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Enterprise REST API > Enterprise Data Privacy and Protection > Overview

The Jack Henry Enterprise Data Privacy and Protection solution is a set of Open API services wherein JHA products installed in the financial institution (and who are JHA customers) can be notified of the request for the consumer information stored by their applications; report back what information they have stored on the consumer; and be notified of any deletion request and to response with a finite set of action messages that the application has taken for a delete request (i.e. Deleted, Cannot be deleted and why).

The solution provides a method to collect the dataset responses returned by JHA products in a manner that the information can be consumed by any application that may be providing consumer protection and privacy disclosures. These presentation applications (which may not be a JHA application) can provide the FI with the capability to aggregate, annotate, and disclose the consumer information and to comply with the CCPA, GDPR, and other various state regulations.


The Jack Henry Enterprise Data Privacy and Protection API uses the Authentication Framework to provide secure authentication.


The Jack Henry Enterprise Data Privacy and Protection API is based on REST and has predictable resource-oriented URLs.

The Jack Henry Enterprise Data Privacy and Protection API uses standard HTTP verbs and status codes and returns JSON-encoded responses.

Banking cores

The Jack Henry Enterprise Data Privacy and Protection API works with data from Jack Henry Financial Institutions cores:

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Last updated Thu Jul 14 2022