General Ledger Information Message Inquiry Behavior
The GLInfoMsgInqRq_MType
request message requires a valid AcctId element. The
request provides additional documented choices that
contain the BrCode, GLCostCtr, and
GLProdCode optional elements.
However, if the consumer submits all of the required keys in the AcctId element, the service provider should attempt to parse those values to their perspective elements much like their application does for proof of deposit (POD) captured GL items.
The GLInfoMsgInqRs_MType
response message echoes back the request
The GLInfoMsgInqRecArray_AType
array should return all of the informational
messages related to the General Ledger account identification.
The InfoMsgOrder element provides the sequential order of the informational messages for the requested AcctId element. This allows the service provider to convey to the consumer the service provider's preferential order of display.