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Enterprise SOAP API > API by Reference > Check Imaging > Check Image Statement Generate > Developer Resources


Input NameChkImgStmtGen
Output NameChkImgStmtGenResponse
Input Namespace
Group NameImage

Operation Summary

The Check Image Statement operations (ChkImgStmtSrch, ChkImgStmtGen and ChkImgStmtGenInq) work as a suite to allow consumers to retrieve a list of available account statements. At a minimum it requires passing in the account id and type of the account to perform the statement search on.

In addition, it supports the following filters:

Element NameDescription
StartDtThis is the date that designates the starting point for date selections
EndDtThis is the date that designates the ending point for date selections

A request with a StartDt, without an end date EndDt, returns all of the qualified statements with a date equal to and greater than the start date.

A request with an EndDt, without a StartDt, returns all of the qualified statements with a date equal to and less than the end date.

A request without a StartDt or an EndDt returns all of the qualified statements for the account id/type being requested.

The ChkImgStmtSrch API response will contain an array of statement records, ChkImgStmtSrchArray, matching the search criteria passed in. Each of these statement records will contain a statement ID (StmtId), which is an identification for a specific statement of an account on a specific date. StmtId is what needs to be passed into a subsequent ChkImgStmtGen request to identify the actual statement to retrieve.

The Check Image Statement Generation (ChkImgStmtGen) operation allows a consumer to make a request for a check image statement to be generated. It requires the statement ID of the statement to retrieve, which can be obtained through a call to ChkImgStmtSrch, and supports the following parameters:

Element NameDescription
StmtContentTypeIdentifies content to be included when a statement or other document is returned. {{ < line-break> }} Canonical Values:{{ < line-break> }} Text Only {{ < line-break> }} Full (Default)
StmtDlvryTypeIdentifies how a statement or other document is returned. {{ < line-break> }} Canonical Values: {{ < line-break> }} InLine {{ < line-break> }} FileLoc (Default)
Cursor*When returning multiple records and allowing a subsequent call to {{ < line-break> }} retrieve more records this is the state information that allows the next{{ < line-break> }} call to understand where it left off.
MaxBytes*This is the maximum number of bytes to be returned in each response.

* Only applicable when StmtDlvryType is ~InLine~.

There are two methods of statement delivery, File Location and In-Line. File Location provides a URI to where the statement will be located once the generation is complete, while In-Line delivers the statement in blocks of data in the response message itself. The default is File Location.

If FileLoc statement delivery is chosen, the ChkImgStmtGenInq API may be used to check the status of the generation request. The consumer can call ChkImgStmtGenInq in a loop and inspect the element StmtRqStat to see if Cmplt (Complete) is returned before going to the location to retrieve the statement.

If InLine statement delivery is chosen, the statement will be passed back as blocks of binary data in the ChkImgStmtGen response itself:

Element NameDescription
DocImgThe document image in base64Binary format.
DocImgBytesThe size of the document image in bytes.
SentBytesNumber of bytes sent in the response.
CursorWhen returning multiple records and allowing a subsequent call to {{ < line-break> }} retrieve more records this is the state information that allows the next{{ < line-break> }} call to understand where it left off.
MoreBytesIndicates if there are more bytes that could be returned. {{ < line-break> }} Canonical values: {{ < line-break> }} true {{ < line-break> }} false

The consumer would be responsible for calling ChkImgStmtGen multiple times while paging through the responses using the Cursor element to retrieve the statement in chunks of data and assembling them all together at the end once MoreBytes is equal to false.

Example of using Cursor element to retrieve that data in chunks:

Special Considerations

The use of these ChkImgStmt operations requires the Financial Institution to have the JH product 4|Sight installed.

Consumers may consider using the page and enclosure counts returned in the ChkImgStmtSrch response to help estimate the size of a statement (StmtPgCnt and StmtEnclCnt) when delivery is done In-Line.

If 4|Sight is hosted, access to the File Location where the statements have been generated may prove to be difficult due to network and communications restrictions between the consumer and JH hosting. It is recommended in these scenarios to deliver the statements In-Line.

XML Examples

ChkImgStmtGen Request

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <wsse:Password Type="">INSERT</wsse:Password>
          <InstRtId JHANull="" Rstr="">INSERT</InstRtId>
      <StmtContentType JHANull="" Rstr="">INSERT</StmtContentType>
      <StmtDlvryType JHANull="" Rstr="">INSERT</StmtDlvryType>

ChkImgStmtGen FAQ

Question: When the ChkImgStmtGen call is used with the StmtDlvryType of FileLoc what file type is used?

Answer: It’s a PDF, but only works with in-house, 4-sight, and network permission. Utilize InLine.

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Last updated Sun Mar 17 2024