valid 53 Primary Customer cannot be found 67 Fault SMSA, Census Tract, State, County combination is not valid 76 Standard industry class code is not valid 79 State code is not valid 90 Warning CIF account record was not added, requires a manual add 99 Zip Code is required 112 Description is invalid 113 Term code must be M or D 115 Beginning and ending dates must be defined 116 Rate cannot be negative 117 Amount cannot be negative 150 Element value must be Y, N, or blank 400 Language code is not a valid code 1010 Element value must be Y or N 1021 Flag must be a Y or N 100034 Check hold amount required for type 'HD' 100109 Open date cannot be in the future 100141 Statement cycle code is not valid 100154 Status code is not valid 100209 Semi-monthly days valid for semi-monthly frequency code only 100210 Semi-monthly days must be valid for semi-monthly frequency code 100211 Frequency must be zeros for semi-monthly frequency code 100212 1st day of month must be less than 2nd day of month 200003 Payment amount cannot be zero or negative 200049 Loan type is not valid 200053 Military value must be 1 or 2 200075 Next roll date cannot be less than the origination date 200099 Collateral code is invalid 200112 Regulatory risk weight code must be 100 or less 200134 Invalid rate number 200148 Rounding method must be D=Down, N=Nearest, U=Up, or blank 200167 Stop function value is not valid 200170 User status code is not valid 200171 Loan term can not be zero 200172 Number of payments is required for loans with mixed terms 200173 Number of payments is not valid 200174 Payment frequency must be Days, Months, or Semi-monthly 200175 Not valid for loan payment code 200176 Payment frequency/code must match the loan term/code on payment code 5 200186 Frequency code is not valid for interest base 200187 Payment frequency is not valid 200188 Days backdated exceeds tolerance 200190 P & I amount must contain a value when a scheduled payment is used 200191 Scheduled payment amount must contain a value when using P & I amount 200192 Maturity date cannot be more than 999 months after origination date 200193 First Payment Date must match maturity date on single pay 200194 Original amount cannot be zero 200195 Late charge type must be blank if partial charge-off 200196 Bank discount is not valid for this type 200197 Dealer number is not valid 200198 Dealer location is not valid 200199 Dealer type is not valid 200200 Payment code is not valid 200201 Payment code 3 or 6 not allowed with negative bill days 200202 Payment amount or term appears wrong 200203 Day of month for payment is not valid 200204 Term of loan appears to be incorrect 200205 Statement account number is not valid 200207 Payment calculation method must be 1 - 4 200208 Payment calculation method is not valid 200209 Take payment if NSF flag must be Y, N or P 200210 Keep loan balance zero must be Y or N 200211 Freeze past due must be Y or N 200212 Balance due at maturity must be Y or N 200213 Debit account number is not valid 200214 Debit account must be defined to use debit account hold dates 200215 Maximum payment amount cannot be less than minimum payment amount 200216 Unused line rate number is not valid 200217 Unused line interest base must be 0 or 2 200218 Credit life rate number is not valid 200219 Credit life interest base must be 0 or 2 200220 Credit life rate number and factor cannot have values 200221 A & H rate number is not valid 200222 A & H rate number and factor cannot have values 200223 A & H interest base must be 0 or 2 200224 Unemployment rate number is not valid 200225 Unemployment rate number and factor cannot have values 200226 Unemployment interest base must be 0 or 2 200227 Credit life insurance company is not valid 200228 A & H insurance company is not valid 200229 Unemployment insurance company is not valid 200230 Include on combined statement must be Y or N 200231 Prepayment penalty code is not valid 200232 Prepare IRS form 1098 must Y, N or E 200233 Flood insurance required must be Y or N 200234 Purpose code is not valid 200235 Print coupon book must be Y or N 200236 Print coupon book term cannot be zero if print coupon is Y 200237 Coupon Term cannot exceed Payment Term 200238 Send payment billings is not valid 200239 Send bills must be S for auto conversion loans 200240 High risk customer must be Y or N 200241 Close on zero balance must be Y or N 200242 Send a past due notice code must be Y or N 200243 Is title still needed code must be Y or N 200244 Restructured debt code must be Y or N 200245 Credit rating code is not valid 200246 Sub-prime lending code must be Y or N 200247 Print receipt must be Y or N 200248 Supervisory LTV Category code is not valid 200251 Construction loan tracking must be Y or N 200252 Apply payments to past due loans must be Y, N or S 200253 Apply payments to past due loans can only be N or S for IBASE 5 and 7 loans 200254 Can only be defined when Apply Payments to Past Due Loans is N or S 200255 Use payment suspense must be Y when apply past due is S 200256 Apply payments to pre-paid loans must be Y, N or S 200257 Apply payments to pre-paid loans can only be N or S for IBASE 5 and 7 loans 200258 Use payment suspense must be Y when apply pre-paid is S 200259 Post excess principal as a curtailment must be Y=Yes, N=No, or F=First 200260 Post excess principal as a curtailment must be Y or F for IBASE 5 and 7 loans 200261 Post excess can only be Y or F when apply payments to pre-paid is Y 200262 Number, Percent or Dollar Pre-Paid must be defined 200263 Dollar amount pre-paid must be defined 200264 Percent amount pre-paid must be defined 200266 Percent must be less than or equal to 100% 200267 #,%,$ can only be defined when post excess to principal curtailment is Y or F 200268 Outsourced must be Y or N 200270 Syndication agent number is not found 200271 Syndication member number is not found 200272 Currency type is not found 200273 Shared national credit must be Y, N or blank 200274 Correspondent Bank must Y, N or blank 200275 Exception to Real Estate Lending Policy code is not valid 200276 Supervisory LTV code is not valid 200277 Margin must be less than 100% for + or - And less than 900% for % 200278 Rate index number is not valid 200279 Original index must have a value for an ARM loan 200284 Rate review code must be D or M 200285 Rate review date must have a value when rate review term has a value 200286 Rate cap term code code must be M or D 200287 Reamortize payment amount must be Y, N, D or I 200288 Cannot reamortize payment for payment code 6 loans 200289 Amortize through date cannot have a value when balloon payments has a value 200290 Use ARM carryover tracking must be Y or N 200291 Rate caps must be defined when using ARM Carryover Tracking 200292 Reamortize payment date cannot be less than rate review date 200293 Review day must by 29, 30, 31 or zero 200294 Must use reamortize payment date when using reamortize term 200295 Reamortize payment term must be entered when reamortize date is used 200296 Payment term is not valid 200297 Payment term must be divisible by rate review term 200298 Rate review and payment review dates do not correlate 200299 Reamortize payment day must be same as rate review day 200300 Convertible ARM must be Y, N or I 200301 Cannot be Convertible unless this loan is an ARM 200302 Convertible index number is not valid 200303 Convertible margin code must be +, -, % or blank 200304 Convertible margin cannot be less than zero 200305 Credit line CIF number must be 200306 Credit line account number not found 200307 Credit line participation is not valid 200308 Restrict advances over limit must be Y or N 200309 Restrict advances to loan must be A, B or N 200310 Restrict payments to loan must be Y or N 200311 Participation number is not valid 200312 Participation percent is not valid 200313 Percent to split payment cannot exceed 100% 200314 Participation code is not valid 200315 Payment code 6 loan cannot be participated 200316 Payment split percentage valid only with payment split option B 200317 Participation 1st payment option must be O or W 200318 Participation 1st payment option can only be used with split option A,B,C or E 200319 Participation 1st payment option can only be used for a sold loan 200320 Participation split option must be A, B, C, D or E 200321 Participation payment option valid only with sold participation loans 200322 Funding sequence must have a value when the funding limit has a value 200323 Funding limit cannot be negative 200324 Funding percentage is not valid 200325 Funding percentage must have a funding sequence 200326 Funding percentage is only valid for sold loans 200327 Rate index variance is invalid with rate used 200328 Delinquent rate or rate number cannot be zero if delinquent rate days > zero 200329 Delinquent days must be greater than zero 200339 Number of days Billing Notice must be 3 or greater when Accrual Billing Method i 200340 Delinquent rate or rate number can be greater than zero 200341 Add overline amount to next bill must be Y or N 200342 Regulatory Teaser Rate must be Y, N or blank 200343 Regulatory Teaser Rate Y is not valid when rate index is zero 200344 Regulatory Teaser Rate Y is not valid when review term > 12 months 200345 Not valid for dealer rebate method 200346 Dealer rate cannot be zero 200347 Number of days or payments must have a value 200348 Forfeit discount/rebate must have a value 200349 Forfeit discount/rebate must be D, R or N 200350 Remaining bank or dealer must be a B or D 200351 Total interest amount must have a value when dealer discount does 200352 Dealer rate and reserve rate should not be equal 200353 Dealer Discount & Upfront % have values, dealer reserve will = Dealer discount 200354 Recourse code must be F, L, P or N 200355 Recource percent must be 100% 200356 Recourse term/code must have a value when Recourse code is L 200357 Recourse percent must have a value 200358 Recourse term code must be D or M 200359 Recourse percent is not valid for recourse code N or L 200360 Recourse term code is not valid for recourse code F, P or N 200361 Past due days must have a value for Recourse code F and P 200362 Past due days is not valid for Recourse code N and L 200363 Forfeit dealer discount if early payoff must be defined 200364 Forfeit Dealer discount if charge-off must be defined 200365 Use billed amount when splitting payment must be Y or N 200366 Number of days for billing notices must be 3 or greater, 0 or -1 200367 Number of days must be less than 15 for semi-monthly 200368 Number of days cannot exceed 35 200369 Number of grace days for payment code 6 must be greater than zero 200371 Minimum amount to create bill cannot be negative 200372 Minimum amount due to create a bill must be less than payment amount 200373 Minimum amount due to create a bill cannot be more than minimum payment amount 200374 Minimum amount due to create a bill cannot be more than maximum payment amount 200375 Ignore posting sequence must be L, O, B or N 200376 Post short payments must be Y or N 200377 Exclude from auto nonaccrual must be Y or N 200378 Loan conversion date is less than the next business date 200379 Points paid by borrower must be Y or N 200380 Department code is not valid 200381 Demand/Student loan code is not valid 200382 Use payment suspense must be Y or N 200383 Use payment suspense only allowed for payment code 0 and 2 loans 200384 Use payment suspense must be Y when apply payments to past due/pre-paid is S 200385 Payments to use payment suspense must be L, S or B 200387 Pledge code is not valid 200388 SBA basis points must be greater than or equal to zero 200389 Number of borrowers must be 1 - 99 200390 First time home buyer must be Y, N or blank 200391 Year built is not valid 200392 Purchase price is not valid 200393 Monthly income is not valid 200394 Housing expense is not valid 200395 Debit expense is not valid 200396 HMDA status must be Y or N 200397 Second mortgage code must be Y, N or blank 200398 FHA/VA must F, V, B or blank 200399 Number of units must be zero or greater 200400 Occupancy code must be 1, 2, 3 or blank 200401 Project type is not valid 200402 Saleable code must be Y, N or blank 200403 Saleable code cannot be Y for payment code 6 loans 200404 Purpose/Property type is not set up in the parameters 200406 Loan purpose code must be 1, 2, 3 or blank 200407 Loan product code must be FX15, FX20, FX30, GL15, GL30 or blank 200408 Subordinated Financing must be Y or blank 200409 Documentation type is not valid 200410 Rate spread must be greater than or equal to zero 200411 HOEPA status must be Y, N or blank 200412 FHLB appraisal type must be 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, or blank 200413 Loan source must be R, B, C or blank 200414 Lending Catagory must be CV, HL, NO or blank 200415 Occupancy status must be N, U or blank 200416 Number of units must be D, M or blank 200417 Loan-to-Invoice is not valid 200418 200452 Coupon book will print for more than the remaining term 200457 Minimum payment amount cannot be less than minimum amount due to create a bill 200468 Cost center cannot be changed when branch & group follow account 200473 Amount different than loan type defaulted value 200474 Roll Due Date/Short Pmts/Payment code 6 must be L,O,B or N 200475 Accrue odd days 365 ibase must be B for Ibase 0, 4, 7 and 9 200476 Accrue odd days 365 ibase must be B, L, M or N 200477 Delinquent rate days cannot be negative 200478 Senior lien can not be zero if outsourced is Y 200489 SCRA send code is invalid 200490 Corresponding past due notice days must be less than 200507 User Status Code must exist 200584 Risk date cannot be greater than next processing date 200600 Must be D or M 200619 Payment code must be zero on an amortized loan 200706 Must be U, D, M, or blank 200710 Reporting method must be a U for specialty lending loan 200712 Tiered rate loan must be N for unit priced loans 200713 Tiered rate loan must be N for MPLOC loans 200731 Review day must be 29, 30, 31, or zero 200753 ARM/Rate Notice Type must be A, N, P, or R 200754 ARM/Rate Notice Type must be N or R when loan is not an ARM 200755 Initial ARM Notice Sent must be Y, N or X 200757 #Days for Initial ARM notice must be greater than 0 200758 #Days for Initial ARM notice must be 0 or greater 200759 Number of days for Initial ARM notice must be zero 200760 Number of days for Initial ARM notice exceeds loan type default 200762 Value not defined in the Qualified Mortgage Parm File 200763 Cannot enter a QRM code in the QM field 200764 Cannot enter a QM code in the QRM field 200768 This field not allowed on MPLOC type loans 200821 Cannot participate a loan with penalty APR 200823 Rate caps not valid, loan has a penalty APR 200824 Rounding method not valid, loan has a penalty APR 200825 Payment amount cap not valid, loan has a penalty APR 200826 Cannot reamortize, loan has a penalty APR 200827 Delinquent rate index cannot be used, loan has a penalty APR 200828 Delinquent rate cannot be used, loan has a penalty APR 200829 # days before rate change must be zero, loan has a penalty APR 200830 Penalty APR index number is invalid 200831 Penalty APR index number cannot be entered when penalty APR is used 200832 Invalid penalty APR 200833 Invalid days past due for penalty notice 200834 Number of days past due for penalty notice must be entered 200835 Invalid days after notice to apply penalty APR 200836 Number of days after notice to apply penalty APR must be entered 200837 Invalid penalty APR review term 200838 Penalty APR review term must be entered 200839 Penalty APR review term code must be entered 200840 Penalty APR review term code must be D or M 200863 Not allowed on Specialty Lending loans 200955 Universal Loan Identifier has been used previously 200973 Invalid Entry, Universal Loan Identifier already exists 200974 Invalid Check Digit 200975 Universal Loan Identifier is currently tied to a loan application 200987 Cannot attach loan when line is a commitment 201002 Not allowed on MPLOC loans 201127 Rate review date cannot be in the past 201284 Debt ratio not updated. Value can not exceed 99%. 201987 Rate review term and code must have a value when entering a rate review date. 201988 Rate review term must have a value when entering a rate review code. 201990 Using rate cap information, but no rate cap review date entered 201993 Rate Cap Review fields must be populated with Cap Date, Term, and Code 201994 Rate Cap Review Date is in the past 202009 Primary CIF's FinCen Legal Entity is set to "Include", Name and Title of person 202010 Cannot be blank 202016 Amortize thru date sent with differing values. Updated with xxxxxxxxxx 202017 Report to Credit Bureau must be Yes or No 202018 Report to Credit Bureau must be No. Loan type credit bureau type code invalid 202019 Additional input on core required before end of day processing for valid and suc 202025 Must be valid value 0-9 202026 Must be PT01, PT02, PT04, PT06, PT07, PT09, PT10, PT11, or blank 202046 Military APR covered loan must be Yes or No 202049 Invalid code must be Yes or No 202051 Field must be zero when send notice is N 202052 Field must be zero for payment code 6 loans 202053 Field must be zero for MPLOC loan 202054 Field must be zero when using alternate payment schedule 202055 Day of month must be 0 thru 31 202056 Day of month must be zero for frequency code S or D loans 202057 Day of month must be 0 if using number of days before pay date to print bill 202058 Valid entries are 0,1,2, and 3 202059 Entry not allowed for loan type 202060 Interest Base invalid for Payment Code 6 loan 202061 Valid entries are 4, 5 or 7 202062 Entry not allowed when loan type calculates interest using ibase 3 method 202063 Interest Base Invalid when Accrual Billing method is Billing Date 202073 Must be Zero when Send Bill Regardless of Due Date is Yes 202074 Send Billing Notice is invalid for Payment Code 6 202075 Send payment billings is not valid for loan 202078 Valid values are 0-9999 202124 Property Description sent without Priority Sequence 202125 Property Description Priority Sequence must be between 1 and 3 202126 Same Property Description Priority Sequence sent more than once 202127 Type using Auto Shadow. Recourse code can cause undesireable balancing results 202128 Automatic Shadow at type level does not apply when loan is a participation 202130 Automatic Shadow at type level does not apply for Saleable Loans 202131 Must be Yes, No or Override 202132 Must be No, Calendar, Before Business Day, or After Business Day 202136 Must be No when Open End Non-Real Estate Secured Product is Yes at Loan Type 202137 Invalid if Non-Business Day Rate Review Code and Business/Calendar Days Rate Loo 202139 Rate Lookback Notice invalid if Open End Non-Real Estate Secured is Yes at Loan 202140 Must be No if Rate Review Date does not exist 202143 Restructured Debt Flag is Yes but Restructured Date is Blank 202144 Restructured Debt Flag is No but Restructured Date is not Blank 202152 Pre-Payment Penalty Start Date is less than Loan Origination Date 202153 Pre-Payment Penalty Start Date is greater than Loan Maturity Date 202154 Pre-Payment Penalty Expiration Date is less than Loan Origination Date 202155 Pre-Payment Penalty Expiration Date is greater than Loan Maturity Date 202156 Pre-Payment Penalty Date exist with no Prepayment Penalty Code 202157 Pre_Payment Penalty Expiration Date is less than Prepayment Penalty Start Date 202159 Rate lookback days not supported with Tiered Rates 202160 Rate lookback days not supported with Payment code 6 loans 202161 Rate Lookback Days only valid on Daily Variable or Back Date Rate Change Loans 202162 Lookback days must be less than 30 calendar days or 20 business days 202165 Lookback basis type must be populated when using lookback days 202166 Lookback basis type must be Business or Calendar days 202167 Back Date Rate Change Type must be Yes or No 202168 Master parameter Rate Index Type value does not match loan value 202169 Back Date Rate Change Type; Rate Term/Code must match Loan Term/Code 202170 Back Date Rate Change Type cannot be Yes if no rate review date 202171 Back Date Rate Change Type; Rate Review Date cannot be greater than Maturity 202172 Loan must use 1 or greater Lookback Days to use Back Date Rate Change Type 202173 Back Date Rate Change Type only valid with Business Day Lookback Basis 202174 Back Date Rate Change Type only valid with Payment Code 0,1,2 or 5 Loans 202175 Back Date Rate Change Type only valid with Zero Days for Rate Notice 202176 Back Date Rate Change Type is Yes, Billing Days is Ignored 202177 Back Date Rate Change Type must be Yes to use factor index fields 202178 Rate Index Type must be Index or Rate 202179 Beginning Factor Index must be greater than .9 and less than 2 202181 Rate Index Type must be Index for loan to have a Beginning Factor Index 202182 Loan must have Rate Review Date to use Index as Rate Index Type 202183 Beginning Factor Index Date/Value out of sync from rate history file 202184 Beginning Factor Index Date must be a business day 202186 Rate Index Type is Index, loan must have a Beginning Factor Index Date 202187 Beginning Factor Index Date cannot be greater than Maturity 202188 Unable to set Beginning Factor Index Date and Value; must be entered manually 202196 Back Date Rate Change; Rate Term/Code must match Payment Term/Code & be Monthly 202213 Keep Protection Balance 0 not applicable for Non-Payment code 6 Loan. 202214 Take payment if NSF not applicable for Non-Payment code 6 Loan. 202224 Rate is greater than 100%. 202225 Credit Life Rate Factor is greater than 100%. 202226 A&H Rate Factor is greater than 100%. 202227 Unemployment Rate Factor is greater than 100%. 202228 Rate Floor is greater than 100%. 202229 Rate Ceiling is greater than 100%. 202230 % of Balance to Ream greater than 100%. 202231 Original Index is greater than 100%. 202232 Funding Split % is greater than 100%. 202233 Round To Amount is greater than 100%. 202234 Rate Cap Upward is greater than 100%. 202235 Rate Cap Downward is greater than 100%. 202236 Payment Amount Cap % is greater than 100%. 202237 Maturity rate is greater than 100%. 202238 Delinquent rate is greater than 100%. 202239 Dealer rate is greater than 100%. 202240 Dealer Upfront % is greater than 100%. 202241 Dealer Reserve % is greater than 100%. 202242 Recourse Percent is greater than 100%. 202243 Penalty APR is greater than 100%. 202251 Loan To Value Ratio is greater than 100%. 202252 Combined LTV Ratio is greater than 100%. 202253 Mortgage Insurance % is greater than 100%. 202254 SBA Guarantee % is greater than 100%. 202255 Yearly Payment increase % greater than 100%. 202256 Loan to Invoice Ratio is greater than 100%. 202257 CRE Occupation Fraction is greater than 100%. 202258 Cap Rate is greater than 100%. 202259 Actual Avg Lease Rate greater than 100%. 202260 Actual Vacancy Rate greater than 100%. 202291 Periodic Rate Cap is greater than 100%. 202292 Periodic Rate Cap not valid for Spec Lending, MPLOC, Dealer F/P or Unit Loans. 202293 Periodic Rate Cap is invalid when Rate Cap Upward is zero. 202304 Unit description cannot be blank 202333 Unit description must be blank 202334 Unit Reporting Method not valid for loan type 202335 Tiered rate loan must be N for Dealer Floor Plan loans 202336 Tiered rate loan must be N on Specialty Lending loans 202337 Invalid Credit Line. Line type for MPLOC must be 1 or 2. 202338 Credit Line is attached to another loan and cannot be added to a MPLOC loan. 202339 Rate Notice Type must be Y or N for MPLOC Accounts 261201 Accrual billing method is invalid 261202 Payment code 6, Accrual billing method must be Billing Date 290050 Existing tiered rate loan, cannot be changed to this loan type 290051 Cannot have ARM information with a tiered rate type 290052 Cannot re-amortize with a tiered rate type 290053 Cannot have past due rate with a tiered loan 290054 Prime rate number must be used with tiered rate type 290055 Tiered rate not allowed for participated accounts 290057 Tiered rates not allowed for saleable loan 290058 Tiered rate not allowed for convertible loan 290060 At least two tiers required for tiered rate loans 290061 Invalid balance, must be prior balance 290062 Tiered rate must be Y to have rates/balances 290063 Tiered rate must be N to have rate review date 290064 Tiered rate not allowed for specified interest base 290100 Prepayment penalty code not allowed with this curtailment/recoupment penalty 290101 Taking accrued interest to date is not valid with syndicated loans 290102 Invalid curtailment/recoupment code 290103 Curtailment/recoupment penalty code is invalid for participation code S loans 290104 Curtailment/recoupment penalty code not valid for ibase 9 loans 290105 Curtailment/recoupment penalty code not valid for payment code 6 loans 290106 This curtailment/recoupment penalty not allowed with prepayment penalty 290107 Curtailment/recoupment penalty code not valid with cycled loans 290108 Curtailment/recoupment penalty code not valid with syndicated loans 290109 Penalty start date is not valid for participation id S loans 290110 Penalty renewal date is not valid for participation id S loans 290111 Penalty expiration date is not valid for participation id S loans 290112 Penalty renewal code is not valid for participation id S loans 290114 Recoupment penalty pass to this loan must be blank 290115 Recoupment penalty percentage to pass to this loan must be blank 290116 Penalty start date is not valid 290117 Penalty start date is equal to maturity date 290118 Penalty start date cannot be before origination date 290119 Penalty renewal date is not valid 290120 Penalty renewal date is before penalty start date 290121 Penalty renewal date must have penalty renewal frequency 290122 Penalty renewal date must be entered when renewal frequency is entered 290123 Penalty expiration date is not valid 290124 Penalty renewal frequency must be entered with renewal frequency code 290125 Expiration date cannot be less than or equal to start date 290126 Curtailment penalty pass to this loan must be N for this penalty type 290127 Recoupment penalty pass to this loan must be N for this penalty type 290128 Recoupment penalty percentage to pass to this loan must be zero 290129 Recoupment penalty percentage only valid with D penalty type 290130 Invalid recoupment penalty percentage to pass to this loan 290131 Recoupment penalty percentage to pass cannot be more than 100% 290133 Penalty renewal frequency is not valid for participation id S loans 290134 Curtailment/recoupment penalty code not defined for other penalty fields 290135 Curtailment penalty pass to this loan must be blank 290436 Field not updated. Line is associated with a Multi-Level Lending structure 290453 Negative Amortization Cap must be zero or greater than 100 percent 290464 Rate Review Term must be entered when using Rate Review Date and Term Code 290465 Rate Review Date and Term must be entered when using Rate Review Term Code 300058 Rate is greater than the maximum rate 300059 Rate is less than minimum rate 300065 Rate variance code is not valid 400048 NAICS code is not valid 410080 Invalid Sales Associate Code 500127 Not allowed on Specialty Lending Main loan / Unit number zero. 600012 Short name is required 600013 Alternate name is required 600014 First, Middle, and Last Name information required to build Alternate Short Name 700021 Late charge type is invalid 901015 Invalid value. Must be Y or N.

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Last updated Fri Dec 13 2024