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Account Product Override Addition

Enterprise SOAP API > API by Reference > Core Services > Account Product Override Addition

Account Product Override Addition

Account Product Override Addition is a jXchange service designed to allow the consumer to add account product overrides.

Message Flow

In jXchange, the Account Product Override Addition service uses a typical exchange of MType messages to add account product overrides on a service provider.

Primary Request

The consumer forwards the message AcctProdOvrrdAddRq_MType to the service provider. The message contains the following elements:

  • AccountId_CType
  • Custom_CType
  • ErrOvrRdInfoArray_AType
  • MsgRqHdr_CType

Primary Response

The service provider returns the AcctProdOvrrdAddRs_MType message to the consumer. The message contains the following elements:

  • AcctProdOvrrdInfoRec_CType
  • MsgRsHdr_CType

Account Product Override Addition Behavior

Element TitleElement NameDescription
Account IdentificationAccountId_CTypeRequired for the addition service.
Account Product Override InformationAcctProdOvrrdInfoRec_CTypeRequired for the addition service.
Product Base InformationProdBaseInfoRec_CTypeA limited set of elements that were not categorized into other complexes.
Transaction History Retention Days TypeTrnHistTrnDaysTypeDefaults only when the Transaction History Retention Days element, TrnHistRtnDays, is provided.
Overdraft InformationODInfoRec_CTypeContains those elements that pertain to overdraft charges.
Overdraft Charge Calculation TypeODChgCalcTypeDefaults only when the Overdraft Index Number element, ODIdxNum, is provided.
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) InformationFDICInsurInfoRec_CTypeContains those elements that pertain to FDIC insurance charges.
FDIC Insurance Charge Calculation TypeFDICInsurChgCalcTypeDefaults only when the FDIC Insurance Charge Rate element, FDICInsurChgRate, is provided.
Transfer InformationXferInfoRec_CTypeContains those elements that pertain to transfer services defaults. This complex contains the Transfer EFT Description Array, XferEFTDescArray_AType, for EFT description defaults.
Reduction of Service Charge InformationRedSerChgInfoRec_CTypeDescribes the behavior for the reduction of service charges, which includes 100% waive. This complex includes the Reduction of Service Charge Method Array, RedSerChgMthdArray_AType, that differentiates between the amount and the rate method. The Reduction Service Charge Method Type, RedSerChgMthdType, serves as the key for the array and is required.
EFT Charge Information ArrayEFTChgInfoArray_ATypeAllows the consumer to submit service charges based on electronic transactional activity.
EFT Transactional Activity TypeEFTTrnActTypeServes as the key that defines the type of EFT transaction. This element is required. The EFT Transactional Type element, EFTTrnType, may further define the type of EFT Transaction.
EFT Transactional Activity TypeEFTTrnActTypeWhen submitted without the EFT Transactional Type element, EFTTrnType, conveys to include all the EFT transaction types for that EFT transaction activity.
Excess Debit Charge Information ArrayXsDrChgInfoArray_ATypeAllows the consumer to submit the service charges based on excess debit transactional activity.
Excess Debit Transaction TypeXsDrTrnTypeServes as the key that defines the type of excess debit activity. This element is required.
Service Charge Tier Information ArraySerChgTierInfoArray_ATypeAllows the consumer to submit service charges that are tiered based on charges. There is a relationship between the tiered records that allow some tiers to be combined and others as an option.
Tier Charge OrderTierChgOrderProvides the sequential order of charges for the tier arrangement and references the element Order, which is required.
Tier Charge Logical OperandTierChgLgclOprndProvides the method of combining related tier charges. The default value is Or.
Service Charge Tier Balance Information ArraySerChgTierBalInfoArray_ATypeContained within the Service Charge Tier Information Array, SerChgTierInfoArray_AType. This array is included to provide the balance qualifications for the tier service charge.
Tier Charge OrderTierChgOrderProvided to give an order to the balance qualifications and is required. The relationship of the balance qualifications is And.
Transactional Activity Tier Information ArrayTrnActTierInfoArray_ATypeAllows the consumer to submit charges based on transactional activity.
Tier Transactional Activity TypeTierTrnActTypeServes as the key that defines the type of transaction. This element is required. The Tier Transactional Type element, TierTrnType, may further define the type of transaction.
Tier Transactional Activity TypeTierTrnActTypeWhen submitted without the Tier Transactional Type element, TierTrnType, conveys to include all the transaction types for that transactional activity.
Tier Activity Balance Information ArrayTierActBalInfoArray_ATypeContained by the Transaction Activity Tier Information Array, TrnActTierInfoArray_AType. These arrays provide the balance thresholds for the assessment of service charges. The behavior for the TierActBalInfoArray_AType mimics that of the Service Charge Tier balance Information Array, SerChgTierBalInfoArray_AType.
Tier Charge OrderTierChgOrderProvides the sequential order of charges for the transactional activity tier arrangement and references the element Order, which is required.
Service Charge Relationship InformationSerChgRelInfoRec_CTypeDescribes the behavior for customer relationships-based service charging. The root level of the complex encompasses two arrays, Service Charge Level Array, SerChgLvlArray_AType, and Service Level Relationship Array, SerChgLvlRelArray_AType.
Service Charge Level Relationship ArraySerChgLvlRelArray_ATypeAllows the consumer to submit any number of service provider recognized account relationships to consider for service charge level pricing.
Service Charge Level Information Record ArraySerChgLvlInfoRec_ATypeProvides a grouping logic to create qualifications criteria.
Service Charge Level OrderSerChgLvlOrderProvided to give an order to the test scenarios. This element is required.
Service Charge Level Application Amount ArraySerChgLvlAppAmtArray_ATypeUsed for test scenarios involving amount. This array defines the test scenarios based on threshold amounts. It provides the required Service Charge Level Application Order element, SerChgLvlAppOrder, which gives an order to the application qualification scenarios. The Service Charge Level Application Detail Array, SerChgLvlAppDetArray_AType, provides the specific applications along with the balance calculation type for qualification consideration.
Service Charge Level Application Count ArraySerChgLvlAppCntArray_ATypeUsed for test scenarios involving count. This array provides the required Service Charge Level Application Order element, SerChgLvlAppOrder, which gives the order to the application qualification scenarios. The Service Charge Level Application Detail Array, SerChgLvlAppDetArray_AType, provides the specific applications. The balance calculation type for count qualifications is ignored.

Account Product Override Addition Business Case

The consumer is attempting to add an account product override in this business case.

The consumer sends the AcctProdOvrrdAddRq_MType message to the Service Provider with the following values:

Complex ElementSimple ElementEntry Value

The Service Provider returns AcctProdOvrrdAddRs_MType containing the element RsStat with a value of Success.


AcctProdOvrrdAddRq_MType is a message MType element.


  • AccountId_CType
  • AcctProdOvrrdInfoRec_CType
  • Custom_CType
  • ErrOvrRdInfoArray_AType
  • MsgRqHdr_CType


AccountId_CType is a complex CType element. This element contains the incoming account identification information and any restrictions.

Simple Elements

The following simple elements are contained within this complex.

The number or character that identifies an account record.
The number or character that categorizes the AcctId.
The level of restrictions that can exist at a parent and/or child node. Canonical values are:
  • Hid
  • NoAccess
  • NoAccessPart
  • ReadOnly
  • ReadOnlyPart
  • ReadWrite
  • ReadWritePart


AcctProdOvrrdInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element.


  • EFTChgInfoArray_AType
  • FDICInsurInfoRec_CType
  • ODInfoRec_CType
  • ProdBaseInfoRec_CType
  • RedSerChgInfoRec_CType
  • SerChgRelInfoRec_CType
  • SerChgTierInfoArray_AType
  • TrnActTierInfoArray_AType
  • XferInfoRec_CType
  • XsDrChgInfoArray_AType


EFTChgInfoArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of charges for EFT activity.


  • EFTChgInfoRec_CType

EFTChgInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element.

Simple Elements

The following simple elements are contained within this message.

The amount of charge for EFT type transactions.
The percentage that a service charge is reduced based on EFT transaction activity.
The activity type of the EFT transaction. Canonical values are:
  • ACH
  • All
  • Forn
  • OnUs
The type of EFT transaction. Canonical values are:
  • Cr
  • Dr
The tolerance number of EFT transactions that result in the waiving of EFT charges.


FDICInsurInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element.

Simple Elements

The following simple elements are contained within this complex.

The balance to use for FDIC charge calculations. Canonical values are:
  • AvgLdger
  • Col
  • Ldgr
  • MinLdgr
The rate to charge an account for FDIC insurance charges.


ODInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element.

Simple Elements

The following simple elements are contained within this complex.

The threshold balance of an account before charging an account for maintaining a negative balance position.
The balance to use for overdraft accrual calculations. Canonical values are:
  • Col
  • Ldgr
Overdraft index number charged to accounts that are in an overdraft state.


ProdBaseInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element.

Simple Elements

The following simple elements are contained within this complex.

The amount of service charge assessed to an account.
The number of days an account should retain transactional history.
The type of retention days for transactional data behavior. Canonical values are:
  • Bus
  • Cal
The number of days an account can maintain a zero balance without closing.


RedSerChgInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element.


  • RedSerChgMthdArray_AType
Simple Elements

The following simple elements are contained within this complex.

The minimum amount a service charge can be reduced.
The tolerance that triggers the behavior to waive the service charge when it falls below a predetermined amount.
The service charge is waived if the account has no debit activity. Canonical values are:
  • false
  • true
The service charge is waived if the account has no activity. Canonical values are:
  • false
  • true

RedSerChgMthdArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of methods used to reduce service charge amounts.


  • RedSerChgMthdInfoRec_CType

RedSerChgMthdInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element.

Simple Elements

The following simple elements are contained within this complex.

The service charge reduction amount.
The balance to use for service charge reduction calculations. Canonical values are:
  • AvgCol
  • AvgLdgr
  • Ldgr
  • MinLdgr
The reduced service charge index number that is used to calculate the amount to reduce the service charge amount.
The incremental amount to use for service charge reduction calculations.
The minimum balance amount maintained by an account to be considered for service charge reductions.
The method to be used for service charge reductions. Canonical values are:
  • Amt
  • Rate
The percentage to be used to reserve the balance amount prior to any service charge reduction behavioral calculations.


SerChgRelInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element.


  • SerChgLvlArray_AType
  • SerChgLvlRelArray_AType
Simple Elements

The following simple elements are contained within this complex.

The service charge reduction amount.
The method to be used for service charge reductions. Canonical values are:
  • Amt
  • Rate
The percentage to be used for any service charge reduction behavioral calculations.
Include club accounts for relationship level service charging. Canonical values are:
  • false
  • true
The logical operand that determines if all the service charge level relationships should be used in accessing qualifications for waiving service charges. Canonical values are:
  • And
  • Or
The type values that determine the behavior for waiving a service charge. Canonical values are:
  • false
  • true

SerChgLvlArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of levels with qualifications for account relationship service charges.


  • SerChgLvlInfoRec_CType

SerChgLvlInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element.


  • SerChgLvlAppAmtArray_AType
  • SerChgLvlAppCntArray_AType
Simple Elements

The following simple elements are contained within this complex.

The logical operand that determines if all the service charge level relationships should be used in accessing qualifications for waiving service charges. Canonical values are:
  • And
  • Or
The order for service charge level relationships in accessing qualifications for waiving service charges.

SerChgLvlAppAmtArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of applications used to determine balance qualifications for waiving service charges.


  • SerChgLvlAppAmtInfoRec_CType

SerChgLvlAppAmtInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element.


  • SerChgLvlAppDetArray_AType
Simple Elements

The following simple elements are contained within this complex.

The algebraic symbol for the total of application balances. Canonical values are:
  • EQ
  • GE
  • GT
  • LE
  • LT
  • NE
The application order for service charge level relationships in accessing qualifications for waiving service charges.
The tolerance that triggers the behavior to waive the service charge when it falls below this amount for service charge levels.

SerChgLvlAppDetArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of detail applications used to determine balance qualifications for waiving service charges.


  • SerChgLvlAppDetInfoRec_CType

SerChgLvlAppDetInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element.

Simple Elements

The following simple elements are contained within this complex.

The application for service charge level relationships in accessing qualifications for waiving service charges. Canonical values are:
  • Dep
  • Ln
  • ODProt
  • Savings
  • TimeDep
The balance to use for service charge application level calculations. Canonical values are:
  • AvgCol
  • AvgLdgr
  • Ldgr
  • MinLdgr

SerChgLvlAppCntArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of applications used to determine count qualifications for waiving service charges.


  • SerChgLvlAppCntInfoRec_CType

SerChgLvlAppCntInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element.


  • SerChgLvlAppDetArray_AType
Simple Elements

The following simple elements are contained within this complex.

The algebraic symbol for the total of application balances. Canonical values are:
  • EQ
  • GE
  • GT
  • LE
  • LT
  • NE
The application order for service charge level relationships in accessing qualifications for waiving service charges.
The tolerance that triggers the behavior to waive the service charge when it falls below this count for service charge levels.

SerChgLvlAppDetArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of detail applications used to determine balance qualifications for waiving service charges.


  • SerChgLvlAppDetInfoRec_CType

SerChgLvlAppDetInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element.

Simple Elements

The following simple elements are contained within this complex.

The application for service charge level relationships in accessing qualifications for waiving service charges. Canonical values are:
  • Dep
  • Ln
  • ODProt
  • Savings
  • TimeDep
The balance to use for service charge application level calculations. Canonical values are:
  • AvgCol
  • AvgLdgr
  • Ldgr
  • MinLdgr

SerChgLvlRelArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of account relationships that is considered for account override service charges.


  • SerChgLvlRelInfoRec_CType

SerChgLvlRelInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element.

Simple Elements

The following simple elements are contained within this complex.

The code that describes the relationship a customer has to an account.


SerChgTierInfoArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of tier service charges.


  • SerChgTierInfoRec_CType

SerChgTierInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element.


  • SerChgTierBalInfoArray_AType
Simple Elements

The following simple elements are contained within this complex.

The amount of a service charge for a specific tier assessed to an account.
The logical operand of the tier charge to the proceeding tier charge. Canonical values are:
  • And
  • Or
The sequential order of charges in a tier charge arrangement.

SerChgTierBalInfoArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of balances for tier service charges.


  • SerChgTierBalInfoRec_CType

SerChgTierBalInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element.

Simple Elements

The following simple elements are contained within this complex.

The algebraic symbol for the total of application balances. Canonical values are:
  • EQ
  • GE
  • GT
  • LE
  • LT
  • NE
The balance amount for a specific tier to determine tier charge qualifications.
The balance to use for tier charge calculations. Canonical values are:
  • AvgCol
  • AvgLdg
  • Ldgr
  • MinLdgr
The sequential order of charges in a tier charge arrangement.


TranActTierInfoArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of tier charges based on transactional activity.


  • TrnActTierInfoRec_CType

TrnActTierInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element.


  • TierActBalInfoArray_AType
Simple Elements

The following simple elements are contained within this complex.

The amount of a service charge for a specific tier assessed to an account.
The tolerance number of transactions that results in the charging of transaction item charges.
The transactional type of activity for tier charges. Canonical values are:
  • All
  • Cash
  • Forn
  • Local
  • OnUs
The transactional type of activity for tier charges. Canonical values are:
  • Cr
  • Dr
  • All

TierActBalInfoArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of balances for transactional activity tier charges.


  • TierActBalInfoRec_CType

TierActBalInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element.

Simple Elements

The following simple elements are contained within this complex.

The algebraic symbol for the total of application balances. Canonical values are:
  • EQ
  • GE
  • GT
  • LE
  • LT
  • NE
The balance amount for a specific tier to determine tier charge qualifications.
The balance to use for tier charge calculations. Canonical values are:
  • AvgCol
  • AvgLdg
  • Ldgr
  • MinLdgr
The sequential order of charges in a tier charge arrangement.


XferInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element.


  • XferEFTDescArray references EFTDesc_AType
Simple Elements

The following simple elements are contained within this complex.

The fee amount.
Print receipt. Canonical values are:
  • false
  • FirstRcptOnly
  • FromAcct
  • ToAcct
  • true


XsDrChgInfoArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of charges for excess debit activity.


  • XsDrChgInfoRec_CType

XsDrChgInfoRec_CType is a complex CType element.

Simple Elements

The following simple elements are contained within this complex.

The amount of charge for excess debit transactions.
The behavioral method for charging accounts excess debit charges. Canonical values are:
  • Dly
  • false
  • Stmt
  • true
The excess debit should be charged regardless of other account settings. The canonical values are:
  • Chg
  • NA
  • Wav
The type of EFT transaction. Canonical values are:
  • Any
  • MMDAOnly
The tolerance number of debit transactions that results in the waiving of excess debit charges.


Custom_CType is a complex CType element.

This element is optional.


ErrOvrRdInfoArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of overrides for faults.


  • ErrOvrRd_CType


ErrOvrRd_CType is a complex CType element. This element is used to override errors created in a previous request. This element is optional.

Simple Elements

The following simple elements are contained within this complex.

The business service type used to convey certain Add and Mod message handling. The canonical value is NoValidate.
The error code.


MsgRqHdr_CType is a complex CType element. This is the default message request header.


  • AuthenUsrCred_CType
  • jXchangeHdr_CType

Simple Elements

The following simple elements are contained within this complex.

Authentication of the Consumer Product Credentials in the form of a WS Security element that contains a single SAML V2.0 Assertion.


AuthenUsrCred_CType is a complex CType element. This element represents authentication of the end-user credentials in the form of a WS Security element that contains a single SAML V2.0 Assertion.

Simple Elements

The following simple elements are contained within this complex.

Defines the wsse:Security SOAP header element per section 4.


jXchangeHdr_CType is a complex CType element.

Simple Elements

The following simple elements are contained within this complex.

The user ID that the consumer would like written in the audit as performing the requested service. It varies, but it could be the same as the user ID. It is not used to authenticate. It is used to audit the Soap Header Fault.
The workstation ID that the consumer would like written in the audit as performing the requested service for the Soap Header Fault. It varies, but it could be the same as the user ID.
The user ID which the consumer would like the service provider to authenticate with for the Soap Header Fault. It is a user ID that the provider understands.

This element deprecates in accordance with XSD contract tenets. Effective date: 2017–01–01. The new complex element for user authentication credentials was added to both the Search Message Request Header SrchMsgRqHdr_CType and the Message Request Header MsgRqHdr_CType. AuthenUsrId is ignored by the service providers when the authentication user credentials AuthenUsrCred_CType package is delivered. The expectation is that the password credentials and the user name token are provided in the authentication user credential complex element in accordance with the standards established by WS-Security.

The correlation identification as related to business functions and activities.
The name of the service consumer (business name) for the Soap Header Fault.
The name of the product which is consuming the service (business product name) for the Soap Header Fault.
An identification provided by the consumer that defines the environment in which the institution is operating. Canonical values are:
  • Prod
The identification of the entity of the submitted message. A financial institution entity uses the routing transit or nine-digit number assigned to financial institutions for routing as assigned by the American Bankers Association. Any leading zeros must be provided for a complete routing and transit number. A non-financial institution entity should use a mutually agreed upon identification that must contain at least one non-integer character. The canonical value is JHA.

The element is required in all message requests.

An identification provided by jXchange to be able to trace the request and response of a message from the third-party gateway, internal gateway, and service provider for the Soap Header Fault.
Contains the version jXchange is running for the Soap Header Fault.
The consumer name that can be validated by enterprise governance. The canonical values are managed in a consumer/product enterprise table. The canonical value is: JHA.
The consumer product name that can be validated by enterprise governance. The canonical values are managed in a consumer/product enterprise table.
The correlation identification as related to workflow functions and activities.
jXchangeHdr_CType Deprecation Details
The user ID which the consumer would like the service provider to authenticate with for the Soap Header Fault. It is a user ID that the provider understands.

This element deprecates in accordance with XSD contract tenets. Effective date: 2017–01–01. The new complex element for user authentication credentials was added to both the Search Message Request Header SrchMsgRqHdr_CType and the Message Request Header MsgRqHdr_CType. AuthenUsrId is ignored by the service providers when the authentication user credentials AuthenUsrCred_CType package is delivered. The expectation is that the password credentials and the user name token are provided in the authentication user credential complex element in accordance with the standards established by WS-Security.


AcctProdOvrrdAddRs_MType is a message MType element.


  • Custom_CType
  • MsgRsHdr_CType

Simple Elements

The following simple elements are contained within this message.

The status of the response. Canonical values are:
  • Fail
  • Success


Custom_CType is a complex CType element.

This element is optional.


MsgRsHdr_CType is a complex CType element. This is the default message response header.


  • jXchangeHdr_CType
  • MsgRecInfoArray_AType


jXchangeHdr_CType is a complex CType element.

Simple Elements

The following simple elements are contained within this complex.

The user ID that the consumer would like written in the audit as performing the requested service. It varies, but it could be the same as the user ID. It is not used to authenticate. It is used to audit the Soap Header Fault.
The workstation ID that the consumer would like written in the audit as performing the requested service for the Soap Header Fault. It varies, but it could be the same as the user ID.
The user ID which the consumer would like the service provider to authenticate with for the Soap Header Fault. It is a user ID that the provider understands.

This element deprecates in accordance with XSD contract tenets. Effective date: 2017–01–01. The new complex element for user authentication credentials was added to both the Search Message Request Header SrchMsgRqHdr_CType and the Message Request Header MsgRqHdr_CType. AuthenUsrId is ignored by the service providers when the authentication user credentials AuthenUsrCred_CType package is delivered. The expectation is that the password credentials and the user name token are provided in the authentication user credential complex element in accordance with the standards established by WS-Security.

The correlation identification as related to business functions and activities.
The name of the service consumer (business name) for the Soap Header Fault.
The name of the product which is consuming the service (business product name) for the Soap Header Fault.
An identification provided by the consumer that defines the environment in which the institution is operating. Canonical values are:
  • Prod
The identification of the entity of the submitted message. A financial institution entity uses the routing transit or nine-digit number assigned to financial institutions for routing as assigned by the American Bankers Association. Any leading zeros must be provided for a complete routing and transit number. A non-financial institution entity should use a mutually agreed upon identification that must contain at least one non-integer character. The canonical value is JHA.

The element is required in all message requests.

An identification provided by jXchange to be able to trace the request and response of a message from the third-party gateway, internal gateway, and service provider for the Soap Header Fault.
Contains the version jXchange is running for the Soap Header Fault.
The consumer name that can be validated by enterprise governance. The canonical values are managed in a consumer/product enterprise table. The canonical value is: JHA.
The consumer product name that can be validated by enterprise governance. The canonical values are managed in a consumer/product enterprise table.
The correlation identification as related to workflow functions and activities.
jXchangeHdr_CType Deprecation Details
The user ID which the consumer would like the service provider to authenticate with for the Soap Header Fault. It is a user ID that the provider understands.

This element deprecates in accordance with XSD contract tenets. Effective date: 2017–01–01. The new complex element for user authentication credentials was added to both the Search Message Request Header SrchMsgRqHdr_CType and the Message Request Header MsgRqHdr_CType. AuthenUsrId is ignored by the service providers when the authentication user credentials AuthenUsrCred_CType package is delivered. The expectation is that the password credentials and the user name token are provided in the authentication user credential complex element in accordance with the standards established by WS-Security.


MsgRecInfoArray_AType is an array AType element. This is an array of messages that can be returned in a response.


  • MsgRec_CType

MsgRec_CType is a complex CType element.

Simple Elements

The following simple elements are contained within this complex.

The Soap Header Fault error category.
The error code.
The Soap Header Fault error description.
The Soap Header Fault when an error or fault occurs. This optional element contains the element which is causing the error condition.
The Soap Header Fault when an error or fault occurs. This optional element contains the value of the element which is causing the error condition.
The Soap Header Fault error location. This is typically the program that generated the error condition.

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Last updated Mon Jan 24 2022