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Enterprise SOAP API > API by Reference > Core Services > Account Add > Providers > CIF2020 > Errors
1 Warning Alternate name record was not added, requires a manual add 2 CIF account record was not added, requires a manual add 3 Error Value cannot be blank 4 Invalid alternate address 6 Invalid account type 7 Value cannot be zero or negative 8 Account already exists 9 Invalid alternate name 10 Value must be Y or N 11 1st alternate name cannot be blank if there is a 2nd alternate name 13 Invalid branch number 14 Invalid tax id code, must be T or blank 15 Invalid classification 17 Mail special handling code has not been established 18 Invalid rate number 19 Rate # has a status of inactive 20 Value must be D or M 21 Value cannot be negative 22 Invalid officer code 23 Value must be + or - 24 Value must be blank 31 Customer name or address closely matches OFAC suspect 43 Date is not valid 216 Invalid hold mail code, must be blank or 2 thru 99 225 Invalid CIF number 226 More than two alternate names are not allowed 202009 Primary CIF's FinCen Legal Entity is set to "Include", Name and Title of person 202010 Cannot be blank 300001 Invalid type code 300002 Invalid plan code 300003 Plan code not allowed on this type 300004 Issue date plus term is too far in the future 300005 Next pay date is less than or equal to the issue date 300006 Invalid day of month for interest check 300007 Fault Day of month is zero and 1st pay day is > 28 300008 Invalid payment code, must be A, C, or D 300009 Invalid accrual method, must be S or C 300010 If even payment code = Y, rate number must be zero 300011 Invalid rate/rate#, one must be present 300012 Rate is below minimum or above maximum 300013 Invalid deposit account type 300014 Even payment code is Y but terms is not months 300015 Invalid deposit account number 300016 Issue date, term, and maturity do not match 300017 Issue date is in the future 300018 CD backdated beyond 15 days 300019 Day of month is 28 or more with a 1st pay date of zero 300020 Invalid statement/passbook code, must be S, B, or blank 300021 Maturity date is in the past or too far in the future 300022 Invalid renew to type 300023 Cannot change from or to IRA type 300024 Variance will make the rate below the minimum or above the maximum 300025 Floor is below minimum or above maximum 300026 Ceiling is below minimum or above maximum 300027 Variable rate number cannot be used with step up rates 300028 Rate review date must be used with step up rates 402078 Punctuation/ Lower Case letters not allowed in address lines 402079 No lower case letters allowed in address line 402080 No punctuation allowed in address lines 910057 Step Up Rates are defined at CD type level but have not been defined for the acc 26 Value must be C or W 27 Invalid status 100001 Lease cif but not lease account type, must be D or S 100003 Account number did not pass modulus check 100004 Invalid service charge code 100005 Account type not valid for this service charge code 100006 CIF is lease CIF# but service charge code not set up as lease security type 100007 CIF not lease cif but lease service charge code islease type 100008 Invalid statement cycle 100009 Invalid service charge cycle 100010 Invalid overdraft limit code 100011 Invalid waive reason code 100012 No reason code was entered for a waived account 100015 Invalid floor 100016 Invalid ceiling 100017 Invalid christmas club plan code 100018 Opening date is in the future 100019 100020 Statement/passbook code must be S or B for savings 100021 100022 100023 Invalid print ACH notice flag, must be D, C, B, E, F, or N 100026 Invalid item truncation, must be Y, N, I, or B 100027 Invalid images order, must be (D)ate or (S)erial 100028 Invalid images credits, must be N = No, A = All, or Y = Selected 100029 Invalid images front/back, must be 1 = Front, 2 = Back, or 3 = Front and Back 100030 Must be 1 - 24 or consult image provider 100031 Invalid images per page, if front/back = 3 then it cannot be 21 100032 When POS cardholder is Y, the ATM cardholder code cannot be blank 100033 Invalid code, must be W, A, P, or C 100034 Float schedule does not exist 100035 Valid entries are 0-9. * is valid for 13 or more digits 100036 Card number is less than 13 digits 100058 Paper statement charge/waive must be C/W/N 100273 Invalid opt-in flag. Valid values are A, D, F, I, and E. 100274 Values allowed from this current status are D, I, E, and F. 100275 Values allowed from this current status are A, I, E, and F. 100276 Values allowed from this current status are A, D, I, and E. 100277 Values allowed from this current status are A, D, E, and F. 100278 Values allowed from this current status are A, D, I, and F. 100279 Changing to value of F (failed to respond) requires override. 400089 Percent owned cannot be greater than 100.00% 25 Invalid description 28 Invalid call report code 29 Invalid collateral code 35 Value must be Y, N, or blank 38 Date cannot be in the past 234 Value cannot be zero 5084 Appraisal date cannot be in the future 200001 Invalid 1098 flag 200004 Invalid participation code; must be B, S, P, C, O, or blank 200005 Participation codes S, P, and O are invalid on Equi-Check 200006 Rate is below tolerence 200007 Rate is above tolerence 200008 Maturity date is invalid, in the past, or too far in the future 200009 Bank discount is zero 200010 Invalid dealer number 200011 Must have dealer number if dealer discount is present 200012 Invalid late charge type 200013 Invalid payment code, must be 0 through 5 200014 Equi-Check loan has to be payment code 3 200015 Amortized loan should be payment code 0 200017 Invalid payment frequency, cannot be 0 200018 Invalid frequency code, must be D, M, or S 200019 Frequency code of S is invalid for Equi-Check loan 200021 Day of month is 0 and 1st pay day is greater than 28 200022 Invalid payment amount for discount loan 200023 Original date, term, and maturity do not match 200024 Invalid loan date, cannot be in the future 200025 Loan is backdated beyond tolerence 200026 Invalid Demand/Student loan flag, must be D, S, or blank 200027 Invalid send billing notice code 200028 Invalid purpose code 200029 Invalid NAI classification code 200030 Balance fields do not cross-foot 200031 Amortized loan cannot be split as billed = Y 200032 Equi-Check loan cannot be split as billed = Y 200033 Insurance start date is less than origination date or greater than maturity date 200034 Invalid insurance term 200035 Invalid insurance company 200037 Invalid MSA-CENSUS-STATE-COUNTY combination 200038 Coupon start date must be on schedule with due date 200039 HOEPA must be Y, N, or blank 200040 Rpt to credit bureau cannot be Y if designation code is not set up in type file 200041 Invalid option, must be A, B, C, D, or E 200043 Percent for payment split valid only with payment split option = A 200044 Payment split percentage valid only with payment split options B or E 200045 Percent cannot exceed 100% 200046 Payment split percentage valid only with payment split option B 200047 Cannot have accrual for interest base 9 loans 200048 Take interest flag must be Y, N, P, or blank 200049 Prepayment type code not set up in penalty parameter file 200051 Billing frequency and frequency code are required if billing for penalties 200052 Penalty billing code must be M or D 200053 Penalty start date is equal to the maturity date 200054 Prepayment expire date cannot be less than or equal to start date 200055 Invalid response, must be Y, N, or blank 200056 Invalid SCRA send code, must be A, N, 1, 2, B, F, or S 200057 Corresponding past due notice days must be less than 45 200058 A frequency will cause the penalty period to renew automatically 200059 Invalid prime rate review day, must be 29, 30, or 31 200060 Invalid rounding method, must be D, U, or N 200061 Review date cannot be zero when reamortizing payment amount 200063 Reamortize term must be zero or greater than loan term 200064 Cannot have ARM information with a tiered rate type 200065 Cannot reamortize with a tiered rate type 200066 Cannot have p/d rate for IBASE 5 or 9, PMTCOD 5, STATUS 2, 3, or 8, ARM, or tier 200067 Must use either past due rate or past due rate number 200068 Prime rate number must be used for a tiered rate type 200069 Reamortize frequency cannot be less than review term 200070 Invalid day of month 200071 200072 Rate floor is greater than the loan rate 200073 Rate ceiling is less than the loan rate 200074 This may report incorrectly on the call report LN4594 200075 Using rate cap information, but no rate cap review date entered 200077 Tiered rates cannot be used with a participation sold 200078 Tiers must be used if split rate method is Y 200079 Borrower gender must be 1 - 4 or 8 200080 Ethnicity code must be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or blank 200081 FHA/VA must be F, V, B, or blank 200082 Occupancy code must be 1, 2, 3, or blank 200083 Project type must be A, B, C, E, F, G, 1, 2, or blank 200084 Purpose/Property type not set up 200085 Credit score ID must be 01, 02, 03, 99, or blank 200086 Documentation type must be 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, or blank 200087 Loan purpose must be 1, 2, 3, or blank 200088 Loan product must be FX15, FX20, FX30, GL15, GL30, or blank 200089 Property type must be PT01, PT02, PT04, PT06, PT07, PT09, PT10, PT11, or blank 200099 Cannot have EQUI-CHECK information with a tiered rate type 200101 Credit limit is zero 200102 Payment calculation method should be 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 200103 Payment calculation method is not set up 200104 Split rate cannot be = Y if tier information is zero 200105 Tiered rate loan cannot have a review date 200106 Day of month must be less than or equal to 31 200107 Date cannot be zero if charging yearly fee 200108 Date should be zero if not charging yearly fee 200109 Charge on 1st statement is = Y and date is in the future 200110 Charge on 1st statement is = N and date is in the past 200111 Cannot accept equicheck; application not active. 200112 Zero payment amount only valid for payment codes 2, 5, or Equi-Check 200113 Officer Code mismatch, Account Officer ignored 200114 Collection Officer Code mismatch, Collection Officer ignored 200115 Borrower gender must be 1 - 5 200118 Valid values are 0-9999 200120 Must be N or S if Non RE consumer equicheck product is N 200122 Must be Z, N or S if Non RE consumer equicheck product is Y 200647 Race Array Number must be >= 1 and <= 5 200648 Race Array Code value not valid 200955 Universal Loan Identifier has been used previously 200973 Invalid Entry, Universal Loan Identifier already exists 200974 Invalid Check Digit 200975 Universal Loan Identifier is tied to a loan application 201231 Review term required if using a review date 201246 Curtailment posting should be A or F 201247 F is only allowed for split method C at type level 201268 Rate spread must be greater than or equal to zero 201269 ARM Notice Type must be A, N or P 201270 ARM Notice Type must be N when loan is not an ARM 201272 Initial ARM Notice Sent must be Y, N or X 201274 #Days for Initial ARM notice must be greater than 0 201275 #Days for Initial ARM notice must be 0 or greater 201276 #Days for Initial ARM notice must be 0 201277 #Days for Initial ARM notice cannot exceed the type default 201278 Value not defined in the Qualified Mortgage Parm File 201279 Cannot enter a QRM code in the QM field 201280 Cannot enter a QM code in the QRM field 202046 Military APR covered loan must be Yes or No 202124 Property Description sent without Priority Sequence 202125 Property Description Priority Sequence must be between 1 and 3 202126 Same Property Description Priority Sequence sent more than once 202200 First payment date must equal maurity date for single pay loan. System set value 202208 Rate Index is required for ARM loan. Override to continue. 202209 Reamortize payment should be Yes for Arm loan. Override to continue. 202210 Rate cannot be 0 when Rate Cap up or Rate Cap Down is used. Override to continue 300031 FASB2007 not set up 400091 Dollar amount cannot be greater than credit limit 700045 Debt ratio not updated. Value can not exceed 99%. 202047 Military APR covered account must be Yes or No 400092 Cannot delete a primary relationship 900001 Invalid account number, no dda account exist 900002 Invalid ODP type 900003 900004 Invalid grace days, cannot exceed 30 days 900005 Invalid take payment code, must be Y, N, P, or F 900006 Invalid payment method 900007 Invalid rate review day, must be 29, 30, or 31 900008 Invalid charge yearly fee, must be (O)pen or (F)irst advance date 900009 Yearly fee date cannot be in the past 700000 Box does not exist 700001 Invalid prime number 700002 Invalid term code. Must be D or M. 700003 Invalid charge code. Must be C, M, or N. 700004 Invalid charge account 700005 Invalid charge account type. Must be D or S. 700006 Prime number is not needed because this is an auto charge 700007 Prime number is not needed because this is a mail notice 700030 Entry restricted must be D,H,O,P,R or blank

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Last updated Fri Dec 13 2024