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Enterprise SOAP API > API by Reference > Core Services > Escrow Addition Validation > Providers > SilverLake > Errors
1 Error Account not found 43 Date is not valid 1010 Element value must be Y or N 1015 Element value must be Y, N or E 200114 Escrow type does not exist 200115 Invalid agent location code 200116 Invalid company location code 200117 A location code must be used for an escrow type 200118 Invalid distribution amount 200119 A premium amount must be entered for a rebateable insurance type 200120 Day of month must be 29, 30, or 31 200121 An expiration date must be entered for insurance types 200122 Invalid distribution term 200123 Invalid distribution term code. Must be D=Days or M=Months 200124 Invalid policy term 200125 Invalid policy term code. Must be D=Days or M=Months 200126 Policy term must be entered for insurance types 200128 Payee flag must be A=Agent, C=Company, B=Borw/Agent, D=Borw/Comp, or O=Owner 200129 Invalid payee/location combination 200130 Invalid insurance type, must be R or E 200131 Warning An escrow balance record already exists for this account 200132 Payment cannot be less than zero 200134 Invalid rate number 200135 Invalid withholding code 200136 Invalid alternate withholding rate 200137 Invalid alternate withholding account/type 200138 Shortages less than one escrow payment must be A, B, or C 200139 Shortages greater than or equal to one escrow payment must be A or C 200140 Deficiencies less than one escrow payment must be A, B, or D 200141 Deficiencies greater than or equal to one escrow payment must be A or D 200142 Invalid amount 200143 Number of months must be 12 or greater 200144 Shortage/deficiency amount cannot be greater than prior level amount 200145 Number of months must be 0 or less than or equal to 60 200146 Invalid percentage 200147 Must use dollars or percent, not both 200148 Rounding method must be D=Down, N=Nearest, U=Up, or blank 200249 This payment does not have a distribution attached to it 200331 Fault Monthly Payment Frequency greater than 12, escrow will not work 200980 No distribution term supplied for next scheduled distribution 203000 Value not valid, General Parameter - Payment to use for PMI equals Bucket 203001 A PMI payment balance record already exists for this account 203008 PMI Termination Date will not be used for Escrow Projection Termination

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Last updated Fri Dec 13 2024